REMEDY FOR CAREY ACT POINTED OUT (Concluded From First Page) DMert Land Board of the State of Oregon to adopt a policy in the future to require the issuance of a deed to the settler when set tlement and reclamation are com pleted under the rules now in force, and require the settler to live a first mortgage to the irri gation company to secure the un paid water installments under the same terms stipulate in the contract" Proposals to change the Ore gon water code were defeated and the satisfaction of the con gress with the existing code and its operation was expressed in the following language: "Whereas, it appears highly important to the development of Oregon that a stable and consis tent policy be pursued with re spect to water rights and titles. and, "Whereas, It appears that the water code has in general given satisfaction to the water users, and is considered to be far in ad vance of similar laws in other states, therefore, be it "Resolved, That it is the sense of the Oregon Irrigation Con gress that no radical change be made in the present system of laws relating to water, and, that the Legislature give most care ful consideration to the various recommendations as made by the State Engineer, and this congress especially indorses the appropria tion of additional funds for car rying on the adjudication of wa ter rights by the Board of Con trol." LATEST DEVELOPMENT LEAGUE NOTES (From Our Portlnml Correspondent) Valley View Item. Jam 17. 1913. Improvements in Valley View are going steadily forward. Max Plath has bought a team and wagon built a barn and chicken house and built some fence which turns the County mad down by the school house. The lay of the Oregon hen has i Barns seem to be quite the ran been thesubjectof much thought! in Valley View this winter Lloyd LOCHER BUILDING DESTROYED BY FIRE (Concluded From First Page) and making tours of their pre mises to see that no embers or flying sparks had communicated the flames to their buildings. The mnsslve stone walls and piers that remain standing on the scene remind one of the ruins of some old time ruined castles. It shows the excellent break of stone structures to the spread of Humes. The Times-Herald does not know what Mr. Locher will do respecting the erection of another structure on the site. The massive stone walls of the ground floor are still intact and with little work can be made as substantial and in fact more substantial than before. The Times-Herald certainly feels that the work of those on that night is entitled to the highest praise. It cannot be personal in this respect other than to the ladies of the Auxiliary and the other good women of the town, all of whom helped. Many made coffee and prepared lunch in their own homes and went out after worn out men who had been working. In this respect we wish to call attention to the generous work of George Foon, the Chinaman who has been a resident of Burns for so many years. He made eolfee and insisted that the ladies take it out to the boys and then he would make more. "A" BARKING UP A TREE" i rum-hided From Kirn! I'nfrr) This is more of a problem than it appears, for it has to be bigger than a one man organizatin, therefore one individual cannot expect or command the confidence of all without showing he is capable of carrying out an un dertaking, that it is feasible and not for jwrsonal gain. Any man. or set of men, who can show the people they are able to carry to success any un dertaking having for its pursue the advancement of this section in a commercial way or develop its resources, such as to place water on the dry lands and bring them to a high state of cultiva tion, thus furnishing homes and people, will find the people of this town and the entire county ready to give moral support. on the part of the regents of the Oregon Agricultural College and they will seek funds from the Legislature to establish a mode! poultry farm at Corvallis. The Average hen in the state lays about 50 eggs per year, while champion layers at the college have gone well past the 200 mark in a twelvemonth. It is desired to develop a laying strain of poultry, and to sell the fowls and their eggs at a reasonable price to farmers is the object aimed at in establishing the poultry ranch. Fruit growers of the Rogue River Valley district have organ ized a co-operative association, which is expected to do much to bring about better marketing conditions. It is believed better distribution can be effected and the glut of markets avoided, thereby getting better prices for fruit The Government will provide for road building through lands in this state held in forests. reserves. Announcement was made this week that a total of $16,077 has been set aside for building roads in 13 forest re serves in Oregon. Redmond had a notable celebra tion the past week when the big potato warehouse lately erected by the co-operative efforts of farmers in that district was open ed. This building marks the be ginning of a movement among the farmers of Central Oregon district whereby a better market is offered for their products. Potatoes and other crops can be Stored here and sold in large quantities when the market is best To harness the Columbia River by means of a hydro-electric plant at Celilo, developing no less than 100,000 horsepower, is the project of a state senator, who will suggest his plan to the legis lature in a bill. He believes the states of Oregon and Washing ton should build and operate this power plant. Culp has built one and put an addition on his house. Wm. VVelty and Geo. Cobb have each iuilt a new barn these perman ent improvements are what we like to see. Mr. Richardson has organized a rabbit club which will help exterminate the pests. ('has. Raycraft one of our homesteaders who went to Seat tle sometime ago says he wishes he were back as Harney valley is good enough for him, it never fails people who live here awhile and go away are like a bad pennv always come back. We hear Henry Huntley who went to Seattle this winter has done gone an done it yep, got married. Congratulations Henry Harry McCombs is holding down his homestead. A. T. Raycrast is getting ready to build a large addition to his house, woodshed etc. Advices Quarantine Against The Alfalfa Pest Hi Stomach Troubles Over Mr. Dyspeptic, would you not like to feel that your stomach troubles were over, that you could eat any kind of food you desired without injury? That may seem so unlikely to you that you do not even hope for an end ing of your trouble, but permit us to assure you that it is not altogether impossible. If others can be cured permanently, and thousands have been, why not you? Sohn R. Barker, of Battle Creek, Mich., is one of them. He says, "I was troubled with heart-burn, indigestion, and liver complaint until I used Chamber lain's Tablets, then my trouble was over." Sold by All Dealers. Choice relinquishments; deeded and, and homestead locations close to Malheur Lake and R. R. E, R. Griffin, 61tf Narrow, Oregon. Discussing the threatened ap pearance in some parts of East ern Oregon of the alfalfa weevil, already such a pest in Utah, and the control measures under con sideration, A. L. Lovett of the crop pest force of the Oregon Agricultural College says: "The value of a quarantine is wholly theoretical, but surely it would be a step in the right direc tion to keep out any product of an infested district such as al falfa hay, though it is certainly but one of the many ready agents for the diffusion of the pest. "Because of the many different avenues through which the pest might be introduced, some mea sure authorizing a competent person to investigate thoroughly any reported outbreak or suspici ous district or shipment should be passed. This person should also have authority, when an infestation was found, to use whatever stringent measures were necessary to stamp out the pest in its incipient stage. "Kail way right of ways, where any legumes are growing, afford an excellent breeding ground for the stay beetle which drops from the passing car. From this un noticed initial spot the pest may spread to adjacent fields. A measure which would encourage the cleaning up of railway right of ways is another step in the right direction. "Remedial measures are, so far, strictly in the experimental stage. Rather than discuss these, I would urge a careful considera tion of the serious nature of the alfalfa pest. I would urge grow ers to acquaint themselves as much as possible with the pest, and watch diligently for any sign of an injury similar in nature to that made by this weevil, and to report at once to the experi ment station, giving all particu lars as fully as possible, and en closing samples when it is pos sible." Columbus Was Not First In America The declaration of J. W. Bab cock of the Anthropological soci ety that history had improperly honored Christopher Columbus as the discoverer of America, and that this continent, or por tions of it, was shown on maps drawn before the great discover er was born, has divided the society into two camps. Mr. Babcock started the controversy in a lecture before the organiza tion. The coast of Florida and Cuba both were known to the Portu guese, Italians and Spaniards, Mr. Babcock asserted, long be fore Columbus set out on his voyage. He produced reproduc tions of maps dating as far back as 1411 to support his conten tions. One of the maps was a reproduction of the work of Martin Hehaim. in 1402, before Columbus returned from his voy- nge of discovery, showing both Cubs and Florida. Mr. Babcock ascribed to the Atlantic currants the early dis covery of the western continent at a date earlier than 1402. These currents, he said, set in past the Azores and would have swept a vessel to the shores either of Florida or Cuba. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is lirtcltv givtfl that the iindei i(ned riecntoi f tin- taut will and u-st.inu in ninlratuteof tirren I litilicatb. deti-iiM-il, luis tiled with thr County Court of the State of Oregon, for llur County, i"" duly verified final account. as In- law required, nud that the Mid county Colin ha appointed the loth day of Fclirunry I'M:!, m the hour uf 10 o'clock A. M. of said diiy, at the c urt Iioukc of nalil county, in but in. Oregon, ne the time and place for the hearing of object Hiii-- to Haul final account and ttie settlement thereof, Any ami all peraona having objection thereto uiuat file the MUM With the ilcrkof nail! court on or More the said day of hearing. ROBBRTN, Ill'DSFEATII, Kiecutor of the taut will and testa inrtit ami I'Hliitc of tireen llmla peatli. deceased. Hums, Oregon, January 8, 1818, u l :i NOTICE OF CONTEST. I Min. srrrt Land urni b , Bill iia, in X"". January 10, 191$. f 'IO l.mjIK I. Itri'U M uf unknown H't'lls '. i 'Mi It-Sli u You at"' liuruliy uotlflu'l iimi i i.arl. I. y, who trivia I'.tin.-. urajcoii. '" lni (ifllie aI drcaa. '!"' on January i- 1VI.I. 11 It in uflli i- till duly corroborated application lu con- .. b'hi m ' ii ! iii' ( aiMsMiaiion .r Home stead. Kutrjf HyrUI HO 0.4M. made March L 1V0P4 lor ill- N't. of Hrt lou It, Town hip -ouih. icaiige r, Rut, Willamette- Mt-rl dlan, ail' an Krounda for bis ruutcat ha allrKa that aald I.ouii V hrown Nan wholly abandon d aald land fur innn- than all month last tiit, and haa never icltled, rualded upon or cultivated tame. You arc, therefore, fin titer notified that the aid allegation will he taken by til la office u having boon i onfeaaud by jhi, and your entry will he cancclt l thereunder without jfour fur ther right tti he heard therein, either before tlila oil;. or on iij. pent, if you fall to file In this offieu within I wenty day after the FOuKTII nubil" aiioii of ihla notice, as aliuwi. below. our nimwer under oath, Bectlcailr meeting anii rtaMnung io invar aiicKnu.iiiv hi couteat, orlf)ou ail within that time to file In Ihla office due proof that you have aerVedacopt of your iiiiiT on the aatd contestant cither in person or by registered mall. If thla ei-rv h e Is made by the delivery of a copy of your answer to tin i ut ti b'hiii lu Hihoit, .roo! of tut It ear vice in iix t be either I hit Maid font aslant' written ac klinwlcilacmc UL of his receipt of the nmv. bowing the date of Ita receipt, or the affidavit of the person by M lioni the delivery was made tat lug when urni wuere tin- vopy was deliver eil.if made by lugUlered mall, proof of urh service must consist of the affidavit of the per son by whom the copy was mailed, and thla affidavit must be accompanied by the poet master re e.t lm the letter. You Nhuuld aisle in our answer the nam of the post office to which you desire fniare notices to be sent to you. Wm. Iahkc, KcgUler. Date of first public stlon January 1H, 1VI8. bale of second publication January Mt, lUM Hat- of third publication Kehruarr I, 1118. Date of fourth putillcatloii February H, llilB. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION Uhiraii tatks I. ahi times, t llurm. orutfon, liuvember 4, tvl'sl Nutlet- la lion l.yglvitn taut Mary 1 hurijiaii, Inn Summons. In Hie Circuit Court ol the State of Oregon for Harney County. Ufa Ml"r. plaintiff Ti. C. J. Millar, defendant. To C. J, Millar, the above named tie fciulant: In the name or the State ol Oregon, you air hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled ngninit you In the abort entitled nit on or before the hint day of the time nreacribed in thr order of publication of this summon, to wit: on or before the -4th day of February l13, ald date being the ei,iirntiod of aii week from thr In ail publication of t Hi minimus, a nil if you fail ao to nppsur and answer, for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint, to wit: Kor a decree dls Holvingthe lionda of matrimony exiiting iK'twecn plaintiff nnd defendant, ami for cost and tliahuiitemtnta of suit. Till! 11 uiih ll published by order of lion, (.rant Thoinpmui, Judge of the County Court of Harney County, Ore cm. made and entered on the 8th day of January HUM, and the data of the Srst publication of this uiuuioni ia January ti, 1013. O. A. KliMUOU), 1110 Attorney of plaintiff. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice ia hereby given that the under signed ndminlatrn tor of the tetntr of Julia llinb.pi nib, decreaacd ban Sled with the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Harney County, hi duly Tcrillrd final account, aa by law required, and that the auid count court haa appointed the lSlh day of February 11)13, nt the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of inn! day, at the court limine of nid county, in llurna, Oregon, aa the time and place for thr hearing of objection to auid final account and the aetttrinent thereof. Any and all prranne having objection thereto must file the same with the-clerk of uid court on or before the auid day of hearing. KOKKKT N. HUUSI'RATH, Adiiiiuiatrntnr of the estate of Julia lludipeath, deceaaed. llurna, Oregon January till), I'll I 11 13 Notice of Final Settlement. Notice ia Inn by given that the innlii tuned n.ltiiitiislriitiir of the Hatatr of Vila I. Mill, i deceaaed, haa filed hi linal account of bia iidminiat i utioil of said eatate with the clerk of the County Court ol the State of Oregon, for Harney Count i. and i Imi auid court hu miiile .in 1'ider appointing Saturday, the loth lav ol February, 1013, at the hour of lm o'clock A M. of aaid duy, at the court room in the ouuty t ourt limine in Ilni lm, llnniry County, Oregon, u thr time and place for I be hearing of ob jrrliona to auid linul account and the settlement thereof. All ptraou nucleated in aald eatate and having objection to auid llnal ac count or any part or item thereof are hereby notified toprcaeul aaid objection and file the annie with the clerk of aaiil court on ot lielore anid time, Dated tin Ulh day of January. 11113 'II Ah'. I S T. MM.I.I.K, I. S COOK. i Attorney H-13 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I'NITKIlHTATK.s I.ANUtirrii'K. lliirn. Or. in. ii. December 4. 1(11.1 Nolle la l.i-rrlo myrntliat Mark II. Mm, ol ut llarrliiian. iin..n win., on January v, iwe, iia'li' llomeairail viitrv Nu ICIM. Merlal Nu.OMtf for M- Hecilon i, Tawnahip .' north. Hngr ... l.a.l, 11 lllani-lti Marlillau. haa mini unlire of Intention to main final flvv year I'roof, to ralal.lllli rlatm lo III lain! atiove ilrarfllMsl, before lb Heglater ami Hrratver. at Huru. Oregon, on lb' i:tih ilav of January, Ida B. MURRAY Public Stenographer Tonawama Bldg., Burns M. A. BIGGS Attorney at taw Vocftly llldg., llurna, Oregon Htll'IKTIKN HAHNKV I.IIIMIK, MO. 77, I. O O Meet every Hlunlay lu odd fellow Hall al 7:iw p in. T. H. Hpraaue, W. W. II. ml. I, Herirlai 1 N. II. iiarrr work an fo'lewa: I Iral Hatunlay Inl I'atoryi second Hatiinlav, Klral Iirgr: tlilrd rlaiurday, aenoiul Heirrr; Itiurlli Halurdey, Third I'eitree. Ht'llNH I.IIIMIK Nil I,', A . A II., r4el every Oral ami iblrd Mliirily In each month. ). I. Oalllt, W M sain Mutherahead.Henralar. M ilitKN WOODMKNur AMKIUIA Mel every aerond and fourth Kndy evun Itil at 1. ii. ii I. Mall, all neighbor Invltnd New a.illi aula will rerrlve i niirlniua treat "' M. A IIIiiki, r W T. latest, Clerk. HtlRNH CM A I' I Kit SO. 10, O. K. H. Mrel every arriiiiil ami (..lull, Momlaya, lu Maaonlr Hill. h rankle Welriime, W M Kll Iweek, Hueretary, itVI.VIA KRHKKAII DKOKKK No . . Meetaevery latkiidad Wednoaday. , . Ilir.ll.. nallnn, N. tl. Madge Leonard, Hoe. Hec'v. TIII.Kl'IKll.K Nil. ll.'., W.ul W. Meetaevery fuuilh I u. .lay. Maud II. i. in (I. M. Heater (ioodman. Clerk. OrriCIAI. IlIMKl TllKV TAT 011111: I' a l Iniialhaii Hiairne Jr. 111. K. ' hamlirrlalli W It gill t.oiigreeamea .: w llawley Allurii.y Oetieral A. M. Crawford iiawal.l Weal .. F W llni.ol. T.H.Kay 'ooeinot secretary ol HUut I'reaeurer uul. rubllc Inatrurlluii. .. I.. K. Aldurllian Htata frltiUr w H linulwky I ll.. 1. 1 Kakln I I. A it. Ill 1. 1.. u.iame Jadgae . , (teo ii Hurneti I K. H. Hi an I r. a. v....,, NINTH JI'lill IAI. IIIHTKK'T. Illalrlet Judge i,i, ,g. ""'r' ""' J W Mm , lloh le.uly 1.1.1 Ally Clli.mia.d Clreult Cinirt meets II. r n,.i MiauUy In April and Ural Moml.y In 11, lohrr '..lm Henal... c I'.nlah lullll ,,.,, ,,.,. ii,, tt ,, Hruk. mi! Nl I II .i,-., , : OUIll) Jll.lgr lerk 1 1. .ii. . 'Urveyur lo 'III is nt I hiiuijiaoii K II. Water. Hhuiili l.ewla Frank I', onwatt A. k . tin hanlaoi, J. J. I ran I. M Ham Hon J W ...,. John UiihliiMiiii .. I' -ylvealer io A Hiurlb i, i, i ii Ho lir.l i.i,.o.. ii, THE BTHROL or HKKVICR You Should Employ Thw Symbol V. WHEN TRAVELING V Between (Vnfral OnfOn nml Portlfttd, hecuiiHr of lbs THROUGH SERVICE Hctweon I'ortlaud, Tiicoinn and Seattle BseaBM "f the tow splendidly qalpped (rains steel Plytr, Owl, Tugpt Bound Bxprtm and Bhasta Umltsd De Luxe hetweon Oregon nnd the KaHt, becdUM f three solid traiiiH daily in eaeli direction O.-W. Limited nnd I'ortlaud Pttfet Sound BxprsM to Denver, Omaha, Chieago, KannaHCit.v and nil points ICaHt; and the Boo -Sioknne Train De LttXS to Hi Pftttl nnd Minneaio!iH. Its A Pleaaant Duty To Answer Questions H. BAKOUL, AKt. O. W. R. A N. Redmond, Ore. PROFKK8IONAI, CARDS, MARSPEN 6 GRIFFITH i'hyaiulana ami Hur, , BDKNH, OBKOON TILLS0N IMttM M. II, i m D Offire HeronrI' flour 1 1 1. . H. ,..M U Entrance on Main HI reel Burns, - . OrvK,m J. CU. CBARv I'liysiilan anil Sun,,.,,,, ltl...,o .., - - Ur( Offire In new building nom,, liarneH ibofi, Main Tlnine Main H ,. k D. BURROW r,'"n. I et'aga I. W. D. Physician and Surgeog (rfflce al Jorfenaen Hldn , M Calla attenJcil Nljjtu r iay WHY NOT MAKE $200. A MONTH That's 950.00 a Weak, almost 1Q.00 a Day a Nu.erliil,i,,,.ii orouer HlMtfe Inai erltir ..inn, ., afi. nil. Helling Victor Bates and Are nroof lama to merehanls, Qixitor. lawyers, dentlau and well-tn dufarmera.all of whom realise the tn rd ole safe, but do not know hnweaajlilatoowii one. Baleaman declare our prnnoa'tlnn one of the la-it, Oleatl cut moln-y mnlliiH ,.. ttee ever renalyeil. Without iiretloua estari enrr VOll can duplicate Hie success of other Our handsomely Illustrated VU) iage catalog will enable jou to preaent the aubjeet to cue liimera In as Intereallng a manner aa though vou were piloting lliem through our factory. Men appointed aa a&ieaiuan receive tano. am, ,... - -, . Ni'vlnelnilalklBf point -Mcli tl Is tor a prospective customer to ajTW diii" VOll U Mi nril to pply from your vicluliy Ufore aomeoue alee gel the lerrltoryt W. can favor only one salesman out St each loeallly. a,gaf esimiatjy w oeUbraled by erecting the most nindera fartnry In the world. Wld. awake aaee) who received our special selling Inducement, rendered H ueis-saary lo double our out pi. :. We are spending many thousands of dollars en larging our lc organisation, bnl lo learn all particular. It will cost yon only tu prlo ol a postal card. January, M.,.i. Nn.r.iil.. i Hay, July. .',l ml,.. i Rt,,l aeatsiai .i alter klayui. Itii'r, i ii : Marshal. Mm I.... frank Hairy HTV. -trine roll in Ilni. ii Mectltig ut the I rnurlli Wednned ...I 11 I lileuger . A. M. Byrd J.l VlrlrouieJr ..I! I. Halm a (It J ll. u- n A.I VI . 1. . Frank I'm. I M. J. Mi KIiiiioii lUliell elery rler-ulidl'ftiid mttmtMtwmmtinnmtnniitiiin t'lalniant aa wttn 1, ill... U.' U...H... .'.... W ....... U... M ...... ... .'H. ..'., (... I.H. W. .., ... I liurmaii, Hoy I hiuuiau. all ol Marrhnan. on fUD. Wm V iMI Hi'Klslrr. Sumpter Valley Railway Co. TIMI-: T.wsl.l. NO. t) IN JUNK 14, ll" in. KKiitrr Mrs. Grace B. McHose Tucan Voice and Piano Methods llaed In Ciscissatti Csssenalory of Music Hcaldencc studio and door west I'.rsliv terlnn Church iimniimti:m:i::iuwiiiiiiiiiimiiiiniii 'njSmjliMm Owe New Hem. Ii. E. HIBBfiRD XD-13-IST2:3,I, Olflt-o firat l.xr eat ,!,,i., h,,,lllltf Unrns. Oregon W. C. BROWN. DEKTIST. Kt'KK. Ill,, .... Office rooms H and tl Ma 'in,, DENMAN 4 DENMflN, Phys clans and Surgeons ii.-li! or dat Harriman, Oregon ( alls iniaa.-ri-.l ir,.n,,n, 'I'lione liarrimati. Dr- Minni Hand Physician and Surgeon Hired telephone CoJrnectMaj Lawen. Ore. Ceeacltv 10,000 Sale Annual. sk for Cslshgus 16T. THE VICTOR SAFE & LOCK CO. CIICIIMTI, OHIO DRINKWATER & SLOCUM iW- r - . jJtK a 'j&S Main St., Horseshoeingf, Blacksmithin, Wajon Work COOLEY AUTO MATIC BRAKES Burns, Oregon, LONK RE8TAURANT QEOKUB FOON Mi op. Weat H nl. No. 1 I'aaa No. VM Hound. - Fast p. in :U l.v Maker Oily Ar 6: 0 9:5 " Honth I'.aki-r l.v 6:26 8:68 ' Salialniryl " 8:00 in in Lock hart f " 4:58 10:07 " Tliompaoot " 4:88 10:17 " SUnldaril Juuctlont 4:48 10:22" WalorTankt "4:40 10 :2 " Mrean'iHpurt " 4: 2 10:11 " MrKwent " 4:88 10:56 " JUNCTION! " 4:10 11:10 " Sumpter " 4:05 11:15 " "JUNCTlONt " :50 11:40" in. hi. n I " :0 NOON 12:00 ' l) I. Canipt " :06 V. M. U A " Whllueyl " 00 U:40 " TIITONt " 1:40 1:10 Ar Au.tin " 2:10 Meals At All Hours. Short 5 -vJ in . r j vruers anu rrompi service With Reasonable Rates ENGINES. BOILERS IWSSEU --J1IGH GRADE MACHINERY WRITE TOR 5PECIAL CATALOG AND PRICES . THE A.H.AVERILL MACHINERY CO. S POKANE. WA5M.- PORTLAND. ORE. - f AN JOSE CAL. A. REM BOLD .tlnr' ! ii' I m Burns, Of.gon MlLLLK & C.I Ml ATTORN KVy A I i..t .V lfnriis, liii'....,, Kimiiii Ii and 7 Mm limldis Kslln Iimi.s .iilrgly ms-lv at tin- i alls r CHARLES W. EbbIS LAWYER Burns, - . Oregon 1'rarticea in the Stat.- Court and t fore the C S. Ijind Offlcu. (Than. II. Ionoitl AtTOHNEV- AT-l.AW, Careful attention given to Colle. lions and Real Kstate mattera Kire liiMiram-i'. Notary Public Burns. Oaaam Give Me A Gall OppMlt TlMM.Hrralfl Bui 11 1 is a. I 9 formerly Mary K who oil March I), IWMI, iijmiIc llnincileail Kutry thai Mary h.'lhu , '( ll-trr liiiaii, ) f K'ui, Nu tti'J Herlal Nu 01'tM. for HV.U, HWU Hi Nr-.'-a. HK'a N W's, ;-.h(I..i, .11 Tow imnlu A UoU li.uu aU V WilU It.- M ..elil Ian haa HI...I tiMiicn n( hifciiiioii in nuikc fliial nvu-jrea.r I'roof, to uattihlinli lalin to th- lain sbovu d Rorlbed, Lwloru thu IttlHivr ami Itootilvvr, at Hurni.OruKon. on thf i.uh ty ui January. 11H8 I'lalinuiil loiiinaaa wltni'aHt-a Mack II M.Mk, Krank I, mar., Krauk Nsw man, QfOrgt LUOII all of IIhi rliiian. Oron. WM I'ahhi, KncUtur. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION IIMTKU UTiTas I.ani. Orriig, 1 Ilium. ..Hi-. in. I.r.'.-ial.ri il, llll Ni.lli r la li.-i Iiv k v.i. I list Ttiurnee lluttuo, ol lull. Oregon, Assign.-, nl l.liui. W Hi.alulna, Aaslmirr nl l.mila frulacliar, lias Ulna In tills i.itii. his i...n. aiii.n In ruin iindur rleotluu .Mlm, llivl.i'.l Miilill.-anl Hi HUtes, til HW',. HK'i.Huc Al. 'I'. MX K. UK. W. M . lira gim.Hi.rlal No. IM.lhfi Auyanii an ii.'ra..iia iianiiiug a.ivrrae.y in IbiiiIm ilua.-i I ln-il i.r ilt-ilnuK tn i.lijr.t dec us i.l tl,. mi. rlirarlur ul tl.a laud nr for any it'll. I i.-aann I.. 11.. illa.nsa) to pnlll!llt, lliilll.l lllr tln-lr altl.laills nf prnlost 111 this ..tin. i.n or l-i I. .1 lliu alii -lay uf Kaliruarv, IMI. . I iaa. KegUler. Klral publlrslliili January ll, WlH. Last .ii -ailnii Krl.ruary , lli-. stop on ainala only. INoaxunt. Ticket UhuimI only lor station where traius are scheduled to tusks r.'g-ular atopa. I'asseiiKers must puroliaie tick eta where agents elt before entering train or 20 inula In tlilltlon to the re gulsr fsre will be charged. .IOSKI'11 A. WKHT, Hupl. liltANTOKDDKH. Aaat. Hont. Star Hotel S. J. MIIIWIN'I I.M. Crop. NARROWS, - ORRUON litis will he found a desirable and hoapltable stopping place where comfort and courteous treatment are considered first Feed Barn Conducted In connection ! e BURNS MILLING CO. HORTON , 8AYER. Propts. Rough and Dressed Lumber, Rustic. Flooring, Moulding, Finishing Lumber. Nearest Sawmill to Burns. Cood Road. Lumber Yard in Burns. A. W. GOWAN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW State Courts and United States Land Office Practice Three doors South of the Harney County National Hank Burns. Oregon. Coon asso a sat. not-. M. V. IK.lms a "so. a. is, aoc el. COOPER & dolx;e Civil and Hydraulic Engineers Irrigation, Water Supply Sewerage, Water Power. Surveys, Maps, Katlinates, Suinrviaios BURNS, OREGON K. ('. I 'it i u,i, Kormerl). Aaau Kuglneer I'l II. K Itr. lalliallnn Ser i las, a. o. Facixaaa Koriuerly 1'hlef I glntt-r ol B.iisa 4 Vf.-Bl.-rn Ki $1500 Reward! W. A. (ioodman sella Rolled Barley at He. Rolled Wheat at lie. Clean seed Barley, lie, Good Wheat lie, at hia barn in the west part of town. 6tf. I'l... Oregoa, Us I I lorn la a lid N. valla Live .tuck ftoter llou Association uf which the uud.r alguad la wain tier, will glv.i 11,005 u6 reward tor eel il.inru luadlng to H. N. McCOMB General Repair Shop Rear W. O. White's Shop, ft Main Street Plumbing, Pomp and Wind Mill Work a Specially. WHITE FRONT LIVERY STABLE Eastern Oregon Engineering Company CIVIL AND IRIMUTION IM.1MUS Bsrss, Ureses JEAN BART BAIXOMB hi . K. r. ASSO. t AM. I. .11 .. 1.1. 111. arms! ami con vilillon ol any par tror parllaa steal In I a or mule belonging tosuy uf It mam la a.l.lltiou io lb abut, lb. nnderalf ued i.Bnrs lb same roiiillllou IMal.uu for all borsus branilo.1 bora alioil bar on bulb or either Jaw. Brand recorded In night rouuil.a Uauge Harney. Lake and Crook ouuallas. llorae vested wb.u Bold. Nuna l.ul grown buraea aold and only In arge buunliea, w W.HRtiWN rife, Oregon. Burns Sheet Metal Works Til, Upper, Sheet Ires Work el sll Dcscriptles. Camp Sieves, Tasks, Jebbiif, Plnoib- iig le order. Give Me Trial. O. W. SCHUMANN Proprietor. Voeiftly '( Old Stand HVDKAULIC ENOINEER Ditcbaf, Reservoirs, Final I'roof Work, Hydro-Electric Power U. S. Dep. Mineral Work Cesrt Wsrk A Spviieltj - lingaufd In Both Private. And '.'in iiin,.i, stri.ani ttafias Al HIKSON - . ORRUON NEW RIGS AND TEAMS 'Phone to Me for Your Doctor Cails.JOHN "OBiNiON R. J. McKINNON, Jr., Proprietor. Young mule for sale Inquire at this office. Blue prints of any Township and range in Harney county correct down to date address, Burns Blue Print Co., 8tf Burus, Ore. ...... ...........a......... e e Cottage Inn I l DINMNQ ROOM AH lOY, Profile I r I S Open For Busineas. KeRular Meals at all hours. Open ....ill in. 'in .......... ..;.!., e s uiii.ii 4v.uu rviny tiiKill s CALL AND SEE ME NOW l:verythlK Neat and New eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee e ;buns sanaterium: Mr. Wm. Cummins, Prop. Best of care for patients Well furnished rooms, nent! --- aae,ggj rlt'llll flllll VT Stock laspeclsr, Haraey Uaatv. Home A.ldreas Huiih. Oft JWHNUKHHKULINti. e a - ....... ..,,,, , uo. ,,. , nine, () . J contagious eases taken. e e a v 'J&SJbB. SJBBBBBBBBBSW JP A jaaBBB. SaV r aaBBWaF A'" - S .BaBBBBBBBBBBBaM' fHat Sl 1 1 1 JaJI -Saeaal :' " T 'I i anPfVeaBBBBBBBBBBnaBBf WTaBaJsaaeBaV AA Mates Reasonable Jeweler. Optician Knucravei'. Fine Watch Repairing A cialty. ttttd pe B