The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, January 04, 1913, Image 3

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Hu Ttw LargaX Circulation Of Any
jr Nwpr In Hrn County.
i Local News.
yLennie Vickors la down from
1 .1. H. Eichnorwas in yesterday
urn his homo near Buchanan.
Baled hay. Bran and all kinds
grams at ine Burns wepi.
i Krr-noh was up from
Harriman yesterday making an
nual proof on his desert.
Horses wintered, for $5. Good
timothy hay. W. T. VanDerveer
on Pine Creek. Address Drew
sey. 2-tf.
J. F. Mahon and wife and their
daughter. Mrs. Claud Smyth
were in the city this week. Ira
Mahon was also in town.
James Brandon is over from!
li rie creek. He was accompan
ied in by Miss Zelma Baker whoj
had been visiting them for a'l
few weeks.
Will French, the well know
traveling man. came in last night
from Canyon by private convey-
jbe. He was accompanied by
Dan (Jilkey.
Mrs. Millar is offering her
stock of millinery at 881 redoe
lii$ from now until Christmas.
at the Schwartz store and
ler nice line. 5
1 rank Cummins and his
! nephew, Leo Buffington are over
jfrom Malheur county on business
and to visit with relatives and
'friends a short time.
We Wish
A Happy And
'The IIik llank"
Burns, Harney Co. Ore.
Joe Clark has been in town
this week.
300 tons of hay for sale at $3
per ton if a whole stack is taken.
Inquire at this office.
Born Yesterday, Jan. 3, 1913,
to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Boyer. a
See J. I. Cavender at the old
stand all kinds of second hand
A. H. Curry, Mr
another gentleman were
Talbert and ! (ls bought and sold. Same
rrom 1 koou oarxams on nanci now.
Hantaan Thursday.
Miss Mae Strong took her de-
Blue prints of any Township
and range in Harney county
correct down to date address,
Burns Blue Print Co.,
8tf Burns, Ore.
The man who is resixmsihle
W. A. Goodman sells Boiled
ariey at c iwiieu v. neai .1 -,, Wednesday morning
Jc. Clean seed Barley, Uc. , whpre she aroes
ood Wheat lie at his Darn in ,.;-, f t :
e west part of town. fitf.
Light, all steal run-aoout ouggy , for tu, dlaawjaaimnoa of that
practically new; also set of j,ti r,..i 1, .,,., .kn-t tii,l
feave tomorrow morning for double harnesg with collars. In- pup at Uu, Barn llotd had bfWif
Jcnd with Miss Gladys Holland nuiro at this office, tf k k i.i, a i:v.n 1
A. H. Curry arranged while reward will be given for his re
here to get the necessary wire to covery.
build a corral and wings in his The Latit.s Aij o( tu. presby
neighborhood for rabbit drives. tt.rian church will bo entertained
Presbyterian Church tomorrow
Communion and reception of new
members at 11 A. M. the Lord's
table open to all Christians.
Preaching at 7:30 P, M. Sunday
school 10 A. M. Young peoples
meeting 6:30 P. M.
who returns to school after the
holiday vacation, also Mrs. Millar
and Mrs. I. Schwartz who go to
Portland for an indefinite time.
J. H. N'eal and wife are regi.-.
ered at the French hotel from
their home at Pollyfarm. They
ye over to consult a physician,
Jr. Neal having injured his
ioulder two weeks ago by a
kgon turning over with him.
) does not know whether it is
broken or not.
at the home of Mrs. Gemberling
on Wednesday Jan'v 8, 1913 at
2:30 P. M. A full attendance is
desired as important business is
G. W. Johnson was over from
his Silver creek homestead dur-
Subscribe for the Oregon Jour-
IThe report in our last issue nal- Oregon's Best Newspaper,
bat Mrs. W. D. Buchanan, moth- Special. Rates for the year Daily
tr of Joe and George Buchanan, nd Suny 500; Daily with-
aa ...... : 1... u out Sunday 3.75 Semi-Weekly
j randson, Roe, was responsible cente: Sunday $1.50 Leave
I ...1 .n:i.n ,.mU Ilncoi' MtUADO
.r the appearance of the article, wwipmwwiwi-"-
seems a phone had been re- The record kept of the scalps
ived by his father to the effect of covotes and cats during the
,iiat she was dying and it was paat two months shows a record
'1 given to Roe that she was dead, breaker Durinir that Deriod
vLater it is learned that the lady 1 there were 1959 coyote scalps and
has improved and expressed a , , , . . ..
'desire to see her sons, both of cat 8calpL8 ur"e0dr ,,n th
Whom have eone to La Grande office for which $8868.60 was
see her.
paid in bounty.
Our Stock is now
cemplete. Come in
and see how far you
can make a dollar
4go in our grocery
department Try it!
Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes,
Hats, Caps, Coats, Mittens,
Stockings, Underwear, Etc.
.(. - eneral Merchandise -
iv icnenti i?ierciiaiiuitr -
rAtih; Building, - - Burns, Oregon
ing the week after supplies. He
was asking about rabbit drives
and that neighbordood may take
up the pest destroying crusade
in the near future.
K. Henney, a son of Nat Hen
ney, arrived here the first of the
week. He has been working on
the railroad out from Vale this
way, but has quit for the pre
sent. Mr. Henney seems to think
the work will no be prosecuted as
rapidly during the winter months.
CM. Salisbury has traded his
farm out in the valley to James
Smith for the corner across the
street from the First National
Dank. Mr. Salisbury will take
possession in the spring and fit
up the building for his jewelry
business. It is a fine business
corner und a gcxd location for
his business.
Dr. Harrison wus called to
White Horse Thursday night in
response to a telephone message
that a man by the name of
"Scotty" Smith was ill. The in
formation was to the effect that
he might have smallpox. After
the doctor left word was received
he was wanted further on and as
he has not returned it is thought
he went on over to J. C. Beatty's,
' Emory Hill and wife are home
from an extended visit with re
latives and friends in the east
where they went in the fall.
'' y have decided that this is a
much better place to live and
return entirely satisfied with
their Harney county home.
Emory is here this week attend
ing to matters in connection with
his position as county road mast
er in his district.
Archie MeOowanand wife, Dr.
and Mrs. Ilibbard and Chas.
Ellis expect to leave the first of
next week for outside points to
visit an Indefinite time. Archie
will go to Southern Oregon bo
fore he returns to visit his par
ents, grandmother and other re
latives. Dr. and Mrs. Hibbard
will visit Silvertou and other
Valley points and Mr. Ellis
will likely be present at the usual
Jackson day banquet und jollifica
tion of the democrats at Portland
on the 8th. He may also take in
a part of the legislative session.
1. h. Poujade was in the city
Tice Schull was in the city this
week on business.
Bert Porter was up from Sun
set during the week.
A. Egli is over from the ranch
on a visit to his family.
B. S. Kelsay has returned from
a trip to outside points.
V Ered Williams has been on the
sick list during the week.
Fresh home made lard 17c. at
Hansen's Meat Market. tf
N. P. Biddle was in the city on
business during the week.
Plan to attend the masquerade
ball at Tonawama, Jan. 24th.
Hagey & Lundy chattels, small
loans, acreage city property. In
I. O. O. F. Bldg, Burns. Oregon.
C. E. Beery, county surveyor
elect, has been in the city this
week attending to business mat
ters. County Clerk Waters returned
last Monday from a visit to
Portland and other outside
H. Hart, W. J. Startly and A.
r. Houser of twin rails were
registered at the French Hotel
Thos. Cleveland was in from
his Calamity creek home during
the week to market some hogs
and visit relatives.
(irant Kesterson has been over
from his Diamond home during
the week visiting relatives and
looking after business.
Rolled wheat is the milk and
egg producer - try it. Better and
cheaper than bran. Sold by W.
A. Goodman. Phone him your
Mr. Seaward and wife, the
latter a daughter of Mrs. H A.
Martin, have been here this week
visiting relatives and friends.
A. W. Hurlburt and wife were
guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. (J. Hard well for several
days this week.
A. Dunn will have charge of
mv wood business in Burns this
winter. Drv wood on hand to
any part of town - F. 0. Jackson.
52. tf
Tonawama will have some pic
ture shows when it is possible to
get the films in. With no stage
or other dependable means of se
curing pictures it is rather an in
definite mattir.
Wm. Farre and family have
returned from their vacation
visit in Grant County and Mr.
Farre has resumed his work in
the land office. They had a fine
visit and came home in good
Alllf Dillard was In town
School Supt. Hamilton is In
town today.
Young mule for sale Inquire
at this office.
(J. Ii. Hembree was over from
Riley yesterday.
Albert Oakerman was in the
city this week.
Oreri Thompson and wife were
in from their home this week.
W. B. Johnson was over froir
Silver creek for n few days thie
A. S. Swain and daughter Miss
Heleno came up from Lawen
this morning.
Remember! E. R. Griffin has
fine winter pasture and hay,
cheap. Narrows, Oregon. 51 tf
For a short time the parcel
post did not do the people of
Burns much good as there were
no stages to carry them.
1 will pay no note drawn by
me to J. W. Lee, as sajd note
have been paid for some time.
M. ft Aliikkbon, 8 10.
Mrs. M. J. Hotfeditz is in from
the homestead this week on a
visit to friends. She has been
at the home of Mrs. Edwards.
City Marshal Haines has gone
to Monmouth to visit his father,
lie has obtained a months leave
of nbsei, a and E. E. Owsley is
now looking after the peace of
the city during his absence.
Hon. A. W. Gowan left Sun
day morning for outside points to
be absent an indeflnate time.
He will look in on the legislature.
visit his daughter in Roseburg
and other points will lie touched
before he returns.
' In granting a decree for a di
vorce a Southern judge said:
"That which Got! had joined to
gether, let no man put asunder,
but it is the judgement of the
Court, that God did not have a
gol darned thing to do with
this union, so it is hereby dis
solved." The weather has been border
ing on winter during a portion
of this week, considerable wind,
a little snow and rain, and then
freezing again. It has bsen
good weather for stock feeding
however, and stockmen are well
Dr. Minnie Hand is reported
quite ill at Lawen.
Guaranteed N. P, scrip $8.75 an
acre, limited amount only.
Inland Empire Realty Company.
Man and wife with two child
ren want work on a ranch for the
winter. Apply at this office.
Dr. Burrow has fitted up offices
in the Jorganaon building where
he may be found day or night.
Little Francis King, daughter
01 Mr. and Mrs. I has. King, is
entertaining her friends today at
the home of Dr. and Mrs. H. M.
Morion in honor of her birthday.
H. I). Saunders, the piano
tuner who has bean looking after
the instruments in tips territory
for many years, arrived here
recently accompanied by his
little daughters to make his home.
While here during the summer
he visited his son who has a
homestead out in the valley and
decided to lake one himself.
Now ho has come to take up his
residence and become u perman
ent fixture of Harney county.
The Marsdens Sends
Greetings To Friends
The manager of Times-Herald
is in receipt of a letter from Mr
W. L. Marsden under date of
Dec. 20, in which she asks that
he convey to the host of friends
in Harney county who have re
membered them with kindly
greetings their appreciation of
the thoughtful messages. It is
impossible for thorn to reply to
each personally, much as they
would like to. The doctor had
not been so well for a week or
so, but was again on the mend
with prospects for no backset.
This will be good news to their
many friends in this section.
Cattle Bring Good Price
The Harney County National Hank
"Your Mom InHtitutlon"
Extends To You The
Compliments of The Season
And Wishes You
A Happy And Prosperous New Year
James Dodson returned the
first of the week from a trip to
New Mexico. He and Mrs. Dod
sc n and son, Byron, left this
morning for San Francisco where
the young man expects to join
the U. S. Navy. lakeview Ex
aminer. It may be a joke to some peo
ple that we are deprived of our
mail service but it works a hard
ship on the country newspaper
man who depends on his scissors
to help him out in a pinch for
lack of local copy. This week
happens to be a pinch in this
Roy Bunyard and Lew Willard
were arrest(l the fore part of
this week on a warrant charging
them with killing cattle belong
ing to the P. L. S. Co. They
had a preliminary before Justice
Patterson and waived. Mr. Bun
yard was held under $750 bonds
and Willard $500 to await the ac
tion of the grand jury at the
spring term of circuit court.
The city of Seattle has passed
an ordinance proninmng iaKe
advertising merchants from con
tinuing their unscrupulous me
thods. The ordinance fixes a
heavy fine and jail sentence for
conviction. It is the result of
organized legitimate trade, ask
ing for protection of their own
business as well as that of the
welfare of the people.
('has. Adams, an old time resi
dent of this vicinity, who has
been residing in Malheur county
for several years, is here looking
up old acquaintances. He is ac
companied by W. L. McKenzie,
a young musician. They will re
main in this section for an indef
inite time trapping and other
wise putting in the time, Chas.
has a fine farm near Ontario
but states he got tired of farm
ing and rented it out.
Gal. McPheeters is home from
a nice visit to old Missouri whore
he went a few months ago. He
has not showed up at this office
and we do not know what his
impressions are of the country
he left many years ago to take
up his abode in this section.
There are ieople mean enough
now to lay the blame of our not
getting mail on poor Jonathan
liourno Because no had the par
eel post law passed. Well, Jo
nathan can stand it and in the
absence of any one else to assume
the blame it can go, but don't
remember it until next election
time for he s ill bo a candidate
for something again.
The Lakeview Examiner says:
It is reported that information
was recently telephoned from
Bend to La I'ine that two men of
the former place had made a
wager as to when construction
work on the Oregon Trunk south
of Bend was to begin. One has
bet that work will commence by
I'll unary 1st. The man whose
opinion differed thinks that it
won't begin before May 1st.
Both are said to be near railroad
men of influence.
"Uncle Sam" is somewhat an
tiquated in the matter of hand
ling the mails as well as other
departments. A private individ
ual is dealt with rather severely
by this same "Uncle" if a law or
ruling is transgressed, yet if the
government has fallen down it's
different. There should bo some
means to bring this fact to the
attention of the department and
make such amends us are nec
cessary. Our "Uncle" shouldn't
be allowed to "monkey," with
us any more man ho allows an
individual to go unpunished.
Carl Welker writes this office
that he has not found things in
Honolulu as it had been repre
sented to him and his position
with the government is not at
all satisfactory, therefore he ex
pects to be home some time in
March, "never more to roam
from his own fireside." Instead
of placing him on duty in Hono
lulu as he expected, he was
transferred 28 miles out into the
mountains to watch over some
government work that may be
shut down at at any time. The
accomodations are not good and
is no place for his family. The
provisions he describes as not
being fit for a Harney county
hog. When you strike at Carl's
Blomuch he is hit in a very vital
spot, as he is a good feeder and
therefore we are not surprised at
his decision to come home.
Iast week M. R. Biggs sold 22
head of cattle in Portland mark
et for $7.t).r) a hundred. At the
same time I'M Slayton sold two
carloads of cattle. For one car
load he received $7.50 and for
the other $7..'I5. The top price
that day was $7. 'JO. While the
I'rinevilo shippers did not go'
the highest price, yet everything
considered the compensation re
ceived was fairly satisfactory.
When stock enn be shipped at
Prineville much of the loss in
shrinkage can be saved the
grower. Prineville Journal.
High Price For Mules
Randall Sago and son Fred
attended the hors- sale at Parma
I Saturday. Mr. Sage did not buy
any horses or mules and from
I the high prices the animals brot
I he said it didn't look very much
like Democratic hardtinies. Two
three-year-old geldings brought
I $400 and one two year old brot
!$200. Three span of young
. mules, ranging from sucklings
to four year olds, the offspring of
one span of mares in five years,
brought over $1100. Ontario
Taxation Law Question
Whether the initiative measure
passed by the people exempting
household goods from taxation is
constitional is doubtful, but un
til the court hold it is invalid it
should be enforced. Under this
exemption assessments made 0B
household goods for 1012 cannot
be collected.
This is the substance of an
opinion of our Attorney General
Crawford, given in reply to the
questions submitted by the state
tax commission. The question
raised was whether the repeal at
the recent election of Section A
of Article Oil, of the Constitution,
this being the county single tax j
amendment, and failuroof adopt
ing two other amendments to I he
constitution governing taxation.
did not make the house hold ex
emptions law unconstitutional.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
This remedy has no superior
for coughs and colds. It is
pleasant to lake. It contains no
opium or other narcotic. It al
ways cures. For sule by All
Owing to unavoidable eircum
stances we were unable to come
in December, but lire here nov.
to attend to all the business.
We return to Baker in a few
days, but will be back in March.
In the mean time if you have
any hides and furs, write us at
Baker, Baker Loan & Employ
ment Office 1805 Main St.
A. Jackson.
General Groceries
Select Can Goods, Fancy Groceries, Dried
Fruits, Tobacco, Confectionary, Coal
Oil, Feed, Grain and Produce
Special Inducements Given On Big Orders
If You Want ALL The Home News
$2.00 a year
Best Job Printing
Ou and Nkw Patkons Will Find the Best Brands Here
Wines, Liquors, and Cigars
Good Service, Courteous Treatment
DROP IN Main Street Burns, Oregon
Public Stenographer
Tonawama liUir., Burns
Now's the Time
We Have 'Em
In All Styles, Sizes
And Prices. Get Your
Home In Shape For
Winter. Be Comfort
able -Get A Heater!
We Also Handle A Full
Line Of Kitchen Utensils,
Granite Ware, Camp Stoves,
Saws, Axes, Pumps, Piping,
Paints, Varnishes, Brushes,
Oils, Stains, Glass, Etc.
Headquartes For Hardware