The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, January 04, 1913, Image 1

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    ' i
The Biggest County In The State
Of Oregon, Best In Thetfest
The Biggest City In The Biggest
County In The State Of Oregon I
NO 8.
mimt&MtMk f
i ,., ,
. ' 1 I
nual proof on his
Vale Paper Reports Track Laid and
Rails Aligned to Mile Post 35, This
Brings Road This Side of Harper.
Concrete Piers at Four Crossings of
The Malheur Assume Finished Look
Plant Will Grow Without Irri
gation and Results Secured
Are Certainly Marvelous
,. Construction worf alone the 'learned was an accidentia! dis-
firstaOgiilea the Oregon East-' eovery. A neighbor had pur
r westward from Vale. jroes ' cMed R horee represented to be
on unabated. Favorable winter,11 i01 worker in the harness.
weather, with laclc of snow, and I He had business in town and ac
Uith clear sunny davs. has all ! eordingly hitched Dan to his car-
, helped the many crews amazing- " but Dan aPPead to have
, ly. but work is beine pushed as ' a notion not to go to town. The
r kpidly as possible owing to the "ster applied the whip, but if
lanjrerofa bad storm at any l'ssble Dan grew more obsti-
i,me. Date. He alighted from the ear-
1 J During the past week 7 miles riae and led or rather pulled the
1 t .. . ..i. v- i i.u animal till h li;id trnnp nhont n
ui ci.uiv iuh uvi-u lam. I
! in the canyon, from Mile Post half a mile from home. Then he
1 28 to Mile Post 36. This takes found that he had forgotten
(the railroad beyond the station " documents that he must
ht Harper (Mile Post 2(.5) where have- there was nothing to do
lZlF' "i,aready in and a bllt ko back after them. Ho
liephew, Leo Buft , (.,)1)Struot(,(l for then led the horse out of the road.
.urfflnir th InmmotivAa ;.iul a securely tied him to a brush, and
(Ml. . ... ..... ... ".,." tu.. C...1.1.. ... ii...
(uepoc ouur. Material tor this -"1 " l,,c ',un "
depot is on the ground, and the house.
contractor now has things well' When he returned to the horse
underway. The water tank at he found him very restless,
b'.Mile Post 20 is nails. stamping and showing impat-
(The four construction trains ience. When the animal had
nd the steam shovel at thegrav- been untied he started off, hard
I pit are sending in carload af- ly giving the master time to
er carload of building material get into the carriage. He walked
Uily, and the great concrete off at a pretty brisk pace, never
lArti at thti fnur pmaainffu ,u' tlio chnuinir nnv fnrth.'i d.wir.. I,,
, lalheur river east of the tunnel balk.
"' Are hourly assuming a finished
The Vale office of the O. S L.
construction department is each
lie day sending in many men to the
front, 94 laborers going forward
Sine day alone. Some of these
r. ' worK a couple weeks anu
tlpquit, but enough of them
have remained to increase the
actual working force in the can
yon to about 500 men, exclusive
of those working farther out for
the Utah Construction ( 'omnany.
Vale Enterprise.
Thornless cactus, one of Wiz
ard llurbank's productions, has
come to be an item in the plan of
the dairyman, and the rancher
who has a few dairy cattle for a
side line. Growing without Irri
gation in land that may not be
suitable for some other crops,
this plant, it has been shown,
says the Sacramento Bee, will
produce an average of 250 tons
of forage to t he acre when two
years old.
It is stated that an exceptional
advantage is that the cactus will
furnish green feed any time of
the year, and without the trouble
of harvesting, curing or packing.
The juicy slab, weighing about
two pounds esch. may be cut
and fed as needed. Tests have
show the milk producing quality
of this feed to be greater than
alfalfa hay. In one case a cow
giving thirty-eight pounds of
milk daily on an alfalfa diet, in
creased the (low to fifty-five
pounds without imparing the
A. H. Monroe, Sacramento,
California, lias the slabs for sale.
and if the plant is capable of
producing the above results, it
wouia pronaniy ne well lor our
Commercial club to secure a few
slabs for experimental purMMes.
Superintendent Gardner is able
to give it a .fair and impartial
test at t lie I Inch School grounds,
and would doubtless be glad to if
provided with the spineless cac
tus slats.
Instructor in Agriculture at The Harney
County High School Writes Inter
estingly of Breeds, Their Charac
teristics and Information Valuable
To Prospective! Hog Raisers Here
Propagation in Captivity or on
Preserves in United States
Subject of Interest
The term "mortgage lifter" jflTbreed was developed in
has been very appropriately ap- Ohngftid is at present the most
plied to the hog, for no doubt popular one in the United States,
this animal has paid olf more They greatly outnumber all other
mortgages than any other pro- breeds in the corn belt and hold
duced on the American form, their own in most of the other
The feeding habits of the hog iwirtH of the country. They are
have a wider range than those noted for early maturity and will
of other farm animals nnd hence stand close conefinement and
hogs are very well adapted to heavy feeding, but are not as
the varying conditions to be good rustlers and grazers as
found on the farm. many of the other breeds. Ma-
However profitable hog rais- ture boars should weigh 600 lbs
ing may be, before going into and sows 400 lbs in breeding
the business even on a small form.
scale, it is well to make a study i.ji.uujh.
of the different breeds in order
to become familiar with the good ' ,,,, IterksMre b was ori-
and bad oints of each, nnd thus inatt,d ,n England and was im-
be able to intelligently select the ported into America in 1880, but
How To Treat A Balky Horse
There are many ways to treat
, ,, balky horse, but the most ef-
.jjective way that I have yet
On the return trip, when he
was about half a mile out of
town, he began to balk again.
The whip was brought into play,
but to no purpose. Then an idea
occured to the master. He again
led the horse out of the road and
hitched him. He then walked
away about fifteen yards, and sat
behind a clump of bushes where
he could see the horse. The ob
stinate animal was soon seized by
a fit of restlessness. Alter
standing there half an hour he
was given another trial, with the
same result as before. Since
then he, like a wise horse, al
ways chooses the lesser of two
evils Frank Monroe Beverely in
Mreeders Gazette.
How To Know If
Your Horse Is Sick
breed best adapted to one's con
ditions. When beginning an Industry
such as hog raising in a new
country, u is very uesireanie
that a number of farmers select
and raise the same breed for a
number of reasons, viz: (1) All
of the farmers can buy their
foundation animals together,
thus securing much better rates.
(2) One male may be used by
several farmers when not situat
ed too far apart. (!l) Males may
be exchanged by the farmers,
thus Keeping a good animal in
in popularity, now ranks next to
the Poland-China. It is also a
black hog and closely resembles
the Poland-China in color, having
ix white iMtints, white on feet,
lace and tip of tail.
The face of the improved Berk
shire is of medium length and
grace! ully dished, while the ears
are short and erect. The neck
is very short and back arched,
but carrying less width and more
length than the Poland-China.
The sides are comparatively long
and make good bacon. The
shoulders are of medium breath
Centrally Located, Good Clean
Meals, Comfortable Rooms,
Clean and Sanitary Beds
First Class Bar In Connection. Oive Me A Call
New Year Resolution
Whereat, renultn ponitively entablitih the fact that
Archie McGowan
Of Burns, Harney County, Oregon, Is
The Leading Land Man
Resolved, That what I have for
sale, I will list with him, because
I wish to sell it. He makes good!
dine v ery nesi 01 iooa
, Wishes For a Prosperous
And Happy New Year
i I The REXALL DRUG CO., Burns.
That one must be- thorougly
familiar with the normal condi
tion of the horse in order to be
able to recognise the abnormal
condition indicating disease is
pointed out in veterinary
science bulletin which will be
distributed to visitors to the ani
mal husbandry classes in the
short course at the Oregon Agri
cultural College Jan. i to Feb. 7.
The more important things
which must be noted, says Dr.
B. W. Mollis in hit bulletins, are
the temperature 100.5 to 100.8
V. in the normal horse, the oulse
28 to ID a minute, the heart
beat, respiration, conditions of
digestive and urinary system,
condition of mucus membranes,
appearance of coat and expres
sion of eyes.
There are many important
facts to be kept in mind, but
these, the chief ones, if thoroly
mastered will make recognition
of disease much less difficult.
Differences In Opinion
A well-conducted paper is like
f. banquet, says an exchange.
Everything is served up with a
view to selection. Help yourself
to what you want and do not
condemn the entire spread be
cause pickles and onions may be
included. If you do not relish
them, somebody may find them
palatable. Be generous and also
broad enough to select gracefully
such reading matter from a pap
er as will be agreeable to your
mental taste. You. as an indi
vidual, are not compelled to swal
low everything. We do not all
think alike on every subject, and
it is a good thing, as it makes
more variety, and variety is the
spice of existence.
If you have anything to auction
see C. P, Lloyd at Allen Jones'
place. He can be reached by
phone. Auctions held on Satur
day when anything is on hand
for sale.
the neighborhood and makimr it a"'1 thickness, and the hams are
possible to breed the old sows to (,,'('' mA th,ck. b"t nt quite as
good as those of the roland
t'hina. The legs are fairly short,
though some individuals are in
clined to be too leggy. The bone
is of good quality and the Berk
shire stands as well on his feet
as any of the modern breeds.
Berkshires are very early ma
turing and when killed produce
excellent carcasses Their graz-
him after some of his offspring
are old enough to breed. (4)
When sales are to Im made the
community can co-operate in till
ing large orders.
For these reasons and many
others which might be enumer
ated it is advisable for a number
of farmers in an immediate vicin
ity, or better yet, all of the far
mers in a district or county, to , ing qualities are of the best and
get together and select one breed , they thrive to perfection on the
of hogs or other farm animals, alfalfa, clover and rape pastures
which is best suited to the exist-' of the west.
ing conditions or the breed which, The Berkshire is adapted to a
in the opinion of the majority of wide range of conditions, being
the farmers, comes nearest to grown successfully in the cold
meeting the demands of the con- northern parts of America and
ditions. being the most popular hog in
In this article the writer will ' the South. In size this breed is
endeavor to set forth some of the classed as medium to large, be-
According to the annuai report
of the Biological Survey recently
submitted to Secretary Wilson
the rearing of fur-bearing ani
mals in the United States for
their pelts continues to bo a sub
ject of much interest. Skunks,
muskrats. mink and foxes are
reared in captivity or on preserves
under control of breeders. The
large prices asked for mature
black foxes for breeding purposes
has resulted in confining the in
dustry in the hands of a very few.
Comparatively few attempts have
made to raise mink in the United
States, but experiments are be
ing conducted i n co-operation
with the National Zoological Park
with a view to determining the
most successful methods of rear
ing these animals. M u s k r a t
farming has probably reached its
highest point of development on
the eastern shore of Maryland.
Muskrat marshes are worth more
measured by their actual income
than cultivated farms of like
acreage in the same vicinity.
Only one other animal in the
world, the European rabbit, ex
ceeds the muskrat in the number
of skins marketed.
The report also calls attention
to experiments for the extermi
nation of prairie dogs, ground
squirrels ami gopners that are
being conducted by means of
poison baits, traps and other
methods. It is a surprising fact
that the daily forage for 32 edult
prairie dogs equals that required
for a sheep, and that 250 eat
nearly as much as a cow. Spot
ted-fever ticks in the two young
er stages live almost wholly upon
small native rodents, and the
California ground squirrel has
been infected with bubonic plague
by fleas from rats. The danger
that these diseases may become
epidemic furnishes an additional
important reason for the destruc
tion of the animals. The bureau
reports mat tne anteioiH! is in
Comparatively New Industry of Thi
Country Where 82 Pounds Are
Consumed Per Capita Each Year
And Only 10 of That Ration Pro
duced According to The Statistics
The U. S. Department of Agri
culture's report on the beet-sugar
industry of the United States in
the years 1910-1911, has just been
issued by Secretary Wilson in a
73 page pamphlet which contains
articles on the work of the Bureau
of Plant Industry on sugar beets,
general review of the beet-:
sugar industry in the United;
States, the sugar beet in Euro-,
pean agricultural economy, rela
tion of adaption to the improve
ment of sugar-beet varieties for
American conditions, tarm prac-
production including molasses
and sirup being valued at only
Beet sugar is a comparatively
recent product of this country,
and can scarcely be said to have
existed 20 years ago. The pro
duction during the 12th census
year (1899) amounted to 81,729
short tons, while the 1912 pro
duct aggregates 700,000 short
tons valued at $73,000,000. The
j growth of this industry and the
! plans for its increase indicate
that beet raising for sugar pur-
ii .' t i i , .
lice in the Arkansas Vallev . tTKHM m Lmucn ues,rea Dy larnere
Colorado, suggestion on cultural r,r , and CUltUral benefit to
un man.
There are now in operation 66
factories in 17 States, which used
I during the past season 5,062,333
i tons of beets prodused on 473,877
acres, and the industry has be
come one of the mainstays and
I chief supports of agriculture un-
tier irrigation in me semiana
States. Yet this industry pro-
methods in the sugar-beet in
dustry, and sugar statistics. It is
illustrated by two maps showing
areas where sugar-beets in
grown, location of sugar factor
ies, rainfall and frost data, and
i (i other plates relating to the In-
j dustry.
The average American con.
! sumes 82 pounds of sugar each
jyear-and only ten pounds of
that ration is now produced in
this country. The farmers of I
; the country should keen that I
I money at home, in other words,
put it in their own pockets, and
the Department of Agriculture
has been trying for 16 vears to
'show them how and induce them
to do so.
Sugar is a product of manu
I facture mainly from the farmers'
sugar cane and sugar-beets. In
cidentally some sugar is produc
ed from the sap of the sugar
maple the entire value of that
product, both sugar and sirup
characteristics of the leading
breeds, with the hope that some
information mav be given that
will aid prospective hog raisers
in selecting a suitable breed.
The Poland-China is a black
hog with six white points; feet.
face and tip of the tail. The
face is classed as straight, but
some of the specimen of the
breed have a very slight dish.
The ears are fine and should
break over about J to A from the
top, forming a neat droop. The
shoulder is somewhat heavy but
is well covered "with flesh. The
sides have an excellent depth
but only a medium length. The
rump is rather drooping which
gives the back more of an arched
outline than some of the other
breeds. The hams are superior.
The legs are shorter than in
some of the other breeds, but
ing about the same in this re
spect as the Poland-China. Ma
ture hogs in breeding condition
should weigh 4 0 lbs and 500 lbs
for the sow and boar respectively,
although many specimens of the
breed greatly exceed that weight.
In size of litters the Berkshire
excells the Poland-China, the
average for the breed being
about 8.22 pigs to the litter.
This breed was also developed
in America, being an amalgation
of the Durocs of New York state,
and Jersey Beds of New Jersey.
Since 1877, when the above
named breed. combined, the
blood has been kepted pure and
improvement has been rapid.
In form, the Duroc-Jerseys
closely resemble the Poland
Chinas, but are red in color.
The standard color is cherry
1 red without spots, however, the
the sorghum
iv u..k.iuj; in III I ,, . . ,, -.- nnn , -
..... H.n ,.r v...:-: ""' ""uu io,wu,wu annua I v.
than any other kind of American VW i T total Value of the SUKar
big game, that there is great T and 8ugar cane industries of
need for a suitable preserve in , th'8kcountry totaled $117,000,000.
the antelope country, and that . te cane sugar industry fared
uauiy huh year on account of the
Mississippi River flood, the entire
duces practic. lly only one-eighth
of the home consumption. The
importation from entirely foreign
territory now approximates 2,-
000,000 short tons annually. A
home beet sugar production suffi
cient to cut off this production
would not effect the home cane
sugar industry adversely, be
cause that has so nearly reached
its limit that any possible growth
it may have from now on will not
equal the annual increase in the
country's consumption, which
has considerably more than
doubled in the past 25 years, and
now is greater per capita than
:mv iif linr i. it i tit r ovAanf TIVn-
sirup, being T"',
the buffalo on the National Bison
Rauge have now increased to 81,
or 44 more than the orginal num
ber three years ago.
There are now 56 bird reserva
tions, and additional inspectors
and wardens have been appoint
ed to care for them. The Euro
pean rabbit, introduced on Faral
lon Islands, California, and Lay
san Island, Hawaii, has become
such a pest that efTorts will be
made to reduce its number on
Laysan Island. Every effort has
been made to stop the sale plum
age of certain birds, gulls, turns,
and especially herons. New reg
ulations passed under the Alaska
game law practically makes game
refuges of five islands in south
eastern Alaska. Instructions
have been given to the revenue
cutters in Berhing Sea to insure a
strict enforcement of the law
protecting walrus.
Choice relinquishments; deeded
land, and homestead locations
close to Malheur Lake and R R.
E. R. Griffin,
51 tf Narrows, Oregon.
Strictly First Class. Splendid
Service, Fine Accomodations,
Commercial Headquarters
.Sample- Room In Connection, Reasonable Rates
the bone is to fine and weak pas- Hhudu uf red varies from light to
terns are very common. , (lttrk according to age. Young
Home From Trip To Mexico
C. E. Kenyon and F. B. Ball
are home from Mexico where
they recently went to purchase a
large number of Mexican cattle.
On account of the disturbances
caused by the revolutionists and
unsettled condition of the coun-1
Burns Meat Market
H. J. HANSEN, Proprietor
Beef, Pork, Veal, Mutton,
Sasuage, Bolonga,
Headcheese and Weinerworst, E .
Wholesale and Retail
1 . . . I Irv thsrA f lu.v i-.iiM'ii...l imiL,..i ;
The chief object to the Polund- P'H u,u u"Hy of a bright color , '.. ,. .,., .'2' " ' .
China are that their fineness of
bones causes lack of vigor and
that i hey do not raise large
enough litters of pigs, the breed
as a whole averaging about 7.4
to the litter.
and when they grow older the
tint changes. Black spots on
the body skin are seriously ob
jacted to by the breeders, but
spots on the belly and legs are
(Continued on page four.)
making any purchases.
G. W. Clevenger can please,
you in wall paper. The very
latest designs are on hand and a
variety never before equalled, tf
Prompt and Satisfactory Service
Your P.itronge Solicited and
Orders Given Quick Attention
lk 0"5vJ IPr B
tollable CilUeni
ul Ha' in a County
Homestead Locations
ll I 1)1.1) LAM)
Thv) Inland Empire Realty Company
W. in.KNTKK, Mtaswr v
Wh rriHVMiiit lliitl wltloh ih ichIi.1 iiikI iiliulilti. Wo Immllii nil
kind ul Urn I Knint.i mutter Willi' your ImiU thlnx hth or
nlimr li'Hiil land iu M rurrtM lly and ijnlrlily . IVK WANT YOUH
Rll INHIIKANCi: iU'HINKSS, i.,.,. tiit twu of Hie truiiat
coinptiiieM III America-Til K AI.'I'NA HAil'i'iOUD OO'B.
"Mat your property with tin, fur aalii or trade, IN VKHTM1ATK 1)11 It
llUSiNKH MKTIIODH AND I'AHTKl'l'i IISH Von ttu.t uf, we
Iriivtyou. Auk our ('liuiiU. Call and ice in-
MO Acres irrigated ranch In Hoisc
Valley, to trade tor a arood ranch In
liarncy county, clear of Incumborancel
under government ditch.
Let Us Hear From You What You
Have To Trade. We Trade Anything,
Anvwhere. SI:!: US NOW
We Extend Greetings And
Good Cheer, To You For
A Prosperous New Year
J. C. WELCOME, Jr., Prop.
, , -