ifrifiiWBfliiii-fl mauL-m,m vli it Li ii l c II i U j. v a t V The'Iiirnes-Jieraia Ht Th Urge.t ClrcuUtlon Of Any Newapaper In lUrney County. Th " i SATURDAY, DECKMDF.R 20. 11)12 LoorI News. , Good clean seed -see Allen Jones. fall wheat Tljomns Uaycraft is in Valley Viow. Baled hny, Bran and all kinds of cratns al Tho Burns Dent. Store. Thos. Bain and his son wero down from their homo near Har ney tho foro part of this week. Horses wintered, for$5. Good timothy hay. W. T. VnnElervcer on Pine Creek. Address brow soy. 2-tf. Tulo Circle, Women of Wood craft will jiivo a mask ball in this city on Feb. 1-t. Particulars, later. Davo Miller was in town this week vi3itinR at the homo of his brother, Treasurer-elect It. A. Miller, and passinp Christmas cheer with friends. THE FIRST NATIONAL UANK OF BURNS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $100,000. 'THE BANK THAT MAKES YOUR 9 $ S J SAFE." ACCOUNTS INVITED. 'Remember tho pictures tonight at Tonawama, "Tho Tale of Two Cities," special feature of threo vervjntcrestinjj reels. Admis sions and 15 cents. Mrs. Millar is olTcritiK her stock of millinery at 33, reduc-' tion from now until Christmas. Call at tho Schwartz store and sec her nice line. 5 Tom Allen is over from tho P Ranch to spend tho holidays as is his usual custom. Mrs. Allen had been out at the ranch for some time time but she came in several days ago. W. A. Goodman sells Rolled Barley at lie. Rolled Wheat at lie Clean seed Barley, lie., Good Wheat He., at his barn in the west part of town. Gtf. Another successful rabbit drive was held last Sunday and Mr. Frank Whiting, who is master of ceremonies, has asked The Times Herald to announce that the one in the same locality next Sunday will begin at I o'clock in the afternoon, as many town people cannot get out in the forenoon Pat Doncgan. who has been assisting F. C. Dillard of the Eastern Oregon Engineering Co. on tho dredger on the Blitzen Bwamp for several weeks, came in this week to spend the holi days with relatives and friends. Mr. Dillard also camo in for tho first time since last July. Presbyterian church:-Tho ser vices tomorrow will be in keep ing with the season. At 11 a. m. a Christmas sermon will be delivered by tho pastor, "The Sages, theStars,and tho Savior.'' At 7:30 p. m, a New Year's ser mon will be preached i. e. "Swear ing off; and Swearing on." SUulio New Year right by giv ing Go what rightfully belongs to him. SANTA Headquarters WE F-k '' 1UJi-'Liirj ,: EVERYTHING :- Everything to please a child's eye, everything money can bay. For Christmas Presents to man, woman or child, we have some that will make them happy and smite Call and see us. SCHBTZ - General Merchandise - nnonlc Building, - - Burns, Oregon I MONEY I IN OUR BANK from r i W " W"" As Modern Means Can Make It! til i i -..., Jin i You Should Deposit At The First National BANK BURNS, ORE. . Rabbit drive tomorrow 1 p 300 tons of hay for salo at $3 per ton if a whole stack is taken. Inquire at this office. Geo. Buchanan and wife were guests of relatives and friends in this city last Sunday. Light, all Btcal run-nbout buggy qractically now; nlso set of double liarness with collars. In puire at this office. tf The weather has been border ing on winter for a few days, the ico has frozen to a good thick ness and tho job of putting it up for summer use has begun. If you have' anything to auction sec C. P. Lloyd at Allen Jones' place. He can be reached by phone. Auctions held on Satur day when anything is on hand for sale. i Mrs. John Robertson is up from her home at Portland on a visiti to her husband and other rcla-j tives. John is now foreman at the Bell A. and finds it quite nlcasant to be near town where no can see his friends of tener. Mrs. Robertson will remain an indefinite time. Arthur Thompson of the Har ney hotel was in tho city the fore part of the weeK. lie staieu their smallpox cases did not mat erialize as they expected. He kent two members of his family isolated for a long period think ing they would havo the disease but both refused to take it so he turned them out to ngain mingle with tho rest of tho family and neighbors. CLAUS' SELL - I'.W M',1 "" M ' I A sulky plow for sale at Mc Kinnon's White Front Barn, tf 'Fay Comegys was in town this week visiting his mother and looking after business. Don't forget Eastman Kodaks when buying Xmas presents at Tho Welcome Pharmacy. 3tf Roy Bunynrd was down from Hnrney during tho week taking part in the holiday festivities. See J. I. Ca vender at tho old stand all kinds of second hand goods bought and sold. Same good bargains on hand now. 'Mm. Eil Snnlhw-nrlli nnil nhilil- ren are over from their homo in Bear Valley on a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. I Sweek. You can get a ladies genuine leather hand bag at Tho Welcome Pharmacy from $1.75 to $3.50 nsk about them. 3tf Henry Eichncr at Harney Ore gon, is prepared to-do all kinds of rag carpet and rug weaving at 83A cents per yard and furnish the warp. 4tf ' Tho city council passed nn ordinance last night to close tho saloons and pool hall from 12 o'clock on Saturday nights until 5 o'clock Monday mornings. This ordinance will go into effect in ten days from tho date of its passage. EdStallard and wifo were over from their homo on Otis creek to spend Christmas with Mrs. Stallard's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Cawlfield. They left for homo yesterday morning and were accompanied by little David Cawlfield. Their many former school friends were glad to sec them. J. P. Cochran and family were here for several days this week, having como in to have their two children treated by a physician. Tho son' was operated on by Dr. Harrison for adenoids, which waB Htiito successful, and tho little daughter was treated for ear trouble. They havo returned home. Mrs. Win. Stirling and daugh ter, Miss Agnes, left last Sunday for Portland nnd other outside points to spend tho holiday period. They wero joined in Portland by tho youngest daughter, Miss Nettie, who graduated from the Harney county high school last spring and has been pursuing her Btudics at the Agricultural Col lego at Corvallis. Mr. Stirling has been spending a portion of Ids timo in town during their absenco taking in tho entertain ments during tho holidays. A telegram was received in this city Thursday morning announc ing tho death of Mrs, W. D, Buchanan at La Grande, Tho lady was a highly respected pio neer of tliis county where sho re- sided for many years. She was tho mother of J, W. and Geo. L. of this county, Mrs, Buchanan lived near Harney for many years but for the past fow years, sinco tho death of her husband, sho had been residing witli rela tives in Union county. Many of tho old timo people in this Bcctlon mourn her departure and extend sympathy to tho bereaved BonB. Always ready for job printing. Fred Otloy was n business visitor during the week. Fresh homo mado lard 17c. at Hansen Meat Mnrkct. tf - Something is wrong. Tho stage has been getting in earlier. Plan to attend tho masquerade ball at Tonawama, Jan. 24th. Henry Otley nnd Elbert George were in for tho Christmas dance. Hngcy & Lundy chattels, small loans, acreage city property. In I. 0. 0. F. Bldg, Burns, Oregon. Supt. Hamilton was in town today accompanied by his wife and children. Mnn and wife with two child ren want work on a ranch for tho winter. Apply nt this office. Dr. Burrow has fitted up offices in tho Jorgcnson building where ho may bo found day or night. Tho Wclcomo Pharmacy has tho agency for Pickard Hand Painted China. See their line. 3 Remember! E. R. Griffin has fine winter pasture nnd hay, cheap. Narrows, Oregon.' 51 tf Miss Helene Swain is spending the holidays with homo folks. She will resume her school work Monday. Mrs. Vera Welkcr will fill or ders for masquerade suits. Get your order in before it is too late for the coming mnsk ball. C. A. Harlan and wife camo dnck from a visit with the Drink waters over on Cow Creek the day heforo Christmas and Cy has resumed his place in tho bank. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BURNS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 5100,000. "THE BANK THAT MAKES YOUR 9 $ SAFE." ACCOUNTS INVITED. The Times-Herald is informed that Alma Davis has accepted tho position of deputy post mas ter under Mr. Logan. G. W. Clevenger can please you in wall paper. The very latest designs are on hand nnd a variety never before equalled, tf Rolled wheat is the milk and egg producer try it. Better and cheaper than bran. Sold by W, A. Goodman. Phone him your order. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BURNS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $100,000. 'THE BANK THAT MAKES YOUR $ J J SAFE." ACCOUNTS INVITED. A. Dunn will have charge of my wood business in Burns this winter. Dry wood on hnnd to any part of town F. 0. Jackson. 5i tf Geo. Smyth came over from Diamond yesterday to visit with his wife and son nnd to attend the installation ceremonies of the Masonic bodies last night K Fh Hl!nn!n llnl ...nr. 2 1 1. xji. miimiu iiuuu nun in mu city from Lawen today to receive a load of drugs that had recently been brought in to stock her drug store which she is prepar ing to open up at Lawen. Dr. Hand reports the health of her section good. Harney Lodge, No. 77, elected tho following officers for the en suing term: A. Dunn, N. G.; Thos. Sprague, V. G.; W. W. Gould, Secy.; II. M. Horlon, Treasurer. The Rebekahs have elected: Mrs. Julia Cawlfield, N. G. ; Mrs. Madge Leonard, V. G.; Mrs. Juliet Davis, Secy.; Mrs. Florence Dal ton, Treasurer. Installation of these officers will take place tho first part of next month. NOTICE. Tnero will bo a meeting of tho Dog Mountain Rabbit Extermina ting Club nt tho Sunset school house on Saturday January 4th at 2 o'clock to determine tho time and place for tho first drive. Van B. Embuer, Secretary. California Woman Serloutly Alarmed "A short timo ago, I contract ed a sevcro cold which settled on my lungs nnd caused me a great deal of annoyance. I would have bad coughing spells and my lungs wero so sore nnd inflamed I be gan to bo seriously alarmed. A friend recommonded Chnmber lain'B Cough Remedy, Baying sho had used it for years. I bought a bottlo and it relieved my cough tho first night, and in a weok I was rid of the cold and soreness of my lungs," writes Miss Mnrie Qorber, Sawtollo, Cal. For 'salo by all dealer, Keep your hides and furs un til December, Don't Give Them Away as I will bo there- to call and Pay You for thorn, byt no beavers, If you havo anything on hand, write mo at Burns, enro gen. dol. Jackson Brothers, !3tf IHdo & Junk Co. E. MURRAY Public Stenographer Tonawama Uldjr,, Burns Want Changes in Game Lawn. The Harney County Rod and Gun Club held n meeting at The Times-Herald office last Monday and with other business consider ed was some changes in the game laws. The president find secre tary of the club wero asked to write tho Sfate Game Commis sion respecting sucli changes and asked for their consideration. Among tho changes desired are: Uniform deer laws or open season throughout the state. Bounty on cougars large enough to exterminate them. Water fowl unchanged. Sage hen season to open 30 days later, but remain open the samo length of timo as at pre sent. . Th6sc are all good suggestions and should have the attention of tho commission in its recommen dations to tho legislature. The law should be more uniform over the slate than at present as it gives undue advantage in some parts. Game Warden Mace has just received a letter from State Game Warden Finley in which he Bays: Any matters which your section of the country desires to place before the legislature can be ad dressed to this office and the same will be turned over to the Board of Fish and Game Com missioners who have the revision of tho laws under consideration at time. Any changes which your section of the state desires will be gladly received by the commission for their considera tion." It would seem from this letter the suggestions of the local Club will meet with the proper spirit and no doubt have some weight The local club has been working harmoniously with the State Warden during tho entire season just past and it is likely their de mands will be granted. J. F. Mahon and J. B. Johnson were elected to membership in the Club at the last meeting. More Demonstration Farms. Believing that the back-to-the-farm movement can be advanced through the establishment of more demonstration farms, Col onel "Bill" Hanley, the land and cattle baron of Harney County, is planning to work for legisla tion to that effect "Bill" has been in town a few days and will remain a while and see how the political warriors and state law makers feel about the subject Hanley's desire is that such a demonstration or experimental farm should be established in every county in tho state and he feels confident that tho coming session of the Legislature will realize the value of such a plan. "Oregon, particularly Central Oregon, is going to shoot ahead farther along the lines of scienti fic farming in the next 10 years than any of the older states in country," said Hanley. 'The majority of new settlers who will locate in the interior will start out right. By that I mean they will educate them selves ns to the very best scienti fic methods of developing their lnnd so that it will produce the largest and best crops. "We have been making long strides forward in the matter of educating tho farmers in the latest approved methods and at tho same time there is room for n great deal more missionary work of this kind. That is why I believe we should have de monstration farms in eveiy county in tho state. I am going to do everything I can to per suado tho Legislature that I am right. "-Telegram. TONAWMA PICTURES TONIGHT "A TALE OF TWO CITIES" Thrilling Historical Three-red Feature ADMISSION 25 and 15c. TOMORROW NIGHT Regular Five-reel Program "BESSIE'S DREAM," a new dellghful comedy drama. "Trip Thatita South Seas" on the same reel. "GAY TIME IN JACKSON VILLE," comedy. "JUST LIKE A WOMAN," drama. "SHE NEVER KNEW," beau tiful and pathetic story. TIGERS CLAWS," thrilling. USUAL SUNDAY NIGHT PRICES. REMEMBER the prize will be given Sunday night and the number must be in the houBo when called. WEST'S CRUSADE TO BE BEFORE LEGISLATURE Governor Expected To Abk For Laws Giving Him Greater Power A recent Salem dispatch says: "With the time fixed for the convening of Iho Lefcblature rapidly approaching, the presi dency of the Senate and speak ership of the IIouso apparently settled, assurances that the elec tion of a United States Senator will be but a mere formality, the prediction made here by those who have sounded the sentiment among the Legislators is that the big fight of the session will oc cur when Governor West seeks to have the Legislature enact his crusade legislation. Generally tho friends of the Governor would have it appear that tho introduction of his cru sade to have the legislature will decasion no clash, but they, as well as most of the Legislators, fully realize, say those who have taken soundings on the subject, mat tnese measures will be a signal for a clash between the Governor, and that it will be the battle of the session. Since his inauguration the Gov ernor has had two dreams his prison reform policy and his law enforcement crusade. With the hope of seeing these dreams ma terialize, he has made every sac rifice in the past, and recently announced that to bring about their realization he is prepared to make every sacrifice in the future. That declaration was made when he declined to ex tend clemency to the four mur derers hanged here this month, and the opinion voiced here is that had the Governor not felt that to extend clemency to them would be to postpone the day when capital punishment could be abolished, and also that it would operate as a barrier to his law enforcement crusade. The Govornor's crusade in Portland clearly demonstrated, it is claimed, that if it is to be crowned with success and be made state-wide in its applica tion, his hands must be strength ened materialy by legislation. Portland's crusade demonstrated, it is further asserted, that the Governor is practically without appointing power when it comes to naming special prosecutors and sheriffs to carry on his cru sade, and that there are no laws whereby breweries and distill eries can be prevented from shipping liquor from wet into dry territory, and by which the express and railroad companies can be prevented from transport ing it Already the Governor has pre pared a bill to give him power to appoint special district attorneys and sheriffs, and providing for appropriations for the remunera tion of them whenever they shall be pressed into service. Con tending that to give the Governor authority to appoint special dis trict attorneys and Sheriffs when ever lie snail take the notion to do so would be to clothe him with the power of an autocrat, many of the Legislators will fight the measure to the last, declare those who are conversant with their feelings on the subject. What the attitude of the Leg islature will be with relation to bills prohibiting the shipment of liquor into dry territory, should the Government ask it to pass such a measure, as he undoubted ly will, is problematical, it is de clared. Many, it is believed, would be in favor of such a mea sure, but that it would have op position is certain. Among other powerful factors to wage n fight on it would be the liquor dealers, and possibly also the express and railroad companies. In addition tho Governor will have a lot of other legislation to propose. He believes that tho state should take over the Colum bia Southern project, nnd ap propriate money to reclaim tho lands embraced within this pro ject. Ho has also draftod a bill to make the salaries of county officials uniform and equal, and to provide for an accounting system for county clerks. An other bill drafted by him relates to county and district fairs, his real object being, ho says, to place appropriations made for them on such a basis that the usual log-rolling attendant upon tho passago of individual appro priation bills may bo obviated, Ho has also drafted a bill to con solidate all stato boards, save thoso having jurisdiction over educational institutions, into one board. Guaranteed N. P. scrip $8.75 an acre, limited amount only. Inland Empire Realty Company. 52tf I f , ,. l. ', .J J )J l l-jui L Jiimi uiijiuwfwnw mmmm : . i ii! mi I til Nil The Harney County National Bank' II "Your Home Institution" II I Extends To You The Compliments of The Season - ' - And Wishes You nn mi A Happy And Prosperous New Year llll II I 1 . llll ' ' "' - llll r W. E. J General Groceries Select Can Goods, Fancy Groceries, Dried Fruits, Tobacco, Confectionary, Coal Oil, Feed, Grain and Produce Special Inducements Given On Bier Orders iv K If You JVant ALL The Home News READ THE TIMES-HERALD $2.00 a year Best Job THE OLD STAR SALOON BRENTON & Old and Npw Patrons Will "Wines, Liquors, and Cigars Good Service, Courteous Treatment DROP IN Main Street Burns, Oregon Now's the Time TO TALK ABOUT 5 J. 3 We Have 'Em In All Styles, Sizes And Prices. Get Your Home In Shape For Winter. Be Comfortable- Get A Heater! We Also Handle A Full Line Of Kitchen Utensils, Granite Ware, Camp Stoves, Saws, Axes, Pumps, Piping, Paints, Varnishes, Brushes, Oils, Stains, Headquartes GEEK & HUSTON - - I Printing HICKS, Props. Find the Best Brands Here V .Hft3 Glass, Etc. For Hardware CUMMINS ' m i HMWMHMUHMtel