TheTimes-JIerald Mm Th Urfit Circulation Of Any Nwppr In Hrny County. SATURDAY. JANUARY IS. It IS Local News. Frank Cummins was among our visitors this weok. Born Wednesday, Jan. 22, to Mr. and Mrs. John L'ulp. a son. Wanted Position as cook or housekeeper. Address Box 37. Baled hay, Bran and all kinds of grains at The Burns Dfpt Store. Eastman Kodaks and Kodak supplies at The Welcome Pharm acy. 10 tf Bert Porter and his younger brother, Laveane, were up from Sunset this week. G. W. Clevenger can please you in wall paper. The very latest designs are on hand and a variety never before equalled, tf i W. R. Dawson and wife were in town during the week calling, upon friends and doing some shopping. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ! BURNS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $100,000. "THE BANK THAT MAKES VOUR S S S S SAFE." ACCOUNTS ' INVITED. The Ladies Aid Society of the Presbyterian Church is planning for the annual Easter Sale which will be given on Saturday, March 22nd in Mr. McCamel's offices. Tonawama Bldg. Full annoncement later. Watch for them. v Born -Friday, Jan 17, to Mr. and Mrs. Tin Gibson, on Silver Creek a daughter. Dr. Harrison, who was in attendance also re ports the birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Gibson about ten days before that date in that vic inity, of which he learned while there. The latter is a brother to I "Tin." This office is in receipt of a card from Rev. A. .1. Irwin from ( Florence Arizona, in which he states they have taken up church work there. Mr. Irwin states the town is small and his work is similar to the field work here when he first came to this field some twelve years ago. Friends ! of the family may address them there. i I'nce cocnian was in sewn hm first of this week looking after business. He contemplates open-, ing a saloon at Harriman in March and has secured the nee- j essary petition to present to the county court asking such privi lege. Price has been in such , business before and has the rcpu- j tation of conducting an orderly! house. F. E. Smith, representative of I the bonding house which was surety for C. M. Kellogg, left, here Wednesday for Canyon and other points. Mr. Smith stated he had not yet let a contract for the carrying of the mails aban doned by Mr. Kellogg but had several bids which he had under j consideration. He will confer; with people over at Canyon who, desire to bid on the contract. GROCERIES Our Stock is now complete. Come in and see how far you can make a dollar go in our grocery department. Try it! Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Coats, Mittens, Stockings, Underwear, Etc. L SCHWARTZ - General Merchandise - Hasonlc Building. Your Opportunity To Take Advantage Of Our Special Feature Now In Operation-That of Banking by Mail Is At Your Service-Use It Safe - Satisfactory - Secure With The FIRST NATIONAL BANK BURNS, HARNEY CO., ORE. Use Nyals Rheumatic Remedy. The Burns Ice Co. is not going to put up any ice and takes this means of letting their patrons know. Chauncy Cummins has been over from Westfall during the week looking after business matters. Rolled wheat is the milk and egg producer try it. Better and cheaper than bran. Sold by W. A. Gdman. Phone him your order. We receive a little more snow almost every day, it being much deeper than for some time during the winters. We will not com plain at snow as it is what makes the grain and grass grow. FREE DELIVERY Ry N. Brown & Sons Send in your mail orders for Clothing, Furnishing goods, Dry goods, Dress goods. Boots and Shoes or any thing in the above departments to Brown's Satisfac tory Store. All orders for above goods will be delivered free to any Post office in Harney County. S Judge Miller telephoned in from Riley this morning to the effect that himself and several other Burns people who had been held up at Bend on account of the heavy snow, were that far on their way home. Quite a num ber of Burns people are return ing from Portland and other out side points, but we did not learn all who were in the party ai Riley. Burns, Oregon Mr. and Mrs. Charles Unlet are up from UrWtB today. Try Nyals Family medicine at The Welome Pharmacy. 10 tf A. S. Swain and daughter. Miss Helene.came up from Lawen yesterday. Lena Harkey warns people with guns to keep oil her pre mises or they will be prosecut ed, tf C. A. Haines come up from Narrows yestrrday to look after business and visit his daughter who is attending school. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BURNS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS SI 00,000. "THE BANK THAT MAKES YOUR SAFE." ACCOUNTS INVITED. See J. I. Cavendor at the old stand all kinds of second hand goods bought and sold. Same good bargains on hand now. Ceorge James and Roland Han kins were down from their homes near Harney Tuesday with a load of apples from their orchards which they disposed of. If you have anything to auction see C. P. Lloyd at Allen Jones' place. He can be reached by phone. Auctions held on Satur day when anything is on hand for sale. J. Ferrigan was brought up from Narrows the fore part of this week suffering from pne umonia. He is in a very critical condition at the Burns Sanatori um. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dunn, aged two years, died at the family home near Narrows on Sunday and was buried in the Burns cemetery on Tuesday afternoon, Rev. Dr. Babbidge of the Presbyterian church conducting the funeral service at the grave. We did not learn the cause of death. The bereaved parent! and rela tives have the sympathy of a wide circle of friends. How Much Will You Give? During the month of February, we will contribute Five Per Cent of all our CASH SALES towards a fund to assist the unfornate Mr. Wm. Carroll, an old settler of Calow Valley, to purchase arti ficial legs with. Mr. Carrol re cently met with a sad accident which deprived him of these limbs and now needs help. Are you with us? Get busy! Every leash purchase made here means juBt so much more in Mr. Car roll's pocket, and will be a cher ished gift you will nt'ver miss. -N. BROWN & SONS. Ira Mahon was married in Portland last Sunday to Miss Verda Wells and is expected here soon with his bride. They will make their home on the Cow Creek ranch. The bride is a cousin of Mrs. John Robinson of this city and visits! lure a year ago last fall with lui mother. She is an accomplished young lady and made many friends while in this city. Ira in associat ed with his father, James F. Mahon, m the stock business and they own valuable tracts of agri cultural land as well as stock ranches. The Times-Herald joins a host of friends in extending best wishee for a happy life. Use Nyals Stone Root Comp. for the kidneys. 10 tf Picturni tonifht at Tonawama. Four reals in all two good com diet special price, 10 ann ISc. Use Nyals Cough medicine for baby's cough. . 10 tf Fresh home made lard 17c. at Hansen's Meat Market. tf Walter Hoddor and wife were among those up from Sunset his week. LTho stages are making better time since the snow is settled and the roads broken some. Dr. Burrow has fitted up offices in the Jorgenson building where he may be found day or night. Hagey & Lundy chattels, small loans, acreage city property. In I. O. O. F. Bldg, Burns, Oregon. Pure bred young Barred Rock Cocherels. a new strain, for sale. Chas. Wilson. 10 tf. Fred Johnson, the drug man, is in the city from Baker calling on the trade and visiting his many friends. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OP BURNS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $100,000. "THE BANK THAT MAKES YOUR SAFE." ACCOUNTS INVITED. Work in First Degree at the Mnsonic lodge on Saturday even ing, Feb. 1. Visiting members of the order cordially invited to attend. A. K. Murphy was ip from his Iron Mountain home this week. He invited The Times-Herald man to come out and get warm, the weather being quite mild in his neighborhood. Vera Welker will take orders for masquerade costumes for the 14th of February dance. Orders must be in by the 1st of the month to guarantee their arrival in time for the dance. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kd Kgli has been quite sick with whooping cough but is re ported better this morning. Ed. came in from the ranch on learn ing of his daughter's illness. The "Darktown Minstrels" lasted but one night at Tonawama They were not as good an aggre gation as has been seen in these parts but were not really expect ed to be high class. Your order must be in early if you want a Ford Car this year. Only 200,000 to be manufactured for 1!)13 and one half of them already sold. Exclusive Agents for Harney Co., BURNS OARAGE, l'Kf Burns, Oregon. FREE DELIVERY By N. Brown & Sons Send in your mail orders for Clothing, Furnishing goods, Dry goods, Dress Goods, Boots and Shoes or any thing in the above departments to Brown's Satisfac tory Store. All orders for above goods will be delivered free to anv Post office in Harney County. C. A. Dc Forest, a resident of Silver Creek but who has been working in the" lumber camps over at Austin, has just come in from that point. He reports the snow very deep in that region, being 48 inches at Whitney, 40 inches above Austin and 26 at the latter place. Mr. DeForest states that David Eccles' son is now in charge of the vast in terests of his late father and that he is a very progiessive young man, up to date in busi ness methods and has made some decidedly advantageous changes in things. He is reported to have said the Sumpter Valley would be in readiness to start work on the extension to Burns in the spring. Died Mamie Isola, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Stoy, on Monday night, Jan. 20. It was a very sad death, the little one had been seemingly in good health when they retired for the night and during the night had become fretful and the young mother gave her a dose of Cas toria and laid her across her breast. Upon awakening later the child was found to be dead. The young people were on their homestead near Venator and somewhat isolated from any neighbors and the bereaved mother had to wash and dress the body without aid, her hus band going to a neighbor to se cure a team and they left at once for Burnt, arriving here about 6 o'clock Wednesday morning. The funeral was held Thursday afternoon, Dr. Babbidge conduct ing the service at the grave. Mrs. Stoy is the youngest daugh ter of Mrs. Winters and her little one was but four months old. Dr. Harrison was called to diag nose the cuuse of death after the body was brought here and is of the opinion it was heart failure. The bereaved ones have the sym pathy of many friends in this section. Mrs. E. W. VanValkenburg was brought in from Silver Creek quite til Thursday. Walter Parker came In yester day from his home at Paisley. He reports the family well. Five fine new reels of pictun k for the program tomorrow niKht at Tonawama. Usual pric. .;. I will pay no note drawn by me to J. W. Loo, as sri'd note have been paid for some time. M. R. Alberson, 8 10. Henry Eichner at Harney Ore gon, is prepared to do all kinds of rag carpet and rug weaving at 33H cents per yard and furnish the warp. 4tf Pictures tonight at Tonawama. Three reels. One industrial and educational reel, a flying machine that will please the children and a comedy. Prices 10 and 15 cents. Remember the mid-week pic ture program at Tonawama on Wednesday evening. A good program has been received for that night with some comedy that is sure to please patronB. Admission 10 and 15 cents. R. A. Calvert, a recent arrival from Kansas, came in this week from Ontario for the purpose of looking over the country. He intends returning to Ontario where he is stopping temporarily but thinks of coming to this section in the spring. Through the courtesy of Pho tographer Heck. The Ladies Af ternoon Club have 200 of the "Booster Cards" with a fine pho tograph of the Public School building, which will be on sale at the gallery all day Saturday Feb. 1st For the benefit of the school children they will be sold 2 for 15 eta as long as they last. Senator Stewart writeB this office that the first bill to pass the senate was one preventing the deduction for grain sacks by purchasers and he succeeded in securing an amendment includ ing wool sacks. This he explains will result in a saving of $05,000 to the wool men of the state basing the sales at twenty million pounds per year. The senator is well pleased with his committee assignments as most of the bills that in any wise afreet Eastern Oregon must necessarily come to one of his committees. He has asked that his constituents in this district feel at liberty to write him at any time during the session in regard to any matters in which they ure interested. The masked ball given by the Tonawama Band last night was a success and largely attended. The affair was entirely in the hands of the band boys and the people of Burns had an opportuni ty to contribute in a substantial way toward the organization and they responded. The boys have been giving us some good music all during the season and have been making their own way. not asking any contributions from the business men but giving value received for every enterain ment or concert The prizes were awarded to Miss Ella Crow ley as "Soubrette," and D. D. Van OLinda as "Faust," the best costumed couple; Glen Clemens, representing "Schlitz," and Miss Ethel Haines as a "negro mamy," were awarded the prizes for the most grotesque characters. The band played for the entire dance and delight ed the large crowd with the music which was un additional attraction to the masquerade. There were several good charact ers represented, among them being somu ladies who dressed as men, imitating some of the characters around town to good advantage and fooling all those present. Commendable Charity. The Times-Herald wishes to call attention to the ad of N. Brown & Sons in this issue and the splendid spirit shown in as sisting an unfortunate man who needs aid. That firm is going to give five per cent of its cash busi ness next month toward assisting William Carroll, who lost both feet recently to secure artificial feet and pay his doctor. Should the firm do $1000 worth of busi ness during February $50 would thuB go to Mr. Carroll. It is a spirit that should be followed by others. In connection with this we might Bay in passing the Tona wama management has tendered the house at some time in the near future for a benefit of Mr. Carroll to be used for the same inn-pose. Just when this benefit will be given has not been de cided by those having it in mind. Harry Smith has taken active charge of the proposed benefit and contemplates a dance. The date will be announced later. S. W. Hamilton was over from Drewsey during the week. How Much Will You Give! During the month of February, we will contribute Five Per Cent of all our CASH SALES towards a fund to assist the unfortunate Mr. Wm. Carroll, an old settlei of Cat low Vallev, to purchase ar tificial legs with. Mr. Carroll re cently mft with a sad accident which deprived him of these limbs and now needs help. Are you with us? Get busy! Every cash purchase made here means just that much more in Mr. Car roll's pocket, and will be a cher ished gift you never will miss. -N. BROWN & SONS. Tonawama Ptctures. An exceptional selection of pic tures have been secured for To nawnma tonight and tomorrow night. "Jack and Jingles," the story of a little newsboy and his dog, will be particularly pleasing for the children tonight as well as an industrial and educational reel, "Winter Logging in Main." A wonderfully interesting film is an air ship flying over New York and out over the water. This will not only interest the children but all who are present. Tomorrow night a strong pict ure is entitled "Sheriff Jim's Last Shot," one of those active, strenuous Vitagraph films that show so many of the well known players that have become fami liar to the patrons of the houBe. Two very funny comedies will also make a part of the program with two excellent dramas, mak ing in all 5000 feet of film for the Sunday night patrons. All are good. Three reels will be placed on the serene Wednesday night which will be very attractive. Some comedy that is advertised as being a sure cure for the blues as well as scenic and drama. Don't forget the mid-week per formance as the management in tends making this attractive and worth while- the usual policy of the house the best to be had Prominent Law Firm Makes Business Change i McCullough & Eckhardt is the new firm of attorneys, who have taken over the practice of Mc Culloch, Soliss & Duncan. Mr. Duncan will devote his attention to the abstract business, which he purchased a short time ago from C. C. Muller, at Vale. Mr. Soliss has not decided on his fut ure location. Mr. Eckhardt, the new member of the firm has been with them some time as assistant and is thoroughly fam ilar with the needs of the clients. The offices have been newly fitted up ami they now have the largest law library between Bak er and Boise, over 1000 volums. Mr. McCulloch is now prepared to devote his entire attention to the practice, his term as prose cuting attorney having expired. Argus. Caaing For The Oil WelU Frank Shumway, the Harney county Freighter out of Vale, left this week with 2000 feetof 6-inch oil-well casing, loaded in six big wagons, for the oil fields of the Central Oregon Oil & Gas Com pany in Harney county. Reports indicate that the sustained effort of this company 's energetic mana ger, J. C. Turney, are about to bear fruit. In November, Shumway frei ghted in 1500 feet of 8-inch cas ing, and the present shipment indicates that there will soon be things doing in the eastern Ore gon oil fields. Oil indications are strong, alike in Malheur and Har ney counties, and it is only a question of drilling in the right places, say the oil men, before a producing well will be uncovered. - Vale Enterprise. New Coyote Trap. new way for catching coyotes around sheep camps without the use of poisoned baits, on account of the danger to dogs, is by the use of steel traps and snares made out of five gallon tin cans distri buted over the range. The cans have a star shaped aperture cut in the top for a coy ote to put his head through. The sharp points of the star are bent downward and a bait of bacon, eggs, chicken or dead horse plac ed in the bottom of the can. A coyote puts his head in the can and the sharp points of the star catch in his mane and the thick hair around his neck and he is unable to withdraw it. It is said that a coyote caught in this man ner will walk backward in a cir cle with the can on his head and will not get far from the locality where the snare is placed. Lake view Experience, T-'.g y t j R !8 if1 sajad&RjL-Ajui' 55- KEEPING THINGS TO YOURSELF Have you any private papers containing business secrets or prized articles you would never part with? How to keep them is well answered by a Safe Deposit Box, which is accessable only to yourself or appointed agent. Our vault custodian will be glad to show you how secure and private your effects will be in the vault of this bank. Harney County National Bank YOUR HOME INSTITUTION" 1F W. E. General Groceries c Select Can Goods, Fancy Groceries, Dried Fruits, Tobacco, Confectionary, Coal Oil, Feed, Grain and Produce Special Inducements If You Want ALL The Home News READ THE TIMES-HERALD $2.00 a year Best Job Printing THE OLD STAR SALOON BRENTON &. HICKS, Props. Ol.D and Nkw Patrons Will Find the BK8T Brands Here - Wines, Liquors, and Cigars Good Service, Courteous Treatment DROP IN Main Street Burns, Oregon Now's the Time TO TALK ABOUT STOVES We Have 'Em In All Styles, Sizes And Prices. Get Your Home In Shape For Winter. Be Comfort ableGet A Heater! We Also Handle A Full Line Of Kitchen Utensils, Granite Ware, Camp Stoves, Saws, Axes, Pumps, Piping, Paints, Varnishes, Brushes, Oils, Stains, Glass, Etc. Headquartes For Hardware GEER & v HUSTON Given On Big Orders .J CUMMINS