The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, December 21, 1912, Image 3

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1 1
Ht The Urgett Circulation Of Any
Newspaper In Harney County.
Local News.
Good clenn seed fall whent
seo Allen Jones.
Bert and Geo. Porter were in
from Sunset, yesterdny,
Baled hay, Bran and all kinds
of Rrains at The Burns Dent.
Thos. Van Zandt and V. C.
Wilson wore over from Drewsey
The Burns firemen will Kive
i 1 .. . 1 t.nll nt i ll it 1 wvll 4- fi I
uieir annual u.ui un mt m,in, wi (
Dec. 31st at Locher's Hall.
"The Girl of the Golden West"
next Thursday at Tonawama.
Reserved seats may be secured
by phoning The Times-Herald.
Mrs. Millar is oiTerinK her
stock of millinery at 33J reduc
tion from now until Christmas.
Call at the Schwartz store and
see her nice line. fi
Enginer Faulkner of the East
ern Oregon Engineering Co., and
John Robinson arrived home last
Saturday from a trip to the
Clover Swail section.
W. A. Goodman sells Rolled
Barley at He Rolled Wheat at
lie. Clean seed Barley, lie,
Good Wheat lie, at his barn in
the west part of town. Gtf.
Ray Dunsmore left here Thurs
day for Bend where he went to
meet Miss Gladys Holland who
coming nome ior uie nouuay
vacation. He took the Gilcrest
. Will Gates and wife were in
the city the fore part of this
mi.rtnlr lminnrr nnnnmivinipil flioir
daughter in from home where ,
she had been during the forced!
vacation of school. She resumed i
her studies Monday.
0. S. Preston spent several
days in town this week looking
after business and visiting
friends. Mr. Preston says his
neighborhood will likely have to
join the Sunset district in the
rabbit driving club as they are
few in numbers at Glenlock.
Every comfort for the enjoy
ment of guests at the Christmas
dance at Tonawama is being
arranged and it promises to be a
very enjoyable affair. Programs
will be used and there are 21
numbers on the card. Tonawama
orchestra will furnish the music.
Tonawama Picture Show prize
to the person holding the lucky
number will be given away at
the Sunday night performance,
Dee 29. Remember the individ
ual -,vith the number must be in
house at that time to secure the
prize. A special feature program
js being arranged by the manage
ment for that 'night which prom
ts exceptional interest. Come
Yoj mav huld the lucky number,
besides the program is worth it.
1.-1JH r
money can tray. For
Christmas Presents to
man, woman r child,
we have some that will
make them happy and
smile. Call and see us.
w General Merchandise -
Hasonlc Building,
As Modern Means Can Make It!
You Should
Deposit At The
First National
7" ;
Clyde McClurc was in town
Timothy seed for sale W. T.
VanderVcer, Drewsey, Oregon.
Wo are informed thnt Mc-
I Kinley Thompson, son of Judge
Thompson, is quite ill at Corvalhs.
His father is with him.
The Grand Ball at Tonawama
hall on Christmas night, will be
one of the particular enjoyable
events of the social season.
The Ladies Afternoon Club's
"booster day'' for Burns was an
entire success last Suatuday, the
ladies disposed of thejr post cards
with dispatch.
Clay Clemens mill is the near
est oiio to Bums where all kinds
of lumber both rough and dress
ed can be had. Near Canyon
road. Call him by 'phone.
If you have anything to auction
see C. P. Lloyd at Allen Jones'
place. He can be reached by(
phone. Auctions held on Satur- i
day when anything is on hand
for sale.
' c M. Rnlishnrv received a
ti ' mm vesterdavmorninjrfrom
Portland announcing the birth of
a little son to them on the 19th.
Mrs. Salisbury had been in Port-
land for several weeks.
Dr. Griffith writes to friends
that he is gaining rapjdly and
expects tp be with the "old
bunch" about the first of the
year. He sends regards to f rienns
and particularly the "North Pole
to please a I
rrarr413tt 1
Burns, Oregon
A sulky plow for sale at Mc
Kinnon's White Front Barn, tf
The children are looking for
ward to the Christmas time with
great joy and anticipation.
Don't forget Eastman Kodaks
when buying Xmas presents at
The Welcome Pharmacy. 3tf
Plan to attend the Grand Ball
Christmas night, at Tonawama.
Music by the Tonawama Orch
estra of seven pieces.
'Born- In this city Tuesday to
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Faulkner, a
You can get a ladies genuine
leather hand bag at The Welcome
Pharmacy from $1.76 to $3.60
ask about them. Stf
' Born In this city at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Sweek,
Tuesday, Dec. 17, to Mr. and
Mrs. Alvin Hurlburt, a son.
E. E. Larsen hns gone to
Minnesota to spend the winter
and before leaving came in and
had this great religious forward
ed to his address.
Choice relinquishments; deeded
land, and homestead locations
close to Malheur Lake and R. R.
E. R. GrikfN,
5tf Narrows, Oregon.
.Mrs. Robt. Drinkwater waa
over frum her home on Cow
Creek this week atteding the
funeral of her little grandson
and visiting nt the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Harlan.
Mrs. E. Murray, sister to Mrs.
Dr. Harrison, arrived here from
Drewsey last Saturday and will
make her home in this city. The
lady is a stenographer and book
keeper. Say, W. A. Goodman is ready
to saw your wood for you this
nice weather. Tell him wherfl
your wpod pile is by 'phone dg
not wait until bad weather and
then all want it sawed at once.
Judge J. P. Rector took hla
departure Thursday morning for
California points, going out by
Way of Bend. He expects to bo
gone all winter. His friends
should not bo surprised to learn
of his playing a trick on them as
Bill Jones did -get married.
Died -At tho homo of Mr. and
Mrs. Peter Clemens on last Sun
day night, tho infant son of Mr.
and Mrs. Clay Clemens from
pneumonia. Tho little fellow had
contracted whooping cough and
later took pneumonia. Tho fun
eral was held Tuesday. Tho be
reaved relatives have tho sym
pathy of many friends in this
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Purington
havo been down from the mill all
this weelc. They expect to leave
the first of next week for outside
points, going to Portland where
thoy will spend tho holiday period,
their daughter, Miss Helen, com
ing o that noin,f from Forest
Grove for that period. Tho
Puringtons expect to bo absent
about a month and will likely re
turn by wny of Pendleton where
thoy will visit for a time.
. Fred Peters was in from Prin
ceton tho first of this week.
Tho weather Is ideal for feed
ing stock and driving rabbits.
Local business men are putting
out somo very handsamo 1918
Hagey & Lundy chattels, small
loans, acreage city property. In
I. 0. 0. P. BIdg, Burns, Oregon.
Mrs. Charles Scribner has
been auito ill at her home in this
city. She is reported n littlo
Mrs. F. E. Foren was quito
sick at her homo in this city tho
foro part of this week but is now
improving rapidly.
Miss Eloiso Hibbard had her
hand badly burned nt the high
school one day this week from
acid while trying an experiment.
A. Dunn will, havo charge of
my wood business in Burns this
winter. Dry wood on hand, 'to
any part of townF, 0. Jackson.
r2. -If
Occasional jingling of sleigh
bolls remind us that winter is
with us but there isn't sufficient
snow to make ono very enthusias
tic to sleigh-ride.
W. R. Dawson was in for a
day this week, having brought
his daughter, Miss Laura, in to
take tho examination for n certi
ficate. Miss Dawson is teaching
at Voltage.
Reservations for "Tho Girl
of tho Golden West" may bo se
cured at anytimo by phoning
Tho Times-Herald. On sale at
tho box ofilcc on Thursday after
noon onlv.
N. Honney was in "pestering"
about this shack during tho week,
having come up to assist one of
his neighbors make proof on his
land. The boss of this place
likes to bo bothered by such fel
lows as Mr. Honney.
BORN -December 12th, 1912
to the wife of J. E. Marks at the
family homo in Canyon City, a
son. This child is a twelfth day
wonder. It was born twelve
minutes after twelve and on
tho twelfth day of the twelfth
day of the twelfth month on the
twelfth year of the century and
it weighed twelve pounds. Blue
Mt, Eagle.
There was on display, hung in
tho window of the First Nationnl
Bank of this place, this week the
furs of two silver gray foxes
that were caught in a trap near
Snow Mountain by Ed. Chambers
and Denver Leedy, Tho fur of
tho silver gray fox is very valu
nnd is quoted by furriers as
ranging as high as $1000 and is
regarded as tho most valuable
fur found in tho United States.
-Blue Mt Eagle.
W. iL Johnson, arrived hero
from Prineyillo Monday evening
in company with his brother
Frank and spent until Thursday
renewing acquaintances. Jnko
was a resident of this place for
many years but had not visited
hero for nbout 14 years. He
found many old time friends and
was somewhat surprised to find
the great improvement in the
town sincetfio loft. Ho formerly
worked for J. Durkheimer and
found the Odd Fellow building
on the site of the old store, and
tho Bevernl other modern ,nnd
substantial business houses pleas
ed him very much. II,o fcays.
Burns looks gqod to him (ind
that it is always going to be the
leading commercial center of
this vast territory. Jake Is farm
ing now over in Crook county.
Ho promises to make his rjext
visit longer and at u date Inittho
nearer f uturo than the last. ; '
Ernest Shields, son of Titos.
Shields of Silver Creek, whovnB
a former school boy of this city,
was here the other day on n snort
visit Ho came in by way of
Bend and spent a short time with
his parents and other relatives
on Silver Creek and then visited
here for a day or two. Ernest
has been making good in. tho
business world. Ho was for sev
eral years with a building supply
house in Spokano but finally de
cided ho was capable of handling
a business of his own and asso
ciated with two other young men
he is now in business in Calgary,
B. C. His company owns u big
brick plant there and also hand
ling building marial. Tho com
pany is capitalized for $10,000
and Ernest says t does, a good
business, making a, profitable
margin 6n fyo. amount invested,
go (t may no Been ho is making
good. Ho vont from herq to
DrowsTJy where hie wife's sister,
Mrs. W. A Robertson, resides.
Mrs. Shields, fho vaa 'formerly
Rpao Rutherford', and baby are
1. S. Tyler Was up from Sunset
during tho week.
Geo. Halt of Princeton is ro
istered at tho French.
Ono man brought in boiiio
$2000 worth of coyote hides this
Mr. and Mrs. Clarenco Carey
have moved to town for tho
Matt Riggs is having a new
residence erected on his acreage
tract In cast Burns.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lovo re
turned to their homo at Agency
tho first of the week.
'Zero weather struck us on
Wednesday night, being tho first
rcnl intimation of winter.
Dr. Burrow has fitted up offices
in tho Jorgcnson building where
ho mny bo found day or night,
Tho Welcome Pharmacy has
tho agency for Pickard Hand
Painted Chinn. See their line. 3
Ed Egli is over from the ranch
to remain until after tho holiday
period. Ho camo in with Chns.
Comegys in the car.
W. D. Huffman has been in
town a fow days. He is here for
medical treatment hnving a sq
vcre case of tonsilitis.
Henry Eichner at Hnrney Ore
gon, is prepared to do all kinds
of rag carpet and rug weaving nt
33J cents per yard and furnish
tho warp. 4tf
Rolled wheat is the milk and
egg producer try it. Better and
cheaper than bran. Sold by W.
A. Goodman. Phone him your
Rev. Father Pius Neirmann,
successor to Father Klein as
parter of the Catholic church in
this city, has arrived and taken
charge of his work. He was
formerly at Tigard, near Port
land, from which place he comes
to this field. Father Roman will
remain here as his arristant
Archie McGowan has just re
ceived a letter from Herman
Ruh written at Los Angeles ask
ing all about things up here and
states he and his wife are having
a fine time. They expect to go
to National City soon to visit
the McCunes. Herman reports
having a fine visit with the Mars
dens and that the doctor is im
proving rnpidly but like himself,
very homesick for Harney Valley.
Dr. L. E. Hibbard returned
yesterday from an extended visit
to points in the southern part of
tho county and is enjoying fine
health. Ho was sull'ering from
a severe cold when he left here
a few weeks ago and as he is not
very robust his friends feared it
would prove a serous illness." He
traveled over a big territory and
wns kept most too busy pro
fessionally to get tho recreation
he generally includes, in his an
nual visits to, that territory. J)r,
jlibhard reports. Mrs. J. C,
BeaUy, who was here for a short
time under the enro of a physic
ian, as improved in health.
Many a Christmas package
nevor gets through the mails.
The package is often broken,
the contents scattered and some
one is disappointed. Patrons of
tho post office should bear in
mind that an address is written
for the purpose of being read.
If you can not writo so that you
can read it yourself how do you
expect tho pos' master to read
it? It is bad enough at the best,
and it would seem from the ndi
dresses on most packages that
every body went to a different
writing school. Tie your pack
ages to that thoy can be
thrown tho length of a car, or
handled by hundreds of hands
and still remain intact. All of
tho postal clerks in the United
States do not know you or your
packages, and thoy are working
for n salary anyway. Ex.
'John Hipsman writes Tho
Times-Herald from Los Angeles
that Wm. Jones and Mrs. Hattic
Reynolds were married in that
city on December 12 and that the
newly mnrried coimlo will make
their hom.0. in SmHft Monica.
Tills may bo a surprise to
many of Bill's friends in this sec
tion and will bo a sad blow to
his old timo partner, Frank
Williamson, but tho manager of
this great religious weekly had
beon given n hint in advance.
Wo only regret wo had not an
opportunity of seeing Bill and
giving him somo good fatherly
advice before ho took this im
portant step and refrain from
giving it publicly. In u seri
ousness, however, tyr! Janes has
many frienda throughout this
county where ho made his homo
for so many years will all join in
congratulating and best wishes
for .happiness. Ho is ono of tho
substantial men pf iia section
and Bhp.uld lo over cpmo tp Burna
with his bride ho will find, a most
hearty and joyous vyelcorflp,
Always ready for job printing.
Jim Million Is in town today.
Fresh homo made lard 17c. ut
Hansen's Meat Market. tf
Chas. Comegys is suffering
from blood poisoning jn his hand.
Mrs. E. C. Reynvnan was re
ported nick tho first of this week
but is better.
Ira Davis has been kept at his
homo for several days suffering
from erysipelas.
Remember! E. R. Griffin lias
fine winter pasture and hay,
cheap. Narrows, Oregon. 51 tf
Man and wife with two child
ren want 'work on a ranch for the
winter. Apply at this office.
Since there has been bo much
interruptions of tho schools this
fall and winter we understand
thoy will continuo through the
holidays with the exception of
Christmas and New Year's days,
Usual picture show tonight at
Tonawama. A treat for the
children and a big laughing farce
comedy, aro on the program lp
night Tho usual program to
morrow night with some except
ional features.
The stage that arrived last
night met with quite an exciting
trip. Coming down off Canyon
mountain this way tne team ran
away, piling things up and in the
frncus one horse broke his leg.
This delayed the mail consider,
Ed Gallager was received nt
the county jail this week from
Drewsey where he had v prelim
inary hearing on a charge of
burglary and wns held to appear
before the circuit court. In do
fault of furnishing bonds he will
spend tho time in jail. We have
not icceived any particulars of
the crime
Representative-elect Homan of
Ontario writes Tho Times-Herald
that so far h has heard nothing
from his Harney county con
stitunnts respecting any particu
lar legislation in which they nre
interested and therefore takes it
for granted that we do not want
any. i his paper would suggest
tho less new laws passed the
better for not only Harney
county, but the entire state.
Tonawama Band Dance.
The Tonawama Band gave a
promenade dance last night that
proved one of the most enjoyable
social affairs of the season and
those present report a fine time.
The music by the whole band
was so satisfactory that the boys
are in for it from this time on
when they give a dancing party.
The dancers report the music
perfect for dancing and praise
the boys highly. The Tonawama
Oiohestra played after the band
quit and gave moat satisfactory
music. The lloor was good, also,
making it an evening of enjoy
ment for all.
Tonawama Picture Program.
Tonight nt Tonawama the pro
gram will be: "Dream Dances"
special descriptive, which will
please the children. "Their First
Kidnapping Case," a farce
comedy full of laugh, "The
Fishcrmaid's Love Story" a very
interesting and beautiful sea
story, showing pretty scenes on
the sea shore,
Sunday night, "Under Mexi
can Skies," a powerful drama of
Old Mexico; "The Secret of the
Miser's cave." a true story of
the great Southwest; "Drift
wood," a talo of mistaken identi
ty in tho slums; "When the
Heart Rules," n dramatic story
of the struggles of a young artist,
and "The Jocular Winds of Fate.
These pictures aro all interest
ing and entertaining.
Notice To Hide Sellers
Baker, Oregon. Nov. 25-12
Keep your hides and furs un
til Decemhor, Don't Give Them
Away as I will bo there to call
and Pay You for them, but no
beavers. If you havo anything
on hnnd, writo me nt Burns, care
gen. del. Jackson Brothers,
3tf Hide & Junk Co.
. Fit llli Cao Exactly
"When father was sick about
six years ago ho road an adver
tisement of C h a in b o r I a i n ' a
Tablets in tho paper that lit his
caso exactly," writos Miss Mar
garet Campbell of Ft Smith, Ark.
"Ho purchased a box of them
and ho hns not been sick since.
My sister had stomach trouble
and was also benefited by them."
Sold by all dealers.
Public Stenographer
Touuwuma Uldg.i Hum
The Harney County National Bank
"Your Home Institution"
Extends To You The
Compliments of The Season
And Wishes You
A Happy And Prosperous New Year
W. E.
J General Groceries f
Select Can Goods, Fancy Groceries, Dried
Fruits, Tobacco, Confectionary, Coal
Oil, Feed, Grain and Produce
Special Inducements Given On Big: Orders
If You Want ALL The Home News
$2.00 a year
Rest Job Printing ;
- Old and New Patrons Will Find the Best Brands Here
Wines, Liquors, and Cigars
Good Service, Courteous Treatment
DROP IN Main Street Burns, Oregon
Now's the Time
We Have 'Em
In All Styles, Sizes
And Prices. Get Your
Home In Shape For
Winter. Me Comfort
ableGet A Heater!
We Also Handle A Full
Line Of Ki&chen Utensils,
Granite Ware, Camp Stoves,
Saws, Axes, Pumps, Piping,
Paints, Varnishes, Brushes,
Oils, Stains, Glass, Etc
Headquartes For Hardware