The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, January 18, 1913, Image 2

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We have just what you need
just what you have been looking
for. An up-to-date suit with an
extra pair of pants to match, all for
Can You Beat This?
These are all hand tailored suits,
serviceable and sure to satisfy you.
Don't delay long or they may all
be gone. No bigger or better bar
gain was ever offered you in Burns.
Do not delay get that suit today.
Clothing Company
Leading Clothiers - - High Grade Tailoring
I. O. O. F. Building - - Burns, Oregon
fthf ftimes-ilwraCd
Oa. Y.r
31. Month.
Tar. Month.
Governor West's Message.
In his message to the legisla
ture which convened last Mon
day, Governor West tra le recoir.
mendations and suggestions as
State's finances reported in ex
cellent condition.
Single Board of Control for all
State penal and eleemosynary in
stitutions advocated.
Promise that appropriations t f Board of Tax Commission recom-
t wo years ago would not be over
pent declared to have been kept.
Return to their homes of half
the boys now in State Training
school, and transfer of other
half at state farm at Union re
State-prison policy defended
and progress toward betterment
Drunkard's compensation act,
reformatory for convicts, home
for aged and home for wayward
girls advocated.
Further legislation, but along
conservative lines, in behalf of
good roads recommended.
Blanket appropriation bills con
demned. Ktsiibmission recommended of
taxation measures passed by leg
islature and rejected by people
at election.
Reform in procedure of State
Workmen's compensation and
minimum wage bills indorsed.
State declared to be proper
party lo sue to recover Coos Hay
wagon road grant lands.
Views on law enforcement
New additional liquor measure
recommended and Portland vice
commission measunH indorsed
for stale-wide application.
Sterli.alion of degenerates and
feeblemlnded persons advocated.
"BltM sky" legislation recom
mended. Liberal appropriation for Pana
ma fair advocated.
Indorsement urged for resolu
tion before Congress proposing
direct election of Senators.
California plan for divided ses
sion of Legialature commended.
Restriction of initiative and re
ferendum signatures to registered
voters recommended.
The local merchant who carri
es a large stock of goods for the
convenience of his natrons and
who shows the right spirit in
buying the produce of the farmer
at prices that will give the pro
ducer a profit is entitled to con
sideration in the way of patron-
age. lie cannot lie expected to
carry stock and sell only (lour,
coal oil, sugar, etc., and have
the people Bend away for all
their dry goods and other such
necessities, as he would soon go
out of business. Before sending
away for goods make a careful
study of home conditions, the
parcel post and compare with
the home merchant and see if
you can't keep the money at
home. Read the big nd of the
Burns Department Store in this
issue. It may help you to solve
this problem, to mutual advan
tage of all concerned.
Chambrrlam'a Couf h Rrmrdy.
This remedy has no superior
for coughs and colds. It is
pleasant to take. It contains no
opium or other narcotic. It al
ways cures. Tor sale by All
(May Clemens mill is the near
est one to Burns where all kinds
of lumber both rough and dress
ed can be had. Near Canyon
road. Call him by 'phone.
"Hlck'ry Farm."
The Tonawama Stock Co. pro
duced "Hick'ry Farm" last night
to a very appreciative house.
There were not so many out aa is
usual but the night was so disa
greeable that no one waa expect
ed to leave their homes for diver
sion. However, it was a good
house and the players are entire
ly satisfied. Those who attended
seemed well pleased with the
production and are asking for
the next bill. It was all fun
that is, a comedy-although a
very pretty story and good plot
ran through the bill. The work
of Crover Jameson, 1). M. Me
I Hide and Clifford Reed was es
pecially commendable.
Miss Loot) Smith sang between
acts and responded to a hearty
encore, as did alsoOra Hill. Both
are popular singers and are al
ways greeted enthusiastically.
The management of the opera
house announced that in view of
the unfortunate fire of last Tues
day night the policy of Tonawama
as announced when it was opened
would be deviated from and the
house tendered to the Women of
Wooilcrast for their masked ball
on Feb. 14. A member of the
committee of the lodge called
yesterday afternoon and had been
assured of the fact.
Tonawama Stock Co. will be
seen again in a production some
time next month, the exact date
not yet having been set, or the
bill to be played selected.
At the request of Senator
Bourne, the Poet Office Depart
ment has telegraphed the Super
intendent of the Thirteenth Dis
trict instrictions to indeavor to
secure u contract with the Sump
ter Valley Railway for the trans
portation of mail by train be
tween Austin and Prairie City.
The mail is now carried by stage,
the railroad company having re
fused to make a contract A pe
tition has been filed with the
Post Office Department signed
by several thousand residents of
Grant and Harney counties ask
ing for the establishment of this
service. Blue Mt. Kagle.
will pay no note drawn by
me to J. W. Lee, as said note
have been paid for some time.
M. R. Al.HKRSON. 8 10.
Build Up Your Own Town And Community
By Purchasing Your Goods at Home
Complete New Slate.
At the annual meeting of the
Harney County Fair Association
last Monday afternoon a complete
change was made in the board of
directors for this year. It was
considered best to make a change
as Borne of those serving had
been at the helm since the organi
zation started seven years ago
and had become "old sores" so
to speak. It seems none of the
stockholders were dissatisfied
with the manner of conducting
the business of the Association,
those who had expressed them
selves being in favor of the old
board continuing, but they decid
ed to take a rest from the more
or less "strenuous" duties and
ask other Btock holders to take
a portion of the "honors" as
that is all there is in it.
Much care was taken in making
a selection of directors for the
coming year and it is a set of
men who have the interests and
purposes of the fair at heart and
will do good, conscientious work.
They ure congenial, which goes
a long way in making the fair a
success and harmonious work is
necessary under the circumstan
ces. The men selected so handle
the fair this year are: Sam
Mot hi -rsl lead. J. L. Gault, J. M.
Dalton, J. C. Welcome Jr.. 0. L
Shingledecker, A. K. Richardson
and Simon Lewis, These gen
tlemen will get together in the
near future and make plans.
The books of the Association were
not all Op to date nt the time of
the annual meeting owing to a
press of time on the part of men
who could do it, therefore the
present secretary will keep them
until they a e ready for the new
The Association is in very good
shape financially, having no out
standing obligations, with the
exception of a few small bills
that had not been sent in to the
secretary. There are also some
premiums not paid, but warrants
have been issued for them and
parties may have them at any
time. Than is money to pay
these and still a small balance in
the treasury to start the year
Mail Carrier Bondsman Here
Inasmuch as we are expected to compete with targe
Eastern Houses, who sell for cash only, we are obliged to
stick pretty close to the cash system, for in no other way
can prices of houses who see your money before they
wrap up the goods, be met on equal terms. Now, you
have a big department store right at home and the rate
is much less from Burns than from Chicago. For instance
a 10 lb. package will cost $1.10 from Chicago, while from
Burns it cost you but 14 cts. Quite a difference, ain't it?
A few of the Thousands of Articles carried In stock by the Burns Dept. Store enumerated belew:
Dry Goods Dept. Wares Of All Kinds Home Entertaiment
A Complete Line of Staple and Fancy
Dry Goods, including Ladies Cloaks,
Waists, Shirts, Sweaters, Shawls, Hand
Bags, Beds and Bedding, I'ndermuslins,
Dress Goods, Hosiery, Corsets and Cor
set Covers. Notions, Silks and Ribbons.
Gentleman's Dept.
The Most Complete and Up-To-Date
Gent's Furnishing Department also full
line of Men and Boys Suits and Over
coats; Socks, Neckties, Collars and Cuffs,
Underwear, New Stock of Working and
Dress Shirts, Hats, Caps, Gloves, Sus
penders, Levi Strouss and "Boss of the
Road" Overalls, Jumpers, Linen Dusters
Drugs Department
We mention lure a few of the things
carried in this department: Perfumery,
Face Powder, Cream and Solutions,
Toilet Articles, Blue Vitrol, Formalde
hide, Chloride Lime, Sal Soda, Turpen
tine, Raw and Boiled Linseed Oil, White
Lead, Dry and Mixed Paint, Gasoline,
Kerosene, Lubricating Oils, Stock and
Poultry Foods, Insect Powder, Squirrel
Poison, Household Remedial and Grape
Juice. Denatured and Wood Alcohol.
Frank Jv Smith, of Portland,
a representative of the National
Surety Co , who were on Con
tractor Kellogg's bond for the
mail contracts which he abandon
ed the first of the year, is here
looking after the interests of his
company. Mr. Smith states
there will be no new contract
made by the government for the
line represented as his company
must make them good.
He is negotiating with local
people along the line to secure u
responsible parti to take the con
tracts fr the unexpired time and
while his company does not ex
pect to get the contracts for the
figures originally made by Kel
logg, they want to save as much
as possible. They are sure of a
loss, but must make good the
contracts and therefore the ser
vice will be the same as before
when finally arranged.
Mr. Smith assures The Times
Herald that this section is to
have just as good service in the
future as in the past and he will
remain on the ground until it has
been permanently arranged.
Light, all steal run-about buggy
practically new; also set of
double harness with collars. In
puire at this office. tf
Ry N. Brown & Sons.
Send in your mail orders for
Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Dry
Goods, Dress Goods, Boots and
Shoes or any thing in the above
departments to Brown's Satisfac
tory Store. All orders for above
goods will be delivered free to
any Post Office in Harney County
N. Brown & Sons
Man and wife with two child
ren want work on a ranoh for the
winter. Apply at this office.
Subscribe for the Oregon Jour
nal, Oregon's Best Newspaper,
Special, Rates for the year Daily
and Sunday 5.00; Daily with
out Sunday 3.75 Semi-Weekly
85 cents; Sunday, $1.50. Leave
subscription with Harry McHose.
Bast Cough Madicin For Children
"I am very to say a few words
in praise of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy" writes Mrs. Lida Dew
ey, Milwaukee, Wis. "I have
used it for years both for my
children and myself and it never
fails to give relief and cure a
cough or cold. No family with
children should be without it as
it always gives almost immed
iate relief in case of croup,"
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is
pleasant to take, which is of
great importance when a medi
cine must be given to young
children. For sale by all dealers
By N. Brown & Sons
Send in your mail orders for
Clothing, Furnishing goods, Dry
goods, Dress goods Boots and
Shoes or any thing in the above
departments to Brown's Satisfac
tory Store. All orders for above
goods will be delivered free to
any Post office in Harney County.
Wood Potatoes
A. K. Richardson
General Merchandise
Will Prepay All Charges
On nil Dry Goods and Boots or Shoes
Bought from him, to any poatofflce
In Harney County Don't Forgot ft!
He Will Also Give You
20 Per Cent Off
On all Woolen Shirts, Sweaters, Kt
He Will Also Give You
15 Per Cent Off
On All Sheep Lined Coate
He Also Carries One Of The Best
And Most Complete Lines of Fancy
And Staple Groceries In This City
ar That Means Something To You .:
Wheat I
Chronic Constipation Curad.
"Five years ago I had the
worst case of chronic constipa
tion I never knew of and Cham
berlain's Tablets cured me."
writes S. F. Fish, Brooklyn,
Mich. For sale by All Dealers.
Every Day In The Year
Nolica lo Creditor..
In tlir matter of the estate of llitrvcy
Dixon, deceased.
Notice ii hereby given that the under
signed lull lieen regularly appointed B
1 1 mi it of the limt Will anil Testament
of Harvey Dixon, deceased
All erons having claims against said
estate are hereby notified to present the
Name to the undersigned, duly verified
as by law required, within six months
from the date ol this notice.
Dated at Hums, iinvmi, November !,
makv Blum Dixon,
Hxecutrix of the lust Will and Testament
of Harvey Dixon, deceased.
Trough Train To Portland
Leaves Bend 6:30 a. m. Redmond, 7:15 a. m., Ter
rebonne 7:30 a. m., Culver 8:OB a. m., Metolius 8:30
a. m., Madras 8:40 a. m., Maupan 10:48 a. m ar
rives Portland 5:30 p. m.
Best Goods With lowest Prices
Are so representative in character I hat
it is possible to furnish your home.
WOODENWAKK Bniomt, B rush h,
Willow Ware. Water Hairs, Hands and
Kegs, Bowls, etc.
QUEENSWABE-Fine China. Cut Class,
Silver Deposit Ware. Minors, Cooking
Utensils, Pottery Lamps and Lanterns.
JEWELBYWARE Clocks, Walclu-s,
Stickpins, Belt Buckles, Cuff and Collar
Buttons, Etc.
HARDWARE - Headquarters for Sport
incr Coods. Guns. Ammunition, Fishing
and Camping Outfits, Tents, Tanmulians
and Wagon Covers, minding Paper,
Roofing. Wire Netting, Nails, Garden
Tools, Rope, Cuttlery, Tineware, Etc.
Boot And Shoe Dept.
We are proud of this department and
can give satisfaction to all Men, Women
and Children. We carry the celebrated
Buckingham & Hecht line. None better.
For family friends and yourself if you
want a Phonograph with Records. We
handle the Famous Edison Phonographs
Children's Dept.
Our Children's Department is so com
plete that we can furnish your little
ones from top to toe. We have not
overlooked the Dolls and Toys
Grocery Dept.
We've all kinds Flour, Bacon, Lard,
Honey, Grain, Grass Seed and Feeds of
all kinds. Farm Produce, Fresh Fruit.
Vegetables and Evaporated Fruits.
Special Dept.
Wall Paner, House Lining, Umbrellas;
Parasols, Trunks, Valises, Suit Cases,
and Butterick Patterns. Whips, Hob
bles, Half Soles and Tacks. Stationery,
School Supplies, Tobacco and Cigars,
Notions, Confectionurii's. (irain, Wool
Bags. Sacks, Binder Twine and Cord
We Meet and Heat All Competion ; Your Trade Respectfully Solicted
- The Burns Department Store -
Send Your
Orders For
Lumber. Lath,
Cedar Shingles.
Hardwall Plaster,
Portland Cement.
Lump Lime. Etc.
Overturf, Davis, Miller Co.
aaaa aa aaaaaaaaaa a as I amaai a. I I n I aaaasaasw I aaaasaaaaaaa aa . a
Wholesale and Retail Dealers
Office Phone 36 Mill Phone 48
Direct Connections
S-ftSffl?! Tacma Spokane, Minneapolis, St
Pa Chicago, Denvr, Omaha, St. Louis, Kan
sas City and all points east and south
Via the North Bank Rond, Northern Pacific and C.reat Norther.
J. H. Corbelt. At. Bend. Ore. H. Bauke , At. Hedmond. Or
W I). SKINNER, Traffic Manager
Details of schedules, faros, etc, will he furnished on request.
We have a large stock of the above
and can make quick deliveries to the
Burns Country. Get OUR Prices.
The sworn statements of Life
Insurance Companies on Hie at
the State Insurance Department,
Salem, show that In 1!KI, 1910.
1911, Oregon Life the Only Life
Insurance Company Exclusively
Oregon, sold more policies in
Oregon than any other company.
In 1912 Oregon Life is surpass-
ing all its previous record,
K. ('. K'iiil.KSTON,
35 Agent.
I'NITltli MaW ba HO iiimit.
area Origou lieovsnbor ai, mis
Notice la hereby itYM llinl l.ynuni Inuiklln
Hmllli Nsrrow., 0rOli, abu, u Mm)' ii, 11107,
Baits Mi'ii'l oittryhOMi serial No u .. fur
NW. Section w. Township smith. Ksuki' .
til Khi WlllainstUJ Msrldlan has Hluii
mull, til liiW'iiiiou tn tasks Until flvs seal
root, to I'stai'luii itthn to ibs laud abovo
scribed hulore Hisiaii'i and RoosWsr, i
Hums, iiri-son. on dm .Mli .iu of Junoan
Claimant names aattlincaari.
llsrvy II Kllloll, Hsorttrsm Klllull Homsi
llilnglc, I'n 'I llsni'n. all ul Nanows, Oregon i
WM.KiKK. K)lstr. '
mi l fill II ncv I miilj
In the 1'onntj '.
Si it It- ol ( imrn
lii the matter oi tin- Bjatote ofZa
II. Stroinl, Deceased
I lie unckntjgnefj having lucn durtji
pointed, i of tlic iibT
named estate in iln- ah,... .mnttd
o,r,i .ill uercni having clalai
nguiust smil estate ure herein iliM
in preeeni iiiem iluh erridrd .1- In l
i' iiiiu.l, to llie tl orta
oliieo S. Suenioie, in tlieCu, ol Hurns,
Karat; Cooetj . Oregoi . wiiuii i ij
month limn tl,.. .1 ,,.. 1. ....... .1
... .,.,,, inn mi.
Dated Horns. Oregon, No 10 LMI
kms If, BTROl'D,
Ailniiiiistininx ,,1 thl Install ol . da
I in I, 1 1 Stl Nud I ...... I
loo S ol the Att.riltrl
A. Dunn will have charge Ol
mv wood business in Burns
winter. Dry wood on hand
any part of town F. 0. Jacks
52. tf