H LAH8T DEVELOPMENT LEAGUE NOTES (Prom Our Portland I'orrtaponilrnt) Further expression to the sen timent in favor of "earth educa tion" that is so strong through out Oregon today, will be given February 12, which has boon made children's day in the Coun try Life movement. At that time schools of the stnte are ex pected to pay special attention to the subject of the development of Oregon's soil, the improve ment of our farms and the bet terment of country life generally. Special programs will he ar ranged in the various schools, nnd in many towns nnd villiages pa rades will be held by school child ren. The slogan decided on for the occasion will be: "Better Farms Will Build the State." The idea to be worked out everywhere is that the movement to make better farms and to im prove the farm homes of Oregon is a step that makes for the pros perity of all the people. Life on the farm, if mode more profitable will become more attractive ami happier homes mean more con tented people and an increasing country population. It is desired that Senate Hill 72, a measure before the legislature to provide for extension work by the Oregon Agricultural College. be discussed by the pupils of the schools on February 12 and tea chers and school boards are urg ed to make the necessary prepara tions. A copy of this bill will be sent them in time for this event. This measure plans to extend the benefits of the Oregon Agri cultural College to every county in Oregon Co-operative demon stration farms will be one of the chief means used. Each county or district of the state will be supplied with these institutions and the experts from the . A. C. in charge will go into partner ship with the farmers in solving soil problems and in exploiting agriculture to the limit of its pos sibilities. Senate Bill 72 asks that the state this year appropriates a suf ficient amount to start this work on a satisfactory basis, the coun ties to share in the benefits also being expected to set aside funds to carry the project along. The Federal Government, too, will be drawn upon for money, it having made provisions for extention work of the various states. It is only by such an arrange ment that the government funds can be obtained to further dem onstration farm work in this state. To get what it is entitled to in this direction, the state must show its interest by taking this movement up in earnest and all those who favor the develop ment of Oregon's agricultural possibilities, its biggest asset, are behind the proposed mea sure. At a recent meeting held in Portland, the Central Oregon Development League, which drafted the bill, the Oregon Development League, the State Bankers' Association, the Super intendent of Public Instruction, the Oregon Agricultural College, the livestock interests, the rail roads and the business men of Portland were all represented and agreed that the need of the hour is agriculture extension work that shall reach to every part of the state. All present pledged their support to the bill now before the legislature ami pointed to the wide spread bene fits that will follow its passage GOOD PROSPECTS FOR HARNEY COUNTY ('(iK'luilcd From First Page) some time in the not distant fu ture. The Hill people have never been much on the spectacular and it has been noticed that when they decide to move they do it with dispatch. Should this rail road system come as early as predicted and the Sumpter Valley from the north Harney county would have transportation from all convenient points and would develop so rapidly that it would astonish the entire west. John T. Whistler, the engineer, who was with the Government and had charge of the work at the time the U. S. Reclamation service was investigating the H)ssibilities of the Silvies Valley irrigation project, came in with the party and is at the Hanley ranch. He has been assisting in the. immense work being carried on by the Hanley interests in the Blitatn Valley reclamation pro ject and is here to consult with those actively engaged in the work. During a short call at this office the other day Mr. Whistler stated he did not know just how long he would remain here. To Make a Home of Well Kept House Scarcity of Good Cattle With ordinary cows selling on the Portland market for $7.2f and steels bringing $8, local cattlemen are beginning to wonder what the immediate future of the cattle business holds. There is a scar city of stock cattle in this section and there have been no shipments from here for some time. Neither are there any good Utah or Mon tana cattle available for through shipment, according to local buy ers, who are hard pressed at times for their own needs, except in cases where they have prepar ed. A number of cattlemen are re presented by a well know stock raiser, who will be in the south for some time investigations conditions there. The range cattle shipped in has not been of the quality demanded and feed ing stock has been brought in from the outside in such small "A woman hopes and desires to be a home maker. She is also oxpeted to be a housekeeper. She cannot he a successful home mak er without being a reasonable success as a housekeeper, but un fortunately she can be a very successful housekeeper and fail completely as a home maker." Thus Mrs. H. W. Calvin, dean of home economics at the Oregon Agricultral College, stated a ser ious problem of American life in a recent lecture. "If her time is consumed in the routine of housekeeping, she has little strength or courage to put into that high occupation of con verting the house into a home," continued Mrs. Calvin. "The woman who has bent over the wash tub or ironing board all day is not apt to be a cheerful companion to her hus band at supper time, or a willing assistant to her children in the preparation of their lessons in the evening. If she has spent the day in sweeping, scrubbing and dusting, her smile will proba bly not be genial or her voice gen tle when the small boy forgets to wipe bis shoes or take off his rub bers. If, throughout the hot summer day, she has baked bread or cooked over a hot stove, it is not probable that she will desire to spend a social evening with friends at some distance from her home. "Since she cannot substitute other manual labor for hej own (it is impossible to hire house hold workers), she must avail herself, as her husband has of the best up-to-date machinery and the latest scientific know ledge. Many housewives of to day started the hpme in the days when there was little money and extremely rigid economy was ab solutely necessary. So fixed have their habits of economy be come that now, when there is a greater income, these same woman hesitate to spend any of it in lessening their own burdens have forgotten that good tools greatly lessens the labor of the housekeeper. "With all the elecrical power that is possible here in Oregon there is little reason why electric washing machines, electric fiat irons and electric light should not be in every home where there is modern machinery in the barn. An abundant supply of pure run ning water, too. They need good tools as well as the men. Summer Pasture Seems Now To Be Solved A Mr. Chance who with Mr. Kimball recently bought the Lone Pine ranch in Crook County, gives the following advice about providing summer pasture for stock. His theory sounds thor oughly feasible and would doubt less work out ndvnntngeously if properly tested. "I want to keep stock," said Mr. Chance, and I cannot do it without pasture, That is what is the matter with so many farms in the country. They have no pasture for stock. "Now, I am going to make a pasture that will keep 1400 head of stock on the now place. This I can do by sowing two hundred acres to rye. "No, I'll not clenn it up at all, but just sow the seed broadcast, over the rough land, sagebrush and all. Then 1 will go over the ground with a light cultivator and the thing is done. Its no guess work, either, with me. I have tried it for years and I know just what I'm talking about. That's how they come to have wild oats in California. At first it was a joke but just see what it has done for that state. They could not get along without it. Rye, such as I have just describ ed, will work wonders in this country. And furthermore, it will only be necessary to reseed the land once in four years. Summons, Old Ac. Old age as it comes in the or derly process of nature is a beau tiful and majestic thing. It stands for experience, know ledge, wisdom, counsel. That is old age as it should be, but old age as it often is means poor di gestion, torpid bowels, a sluggish liver and a general feeling of ill health, despondency and misery. This in almost every instance is wholly unnecessary. One of Chamberlain's Tablets taken im mediately after supper will im prove the digestion, tone up the liver and regulate the bowels. That feeling of despondency will give way to one of hope and good cheer. For sale by all dealers. I', id. ...it fur Liquor I icenae 'i- the mulct nik'K''I loul viilcm of 1 1 m i iuifiii PfCCiACt, llaint'v "'inly, State ni Oregon, respectfully pstttetM tin Honorable Conntj Court uf Karat) Couotji Oregon, t .mi Usmm to Pries Cochran to kII Bpirltow, Mult nod Vinous liiinn in tent cfttoatlclcf ii.tn iir gallon In llarrisnaa pmc'nci ii.ii 1 1 c v County, State of Oregon, an n pariodofsti months, aain duty bound arc ill svei pi .iv Names .Vouch n .1 Im. Qsn B. Parker, C. I.. I.rr, II Penman, I;. rlebnt, II. t . Aii.rrt tou, I. Aii.ni i. iii, ' II. Fredrick, T II. Miller, - Bergeron! BmroaC Mbby, I v Carpenter, .1 I.. Kellogg, 1' K Betas, A Brock, T R. Claik, I. B, Clark T. M. KItcbet, .1. It Dougherty, A. S Qrabam, Jerry Dillon Jr, w. n Thin met, hi-. Banning, I . I. VaaHora, K A. limit, a lYtciHrn, Peter t'rfcr. Nut ni- ii hereby given that on W.-il-aeaday the "tii day oi Math una the undersigoed willapply to tin- llonorn blc County Cniiiit ni Barney Counts Stata .it Oregon, for the Irritant men liotted in thr above petition, PRICfl COOHSAN. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that tlic ninler signed execntoi of the last will and bsstsunsnt and estate oft Ircen 1 1 udHijcfitL dscajassd, has filed with the County Court of tin- Btateof Oregon, forHafa County, In- duly rerified final Beeoant, as liy last required, and that thr mill (utility roil it has appointed the loth. day of February 1013, at the hoar of io o'clock A. M. of said day, at thee urt lion-r of -:ii'l county, in lliirna, OregOO, .is the time ami place for the liciiritii? of objections to -.ml final account and ths settlement thereof; Any ami all persona having object thereto must file the Sams with the clerk of sanl court mi or heforc I he- s.o.l .lav of henrinx. ROBERT N. Ill 'DSI'KATII, Rsccutor of the lasl will ami train uient ami estate ..I Qretfl Mini-, ieath, dacaaasd. Boras, Oregon, January B, una. i i.i NOTICE OF CONTKST. I i . i i. srA i BJ l. si, ncrieR Burns, Oregon, January IS, ISia t tin... I. ..I in. known saarUB1, foil Iii the Circuit Court ot the Nintr il Oregon for limner County, I 'I.i Millar, plamlill vs. C.J. Millar, ilrfemlant. To C. J. Millnr, the nbove uaiued de lemlant: III the name of the State of Oregon, you air hereby required to apisiii ami answer the complaint tiled nKniiiHl you In the above entitled nit on or liefnrr the Inst day of the time pi esc i il.nl in the older of publication of this auiiiiiuiiia, to wit: on or U-loir the Nth day of l-'ehriiary IBIS, snid dnte Wing the eipirutiod of nil weeks from the lint publication of this summons, and if you fail an to nppaiir and answer, lor want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the court for the i.l.-l demanded in tW complaint, to wit: Kor a decree die- sol vin: the bonds of matrimony dialing WtYvecn plaintiil and dofendant, and for coats and dialiurm tnenta of suit. I'his summons is published !v order of li. iii i .. mil I I... mps. .a. Judge ol the County Court of Hnrney County, Ore gon.iuiidr ami I'titcied on the 8th day of Innunry ISIS, and the dnts of the Its! publication ot thin ainniiious is Januui v II, I )13 0. A. KRMIIOI.lr, '. II Attorney of plaintiil. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice it hciehy given that t lie under signed rtdminietrntor of the estate of .lulin lliidapenth, decreased lias fllrd with the County Court of the State of Orsgon, for Harney County, hia duly verified Dual account, as by law required, and that the said county court has appointed thr 16th day of February 1(113, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of Bail! day, nt the court houae of aaid county, in llurna, Oregon, as the time and place foi the hearing of objections to aaid final account and the eltlement thereof, Any ami ull peraons having objretiont thereto must file the asine with the clerk of auid court on or Wforr the aniil duv of Waring. roiikkt N. iiinsri: I II. Adiniuiatrato! of tW estate ol .iuha lluilaHath, deceased, llurna, Oregon ,luiiiuii tlth, MIS. !l 1.1 Notice of Final Settlement Notice la hereby given that. the under signed iiflmiiiiatrator ol the Katatr ol d.i I. Miller, deceased, has lilril hi final account ol Ins ndtniniatrution of annl ealnte with the clerk of the t ..mil v Court ot the Stiiteol Oregon, for Hnrney Count v, and that said court has made an older appointing Saturday, the 15th lay of February, l'.u.'i, at thr bout ol ten o'clock A M, ol said tiny, at the Court room in the ( ounlv Court I lunar in Hurna, llarnev t 'oituty, Oregon, an the lime and place for the Waring of ol leetions to said linnl account and tW settlement thereof. All pcraoiia intrrratrd in auid ralutr and having objectiona to auid uuul ac count or any purt or item tlierrof are hereby not ilird topreaent aaid ohfcctiona and til. the same with t lie clerk of auid court on or lielorr aaid time, Dated tins nth day of January, ItHJ OHARLaM T. MIM.liN, S COOK, Admlniatrator Attorney H-l.l B. MURRAY Public Stenographer Tnnawnnis Bldg., Burnt M. A, BIGGS Attorney at Law Voegtly llldg., Hums, Orsgon HOelKTUCS. IIAMNKV l.llllilK, Nil. 77, I. It O T. Mi-eia every Hlurday In 041 Kullnw Hall at 7:1.0 pm. T. H Humane. W. W ii.iiiM. Heoreur) N. (J. Hf re. worlt aa fuihmi i-irai Natiinlay Ini tiatory, aeoonil Hetnrila, Klral lli'grea; ttllnl Matur.lay, Neeoml beanie' fourth Saturday, Third trearee. BURNS l.tlDUK NO. 17, A . S at., Meats every flrel anil third rietunlay In each month. I . . ilaull, w M Ham M.illn-r.lna.1. Hi-eretart M IllKHN WOOIlMgNOK AMKttlt.'A lireta every aeeond and foiirtn Kriday avert Ina at I. tt.o K. Mall, all m I -1. .., Invited Near apullcetila will receive . ..,.. .. mm ireat nieiiV a alaxa, V e W T. Ualer, liira. HI'KNH III A I I Ml Ml. Hi. 0, t Meela every at-eiaid and full, III laonda) . Ill Maaonlc Hall. Krankle Wcl. .ui.c w m l-.lla Hweek, Hi-eretary SYLVIA RKHKKAII IIK'.HKK No. 41. Meataevvry lal and Id Wvdiieeda) III r. lie Hatha . N. II. Madae Leonard. Her Hen'v. TllLSt iniLK N.i. M, W.ul.W. Meetarvcry (nuitli In... lay. Mainl ll.irlnii .. M, Heater (III... I man. llerk. llfr-lelAI. IIIUKi IIIKY tats aatwoni u h iSsaatan Ji.naitiau Uoilrno Jr la-.. K. eliamberlalii tW H (Ilia .:Wllawlry A. VI. Crawford UiwaldWeat f W llnuaali T.n Kay .. L. K. Alderman s Hunlway i Hot.i Eakln IT A MeBride . : '... n Humelt i a h. Mean ISA. Moore NINTH JI'llHIAI. DIHTHIIT. Plairlei Jii.l,, liailou aaa "iiiri.i Attorney J W lli-i i lloch leiuty DM Ally 01 i . .a.aid Llreult curt ,... u drat Mouday in April and in.i Monday In OeSSBSI I'onirreaineD Atlornay tleueral ....v, lln.l Seeralary ol stale Traaaurer Supl. I'm, II. luatrueuon Slate Printer , supreme Jadfaa I. iln I Henah.i 'din H. .i... mlallxf i I'arilah II It a, . 'I'IMt HlhNII : OUIily l.i.l,. lerk I leaaurer surveyor OierlB Aaaeaaor I.i... miLniri, li. lei, I Curoner Itoek Inapet lor i iiniiitiaafotirra eoiinly r,iurl iin lanuai,. Mao li Nuy, n u i I'll. oil. iram i -.-.... ,.... K H Hale, aillloll I. Mr- I ran I'. HoWaU A K . Il.l 1. aula., .. J J I'.aieaan I. VI II..,. II. . I, J v bear) lolin Koldn-on r- I' SylveaSor I". A si, i, Hi , vied. . i ..lay in sepi, i,,),,,, aad THR HVMBOI. or NKRVICK I You Should Employ This Symbol V. WHEN TRAVELING A Botwteti f'eiiiral OragoD ihh! Portland, liecauite i' tin THROUGH SERVICE MflwtM'ii I'oitlfiiid. Tnromii itntl Seiil.tle. liecaiim f the tour splendidly equipped troins Steel Klyef, Owl( I'ngot SiHintl Bxpresi and Rhanta liiiiii'l De Luxe Between Orefou and tW Basrt, bpcauee ol three olld trftiiiH dfiily in eactj direction O.-W. Limited and Portland & Piifp't Sound Kxpreti t Denver. Omaha, Chicago, KtuiMa Cltj and all pointa Boat; and the Boo Spokane Train De Luxe i st . Paul and Minneapolis. ita A Pleasant Duty To Answer Questions H. BAKOUL, Ag-t, O. W. R. & N. Redmond, Ore. PROFKHHIONAF, CAIM)H. HMRSDEft A GRIFFITH PtlfSMmi ami Sim.,,,, ntTHNS. ORMoK, TILI.S0N HARRISON M. II ., M. li. OSIer Sernnri; fln.ir Times II, ,, u Knt ranee on Main Street HurtiH, Oregti J. CXJ. CBflFjY I'livsirlsn ami l urgaot Hums, - - - OrsgoQ, OMkta in ni'S ktSldlBg Sooth ol W.ieon,, linrneHH ihop, Main i 'I'Ikmio Main M',, k I). BURROW NI. I). I'hvsii i.-ni and Surgnon Office St JorKenacn BMg., Ma,n st. Calls attended Night or Day WHY NOT MAKE $200. A MONTH - - That's 50.00 a Week, nlmoet SIO.00 a Pay Hellli.K Vlelor Safra amt tlrr-nrouf ls.ua t.i iiier, ihaatS, il.H-tura, lawyr-ra, deiillala and well to -l". fan... r-.all of Vlmltl reallxe tllr In (I ofaaafe, but ilu in, I kn..w In.w eay It la to own one. Salramaii .leelara our proposition one of the beat, clean cut money luaatUK opportunl llea ever rweelve.l. Hl,.,.,t prt-vloua eats-rl-i-nee VOU ean duplicate tlie auereaa otolfn-re. Our handsomely llluatraleil SWI paae ealah.K Will enahle yoo to prrarut the aubjeel lorua- lomera in aa inu-'reiiine; a niann, r as iii..uii y..u were iiilotiiiK llieaa through our faelory. Mm appointed aa .ai .. I ,. ... ..I... - ..e aulili.ir aafea ol li ,r ftsiui n rt-eive nivirr svtiti iii-imii 'iia w ..,.. .. -, m. . ...n . . mm, ..'ina talkiiiK tulnli which It Is luipc.eellde for a proeprctlve ruetntner to denr hj li.nl Vfjuiifl the file I l uuly from your vicinity hafur euu.t-onr rls gria the trrltoryT - . . . .. 1 .b. . ... a ,,r aawh liuia I 1 1 ST IV raa.tJelUMr.U UU Wl Sas, iweraiae. i nedlli anniTrrsirj tn urn oompany was cvlebratrd ty erartlng the moat modern afe fatt.iry in th worm Wlda awake men who received our special aellttiK lnduotiH-iit, rendered itnei'-eaary loihiubla li. E. HIBBARD DENTIST Ollirii first (rK,r 4-ia-1 photo Kails Hutu Oregon. W. C. BROWN, iEITTIST. lii-nss, Oaaoo OftaOS rnnnis H ami II Mason I Mini DEflMflN & DENMflN. Physicians and Surgeons Cslla umweri-.l pewnptlv nil.t or day 'I'liotiu llarriman. Harriman, Oregon n a van favor oalr on i Hnmii I- s i. a si. ueeit'l Srflau-r Seeelvrr Me,.., H,-eor.t-r, I'reaaurer Sarahal. win Kaire Iralik Pave ii ai aaa- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 1 M I r ! - J M r I.ANU (irflt'l, I Hums Oregon, Darauibar 4, IVl.i Not I it- lu-relt. Ktvcntiiat Mack II Mark, Of uf Harrlman, nrrsnti who, on January V, 1WM, ,b'lt' Momraitad entry No. SUM, Merlal No.(U446 (or NK4 n.iii .' . I.iwhship .'.'. -iiutli. Itau'.t- -i Kii. illaniritf Mtrldlau.baa fllad nollca i.f liilcDtldM to make final five year 1'roof, to pataMleli claim to the land above described. bvfOft the Kesjiatcr and Receiver, at Burns. i irrguii, m tli' l ill day of January, 1011 Claimant imim as v.liii"ae. Wllbrr W Warner, Krauk I.ui-ae. Mary K l hniiiis.ii Koy riitiruiaii, all of ilairluian, Ore COD Wit r.m. Kelslrr. Sumpter Valley Railway Co. niiui Mi,-, i, Meetings uf Hit i Pnurth Wednead H S i i. . elitjter . A. M. II, rd J.t Welcome Jr. ..It I.. IUIik-i j II J lUoeen J A. i U .1. nine r lallK I''. i a t M, I Mi i. ii. ii. .it iillicll vwty Heiolldfatld but to learn all ttariieiilare. It HI eot-t you only the price ol Our Hew Horn. Capaolty tO.OOO Safaa Annually. our output. Wi am an-Mxiing many thousands of dollars en- Urging our Hale irraniallon. a rt.au 1 card. likfcrCitilogue 161. THE VICTOR SAFE & LOOK CO. CIICimiTI, OHIO Dr- Minnie Hand Physician and Surgeon Direct .' elephnnc- Connection Lawen. Ore. C. A. REMBOLD AUOTII. ;., i ,n Burns, Oregon tffmtnmmnnm:ninu:m:uHmmmmi Mrs. Grace H. McHose ItUCnal Voice and Piano Methods I m .1 In Cisciiiatli Cosservalory uf Mask Hc.ldence Sluillo Jnd Jour uest I-. . i t. i i.ni Church .iti!:t!!iis:::::::.::s:::mmHtuummtmi DRINKWATER & SLOCUM Horseshoeino;, Blacksmithino;, Wao;on Work COOLEY AUTO MATIC BR AKE8 Burns. Oregon. jF - WBTBFaslaaB' 3PS9 WW rhF 'saaf ' V Xtofl3t ML Main St., HUB TABLI WO. ii IN JUNK 14, 1U0H. mstrr quanUty that it would have no TA PftUv KirlnPV Pill appreciable effect on the present iaKC r0WJ Wey rilU condition, even were it available to market now. Baker Demo crat. If you have anything to auction tee C. P. Lloyd at Allen Jones' place. He can be reached by phone. Auctions held on Satur day when anything is on hand tor sale. TONIO IN AOTION - QUICK IN MtUlTt Oet rid of your Deadly Kidney Aliment, that coat you high pile i.i endurance of pain. Iom of tiro and money. Others have cured themselves ol KIDNEY AND BLADDER DIBEASKS 1U I... HIH taetat You era lien bj uotlfled tiini (iiaricN p. k, shii kiwi Burnt, orrnon, hi tils Hnt iiltlru ad dri-ka. llil nn Jitiiuary h. iVI.t, flit- hi l It Im office Ids ilu i v ( iirruUirsNl aipli atn to DM lasl id 'I a-i tiic Hi.- i itin . llniion ol your lluine lead, Kni i y aerial Ha oiee, ma.it' Mafed alUOv, for tba NWU, ol seeUon 11 Town till,, ;.. lou to Hanie r, Kaat, Wlllaiin-tte Merl illau, nut1 um irounosfor Ins ooutail lie allesas thai ihIiI I (nils I' llrown dai whully alialliluu-elMi!-l lan) of BOrS than six, inotillis lait past, ii.it hut in vit astusd rssided upon or riillUatt-il MBS vou an i tfasfetort furta. i sotlAed tiiat tin all ailesuiioiis will bs taken bf tale oBee ss bavlttK In tn i on d n-oil by ou, ami your eutr) Mill bs I am !! 1 IbsrsODdef wliiiuut your fur tln-1 rluht (o I., hi nn) ihricin, i iiIm-i i.f. ,tt thin odTi - or on i.(...-.ti. if yon fal in file In tbls ottos within twenty iUu aitt-r ihs koukth liubllrailoti ol HiIn noili-u, as shown IhsIuw, your answer sudsr oatb, ipseioeaUy ineetlns ami responding to i tn .. sihivai i his of t onlssi or ii ..ii full u nil in that tinx to nir In till i tfi . doe proof tlmt you have served a copy of vour iina.M' .ni in mm i unifhiniit ill lit-r tti piTs-.t. or hy i. ii. i.-l mall. If thU siTvlca Is luetic by tin -I'll ft of t opv of your answer to i lie coiiirs'aut in periou, priKif of sic li aar rlrsmustbaslinartbs said oontestante written acsuowliilRtiicut of hli receipt of tlia ropy, show I iik' the .Inti' ol ltn ret elpt, oi the affidavit of the periun ti) w hoin I lie ifnllvery was in a I stat l iik rban unl wbsrs tbaji spy was deliver cd , if mads lj sglsterssl mail, proof of mcb service must consist of the nni'la. It ol the per sou I wbotn lbs cop) uas mailed, ami this a lit dn. It m not l nt i um pa tiled hy tin pont- m aster 'i rtceldl lot tin leiier. Vou thoDld Itsb in your aOSWet I he name of the pout office to s hit ti mi dSSlfS fn ure not h ei to h mi ut to yoUi Wit. KAHhk, KckIt. hati of first puhlh uthui January 1H, 1.1:1. lot', of second iiuhlleatlon January 16, IBU liac of third pulilhatlon ! hrusrv 1, ItflH. Dale of fount, publlostlon February , l''i:i. NOTICK POR IMMil.ICATION lui-Jl 'iNbiirebyaivi n Ihnl Mnr I" Ihuriuau, I in ai, of llarrluian, Oregon. WM, mu'le II stead Kulry by ths prompt and timely use of FOLEY HEADACHE, and ALL the many other KIDNEY PlaXS. Stops BACKACHE, troubles that folowDI8EA8KDKIDNEYai and URINARY IRRBOULARITIE8. FOLBY KIDNEY PILLS wUl CURE any esse of KIDNEY and BLADDBRTROUH. LE not beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine can do note. I'MTKll ' TATKS l. M. Hi Mi Hums, Oregon, Dee ruber t Nofli formerly atari I who on Man u No ao'sfr Herlal Nn. nr.t, forjW'.. hi:i., hW, NK'i, HK'. SI'4(rterllon H Towusulp & Houtb BanfSSS.K , Willaim He Meildlsu. lias filed notice of Intsntlon to tasks, final five year i nun, n 'Mtitiiii -u ciuiiii io i in ism airovu le scribed, hefoie lliu Keulttitr Slid Hncrlver, at flurui.fri'Koii, on (he llltb day of January, Hi lit rietuiniit UStnaf SI wllueiiei Mack If Merck, hsn. l.u hh, Frank New man, USOrffl Uui'M nil 'l Him iimaii, Oregon. Wat I-4UHS, Register. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION llNI'IKIi W.lr-.-. I 4NI. OfflUa, I lliiriu, oraKUii, lii'ii-ini.ur ST, ivij N.itli I' la In n I.i Klvi-lt lliiil I huliial II iillun. r Hull, I HlS ill, A. aJKi.i .- "I l.hllll VV h.allllli,, AaalKHi'i' "I Uiula 1-ii.la' har, liat Iliad 111 llil. . II. an,. i III enl,T llli.li-r Hui-llnii Hlalllli.i.l Ilu- I'lllli-il Hlal.-a. Ilia mci at. t, ..,. ri ii .'i . w m.. ii,. West lluilli.l No I I'aaa U:0 l.v 9:5 " :5 ' 10:04 " 10 07 " 10:17 10 Ti " 10 l " I0:i " 10:55 " 11:10 " 11:15 " 11:10 " NOON 12:00 P. M. le A " l.':40 " 1 10 Ar Kaat Ituuoil. in. No. 2 I'aaa p. id. BskSf Oily Ar 6: 0 -until llak.-r I.T 6:26 Sallal.ui) I ' 6:00 l-wkliartt "4:65 "Tliouipaont " 4 :6S SUxlilsnl Janctiont " 4 :46 "Water Tank) " 4:40 Dean's Hourl " 4: S M.-1-w..iil " 4:6 JUNCTION! "4:10 Sinister " 4:06 JUNtvriONt " :60 Hummltt " :0 LONE RESTAURANT UliOKOli I'OON l. op. a a a a a a Shorts Mt-alB At All Hours Orders and Prompt Service With Reasonable Itetes (Jive Me A Call Oaaeelle Ttaaea-H.ralS Hauaiaa a a eeeeeeeeeeeeeee.eeeeee ENGINE59 f30ILER5 WW jiluHORADE MACHINERY I WRITE TOR SPECIAL CATALOG AND PRICES THE AHAVERILLMACHINERVCO. 5 POKANE, WASH.-PORTLAND. ORE. - -'AN JOSE CAL. milfM i ciezei ITTOBNEYS AT i AW Boras, Orsguu ItiKiuiN i; hiuI 7 Uasooic Bolldloi tarm laaoi ,ui, sly iiia.lt i raaaaasUt r.u- CHARbES W. ELLIS LAWYER Hums, - . Oregon I'rarlic.-M in lbs St.it.- i'.,urt and 1m.. lure the I' S Mt tlfllce. 'linn. I I. bionnrd, ArroKNKV-AT-l AW, l.'areful attintion given to Collec- lions nnd Real Kstate imittere. lire IriHiiriini-i'. Notary 1'nblic bl'KNR. Okkron. A. W. GOWAN ATTORNEY-AT-f.AW Stats Courts ami United States lmil Office Practice Three doors South of the Harney County National Rank Burns. Oreiron. t. n Qoasaa U. AM. MM M.v Dcoaa "". AM. MM JBJB COOPER & DODGE Civil and Hydraulic Engineers Irrigation. Water Supply Sewerage, Water Power. Survey, Ma,.-, Kstimates, SiparvisitM BURNS. OREGON ee.e.e.ee... ...... ....... a "' I. i'.n.i.l li,'. Ul.iln,-,! " 00 TIITONt " 2:40 Austin " 2:10 Htop on aiiftial only. JNo SKsut. Tn-ki-ta imbui-iI only lor stations where iiuiiiM are HchiHluletl to make regular mhim. I'uaaennera must purohsac tirk ets where ukuiiIh flat Iwl.ire eiiteriii); trains or 26 cents In Jditioo to the r Ktilar fun- will bo clismsd. JOHKI'll A. WK8T, Hunt. i.liANTOKDIiKH. Aaat. Hai.t. Star Hotel S. J. MIDWINTliK, I'rop. NAKKOWS. - OkMHON llili. will be found a desirable and hospitable atopplng place where comfort and courteous treatment are considered first Feed Barn Conducted In connection eee...... ......... ........ f, O. I'll l-AHI. . t'linin'rly ASSI, Kntlm-i-r i III I'. li,-. lainalloii s,-r I I0S, A. t). FaCLIXaa I in in.rli rhlfi n aiii.vr ,il Boun I Wsalara i BURNS MILLING CO. HORTON dr. 8AYER. Pronrr. Rough and Dressed Lumber, Eas'ern0rregonl,il,eefi's . . ' Company nusuc, riooring, mouiaing, Finishing Lumber. Nearest Sawmill to Burns. Oood Road. Lumber Yard in Burns. CIVIL AND IRKitiATION !.MiiNt.: Burns, Ortgon JEAN BART BA1.COM B Ml . Af.ai Ml l . A I.I. ToTtie $1500 Reward! ..III. . hi. nr.ll. al ...nn., itiiviai-.i iiri'fnr.-,,!.!;., I Kim. H,-1 lal Nu UM, Anyanil ull .. laona . I.iinlh a.lvvi.ul) Ilia lamia iii-.. ill.i-.l i.i .li-niriii. In olijui-t lienaua. uf the mineral rtiararli.r u( lln- laiul or fur any olli.r reanun In Ilu illapu.al In a.llialll alii, illil III.- Ili.-lr altlilailla ..I iiriilunt In Dili i.lllrr nn ... I..I..U- il.r hiIi iia uf Feliruarr IVl. I. Wa. K.asa, lleilaltr Klral i.ul.llralliiii Jaliuar) II, IUl:i. I.al nu l.ll.al li. I .I.i u.i , a, ItllX I 1 k I In. nr.-aon. I a I ' ' J lliirnlaalnl N.-va.la tj i V Jl l.lterlluck I'roU.i I'?La i ' 7 lloa Aaaoelallon uf (!ll fff A h "h'a,' " ""oar iffliP'VV slsasUla luamlwr. Ill A Will (Ive 11,000 (10 i i inwaril tor i.vl ili.nri, laauluw to um arrtial ami cun. rtotlun uf any par Iruriiertl.a atnal Ina ni.raea. calll, or iniilea li.-luii.l nN -u auy ui lie lilain bars. In a.l.lliiun mtliu abuva, ilia Baderalf tied uBi-r. the uuia r.ui.iii iti IraW.oo tut all liurnua l.rainlu.l burie aliml baron nnlli or either Jaw. Miami nii.iiil.al 111 elallt CUUBtlea Itanga llarnay, I ako and I'riaik cuUBtlea. Iluraet vunlail wtinu aui. I N.im- tml grown Suraai ,uj m(u ,,(,. tu .ran I. nn. li., W W.UHOWS rile. Or. (too Vounu; mule for sale inquire at this office. H. N. McCOMB General Ilepair Shop Kear W. O. White's Shop, S. Main Street Plumbing, Pump and Wind Mill Work a Specialty. Burns Sheet Metal Works Tis, Upper, Sheet Iros Work of sll DcscriplioB. Camp Stoves, Ijp.s, Jobbisjr, Hlumb isp; is order, dive Me s Trisl. C. W. SCHUMANN Proprietor. Voetfly's Old Stand. WHITE FRONT LIVERY STABLE NEW RIGS AND TEAMS HYDRAULIC ENGINEER Ditches. Reservoirs, Final Prooi' Work, Hydi-0-KltHtric- Power II. S. Dep. Minora! Work Court Work A Specialty Begaatd i 'Mil Prirsta Ami tioviinuit'iit Strrain (inifiiiK AlBhRSON - - ORRUON 'Phone to Me for Your Doctor Calls. k. J. McKINNON, Jr., Proprietor, Blue printH of any Township and ranirv in Harney county correct down to date address, Burns Blue Print Co., 8tf Burus, Ore. saaaaaaaeaaaaeeeaaaaaa a a ! Cottage Inn DINNING ROOM .;. a M TOY, Proprietor : a a a a () ifii For BtisiiifsM. Kt'KiilarS i a Meals at all hours. Open Well eeeeeee......eee.eee a tBURN.S sanatorium- Mrs. Wni. CuiiiiiiIii.s, I'rop until 10:30 every nijiht CALL AND SEE ME NOW ; , ; l:verythlnK Neat and New it : Best of cuiv for patient furnished rooms clean and oomfortsble. No contagions cases taken. Kates k'lUMiiiuMf e e a a a neat' a a a a a a a a a a JOHN ROBlNiON Stock Inspector, Hsruev Csssty. Hums, Oie IIOIIIH Alltllt.KH JOHN S1MIIBUNG, rstr0 9W9u9,,,9ttlll I MA l.wolor. OptU-iun Mnuri-tivor. Fine Watch Repairing A cialty. ml Spe