r ! CITY OF BURNS COUNTY OF HARNEY The Biggest County In The State Of Oregon, Best In The West The Biggest City In The Biggest County In The State Of Oregon BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY. OREGON. FEBRUARY 1, 1913 VOL. XXVI NO. 12 Z)c jEimtg- flefalja "BILL" HANLEY'S VIEW OF OREGON'S FUTURE Telia How The State Is To Become One of The Greatest In The West Thru Co-operation. Key to Suc cess Lies In Securing Desirable Im migrants and Making Them Feel They Are Sure of Every Success be brought into the plan, mo that we will have everyone working for the great good of the mnss'8. If we do this, which I know we will, then our problem is .solved. "Now, I have an idea that the people should not be put into a climate to which they are unused; they should all be sent to places where they will not have to suf fer in making the eheUlft from their native land to the new land. In other words, it is of the deep "I am not fearful that the state will not take care of the people who are about to come here, but I want to call atten tion to the conditions, so that one will get in and help to make them better. Of course, I don t believe in every one going to the country; that's no more use than everyone staying in the cities. We don't want either condition we want the proper number in the country. Get both fixed up I Br W. H. W.rrrn. In Th. OoiwiUll! Bill Hanlev. christened William, inpr for a long time product of the Rogue River Val ley, farmer and philosopher, who is interested in so many acres of land in Central Oregon that he himself hardly knows how many, It is Ore gon's big question and it is go ing to be answered, too. not by talk, but by just such work as the Irrigation Congress, the De velopment League and the Com- says that the greatest problem merctal Clubs and t hambera ol of Oregon is to get ready to take ( 'ommerce are doing. Co-opera-care of the immigrants who will tion is the watchword and co flock to the state when the Pan-1 operation will solve the problem ama Canal is opened to the world, of caring for our share of the While "Bill" Hanley-no one immigrants." calls him William-is classed m "What moans do you think a farmer, he is one-and more, ahoukl be used in handling these He is a real student of American immigrants?" he was asked. conditions ana wnen u Mum i They must be kept moving, telling about what Oregon needs ho rt,()iel. "They've got to be est importance that we shall see j right and things will move along and how to get it. he is the an il.ority of authorties. He is easily a picturesque char acter, but the most notable trait he possesses is his genuineness ihere is none of the sham about lim and he never "loses his head. " Wherever he goes; he is the can- ter of admiring attraction Men ike to talk to him because he is vorth talking to. He is a great hinker and logic Hows from his ips whenever ne opens n nouth. While other people are con- erning themselves a great deal kept moving. Never allow them to drop their grips or unpack their trunks hen-. Keep them a-going along to the country. The minute they stop in a little city, your slums nave sianeu; thev will never leave. But once they get to the farms, they will never leave either. Things will work out all right by co-operation. That is, we've got to see to it that these immigrants are looked after when they reach shore and that they are sent along to such climates and sur roundings as are as near to their hot or cold. "Now, the thing that's to be bout various subjects to them of custom and liking as possible. he deepest import, "Bill" Han- And this state has nearly all of 1 Lf- - - S atl f l, .... 1 i a-n niiii llHrl ii.Killl lntu . i ty is aevoiing nis lime cnieny i"-- i.miimh aim wwhumh w working out the vast problems any people who will come, too. hat are to make of Oregon what 1 OU can get about any climate should be a very great state, you want in Oregon, wet or dry. " I find a lot of people worry g a great deal about what kind a showing Oregon is going to I done with these people who are iake at the San Francisco fair" i going to come here, is to see to wid he. "The real thing to it that they get started right. rry about is how we are going I The problem is to get them to take care of the large number! go through the cities to the I people of all kinds who are country and to the right places, urely coming here. Whon you They will go if we get ready to gin to think about that, you .see to them right. The cities re getting onto a subject that is must co-operate with the farmers ig enough to keep us all work- and the towns and villages must THE BURNS HOTEL DELL DIBBLE, Prop. Centrally Located, Good Clean Meals, Comfortable Rooms, Clean and Sanitary Beds First Class Bar In Connection, dive Me A Call THE FORD CAR MODEL "T" 1913 It is the Universal Car ;Not a Cheaper Car; but A Better Car Every third car in the whole world is a FORD and every owner is a satisfied one that means much to you Touring Cars 5 Passenger $725.00 Roadster, Two Passenger $650.00 All fully equipped and delivered here in Burn For catalogues and full information enquire of BURNS GARAGE Your Safety Demands That You Have Your Prescriptions Filled At The REXALL DRUG STORE A license is not all that is required to fill Prescriptions. You must have perfect quality of ingredients, accuracy in compounding and complete and well kept stock. We give you all these. We never substitute. Your Doctor's wish is carried out to the minutes detail. REED BROS., Props. to it that every class of jieople coming here to settle shall be got to the place where they will be happy and where they will thrive and make Reed on the land." Asked as to his opinion on how many people Oregon can care for well, h replied: "Why, 1 don't know, there are more than 20,(XH,(HK) acres of land right in Central Oregon that's never been touched. At Burns and on our own projects, we need 100,000 people to do business with. Why, there is plenty of land for (ho people, if we can get thorn to it and got them started. There's happiness and plenty in store for them, too. We will have to prepare though, to look after thorn, and wo ought to be doing it pretty fast in or der to he readv. I don't care so much about how 'he state is represented in San Francisco at the fair as I do how we are going to get along when t ho big canal opens and the people begin to come in here." His idea is that than should he no exploitation of those who aro to be future residents of Oregon, but that the state and all citizens the end of should join hands to make them I need to go on feel at homo and to make them happy in the new land. "I have hoard" continued he, "that there is great complaint in the cities as to the high cost of living. Iet DM say to you that this condition's got to bo changed and it can bo changed only by getting the land occupied by pro ducers. You know how a big corporation is handled? Not too many stockholders; now, then, we don't want to get too many stockholdecs in the state or Na tion either; we want workers in order to keep things running along right ami bo happy. To be happy is the thing to strike for; money alone won't make that, you've got to work hard and keep a-striving keep at all things. "Success don't come to the man that fails and aman'scredit doesn't increase with his failures, I tell you; he's got to get in and hustle and do things. I'm not talking about myself to boast, but whatever success that 1 have made was made by deciding to do a thing and a-going to work and a-doing it. The fellow who goes by fits and starts won't get far. The fellow who gets there is the one who makes up his mind he is going to do something and then forgets everything else in doing it. If vow start out to accomplish things, accomplish them. Don't let the little side issues make you think they're the real things, for if you do, you're lost. "Now, I have a theory that the individual is no diirerent from the city, the state or the Nation. We are all living here and we've got to eat and have something to wear and we want to enjoy our- self and be happy, To do this, we've got to help each other. Ab a man or woman must not let their head get swelled over a a little success, so must the city, state or Nation not he deceived, but wo must look to it that we take good care of our people. Starve the people ami you starve the city, state and Nation. Make the people happy, give them lots to eat and enough to wear and get along on and you make the city, the state and the Nation right." "Do you believe that the high living cost will be regulated with the settlement of the country districts?" was asked. "Most certainly," he replied. "It'8 got tO DO lowered. The whole trouble now is that we've got to many people in our cities and not near enough in the coun try; chang- that condition and you change everything. You cut the cost of living just as Boon us you Start people to raising wheat, cattle, hogs; things that people need and get things mov ing right in the country, in better shape and people will all be happy. "In regard to the money part of this thing, I would say that the farmer, generally speaking, will be able to get enough money to work as much land an he is capable of working. From a broad standpoint. I would say that the financial end of the thing will work out all right, the whole thing being that a man must have within him the elements of suc cess. What I mean by this is that every man is either a suc cess or a failure in himself. He can't blame any one else. Now, you can't give one man who is not so able, as much ground to work as you would give the man who is able to handle a large amount of ground, but I am not in favor of limiting the amount of ground any of these immi grants shall take, except as to their ability to till it. 'There's not much chance for failure anv more in the farming business, anyway. You can get a scientific analysis of your ground and know just about what you're going to have at your season. We with this scientific work, so that the farmer will be able beforehand to know what he is to get for his year's work, The old conditions that made it so hard for the farmer are disap pearing, and his lot will be an easier one and better one year by year, with the demonstration farms and the agricultural col leges helping out. "It all goes a long ways in making the farmers life an easier one. That is to say a farmer used to do a whole lot of work that he didn't need to do, only in years gone by he didn't know it, don't you see? He worked hard er than he needed to, because science had not reached the farm yet. "Now, here's something I'm going to give to you there's mil lions of dollurs worth of land ly ing idle in Oregon that'll bring forth, when properly tilled, bil lions of dollars'worth of produce. Now, then, who's going to reap the benefit from that wealth? won't the people who go in and make good on the farms? Sure they will. Now, that shows the possibilities of tho ground here in Oregon. "It's a startling thing to sur vey this state and see how little producing is being done. Why, you take your own Willamette Valley and look it over. Why. there's nothing doing there com pared to what should be doing. And it's well worked, compared to other sections. What's a fel low going to find out, then, when he takes in the whole state? Why, it's startling to what we must do to have a healthv state of affairs. The land's not to be settled up and worked people have got to get into it and make it produce things to feed the families in these large cities, like Portland. And when that's being done this cost of living business will adjust itself. "Oregon is going to have her share of the immigrants. And on this Coast is going to be the population. Now why is that? Well, you know the Pilgrim Fathers landed where they land ed because it was the easiest place to land, and everyone else that came over landed along the Atlan tic and down that way because the Pilgrim Fathers made it fashionable. People like to be fashionable and people follow fashions. Now, then, when the Panama Canal is opened, it'll be easier to come to the Pacific Coast than anywhere else; there's bet tor prospects here, and its going to be the fashion to come here. Future generations will see here on this coast, America's balance of population. "Tho time is ripe to get ready for this population that's sure to come. We must take the costly experience of the East and apply it to the West, so that we can benefit by their mistakes and profit by what they've learned. It's no need to stumble along and blunder where they blundered, and if we do, we're guilty of not only poor judgment, but much worse. We want to arrange things so that our large cities, which arc sure to be built up here, will have no slums; slums aro not at all necessary and can be avoided, if we use proper care Then, if we get our people happy and prosperous on the land, the people in the city will be happy and prosperous, for they can live cheaKr and better and things will move along right. "Broadly speaking, I'm not an advocate of city folks moving to the country, if they do, they want to go pretty early in life, for too much warm water on the face is bad for making farmers. I think parents should wean their off-spring very young, What I mean by that is, children should be taught young to depend upon themselves and should not be coddled too much; it spoils them. I was a sort of companion for my father, more than a son; that is I worked with him all the time and what I've learned about farm ing and other things, I learned first hand and early in life, al though a person learns something new all the time, as we all know. "Now, there's one thing that I think ought to be impressed upon the people that money dont make happiness. My ob servation is that the happiest homes are those of moderate wealth. Wealth is nothing by itself. People must be happy within themselves. What we want is plenty of happy families of moderate means. If we get these, things will be all right and the state will be better off.-" LOOKING FOR BIG TRACTS OF LAND GOOD PROSPECTS FOR THE HARNEY COUNTRY Investors and Captalists Are Securing Information And Prices Concerning Harney . i a xri ii i n i Valley Land Prior To Pur- Local Men Who Have Just Recently chasing Large Tracts Returned From Outside Points Are Greatly Encouraged Over Railroad And Colonization Prospects. Pre dict Large Influx of Settlers This Spring And Rapid Development B. F. Johnson, agent for the , Oregon & Western Colonization Co, arrived here the fore part: of this week with some men who I were looking for land in the in-' terest of big colonization people. They also want townsite property. The representatives were J. G. Quigley and R. M. Manson, of Oklahoma, W. I). Hutchinson of Spokane, a representative of the 'Judge Levens, Judge Miller, plies right here in Oregon so far Colonization Co., was also with William Hanley, Sheriff Richard- as possible, and more particularly the party. on and Assessor Donegan were to give the farmers, stockmen Mr. Quigley informed The among those who went to Port- and poultry raisers, in fact all Times-Herald that it was their land to attend the irrigation con- producers right along the line of intention to look over Central gress and visit other portions of work the preference in furni.sh Oregon extensively for the people . the state, to arrive home last ing such supplies. This means they represent and make a re-Saturday evening and all are much to the Central Oregon sec port They were most favorably proud they are Harney county tion as it will furnish a market impressed with the Harney coun- people and pleased with the for vast amounts of products and try, especially the Silver Creek treatment they received by the be an incentive to greater culti section and secured such data as people of the outside cities. vation. they could respecting the irriga- Members of the party not only li was further learned on good tion prospects for the lands of attended the irrigation congress, authority that it was the inten- that Valley. Mr. McConncl. who but also went to Salem to wit- tion to push the railroad work as is promoting this project was not ness the opening of the iegisla- rapidly as possible and complete here but Mr. Quigley hasarrang- ture extending their visit to It during this year. A well known ed to meet him either in Bend or Kugene Corvallis and other nrm f contractors, it is said, I ortland. Should these gentle- points. At all those places they nas uo'n Kiven the contract to men decide to purchase, it will met people interested in the Big start work on the western part include a large acreage and im- Harney Country and were delug- of tno roau" f0 m(et ll"' wor' mediately be settled up by people v$ wjth ouestions in fact had now being prosecuted from the wno are wanting homes and who to be regular information bureaus are a part of the colonization T,ev found a wide snrpnd inter est in this section and are con- mieni many people will come here in the spring to make homes and investments. We seem to bo well advertised throughout that section, due to a large ex tent to the railroads and the fur- sehciiio under consideration. We infer from conversation with the gentlemen that it would be the intention to start a town in the settlement and encourage rapid development of the lands ac quired. The gentlemen intend to visit Lake county a little later and will return here in the early spring to again look over this territory as at present with the snow covering it they were not eastern part. It was also inti mated that the lino through a portion of this territory is o bo re-surveyed and it was not known definitely just where the line would go. Another authority has it that , the Hill lines would bo in this ter 1 ritory inside of two years, thus ther fact that the Harriman line is now building into this terri tory. One man said he was sur prised to find in some instances how much was known of our re sources and then again to find So auie 10 ueiermine me cnaracier ppie wno seemed to know ot the soil on some particular little of us tracts which interests them par- The oca, homlm djd tlcularly. I ,..!, ,!!.., ; .: " ,,,uv,i ,n iii. ii, iiiivn iiuiuoii re specting railroad developments other than the feeling is general Suggests Our Possibilities The following has been clip ped from a recent issue of the Rural Spirit, which gives us an idea of the great industry open to this section as soon as trans portation lines reach near enough to permit our stock men shipping at any season of the year. When alfalfa fed beef will bring $8 per hundred in Portland Harney county growers are going to be right in the business when the railroad is completed to this val ley. The paragraph says: Coorge Russell of Prineville, Ore., sold a carload of steers on the Portland market last week at the record price of $8.00 per hundred and for one extra good animal he received $8.26. The cattle were all alfalfa fed and had received no grain whatever. This is a forerunner of what we may expect in the real estate line during the coming year as many people are looking to this section for homes and the com ing of the railroads makes the territory more attractive. They realize the possibilities of Har ney Valley with adequate facili ties for reaching the markets. making a competing line. It has been suggested that the Hill peo ple have secured valuable power sites both on the Deschutes and the McKen.i and that the lino would push across the Cascades at a convenient pass already se lected, on through Central Ore gon toward the east That She entire system throughout the in terior coun try would boolectritied. This is not an unreasonable sug- that the transfer of the construe-! Kst'n a(1 may be true t,cn work on the line now build ing is a good thing for the state as it brings the direct management of the work closer to home peo ple and further that it is the ex pressed purpose to buy all sup- No one, who has followed the movements of the Hill people in this section, has ever doubted that they would come into this territory with their railroad at (Continued on Last Page) Sumpter R'y- Mail Contract Still Pending At the request of Senator Bourne, the postoffice depart ment has telegraphed the super intendent of the thirteenth dis trict instructions to endeavor to secure a contract with the Sump ter Valley railway for transpor tation of mail by train between j Austin and Prairie City. The mail is now carried by stage, the railroad company having refused to make a contract. A petition has been filed with the postoffice depart men l signed by several! thousand residents of both Grant and Harney counties, asking for the establishment of this service. Baker Democrat. Later advices are to the effect that Senator Bourne was not suc cessful in his attempt to get the Sumpter Valley to carry the mail from Austin to Prairie. It may possibly be adjusted should the contract which Kellogg's bond ing house has to arrange be for such figures as will justify. THE FRENCH HOTEL JOHN R. WALKUP, Prop. Strictly First Class. Splendid Service, Fine Accomodations, Commercial Headquarters Sample Room In Connection, Reasonable Rate; Methodist Mlnittar Recommendt Chamberlain's Cough Rantedy Rev. James A. Lewis, Milaca, Minn., writes: "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been a needed and welcome guest in our home for a number of years. I highly recommend it to mv fellows as be ing a medicine worthy of trial in cases of colds, coughs and croup." Don'' You Believe It. Give Chamberlain's Cough Heme- Some Bay that chronic constipa- dy a trial and we aro confident tion cannot be cured. Don't you you will find it very effectual and believe it. Chamberlain's Tablets continue to use it as occasion re- have cured others why not you. quires for years to come, as many Give them a trial. They cost others have done. For sale by , only a quarter. For sale by all all dealers. dealers. INLAND EMPIRE REALTY COMPANY W. T. LESTER (BURN, OREGON) J. D. McNEAL wee aeji Hullo! YOU I'KOI'J.K THAT WANT TO HKIX Inveatlgaw, ami isarn Wlio'a Who and Why. Thoro la A KKAHON-- l'euile aro faying Tho INLAND KMI'IHK KliAl.TY COMPANY, Hiinim, OPSfSa, liavo aoUl mora ruwrtio than Mil utliore- HKCAI Kli IT IS A KNOWN r Al I I.lalen toonr COMI'KTIIOHH HAVK Thou Hat your properly with penple that have allow u that tliuy know tl'i'lr unalncia lliat will do tho hiiaiuoa rig il and treat you on the eiiuare. Wo write 1'IHK INHUHANCE lor the heat Companies AM. KINDS OK I, AND HOHIPT FOB BALK attend to all kind of laud muttora JUST AS IT H1IOU l.D lili DON I., Write or call and eeo ua Do IT NC W Burns Meat Market H. J. HANSEN, Proprietor Beef, Pork, Veal, Mutton, Sasuage, Bolonga, Headcheese and Weinerworst, E . Wholesale and Retail Prompt and Satisfactory Service Your P.ttronge Solicited and Orders Given Quick Attention Prescriptions Carefully Compounded V. MEANS EVERYTHING To the Doctor and his Patient. That is why the Doctor gets the result he expected when he wrote the prescrip tion why the patient gets the results from the medicine which the Doctor expected. Such results are obtained from prescriptions when filled at our store, for we always have a competent man in charge of this department. THE WELCOME, PHARMACY J. C. WELCOME, Jr., Prop.