iiMMV - SaBS LATEST DEVE0P1ENT LEAGUE NOTES (From Our Portland Corrttpontloiit I Field demonstration work by Oregon Agriculture College, widening the usefulness of that institution greatly, will be real ised to a much larger extent than has hitherto been possible if Senate bill No. 72 is passed by the Legislature. This measure provides for the appropriation of money by the state and counties to carry on co-operative field demonstration work among the farmers themselves. The bill was drawn bv the Cen tral Oregon Development league and the Oregon State Bankers' Association agricultural commit tee. It provides for a well or ganized system of field work. conducted by experts under the direction of the O. A. C. The demonstrations in agriculture will be given in different parts of the state and the plan is what might be called a system of trav eling agricultural schools. There is found to be need for this work, particularly in the newer sections of the state where settlers are flocking in and tak ing land. They must be given start in the proper agricultural methods suited to the country if they are to prosper, and dem onstration work by the state college will do this and do it right. The plan of the bill is extremely practical, meaning to place the demonstration work right out among the farmers so they will not have to waste valuabe time in visiting some far point. It is thought friends of the agricultur al interests of the state will rally to the support of the bill in the Legislature and secure its passage. Value of Feeding The Lend No open-minded person who makes an honest investigation of the subject of soils and crops can deny that the farmer is operating a wonderful chemical and biolo gical laboratory, the processes of which are coming to be fairly well understood. An Illinois Farmers' Institute Bulletin says: One of the fundamental truths that has been thoroughly estab lished is that "crops are not made out of nothing," but that certain chemical elements are necessary to the growth of crops as are heat and light, that some of these elements must be fed to the plants through the soil (the lab oratory) and that the farmer (the chemist) through the art and science of agriculture, must provide the food and prepare his soil for putting it into proper solution. Of course, the land must be well drained, because too much water dilutes the plant-food solu tion, cools the soil and prevents aeration. Active organic matter must now be supplied as it is the life of the soil, making the chem ical changes necessary and pro viding the medium for the devel opment of the necessary bacteria life, because no matter how large the quantities of all the elements of plant-food the soil may con tain, or which may be applied in an inert form, plants cannot use them until the chemical changes brought about by these bactera take place. The continuous cropping of land for sixty or more years, together with the removal of all crop re sidues has depleted the soil or ganic matter, both active and in active, while the natural deposits . I I ; . . . i II i t 1 . . a-A . . , , I j . I I 1 ft . I 1 I . , . rii . "i uillf ttvc ir.tv urn mi" nil The present year is likelv t , .. , T . .. ' .ii'ioii nr li'iv.i icixiiii'i tn tni witness the completion of another j . , . . railroad across the eastern half of the state. The Oregon East ern oeing ouiii ironi aie west ward to Dog Mountain, MO miles, is progressing favorably and rail road men say they will complete the construction for this distance within the year. Dog Mountain is near Burns and it is expected the line will then be extended to a connection with the Southern Pacific Natron-KIamath road now being built. 1 lower lands by erosion, henet even where soils are not acid. ; the application of ground lime- i stone is neeueu 10 Hasten mu muv ution of the mineral elements of plant food, phosphorus, potassium iron, sulphur. If the soil is acid. the application of limestone is absolutely necessary to profitable crop production, as bacteria can not flourish in a soil where there is no free carbonate of lime. If lime is needed nothing else will take its place and there can be To see the legislative wheels; no high state of fertility without go around, a number of delegates free carbonate of lime and to the recent Oregon Irrigation j humus. Congress were passengers on a ! Where fine ground natural special train that carried them limestone is applied to the soil it to Salem for the opening of the j does not attack any of the ele session and later they visited the I mL.nts of the soil, but the acids state institutions atCorvallis and Eugene. The Irrigation Con gress was notable as being the most important gathering of irri gationists ever held in this state, and the visit of the delegates to the capital was full of interest. Memorials to Congress on im portant subjects have been pre pared by the Oregon Legislature. One asks for appropriations for the improvement of Tillamook, Yaquina and Coos bays. Another memorial asks for the protection of migratory garhe birds and an other suggests a federal law to curb the divorce evil. The Russell Sage Foundation has probed the Dublic school sys tems of all the states and finds Oregon ranks 15th in efficiency among the 48 commonwealths of the nation. This state, ho we sir, is found to stand first in point of attendance. The percentage be-87.8. in the soil attack the particles of stone and become neutralized, the soil is sweetened and the bacteria can work, this has the effect of floculating clay soils, black of yellow, making them mellow, crumbly, admitting the air, allowing the fertility brought to the surface from the subsoil by evaporation and plant growth, to be leached back into the sur face six or seven inches of soil for use in crop rotation. Lime is absolutely necessary to the formation of humus as well as its retention; it has been known and used in various forms, agriculturally, for more than 2,000 years, but the manufacture of co-called complete fertilizers has operated against its use as well as the economical use of natural mineral plant-foods. Urges Better Care And Breeding of The Cows Damage Done By Cut Worms Much damage to young or chards is done by climbing cut worms. These insects eat the buds and young foliage only dur ing the night time. During the day they hide at the base of the tree, going down a few inches into the soil. The Oregon Ex periment Station recommends as the best treatment for this pest to scatter poisoned bait, a spoon ful to a tree. This is made by mixing dry one pound of paris green to twenty pounds of bran, then adding one or two quarts of molnsser, and if possible the same amount of old beer. Work up with en iugh water to make I stifl mash before placing over the orchard. Do not let the chickens have access to this poisoned bran. As a supplement to this treat ment spray the trees with bor deaux mixture made as follews: Five pounds of bluestone dis solved in 25 gallons of water and 5 pounds of lime slaked in 25 gallons of water. Mix the two. The same scheme of treatment will answer for the garden cut worms. If t lie poisoned bait be distributed before you set your plants or sow your seed you can work out the cut worms from the garden. After the plants have come up the bordeaux spray will help to protect them. Tying bands of cotton around the tree trunks, or painting with tanglefoot or axle grease, or fast ening colars of tin or paper around the trunks are remedies that will not answer for our climbing cutworms. There are several other insects which feed on buds, foliage and garden pro duce which may not be killed by this treatment. Notice of 1 ilial S.-lllrlTlrnl. Notice, is hereby iii-u Unit the iimler tlgnfd executor til the laat will nml tcatainenl nndeal iteof I Ireen Hinliprnili liiT.ix'il I as Bled W tli the County t'oin t ol' the Stati- I Oregon, tut liar County, hii dull ecriflvd ttnl nivitint. ebf law ii'iiiiml, anil that tliemiitl iiinnl v ''mil t ll.i Appointed the l.'.lll day ill IVIii uarv 1 1 : t . ill the hunt of ltl o'clock A. M. of Hunt iluv, at the C urt him f fHiii coii n i v, iii Barm, Oregon, ns the tunc unit pi ice for the hearing of objections to Haiil final account atnl the settlement thereof, Any anil all kthuiis having objection thereto must tile the HUM nitli the clerk of sun court oil or before the sunt day of hearing. ROBBBTM UDPUTH, Kxeciitor of the last will and teiln incut anil estate of limn lluils-K-ath, deceased. It i i n . Oregon, January 6, I '.MM. '.i IS NOTICE OF CONTEST. UatvH Htatkh l.ANbOrrii-K BorOl, 'Mi-nun. January in, till. I To l.uuia 1'. Itritvin of unknown aililrrs. C'on- leetee You re ticn-li) hullfleil 1 1ml Charles I. Ksy, wliu XI wp Hun." llrvK'ia, aa his h.i uuli ' sit itr.M. .11.1 mi January I'.. 1V1.I, file III this olnre hlsituly i-urruburatnl application to con. teat ami seeur lb aui'rllatlnii uf jour Home Head, Kntry Hcrlal No Oltft, iua.tr March IW. lor III.' .NW. at Hertlul, 12. town Summons. J n the Circuit Court M the State ( Oregon for Harney County. I fla Millin, I'lniiltill ftt C.J. Millar, defendant. To C.J. Millar, the aborr named de fcnilnnt: In the name of the State of Oregon, you aie hereby required to appear nml anwer the complaint filed again! you in the above entitled int on or before the last day of the time lircsciibed in the order of publication of this summons, to wit: on or before the '.'4th day of February 1913, mid date Iving the eipiratiod of sin weeks from the lust publication of tins tummona, and if you fail to nppenr ami answer, for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the court for the relic! demanded in the complaint, to wit: For a decree dia solving the bunde of matrimony dieting Iwlwecn plain! iff and defendant, and for cost! and ilialuiiseineiils of suit Tin summons i published by order of Hon. Grant Thompson, Judge of the County Court of Harney County, Ore gon, i nude and entered on the 81 h day of January IBI.'I, and the date of the fret publication of this summon is January 11, 1913. U. A. Hi: MHO I.I i, 9-16 Attorney of plaintiff. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice i hereby given that the under signed nduiinietrator of the eelate of Julia lludsK-Hth, ilecreaeed has Bled with the County Court of tin State of Oregon, for Harney County, hi duly verified final account, aa by law required, and that the said county court hu appointed the 16th day of February 1913, at I he hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, at the court house, of I county, in Munis, Oregon, a ihe time and place (or the heating of objection to mid final Mceoiiiit and the settlement thereof; Any and all person having objections thereto must file the same with the clerk of said court on ur befon t lie- said da v of bearing. KOIIBKT N. HtlliSI'i-A I II. Administrator of the estate of Julia Hudspralb, deceased. Hums, Oregon January 'It It, lill.'l. via E. MURRAY Public Stenographer Ton-warns Bid-., Hums M. A. BIGGS Attorney at taw Voeglly Bldg., Hums, Oregon Petitoon for Liquor License. We the undersigned legal voter of Ilarnman Precinct, Harney dainty, State of Oregon, respectfully petition the Honorable County Court Harney County Oregon, to grant a lietflM to Price Cochran to sell BpMtom, Malt and Vinous Liquors in less quantities than one gallon in Ilarrimnti precinct Harney County, Stale of Oregon, lor a period of six months, us in duty bound we will ever pray. Names Names B. J. Clur, Oeo. B. Parker, 0, I. I.ee, H. Denman, K. C. Hcin, II. ( . Albret top, T. C. Albretton, 0. H. Fredrick, T. M. Miller, A. Bergeron, liiniimC l.ihby, J. W. Carpenter, J. L. Kellogg, I' F. Heini, A. Brock, T. R, ( lark, 1. II. Olart T. M. Fitchet, J. II. I'oughcrty, A. S. Graham, Jerry 1'illon Jr. W. II. Thim- enes, Chas. Banning, L. L, Vanllorn, F. A. Horn, A. Petersen, Peter I'rfer. Notice is hereby given that on Wed nesday the 5th day ot March lUl.'Itlic undersigned will apply to the llonora ble County Conut of llariu-y County State of Oregon, for the License men tioned iu the above petition. 1'KICIi COCHRAN. BO YEARS-EXPERIENCE I2SE3H Thadc Marks DCftlGNS COPVRIQMT AC. Anyone sandlntf a s-l h arid tldtjcrh-iloii in a 7 asclr aaaartaln par opinion fraa iith.-r an IfMilon is irutin,lj patentable, 4 muniuitira. uuuiatnoiir iinnntn iti 1 ikoho". on rkimiis 1 iraa. uiassi iuih 7 for 1 III Hi, 1 .1 .11 - '.. I ffi In Patent t taken lb rough Munn A i v. ini'lvn eyaatav noiU4, witnoui cnerue, in 11m Scientific American A aaadaofualf Ulaatratu'l weekly HlMifr Of arir evlatiitifli: louri.ul i four rauo'ltkli Bold by all M-wal,itlfi o""' new Tort 1. ar l. waanuufiob. u. u. W& lru)t clr Uia. f.l A Better care and breeding would greatly increase the present out put of dairy products without even increasing the number of cows," said E. R. Stockwell of the dairy department of the Or egon Agricultural College very recently. "The direct loss is not only loss in the use of inferior sires, the off-spring of such siren will continue to be inferior from one generation to the other. The solution to the problem is to get good sires and then test their progeny and thus weed out all which do not come up to the pro per standard. "The dairyman who has a large herd can well afford to in vest in a good sire. It is esti mated that the improvement in Bix heifer calves will pay the cost of an average good dairy sire. The small farmer, how ever, is confronted with the diffi culty of making the investment, but this should be done through co-operation. "Communities where the small dairies are maintained should purchase a sire as a community animal. Some of the southern states are doing this now with good success. They maintain a bire in such communities for two years and then exchange for the better. In this way the expense is kept down to the minimum. I believe strongly in the commun ity in operative system of breed ing in dairy districts." ale . Koath, Itange 19 Vast, Willamette Marl Hull, am' mm fc-roiihiis tor til euuleal he atlese that aatit LOUIS I' llrown haa wholly atianilon etl aalil linil fur inure than ilx miiiitlia lait paal, at it lina Refer Sattled reil'h-il upun or cultivate) lane You ar.-, llii-ri-liiri-. turtlii-r iiiillnail thai ttie sahl ftllfittntloiia will be taken l.y tlila office a having- been cmfeaaoil by you, atnl your entry will tie eaiiei-le.l iherenniler without your fur ther right to be lu-aril therein, either before tlila orti. e or on H,enl, II you fa'l to die In thla oflleii within twenty 'lata alter Ihe POt'KTII publication of 1I1I- notice, aa ahown below, foaranawer uinli-r oalli, apucirii-Bltj meetlus ami reMiiiilug lo theao allugatljiie of contest, or If tun fall within that time lo file III thla otlli-i- ilia- proof that you have aerved a uopy ol your soever on the aalil eoiileatant i -liber In peraon or by regmli-re'l mall. It thla service Is lililu by ttie ilellvery of a ropi of your hawer to Ho- i-oi.lea'nnl In person, proof of aueli aer Vleemiut be eh In-rt he aalil eonteatarit's written aeklinwb-ilg lit of bis receipt of Ihe ropy, plum in,- tin- ilali of lot re ill. I. or the affidavit of the peraon l vboea t lie ifollvery waa tuaile atstltig vibeti ami uhere tbeeopy was deliver -I. if bumis i'i lesrletared mail, proof of ueb aervb s raasl nuiNlat of the aitblavlt of the per aon by whom the ropy waa mailed, and this affidavit iniiat be soeompeBfeq by th poal inaaler'i rei-el'lt lor tin- latter. You Nboul'l ptat'- In lour aiiMWer the name of the poat ..(I...- to iv Ji Ich roe ili-alre fti.ure noil. , - to l- at lit to oii. Wh. I a ii .i : . Beglater. Hate of iir-t publication January l, 1VIS. Date of i-iotid I'libllt-fttloii January 'ii, lulll. Hal" of itni.l i.iii.lh atioii Kebrusrr I, 'i:i. Llc'.-J -' fourth j.unllralloli February H, ly8. EfOTIOl COR PUBLIC ATIOM llNITgU'TaTSS I.AHU tirrtc. I I'.iiii.p. Oregon, ii-i-i-iiil,i-r I, lil.'t Holies In hereby given thai Mry K. I liiirman. Mury K l.ueaa. of llarrliuan. Oregon. who on Man-b '., I tp,, iiih-Ii- II omeatead Kulry Jii7 Horlnl No int. I, forlH'., HI-.';. hW,, Notice of Final Settlemeal. Notice i hereby given that the uiulei ttgneil nditiitiiatiator of the Instate ol ida I. Miller, dect-ased. ha filed hi rt il .ii. ii mil tit Ina .nliiiiiuttiation of Haul entnle with the clerk of the County Cotrrt ol the State ol Oregon, for Harney ConntV, ai d tlmt aattl court Ilea iitriile .in Hiiler a'itiiniiug Saturduy, tin- ISth lay of February, 1818, at (he bout ol tea o'cltjcs A. M, of aitid day, at the court room in the t'ounty Court House iu Mm n, Harney County, Oregon, a the time ami place lor the hearing of oh jrrtion to aanl final account and the ettlemeiit thereof. All persons interested iu suid ralule nntl having objection to auiil lliinl ac count or .my part or item thereof are hereby notified topresrut said objection and Die the same with the clerk ol said court on ot before saitl time. Hated this Wth day of Janaury. IUIS. CHAKI.HH T. MILLliK, J S C(K)K, Administrator Attorney 11-13 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UNITKIIHTATKH I.ANDorrif'B. I Hum Oregon, Deceoibsr 4, iVlXI Nullre la herein given that Mack II. Mark, of XrOlHTlRR. HAHNKY MIIMIK, NO. 77, I. o O I . Meat srsry Htur.lav III odd Kidlaw Mall SI 7.. 'Hip III. I . H Hprp'il', W. W II. nil. I, Hecrclaiy N. II. Ie"'" "ork aa follow" hlral Naturday I til tlstnry. aeiotid Haliirda), Klial Hegren; Ihlnl Natunlav, Htiitunl Degree; tiillrlh Halurday, Third degree. HKNHI.OIKIK NO. 7, A. K. A St., Meets every flrt ud third Httirdy In i-pi-h month. ). h.ilaull, W M Ham Molhirptiead. Heerelarv. M JIIKKN WOOIIMKNOI AMKItli-A tests every senona ami foiiitli Friday even lug st I. O.K. K. Mall, all nelgkbora Invited New appllealita will reeelve eoiirtetiua treat nstl,.. M A Itlgga, V iv VY T, l.pler. I l.-rl BURN" I'll A l-l'KH NO. 40, O. K H. Heels every second sud fusrtli Monday, Iu Maaolil. Mall f rankle Welcome, W. M K.lla Bweek, Heeretary. VLVIA KKHKKAII IIKUKKK No.Sl. Msetasvsry 1st slid Hd Wednesday. Hi rill., liaiion Madge Leonard. Her Hee'v. Tlll.et'lKri.K No. I'.',. W. of W. Meat every fourth lutaday. Maud II, mi. !.. (I. M. Healer iloudmau. IMork. "f Hi 'I AI. IHIiK. T.UIV STATB OSSOOS; tlH.Hsnstora IJnllalhsn Hour ne Jr. lib " K'l hambftrlaln . W II I- ll.K .. -- " t.ongr men A I It r lie ) I lene I a I ilovernor rlecrelgry ol hi.i. Ireaaurer Ulpl. I'lllille liiplrui-tioi'.. Hlate I'rllila I -ilpi.-mr Judg.a w Hawlei A. M. i tawl'.r.l Oawsld Weal i Iteuaon T.H.Ksy I. K. Alderman W M Hulilway i Kohl Kaklli I I M. 111!.!' . ' He.. II II. ill., II I. i r. a. ii.-.. . Moore NINTH JIUilt IAI. IIIMTHICT. '''strict Judge liallou gga ''e'rVIAIIorusy J W Mel , II "h Deputy lllat Att, , ,, , ...,,) llrtull l oiirl meets Hie Aral Monday In April and aral Moliilat Iu ilnol,,., lolm Ken.to, , w ,,.,, fetal ar.ii-a uia'H.' .-. II Urouke i'"i" iiikpti: OUIil) In I,, i,ik I'resstirer lit V.-I.M berirl It IliMil hup'-i.i'l, ,.,l,.,l l orouer iloek Inapt-dor i 'omniiaafoliera t'ounty Court in. Jaiiiiat). Match N-.vt -ii -. i 'rani I iionipp,'!' K. II Water. Hill, on .e HIP ' i piii k I. Ouwalt A K. Ill hanlaoi. J. J. I 'tttlegail I. M Ham I J W i.eary John lt..l.i I,-..,. . r. eylveaier t' a ei'tvin p i ii iimi iv earn sdaj n, -May. Jul). Mepleml,,.' ajajj THE NVMBOL ss-e-.- " wsm- PBOPE88IONAL CAR I is or WFKVICE You Should Employ This Symbol Aa WHEN TRAVELING V Betwaeti OtntMl Oragon mid Port4aod, becaiiHf of 1 1 - THROUGH SERVICE Itflui'iii li ill Ifintl r.'iioiii.i nml Sfllttlf. l.t'OIIIIHf! (if a. aa ---..-. .. .. the four Hpli'inlidly equipped trains Nt-fl Klyef, Owl, I'nget Sound Bxpran and Bhaata Limited 1'' Luxe Detwoto OtafOB and the I0u.nt, becauae of three solid traiiw daily in eftofa direction O.-W. Limited and Portland l Puget Mound Bxpreea to Dbhtw, Omab-, ObitMegO, Khdhiih City and nil points Kant: and bbe BOO -Spokane Train De Luxe tst. Paul and Minneapolis. Iti A Pleasant Duty To Answer Question. H. BAKOUL, Afft, O. W. R. k N. Redmond, Ore. MARSDEf. a GRIFFITH I'hyelclari ami Sargaons III1MN. (HOC HON TIUSON HARRISON M. B , M. I. OSlre Hcromi; floor Tltnea-Henilil ft Id. Knlrsnce on Main HI reel Hum, Oregon J. LU. CBAtY riirslclnn nml SiirKerni. IluriiH, - - - Oregon. Office in new building sonlii ol U . i harness shop, Mnin HI. 'Phono Main Kf. .ma k I). BURROW M. I). Physician and Sergwn Office at Jorenen ItldK., .vinin Calls attended Night or Day St. I). E. HIBBARD DB3STTIST firat il'Kir t-at photo gallery Horn". Ori'Kon. WHY NOT MAKE $200. A MONTH - That's 60.00 a Weak, almost .Q.00 a Pay NllllK Vlclo. flafi ami Bf liroof boirl to merohanle. doctora, lawrcrs, dnUsU and Wtll to tlofarmrrr'.all of Whom rmllwtlir i;vt of a attf--, ttui do rid know how may Itlstoown one .Mitlrsjinrh tlrolartt our propo-ltloii ona of tli Isfsjt. ri.-aii cut niont-y making: ooooriniil- tlaa r r-oclvvd. Without pnvloua r i rl- duulloatn tl.r siM-t-t'B ololuvra. Our hatitlaotne) lllustrateHl SUO Ma ratalog once VOU oah duulloatn tha nicnii t will Ptiable you to Dreamt the subject to ma We fafor oulj one lomrri in aa Inlert'-tliiir, manner aa though you werw piloting th.m through our faotory. Ren UMliM l . i - .!-. -int Hial rii.-IUniei for aelUliaf J.fr St. arlitllir airani' ii inenv sas v mw - ...... . ..---- -. , . . . , run viiiftng talking points which It Is impossible for a proepeeMvr customer to deny J hy ii"N i TOU be Hi nrsi 10 apmy irons juur u.iuy i-ium uui -wuv i.-.- a ' ilv w-sewei salesman out ui eavu juwin-. i ne tn anniTcr-ary ti ou r company waa i elabrated by eracftng the most modern safe factory in tb world. Wldkt awaka man ho recelred our special aalllug Inducement, rendered ltiiercaaary tothiubla our output. Wi ar aitenulng many thuuaainU f dollars en larging our aalea 4irganlxatlon, but tolacm all pari'culara. It will cost you ooly the prloa of a postal card HAHrtev i n i.hi 'on : si listi r llllM. . ii i s-.iiit. aim, wii .iuuoii w, lajn ry MO .. Hrrlal No. 44 for NK'. Hertliin .'M. Towuahlp AHoufh. Haiiga i.-'l.' Homestead entry No. 3.-M, Kerlal 1 r.'t,AillBiiieiii Marlillau. has (lied notlre of Intention to make final five rar Proof, to establish claim to Ilia land above daecrl bad, Ircforo Dm H.isiir and Heealwr, al Hums iin-aou, ..n tin nil Ii lay of January, 141.1 ('lalntaut names aa wlteeiaca: WUher W Warner, Krauk Lucas, Mary K Thurmau. Koy I hurman, all of llarrlmau, Ori goo. WS. l-tHHK IC.K1-te r. AegiBter U-alver Mayor. tin iifiii, Ireaaurcr -aralial. W in liui' i-ratik liavey IT. hi upen ,0, I 'lllllll lilt I I Matting ul the t'ouncil ruurtl. Wi.to.-.i W. c'U'Vciiger . A. M. HWil J. f W i ii mil- Jr. ..H I.. Ilalnrs HI llltU.W-11 j A, I Welcome . It I M. Kin ii. .it r,tT) Hrt'tHtilfaml an ":'jyvtH. .v-, .'"- ' '" '-:' m&l Our New Ham. W. C. BROWN, DENTIST. Bnaas, Okktion Office riMiu.s R antl I MssWlih BalldlM DENMAN & DENMAN, Phys clans and Surgeons fall answt-TM.1 promptly nilit or ilsv 'I'hone ll.irriiiian Harriman, Oregon Dt- Minnij Hand Physician and Surgeon IMrect Telephone fOE-ai Hun Lawen. Ore. Caasolly 10,000 Salaa Annually. Atk for Cataic.ua 16 T. THE VICTOR SAFE & LOCK CO. CIIICIIIII.TI, OHIO uimin;iii;:n:i:n.'i!i;:::i:!iiiiin:iiiiimui Mrs. Grace B. McHose TPACHEK Voice and Piano Method tis.il In Ciacioiatti Coastrvalory of Nnic KasiUence Studio JnU Uoor uet I'rc-ih.vtcrlaii Church .txtv. :ttinui..::i:mitttiununtt:t!nriii Sumpter Valley Railway Co. ri.Mi; iaiii.k no. ii in JUNK It, IHOn. KKurr West II I No 1 i'aa a in. No. 2 9:0 Lv Halter Oily Bt " South liak.-r 0:68 '' Salisbury t 10:04 " IM'kliarlt IU ii, " Tliompeoiif 10:17 " Stu.lilaril .luri. tit.i.t furini ri Murv r. NK'.. SK' NW4Heetittii U Towiisuln ? Houth Hange :(',. , w illamrit.- Meridian has filed nutlru of Inlfiitton lo make final flvu yaar Proof, to Mtablfsb liilin to the laml alovu de uribad, bafori lbs Bagiatfr ami Kecelvar, at IIurtiM.oriK"ti. (mi the lath day of January, IU1H Claimant iiaintsas Witnesses Mftfll If Merck, Krank l.mo, Frank .Maw man, ueorga Lunai all of llarrlinaii, Oregon. Wm Kahki, Itrglsinr. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION" UaTTTgD HTATtt Land t.rncg, Mums, Oragon, Dtotgibgr 27, 101. .Sol Ii 1 KkH, Oregon, assIkh Is here hvtft veti thai Thomas Htittun, of ii, r-)ifiii-u 01 r.'iwni w Hiiaiaiua. A'UpMir. of I'iuih hrols her, has filed In this office his Hpillt'alloii lo run i under Heellon -HJ-i , lii'Vlxed eiaiutfitot (he Hulled Mtalei. Ihe HW'4 8K',. Hue J). 'I , (. H H, 4 K W. M , Orv KOI!. Hi-fis) NO ttrlrs'l, Any and all partopl lalnilug ailvarsuly Iba lands OM-nbaa or doslrlng Ut object hauauaa of the mtiiural hsructer of thu laud or for auyollifr reaoon to Ihu disposal to applicant should Illi- tlnlr alllda. Its of protest In thla office on or l.efon- the mh dsy of February. mi, Wm. Kakkk. Hegiater First publication Jauuai II, lttJH. I.aat publication February N, hi. Take Foley Kidney Pills TONIO IN AOTION QUICK IN flMULTa Oet rid of your Deadly Kidney Ailment, that cost you a high price In endurance of pain, lose of time and money. Others have cured tuemsalvss -A KIDNEY AND BLADDER DI-HA-B8 by the prompt and timely uee of FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS. Stops BACKACHE. HEADACHE, and ALL the many other troubles that followDIEA8EDKlDNKY8 and URINARY IRREGULARITIES. I'OLEY KIDNEY PILLS will CURB any cssa of KIDNEY sn J BLADDER TROUB LE not beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine can do more. W. A. Goodman Bella Rolled Uaili-v at He Rolled Wheat at I.e. Clean MM Hurley, ljc, Good Wheut lie, ut his burn in the weat part of town. 6tf. 10:28 " 10 4 " 10:0 " 10 :M " 11:10 " 11:18 " 11:40 " NOON 12:00 ' P. M. 14 j6 " U:40 " 1:10 Ar Water Tankt Dean's Hptirt Mi I' wi-nl JUNCTION! HuonpUir JUNC'TIONI Hummitt O I, en in pi Kast Ituuml. aee p. ru. Ar ft: 0 l.v 6:i!6 " 6:00 " 4:66 ' 4:84 " 4:46 " 4:40 "4:2 " 4:S6 " 4:10 " 4:0ft " :l " :0 ':0ft : : : : LONE : - e s e e e e s e Shorte Orders and Prompt Service With Reasonable Kates Give Me A Call I e OiPtvaelle Tlsaea-aserala B-liaina e ooaaaaaaeaeeeeeeeeaaaeeae DRINKWATER & SLOCUM Horseshoeing, Blacksmithin, Wagon Work COOLEY AUiO WIATIC BRAKES Burns. Oreeon. C A. RIViSOLD Allnr 1.. .1 I .., w Purns, Or-gon suua & uczti ATTORNEYS AT ! IluriiH, llr.V'l. Kooiii (I and 7 M.in.ni. ilnildtii faun loan akty ma. la at i. .....i.al.l, rataa flHis-..8 L-aflrM Main St.. : RE8TAURANT J OHOKOli HOON Pi op. a ;Meal At All Hours. ENQINE5 b0ILR5 ttUSSEU -JIIOHGRADf MACHINERY WRITE TOR 5PEOAL CATALOG AND PRICES . THE A.H.AVERILLMACHINERVCO. 5 POKANE, VVA5M.-PORTLAND. ORt. - 5AN JOSE CAL CHARLES VY. ELLIS LAWYER Burns, - . Oregon Practices in tlie Stat,, c'o.irts aod ! lore the I,'. H. l.an.l (illi,-,-. 'hiw. II. Ixfiittx.l. ATTOKNKY- AT-l.AW, Careful atUtntion given to Collec tion and Real Kstate matters. Fire liiHiiriu. it Notary Publio Burns. ORunoN. WhitneyJ - -00 TIITONt " 2:40 Aostln " 8:10 Htop on siiiiilii only JNo agent. Tickets issued only (or stations whore triilns are scheduled to make regulsr stops. 1'aesengnrs must purobase tick ts where agents iat before eoleriog trains or 2A rents In ddltiou to the re gular fare will be charged. JOHKI'il A. VVKHT, Hupt. (iKANTOKDDKH. Asst. Hoot. m -. Star Hotel S. J. MIIIWIN II k, I'rop. NARROWS, - OMI-OON Thla will be found a desirable and hospitable atopplng place where comfort and courteous treatment are considered first Feed Barn Conducted In connection $1500 Reward! Tho Or.oii. sJ Iforiilaautl Nuvaila I i.it- .-iiifi i f itii t tloa Aaauclatluu u( which Ihe lindt r slktus-J la maniUr. Will Vivo l,UQ0 00 award for vl .i. ....... i. .-.ii.. . ... . in in r i'iiiiik( iu 4. i' (ba amis, aiidouit ; Tlotlou of any par ly or pari las ataal lug Ouraas. tatil or NIllU'S I't'lulIM ll. n an j ui na nit-Mi bars. In atldltiun iu iitu abuva, tha ui.lt-rslgui-. oitcis tba sami) i-omili lou 60 .00 for all hnrsos brandaO bursa abud bar ou bulb o althor Jaw. Miami rucoKlml In night rouniUa Hauga Harney, l-aWn and 0Mt ruiiutlaa, florae v.-litt-il whi-n sold. Nena bill grown hois, s Mold and only Iu arga bunchaa. W W.HMOWN HU-. ,ra-u. H.N.McCOMB General Itepair Shop Rear W. O. White's Shop, S. Main Street Plumbing, Pump and Wind Mill Work a Specially. BURNS MILLING CO. HORTON 6l SAYER, Propts. Rough and Dressed Lumber, Rustic. Flooring, Moulding. Finishing Lumber. Nearest Sawmill to Burns. Oood Road. Lumber Yard in Burns. A. W. COWAN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW State Courts ami United States I And Office Practice Three doors South of the Harney County National Bank Bums. Oretron. M. V. Imn.it issa, a. am. ioc. c. s It. Ii liairss aaao a. AM.alH'. c. S CCX)PER & DODGE Civil and Hydraulic Engineers Irrigation, Water Supply Sewerage, Water Power. Survey, Maps, Kstimates, Supervision BURNS. OREGON CVo To Tile I, t'. Unt.AKti Porroorlr Asst. Bueliiesr In r I Itovlamatloii s.r vice. A. O. Kaduxmim Formerly Chief Kr (Ineer ul BolM Wiatcrn Ky. WHITE FRONT LIVERY STABLE Young mule for sale Inquire at this office. Burns Sheet Metal Works Tia, Copper, Sheet Iron Work of all Vcscriptios. Camp Stove, Tanks, Jobbiaic, Plumb ing lo order, dire Me a Trial. O. W. SCHUMANN I'roorletor. Voegllv' Old Ktantl. NEW RIQS AND TEAMS 'Phone to Me for Your Doctor, ca.ls. R. J. McKINNON, Jr., Proprietor. ...... .... ........ e a e a I Cottage Inn a e iiimnjimii DiiIkM a S AH TOY, I' hi r Blue prints of any Township and rankc in Harney county correct tiov.a to date address, Burns Blue Print Co., 8tf Bums, Ore. Open For Business. Regular! Meals ut all hours. Open until 10:30 every night CALL AND SEE ME NOW liverythlriK Neat and New ; m, esse . JBURNS SANATORIUM: Mrs. w m. Cummins, IVop. Best of cure for Well furnishul a patients , .. , ..v....-, Cll'ltll llllil ,..,, r..l..l I aa oontagious cases taken. Eastern Oregon tog ineerios Company CIVIL AND IRRIGATION ENGINEER Bans, Ortxou JEAN BART BALCOWB 0a.ll ami. a. ,-. UKM A A , ASll. M. AH. I. I . a. HVDRAULIC ENUINKER Ditches, Reservoirs, Final Proof Work, Hydro-Electric Power U. S. Dep. Mineral Work Coart Work A Specialty - Kn.iiKtil In lioth I'm. iu, And -OvT Stri'stn tiu.itin ALBfcRSON - - ORBOON JOHN ROBlNtON Slock lispector, llarnev Coaal). I loim, Address - BotM. Ore JOHNUKMHKKLINf.. J " ' lft Kate Rvasonahlc ......: Heal Z e e e e e e e U, Jeweler. Optleiuit anu jj-nuitwoi'. Fine Watch Repairing A Spe cialty.