The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, January 25, 1913, Image 2

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We have just what you need
just what you have been looking
for. An up-to-date suit with an
extra pair of pants to match, all for
Can You Beat This?
These are all hand tailored suits,
serviceable and sure to satisfy you.
Don't delay long or they may all
be gone. No bigger or better bar
gain was ever offered you in Burns.
Do not delay got that suit today.
Clothing Company
Leading Clothiers - - High Grade Tailoring
I. O. O. F. Building
- Burns, Oregon
$hf Oftmes-lUtafd
O.. Yr
Six Month.
Tkm Month.
Dr. Harrison was puked to ro
to Andrews last Sunday to see
an old gentleman who had both
feet badly frozen but could not
leave his patients hero for that
length of time and therefore
asked that the man be brought
to town. He has heard nothing
since. It was reported the feet
were in such condition that
amputation might be necessary
R. H. Brown, the Diamond
sheep man, is in the city.
Lane Elected U. S. Senator.
Harry Lane was elected United
States from Oregon by the legis
lature in separate session at 12
o'clock today, receiving 28 votes
in the senate and 69 votes in the
house, says a Salem dispatch of
The onlv members failing to
rota for the people's choice were
Senator! Bean and Calkins of
Lane county, and Representative
Meek of Washington county, who
voted for Ben Selling. A faint
swan song of protest was heard
from several members, but only
these three went so far as to veto
the instruction of the people of
The election of Dr. Lane was
lacking in any spectacular etrect
in cither house. In the senate
Iane was nominated by State
Senator Miller of Linn and sec
onded by McColloch of Baker.
In the house the nomination
speeh was nmde by Represent.'!
tive Ronnies of Jackson and fiec
onded by Ha good of Multnomah.
Tomorrow the two houses will
meet in joint session to canvass
the vote ami at that the election
of Dr. Lane will be finally de
clared. Some Legislative Bills.
The Times-Herald has received
from Senator Stewart some of
the bills introduced in that
body of the legislature. Many
of them are not of particular
interest to the people of this
county but one or two are such
that all are interested. One in
a bill giving incorporated cities
and towns exclusive control and
jurisdiction of county roads with
in their limits, making them
streets. This will eliminate con
fusion In respect to the work on
such places and define definitely
where road tax should go.
Another provides for a limited
use of the ballot for initiative
measures which should have con
sideration for tiiat privilege is
I certainly abused under present
conditions and the ballot is bur
dened by measures that are not
!of sufficient importance to the
1 entire electorate to justify.
A bill authorizing the county
treasurer to deposit public funds
in National and State banks, to
be equitably distributed and to
draw interest on daily balance is
j another bill that would have a
1 tendency to eliminate some bit-
, terness in elections.
As yet no bill respecting irri
gation has reached this office
direct. There have been some
Introduced, however, but just
what they provide we have not
learned that is not enough to
justify any intelligent comment.
(hnililirr I.,, II-, Couch Krmrdy.
This remedy has no superior
for coughs and colds. It is
pleasant to take. It contains no
opium or other narcotic. It al
ways cures. For nde by All
(lay Clemens mill is the near
est one to Hums where all kinds
of lumber both rough and dress
ed can be bad. Near Canyon
road. Call him bv 'phone.
Man Found Murdered Near Doable 0 and
A. C. Yelmer't Barn Willi Seven Head
Hortei, Feed, Farm InplesMsU, tic,
Burned-Man Thought to be Demented
Accused of the Crimes.
Robt. Scheibe was brought to
this city yesterday and lodged
in jail accused of both murder
and arson. News was 'phoned
In Thursday that C. A. Volmer's
barn on his place near Iron
Mountain had been burned to the
ground together with 7 head of
horses, two wagons, harness, a
seeder, plow, hay and farm im
plements, the (ire having occured
early in the morning and that
the tracks of a man were traced
from the scene to a cabin some
distance away and that it was
t brought he was demented. The
information was also to the effect
that the man would not permit
any one to come to the cabin and
threatened them. Later it was
found that an old trapper was
dead in his camp wagon about a
mile and a half from the Double
0 ranch and upon investigation
it was found he had been mur
dered. Authorities left here Thursday
night for the scene, Marshal
Owsley going out to make an ar
rest of the man, who it was said
would not allow any one to ap
proach h i tn, Coroner Cleven
ger to hold an inquest. In the
meantime it seems Gus Bardwell
and S. S. Smith had gone to the
cabin and succeeded in getting
the man from the cabin and
brought him to. the Double O
ranch. It was rumored the man
had admitted setting fire to the
barn and had also said he killed
the old trapper, but this seems
to have been only rumored as it
is now said the man denies any
knowledge of the murder or the
The authorities came in last
night bringing in the accused
man and also the body of the old
man who was murdered. Some
are of the impression the man is
not demented at all but is rather
a bad one. He admits having
served time in the Illinois pent
tentiary for shooting at a man
Build Up Your Own Town And Community
By Purchasing Your Goods at Home
through a door. It seems he
came to that part of the country
last October but had gone away
again returning only a few days
ago. He was seen in the vicinity
of the place where the old man
was murdered on the day he was
supposed to have been killed but
there is no direct evidence that
he committed the deed.
Coroner Clevenger empaneled
a jury and made an investigation
of the murder. The dead man
was 0. II. Webster and about 66
years old. The body was found
partially on the bed in his camp
wogon where he bad evidently
been sitting at the time he was
shot and had fallen forward his
head and arm resting on a box.
He had been shot at least four
times and possibly five. Both
legs had been broken by shots
and one had passed through his
arm and there were two bullet
holes in his body.
It was found he has $127.32 in
money, three firearms, some 50
steel traps and a quantity of
hides and furs, besides some
gold nuggets, showing the crime
was not prompted for robbery.
The coroner brought all these
effects in with the body and has
some papers which he has not
yet examined which may throw
some light on whether he has
any relatives or not. He had been
in that vicinity for about two
months. The jury brought in a
verdict of murder and accuse
Scheibe of the crime. From the
evidence it was thought the man
was killed either on the 20th or
21st and the body was found on
the 33rd. The old trapper was
comfortably fixed for his busi
ness, having a convenient camp
wagon arranged.
While the evidence is all cir
cumstantial respecting the murd
er it seems the charge of arson
is more strongly fixed on the ac
cused man, as he was tracked
from the scene of the fire to the
cabin in which he was found.
It was a severe loss to Mr. Vol
mer as it was all his work horses,
machinery, feed, etc. He is a
hard working man and had been
at great expense improving his
dry farm and preparing to make
a home. Just what his loss is
we have not learned.
No doubt there will In- an in
vestigation by the procr authori
ties as to the man's sanity but
nothing had dcveloed in that
respect this morning.
How Much
Will You Give?
During the month of February we will
contribute Five Per Cent of all our CASH
SALES towards a fund to assist the unf or
unate Mr. Wm. Carrol, an old settler of Cat
low Valley, to purchase artificial legs with.
Mr. Carrol recently met with a sad accident
which deprived him of these limbs and now
needs help. Are you with us? Get busy!
Every cash purchase made here means just
so much more in Mr. Carrols pocket, and
will be a cheerished gift you'll never miss.
N. Brown & Sons
Presbyterian Chuch: Preach
ing services tomorrow at 11 a. m.
and 7:30 p. m. Subject for morn
ing "A Federated Church" What
it is; what it is not. This sermon
by request. All those interested
in Christian unity are especially
invited to attend. Evening theme
"HELL! Who get into it." This
is the second of the series on this
much discussed subject. Come
with the people and enjoy the
popular lecture sermons delivered
by the pastor every Sunday evening
Dr. Denman was
Harriman this week.
in from
Inasmuch as we are expected to compete with large
Eastern Houses, who sell for cash only, we are obliged to
stick pretty close to the cash system, for in no other way
can prices of houses who see your money before they
wrap up the goods, be met on equal terms. Now, you
have a big department store right at home and the rate
is much less from Burns than from Chicago. For instance
a 10 lb. package will cost $1.10 from Chicago, while from
Burns it cost you but 14 cts. Quite a difference, ain't it?
A few of the Thousands of Articles carried In stock by the Burns Dept. (Store enumerated belew:
Fred J. Palmer received a tele
gram the other day stating that
John Vance had died at McDer
mitt. He was one of the old
time settlers in the southern part
of Malheur county, and owned a
number of ranches and considera
ble live stock. Jordan
Bed Cough Medicine lot Childr.n
"1 am very to say a few words
in praise of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy" writes Mrs. Lida Dew
ey, Milwaukee, Wis. "I have
used it for years both for my
children and myself and it never
tails to give relief and cure a!
cough or cold. No family with
children should be without it as
it always gives almost immed
iate relief in case of croup,"
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is
pleasant to take, which is of
great importance when a medi
cine must be given to young
children. For sale by all dealers
Drives Many Miles In
Snowstorm To Wed
Cautioning the county clerk
"not to let the newspaper man
know, because it will take us a
week to get married," Oliver
Perry Hamilton, of Alberson.
Harney county Oregon, stated at
the time he and his father-in-law
to-be got the licence in Vale at 3
p. m. Jan. 11, that they and the
bride-to-be had a 150-mile drive
to make before his honor, Wm
Johnston, justice of the peace at
Alberson, could tie the nuptial
knot As it was snowing in J
Vale at the time, and their con
veyance was a top ouggy ana
Valley not an automobile, some idea of
1 the drive may be gleaned Vale
A. K. Richardson
General Merchandise
Will Prepay All Charges
On nil Dry (looditand Boots or Shoes
Bought from him. to any postoffice
In rfarn.Pt County Don't Forge! It!
He Will Also Give You
20 Per Cent Off
(in all Woolen SliirtH, Sweater-. Et
He Will Also Give You
15 Per Cent Off
()n All Sheep Lined Coats
He Also Carries One Of The Best
And Most Complete Lines of Fancy
And Staple Groceries In This City
r That Means Something To You
Hit Stomach Troubles Ov
Every Day In The Year
Light, all steal run-about buggy
practically new; also set
double harness with collars,
puire at this olliie. tf
Mr. Dyspeptic, would you not
like to feel that your stomach
troubles were over, that you
1 could eat any kind of food you
desired without injury'.' That
may seem so unlikely to you that
you do not even hope for an end
ing of your trouble, but permit
us to assure you that it is not
altogether impossible. If others
can be cured permanently, and
thousands have been, why not
you? Sohn R. Barker, of Battle
Creek, Mich., is one of them.
He says. "I was troubled with
heart-burn, indigestion, and liver
of complaint until I used Chamber-In-
Iain's Tablets, then my 'trouble
I was over." Sold by All Dealers.
Trough Train To Portland
Leaves Bend 6:30 a. m. Redmond, 7:15 a. m., Ter
rebonne 7:30 a. m., Culver 8:09 a. m., Metolius 8:30
a.m., Madras 8:40 a. m., Maupan 10:48 a. m., ar
rives Portland 5:30 p. m.
VJjtJsV nnPAAllTrllllllf ffllff I
A Complete Line of Staple and I-arjcy
Dry Goods, including Ladies Cloaks,
Waists, Shirts, Sweaters, Shawls. Hand
Bags, Beds and Bedding, I 'ndermushns,
Dress Goods, Hosiery, ( lorseti and Cor
set Covers. Notions, Silks and Ribbons.
Gentleman's Dept.
The Most Complete and Up-To-Date
Gent's Furnishing Department also full
line of Men and Boys Suits and Over
coats; Socks, Neckties, Collars and Cuffs,
Underwear, New Stock of Working and
Dress Shirts, Hats, Caps, Gloves, Sus
penders, Levi Strouss and "BOM of the
Road" Overalls, Jumpers, Linen Dusters
Drugs Department
We mention here a few of the things
carried in this department: Perfumery,
Face Powder, Cream and Solutions,
Toilet Articles, Blue Vitrei, Formalde
hide, Chloride Lime, Sal Sods, Turpen
tine, Raw and Boiled Unseed Oil, White
Lead, Dry and Mixed Paint, Gasoline,
Kerosene, Lubricating Oils, Stock and
Poultry Foods, Insect. Powder, Squirrel
Poison, Household Remedial and Grape
Juice, Denatured and Wood Alcohol.
Dry Goods Dept. Wares Of All Kinds Home Entertaiment
For family friends and yourself if you
, ... I want a Phonograph with Records. We
Are so representative in character that handle the Famous Kdison Phonographs
it is possible to furnish your home.
WOODENWARF Brooms, Brushes,
Willow Ware, Water Bags, Barrels and
Kegs. Bowls, etc.
Best Goods With Ixwest Prices
OUEKNSWARF Fine China. Cut Glass,
Silver Deposit Ware. Mirrors, Cooking
Utensils, Pottery Lamps and Lanterns.
JEWELRYWARF Clocks, Watches,
Stickpins, Belt Buckles, Cull' and Collar
Buttons, Etc.
HARDWARE Headquarters for Sport
ing Goods, Guns, Ammunition, Fishing
and Camping Outfits, Tents, Tsrpsulisni
and Wagon Covers, Building Paper,
Roofing, Wire Netting, Nails, Garden
Tools, Rope, Cuttlery, Tineware, Etc,
Boot And Shoe Dept.
We are proud of this department and
can give satisfaction to all Men, Women
and Children. We carry the celebrated
Buckingham & Hecht line. None better.
Children's Dept.
Our Children's Department is so com
plete that we can furnish your little
ones from top to toe. We have not
overlooked the Dolls and Toys
Grocery Dept.
We've all kinds Flour, Bacon, Lard,
Honey, Grain, Grass Seed and Feeds of
all kinds. Farm Produce, Fresh Fruit.
Vegetables and Evaporated Fruits.
Special Dept.
Wall Paper, House Lining, Umbrellas;
Parasols, Trunks, Valises, Suit Cases,
and Butterick Patterns. Whips, Hob
bles, Half Soles and Tacks. Stationery,
School Supplies, Tobacco and Cigars,
Notions, Con feet ionariew. Grain, Wool
Bags, Sacks, Binder Twine and Cord
We Meet and Beat All CompeUon Your Trade Respectfully Solicted
- The Burns Department Store -
Send Your
Orders For
Lumber, Lath,
Cedar Shingles,
Hardwall Plaster,
Portland Cement,
Lump Lime, Etc.
aasssaaass TO mmhm
Overturf, Davis, Miller Co.
"' " i i ii.i- in. i-..!-i-m. - i i 1 1 --MBMMMBMMSaHBSMaBBaSBMBBSBPVSMBlM
Wholesale and Retail Dealers
Office Phone 30 Mill Phone 48
We have a large stock of the above
and can make quick deliveries to the
Burns Country. Get OUR Prices.
Direct Connections
- for -
2.?eJ?.".le' Tacma Sp3kane, Minneapolis. St.
Paul, Chicago, Denver, Omaha, St. Louis Kan
sas City and all points east and south
Via the North Bank Roud, Northern Pacific and t.reui Northern
Railway. "
J. H. Cornell. A!. Bend. Ore. H. Buulce'. At. Redmond. Ore.
W I). SKINNHR, Traffic Manager
Detailsof schedules, fa.vs, etc., will be furnished on request
HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF administrators notice.
The sworn statements of Life
Insurance Companies on file at
the State Insurance Department,
Salem, show that In KM)!), 11)10,
1911, Oregon Life the Only Life
Insurance Company Exclusively
Oregon, sold more policies in
Oregon than any other company,
In 1 Dili Oregon Life is orpajs,
ing all its previous records.
B Agent.
llNITkllNTATMl I.1M, win. I ,
"in ".. uii'iiimi nui nibai it, t
Nollii'la Iiit.Ii flvM Mini l.)iiinu rraukliu
Hiuiili Nrrow, oiukoii, aim, ..u NUy n, lti,
mail. Minimal, .ail ulili) UOll'J, Mortal N,i 11 ,,i ,,,,
NW1., rlarMlon tn. TuMimMp M South, Kan.
II hnal Mlllumviiu MoiI.Iimi. him H I n ,
UUllOI ..I llllt'lllllMI In iiiki Mluil lit,' ),,
IH'lMtl, III I'.tltl. llDh , lllllll U . nn, ,mi,
aaorU....I before Hcai.tiw itml hi
liiirni. Dragon, on tb 1Mb ila) ol un ;
Claimant iiami'h mm wlttii'aai .
II m 1 1 II bllliiii m. nit, 1..1..1 mil. .ii ii.. I
la tat r.inniv Court for n , Ouuutv,
Si. ii- ul Oregon,
In the mult,., tf (fee i;Mlll,. , All ,,.,,, lh
M Stroud, Dmattd
The undereigoed htivjna been dulj "
pointed Adnilntatratrli of the ubovi
""hknI Mtati in the abort tunnel
COUrt, all ueri us httVl.HU, vUillll
ugaiaal Mid .st.ii,- nre hereby notthVd
i" preaeoi iImmu, duljr teriM .,.. i,v i.,
"'' "' ' nudetalgrualai Hm t
' v..,,., ,,.. IntfceOit; ul Burn,
Hareej Countjr, Qregoi . uHlhln
uionthi from tat data hereof,
Dated Sural, Uregoui Nor. 10, I0VJ
I-OIS M. STk'OI I), '
Jnultratrl u KaUtaol A, I, .
"nit ii. Stroud, Peed
Oso I nsMoss.a i ti Attorney!
A. Dunn will have charge of
mv wood business in Hums this
winter. Dry wood on hand to
any part of town K. (). Jackson.
52. tf
J I Hrlu. Kii-.l llaimi. all ! NarrOWi, u io-ui ,
I Wat K4KIH-,, I