The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, December 28, 1912, Image 2

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Before it is too late,
or nil may be gone.
At Our Store can be found some
very pretty and useful gifts and
they are Real Bargains.
House Slippers, Neckties and silk
Handkerchiefs of all descriptions.
Combination Sets of ties and tie
holders, Suspenders, Sleveholders,
Supporters, Fancy Suspenders and
all kinds of Mufflers or Scarfs.
CfT7 Our Artistic Window Display Come In
OlUCjand look over our line the latest in town.
Clothing Company
Leading; Clothiers -, - High Grade Tailoring
- -; '
I. O. O. F. Building - - Burns, Oregon
Date Set For Friday Night,
Jan 24th, at Tonnwama.
Music By The Band
If She m$tnlL
Oa. 12.00
3U M.nlK. 1.00
Tar. Month. .75
Will Sell Indian Lands.
Grant county people with the
operation of the parcel post law,
will be informed on the selling
price of mail order houses
through advertising matter.
What Grant county people want
to know is what the country
merchant has to sell and what it
will cost hitn. And for this in
formation he relies on his country
newspaper. If he finds the in
formation there he takes ad van t
, age of the parcels post rates and
, buys from the country merchant,
t and if he does not find what he
i"b looking for in the country
-newspaper he does the next best
tiring and turns to the eastern
catalogue with the result that his
erder goes east Blut Mt Eagle.
Are Urged to Attend
Irrigation Congress,
v Secretary J. T. Hinckle, of the
AOregon Irrigation Congress, is
a Appealing to all parts of the state
ru.or a big attendance at the an-
ynual meeting. January 9-11.
Every man who is appreciative
of the need for careful study of
irrigation progress, is urged to
; invite his friends who are also
interested. By getting together
the largest possible body of
, students and workers, the officers
of the Congress hope to gain the
maximum of education.
1 It is apparent to all students of
industrial problems in the state
that irrigation has reached a
i crisis. There must be some
change or improvement in the
i. .existing order. Good land must
Fbe placed within reach of the
kvorage farmer at a lower charge.
In yiew of the fact that the Carey
Act plan of reclamation has large
ly proven a failure, and that the
Federal operations are of neces
sity limited, it is clear that some
effective me' 1 of enlisting
private capital, or drawing into
( the work the credit of the state,
must be provided.
In putting at the forefront the
' work being done by the farmers
of the state, through bonding of
districts or as co-operative as-
. Bociations, it is the purpose of
The Times-Herald has received
a notice from H. G. Wilson, of
Roseburg that bids will be receiv
ed for seven tracts of land, each
containing 160 acres of the lands
allotod to the Indians in this val
ley up until Feb. 18, 1913. It
had been hoped a larger amount
of this land could be secured and
placed on the market at this time
but in the nbsencc of Dr. Mars
den it was impossible to get the
Indians to understand and more
Of the land Will thprofnrn hn
placed on the market later. Six
of the tracts have been appraised
at to per acre, the other at $10.
This appraisement is verv con-
servative and the lands will no
doubt bo sold at that figure very
readiiy if not for more.
The following conditions govern
according to the notice received:
All bids should be enclosed in
a sealed envelope which must bo
conspicaously marked "Bids for
Indian Lands." The date of the
proposed sale must also be writ
thereon, but nothine else. Mn
bidder will be permitted to in
clude more than one allotment in
any bid. If a prosDective nur-
chaser desires to bid on m.m
than one allotment ho must make
a separate bid for each allotment
which he desires to
and if lie wishes to purchase less
lhan an entire allotment ho mav
submit a bid for one or more lotrnl
subdivisions or any part thereof.
Each bid must be accompanied
by a duly certified check on snmn
solvent bank payable to Homen
G. Wilson, Sunt. Roseburg. Ore
gon, for U3o of the grantor, for
w percent of the amount offered.
as a guarantee for the faithful
performance by the bidder of his
nroponal. If the' bid should bo
accepted and the successful bid
der shall within thirty days after
due notice fail to comply with the
terms of his bid, the money re
presented by such check shall be
forfeited for the use of the owner
of the land. The checks of all un
successful bidders will be return
ed within 10 days after the open
ing of the bids: any other infor
mation governing sales will be
sent on application. Purchaser
shall pay the cost of conveyance
and from $1.50 to $2.50 for ad
vertising. No bid for an amount
less than the appraised valuation
will bo considered.
Owing to the splendid satisfac
tion given at their d uico with
thu band music, and numerous
and urgent requests for a repeti
tion of the same, the manage
ment of the band has decided to
please the public in this rcjnecl
and will give a masquerade and
grand ball at Tonawama hall, on
Friday night. .Inn. 21th. which
promises to bo n vory enjoyable
nllair. The band will furnish
the dance music until 1 o'clock,
which should prove a drawing
card to everyone, as well as give
those desiring to listen to the
band, an opportunity to have
their wishes gratified.
The members of tho band trust
their efforts to please the public
will not be in vain, and hope to
be accorded a packed house on
this occasion. Their former con
cert and dance wns neither one
as well attended or patronized as
they should have been, and if
tho public's sentiment 1b to
judged, by the manner in which
they support these undertakings,
the band feels their eiforts to
raise finances for their mainten
ance must fail, and as theso do
ings are tho only means at hand
whereby they can raise revenue
during the winter, it stands the
public in hand to show their good
will and support them whenever
the opportunity presents itself.
otherwise there is but the cnevit-
able result, the disbandment of
the organization. It has been
freely predicted by many that
Burns has at present tho best
band it ever had. and that the
music handled of a better grade,
but on tho other hand its wns re
ceiving the ioo rest support of
any organization of its ability
they had ever seen. This should
not be, but it's a fact novel t he
less, and this is very evident to
its members. Outside of the
hall rent, lights and fuel donated
by the Tonawama management.
not a citizen or business corcern
in town has made any effort to
help it along, and there you arc
how does it look. Every man,
woman and child has reason to
feel proud of this home organiza
tion, and ought to show it.
tho members of tho organization
and their immediato families.
Mrs. Julinn Byrd noted as in
stalling officer for the Etiatorn
Star and the following were in
Htnllcd: Mrs. EllaSweok, W. M.;
W. A. Gowan, W. P.; Mrs. Lizzie
Dalton, A. M.; Mrs. Etta Jones,
Secy, j Miss Leona Thompson,
Trcna.; Mrs. Emma Gowan. Con
ductress; Mrs. Cassio Smyth,
Associate Conductress; Mrs. Mar
UiaSagers, Chaplain; Mrs. Frank
io Welcome, Mnrshnl; Mrs. Viv
ian Smith, Ada: Miss Louol
Smith, Ruth; Mrs. Madgo Egli,
Esther; Miss Leila Egli. Martha:
Mrs. Mattio Miller, Electa; Mrs.
Mollio Smith. Warder: J. W.
Sayer, Sentinel.
At tho close of tho installation
ceremonies Mrs. Frankio Wel
come, tho retiring Matron, was
presented with a Pnst Matron's
jewel as a token of high regnrd
by tho members of her untiring
services during tho year just
closed. Tho presentation wns
made by Mrs. Byrd and Mrs.
Welcomo responded with feeling,
thanking her officers for their
faithful services and loyalty dur
ing her term of office.
Past Master Wm. Miller noted
as installing officer for the Mns.
ho ons and installed the follewing:
J. L. Gnult, W. M.;W. A. Gow
an, S. W; Ludwig Johnson, J.W;
J. C. Welcomo Sr., Treas.; Sam
Mothershend, Secretary; A. 0.
Faulkner, S. I).; II. J. Hansen.
J. D.; Curtis Smith, S. S.;E. C.
Eggleston, J. S.; Allen Jones,
Tyler. Tom Allen was installed
as Marshal, and he acted in that
capacity Inst night as did Mrs.
Vella Welcome for tho Star.
Dr. Babbidge opened tho Ma
sonic ceremonies with nraver.
Miss Louel Smith and Mrs. J. L.
Gnult each rendered beautiful
vocal solos after the installations
and responded to henrtv and
generous encores.
The usunl big feast followed to
which all did justice, the banquet
board being laden with every
thing possible to tempt the dincrer
Tonight Tonawama will give a
three-reel feature film picture
"A Tale of Two Cities." tho
historical and thrilling story by
Charles Dickens. This is a fine
story and beautifully told in tho
pictures. Thero will be two
shows, the first beginning nt7:15
and the other about 8 o'clock.
Bo sure to bo in the house bv 8
o'clock to see the entire show
through. The prices tonight will
be 25 and 15 cents. Tomorrow
Clay Clemens mill is tho near
est one to Burns whoro nil kinds J
of lumber both rough nnd dress-1
ed can bo had. Near Canyon
road. Cnll him by 'phone.
Browns Satisfactory Store
1 section. O'lO ncrcs. level un
improved ango brush lnnd in
Hnrnoy Vnlloy, ennbesubirrignt
ed. ICO ncro tract, fenced, good
Iioubo deep well nnd otherwiso
improved. Prices mndo to suit in
tending settlers. Nospoculntors
need npply. Inquire nt this office.
Cured of Liver Complaint
wns suffering with liver
complaint," Bays Ivn Smith of
Point Blnnk, Toxns, "nnd decid
ed to try n 25c box of Chamber
lain's Tablets, nnd nm hnppy to
sny Hint I nm completely cured
nnd can recommend them to
every one." For sale by all
Call for Warrant!.
Shoes For School
Choico of Tan, Calf and Gun Metal
and Patent, heavy good wearers for
school girls and boys.
School Hosiery
Childrcns School Hose. Fine Rib
bed School Hose, and made for hard
Wear. All sixes for children.
Notice is hereby given that
thero are sufficient funds in tho
county uvnsury to redeem nil
Harney County Wnrranta regis
tered Jnnunry 10, 1912, prior to
wnrrant No. 95 Class U. Inter
est will ceaso on all such war
rants December 21, 1912.
Simon Lewis,
Treasurer Harney County
Girls Winter Cloaks
A few advance numbers of Misses
and Little Girls Coats. We can show
you a few styles at this time that may
be just what you Want.
Overcoats For Winter
Overcoats for Boys juid young Men
Wc can please and fit you both. Call
and get yours from the latest line.
School Suits
For Young Boys and Men at all
ages from 6 to 15 years. Heavy
for winter and a small price attached.
Boys Winter Wear
A Fine and Warm Line of Winter
Underwear and Overshirts for the
Boys. Also the best line of latest
Sweater Cqats at Rockbottom Prices.
Stockholders Meeting
Notico is hereby given that tho
annual meeting of the stock
holders of the Hnrney County
Fair Association will be held at
tho oflico of the secretary on
Monday. Jan. 13. 1913 at 2
o'clock p. m. The regular bus
iness of the Association will bo
taken up, tho election of new
directors, reports of the officers
nnd such other business as mav
come before tho meeting.
Julian Byiid. Secretary.
.. - . wv - 411 1 ll lUIILfl
Wliiin rim mntfnt aT iswLw .. .
........ .... ""v- Yl"w"h, night the usual picture program
after the needy at Christmas wi be givcn with lhe ugunl
time in Burns hns not been fre-. prjceS( 25 and 15 cents. Five
quent in the past it has had an reels with home historical, edu-
inuincu or uvo ai mis iioiiuny cationul nnd comedy films.
miiic unu it ia most, coimnenunuie , mw t...i.... :,.i. i... n-..
1 , .. , ,, , , , " tuvouiij infill niu nru
io nine mat me people responded dennrfmon, irivn nn nnnimi i,n
most liberally and cheerfully ,ns lm3 been the custom for sev
One good lady has called the at- ,.i , ti.: ...:m i .i.
trillion of Tho Times-Herald to holidny j.c.'iod festivities. How
this and states that is one of the ever, it looks favorable to a
best "boosts" she has ever wit- il.nnnn Rnninl Unnannii.IIi.n..i
. i-... - xw..., Uhuuvil VUlUUIIUUt
iiiHisuu since coming ncro. we
are "boosters" for eyery thing
else and she finds the good neo-
ple of our little city not lacking
in this respect cither.
How Io Bankrupt the Doctor!
A prominent New York physi
cian says, "If it were not for
tho thin stockings and (hiii soled
bIiocs worn by women the doctors
would probably bo bankrupt."
When you contract a cold do not
wnit for it to develop into nncu-
tmonin but treat it at once. Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy is in
tended especially for coughs and
colds, nnd has won a wide re-"j
nutation by its cures of these1
diseases. It is most effectual
and is pleasant and snfe to take.
I-orsnlo by nil denlers.
The sworn statements of Life
Insurance Companies on file nt
tho Stale Insurance Department,
Salem, show that In 1909. 1910,
1911, Oregon Life tho Only Life
Insurance Company Exclusively
Oregon, sold more policies in
Oregon than any other company.
In 1912 Oregon Life is surpass
ing all it previous iccords.
E. C. Eggu:ston,
35 Agent.
'Conclude I Prom I iml I'iikc)
This is an old play and has been
seen by many, yet it is such a
wholesome comedy that people
are anxious to sec it again.
The Masonic orders held a
joint installation of officers last
night at the Masonic hall which
was a very pleasant affair as it
always is. The ceremonies were
attended by a large number of
the winter months as plans aro
forming along that line.
But fow cases of want have
come to the nttention of the peo
plo during tho week, but theso
few were generously provided
for and every soul within our
gates have been made as happy
as it was possiblo bv our citizens.
Be Laughed 'Till
He Died
In tlie Comity Court for Harney County,
Stale uf OrrK'on
III I lie mutter of the Iifitntc of 'luluirwili
II. Stroud. Iercnael
Tlie tintleriiKneil ImviitK Ixtii iluljr 0i
pointed Ailirttiilat rntrix of tlie nlxive
imineiV cytnlr in t lie nliovc named
court, nil ron Imvini; claim
MfjuliKt, Mild eatatc arc licrcliy notified
to iireneni tiicm, mil)- Termed ni uy law
reflnired, to tlie tindcraltfiieilnt the oilier
ofCIco. S. Hiremorc, in the City ol llunm,
Harnrjf'County, Otton, wllliin tlx (0)
month rom the date hereof.
Dated1 llurtn. Oregon. Nor. 10, UIIS
Aduiinlitrntrii of the Kstute of kcIiii.
riah II. Strom), Peed, '
tKO S, rillKUORK.ooe of the AttorneM
-:- WE SELL -:-
Winter Wear
And curry nt all titiicn a coniplclf line ef:
Sweaters and Sweater Coats, Underwear,
In Two-p.cce and Union Suits, Sheep
Lined and other Heavy Winter Coats,
Knit Caps, Night Shirts, Pajamas, Woolen
and Cotton Blankets, Woolen Socks, Ger
man Socks, Overshoes, Rubbers Etc.
We also have a large and complete line of
Mens Woolen and Heavy Winter Shirts
The Best of the Best GOTZAIN SHOES
Notice to Creditor!.
In thbljtatter of the entate of llnrtcy
Dtion, deceased.
fiutlcc in licrcliy given that the under
TaylowourK, Ohio Abo fiklnncr, tlui ' 'K"cl hui ln regularly appointed Ux.
vIIIuko peeMmUt, IhuuImxI IiIiiihcK to cculrix of the lnt Will and Tc.tament
doatli from rradlnic HUM" llin flrrnt "f Hnrvcy IHxnri, ilccensol.
Amorlrun Ataitailno of l-'iin which la' All cron having cliitma iiKaitut anid
nmkiiii; urioitcr atr.iliK than any other ,c"'",e l"1 "creliy untitled to pieaenl
iiiK Jinn huoru tho Ainerichii public i""16'" ,I,C nilerij;iicil, duly
to'ay. It i n imiL-iuliie Hint villi kiwii
tho ulmU family In good humor The
tall of lliir contain the ureatcit nrliln,
carlcatnrliU. crltlca and editors on. thp
continent. It is highly illunlrnttd ami
printed In many colorn It wili-kecp the l
whole family cheerful the year 'round,
You can afford to pnd GOc u )ur to.
do thl. Bend thii clliinliu: ami fiOc tot
The Itlff I'ubliihlnff Co. Dayton. Ohio.
for one year'it iiutuicriptiou.
na by law required, within nix moutlm
from the date ot this notice.
Dated at Huron, Oregon, Novcmlier ll,
Mahv Dixon,
lijceulrh of the Ian t Will ami Testament
of I Inner Dixon, decenned.
Mix g-T ii-U'ajAb;,igi
Coiiim unci look our Htock over, compare our
prices u ud HhmjiiuIiI.) nnd wc mo sure you will
Get Yours
A. K. Richardson
General Merchandise
thrisfTTiafi iQrVmriiir&fr?
wfv v WAAAAIJlg.
So Is Cold Weather!
Young mule for mile Inquire
flt this office. , ,
t KiTriidTATinil.iHo Orrioc,
llurlu, Uinon. Iioramtxr IX. lull. I
Notlic In lirrtlir rlen thati.rnua Crankllii
Hnillli Narruwi, Oickoii. whu, on Mj II, IW7,
uitilo lloiiiaicl entry am, Harlal No uriiil, for
NW'f Brctlon if, Towndilp -a Houlli. Ilanra
J I Krml VtlllaiiifMIs MtrMlaii li rll.d
iinllrn nt liilriitlun to tuaka Dual flYr-jrur
ilium, in iftmi iixii riaim io ine land aioa
ilorrllx.l liofuro ItnUltr am Hrorlnir. at
lliirni, nriKiin. on the '.Ml, day ol January
lull '
Claimant iimhim an wtlneuti
llarvy II hlllnlt, llemleraoii Klllntt, lloumr
Hilnitli-, I'rr'M iiarrrn, all of Narrowi, Oreon
Wx.Piiim. ItiKliler.
J the Congress management to
cirive this field of opportunity
thorough exploitation. Represen
. tatives from various parts of the
atate have been invited to come
''and tell the details of work
u undertaken in this manner. It is
p stated that some of the cost
aJfigures which theso men will
c present are astounding. If the
.final showing is so good, and the
J1' work done by the co-operative
'forces is of a permanent order,
"it is believed that the Congress
jlwill go on record as favoring
Mutate aid or community support
"for all the farmer projects that
can be launched.
President William Hanley savs
a that a strong showing of irriga
tion workers from the interior
are likely to come to the meet
ing. Ho wanta to see a large
P number of water users here, to
d'bear what they have to present
q,ln the way of changes. - Telegram
C. B. Smith was over from
Vale to spend Christmas with
friends in this city leaving for
home again Thursday morning.
Mr. Smith states the railroad
work is progressing quite rapidly
toward this county at present.
There are four train loads of
malerial being sent out from the
Vale yards every day along the
line of work and as soon as tho
station and yards are fixed at
Harper more material will be for
warded. Mr. Smith says thero
aro enough steel rails in tho
yard at Vale to build the line to
Dog Mountain.
Representative A. W. LaiTerty
has 22,000 packages of Govern
ment vegetable and flower seeds
for freo distribution to residents
of Oregon, requests for which
should be addressed to him at
Washington, D. C.
Choice relinquishment; deeded
land, and homestead locations
close to Malheur Lake and R. R.
E, R. GniPFiN,
51 tf Narrows, Oregon,
Send Your
Orders For
Lumber, Lath,
Cedar Shingles,
Hardwall Plaster,
Portland Cement,
Lump Lime, Etc,
wen, who does'iit know that! And who
does'nt know that The Burn's Department
Store has laid in a large stock of Christmas
Goods. Winter Clothing, Shoes and Rub-
bers and every other article necessary for
man and beast and for sale at wonderfully
low prices for cash.
ni V Burns Dept Store
MAIL ORDERS given Prompt At
tention. Monev Refunded if flip
goods are not perfectly satisfactory.
smm TO
Overturf, Davis, Miller Co.
' - .-.-.-.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers
Office Phone 3G Mill Phone 40
i ii II i hi, Illaaa
We have a large stock of the above
and can make quick deliveries to the
Burns Country. Get OUR Prices.
Solid Gold Rings For Ladies $ 2.50 up,
For Babies $1.00 to $1.50 (Mention clan of alnn rU.:.-.,n
. .( w . ,
Hack Combs in sets or single, solid gold $1.25 to 5.00
Solid Oold Filled Breast Pins $2.75 to $6.50
Ladies Fobs For Watch $2.00 to $5.00
Babies Lockets and Chains $2.50 to 5.00
Baby Spoons Sterling $ 1 .25 to 1 !50
Belt Fins at a Bargain $ .75 to 3.00
Ladies and Gents Cuff Links, Solid Gold, with emblem of Odd
Fellow and Masons, with chip diamonds $1.50 to $6.00
Ladies fleck Chains $2,50 to $4.00
Souvcnjr Spoons gtcrjing , $J,00 to 1.50
Lockets For Ladies $2,50 to 6.00
Watch Charms at Al Prices, Articles Sold Engraved Free.
" --
Every Day In The Year
MOW VW FORGET! I have many ofher
1 7T. f articles, tQQ HHirierous to rnenfinn jn thjs.
T , mm WW BMnjn H,ro nm mq (escrmqi gr
what you want, tend me the price you pan afford anrf
we will have no trouble in fixing yen out
Trough Train To Portland
, Leaves Bend 0:30 a. nt. Redmond, 7:15 a. m., Ter
rebonne 7:30 a, in., Culver 8:00 a. m., Metollus 8:30
a.m., Madras 8:40 a. m., Maupnn 10:48 a. m., ar
rives Portland 5:30 p. m.
I Best Qualify For Your Money
Open Evenings From December t, Until ChriatmasvJ'
Direct Connections
- FOR -
feJ?i?e' Tacoma Spokane, lMflnneftpDlls, St.
Paul, Chicago, Denver, Omaha, St. Louis, Kan
sas City and all points east and south
Northern Pacific ami Great Northern
Via the North Hank Head,
Mr'.?rj!l,..f ' Bem!' re' " Bawke', ABt. nedmona. Ore
W. H. (TOMAN flnnannl D.ln.l.t .! . . '
I l ,, """'' mviiwihi i.iKiii, iiu I'usscnger ARt.
I notnilS of Pdliodlllna fnxna ...111 1.. r I..1....1 .
. j:
J v
S. J
i Ji
r--. w,, WOt 1, w,, ,, u,,-,!,!,.,, nn rpniincl