The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, January 18, 1913, Image 1

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The Biggest City In The Biggest
County In The State Of Oregon
The Biggest County In The State
Of Oregon, Best In The'West
NO .10
William Hanley and Associates Drain
ing Swamps And Diverting The
Water On Great Tracts of Dry
Sage Brush Lands In The Valley
The Times-Herald has just! is well located and the land is
learned that the Hanley Com-, rich, the climatic conditions ex
pany has completed the work of coptionally good, adapted to di
dredgingthe "P Ranch swamp" J versified farming and will add
and considerable ditching and much to the wealth and proeperi
flume on this same project has ty of this county.
been completed during the past
season. It is stated on good Importance of Agriculture
authority that the company has
ordered another dredging ma- Agriculture is the wealth of
chine of a more modern type for the nation and if wisely managed
the same purpose in the "Dia- the soil will support the nation
mond swamp," work on which with little outside help.
will no doubt begin next season. But while we have a wealth of
This work is of rather immense resource in the land, agriculture
character and has been carried in this country is still far from
on the past two seasons by the the point where it can support
Eastern Oregon Engineering Co., our ninety six millions of people,
under the direct supervision of because it is not wisely followed
F. C. Dillard of that firm. in every section. The question
The draining of the swamp
just completed has been gigantic
in its scope, as it not only drains
an immense area that may now
lp enltivated but the water here-
tofore making this swamp has
been diverted on to higher ground
that has not been tilled or used
owing to its dry character, and
which now will be cultivated.
During the season we are told
some three miles of ditch and
tlume work was completed in the
field about the Sod House.
This big undertaking has been
going on for some time but little
has been said about it. Mr.
Hanley has stated in the past,
especially at the time of the trans
ferof the land grant lands to der the leadership oi m. fc. naies.
the Hill interests, that the hold- These people came from a rich
ings of his company would be agricultural country, but they
placed on the market at no dis- learned of the greater possibiii
tant date. It may be the plan, ties existing in this county, and
although this assertion is made decided to grasp the opportunity
without any authority, that the of a life time, and secured a por
plan is to reclaim this land and at tion of the homestead land offer
once place it on the market in gd by the government. Madras
small tracts. Pioneer.
The draining of the Diamond
swamp, which it is now reported Henry Eichner at Harney Ore
the company contemplates, a gon, is prepared to do all kinds
larger area will be added to the of rag carpet and rug weaving at
land reclaimed and make desira- 33 cents per yard and furnish
ble homes for many people. It I the warp. 4tf
Centrally Located, Good Clean
Meals, Comfortable Rooms,
Clean and Sanitary Beds
First Class Bar In Connection. Oive Me A Call
New Year Resolution
Whereas, results positively establish the fact that
Archie McGowan
Of Burns, Harney County, Oregon, Is
The Leading Land Man
Resolved. That what I have for
sale, I will list with him, because
I wish to sell it. He makes good!
Your Safety Demands
That You Have Your Prescriptions Filled At The
A licence is not all that it required to fill Prescriptions.
You mutt have perfect quality of ingredients, accuracy in
compounding and complete and well kept stock.
We give you all these. We never substitute. Your
Doctor's wish is carried out to the minutes detail.
REED BROS., Props.
of the hour is now to get enough
people into the business of farm-
ing to take care of the rapidly
expanding population in the cities
and the constantly increasing
demand for foodstuffs all over
the country.
Immigration into the different
parts of Crook county continues
week after week. Last Tuesday
:i large party of settlers arrived
in Madras, from Centralia. Wash
ington and the surrounding
country. Those who composed
the party were: F. M. Mills. Or
ren Bishop, Charley Devlin, Har
ry McCandalis, Maurice Eaton,
Charles Bramer, Leslie Eshum,
John Bretherson, and were un-
Fight It On Between Politi
ticians And Much Specula
tion Rife A To Outcome
Many Postmasters Are
Slated For Positions
A Washington dispatch to the
Oreironian under date of Jan. 10
Rives a list of proposed appoint
ments in Oregon recommended
by Ralph Williams, national com
mitteeman of the republican par
ty. It says:
"National Committeeman Wil
liams today recommended to
President Taf t that the following
Federal appointments be made
in Oregen:
"Thomas McCusker. Postmast
er at Portland; John H. Burgard.
Collector of Customs, Portland;
E. C. Kirkpatrick. of Dallas.
United States Marshal; C. V.
Johnson, of Corvallis, Appraiser
of Customs at Portland; D. L.
Keyt, of Portland, Surveyor-General;
Frank I.. Parker. Collector
of Customs at Astoria; L. H.
rneson, Receiver of The Dalles
Land Office; Preston A. Worth-
ington, receiver of the Hums
Land Office.
"The following Presidential
postmasters also are recommend recemmend
ed: Frank J. Carney, Astoiia; John
E. Loggan, Burns; KllaV. Powers,
Canyon City, Ben Weathers, En
teprise: John E. Beusley. Falls
City; William M. Brown, Leba
non; F W. Harm's. Boseburg;
Edgar Hosteller. The Dalles;
Merritt A. Baker. Weston; Philip
A. Livesly. Woedburn: John H.
Peare. LfjQrande; John F. Miller
Under later date the Journal
has a dispatch from Washington
as follews:
"Democratic senators held a
caucus today am) decided to Btand
pat in their opposition to a cor
ner in Republican patronage.
'The Republicans having re
fused to co-operate with a Dem
ocratic '.'ommittee to consider the
nominations with a view deter
mining what should be and what
should not be confirmed, they de
termined to stand pat and hold
up everything but army and navy
promotions and the diplomatic
appointments until the further
orders of the caucus. It is said
the Republicans are willing there
should be no delay in acting up
on the nominations placed upon
the exempt class by the Demo
cratic caucus.
"Postmasters and other civil
appointments indended to be
filled with Republicans within a
few weeks of the end of the Re
publican administration will be
protested against by the Demo
crats, even if it takes a filibuster
to enforce their protests.
"There will be rather cold
comfort for those whose names
are sent in by the president
Two postmasters were the only
nominations for Oregon that the
president sent in today. Those
that Ralph Williams submitted
must go to the various depart
ments having jurisdiction and be
approved. This is naturally a
mere matter of form, but it will
delay their presentation for a
few days."
James J. Hill May Be
Next Sec. of Agriculture
It is interesting to note that
the eastern newspapers are de
voting much attention to the pro
posal that James J. Hill be chosen
the next Secretary of Agricul
ture. It is also, perhaps, a bit
strange that the papers of the
Coast have given Mr. Hill's pro
posed candidacy so comparati
vely slight mention; in this mat
ter, it seems as if the Pacific
Northwest must turn to such
journals as the New York Times
even to learn that Mr. Hill is
being discussed, and discussed
with a national seriousness.
Assuredly it would be difficult to
select a man more admirably
qualified foi the position, of to
make an uppi mimi-nl that would
be more univerntlly popular.
Especially would his s lection be
applauded in the West, where
Mr. Hill is known by his works
and his works have shown him
to be the greatest practical agri
cultural dtveloper in the history
of the United States. -Bend
Old Time Structure Discovered Aflame
Shortly After 10 O'clock Tuesday
Night Too Late To Save And Is
Rapidly Consumed. No Insurance
And Loss Reported Heavy
Locher'a hall was destroyed by
fire last Tuesday niRht. It vs
not known definitely how it was
started, some say from an over
turned light in one of the rooms
on the ground floor, while otherc
claim who were on the scene
early, that the fire seemed to
have started from another part
of the building.
It was discovered a few minutes
after 10 o'clock and almost im
mediately half the population of
the town was on the scene and
the fire apparatus at work. The
fire department did some very
I effective work in saving the Loch-
er home, which is really a part
of the structure consumed, and
other wooden buildings in close
proximity to the hall. The vol
unteer work of many men and
women saved much property and
the result shows wonderful and
almost unbelievable work. The
lower portion of the building
having been of stone aided ma
terially in confining the fire to
the one building and the intelli
gent efforts of the fire depart
ment and citi7.ens did the intelli
gent efforts of the fire depart
ment and citizens did the rest.
At one time it looked as though
the fire would spread across and
communicate with the Clevenger
furniture store but this was saved
through a volunteer brigade who
mounted the roof from the back
and poured water down the front.
Almost every window in the
front of the building is broken
as a result of the heat and water.
Had the flames communicated
with the building the Welcome
harness shop and Dr. deary's
office would have been burned
and it would have been an effort
to save The Times-Herald build
ing, although the latter is a brick
structure, would possibly have
It was seen at once that the
hall could not be saved and it did
not look possible that the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Locher could be
saved but the boys climbed the
roof and a hose was played on
the flames where the home was
attached to the hall building and
by persistent effort and the aid
of a bucket brigade from the
Lampshire garage and a well ad
joining the liOdier building, it
was a possibility and this en
couraged the workers to greater
The buildings to the south were
kept wet at intervals preventing
the flames from spreading to the
south and thus several small
buildings the Drinkwater pro
perty, Lampshire's garage and
the block to the south across the
street, which is entirely wood
structures were saved.
Everything was favorable to
the Are fighters, so far as weather
conditions were concerned. A
snow had fallen the night before
and the roofs were all covered
and wet. The wells on the street
where the water engine secured
its supply were inadequate, how
ever, and it had to be moved at e caused them to oecome tired
frequent intervals from one well soon, necessitating their !
to another. The first stand waHIucn,l' tOpplnu to catch their
made at the corner of The Times-
Herald building and while the Property owners in the vicinity cedure. Each individual is look
top was being pried off. which of the firo were kept busy be- in to much hl8 own Phonal
was frozen down in the snow, tween doing wha, they could at SSSL on ThearSf the
water was secured from this intervals on the lire apparatus people which must be overcome,
office to prime the pumps and a (Continued on Last Page) (Continued on Last Page.)
j stream was soon playing on the
Locher's hall had been a land
mark in Burns for many yearn
and had been the public meeting
place for almost all large gather
ings, theatricals, dances, stc.
The first story of the building
had been built of stone from
time to time mostly by the per -
sonal labor of Mr. Loobttend When it was first taken advant
there were wide stone partitions1 age of in this state there were
all through that part which ar- some of the wildest applications
rested the fire after the second and segregations made that any
story had collapsed. They had one could dream of. The most
recently put in a hard-wood floor
in the hall for skating rink and
dancing purposes at considerable
expense. The lower portion was
occupied by several tenants in
cluding the offices of the Central
Oregon Oil & (!as Co., which
was in the front part on th main
street, John Worlow, Mr. Wisdom
and wife. Chas. Biggs and wife.
All of these lost some household
goods and personal effects, T.
E. Jenkins had a quantity ofj
beer, liquor and cigars stored in
one of the rooms ami aside from
the Lochers is perhaps the heavi
est loser. Mr. Godfrey, who
has charge of the (Jas Company
offices, states that their loss is
not heavy so far as actual de-
struct ion of property is concern-
ed but some very valuable maps
were burned that it will take
much time and hard work to re
plnce. He also lost some person
al effects of more or less value.
Miss I ah her informs the writer
that the insurance had been al
lowed to lapse only a short before.
Thev had been at considerable
expense recently and her mother
relt that there was less danger ' and school, but also in assisting
in winter and simply neglected to reduce the high cost of living
it. Therefore the loss is entire. nnd giving thousands of people
The Times-Herald wishes to comfortable homes and incomes,
commend the fire department The proposition to put people
and the many good people who out of business entirely, such as
worked so heroically during the suggested by Mr. Young is
night to save the town from de- rather foolish. People who have
struction, for had the flames ,)Ut their money into the pro
communicated with any other jt.cts of whatever character and
building it would have been al-j have gone according to law,
most impossible to have saved a worked conscientiously and legi
large portion of the business innately are entitled to some con-
part of town to the south, sideration and will get it from all
Fortunately there was not a ' fair minded people. Another
breath of wind. The Ladies I thing; Just so long as people
Auxiliary is also to be commend- j will enter into stipulations with
ed and deserve much credit for u big corporation which in their
their work, not only in having character give the corporation a
hot cofTee for the workers, but greater hold, in a technical man
also for material aid in carrying ner at least, of what should
water in buckets and assisting he distributed more equitably
in removing things from build- among the people, just that long
ings threatened in the vicinity. will it be harder to remove such
The ladies even helped on the an evil from the path of progres
water engine when the men were sion and development,
spent for breath and had to stop. We want to advance, we want ;
The icy streets and the necessity development and the "quicker
of frequent moves from one wcllth0 sooner" but go at it in a
to another, thus causing the hose practical and business like way
(0 be detached and carried from not through popular prejudice1
one street to another made much l)Ut by legitimate means. The
work and many of those who holding back of progress and:
volunteered on the engine and development of this state or
carried the heavy hose were men , this particular section is not
noi accustomed to such violent
exercise and working with such
haste under exciting circumstanc-
II. Hi. I VOC I'lol'l.l THAT NT TO HKI.I. liilgtti, mil
I'len Willi1! Who sail Win Tlicrr ib A REASON- 1Vuio irenayuiK
i'li-INLAND KMI'IKK KliAl.TY COMPANY, ..f Hiinim, OfSfM, h
old mure iriiMriii'h 1 1 nil othstl BROAUIS IT W A KNOWN I'M I
I.Uli'ii liiniir ('OMI'I'.'I'I oils HAY K Then lit four Dropailv with
''(i,o I lint havt StlOW ii ll HI li.ny kuuw tl'i'ir bnaliirSI lliut will ilu (lit.
Ininii.i'i i ik it mill t r. 141 you on I lie Kijunre.
We write 1'IRK INSURANCE fur the heat CompanUi-ALL KINDS
OV LAND SCRIPT FOB BALK altmi.l to nil kind of land multem
JUNTAS IT Hi: HONK Write or osll aud sea us-IK) IT NCW
sestions Both Impracticable
and Impossible Holds Sway
Resulting In Little Gain
The recent Irrigation Congress
held in Portland may have ad
vocated some good things; in this
respect we are satisfied it was
good to recommend the work of
the state board of water commis
sions, the advocacy of good roads
and other things, but some of the
talks of the delegates were more
or less a joke. The fact that the
Carey act has been a failure in
this state has not been on ac
count of the act, for it has been
a success in other states, for iii
stance Idaho, but the thing was
not given the right consideration
in the first place, with no busi
ness like attention by the proper
impractical schemes were per
petrated imaginable, and the
state permitted it. As an in
stance, one project of considera
ble magnitude was withdrawn
under the act in this county and
held for an indefinite time that
was about as practical as a siphon
to convey Bull Run water from
the other side of the Cascades to
Bums for domestic purposes or
dipping it out of a well with a
thimble. These people held on
to the land for a long time and
did not give up until they were
called upon do make good their
bet. No such games would, have
been played on Oswald West had
he been in the executive chair or
,uhn H. Lewis who is now state
The suggestion or resolution
to place the working of the act
on a business basis as in Idaho
was good. This should have
been done before as then much
of the Eastern portion of the
state would now be more thickly
populated and bringing in a re
venue not only in the way of
UlArn i" tutnini, iwuiuy, i ny
to one company or corpora-
! tion, but to several and not
alone to this character of "evil"
if the word may be applied
here, but to lack of unity of
purpose with the whole people
and a practical method of pro-
Irrigation Men Urge Relief For Settlers
State's Negligence Shown. Con
gress Seeks Action on Columbia
Southern Project So Report Says
Unqualified declaration that
the Carey act has not operated
successfully and presentation of
a substitute plan whereby the
settler can give a first mortgage
and secure immediate title to his asked in a separate set of reso
land were contained in resolutions j lutions.
unanimously adopted by the Ore- Legislative 'appropriation of
gon Irrigation Congress yesU-r- $50,000 to be used with alike
day afternoon, says the Oregeni: amount already promised by
an Secretary Fisher, of the Federal
Further resolutions urge the Interior Department, in investi
State Legislature to provide J gating irrigation and power pro
funds for the immediate relief of jects as outlined by J. N. Tea!
settlers on the Columbia South-1 before the congress, was advised,
em project in Crook County; to The State Board of Control was
pass a county bonding act for commended for its work in the
the construction of good roads adjudication of the waters of the
and to appropriate money for the Silvies River in Harney County
thorough investigation of the j and the early completion of the
Columbia River power project as project was recommended,
advocated by John H. Lewis, j At the afternoon session A. M.
State Engineer. I Crawford. Attorney-General of
One of the most important the state, discouraged the idea of
and the shortest resolutions making State Board of Control
provides that no reclamation pro- a judicial body and the following
ject be opened for settlement resolution was adopted in accord
until the water is readv for ance with that idea:
distribution. This would prevent
such disastrous results as those
experienced by the Columbia
Southern settlers.
Residence requirements on ir -
rigation projects constructed by
the Reclamation Service were de
clared unjust and unreasonable
and action was urged that will
allow water-users 25 years in
which to repay the Government condemning the Carey act and
for construction expenses. j the outline of the plan for settle-
President-elect Wilson was ask- ment of ,ands by the deed and
ed to appoint a "Western, and 'mortgage system is as follews:
preferably an Oregon man. pos-1 Whereas, The Carey act has
sessing legal learning, knowledge I not operated successfully in Ore
of actual conditions existing in ! Ron and as it would appear that
the West, and the judicial tern-1 the settler as well as the irriga
perament essential to the proper tion company would be benefited
discharge of the duties of the by a slight revision of the rules
office for Secretary of the Inter-' of the Desert Land Board, to
ior." No mention of either! conform to those in use under the
Joseph N. Teal or Will R. King, 'same act in Idaho, therefore,
both of whom are candidates fori "Be it resolved. That the Ore
the honor, was made. j gon Irrigation Congress urge the
Adjudication of the water' (Continued on Last Page)
Strictly First
Service, Fine
Sample Room In Connection, Reasonable Rates
Burns Meat Market
H. J. HANSEN, Proprietor
Beef, Pork, Veal, Mutton,
Sasuage, Bolonga,
Headcheese and Weinerworst ,E.
Wholesale and Retail
Prompt and Satisfactory Service
Your Patronge Solicited and
Orders Given Quick Attention
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded
To the Doctor and his Patient. That is why the Doctor
gets the result he expected when he wrote the prescrip
tion why the patient gets the results from the medicine
which the Doctor expected. Such results are obtained from
prescriptions when filled at our store, for we always have
a competent man in charge of this department.
C. WELCOME, Jr., Prop.
rights under the Center Oregon
,' Irrigation Company's project,
, which was made the subject of
an address at Friday's meeting
, by A. 0. Walker, of Alfalfa, was
"Be if resolved. That the effec
tive work of the Board of Con
trol in the adjudication of water
rights should be extended by the
! granting of adequate funds and
that all attempts to change such
administrative board into a court
should be discourage in every
possible way."
The full text of the measure
Class. Splendid