1 fiV(lWBHMi i) (From Our Portland Correspondent! Tho second annual OroKon Ir rigation Congress will bo held in Portland Jnnunry 0-11 and tho proRram is now betas arrased. It Will bo tho most important gathering of irriRationista ever held In this state. Every irrijrn tion district in OreRon is expect ed to bo represented and mem bers of the Rovemmcnt reclama tion service, asjwell as tho entire membership of tho next loRisla ture. will bo invited. There wi'l bo a thorouvrh consideration of the needs of tho im'Rated farmer, both on tho Rovernment and state projects, and evcrythinR possible will bo done to aid in tho develop ment of tho irrigated sections of tho state. William Hanley, of Burns, is president of the con gress, and J. T. Hinkle, of Iler miston. is tho secretary. The Oregon Development League is busy on preliminary plans for the congress. Oregon dairymen and cheese and butter makers of tho state are in session this week at Albany. A four days convention was open ed Tuesday. The program of ad dresses and discussions is of a high standard and from tho an nual gathering much benefit to the industry will result. Eastern Oregon can be counted on to do its share in the stale's agricultural production. N o w that tho crops are gathered, in stances of big yields are being reported. Elba Rogers, a farmer of the Freewater district, receiv ed over $1100 for tomatoes raised on three-quarters of an acre. His crop was marketed through the Fruit Growers' Union, which was pyobably responsible for a good price: Curtis and Rolph, of On tario, dug 1000 bushels of splen did potatoes from two and one half acres. From one hill CG po tatoes were taken. More than seven carloads of pure alfalfa honey was shipped out of Vale this year. Closer co-operation between the fruit grower, the, railroads and all allied interests was urged at a meeting of growers and deal ers at a luncheon at the Portland Commercial Club. It was stated by a prominent Eastern dealer that a study of market conditions and a better organization will prevent an over supply of North west apples and the hope of the industry was said to be a closer harmony in growing and market ing the fruit Better steamer service on the upper Columbia and the Snake Rivers was the subject recently taken up by a conference of com mercial club representatives at Kennewick. Plans were made for the operation of -boats during the coming year and resolutions adopted that the organizations represented should assist in every way the steamboat companies operating on these streams. Why You Should Buy Red Cross Seals Why you should buy Red Cross Cross Christmas Seals, may be answered most effectively in the words of a twelve year old boy in the Duluth (Minn.) schools, who gave the following as his reason in a composition on this subject: "The reason I put Red Cross Seals on my Christmas gifts is because every seal I use counts one cent toward stamping out tuberculosis in the city and for the maintenance of hospitals for that purpose. The seals are also used to raise funds to teach peo ple the value of fresh air. And, another reason I buy them is be cause my father died of tuber culosis and I buy them so that other little boys and girls won't lose their fathers as I did. Another reason is that if I am ever threatened with tuberculosis the doctors will have a fund to try to prevent it." Auction Sale of General merchandise at Young's Store Saturday Dec. 21 at 2:30 o'clock Terms Cash or Bankable note. Light, all steal run-about buggy practically new; also set of double harness with collars. In quire at this office. tf jHtxmrffiK ON CABINET MAKING PROSPECTS iConctiitittt 1'rom First Par) daddy mado tho first cattle drive across the plains. .Too rodo herd in his early days. Ho stood above the Columbia river when ho was a boy and said tho chan nel ought tobo deepened and made safe for transporation. He look ed at tho streams and got to guessing how much more good that water could do if it was turned over the dry fields. Teal couldn't have lived tho life he has and not bo for Oregon. Ho is of tho west and for the west, and that'c what Uio interior de partment has Rot to bo. "I don't beliovo in this theo retical conservation, and every body knows it. I believe when we have $1,000,000,000 worth of timber on part of our land that the proceeds of it ought to be spent in building roads and otherwise developing tho land that without that aid wouldn't be developed. I don't believe in sending out settlers, who nro poor, and don't know how much about the country, and then tax ing their poverty to build roads and make improvements when there's great wealth clothing the land held by the' government "I believe the best prices should be got for it, that the timber crop should be harvested carefully, but I don't think the money should bo sent east, where there are no undeveloped resources and where they don't need it" Mr. Hanley says that by next summer the Harriman railroad from Ontario west will have been built through Harney county. Two thousand men at work have reached the eighty-second mile and are within G5 miles of Har ney. The road will go about 25 miles south of Burns. He says, that out in his country there is a great interest in dem onstration eduction, that this winter there is to be a demon- st rat ion education school in Burns by instructors from the agricultural college using the ex periment station equipment He also says that Harney county and in fact all of interior Oregon will organizao to secure a larger appropriation for the agricultural college from the legislature this winter. Sunset Sifting! Dec 18th, 1912 E. E. Larsen left Tuesday for a visit with home folks in Minn esota. He expects to be away two or three months. The work at tho oil well is again suspended on account of the loss of another drill bit last Friday. They had just recover ed one bit after having been closed down nearly three weeks. The Newell boys have finished their ditching contract for the Wm. Hanley Co. and brought their outfit home Sunday. They were working in what is known as the Big Sagebrush Field, south of the Sod House Ranch. At the Sunset School House, Dec. 14th, the Dog Mountain llabblt Exterminating Club was organized with the following of ficers: R. C. Beery, president; Van B. Embree, secretary; N. Henney, Ed. Kocneman and Ross Ringer, directors. Peti tions were put in circulation and as soon as tho required number of names are secured application will be made to the county court for the wire and the active work of getting rid of tho rabbits will be commenced. Free Books for Farmers. Many farmers are not aware that the government publishes several valuable books for free distribution. The books are ap portioned to Senators and Con gressmen from whom they can be obtained by merely asking for them. Among the most useful of these books are tho Agricul tural Year Books, that for 1611 being the latest issued. The gov ernment also puoutnes a very practical book on "Diseases of the Horse" and another on "Dis cuses of Cattle," and a report of the Bureau of Animal Industry of special value to Btock raisers. Asking for copies of these books docs not place tho citizen under any obligations whatever to the Senators or Congressmen, as tho books are printed by the gouern ment and paid for by the taxpay ers. Many an Oregon farmer has cured sick horses and cattle by following the directions in tho governmene'B doctor books. If you are interested, send your rc qucpt to Senator Jonathan Bour ne, Jr., Senrtor George E. Cham berlain, Congressman W. C. Hawley or Congressman A. W. at Washington, D, C. Pastor Irwin K rwin Kcmcmucrs His Friends by Letter One your ago tho Times-Her ald very kindly allowed Us tho privilege of communicating with our Harney cQimty friends thru its columns. Once again tho samu courtesy has been extended us. No other way seems to bo open to us whereby wo can keep in touch with our old friends. Individual correspondouco with each is out of tho question. While an open letter is not all that is to ho desired, yet we trust it will accomplish tho end sought; the telling our friends that they have not been forgot ten. As wo write, names and faces from Silvies Valley and up per Calamity on tho north to Denio on tho south and from Drewsey on tho east to Buck Creek on tho west pass in mem ory's pleasant reviow before us. Here nnd thero the lino is broken in fact but not in memory's pleasant review before us. Hero nnd there the line is broken in fact but not in memory. Two years have not dimed tho vision. Through Tho Times-Herald and by pcrsonnl correspondence we have kept in touch with passing events in Harney county, and have rejoiced with you in tho on ward movements of these events. We have watched each step of progress and development with moro than passing interest, nnd feel that we havo shared in some measure the blessings that have come to you. Perhaps it is "dis tance that lends enchantment to the view;" but if wo read the signs of times aright the Harney country is soon to realize its long delayed hopes, and enter in to the glad fruition of a bettor day. Our sympathies nnd our interests shall keep pace with your struggles and your victories. " We spent fourteen months at Myrtle Point, Oro., and from there we moved to Albany, Ore,, on August 1st of the present year where Millard entered the academic department of Albany College, Philip going to the country school in tho country near our home. While the par son's bettor half with her horse chickens and cows is promising to develop into a full Hedged rancher. As soon as the family was settled on the place near Albany tho preaching member of this family took up his work again, this time at Langlois, Ore. on the coast in Curry county, a county that need not concern it self about irrigation but talks and dreams of railroads just as we used to do in Harney county. The work on the Langlois field will terminnte with the begin ning of the new year, as new work is to be begun on a field where tho family can be togeth er. Curry county is a country rich in many of the natural re sources largely undeveloped. It abounds in game and fish. Its natural provisions and mild cli mato make it a lazy man's country. Fearing that wo may be en croaching upon tho good nnture of the Editor as well as space needed for other and more im portant matter, we will close with tho complements of the season, Yours Sincerely, A. J. Irwin & Family. Guaranteed N. P. scrip $8.75 an acre, limited amount only. Inland Empire Realty Company. f2tf NOTICE OF CONTEST. UMTrU flTATM I.ANII 0 Celt I ( Hurna, origon, NovuuiU'rVJ, ml. I To Charlet Allen of Hurna. Oregon, Contetlcu You'are herhy uollflcd lliat V. II, Mcl'ouiiell Wboglvra Hurna, Oregon, aahla poat o III no ail drcat, did on November Bird, Kl'i, fllo In llila orflce lila duly corroborated application toiou teat and eecure lha caucallatloii of your Home atead, Kntry No oi'47. made April 1Mb, 1910, lor l.ot Not I, ,3 and 4, of Herilou ai.Town hp I'd Hnilth. U.mtu'Jl F.aat, W'lllalilelle Merl dlail, am aa Kfoiinda lor lila enmrat lie allegra that aald (ontc.no hat never eatabllahed or malntaliieil a rcaidencu titm aald tract, nor haa lie over cultivated or luiproied aald tract Uiany eilenl whatever, ei ept lo cauae the conilrucllunof a tmall cabin tueriuiii and that lie haa wholly abandoned aald tract for moro than ill iiioiilha iirlor lo Auguat I'JIli 1911 You are. therefore, further uollfleil that tho aalil allrgalliiua will I taken hy Uilaonicn at having been roufifed by you, ami your entry will I! Canceled thereunder without vour fur. Iher rlahl to liu hi aril therein, either before nut nine e or on appeal, I! oil full to file In thla ofllce wllhlli twenty dale aller tho FOUK1II publication nl thla nolle e, aa ihuwii below, yuurnuawer under oalli, aimulflially meeting ami rciiHimiiiig to iiieae auegniuni cu conieit, or If vou fall wllhlli that time lo III,, In thla olTlcu duo juoof irfkt you havo aerved a copy of 7uur auawer on niu .aoi i uutuacaiii eiiner in oeraon or bv rt'iclall red mall. II thla aervlre la mado by the delivery of a copy of your auawer io ine coon a'ant in peraou, pruoi or aurri aer. vice iniiat be either the auldcoiitealniit't written allowing tliedalo of lla reidi'l. or the aftldav ackiiowleiigineiit of hit rcielptof the ropy. of llo u;ra'iu hy whom Ihudnllvery wat mado itatliigThi'ii and where lli!iiy haa deliver ed.lf made by icglatercd mall, proof nl audi eervlie mint iiiualat of Ihonnidavlt of the per. noli by whom the copy waa mulled, and thla altldavlt mutt bu uccompauled by the ixiat. maater'a reiebltfor the letter. You ahould alalu In your auawer the name of me poai nun u in which you ueairo iil.uiu liulliialo lietcntlo )ou. Wm. I Altar, Ifeglaler. Dale of Ural publication November ltd, I'JI'J. Halo ol tccuiid publliatlou Dei ember 7, 1 'J 1 . Hale of third publication Heieinlier II, I'JI. Dale of fourth publication Hei ember VI, tut. NOTICIC KOIl I'UlllclCATION llMrKii TATftHimiOrricg, I Hurna, iiickoii, lieceinbert, ID1.I Notice la lierebr glv eu I hat Miry K, Tllurman. formerly Marr K, l.uiat, of llarrlinaii, Oregon, who on Marco 6, lwil, mado lloinratead Kntry No 'tt,n Herlal No. 0IW.I, forlWj HIC), HW ti ir,yi,nr-) UK!. NWIi.HcclloiiSl.lowiianlnMHoiilii Itangea-i, V. , Wlllamcltu MerMiaii. hat filed notice of Intention to make final llvo-year Proof, loialubll.il claim tu Ihu laud above de acrlbed, beforu the HegUler and Hecelver, at Hurna, Oregon, on tho lath day of January, HIIJ Claimant iiameaaa wllueaai t Hack 11 Merck, frrauk l.ucaa. Frank New iiiau,Ucoige l.uiat all of llurrlmau, Oregon, ,, m, ranac, nvai.ier. rJTlCETrJiri'UBLI'CATIbTf; UNITKllhTATK-IUNDOfFIOK. I liiirm orrun, Decemtitr 4, 1(12.1 Nutlet) la IierntiVRlvcntliat Muck Hi Mark, of ul narriinaii. tireaMii, who, iiii jamurr v, ivoh. ileail olilrV No, liitM. Herlal Nii,0344ll HonVH, riniiitiliaAHuuih,lUni ainelta Meridian, haa MM nolle 1 , IVOH, Nll,0344A mane nomeaii lor Ni:tf Keel n.1 Kxl. Wilkin of Intention lo tuako Hint Ore fear t'nxil, to ealatillah claim to the Inml itiov deicrlbed, l.uforo Ihe llejtlater mul lleeelier, at Murm, Orrioiii nil Ilia 1.11 h ilay nf Jaliiitrj, Kit, Claimant tiamea M wltne.actl ttlllier V, Warner, Kraut. l.ncM, Marjr K, Itiiinnaii, llojr 'I Minim n, all ul llerrlman, Ore (on, Wx.FARki, Iteilaler, CONTEST NOTICE. I'nitkhHtathh l,xiOmi' irtirup, OrvKon, HecemlierS, 1I'J. To Kaiiliael II Hell, ol 'Ilium, Oregon, Con lcetl'i You erelierctiy nut I flint Hint Herbert V. Wei lorn, who nlvee Uiill, Orexuii.ee lilt iwat-olllee eililrvae, illil oil Heeeniner aril, lull, lie In Ihli utllio lilt ilitly t'orrolHiiitlrtl Hillrttun to con lett ami teeiire tlineaiirellallon of your lioine alcail (Act I'eli. ID, lwiiil ferial No, utWJ, inailt I'ecoiulier Hi HKU, Hee. ft, n. ' w HlVli, Hee. V. ati.l K t Nh)f, o' wn.hll.'jjH., Itana H K.,WliTani 111,?, ..... tll.UtUlf U-.. . til rci'in low rile Merlillan, amlaa K roll ml lor lilt cuutetl ho allciiea that lil Kanhael O Hell hat whol. lr ailanilune,! laid laud for mora than alt moMlm laat iiaal, luia never aettleil, readied up on, ur rmiiveieil mm, Vou are, therefore, further tintlrleil that Ihu aht allrualloiK will le taken at thtt otfleo aa havliiK lii'Cti I'onffMt'il tijr too, anil ymir aalil entry will heraiireleitlliereiinilerurlllioiiiyotir mruier rimiuii i hi iiearu uiereiti, eiiner ueiore trill iitllt'ii or oil apical, II you tall lo file In till ntllee wllhlli tivunty ilele aller the KOllltTII publication o (hit niiilre, aa aliown below, jour auawer, uniiorneiii, eiiecincaiiv meeting ami reanoinlliiKlDllietnallriiallniiaof content, or II )oii fall wllhlli that time to rttoliilhla office itue irnol that you have crvnl a cony of )Ouraiiawr on Ihe aahl mntritaul either In per.onor ly rcitilrruil inall. II lliltaervlceli mailu hy the ileU very ( a ropy of yoiiramwar lothoroiileMaiil In .vraoii, jroolof moll or vlro mint tot either the aahl eonlralaiil't writ ti'ii a knnwU'ilKeiuinil of tilt tre!tl of the cony, almwlnir the ilatnof Hareel,, or the ailiilavllof Ihe traou hy whom tlieilellvary waamaile ilalluij when edit where the coiiir wat illlvrr"t If uiailo hy reliteiel mall, proof of audi acrvlrtt mut routtat ol Ilia afllila. rlt of tho heraou hr whom Ihe rnnr waa mailed ilalliiK when ami the jiol ottlcelo which It waa malkiil. ami thla afflilayll mint la arcom anlel hy the itmaaier'arrcclit for the letter You ahiiuhl alate In your atitwer the nanieol Ihe iHUiotllra tu which ) oil tlealre future notlctt lu iu avui io you. Wm, Kauai, Keliler Date of out publication llucemhar 14, 191 J. Halnol aeroiul pulitleallon lleoeuilar tl, 1911, liateof I M nl publication Iieceuiber at, ltll. Hale of fuurtli publication January 4, Kill NOTICB KOIt 1'UIHiICATION, UNiriCDHrATKHUNIIOKFIt'K, Hume, (iioion, NoTcmlxr 19, Kll, Nollrola henhy kItcii that Oacar Newrll.of llrewaer, Oregon, who, on Noroinker VI, I90H mailo Ifotneatrail Kntry No. 09, for NN.'i MKU Heo. I and NjjN KU Heollon I) lownablp 19 H., limine su, K Willamette Mcrbllan, haa tiled n lire of liilenlloit to make flhat thrre.year rriHii loeaianiiaii claim loineianii aiKtvetie. acrlld, tiefure K. I.. Heedo, V K, C'oiuiiilaaloii rr.at lita omre. at Ilrewaey. Oregon, on Hid jllii nay ui iictciuuer, ivi j. I'lalmant naiiiea aa wllmaara Jainta A. Amlcratiii. Halullal Kllllama. Wilt lam Kllby ami Kri-d Itobvrlt'Ui.all of Van. tiro. Boo Wm l-'Anar. ItrgUler I '79 HiiruaMl lit No. uAJMH OIICK H) I'UIII.ICATION. I Nlrin 'ttTaa I.anii Oilira llu i iiiiKoii. Noniilr 4, 191. S.iIKu la hrieby iiHcii thai the Northern I'a i ttl,' Italtwav I oiiipalir whie 11 oltlle ad dli'talaM I'aul. Jllnnra.ila iaa t til Ith itat l NiiarmUr. IHU. Illi-.t In Ihta oltlre Ha am II .ailiill In elect under Ihu lovl.bonol the A. t il I'ongrrta, upprottnl inly I, If." .W Hial OT7, . ) aaealiiuUil hy ihe Art of ungrraa a ntined May l, Itaal, l-"t hec la,Ti 19 fciu li llHIiaell lot, Uu I Hrc 31, Twp, W Mlllth, iianio ai r.aai, m. aerial No vtsM Auyaudall iwraona clalnilng ad(rr-ly Ilia laii'1edierrltd. ur ilelrlnglo ohjeel lfcaiue of the mineral i liarartcrol the lamt, ur for any other rraaou. In the dlatoBal to aiudlcaut. ibould die their aflldaTltaol nroteat III Ihli otltcr, on or Ufora the 3rd day ( Jauuary, I9H , IfAaai. Itf.llr. Nih X3-lleea NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. k'm,.,, ,. , , wt .,.., ,,. . ,v ttt Hurna, Oregon, NovemU'ry, 1911 Nolle la hereby given that Kuocli llaiiaen, of Hurna. Oregon, who on April i, Kll, made lloior.tr. ,1 Kntry. No u.'.v,i, for aK.i,, hectlon ft, Townahlp 'Jft H, Itange 31 K., Willamette Marldlau li.a Hied iiollce of Intention to make trominiilatlnn proof to ettaldlah claim lo the laud above deecrlked, lifore Kegliter and deceiver at Hurna, Urcguii, on Ilia lath dar ol Hecemher, Kll Clalluaut tiamea aa wlllieaaea J. T. Fry, Fred riehtuug, C'barlcaH lltel, Nat llcuuey all of Hurna, Oregon, W'h. Faaaa, lleglaler. NOTION KOIt I'UHMOATION. I'NITKD HTATFJl LAND OFFICKI Hurna, Oregon, Novtmber 29, KI2.I Notice la hereby given that Alvln llurlburt.of .NarriiwB,Orgou,who, on Vept.z, ivuoand For. 17, 1m, reaeriively. made llomraleiul Kntrlea No,uiN and IttVJh forHWIJSK'i, H! HW(, Hte LWiMI'l Hee H, W),NF.'aiid F.KNWiJ Hectlun a, Townahlp MH . Itange M K., Will. in elfe Meridian, haa riled uoilr of Inteullonto make final three year firoot to eatahllih claim lo tho laud above dcacrlbed, helor Itegl.ler and Hecelver, at Hurna, Oregon, ou the 10th day ol January 1913. Claimant tuimra aa wlllieaaea Auguilua W lliirlburlol Narrowe, Oregon, Hull. mo Hardwell. John O Aleiander, W A ilcKeiiile, all of Hurna, Oregon. Wm. Fakag, llegttler. Sumpter Valley Railway Co. TIM It TAIII.K NO. 0 IN JUNK 14,1008. I'KHOT Went Iiutiiitl. Katt I Ion nil. No 1 I'niH n. in. No. i I'm p. in. U-.) I.v linker Oily Ar 0: 0 0:5 ' Houfli llakur I.v G:25 0;&8 ' HrtlUlmryt " 5:00 10:01 ' IjckliBrtt " 4:65 10.07 " Tlioiiipnont ' -1:03 10:17 " Stmlilitril Junctlonf " 1:15 0:T 'Water Tankt " 4:40 10 : " Pegii'riHpiirt "4:2 10:1) " McKwtmt "4:25 10:fir. ' JUNCTION, "4:10 11:10" Hiuiiitr "4:0,. U:1C " 'JUNCTION! " :50 11:10" riiiiuiiilt! " i0 NOON ''.:00 ' () I, Cttinpl ":06 I. M. U j5 " Wliltnoyt " 00 1-':I0" TH'TON! "2:40 1:10 Ar Aoetlii "2:10 Hlup on uliiiiitln only, No ajjoiit, Tlckola lamiod only for otallom whoru trains urn hcIhmIiiIwI to tnako rti;aUr etoiH, l'iiHauii)iira must purchase tick (its v 1 1 or ii RKuiits u'ltt holoro unterliiK trains or 2r cciiiIh In clciiiioti lo tlui ro Kiilnr furu will bo clinrnod, JOHHl'II A. WKBT, Blipt. (lit ANT (UODDKH, Ami. Hont. $1500 Reward! Tlin Oregon, Cal Ifornlaauct Nevada Livestock I'roteo lion Ataoclatlonol which the under, algned It member, will give ll.uuo txi roward for evl. delicd leading to the arret! and con. vlctlon of any par. tv or bar lira ttetl l,.U II, .. ,.l. .' or inulca belonging ' toauyol Hi liiem. Iters. Iiiaddlllon lolho alivc, the undertlfiied oirert Ihu aaino I'liiidltlou (.'aOO.OO for all lionet branded horrii almd bar on both or either Jaw, llratnl rcvoidwl lu eight ,coiintii Italics Harney, Lake and Orook rouotlca, lionet vented when told, None but grown lionet told and only lu trguhuut'liea, W W IIHOWN rife.OrtKon, . ' lOUlETaKtl, HAHHKV 1.0UUK, NO. 77, l.'O O F. Mettt ererr rllurdar In Odd Fellow Hall rr. ftlTiiOnm. T. 8. Hprau, Btorelary, it. j.w ucary, leiree work aa follower Flrat Haturdae I 1 N. II. llator iearei atom Thfril licKtce. Haturday, Hecond He a reel fount) Halurday, aecomi tiaiuruay, rjrat ncfteai ihiril HUnNBI.OIXlKNO. 97.A.F, A M Mecttoyery flrat and third Halurday ii each Ham Ifotherabcad, Hccietarr Wm, Miller, Y M M-)I)KIIN WbOIIMKNOKAUKIIIHA Mcetaetery aecond and fourth Friday eteib ' I tliO.O. F. jalll all uclxhbort liielleil New appllcatitt will receive courleoua Ircal- ",W,.T..,..er..!k. " '"""V" IIUKNH OHAITKIl NO 40, O, K. H, Meett M atonic ICIIaH lo Hall. Frankle Welcoino, V, Al. Swcek.Hecrelary, HYI.VIA HKUXKAII DKOIIF.K No,S, Meelaevcry latandsd Wedneaday, .... , . .. HyrdluHalion, N. tl, Madge Leonard, Heo. Heo'v, Tlll.K t.'l UUI.K No. 1M, W. of W, Meett tvery fourth Tucaday. ,,,.,. ... Maud llurloii.ll. M. dealer (loodmaii. Clerk. OFFICIAL DIHKOTOUY tati oaiuom UH.Heualort I 'onalhau HiiiirnoJr. lOOJ, K. t.'lianiborl.ln U II llll- Cougreaiacn j w n..y AllorneV Uenaral a tl ...,.l.. n....... . -......, ......,., Will (lovermir OawalilWeal ',""' '" "' ".. F W Henaon unn, liTal, ..". T.I.Kay Hi.'.'iSi-. ,ll,t,",,to" - Alderman male trlnler , y, HUunlway llobl Kaklu Huprem. Jud... tleo'i, l.ulnetl K. H. Heail, F. A, Monro NINTH JUOIOIAL DIDTIUUT, 0.,!i,iC.,itill!',.".?lr J W Mcui llcieli 11'UtyliltlAlly Ollleoiianl Circuit Court meeta the flrat Monday In April and am Monday In October. lolut Heuator...,. ... loliil-IUprwcntatlve 0 W I'arrlah W II lirooke OOt'DTT IIAKHIY! County Judge Clerk tlraiitllioinpaoii K, II. Watera rreaturer Hlniou lwla Frank I'. (iuwaii aurvejer Miens, . Aaaetaor. tlchool HUHirllitendeul Corouer rttock llitpector c.'ominiailouera A. K. II ihardaou J. J lioiiraaii I.M llauilliou 1 w ileary .John llobluaou tK. rlylvetter ni a nuiyiii Cuutity t.'ourt meeta the flrat Wedneaday lu January, March. May, July, riepleinhnr and Soveaiber. Haknki ti. a. i.aki. urric r .rgitlvf erelvtf Win Fa le I rant Haviy iiv -efaria1 4ayoi, ,(K(iitar, I leaaurer Xarahal, tl W i iru i A Ji H , i u t Wilti mi Jr H I i nia t.'ollliellineli il J no V t Will Ml.. I Friii I "in I It, J McKliitioii .at ita II rveri Mioiil.aud Meellliga nl Ihu fourlll Wedlira.l iJimii::ii!nimn:itt:i:i:i:i:::!:ti:t!:t:: Mrs. Qrnce B. A.cllosu TL'ACIIRR Voice and Piano Methods Used In Ciscinoatti Coosenalory of Mastc Kcsldencc Studio anddoor west Presbyterian Clittrcli uiHiiumumntmninjxjnn::::::ii:t! LONE RESTAURANT oijouoi; i'oon is op. ;MeaIs At All Hours. Short Orders and Promnt Knrviefi With Reasonable Rates. Give Mo A Call J OrtKeltt)LT1caa-I!era!d Bulldlns Star Hotel S. J. MIDWINTUK, I'rop. NARROWS, - OKUUON litis will be found a dc.ilmlilo and hospitable stopping place where comfort and courteous treatment are considered flrat Feed Barn Conducted In connection a H. N. McCOMB (icncral Repair Shop Rear V. O. White'H Shop. S. Main Street Plumbing, Pump and Wind Mill Work a Specially. Burns Sheet Metal Works Tin, Copper, Sbcci Iron Work of all Description. Camp Stoves, Tanks, Jobbing, Plumb ing to order. Give Mo a Trial. C. W. SCHUMANN Proprietor. Vocjttly'H Old Stand BO YEAR8' EXPERIBNOE Tradc MAnitB DiiiaNa CofvniQHTti Ac. tent free Oldest teener fur eeeurlnK B I'ateuu taktn Utruutn llunn 4U ro. lfar .uuita. tixrui nerica, witnost en. rat, m luo ScHMtific Jiiiicricnii. ijjnTTa A baruttomtlr nieatrata4 weeilr. Mriieat elr. eulatlea or anr aelejiurle lournal, 't'erina, IS a Mart four ruon'tit,. rJuiabyall nemclaalera. MllHN Co"-' York afraseb UB". Alt BU WtlbUialuu. U.Z: SOMEBODY IS EXPECTING YOU CHRISTMAS -NEW YEAR They arc waiting for you to come b Till; HOMING INSTINCT TELLS YOU TO GO TIM'. MOSIKIO l''OU COMFOIIT HlltfgeHtH TIIK LINK OF BLOUK SIGNALS To Cliiciujo, Oinalio, Denver, KansiiH City and all other points "THE EASY WAY" Mi THROUGH TltAINS HIGH CLASS LQUIPMENT WRITE THEM YOU ARE COMING, THEN LET US TELL YOU HOW LITTLE IT WILL COST II. BAKOUL, AKt, O. W. WHY NOT MAKE $200. A MONTH - - That's e S50.00 a Week, almost 510.00 a Day fi HalllnK Victor flafet and fire-proof ijoiea to merchant!, doctora, lawyer., dentlata and Yetl-lo-do f arme ra.all of wlima reallio the need Of a tafe, but do not know lioweaaltlatoown one. Haleamen deelare our iroHiattlon one of the tat, clean nut inone-niaalnK iiorlunl. Ilea eerr received. Without nrevloua eiirl ence VOU call duplicate the tueeett of othert. Our liandaomrlx llualrated HW-paae calaloK will enable jou to pretent the aubject tocua- tontera in aa inicreaiinK you were rillollnif lliem tnrouxu our raciorj. aalaainell recall .nwln.ln. l.lblnr tmlllla ' tii reeeiTe auTir iiw hluhvuuii, don'l YOU In the drat to apply from your We can favor only ono taletman out of each Our New Heme. Cepaelly 80,000 talea W. W. DRINKWATER Main St.. WRITE FOR SPECIAL CATALOG AND PRICES . 'TH Z A.H.AVERI LL MACHINERY CO.' SPOKANE. WASH.-PORTLAND. ORE. - ,'AN JOSE CAL BURNS MILLING CO. NORTON 6l SAYER, Propts. Rough and Dressed Lumber, Rustic, Flooring, Moulding, Finishing Lumber. Nearest Sawmill to Burns. C.ood Road. Lumber Yard in Burns. C3rO T"C WHITE LIVERY NEW RIGS 'Phone to Me for Your Doctor CaiJs. R. J. McKINNON, Jr., Proprietor. ' i) CottaKC Inn DINNING ROOM All 'IOY, lroprlct-r JOpon For Business. Regular MealBatall hours. Open J until 10:30, every nitrht S CALL AND SEE ME NOW Uverythlnjc Neat nnd Now I ON A PIXA3UIIE TO ANSWCIl 0UE3TI0N3 R. & N. Redmond, Ore. a manner aa inouiru wen apouioieu aa tileh II la luipnealble for a proapeetlTe cuatomer lo deny. . " aatra. alvlnir Whr vicinity before tunieone cite Kelt the territory! locality. The SSlh annltertary otoar company waa celebrated by creeling the moat modern eafe factory In the world. Wide awake man who received our aprclal aelllnir Inducement, rendered llneeraaary todouble our output. We are enenalnir. many thoneandeof dollara en larging our aalet orKanliatlon, but lo learn all particular., It will oo.t you only the price of pottal card. isk(orCilalogiis16T. THE VICTOR SAFE & LOCK CO. CIhCIHKITI, OHIO ' Annually. Blacksmith.ag and tiorseshoing Wagon Work COOLEY AUTO MATIC BRAKES Burns, Oregon, EU ENGINESo BOILERS J.IGH GRADE SAWu MILLS MACHINERY "TlDLO FRONT STABLE AND TEAMS ! JI.URN5 SANATORIUMJ .Mr. Win. Ciiniinliis, rop. J Best of care for patients ; J Well furnished rooms, neat J ; clean and comfortable, No J 5 contauious eases taken, ; Rates Reasonable !' I'HOFKBSIONAIj (JAItDS. MflRSDEft & GRIFFITH I'liyalclann alul Hiiikuoiii, I1UIINH, OIIKOON. TILI.S0N HARRISON H. B., M. D. OlUcc Second; floor 'I ImcnWIcrald Hid, Kntrnncc on Mnln Street BuniH, - - Oregon J. rjrj. GHfltY l'liV"lcan nml KiirKoon. HuriiB, - - - Orogon. Officii In iinvr btilMlnKrwiilliofWclconio lianiefin nlioi, Alnln Ht. 'I'lionoMnliirlJ;. R. I) BURROW M, D. Pliyslclnn nnd Surgeon Office ot Jonccimcn UIUf., Mnln St. Calls attended Night or Day Ii. E. HIBBflRD DE1TTIST Olllcn firal iliKir en l photo tinllury Uiirut, Ori'KU- W. C. BROWN, ZDEnST'X IS IT. IltlliNri, Okkcion. Olllcu rooms 8 nnd U Maxonlc linilillng DEMMMN & DENMnN, Phys clans and Surgeons Colin itiiawurml ir.,rn jtiy nl;lit or clay 'I'liono Ilitrrlinan. Harriman, Oregon Dr- Minnie Hand Physician and Surgeon Direct Tclcplioric Connection Lawen. Ore. A. REMBOLD Alloriii-y-iii-l.aw. Burns, Oregon. MILLOS & CiltZliM ATTOHNKVS AT LAW llnrriH, Oregon Hckiiiib II ami 7 .M .ironic Iluildltijf Farm lualia qulcklr maile at leaaciuable ratea CHARLES W. ELLIS LAWYER Burns, - - Oregon l'rurtlceit In Urn Htnto Courts mid be foto the U. 8. IjiiiiI Oilico. Clrnw. LI. Ioonnitl, ATTtlltNKV- AT-LAW, Careful ftttontioti given to Collec tions nnd Renl Kstnte mutters, l'lrn Inatimnco, N'otitry Public. Buit.NS. Okkod.n. A. W. GOWAN ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW State CourLs ami United States Land Oflice Practice Three doors South of the Harney County National Bank Burns. Oregon. It. II COOI-KK aa.o H, AM MC M V. IHta afeo, M.iH. HOC. c K. COOPER & DODGE Civil and Hydraulic Engineers Irrigation, Water Supply Sewerage, Water Power. SiirvnyH, Maiw, Ketiiimtnti, Stiervi!oii BURNS, OREGON K. O, DlLLAItll Konnerlr Aaat. Knuliieer lull, H Iteclamatlou Her Vltv. A. O. Kaulknkii Kurmerlj Culef Kii Klneer ot llolae A Wealern ley. Eastern Oregon Engineering Company CIVIL AND IRRIGATION KNGINEERS Burns, Oregon JEAN BART BA1XOMB flUII. M AM N. K. 1 . HKM. A. A. , A AHSO. U. AM. I, K, U HVDRAULIC BNUINEER Ditches, Reservoirs, Final Proof Work, Hydro-Electric Power U. S. Dep. Mineral Work Court Work A Specially liniriiKi'il In llotli I'rivitto And (iiiverninoiit .Stroam Otiijliif; ALIJORSON - - ORKQON JOHN ROBIN&ON Stock Inspeclor, Harney Coaoty. Home AilclritHH Ilurns, Oro JOllNtlKSIIiKIILINa, -1 ti 13 Jovolox Opttoian JEntrravor. Fine Watch Repnirinc A and Spe cialty, Wtv . r- ssrrsr a. trerBatltV JI5w'r aA IV l ..' i I V V .'