imtti-Mctalb. n iggeat I CITY OF BURNS COUNTY OF HARNEY The Biggest County In The State Of Oregon, Best In The'West mt The Biggest City In The Bi County In The State Of Oregon I T 3 BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. JANUARY 26, i18 NO .11 VOL. XXVI ;ETTER PROTECTION FROM FIRE PROPOSED :ity Authorities Make Thorough In vestigation and Better Facilities For Entire Town. More Fire Apparatus Will Be Se cured And New Steel Pipes Laid. n. ilr meetinur of the , steel pipe will be purchased to city council last Wednesday niffht ! several men who have knowledge .'..- k itiition as well as expor- i.-nce in fighting fire were called In to advise with the council and BUggwt ways and means to giva Hums better fire protection. As a result it is the intention of the authorities to take immediate steps toward this end. It has been realized for some time tnat me present mp.... ... .. . .t i ....:.,..,.,.,t inaaequaie anu hh ...v " J A. .! tlxtf OAllit ll iditional apparatus should be pro- ided. but the city has alwiys been handicapped in a financial way and had many places to put what money was received from arious sources from time U time. It had not been a matter i : muliirence upon the part of me authorities, but rather on i.ecount of lack of funds which 'hey could convert to such a pur pose that has kept the matter tack. The fire of last week has auseda more thorough arousing f the property owners to the necessity of better protection and the council will act upon it it once. It is proposed to purchase an additional pumping engine of o.V lorse power which will be nounted on trucks as a means of aking it to the most availaole ,vell in case of fire, this to sub titute the old hand pumping en- rine which is rather antiquated, esides a source of "grief" in a way as it is hard to man it in an der ground as it should drain it emergency. Men who are not seif when not in use, the only kiccustomed to violent exercise do i.ot make good on the hand pump street crossings. as the experience of last week Thia ia a wjae move on the p ,-howed when they would not last 0f tne council and should be corn two minutes on the pump and do mended by all property owners. ffective work. In connection ... -i - .j ii iu,. i.,, with the new engine wdl also be purchased a rotary pump of suf- ticient capacity for the purpose. Two thousand feet of five inch THE BURNS HOTEL DELL DIBISLI:, Prop. Centrally Located, Good Clean Meals, Comfortable Rooms, Clean and Sanitary Beds First Class Bar In Connection. Give Me A Call New Year Resolution Win nun, results positively establish the fact that Archie McGowan Of Burns, Harney County, Oregon, Is The Leading Land Man Resolved, That what I have for sale, I will list with him, because I wish to sell it. He makes good! Your Safety Demands That You Have Your Prescription!! Filled At The REXALL DRUG STORE A license it not all that it required to fill Prescriptions. You muit have perfect quality of ingredient, accuracy in compounding and complete and well kept stock. We give you all these. We never substitute. Your Doctor's wish is carried out to the minutes detail. REED BROS., Props. Prepare Plans For be placed in two most available places from the wells on the flat to different places on the hill, and 1000 feet of hose with a cart will be added to be housed at the most convenient place on the hill to connect up with the steel pipes when needed, This entire equipment will cost km than $2500 and will be the means or preaiiy reuueinjc ma lire risk and help save property that is nrnpt:1.niitf -Uhani riw fire i, it 1,, ill, tern. The purchase of this addition al equipment will entail some outlay, but it is all practical and hould a water system be put in in the near future some of it can be used to an advantage while the remainder may be disposed of to good advantage. The plan discussed at the meeting was to have the steel pipe laid on a grade from two different parts of town for instance one from a well in the neighborhood of the J. 0. Welcome Sr. or Farre sec tions in that portion of the resi dence district while another be laid from main street west from Tne Times-Herald building or tlur convenient street to the hill portion of town. The big onKjMCs could be attached at either place needed and with 1000 feet of hose on the hill the water could be conducted to al most any buildinjrup there. The stee pjng need not be placed un- precaution being to protect it at me means must De proviueu lor unmet naie use as me mauer oi a water Hygtem mU8t carefully consi(eri;(j before undertaken anj wjh require time to finance and install. ORIGINAL "MUTT OREGON CITIZEN IS GUEST HERE Bud Fisher's "Model" Brings Coyote Hides and Skins Of Other Animals. Tells How He Came To Be 'Goat' One of the most unique char acters in all Oregon, the man who is said to be the original of "Mut" in the pictures from Bud Fisher's pen, which appear in The Journal, is a Ruest in Port land, in the person of Tom Stevens of Burns, Harney county, says the Journal. Tall, round shouldered, keen eyed and deliberate, Stevens only by his actions suioresta the fa mous cartons by means of which Fisher has exemplified the world old habit of the strong imposing upon and bullying the weak. Where Mutt has merely blots for eyes, Stevens has gray optics that make him one of the surest shots in all the 10,000 square miles of Harney eounty. Where Mutt has a linger-like protuber ance, Stevens has an olfactory appendage, well stuped, and not at all large, when compared withj the square jaw beneath. You notice that Mutt hasn't a jaw at all, except what he conceals some where in the region of his Adam's apple. Stevens ia at the Imperial. He freighted into Portland one of best lot of furs seen here since the days when everyone could wear fur and the cost of high living wasn't so much the sub ject of anathema and essay be cause the city nor its frivolity gave cause. Here's thestorv they tell about the way Ton Stevens was im mortalized as "Mutt" by Bud Fisher: Stevens once olayed a skillful game at low risks. Also he fol lowed the races all over the country. His little friend, who was always with him, was Scotty Bailey. A game or a race would go wrong and Stevens would turn on Scotty with horrible reviling and sometimes the physical vio lence which Fisher depicts by means of skull bumps and black eyes. Before Scotty died he died a good while ago it is re lated that Fisher, then an ob scure western cartoonist, ran across the strangely assorted pair. In a half dozen frames daily he made them traverse the gamut of all that a bully knows. "Ah, I tell yah, an enemy started that talc on me," pro tested Stevens, half angry, but still grinning. "Why, he set fire to his house to get the in surance, and staved in so long he almost burned hisself. 1 tell yuh now how it was: There waa a little game and this fellow lost $800. Then he tried to sue me and get it back. What do y' know about that? The idea of him thinkin' he could get it back. I won the case. Then he started this story on me. I recon its gone a long ways now. That's the way with things that knocks a feller." To Portland the fur buyer brought this time the hides of 400 Harney coyotes, which are transformed into robes. He has many muskratH, some otter and 100 wild cats, and he thinks he will ship the pelts east. Chronic Conttipulion Cured. "Five years ago I had the worst case of chronic constipa tion I never knew of and Cham berlain's TabletB cured me," writes S. F. Fish, Brooklyn, Mich. For sale by All Dealers. The Ford Car Model T 1913 Is the universal Cheaper Car" Car." car; Not but "Better Every third car in the world is a FORD and every owner is a satisfied one that means much. Touring Curt, 5 Pauvnger, $725.00 Roaditer, Two Pauangcr, $1)50.00 Ail fully equipped and De livered Here In Burns. For catalogues and full infor mation enquire at or writs) the BURNS GARAGE IEc)iuir For Hunr Caeatrl RAILROADS UNDERPAID FOR MAIL SERVICE They State That The Parcel Port Will Increase Service Demanded Without Additional Remuneration Which Is Liable To Entail A Loss Compelling Them To Curtail Their Handling Of The Mail Business "When Congress authorized the establishment of the parcels post it made no provision for the remuneration of the railroads, which will be compelled to carry this additional business free for some years unless the national law makers authorize an earlier adjustment of the existing con tracts." said Mr. J. P. O'Brien, Vice-President and General Man ager of the Oregon -Washington Railroad & Navigation Company to a representative of this paper. "The committee on railway mail pay, representing 214,276 miles of railway in the United States, operated by 268 compan ies, has issued a statement con taining facts and figures which prove that the railway mail pay does not equal the operating ex penses that it makes necessary, leaving nothing for return upon the value of the property. "This statement was called forth by a report to congress by the Postmaster General, in which he claimed that the railroads were beinir overpaid for the work of carrying the mails. The committee asserts, however, that the cost of carrying the mails is much greater than the Postmas ter General estimates it to be, and that even his own figures demonstrate that the railroads are not fairly paid now for the work that they do and for the facilities that they furnish. The statement of the committee fur ther calls attention to the fact that the inauguration of the par cels post will force the mail pay still further below the level of just compensation by enormous ly increasing the volume of mat ter transported. "The people of the Pacific Northwest receive a large amount of mail over the O-W. R.4N. In connection with related lines we operate a fast mail train from Chicago to the coast. This train makes the best running time of any train on our lines. It is made up solely of mail and express cars. We are enabled by its operation to make prompt delivery of mail and articles Bent by express. In Portland, for ex ample, within three-quarters of an hour from the time of the ar rival of the fast mail at 7:00 a m. the letters are being dis tributed by the carriers. The mail clerks sort the mail by route on the trains. Equally prompt delivery is possible with the ex press. "It costs a large amount to op erate trains of this character. Our best engines are needed and used on these fast runs. Where there are heavy grades, two en gines are used to maintain the schedule. New and expensive steel cars have been substituted for the wooden ones. These cars lighted and heated, are placed on station tracks for advance dis tribution often many hours be fore the departure of the trains. Mails are called for and delivered at a large proportion of the post- omrex loeated at railwav towns. "Knlarging the size and in- creasing the weight of the pack-1 age which may be sent by ma,, i means a diminution in the num- ber of packages which will be iSJHyM2Bt2' s sent by express. The railroad company is paid for the latter, but it is underpaid for the mail at present, and the parcels post will increase our work so that we are in a position to lose amounts that cannot be even ap proximately estimated at this time. "The railroads are anxious to serve the people, but they can not be expected to do this at a great loss entailed through the failure of the United States gov ernment to properly reimburse them for services rendered. Mail weighings are made quadrennial ly. Prior to the next weighing the mail carrying lines stand to lose immense sums. "We are giving good service with our fast mail. We are meeting the demand for expedi tious delivery. Should the de mands of the mail service under the new conditions brought about by the inauguration of the parcels post necessitate an addi tional amount of equipment we may be compelled to curtail our service. This will not be done, however, if just compensation is received." Don't Smoke or Drink Beer But Keep Clean What he thinks of smoking, drinking and playing cards was told the students of the Oregon Agricultural College by Raymond Bobbins, noted Chicago social worker, at the last college convo cation. "No man here enjoys a good cigar better than I, but it is thirteen years since I have quit smoking" he said. "It is just because I want all my power so that I can call upon this physical body of mine and go the limit when the hour of strain comes. 'The time was when I couid toss three beers under my belt and think I was happy, when I was merely boozy. I stopped that thirteen years ago, for the same reason. " Speaking of card playing as a waste of time, Mr. Bobbins said: "I like a great, clear, definite brain that wants to know. The solution of the problems of today will rest in a large measure on this kind of brain. You can not get me to waste what brains I have on futile, wasteful things. That is why I do not play cards. There are more important things to busy my mind with. " Creamery Doing Big Business There is one industry in Prine ville which the lack of railroad facilities seems to affect not in the least. That is the Pioneer Cream Company, which is put ting out between 1400 and 1600 pounds of butter every week. This is eagerly sought for in the Portland and Dalles markets, so that the demand is never ending. Bnd tne Redmond stage is always loaded, if not with other matter tnen w'th butter. The cream- rle uat Redmond and 2SS" " ! will be a cheese manufacturinir "(""'J ITCH. MCAl IIJIIIK Wf center, than which no community has better advantages. Review. INLAND EMPIRE REALTY COMPANY W. T. LESTER iBVKNH, OHKUONj J. D. McNEAL 11.11. ! YOU l'i:ori.K THAT VNT TO IIM. lhvilgMe, wl I'll'H Win.' Whi. Mii'l Wliy. Tlii'rr II A KKAM'N l'n..ln .iu ) inn -Th INLAND KMI'IKK KKAl.TY COMPANY, .( HuniH, On, h Hold nwirii (fopsnue limn all tlu"H- RROAUU IT H A KNOWN I'M I -Milan toour COMI'KTIIOKK RAVK Then Hit your Mneertj all!) Noila that liavn iliown ilial Ihay kuow tl'nir liiiiini'in lliul will ln tin biinim'H tin t and trrat you on Ilia iquaru. Wa write k'IRK 1NHURAN0E (or the halt i:omuMiii ALL KINDS (11 l.ANDHCHIPT KOK HAI,i: utten.l to all kiuU ol land iiiatteri JUBT A8 Hi; DONK. Write or call and nee on DO IT Nl'W DIRECTOR NEWELL GIVES ADVICE ON IRRIGATION PLANS AND COSTS ncviaiiiniiuii vincim i cm ill- D l .: rtc- :i -rii. l veatorsln Private Projects Not To Expect Work Can Be Done Less Than $1 An Acre At The Lowest Rate What does it cost to run priv ate irrigtion projects and what is the difference between these and the projects which are operated by the government? To secure answers to the ques tion Director F. H. Newell of the reclamation Bervice has written to all the managers of private ir rigation projects in the United States, including those of Oregon. The information when acquired will be used to aid private pro jects as a contribution by the government, says the Journal. Investors in projects think op-!,. . ' ,. - ., . . . . . Jj! effort. As a result of the inspir eration and maintenance should , be carried on for less than $1 an acre, and they have discharged manager after manager endea voring to get the cost below the dollar, says Mr. Newell. "The result has been that the systems have greatly deteriorat ed and accidents have occurred at the critical times, resulting in crop loses or deduction in value of crops, far exceeding the great est needed expenditure for effec tive operations and mainten ance," says Mr. Newell. "In sav ing a few hundred dollurs they have lost thousands. "This condition will continue until definite facts are available concerning me reui cost oi 0er- aung me larger irrigation pro- jects. and of maintaining them to the proper degree of efficiency. "It is recognized that one of the commonest conditions, and one to oe conuemneu py an nirnt thinking men, is that of the new manager who tries to make a re-' cord by cutting down necessary expenditures for maintenance and in so doing permits the sys tem to deteriorate, while he is apparently making good on his promise to operate the system at a less cost than his precessbr. The responsible men in every i community should be awakened I to the dangers of such deception and urged to see that the canal : system as a whole is inspected each year by a competent small board of experts for the purpose of ascertaining that the system is not deteriorating to a danger-, ous degree." Director Newell adds that the government finds it necessary to ! keep careful and busines3-like ' records of all work, and he ad vises the same plan as a guaran tor of success for projects pri vately owned. In his letter he furnishes the project managers with the figures showing cost of operation of the Imperial Water company in the famous Imperial valley in southern California, where the melons are grown. These figures show that the com pany expenses were almost ex actly $1.70 an acre, the water rentals $1.37 an acre additional, or a total cost to the farmer of $3.06 per acre, or $1.11 per acre foot, which is quite a low figure for a country where the water1 rights average $12 an acre. FREE DELIVERY By N. Brown & Sons Send in your mail orders for Clothing, Furnishing goods, Dry goods, Dress goods Boots and Shoes or any thing in the above departments to Brown's Satisfac tory Store. All orders for above goods will be delivered free to any Post office in Harney County. Remember! E. R. Griffin has fine winter pasture and hay, cheap. Narrows, Oregon. 51tf CHILDREN MUST DO m n .r i i n n a w a """I De 1 augflt Self Support As Well As Independ ent Pursuits In Life By Honest Vo cations Which Results In Laying An Early Foundation Correctly v The following is sent us from the State School Superintendent: Last year, as near as we can get at it, there were about 60,- 000 children engaged in making or raising something with which to compete for prizes in the in - ' dustrial contest That was only a little start in the work, but it '. iiriL O irr.i'ii ni imnliiii . i (,!. ation gained last year we hope to have practically everyone of the 125,000 school children of the state engaged in some this work this year. phase of To those who did not get in terested last year, and are not familar with the rules of the contest, we wish to say that they are very simple. The most important one is that the child ren must do the work themselves and that the parent or guardian will be required to sign a state ment to that effect In raising garden, some one else may plow the ground and harrow it, but the child must do the rest the planting, cultivation, harvesting, otc In raising poultry the child duea not have t0 own tne parenl , rtock; but mU8t set the eRgs and feed and for the cnickens I they exhibit, One of the main objects of I hesc contests is to tret the hovs an(i gra interested in doinirl .s,,methinir To te:uh them tn 4n ' something practical, something worth while, something by which they can earn a living when they grow up to manhood and woman hood. And the only way to learn how to do something is to do that with your own hands. jf you show something that some one else has in any manner raisea or maae, you are cheating yourself out of the most valuable .t f ,u .. .u part of the contest-the exper- ience gained by doing it your- . . THE FRENCH HOTEL JOHN R. WALKUP. Prop. Strictly First Service, Fine Commercial Sample Room In Connection, Reasonable Rates Burns Meat Market H. J. HANSEN, Proprietor Beef, Pork, Veal, Mutton, Sasuage, Bolonga, Hendcheese and Weinerworst,E Wholesale and Retail Prompt and Satisfactory Service Your Patronge Solicited and Orders Given Quick Attention Prescriptions Carefully Compounded ME4NS IVFRYTHINU To the Doctor and hia Patient. That ia why the Doctor geta the reault he expected when he wrote the preacrip tion why the patient geta the reaulta from the medicine which the Doctor expected. Such reaulta are obtained from preacriptiona when filled at our atore, for we alwaya have a competent man in charge of thia department. THE WELCOME, PHARMACY J. C. WELCOME, Jr., Prop. THE WORK TO WIN m. . . r " i . M F 1 ne importance KJT i self, Not only that, but in showing , something that is not the product of Hm own effort he is practicing deception, cultivating dishonesty and laving the foundation for a ! life of dishonor and trouble. He may be successful in deceiving others. No one but himself and the members of his own family may ever know that he has ever cheated, but that is enough. In doing what he knows is not right, he loses respect for him- I self, and that is a long step in j the wrong direction. Whenever a person loses respect for himself he soon loses the confidence and respect of others. "To thy self be true, and it follows as the day follows night that to no other man thou canst be false." Every child should early in life get this principle firmly fixed in his mind, and through life never depart from it. Parents, don't think you are favoring your child by giving or loaning him something to take to the fair to win a prize with, for yu a"e not. On the other hand, you are doing him an absolute injustice. You are cheating him out of the valuable experience of learning how to do something, and at the same time educating him to be dishonest. Character building is the most important part of the early education of the child, and the greatest value in these industrial contests is along that line forming in the child habits of industry, econ omy, system, honesty, self-reliance and all of the traits that go i to make up the good citizen. There will be many valuable prizes for the children at the SJtnfo ITair nrrain novf ronr iniu I nil ii,hi ik i i ' . i j hut I none of them will be worth as ' much as a clear conscience and ! the experience gained by laising L, maiinB something with which to win the prizes. Class. Splendid Accomodations, Headquarters ,