The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, January 11, 1913, Image 1

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The Biggest County In The State
The Biggrst City In The Biggest
Of Oregon, Beat In The West I
County In The State Of Oregon
NO 9.
Gtfi -a rt?lJ
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W. H. Eccles, of Ogden, Utah, The
Big Captilist Of That State Makes
Known Some Of The Future Plans
Of His Interest In This State
W. H. Eccles, the Ogdeii capi
talist, railroad, mine and sugar
magnate, announced here yester
day that the Sumpter Valley
Railway, owned and operated by
the Eccles interests, is to be ex
tended to Burns as soon as con
dition shall warrant the invest
ment, says the Portland Tele
gram. The company has already
laid out two alternate surveys
from Prairie City, the present
southerly terminus of the linei to
Burns, and into the Harney Val
ley, and it ia still a matter for
consideration which route will be
At present the Sumpter Valley
line is operating between Baker
and Prairie City, 84 miles, and
taps a fine productive territory.
In connection with the railroad,
stage lines are operated from
Austin po John Day, Canyon City
Burns and other Harney Valley
By either of the two tentative
routes Burns can be reached at a
grade of not to exceed 3 per cent.
and without requiring particular
ly heavy construction work.
The most difficult engineering
tasks would be encountered in
topping Strawberry Mountains,
in case that route were selected,
or Burnt River Mountains, should
the line be swung in the south
easterly direction. For a large
portion of the distance the exten
sion of the road would pass
through the Blue Mountain forest
reserve. Mr. Eccles declined to
go into any details as to the ex
act route the line is to follow.
"Either one of the two propos
ed routes would give us a fairly
easy grade into the Harney Val
ley, but we have not gone far
enough into the proposition yet
to make any definite announce
ments," he explained at the
Portland Hotel, "but there is a
vastly productive zone over in
Centrally Located, Good Clean
Meals, Comfortable Rooms,
Clean and Sanitary Beds
First Class Bar In Connection. Oive Me A Call
New Year Resolution
Whereas, results positively establish the fact that
Archie McGowan
Of Burns, Harney County, Oregon, to
The Leading Land Man
Resolved, That
sale, I will list with him, because
I wish to sell it
The Very Best of Good
Wishes For a Prosperous
And Happy New Year
there that will have to be given
a transportation outlet pretty
W. H. Eccles has taken charge
of the affairs of D. Eccles, his
brother, who died a few weeks
ago. These interests also own
the short railroad line up the
Hood River Valley country, which
line Mr Eccles is inspecting
The Eccles plan to Up Burns
will give that city its first rail
road as the Oregon Eastern,
which the Harriman nterests are
now shoving west across
the state will pass abo. o miles
to the south of the HftAJP Coun
ty metropolis.
Water Users Elect Delegates.
Thero was a meeting of the
Water Users' Association held
last Saturday afternoon for the
purpose of electing delegates to
the irrigation congress which
met in Portland this week. Five
delegates were elected as follews:
Dr. Hibbard, Archie McGowan,
A. W. Cowan, J. .!. Donegan, G.
W. Young.
A resolution was unanimously
passed recommending that the
present water code of Oregon
stand as it is for the present un
til it has been given a definite
trial at least. The resolution ex
prtiiod confidence in the state
water board and the belief that
the present laws need no changes.
Other delegates have gone to
the congress from this place,
among them H. C. Levens and
Judge Miller. They go as re
presentatives of the Commercial
Club and other bodies, as the
first five named were all the del
egates the Water Users' Associa
tion was entitled to.
Hig Masquerade. Ball Jan 24.
what I have for
He makes good!
Prof. Thoi. Shaw Explain Some
Of The Future Possibilities
Of This State's Produc
tiveness Yet To Come
The following paragraphs are
taken from some recent writings
of Prof. Thos. Shaw, the Great
Northern expert in charge of
many experiment farms for that
railroad, and who has made two
or three trips over the interior
part of the state. He is quick
to see the possibilities and has
pointed out in these paragraphs
the way to success and what we
may expect in the near future.
The article was printed recently
in an exchange. He says in
"Oregon has a land surface
that covers 61,000,000 acres. It
may seem incredible, neverthe
less it is true, that of the more
than nineteen millions of acres
of arable land, but little more
than four million acres have
been put under the plow. The
area west of the Cascade moun-
tains was originally mostly for
est land, and east of the same,
undulating land which produoed
sagebrush and range grasses.
The climate of the former is
moist and the soil is good. The
climate of the latter is dry and
its volcanic ash soil is assessed
of surpassing richness.
For variety of agricultural pro
duction, Oregon is without a peer
or even an eiuul among the
states of the Union. The same
mav be said of its possible unde
veloped resources. It has a cli
mate that is unexcelled, all the
things considered in the United
States. It has adaptation for the
production of livestock that may
well provoke the envy of the far
mers in the less productive east
and south. And it has more val
uable timber by far than any
other state in the Union.
The variety of the production
in Oregon that comes from the
soii is manifest in the grains,
grasses, clovers, fodder, fruits,
tubers, vegetables, hops, grove
and forest trees that it produces
or may pioduce in singularly fine
In one or the other of its areas
it will grow in splendid form
both hard and soft winter and
spring wheat, winter and spring
rye, winter and spring oats, win
ter and spring emmer. winter
and spring vetch, flax for the
seed and fiber, the Canada and
cow pea, the common and the
soya bean. The yields are in
many instances phenomenally
high. Winter wheat has been
harvested which threshed more
than 60 bushel to the acres.
The cultivated grasses that may
be successfully grown include
timothy, red top, brome grass,
tall oat grass, meadow fescue,
western rye, Italian rye, and per
ennial rye. Several crops of the
two last named may be obtained
each season as in Great Britain,
under suitable conditions. Ken
tucky bluegrass so justly famed
for its grazing qualities, grows
splendidly with irrigation east
of the Cascades and without west
of the same. No better place
can be found on the continent
for establishing mixed perma
nent pastures similar in charact
er to those which have proved so
valuable to agriculture in Great
The clovers which may be
grown in Oregon, in some places
with, and in others without irri
gation, include the common red,
mammoth, Alsike, small white
crimson, Berseem or Egyptian
clover and sweet clover. The
clover last named will probably
be grown in the not far distant
future over much of the rocky
sagebrush lands of the state,
thus increasing the production
of these in a marked degree.
The state is a veritable fairyland
for growing alfalfa, which pro
duces from one to two ton per
acre in the areas where the rain
fall is limited, and three! to ten
tons on the Irrigstsd land. vary,
ing with the conditions that per
tain to soil, climate nd season.
In the production of alfalfa seed,
both in the dry and irrigated
areas, Oregon is without a peer.
In the lino of fodders, it will
produce most excellent crops of
com, corn fodder, sorghum, Ka
President Young of H01 Lines in San
Francisco Said To Be Arranging
For Connection From Lakeview To
Bend During This Early Spring
A San Francisco dispatch to
the Journal says: To effect a
combination of interests by which
the Hill lines may enter San
Francisco and the Western Pacific
railroad tap Portland, is the rea
son assigned today for the pre
sence here of Joseph H. Young,
president of the Hill lines in
Oregon, and the Spokane. Port
land & Seattle railroad. The
plan is said to involve the joint
acquisition of the Nevada. Cali
fornia & Oregon road, which
connects with the Western Paci
fic at Doyle, Nev.. connecting it
with the Oregon Trunk, now
operating to Bend, in central
President J. H. Young of the
Hill lines in Oregon went to San
Francisco about five days ago,
ostensibly, it was said, for the
purpose of a little rest. This,
however, was not taken as the
reason, since he has just returned
from St. Paul, and had expressed
himself glad to be home again.
Upon his return from St Paul,
Mr. Young intimated he had an
announcement to make in the
near future which would be more
than ordinary importance to the
public, but said, owing to the
immature plans, nothing could
be said at that time. It is be
lieved that this will mean the
early announcement of plans to
extend the Oregon Trunk to a
point that will give the Hill sys
tem entrance into San Francisco.
There is every good reason
why the Hill system should wish
to reach San Francisco at an
early date. Traffic indicated by
the big exposition at San Fran
cisco and han Diego in ivu in
celebration of the opening of the
Panama canal will mean an im
mense volume of freight and
passenger business, and under
existing conditions, the Hill lines
are not in position to draw very
heavily therefrom, the southern
routes having the advantage by
reason of through connections.
By extending the Oregon Trunk
to connect with the Nevada, Cal
ifornia & Oregon line, operating
between Lakeview, Or., and
Reno Nev., Hill would be in posi
tion to connect with the Western
Pacific at Doyle, Nev. The
Western Pacific has alway been
reported as very closely allied to
the Hill system, or very friendly
at any rate, and it is believed no
difficulty would be encountered
in making satisfactory arrange
ments whereby Hill would get
his share of the California busi
ness. Some years ago, under the ad
ministration of President John
F. Stevens the Hill system in
Oregon made extensive surveys
south of the present terminus of
the Oregon Trunk, and it is be
lieved that ail of the preliminary
work for such extensions was
completed under Mr. Stevens,
who is now in New York, as
head of the John r . Stevens Con-
struction company. Lhier engi
neer Ralph Budd, of the Oregon Subscribe for the Oregon Jour
Trunk till yesterday, but now nal, Oregon's Best Newspaper,
assistant to President Carl R. Special, Rates for the year Daily
Cmvof the (Jreat Northern was
in the field under Mr. Stevens
for a long time and prepared
the maps and data required
for the extension, which it now
seems very probable will be made
without delay.
Under a later date from San
Francisco Mr. Young denies the
above. The article follews:
Joseph II. Young, president of
the Hill lines in Oregon, who is
in the city with his family, today
had a conference with Charles S.
SchlackB vice-president of the
Western Pacific. It is reported
that representatives of the Hill
and Gould lines discussed the
closing of the Ogden gateway to
the Northwest by the Union
Pacific. The policy went into ef
fect Wednesday, and effectually
shuts the Gould lines out of the
Northwest. Mr. Young denies
that there was any such reasonsKabitat ln the higher, drier plains
for the conference
In regard to the report that the
Hill interests had entered into
an agreement wiin trie western
Pacific to take over in joint own
ership the Nevada, California &
Oregon Railroad, now operating
between Reno, Nev., and Lake
view, Or., and to build a connect
ing road from Bend, Or., the
terminus of the Oregon Trunk to
takeview, Mr. Young said:
"We have no intention of com
ing into California by means of
the reported agreement and run
ning trains down here over the
railB of the Western Pacific from
the point where the Nevada, Cali
fornia & Oregon road meets the
Could road.
"We have our hands full with
the loads we already have and
are building in Oregon. Even
the plan to build from Bend to
Klamath is in abeyance. That's
a big country from Portland to
Bend and we want to give it time
to develop.
Will Benefit The Shippers
The Oregon Trunk railway now
makes a specialty of live stock
shipments from Central Oregon
points to the Portland market
every Wednesday. A train leaves
all Central Oregon points Wed
nesday morning and is run on a
special schedule to reach Porland
at 10:30 p. m. the same day. This
service has been arranged to
comply with the wishes of cen
tral Oregon shipper in order
that delivery may be made at the
Portland Stock Yards in ample
time for feeding, watering and
resting before the special sales
Thursday morning.
Owing to unavoidable circum
stances we were unable to come
in December, but are here now
to attend to all the business.
We return to Baker in a few
days, but will be back in March.
In the mean time if you have
any hides and furs, write us at
Raker, Baker Loan & Employ
ment Office 1805 Main St.
A. Jackson.
and Sunday 5.00; Daily with
.out Sunday 8.75 Semi-Weekly
85 cents; Sunday, $1.50. Leave
subscription with Harry McHoso.
W. T. LESTER (BWatlMs,
rile I YOU raOFLR THAT WANT TO BELL. Investigate, irit
hum Who's Who and Why. Thara It A REAHON I'eopla ara saying
The INLAND KMI'IKK REALTY COMPANY, (.1 Hum., Oregon, haa
m.I.I mora .rowrlii than all othara-BE0AU8B IT IH A KNOWN PACT
-Uitan loonr CO.Ml'KTIIoRS RAVE-Then lilt your property with
puoplo that havo shown that lhay know tbslr business that will do tha
buiiue rig it and traal you on tha aquara.
Wo write FIRE 1N8URAN0E (or tha haat Conipaniaa- ALL KINDS
OK LAND KOItll'T I'OK HALE attend to all kiadi of land aaalteta
JUST AS IT BHOU LI) BB DONE. Write or call and aaa ua-DO IT NCW
"Grass Grows Green Ami The
Trees Grow Tall" Animal
Production Is Large And
Lom Very Small
By N. C. Maw.
Live stock production is ens of
the greatest industries of the
state of Oregon.
A wise old Scotchman once. said
to his sen: "If you would grow
stock successfully, go where the
grass grows green and the trees
grow tall."
That Scotchman was the father
of the widly known Prof. W. L
Carlyle, whose opinions on lire
stock and agricultural matters
pass at par throughout America.
Prof. Carlyle, as well as every
other expert who has visited and
studied conditions here, says they
are as nearly ideal as any spot
outside of the British lies, where
most of our great breeds of fine
stock originated.
In western Oregon the climate
and soil is very similar to that of
Britain. Here the "grass grows
green" almost the year around
and the "trees grow tall," and
conditions obtain that are con
ducive to the development of the
highest type of animal life of all
kinds, with the exception of fine
wool sheep, those finding so ideal
of the state lying east of the
Cascade mountains.
In proof of this assertion we
need only to point to the fact
that an Oregon herd contains most
of the Jerseys thst stood in the
highest rank in the dairy contest
at St Louis and that an Oregon
herd of shorthorns not only won
first honors at the great show,
but repeated the feat at the Lewis
and Clark world's fair the follow
ing year. Our sheep and goats
do not fail to win when brought
into competition with either
eastern bred or imported stock
and their fleeces are unequaled
for luster, length of staple and
quality of fiber.
Great as are her interests in
fruit, lumber, wheat and other
things, Oregon is pre-eminently
a live stock state, and although
in the total value of this asset
she leads all other states of the
northwest, yet this industry is,
comparatively, undeveloped and
splendid opportunities await the
intelligent, persistent undertaker
in any branch of this pursuit
According to official figures,
the number and value of Ore
gon's live stock, together with
some of their products, at the
close of the year 1910 was as foleows:
Nuatei. Vain.
C.ttle i,0 IU.47S.0O0
ulry cow. n.i.ww r,
norm. Wft.m
Mill. M l,IM0,M
HlK.p J.Wl.OUO t.tM.OOU
I in,. .... 134,000 I.SM.OOO
o...: mo.VK sso,au
Wool, lb. 00400,000 40(10.000
uoh.w " aHooo ... V'..
The Oregon range-bred horse
has long been noted for his won
derful constitution and endurance
as well as his toughness of char
acter. But the Oregon cay use is
passing with the open range, and
will soon be a thing of the past
! His successor, raised on the ranch
is more aristocratic, retaining his
good qualities without the bad
ones, and probably averaging as
high in quality as in any other
Our markets for dairy products
are practically insatiable, yet un
developed and growing. A dairy
cow famine is imminent The
high price of milk and butter Mt
has caused dairymen to neglect
the raising of heifer calves, and
those who will engage extensive-
ly and intelligently in the raising
ana supplying ox gooa cows nmy
demand almost any kind of prices
(Occluded on Last fagej .
Operation Of The New Trans-Oregon
Harriman line And Its Construc
tion Was Transferred From Ore
gon Short line About January ..1.
The following is a recent spec-1 quired all right and title to the
isl from Vale to the Journal : stretch of railroad property be
Private but authentic, advices tween Huntington, Ore., and
from Salt Lake City, indicate the i Ontario, Ore., comprising the
transfer, Jan. 1, of all property I stations of Weiser, Idaho and
and construction work vested in
the Oregon Eastern Railroad com
pany from the ownership of the
Oregon short line to that of the
O. W. & N. company. Local of
ficials of the company thus far
are unable to confirm the re
port, but persons not directly
connected with either railroad
company in Vale say the big deal
became effective with the com
ing of the new vear.
The Oregon Eastern began con
struction operations at Vale in
May 1912, when the local con
struction and material yards were
laid, and which are now stocked
with thousands of tons of steel
rails, fir ties, bridge timbers,
at uctural steel, and other con
struction materials. The four
sidings, each 3,300 feet long,
were put in in June, and track
laying from Vale westward start
ed July 6th, 1912. At this time,
rails are laid and ballasted, with
the best fir ties and 75-lb steel, a
distance of 37 miles westward
far into the Mai huer canyon, two
great concrete and steel bridges
are finished across
the Malheur
river in the canyon
nnrl twn
others nearly finished; more than
two-thirds of the 2,608 foot tun
nel at Mile 38.2 is excavated, and
the Utah Construction company
of Salt Lake City has most of the
grading done on the right of way
a distance of 80 miles to the
westward. It will require three
more years to put the line thru
to its coast connections, where
ever they are destined to be.
It is a matter of record, and
common knowledge, that some
thing more than one year ago
the O.-W. R. & N. company ac-
Strictly First
Service, Fine
Sample Room ln Connection, Reasonable Rates
Burns Meat Market
H. J. HANSEN, Proprietor
Beef, Pork, Veal, Mutton,
Sasuage, Bolonga,
Headcheese and Weine i v t :t,E.
Prompt and Satisfactory Service
Your Patronge Solicited and
Orders Given Quick Attention
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded
To the Doctor and hia Patient. That ia why the Doctor
ata the result he expected
tion why the patient gets the results from the medicine
which thai Doctor expected. Such results are obtained from
proscriptions when filled at
a competent man in charge
J. C. WELCOME, Jr., Prop.
Payette, Idaho, between Hunt
ington and Ontario, but this
trackage has contiuned under
the Oregon Short Line until this
time, and will probably bo con
tinue until the new railroad
building westward from Vale is
ready for passenger and freight
Sunset Sifting
Jan. 7, 1812.
Mrs. Wehrmann visited at the
home of Ross Ringer near Weav
er Springs last Sunday. ,
Mrs. Newall and sons are vis
iting relatives in Idaho.
George and Bert Porter were
over in Catlow Valley on land
business last week.
B. F. Riggs of Narrows was
calling on Sunset friends during
the week.
W. G. Hodderand Otis Thorp
are cutting posts near the Chain
At the meeting of the Rabbit
Club on January 4th, it was de-
j cided to have tne nrst anve on
Sunday .January USUI, ine cor-
1 ral will be placed about 2 miles
'east of the main road south of
Wright's Point near the Red S.
field. They are expecting to
commence the drive about. 10
Secure your masquerade suits
from Mrs. Vera Welker by leav
ing your order with her at once.
The cold weather prevented
the rabbit drive set for 'astSun-
day, nut tomorrow win nonouoi
find the drivers more anxious
than ever to destroy the pests.
Class. Splendid
and Retail
when he wrote the preacrip-
our store, for we always have
of this department. ,
ffir corn, mila maize, rape and
(Continued on Last Page)