The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, February 01, 1913, Image 2

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    JO MI 71 NEED!
We have just what you need
just what you have been looking
for. An up-to-date suit with an
extra pair of pants to match, all for
Can You Beat This?
These are all hand tailored suits,
serviceable and sure to satisfy you.
Don't delay long or they may all
be gone. No bigger or better bar
gain was ever offered you in Burns.
Do not delay get that suit today.
Clothing Company
Leading Clothiers - - High Grade Tailoring
I. O.'O. F. Building
Burns, Oregon
Ihf ftimcs-iirrafd
Bill Make it Easy to
Get Two Homestead
Relief t Western homestead
ntfymtn ffom the hardship In
poind by tiu so -i-iiiu-d "John Day
docission" of I In- Secretary of
the Interior is promised by the
recent action of the lower house
In congress In passing the Taylor
bill. This measure is i n aniond-
HUMit to the enlarged homestead1
act, and provides tliat residence,
and cultivation of the original
entry may be Credited on the ad
ditional entry, thotfreel being to
allow the entryman to make Pinal
proof on both al the same time :
Rgpreai ntative Mondell, author
of the enlarged homestead law,
fully intended that the original
act should s declare, and still
Contend! that it does by any reas
onable construction of its lang
uage. Asst. Secretary Adams,
however, declined to take this'
view of the Mondell act, and the
result was thai settlers who at
tempted to make proof on both
entries were put to the addition-;
al expense of a second proof on i
their second entries, and in some
cases compelled to wait two years
Or more before such proof could
be offered, The first case ap
pealed was that of John Day,
and since this decission Western
members have been flooded with
demands lor relief. 1 he action
of the house indicates the early
enactment of the necessary rem
edial legislation.
f must raifi money to pay for
new spring Roods and during the
next !lt) days I will Hell for cash
everything In my big stock of
Household Furniture at actual
cost. Betidea furniture of all
kinds, this includes carpets, cur
tains, rugs, bedding, blankets,
quilts, wall paper, building pa
per, roofing, dishes, granite
ware, suit cases and trunks, sew
Ing machines at a great saving;
wagon sheets, tents and tarpaul
ins etc. Everything needed in
and about the household.
(!. W. Clevcnger. 12
Mr. Freytair savs in his reuort to
the Portland Commercial Qflbf Um Wmm !! hu ;,wt r...
that Louis W. Hill, director of a i,.,,lT f,,,m Miss Godfrey who
MnijT ine ureal Northern railroad, and had recent I v visited the Mars
On. Vnr
31. Month.
Tkr. Month.
Many Inquiries About
Oregon Are Answered
lames Hannaford, vice president
of the Northern Pacific, pro
nounced the Oregon exhibit to be
the best and most comprehensive
of the Minneapolis show.
Thousands of these persons re
gistered at the shows that might
learn more of Oregon through
having literature sent them, with
the view of coming to Oregon In
the near future. The Oregon
exhibit at both shows was in
tensely practical, and for that
reason proved of great value to
the prospective settler.
Intense interest was manifest
ed in the Oregon state exhibits
at the Minneapolis and Chicago
Land Shows, according to Un
report of O. E. Freytag of Ore-
iron Citv. director in charere. and
many inquirers were formed of rived here this week from out
points of interest to them by side points where they have been
those in charge of the exhibit, since last November.
I. K. Kounseville and wife ar-
liad recent
dens at Whittier, in which she
says the l lector has Improved
very materially but has hail such
a long IllneSJ that he appears
more or less exhausted. She ex
presses the belief that Dr. Mars
den will recover quite rapidly
now. Mrs. Marsden. who has
attended him constantly, has
borne the long trial heroically and
her health is quite good consider
ing her close confinement and
(lay Clemens mill is the near
est one to Burns where all kinds
of lumber both longhand dress
ed can be had. Near Canyon
road ( 'all him by 'phone.
Remember Tonawama has Its
own lights pictures tonight-
The Dollar Mark's Origin
Many people like to think that
the American dollar-mark is a
corruption of the symbol "U. S. "
Others have held to the old his
torian's idea that it is a replica
of the pillars of Hercules. Prof.
Parian Cajorio of Colorado, has
knocked all these pleasing fancies
in the head by proving, with an
cient manuscripts, that the dol
lar mark is really a corruption
of the old Spanish abbreviation
for peso a dollar.
Prof. Cajori looked over thous
ands of manuscripts to get at
his facts. He started with the
idea that the dollar mark was an
abbreviation of the word "dol
lar," but, as he says, "we had
to throw our idea overboard as a
USeleai burden."
Then he got the clue. When
our Spanish colonist first wrote
the word "pesos" one of which
is about, a dollar, they spelled it
out in full. Then it got down to
"pa." When it was written
hurriedly, the "p" and the "s"
were superimposed, as he shows
from ancient writings, and grad
ually the dollar mark came into
use the p was written over
the "a."
Says Prof. Cajeri: r'lt has been
established that the dollar mark
is the lineal decendent of the
Spanish abbreviation "p" for
"pesos," that the change from
the llorescent "ps" to $ was
made about 177.r by Knglish
Americans who came in business
relations with the Spanish-Americans
and that the earliest print
ed dollar mark dates back to the
year 17!7."
The Public School.
The monthly report of Princi
pal Sutton Of the public school
for January shows a total enroll
ment of 22i pupils, lit! are boys
118 girls.
Tardiness is improving as few
compared to former reports were
tardary during the month. Miss
Hodder's room has the honor
picture presented by the Ladies'
Afternoon Club, "Sistine Madon
na," as there were no tardies in
hor room for the month.
There were li parents who
visited the school during the
month and one member of the
school board.
The Afternoon Club
The Ladies Library Club met
last Saturday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. .1. C. Foley the
subject for the dav being "Croat
Publications and Their Kditors. "
Mrs. .1. W. iiiggx read a very in
teresting paper on the "Develop
ment of Periodical Literature"
in which it presented the his
tory of the best known publica
tions dwelling particularly on
the great American periodicals
and the gradual development and
progress made in such literature
during the 19th Century. Each
member responded to roll call
with the name of some well
known publication and its editor.
The next meeting of the club
will take place Feb. Nth at the
home of Mrs. Julian Pyrd.
How Much
Will You Give?
During the month of February we will
contribute Five Per Cent of all our CASH
SALES towards a fund to assist the unfor-
unate Mr. Wm. Carrol, an old settler of Cat
low Valley, to purchase artificial legs with.
Mr. Carrol recently met with a sad accident
which deprived him of these limbs and now
needs help. Are you with us? Get busy!
Every cash purchase made here means just
so much more in Mr. Carrols pocket, and
will be a cheerished gift you'll never miss.
N. Brown & Sons
Presbyterian Church.
Build Up Your Own Town And Community
By Purchasing Your Goods at Home
Presbyterian Church tomerrow:
Sunday school at 10 A. M.. Christ
ian endeavor at t:.'U) p. m.
Preaching at 11 A. M. and 7:30
P. M. Morning Theme: "For
ward March." Kvening Sub
ject "Hell; How to Keep out of
This is the last of a scries on
this subject, but the pastor will
continue the popular lecture ser
mon during the remainder of the
winter months, s'ome of the
subjects to be treated are:
"Socialism and Christianity,"
"Wireless Telegraphy" "Avai
tion", "Now the Women h we
the Ballot hat May we Expect",
"Universal Peace," and various
interesting and instructive
Increased Interest In The
Children's Industrial Con
test Work Manifest
Inasmuch as we are expected to compete with large
Eastern Houses, who sell for cash only, we are obliged to
stick pretty close to the cash system, for in no other way
can prices of houses who see your money before they
wrap up the goods, be met on equal terms. Now, you
have a big department store right at home and the rate
is much less from Burns than from Chicago. For instance
a 10 lb. package will cost $1.10 from Chicago, while from
Burns it cost you but 14 cts. Quite a difference, ain't it?
A few of the Thousands of Articles carried In stock by the Burns Dept. Store enumerated belew:
Dry Goods Dept.
A Complete Line of Staple and Fancy
Dry Goods, Including Ladies Cloaks,
Waists, Shirts, Sweaters, Shawls, Hand
Bags, Heds and Bedding, Undcrmuslins,
Dress Goods, Hosiery, Corsets and Cor
set Covers. Notions, Silk:- and Ribbons.
Gentleman's Dept.
The Most Complete and Uu-To-Date
Gent's Furnishing Department also full
line of Men and Hoys Suits and Over
coats; Socks, Neckties, Collars and Cuffs,
Underwear, New Stock of Working and
Dress Shirts, Hats, Cam, Cloves, Sus
penders, Levi Strouss and "Boss of the
Road" Overalls, Jumpers, Linen Dusters
Drugs Department
We mention here a lew of the things
carried in this department: Perfumery,
Face Powder, Cream and Solutions.
Toilet Articles, Blue Vitrol, Formalde
hide, Chloride Lime, Sal Soda, Turpen
tine, Raw and Boiled Linseed oil, White
Lead, Dry and Mixed Paint, Gasoline,
Kerosene, Lubricating Oils, Stock and
Poultry Foods, insect Powder, Squirrel
Poison, Household Item dies and Grape
Juice, Denatured and Wood Alcohol.
Wares Of All Kinds Home Entertaiment
Are so representative in character that
it is possible to furnish your home.
Willow Ware, Water Bags,
Kegs. Bowls, etc.
I! rush es,
Barrels and
QUEEN8WARE Fine China. Cut Glass.
Silver Denosit Ware. Mirrors. Cookimr ones from
UtenBils, Pottery Lamps and Lanterns.
JEWELRYWARF Clocks, Watches,
Stickpins, Belt Buckles, Cull' and Collar
Buttons, Etc.
HARDWARE Headquarters for Sport
ing Goods, Guns, Ammunition, Fishing
and Camping Outfits, Tents, Tarpaulians
and Wagon Covers, Building Paper,
Roofing, Wire Netting, Nails, Garden
Tools, Rope, Cuttlery, Tineware, Etc.
For family friends and yourself if you
want a Phonograph with Records. We
handle the Famous Edison Phonographs
Children's Dept.
Our Children's Department is so com
plete that we can furnish your little
ones from top to toe. We have not
overlooked the Dolls and Toys
Grocery Dept.
We've all kinds Flour, Bacon, Lard,
Honey, Grain, Grass Seed and Feeds of
all kinds. Farm Produce, Fresh Fruit.
Vegetables and Evaporated Fruits.
Special Dept.
We hope the efforts of those to
bring about greater results and
efficiency in the education of
"hack to the soil," for which
several bills carrying more or less
appropriations, will not be car
ried to excess that is that it
will be practical in its application.
There is such a thing as going
too heavy and not doing just the
good that the expenditure justi
fies, Austin Goodman is going to
give the children a masquerade
in the near future at the most
convenient date Tonawama is not
otherwise occupied.
Th. B..I Cough Medicine.
"1 have used Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy ever since I have
been keeping house." says L. C.
Hames, of Marbury, Ala. "I
consider it one of the best reme
dies I ever used. My children
have all taken it and it works
like a charm. For colds and
whooping cough it is excellent. "
For sale by all dealers.
Light, all steal run-about buggy
practically new; also set of
double harness with collars. In
puire at this office. tf
Among the many educational
matters discussed by the county
superintendents during their re
cent session at Salem in the ca
pacity of State Board of Examin
ers, none was entered into with
more interest than the school
children's industrial contest
work. With one or two excep
tions each superintendent had in
troduced the work in his county,
and was gratified with the re
sults. In almost every county
where school fairs where held last
year lor uie Hirst time, tne ex
hibits were beyond the expecta
tion of those in charge. The dis
cussion was not as to whether
the movement is a good one, and
one to be continued. All were
agreed and enthuiastic on that
point. It was simply a matter
of discussing method how to
conduct the work to get the best
results. There was a unanimous
sentiment in favoring a later
date for the State Fair this year
in order to make it possible to
hold the local contests first, and
then send the best of the exhibits
to Salem. Some expressed their
intention of sending their whole
juvenile county exhibit to the
State fair, and unless there is a
mjghty sidetracking of enthus
iasm, the I' air Hoard will need to
buijd a roof over one corner of
the State Fair grounds to take
care of the children's depart
ment. Many of the superintendents
in their industrial work this year
are going to specialize on poultry,
believing that it is a good thing
for every child to have the care .
of some sort of animal life and
that nothing is more profitable
nor practical to begin with than
poultry. It is claimed by some
of the superintendents that it is
easily possible to meet the entire j
cost of our public school system
by the increase in the production
of poultry and eggs by the school
children of the State.
Dr. Burrow has fitted up offices
in the Jorgenson building where
he may be found day or night.
A. K. Richardson
General Merchandise
Will Prepay All Charges
On nil I v lot "I - .'Mi' I
Bough 1 from him, t
In Hilling County Don't
I '.i M it n or Shoes
.iiiv poatoffice
'orgef If
He Will Also Give You
20 Per Cent Off
On all Wiiuliii Shirts, Sweaters, Kg
He Will Also Give You
15 Per Cent Off
On All Sheep Lined Coats
He Also Carries One Of The Best
And Most Complete Lines of Fancy
And Staple Groceries In This City
That Means Something To You -mi
Every Day In The Year
Trough Train To Portland
Leaves Bend 6:30 a. m. Redmond, 7:15 a. m., Ter
rebonne 7:30 a. m., Culver 8:OB a. m Metolius 8:30
a. m., Madras 8:4 O a. m., Maupan 10:48 a. m., ar
rives Portland 5:30 p. m.
Boot And Shoe Dept.
Wall Pager, House Lining, Umbrellau;
Parasols, Trunks, Valises, Suit Cases,
and Huttrick Patterm Whips, Hob
bles. Half Soles 1111(1 T:iels Ktiiti.ifw.rv
We are proud of tiiiti department and School Supplies, Tobacco and Cigars
can irive satisfaction to all Men Women Notions. Con feet iiiniiHen drain W,u,i
and Children. We carry (lie celebrated Bass. Sacks. Hinder Twinn and r,i
Buckingham & Ik-cht line. None better. Wood.
Best Goods With lowest Prices We Meet and Heat All Compet ion Your Trade Respectfully Solicted
- The Burns Department Store -
Send Your
Orders For
Lumber, Lath,
Cedar Shingles,
Hard wall Plaster,
Portland Cement,
Lump Lime, Etc.
saaasaaasaas TO -aaaaaaaiesa
Overturf , Davis, Miller Co.
' ' HI I I , Ml I ... ,.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers
Office Phone 36 Mill Phone 48
Direct Connections
I OR -
To -Seattle, Tacoma, Spokane, Minneapolis, St.
Paul, Chicago, Denver, Omaha, St. Louis, Kan
, sas City and all points east and south
Koud, Northern PaclUc and dSSSl Northern
Via the North Bank
J. H. Corbett. At. Bend. Or. . J. Uauke!. ABt. Bedmond. Ore.
vv I). SKINNER. Traffic
11.. ....!.. ..i ....I 1..1 . . i
iM-i.ui.-i hi M:ut'tillies, iaies.
sill In- furnished on request.
! HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF administrators notice
in the i iiiniiv Court foi 1 1 1 1 ii. v i ,.
We have a large stock of the above
and can make quick deliveries to the
Burns Country. Get OUR Prices.
. Tlu' sworn statements of Life
'Insurance Companies on file at
the State Insurance Department,
j Salem, show that In 1908, 1910,
1911. Oregon Life tin- Only Life
' Insurance Company Exclusively
Oregon, sold more policies in
Oregon than any other company.
In 1912 Oregon Life is surpass
ing all its previous records.
K Agent
Slate of Oregon.
In the matte of the Ritate ol . ichuiiuh
II Str.nnl, DtAMWd
The undersigned bavinji beet) dulv ftp.
pointed Adiuiiiiatrutiii of the nhurs
named eatatc In the nbore nm d
court i .ill per i bn my c In i m
again! ii.l ettate re hareby notifies)
to pretcnl them, dulj reriled m bj ! in)
'' iulreil, i" i in undersigned at ih
"i i len 8, Plati e, In theCitj i D
ii.ii nej Count . Oregon, n Ithin I
iMi'iuiis from the date hereof,
Dated Bunts, Ocegon, No Itl Itilit,
l.uis M. BTROI I),
Ailiniiiisii.iiiiv i the Bat ate il .'..ii.i-
H. ili II Stroud, Deed.
Qan s Sumtnai on. ol the attorncre.
I'nmku MTATMl I ami i ii iii i ,
Hiinu, Oragon, Itei .utbei .' i i i
Noll. n, llb) given I lull I.) man hi ii ill lui
Huiitii NimoMB, Oregon, wku, on May It, luuf, I
Ml. lit) lliiint.iloHil nth HOW, Hor I ill No ii i fin
NW, M...IUMI M, ruwiiaiilii i Hoiilli, ItmigK i
.il I hi WllUtuvtU) M, 1,1 in ii hai ilitui!
miilii ..i ini.'Hiiiiii I., intki mini live
iriinl. Ill ('.Initial, , hum In il, .' Inn, I nln,
lo.i in.. .1. Ixfur. H. eialur ami H.crlvur, .1
Hiirna. i '!:, I, mi id, mi, ii,., til ho, ,,,,,,
'', , i winter, urvvwooil on
'U nun liuiuiii.iiau in ' "
A. Dunn will have charge of
niv wood business la Hums this
Drvvwood on hand to
ii.iyy ii H.iiiiui, iituiin.,,,, nin. H u,,,,,,-, any part of town K. (). Jaekaon,', t-ifl Hant'ii, all nl NHiruvta. Ortlfull
Wy khkh, atfltter. baV tf