TheTimes- Jferald J Mi Th Larg rit Circulation Of Any ! Newspaper In Harnvv County. SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 1. 1813 Local News. Tonawtmt h its own power plant in running order the pic tures will be teen the same a usual tonight and tomorrow. H. L. Hass was up from Nar rows during the week. Wanted Position as cook or housekeeper. Address Box 'tf. Haled hay. Bran and all kinds of grains at The Burns Dept Store. Born Monday. Jan. 27. to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mothorshoad. daughter, Eastman Kodaks and Kodak supplies at The Welcome Pharm acy. 10 tf Have the children see the "Katzen jammers" tonight at Tonawama. Price Penick and bride were In from their home on Silver Creek Wednesday. Q, W. Clevenger can please you in wall paper. The very latest designs are on hand and a' variety never before equalled, tf THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BURNS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $100,000. "THE BANK THAT MAKES YOUR $ $ $ SAFE." ACCOUNTS INVITED. The Silvies River Farmers' Union will meet in Burns on Sat urday, Feb. fc, at the Odd Fellows Building. All members are urged to be present. Gail Barnes, Secy. ,1. F. Mahon was in this week. We understand ira stole a; march" on his father, the latter not knowiner he was to be mar- antl ried in Portland. Ira and MeKen bride are expected home in a few Walter Cross was down from da vs. Your Opportunity To Take Advantage Of Our Special Feature Now In Operation-That of Banking by Mail Is At Your Service-Use It Safe - Satisfactory - Secure With The FIRST NATIONAL BANK BURNS, HARNEY CO., ORE. I'se Nyals Rheumatic Remedy. Mrs. C A. Haines is in the citv from Narrows. For Sale Iron bedstead, rug d tireless cooker. Mrs ( . M. The Ladies Aid Society of the Presbyterian Church is planning for the annual Easter Sale which will be given on Saturday, March 22nd in Mr. MeConiuTs office. Tonawama Bldg. Full annoncement later. Watch for them. Trout Creek during this week visiting his wife and grand daughters. Geo. H. Stovall Jr., Robt. A. Duncan. F. G. Tillman and F. G, Morse are among the traveling men registered at the French. Boiled wheat is the milk and reproducer- try it. Better and rhu ,if i'.uur a rsimmina cheaoer than bran. Sold by w. A. Goodman, rnone mm yur order. week, Mr. the hard- was dissolved this ( leer retiring from ware business, leaving Mr. Cummins the entire business. Mr. Geer will devote his time to farming near this city where he Post Office inspector Linebaugh was i.i this territory this week inspecting the several offices in the vallev. going to Lawen, las some of the best farming Waverly.Harriman and Narrows, and in mis section. Andrew L. Chezom and family - xpect to leave in the near fu ture for Davenport. Iowa, where they will make their home. Mr. Ceo. H. Nelson, proprietor of the Ranchers' Exchange, a gene ral merchandise store on Silver Creek was in the city during the week. We understand Mr. t hezem came here during last Nelson js doing a very nice busi- -;immer and associated nimsen with Judge Wm. Miller in the practice of law. He also expect ed to get some land but finding this rather impractical and at n ess, I. S. Geer informs us the rab bits have gotten into his orchard and ruined quite a number of the same time practice law he de- trees before he discovered it. ded to go where he had a larg- The larger trees were not mjur- er field in the practice. He is ed much but the young ones, well liked here among the law-1 many of them, have been entire- rrs and made many friends who ly killed. He took out some ex- hope he may be successful in his tra wire to fence the orchard new field. ' tract more securely. ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE During February we will hold our Annual Clearance Sale when all winter goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices. We are determined not to carry over any winter goods. A few of these articles are listed below. Cash will do wonders here. Ladies Coat, Miises Coats, Children! Coats, Ladies Sweater Coats, Misses Sweater Coats, Childrens Sweater Coats, Ladies Underwear, Misses Underwear, Misses Cloaks, Childrens Underwear, Mufflers, Shawls, Dress Goods, Mens Clothing, Mens Sheep Lined Coats, Mens Duck Lined Coats, Mens Mackinaw Coats, Mens Sweater Coats, Mens Woolen Overshirts and Mens Underwear. These, and many other articles will be offered you at a Great Sacrifice at I. SCHWARTZ - General Merchandise - Hasonlc building, Burns, Oregon Try Nyals Family medidne at The Welome Pharmacy. 10 tf Brad Moss. Will and Henry Keisenbeck were among our visi tors from Lawen Wednesday. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BURNS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 9100.000. "THE BANK THAT MAKES YOUR $ $ SAFE." ACCOUNTS INVITED Frank Smith was up from Nar rows the other day making proof on his land. He was assisted by Fred Barron and Henderson Klliott. The Times-Herald is informed that the Hayes Brothers and. I. L. Sitz have disused of their inter est in the Lawen Mercantile Co. to Mr. BethoAT. For Sale 10 scree Sec. 19, Trout Creek, Harney Co., with irrigation, I860. Address, F. L. liurnham, 17"l E, 72 Place, Chi cago, III. 12-15 'Married At the home of Mr. and Mrs A. If. Ilyrd in this city last Monday afternoon, J. T. Choate and Miss Naomi Garrett, Rev. Dr. Babbido of the Presby terian church performing the ceremony in the pretence of the bride's parents and a few friends. Both are residents of the Silver Creek section, the bride being a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Garrett We join their friends in extending best wishes for a happy life. They will make their home on Silver Creek. The legislature has ignored a number of the vetos of Gover nor West and passed bills over his head. Bills by the hundred are being introduced. All kinds of legislature is being proposed. But after all is done and they get through, the people of the state can depend upon west giv ing them a good trimming. There are many bills that will get by the legislature but will run against a veto when they get up to the governor. Blue Mt. Eagle. How Much Will Yon GlveT During the month of February, we will contribute Five Per Cent of all our CASH SALES towards a fund to assist the unf ornate Mr. Wm. Carroll) SO Old settler of Cslow Valley, to purchase arti ficial legs with. Mr. Carrol re cently met with a sad accident which deprived him of these limbs and now needs help. Are you with us? (Jet busy! Fvery cash purchase made here means just so much more In Mr. Car roll's pocket, and will be a cher ished gift you will never miss. N. BROWN & SONS. Nothing bus been learned so far of any relatives to the old trapper, G. It. Webster, who was found murdered last week, and he will be buried here today. Robert Scliei I e, Hie man accused of the murder and also of setting fire to the barn of Mr. Volmer, is still in the county jail awaiting development. Some believe the man is insane while others doubt it. He has admitted spending six months in jail over in Wash ington and aaked that the sheriff of the county be notified he is here. It is possible he is wanted there but he has not said so. Use Nyals Stone Root Comp. for the kidneys. 10 tf Henry Fichner is In the city today. Use NyalH Cough medicine for baby's cough. 10 tf Wm. Harvey, the Iakeview horse buyer, is here after horses. Freeh home made lurd 17c. at Hansen's Meat Market. tf A. K. Murphy and family have been in from their home at Iron Mountain for several days. Mrs, Richard Haines and child ren were in from their home dur ing this week. Hagey & Lundy chattels, small loans, acreage city property. In I. 0. O. F. Bldg, Burns. Oregon. ' Mrs. H. C. Brown was over from Drewsey this week on a visit to relatives and friends. Pure bred young Barred Rock Cocherels. a new strain, for sole. ('has. Wilson. 10 tf. The Presbyterian Ladies' Aid will meet at the home of Mrs. A. B. Whitney on Wednesday. Feb. B at the usual hour. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Rounseville were accompanied in from their trip to outside points by Mrs. Bates. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BURNS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 1100.000. "THE BANK THAT MAKES YOUR $$ $ $ SAFE." ACCOUNTS INVITED Work in First Degree at the Masonic lodge on Saturday even ing, Feb. 1. Visiting members of the order cordially invited to attend. The Times-Herald has been re quested by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dunn to extend to the many friends their sincere thanks for their kindness and sympathy dur ing their recent trial in which they lost their little daughter. The legislature is still grinding and more bill being introduced. The start made for a business session is turning out something of a joke as it always does. Poli tics is being played in much of the work and the result will Im some nasty jobs. It has been several years since this section had such fine sleigh ing for so long a period. Since the roads have been opened and packed the stages are making excellent time and the weather is ideal for stock feeding with abundance of snow on the feed yards and more in the mountains to Insure line crops during the coming year. Frank Dibble and family have recently returned from a visit to California. Mr. Dibble states the recent cold weather was dis astrous to the fruit growers of that territory and means an im mense loss. The leaves were frozen on the orange and lemon trees and ho says it was pittiful to see the destruction. Miss Roberta Hibbard enter tained the Freshman class of the high school at her home last night and all report having had B most enjoyable time. A short program was rendered followed by games. Miss Hazel Cobb and Albert Swain were awarded prizes in the games. Refresh ments were served. The young people warmly expressed their appreciation of the nice enter tainment to their young hostess upon taking their departure for home. A Will Gates is In town. Always ready for job printing. I. P. Withers and Tom Bain were in to see us today. Manager Johnson of the Tona wama Band announces the boys will give a concert about the IMth M. .1. McMullen was over from Drewsey this week. Frank CawlHeld has taken the contract to run the Bums-Diamond stage. Robt. Drinkwater and wife were in the city this week visit ing relatives and friends. Ted Hayes has been up from the ranch this week on a visit to his family. John Carey was in from his farm this week and was accom panied out by his wife and son. The family of C. II. Voegtley has been sick the past week, in cluding Mr. and Mrs. Voegtly. (Juito a number of our young people went to l.awen last night to attend a dance. W. A. Goodman sells Rolled Barley at He. Rolled Wheat at ljc. Clean seed Barley, lie, Good Wheat He, at his barn in the west part of town. Blueprints of every Township and Range in Harney county, correct to date. Price $1.(K) each Address, Burns Blueprint Co., Burns, Oregon. 12tf Kstrayed Three year old filly, color gray, branded T.IP connect ed on left shoulder. Rather a leggy filly. Will pay a suitable reward for information hading to her recovery. J. P. Withers, Harney, Ore. 12tf R. I). Cooper and M. V. Dodge, the civil engineers, left this morn ing for Silver Creek where they go to build their homestead cab ins and make preiwrations to take up their residences on the places. R. F. Beatty, a deputy U. S. marshal, was here this week after Clarence Hancock charged with sending obscene letters throngs the mail. He took his prisoner out and also Wm. Gor don, a witness. Roe Buchanan and wife have returned from the home of his parents where his father, J. W. Buchanan, has been very sick with pneumonia. He has im proved somewhat at this time but is still very sick. For a time his life was despaired of. Geo. Cobb was in yesterday to visit his family who are here for the school year. Mr. Cobb was accompanied by his brother-in-law, W. A. Martin, a lumber man of Dallas, who has been visiting here since last Novem ber but who was on his home. A large number hnve signified their intention to mask at the ball to be given at Tonawama on Feb. 14 by Tule Circle, Women of Woodcraft. Four handsome prises will be awarded. Good music. How Much Will You GlveT During tin' month of February, we will contribute Five Per Cent of all our CASH SALES towards a fund to assist tho unfortunate Mr. Wm. Carroll, an old settler of Oat low Valley, to purchase ar tificial legs with. Mr. Carroll re cently met with a sad accident which deprived him of these limbs and now needs help. Are you with us? (Jet busy! Every cash purchase made here means just that much more in Mr. Car roll's pocket, and will be a cher ished gift you never will miss. N. BROWN & SONS. Tonawama Pictures. r...,3fe KE3 Usual picture shows at Tona wama tonight, tomorrow night and on Wednesday night. Tonight there are two good reels for the children, one a dou ble reel, "Seeing New Orleans" and following by the "Katzen jammer Kids." The first part is scenic and educational while the latter is all fun. Another that will be interesting to the children is entitled "The Greatest Thing in the Woild." It is a story of an old cobbler who had no other ambition but hoard money. A little girl changes his life and then he is a friend to all the chil dren. The old cobbler character is impersonated by Marshall P. Wilder. The third scene is "A Stolen Invention" which shows a fire scene. Admission 10 and 15c Sunday night's program will be four reels of more than usual Interact "His Thrifty Wife,"1 is a rich comedy; "Alkali Ike's I Wife" is one of those rip-roaring Western comedies that patrons like do Well; "A Son's Devotion" j is a very interesting drama and "Henry IV and the Woodchop pcr" is one of the finest yet seen at this house. The usual Sunday night admission. The mid-week program consists of three good reels. "Billy" a powerful drama, "The Outlaw, " i a story of misplaced confidence full of action, and "The Para chute Maker" all good. Regular mid-weekprices 10 and 15 cents i Silver Creek Valley Siftine. People of the Silver Creek sec tion are making preparations for getting wire and commence rah bit drives, during the winter months. Our Exchange Department Reaches Every Country, through our foreign connections. Money dis patched promptly, safely and at very small expense. Harney County National Bank "YOUR HOME INSTITUTION" sr "v W. E. HUSTON General Groceries c Select Can Goods, Fancy Groceries, Dried Fruits, Tobacco, Confectionary, Coal Oil, Feed, Grain and Produce Special Inducements Given On BIk Orders vv Jl Harry Arnold must be quite way busy at Wagontire, as he hasn't ! been seen in the vallev for sev- If Yoo Want ALL The Home News READ THE TIMES-HERALD $2.00 a year Best Job Printing oral weeks. Something quite unusual for Harry too. Mr. and Mrs. Woodie Best spent We are not having so many rabbit drives in this vicinity late ly owing to me snow Doing aeep and sufficiently crusted to allow i last Friday evening at the home th rabbits good footing, but the of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sturges, drivers break through, making it playing cards, etc. very ham work, the rabbits are fleet and many would escape by the drivers being thus handicapped. The heavy snow has caused the rabbits to come in close to town and around the hay and straw stacks for food and shelter. Many arc killed in the outskirts of Hums and some of our ladies are becoming mighty hunters. Mesdames White, Fisk, Smith and Welker have become quite expert (iri telling hunting stories that lit) but so far have failed to make good their count to this office. They may all te good shots and have offered to show the manager of this great reli gious weekly, but we haven't sufficient life insurance to justify accompanying them out to see. Mr. I.eedy, who is teaching the Dili grade algebra at the high school this semester, has worked out a novel method for handling the large class of twmty-seven. An examination was held to de termine the rank of each individ ual ktwdint Then the class was divided into five squads, each un der a captain who was one of the five receiving the highest mark in the examination. The duties of the captains are to assist the slower mem hers of their .'-.quads in blackboard work. The stu dents have taken a lively interest in the scheme from the start and competition was keen for the po sitions of captains. Those re ceiving the honor for the first month are: Zella Hardwell, Owen Cawlfield, Mary Poujade, Dor man Leonard and Charles Foley. The TimeB-Herald learns that the electric lights are to be shut down today indefinitely. It seems tho Mill Company has raised the price for power to a figure that the light people can not run them with any profit, hence they suspend. It is very inconvenient for the people of the town not to have electric lights in the business houses, homes, churches, the streets dark and altogether present gloom. There should be an off ort made to get iermancnt lights and at rates that will be equitable. Died At the Burns Sanator ium on Wednesday, Jan. 21), P. J. Kerrigan, aged 43 years. De ceased had been brought up from the Narrows section some ten days before suffering from pneu monia und it was also found he had heart disease. It had been intended to take him to Portland at once for special treatment but be died before the prepara tions were made to remove him He was unmarried and had no relatives in this section. The funeral was held yesterday from the Catholic church. Local athletic sports had a very interesting time at Tonawama Thursday night when three box ing exhibitions were pulled otf. Two preliminaries between Hom er Beed and John Walkup and Herman Thies and another boxer were followed by a bout between Jack Belmont and a young man by the name of Bailey. Belmont was declared the winner of the bout. The boyB contemplate more sport of like nature in the near future. The exhibition was well attended and those present express satisfaction with the result. W. W. Brown is feeding quite a number of sheep at his Cap Ranch this winter. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dibble and son, accompanied by Will Amert and W. J. Bauer, return ed home from visiting outside points, the fore part of the wet 1. Mr. W. Crozier is expecting his wife home from Seattle this week. She has been visiting friends and relatives, for the past year. "Jack Rabbit." Valley View Items, Max Prath and Albert Rose made a trip to Lawen Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Shaver spent Sunday with Mrs. Mary Raycraft. Clyde Shaver has a branch of the Experimental Farm on his place and is busy getting it ready for a crop next spring. We would suggest trying some thorn less cactus. Last Thursday night Dr. Hand of Lawen was called to see Mrs. Jimmie Reil who lives north of Valley View when she came away Jimmy was the proud and happy father of a bouncing boy. Locke, McPhail lost a music rack and music between his homestead and Lawen last week finder please leave at Valley View School house. Stock are all wintering nicely in this part of the valley. Mrs. Ceo. Raycraft and Miss May Coleman the popular teach er of Valley View School enter tained one evening last week. Mrs Mary Raycraft, Mr, Harry McComba and Mr. A. T. Ray craft an enjoyable evening was spent. Geo. Raycraft spent the week end with his family. THE OLD STAR SALOON BRENTON & HICKS, Props. Old and New Patrons Will Find the Best Brands Here Wines, Liquors, and Cigars Good Service, Courteous Treatment DROP IN Main Street Burns, Oregon "i fc Watch this space for new announcement in a short time. Also see change of firms name, and big bargains to follow every week.