The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, January 11, 1913, Image 3

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Hu Til LarfMt ClrcuUlion Of A... '
Nwppr hi Harney County.
Local News.
L. R. Bunyard was In town
John Carey and family have
been in the city this week.
Baled hay, Bran and all kinds
of jrraina at The Burns lVnt.
Thos. Hovvser and James Pirlf
were in the city yesterday on
A card from Dr. C. C. Griffith
states he would leave Portland
this week for home.
For Sale Household Furni
ture Enquire Mrs. C. M. Kel
logg. Kesterson's House.
Born -At the Burns Sanatori
um in this city Jan. 3, to Mr. and
Mrs. Pleas. Pugsley, a son.
Horses wintered, for $5. Good
timothy hay. W. T. VanDeru'.-r
on Pine Creek. Address Drew-
W. W. Brookins, representing
the Falk Wholesale Co., and C.
S. Record of the Idaho Candjf
Co., were here this week calling
on the trade.
Henry Goodlow returned home
Tuesday from a trip to Spokane.
He informs us he contemplates
moving to that. place in the near
future to make his home.
Rev. D. K. Laurie, Pastor
Evangelist of the Grand Hondo
Presbytery will preach at the
Presbyterian Church tomorrow
at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
W. A. Goodman sells Rolled
Barley at ljc. Rolled Wheat at
ijc. wean seeuoaney. ne.
Good Wheat lie at his
the west part of town.
barn in
Prof. Jokisch of the high
school has received a letter from
F. H. Huntley, who is in Seattle.
stating he had just been married.
Mr. Huntley is a homesteader in
the Valley View section and hit
friends join in extending con-
.- Jth
Sheriff Rvchordson.
Ed Waters and Thos.
left here Thursday for
i iiriiani
and other outside points. Mr.
Richardson goes on official busi
ness, Tom on business connected
with his hides and fur purchases
and Ed will spend some time in
Portland, later going to Hot Lake
fpr treatment.
A. Jackson, the Baker hide
buyer, was here for several days
and bought a big truck load of
hides which he shipped out. Mr.
Jackson states he purchased the
silver fox hide that was recently
caught over in Grant county.
He stated this fur is worth be
tween $800 and $10)0. Mr.
Jackson has returned to Baker
but has left a representative here
to look after his business.
Our Stock is now
complete. Come in
and see how far you
can make a dollar
go in our grocery
department. Try it!
Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes,
Hats, Caps, Coats, Mittens,
Stockings, Underwear, Etc.
- General Merchandise -
Haaonlc Building, - - Burns, Oregon
We Wish
A Happy And
id.- Hi
Burns, Harney Co. Ore.
('has. Davis was in
from his home near
the city
I larney
300 tons of hay for sale at $3
per ton if a whole stack is taken.
Inquire at this office.
Annual Congregational meet
ing of the Presbyterian Church
will he held Monday evening at
7:88 p. m.
. ... ... . . ,,., tlllcro.v
"'I-'"., .,-. -nr...
I'l-aelieallv new; also sei oi
double harness with collars. In
puira at this office. tf
Arthur Whitney was up from
Valley View during the week
visiting hit parents and attend
' ins to note business.
We are
getting some good
which indicates from
snow ton ay
prospects I
deep fall just
for m,Nt
what we
Paul Fink.' was down from his
mountain home for a few days
this week. He raportl there is
not very much snow up there as
yet but states there is plenty of
A telegram 'was received yes
terday from Dr. Griffith resign
ing his position as county physi
cian on account of his health.
Dr. Harrison was ask'd to take
the contract and he has signified
his willingness to accept it. Dr.
Griffith is expected home the
lirst of next week, but owing to
i his recent illness his friends say
; he felt he would not be justified
In accepted the contract as coun
ty physician again.
Clyde Embree and C. V. Reed
are up from Sunset
Biggest and best line of masks
at Reed Bros, at 15 to 60 cents.
Ness Hatt and wife were in
from their home during the
Harry W. Crawford, recently
from Portland, has purchased
the barber shop from Caldwell
& Jameson.
See J. I. Cavender at the old
stand all kinds of second hand
goods bought and sold. Same
good bnrgains on hand now.
Chas. W. Ellis did not go to
Portland as was his intention
and which we announced in our
last issue. Business matters pre
vented his making the trip.
Blue prints of any Township
and range in Harney county
correct down to date address.
Burns Blue Print Co.,
Htf Burus. Ore.
According to authentic advice
we learn that Mrs. W. D. Buch
anan died at La Grande on the
5th. Joe and George, her two
sons living in this county were
The snow storm will assist
materially in reducing the num
ber of rabbit nests now that they
have begun to die. With limited
feed they will not survive, at
least many of them will not.
Wm. Gray and wife were in
town yesterday. Will states
that the railroad people are not
doing any work on Crane creek
so far as he knows, but he has
heard blasts from the work fur
ther down the canyon three dif
ferent times.
By N. Brown St Sons
Send in your mail orders for
Clothing, Furnishing goods, Dry
goods, Dress goods. Boots and
Shoes or any thing in the above
departments to Brown's Satisfac
tory Store. All orderb for above
goods will be delivered free to
any Post office in Harney County.
'R. L Breithaupt writes this
office from Corvallis that he had
not received as many responses
to his registration blanks which
he had sent out to the people of
this county asking them to at
tend the short course here in
February as he had expected.
He stales that no doubt more
will attend than have signified by
the registration, yet it would be
better had more responded as
then he could have made ar
rangements more definitely. He
wants the great religious Bent to
him until be returns.
L. L. Clark died at the Burns
Sanatorium last Tuesday and was
buried the following day. Mr.
Clark was 84 years old and had
resided in this section for many
years. He formerly owned a
good ranch and some stock near
Narrows but had lost his proper
ty through not being able to look
after bis business as it should
have been owing to his ad
vanced years. He bad no rela
tives in this part of the country
that is known of. He was a
good hearted old man who tried
to treat everyone right and had
many friends.
Masquerade Jan. 24th.-Go 1
R. L. Hass Is up from Nar
rows. Masks for the whole family at
Reed Bros. Get yours early.
Fresh home made lard 17c. at
Hansen's Meat Market. tf
Plan to attend the masquerade
ball at Tonawama, Jan. 24th.
"Hick'ry Farm" at Tonawama
next Friday night Usual prices.
Hagey & Lundy chattels, small
loans, acreage city property. In
I. 0. 0. F. Bldg. BurnB. Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Williams
have gone over to Silver creek to
spend a few days on the ranch.
Don't miss the fine picture
programs at Tonawama tonight
and tomorrow night They're
both good.
Several of the young people
of town are planning to go to
the Bennett boys' place up the
river tonight for a dance.
The Times-Herald is imformed
that the rabbits are dying. One
man has recently found some 25
or thirty in one locality dead.
Gus Zoglman was in from his
home on Silver creek for a few
days this week looking after busi
ness matters and visiting friends.
The cattle market quotations
in Portland continue to rise, and
in the meantime Harney county
beef steers are taking on more
fat adding to our wealth.
Rolled wheat is the milk and
egg producer try it. Better and
cheaper than bran. Sold by W.
A. Goodman. Phone him your
Judge Thompson arrived home
Saturday night. He reports his
son McKinley, who has been
quite ill at Corvallis, as improv
ing. Mrs. Thompson has remov
ed him from Corvallis to Eugene
and wrote he had stood the trip
The holiday edition of the On
tario Argus has reached us. It
was gotten out by the ladies of
that place and is most credit
able, giving descriptive matter
of that territory, its social, re
ligious, school and business of
the town. Some nice half-tone
illustrations were used to good
By N. Brown & Sons
Send in your mail orders for
Clothing, Furnishing goods, Dry
goods. Dress Goods, Boots and
Shoes or any thing in the above I
departments to Brown's Satisfac- j
tory Store. All orders for above
goods will be delivered free to
any Post office in Harney County, j
Ira G. Boyce and wife and two,
daughters Ruth and Birdie will
leave Friday for an extended
trip to eastern and southern
states. They will be absent
about four months. They expect
to go via Los Angeles and then
to New Orleans. They will visit
Florida and be in Washington to
witness the inauguration on
March 4th. Blue Mt Kagle.
The theremometer has regist
ered below zero three times since
our last issue, being the coldest
weather yet for the winter. This
is not considered cold as it does !
not effect man or beast as it does
in lower altitude more humid.
Last Saturday night was most j
disagreeable as a high wind made
it more pronounced and cutting. '
Although Sunday night regist
ered colder it was not noticed M
much as the night before.
People of this section were
quick to take advantage of the
parcel post and the other even
ing the writer witnessed a rath
er unusual sight at the post office
when he saw a man take out al
most enough stuff to start a hard
ware store. It was extras for
automobiles that have heretofore
had to be brought in by express
and cost in some instances about
Ave times as much as by parcel
post. The mail contractor these
days must reckon with this now
departure from the old time bus
iness and our "Uncle Sam" will
find he has to pay more for the
transportation of the mail. How
ever, the parcel post is here to
stay and is going to become more
popular. This same source of
transportation must be taken in
to consideration by the merchant
and as soon as its provisions
have become more familar to the
people the local merchant is go
ing to profit by it as he has
quite an advantage over the big
department stores that have
heretofore cut in on the local
man quite materially.
Jim Mahon was in town during
the week.
Get your masks' for the big
masquerade ball on the 24, from
Red Bros. They have nil kinds.
l(st A gentlemen's hrown
left hand glove. Kit. dor id urn
to this office and IWtivV reward.
There will be work lathe Third
Degree at the Masonic Lodge
rooms on Saturday night, Jan. ltf.
Remember! E. R. Griffin has
fine ' winter pasture and hay,
cheap. Narrows, Oregon. 51 tf
I will pay nn note drawn by
me to J. W. Lee, an said note
have been paid for some lime.
M. K. Ai.hkkhon. I 10.
Rev, Joseph Herbert has ar
rived in Harney County to take
up the field work in this county
for the Presbyterian church.
If you have anything to auction
see C. P. Lloyd nt Allen Jones'
place. Ho can be reached by
phone. Auctions held on Satur
day when anything is on hand
for sale.
At a meeting of the county
school board held last Saturday
Sheriff Richardson was made tru
ant officer as it was reported a
few cases of this character de
manded attention.
Private advices from the fami
ly to friends in this city announce
that Rev. A. J. Irwin and family
have left Albany for Arizonp.
Whether they go there for any
definite time or not is not known
Their many friends in Burns
sincerely hope they have not left
this portion of the country for
good, however.
Dr. Harrison returned Salur-
day night from a professional
trip to the southern part of the
county He found W. S. Smith
suffering from smallpox at White
Horse, but in a mild form. He
also went on down to see Mrs. J.
C. Beatty. who is in oor health
but not dangerously ill. The
doctor states there is considera
ble sickness in that territory, a
doctor being up there from Win
nemiicca at the time he was in
the neighborhood looking after
the health of some patients.
Tonawama Pictures Tonight
A delayed shipment of lilms
has been received by Tonawama
and tonight will witness one of
the best programs yet given by
the house. "Colleen Bawn" a
three reel special, is the articu-
lar feature tonight with "The
Katzenjammer Kids" thrown in
for good measure. The latter is
the lirst of a series of these com
ics that appear from time to time
at Tonawama. The management
is perfecting plans to make each
Saturday night a "feature night"
with some of the best films ob
tainable. The charge tonight
will be 25 and 15 cents, as these
features cost considerable more
than the ordinary priced films.
On tomorrow night the usual
Sunday night program this
time four reels, owing to the
holdup in mails, causing the non
arrival of the right order. The
pictures tomorrow night arc of a
high order and particularly popu
lar, as some of the well known
performers are featured. The
two entitled "Hronco Hilly and
the Handits," and "The Cowboy
Girls," are both line and full of
life, the latter a good comedy.
Two other fine lilms will also be
Tonawama management is ar
ranging to put on an additional
night of pictures each week.
Beginning with Wednesday, Jan.
22nd, there will be pictures each
week on that night with the us
ual mid-week admission of 10
and 15 cents. These will be
good pictures, all passed by the
board of censorship, making the
show moral and refined.
Drewsey has a Fire.
Telephone advice from Drew
sey announces that there was a
fire at that place Thursday morn
ing which completilv destroyed
the Drewsey News printing plant
and also a racket store that had
recently been started there. We
understand both are a total loss.
The paper had been running
Bince last May and belonged to
Geo. Baker, a former high school
boy. The store had just been
established but we do not know
how large a stock of goods was
The Times-Herald has just
learned from a stage driver that
the tire started in the printing
office, It seems a cuspidor tilled
with sawdust was found on fire
the evening before but it was
thought to have been put out.
The fire started early in the
morning and is thought to have
caught from this source. The
loss is estimated to have been
Big Masquerade. Ball Jan 24.
Timothy seed for sale-W. T.
VanderVeer. Drewsey, Oregon.
Born Sunday, Jan. 6, to Mr.
and Mrs. K. L. Swinney a daugh
ter. Man and wife with two child
ren want work on a ranch for the
winter. Apply at this office.
Byron Johnson has accepted a
school in Diamond and went out
Monday to take charge of it.
Dr. Burrow has fitted up offices
in the Jorgenson building where
he may be found day or night.
G. W. Clevenger can please
you in wall paper. The very
latest designs are on hand and a
variety never before equalled, tf
Choice relinquishments; deeded
land, and homestead locations
close to Malheur Lake and R. R.
E, R. Griffin,
51tf Narrows, Oregon.
Henry Eichner at Harney Ore
gon, is prepared to do all kinds
of rag carpet and rug weaving at
:(.'!A cents per yard and furnish
the warp. 4tf
County Court
County Court adjoured Wed
nesday. There was considera
ble to attend to at this term and
a delay in getting word from the
state officials at Salem respect
ing the tax levy held the court
Commissioner elect Bain took
his office Monday and Treasurer
Miller also assumed his duties
ftnd has moved the safe and books
j t0 the court nouge where he wi
hve his office. Clerk Waters
qualified for another term, hav-
nK &" re-elected, but immedi-
ately resigned and R. T. Hughet
was appointed to nil his place.
Mr. Hughet is a competent man
with experience and his appoint
ment meets with general approv
al. The deputies remain the
same, Walter Struck and J. L
The matter of refunding taxes
as provided in the recent vote
that had been collected in the
building fund of last yesr was
taken under advisement as there
seems to be some question as to
the legality and manner, there
fore nothing was done the matter
going over to the March term.
Some have put in claims while
other large tax payers have sig
nified their willingness to let the
amount remain in the fund as it
will be needed in future.
W. E. Huston was employed
to expert the books of the various
county officers.
The contract of Drs. Marsden
& Griffith as county physicians
was renewed for another year.
John Robinson re-appoined
stock inspector.
Reports of the several road
supervisors were received and
Jap McKinnon re-appointed
road viewer for the eM
Road masters for the coming
year were appointed as follews:
Geo. DunBmore, Dist No. 1;
Grant Kesterson, No. 2; Charles
Wilson. No. 3; Emory Hill, No. 4;
and Roland Harkins, No. 5.
The tax levy totals 124 mills,
within half mill of the total of
last year which included 3 mills
special for building. The tax is
distributed as follews: State,
.0812; scoool, .002; high school.
.001; general, .0025; county. .0057
This is rather a stiff tax as com
pared to former years but there
has been a heavy drain on the
treasury in recent years and the
indebtedness was greater than
many suppose.
The court also made special
levy in school districts that had
failed to do so to bring the total
up to requirements of the state
B..t Cough Madicin For Children
"I am very to say a few words
in praise of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy" writes Mrs. Lida Dew
ey, Milwaukee, Wis. "I have
used it for years both for my
children and myself and it never
fails to give relief and cure a
cough or cold. No family with
children should be without it as
it always gives almost immed
iate relief in case of croup,"
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is
pleasant to take, which is of
great importance when a medi
cine must oe given to young
children. For sale by all dealers
Ch.rab.rUm'. Cough Romody.
This remedy has no superior
for coughs and colds. It is
pleasant to take. It contains no
opium or other narcotic. It al
ways cures. For sale by All
Public Stenographer
Tonawama Bldg., Hums
The Bank of
Harney County
W. E.
General Groceries c
Select Can Goods, Fancy Groceries, Dried
Fruits, Tobacco, Confectionary, Coal
OH, Feed, Grain and Produce
Special Inducements
If You Want ALL The Home News
$2.00 a year
Rest Job Printing
Old and Nkw Patrons Will Find (he Best Brands Here
Wines, Liquors, and Cigars
Good Service, Courteous Treatment
DROP IN Main Street Burns, Oregon
Now's the Time
We Have 'Em
In All Styles, Sizes
And Prices. Get Your
Home In Shape For
Winter. Be Comfort
ableGet A Heater!
We Also Handle A Full
Line Of Kitchen Utensils,
Granite Ware, Camp Stoves,
Saws, Axes, Pumps, Piping,
Paints, Varnishes, Rrushes,
Oils, Stains, Glass, Etc.
Good Service
National Bank
Given On Bis Orders
For Hardware