wmm ji7. lj ii u mi ii inii- " VMwafwniiiiiiMMMwaMMMWMWBMMWyWMBMwMMH IJ upo re f I CHRISTMAS GIFTS! SELECTNOWw At. Onv Stove can be found some very pretty and useful gifts and they are Real Bargains. ' House Slippers, Neckties and silk Handkerchiefs of all descriptions. Combination Sets of ties and tie -holders, Suspenders, Sleveholders, Supporters, Fancy Suspenders and all kinds of Mufflers or Scarfs. CI7I7 Our Artistic Window Display Come In sjllil-tand look over our line the latest in town. Williams-Zoglmann Clothing Company Leading Clothiers - - High Grade Tailoring I. O. O. F. Building - - Burns, Oregon She ,mJ$txM. JULIAN BYRD. Manager SATURDAY. DECEMBEK 21. 1912 SUBSCRIPTION RATES Ob. Y..r 2- 3U Month. 10 Tkr. Month. " It seems strange to see Com mercial Clubs and like organiza tions makinR recommendations to President-elect Wilson as to his cabinet r.ppointments, es pecially is this true in the West where they feel that the Secre tary of Interior should come from. While this paper has nothing aRainst Mr. Teal, and he maybe a well qualified gentle- men to fill the position, the East-, ern Oregon section certainly pre fera Judge King from knowing his personal fitness for the place. There is not a man in the West who has made a greater study of the proble ms mhich the Sec retary of the Interiory has to deal with than JudRe King. He would be most satisfactory to the people of the public land states and his knowledge of ir rigation makes him particularly fit Stage contractors are in some thing of a pickle as to what effect the parcels post will have on their business. It is certain it will greatly reduce their express and give them a much greater amount of mail matter to handle. They should have a material advance in their pay from the government as it will make a vast difference in their revenue. Mr. Kellogg has not stated just what he contemplates in the premises. Sunday School Christmas Exercises at Tonawama The Sunday school of the Pres byterian church will render an A excellent Christmas program at ' Tonawama on Christmas Eve. r This entertainment is free to the public and all the children are especially invited. The exercises will begin promptly at 7:30. The program follews: The Christmas Cantata, - -"Santa Claus and tho Christmas Candles" By Burns Presbyterian S. S. Hymn-"Joy to the World" People standing , Scriptural Reading, Luke 2-8:15 Prayer, - Dr. C. C. Babbidge Recitation '"Tis Christmas Night." Lelah Loggan Children's Semi-Chorus, Miss Ellis' and Miss Egli's Classes Concerted Recitation "Imitating Santa Claus" Alfred Welcome Ruth Patterson, Lester Gault, Margaret Irwin Bernie Hastie. Lola Petersen Marching Song, Primary Class Concerted Recitation "Christmas Lights" Georgia Fry Evelyn Byrd Laura Thornburg Violet Terrill Song "Light tho Christmas Candles" Chorus Choir Recitaiton "LightingtheChristmasCandleB" Woodbridgo Geary Recitation "Love Light Best of All" Francos McGpo d Concerted Recitation "Helping Santa Claus." Alton Byrd Wellington Gault William McHose Andrew Irwin Recitation "Share and Serve." Taylor Huston Concerted Recitation "Grandmother's GrowinR Too old for Christmas" Evelyn Miller Frank LoRRan Marie Smith Mabel Skiens Billie Terrill Solo and Chorus "Six Little Grandmothers" Ruth Patterson Frances Hibbard Margaret Welcome Gladys Byrd Charlotte McHose Belda Schwartz Song "Boys will be Boys" Mrs. Rohn's Class Drill and Song "When Christmas comes Again" Mrs. Babbidge's Class Concerted Recitation "Giving away the Dollies" Marie Egli Hazel Hibbard Regenia Schwartz, Marjorio Byrd Izora Gemberling Freda Sathoir Enter Santa Claus (Nathan Brown) Recitation "Comrades on the Road" Phnrlin Welcome Song-"Helping Each Other" Chorus Santa Claus and his Automobile Nathan Brown Song "Santa Claus Running an Automobile" Boys and Girls Chorus Recitation "The Christmas Spirit." Annette Leonard Song "Pass the Christmas Light AlonR" Chorus Remarks by Sunt Harry W. McHose Scriptural Response by Chorus Song- "Christmas Glory SonR" Chorus Santa Claus distributes gifta to clases. New Book for Library. Following is a list of new books just received to be added to the library and which will be ready for distribution Tuesday, Decem ber 24. A Romance of Billy Goat Hill Rice The Lady ifnd Sada San, - Little Smoke Bellow, - -" - London Mrs. Lancelot, - - Hewlett Daddy-Long-Legs, - Webster C. Q. or tho Wireless House, Train Arm Chair at Inn - - - Hopkins-Smith Burning Daylight - - Londor One Braver Thing, - - Dehan The Redemption of Kenncnt Gait Harben Tho Heritage of the Desert, Grey Through the Postern Gate, Barclay The Nen, - - - Rex Beach The Glory of Clementina, Locko The Lady Doc, - - Lockhart Riders of tho Purple Sage, Gray Tho White Shield - - Reed Tho Hcathermoon. - - - C. N. & A. M. Williamson Their Yesterdays, - - Wright In our Convent DayB, - Roppller Robert Browning, - - - O. K. Chesterton Representative A. W. LaTerty Jiaa 22,000 packages of Govern ment vegetable and flower seeds for free distribution to residents of Oregon, requests for which should bo addressed to him at Washington. P. C. "T11E GIRL OF THE COLDENWEST." Toimwnnm Stock Co. will pro duce tho nbovo piny on tho ovon- iliK of. Doc. alli. tho pmy should hnvo boon produced before but circumstances hnvo boon such that It waH Impossible to Kot it on nml the cast was inoro or less discouratfed over delays over which they had iio control. It's is a flno bill and has boon scoi by some at outside points. It la written for a smaller cast and less elaborate stauo BottinKs for Dt-oductions in smaller places, (l,r,..,.r,M-, llllO llill 111 nol. iimt ns j i. :.. ,,in,.,wi huinrini fiutuiniiloH in larpo oinni houses. However, i. ..i in ., i'huI n Mm manuscript is received by the lnnl coimmnv and is complete in every necessary detail. 1 wo or threo very strotiR characters in Ihis bill will surely be appreciat ed" by the piny Roors of Hums and it will certainly be a nice diversion for the holiday period. Reservations may bo secured at any time by phoniiiR The Times Herald but the box office will be open on Thursday after noon. The usual prices will bo charRed. Remember, this is an opportunity to see ono of the most popular dramas of the times. Uncle Sam Creates Refuges For Wild Birds About nine years uro Uncle Sam became actively interested in tho protection of wild birds. This interest was broiiRht about because of various species of Rame birds, as well as sour and insect-eating birds, were decreas ing rapidly while insect posts were insreasing in immense num bers. Uncle Sam lias recently estimated that the annual loss to agricultural and horticultural in terests in this country amounts to $420, 100,000. The National Association of Audubon Societies, whi h was organized for tho protection of wild birds and animals, began the campaign a number of years ago to get certain refuges or re treats where no hunting or kill ing beneficial birds was allowed at anv season of the year The first national wild bird reservation was sot aside March U, 1903 by a Special I'roclamr tion of the President. Since that time fifty-five other reserva tions have been created solely for the protection of wild birds. Those embrace rockv islands. 'sand beaches, lakes, niarshef, 1 and other places that are of ni 'agricultural value, reaching from I Florida to Alaska and over to the ' Hawaiian Islands. Many of j these aro the ancestral breeding places of birds, some of which are almost exterminated by plume hunters. N "The largest and best national wild bird reservations are on the rFinley liat Game J" , .hrectors, reports of tho officers tor oSn. who lmsUdurht to "d -uch Other bus ness may past year succeeded in RettinR . "mo M. larRe number of smaller Rame1 refugCS in Various parts Of his nw to Il.nUrupt tho Doctors state. "One of our government A proinjnent New York physi reservation includes a vast areajcinn 8ayHi -jf jt were not for of the treeless tundra at the tho thin atoning,, nnd thin soled mouth of the Yukon River in I H,10ca worn i,y womcn tho doctors Alaska. Another includes Lower I wnllli ,)robably be bankrupt." Pacific Coast," said Mr. William Remember the Grand Ball CPRISTHAS NIGHT Tonawama Theatre Music by a Seven-Instrument Orchestra HANDSOME SOUVENIR PROGRAMS Dance Tickets, $l.oo Send Your Orders For Lumber, Lath, Cedar Shingles, Hardwall Plaster, Portland Cement, Lump Lime, Etc. ppmaga TO rrTrT-rrS3 Overturf, Davis. Miller Co. ..I i Wholesale and Retail Dealers Office Phone 30 Mill Phone 48 BEND, - - OREGON. We have a large stock of the above and can make quick deliveries to the Burns Country, Get OUR Prices. Klamath Lake In northern Cali fornia and southern Oregon, and a third Includes Malheur and Harney Lakes In southeastern Oregon. These threo act as 1m- menso nurseries wlioro unioiu thousands of ducks, Reese and other wild fowl aro reared each year. Undo Sam has established strict laws for tho protection of theso wild birds on tho reserva tions and omploys special ward ens to see that theso laws aro enforced." Man' Body Turned to Stone Frank Wordoii. of Colfax, la., will Rive $1000 to any surRcon In tho United States who will break his back with any thinR Bhort of 'n sledge nammer. w anion spern. last week in Omaha and wart seen by a number of physicians, but when he oft tho city ho carried his thousand dollars with him. Wordcn is an ossified man. Ho is a farmer. With tho exception of his eyes, tonguo and arms from tho elbow down ho is ono huge piece of bone, without a joint or hinge of any kind His body is as hard as stono and as rigid as a piece of steel. He cannot laugh. He cannot even smile. Eighteen years uro Wordcn nwoko one morning with a BtifT neck " There was no pain, but ho could not move his head. He paid no attention to It at first But the affiiction grew worse. Finally he consulted the family physician. "Just a little, stiffness," said, the doctor. "That'll soon wear off." But the stillness did not pass away. When Wordcn felt his jaws be coming sot he placed small wedges of wood between his teeth, and in that position tho lower portion of his face becamu riRid. In time tho wedges woru removed and the tooth were left about half an inch apart Through this aporalure he is fed liquid food. Ho cannot masticate,' Gradually the hardening affect ed his body, bis limbs, and thou his feel. In eight years Worden's. foot and ankles were as rigid as stone. By this time also the arms wore perfectly rigid except at the elbow. The wrists, lingers anil forearm aro all pliable, al though Wo i don says he can fool his hands ate getting a little bit heavier than they were. Stockholders Meeting Notice is hereby given that the annual mooting of the stock holders of the Harney County Fair Association will bo held at the office of the secretary on Monday, Jan. 13, 1013 at 2 o'clock p. in. The regular bus inoKs of the Association will bo taken up. the election of new When you contract a cold do not wait for it to dovolop into pneu monia but treat it at once. Cham berlain's Cough Remedy is in tended especially for coughs and colds, and has won a wide re putation by its cures of these (HsimHos. It is most effectunl and is pleasant and safe to take. , For sale by all dealors, I FOUSALE BY OWNER. " 1 section, G40 acres, level uri- Improved bbro' brush land In Harney Valley, cnnboBubirrigiit. cd. 1G0 aero tract, fenced, Reed house deep well and otheryiso improved. Prices mauolOBiHtJnr tendinR Bottlers. No speculators need apply. Inquire at thin office. Cured of Llyar CbmpUInt "I was suffering with liver complaint," says Iva Smith of Point Ulank, Texas, "and decid ed to try a 2fic box of Chamber lain's Tabids, and am happy to say that I am completely cured and can recommend them to every one." I'or sale ny nil dealers. Call for WarranU. Notico is hereby given thut thero nro sufficient funds in the county treasury to redeem all Harney County Warrants regis tered January 10, 1012, prior to warrant No. 95 Class U. Intor cat will ccaso on all sucl'i war rants Dcccmbcr'21. 11)12. Simon Luwia, Treasurer Harney CotintM. lie Laughed f ill He Died TiiylorUurK, Ohio-Abu Hklimof, tint vllluKi) poMltnlat, IhukIioiI liluiiwlf to dentil from readiiiK III PI" tlm (irujit Aiiiurlrnn Mtialno ' ''" wlilohij niukliit; uronter itrlilua tlmn any uthur iiiKiiiiti bvlnru tho Amerlcliii jmbi)c today. It i a mnmlne Ibut will kp Ihu wliolt family In K'KhI humor. Tiir ttafTof Illir contalm the urciitcut iirllnU, caricaturist, critics and editor on the loiitlnont. It la hlghlv lllimtrnteil (itiif itlntid In many cotorn. It will keep the whole family cheerful the car 'round. You can nlToril to upend GOc yir to do thin. Hand tbU clipping nml GOc to The lllfl ruMlildtiB Co. Dayton, Ohio, for one Ji-itr'a aulnicriptlon. m m WEBS17E8& New WMlmmumimki DICTIONARY THE MERRIAM WEBSTER? Beei&M " " WBW CUBA- flU of Ujovworld'a thought, action and oulltua. Tho only new unabridged dictionary in1 nuuay jew. H...... it daflnaa ordr 400,000 H'orJ; mors than etar balor appaarod twtwaau two' oorara. mjoa 1'aget. Oooo JN jojtirauoi!. I Rrramui It I tb oalr dlotlooarr ""? with the new dlrtdad pate. A"Otrokot CUulu." BeCaUS " ' a nTolopdla in mmm m WUglB YU4UIUV. Beeitue u ' mp' r i Court, dehoola and rraaj u (ho 009 mttprcme an thorlty. BeeiBfa no who knowa Win Buccen. I.t oa tall 7ni about tola new work. Wtm tm iiiiMw tt av INi44 tf. A C CkailUa CO, raUm,tfrWn4J.(bM. U HMim rr; fiT.rnjnrr ii n t 1 r Stop That ttch! I will iuuuIh ru (r p kl lUh In two xoihU. A Mca(UuUUlpat, No remedy tlint I have ever aold for Krxeinit. l'aorlaala, anil all oilier ilUeanen ut Ihn nkln ti Klv'in mora tlioroujh ullnrncllon than tho D. D. D. Prescription for Eczema I liuuruutuo thU roiucJy. " I 1 1 HAKljrAirMM FOR CHRISTMAS MAIL ORDERS given Prompt At tention. Money Refunded if the goods are not perfectly satisfactory. Solid Gold Rings For Ladies' For Babies $1.00 to $1.50 Back Combs in sU or single, Solid Gold Filled Breast Pins Ladies Fobs For Watch Babies Lockets and Chains Baby Spoons Sterling Belt Pins at a Bargain Ladies and Gents Cuff Links, Fellow and Masons, with Ladies Neck Chains Souvenir Spoons Sterling Lockets For Ladies Watch Charms at All Prices. TkJfYUi DON't FORGET! I have many other r& J W a articles, too numerous to mention in this ' space, but you simply give me the description of what you want, send me the price you" can afford and we will have no trouble in fixing you out. Best Qualify For Your Money .i ' ' AT v SAT.TSRfTRY the JEWELER 1 Open Evenings From December 1st, Until Christmasr ' Browns Shoes For School Choice of Tan, Calf and Gun Metal and Patent, heavy good wearer for school girls and boys. School Hosiery Childrcns School Hosq. Fine Rib bed School Hose, and made for hard wear. All sizes for children. Girls Winter Cloaks A few advance numbers of Misses and Little Girls Coats. We can show you a few styles at this time that may be just what you want. N. BROWN & HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF- Tho Hvorn HtntetnentH of Life ( Insurance CompanieH on file at tho Statu Insurance Department, Salem, show that In 1000. 1010, -1011, Oregon Life the Only Life Innunince Company Exclusively Oregon, Bold more politics in Oregon than nny other company. In 1012 Oregon Life is surpass ing all its previous records. BEST FOR OREGONIANS . E. C. Ecai.KSTON, ' an Agent. ' ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Ilillic' utility IJmirtfot lliirney i'oiint), Suite (fOrcKiin 'in llic iimttiTiif tin l'.liit i(7. iclmriiili II ikiiiiI. Iinciiwl The iOitlrilK"el IuhIiir Ueii iluli u iiinil Ailm'uiilriiti of llie ulimc iiiinicil uttale In the ulor ii.imril court, nil K-r" liavuijf clulina naiinl h;IiI etiltc nrr luTi-liy imtilleil to ireent tlirm, iloly rerillnl at ly law reomrcil. to the iiiiilerli;ncliit the olhtr 'oftico. S.iciiioic intheCity ol lluriii. Ilnrnev County, OrcK11'- within -n ( iiKintli fiinn the ilutc hrrrol Oiitcil lliirm, Oregon, Nov 111, U1J I.OIS M. STKOl'l) AilliiiiimtrtitrU of the Hiliilc of .i.rlm- 'rlnli II Stroud, Deed C.Mi S .'izjuoiik one of the Allirnra Notice to Creditor. Ill the matter of the rtiiU of llmvcy Dixon, deccaoed. ' NrtliceU licicliyKireii that the under niKiied liua leeii rrgularly appointed V.x-1 ceuttl of the luat Will 'ami Teitninent tf llitrry Dixon, ileccawil. All iKTryoiiH haviuKcliiiuiH nKuiuat id entale are hcreliy tintitlril to present the same Co the tuiderutfiicd, duly vciilled nil by law required, within nix month from the date ol thU notice. Dated at lUirin, Oregon, Niictiilier U, lom, Maiiv I5i.i.kn Dixos, j I'.xecutrU of the Inul WiHVind Tcntnmeiit nf Ilnney Dixon, decena-d. Young mulo for sale Inquire at this office. i " $ 2.50 up. (Mention class of stone desired) solid gold $1.25 to 5.00 $2.75 to $6.50 $2.00 to $5.00 $2.50 to 5.00 $1.25 to 1.50 $ .75 to 3.00 Solid Gold, with emblem of Odd chip diamonds $1.50 to $6.00 $2.50 to $4.00 $r.QQ tp 1.5.0 $2.50 to 6,00 Articles Sold Engraved Free. WtSWyWaWf" aHnHHHMHHalWHWX' Satisfactory Store Overcoats For Winter Overcoats for Boys and young Men We can please and fit you both. Call and get yours from the latest line. School Suits For Young Boys and Men at all ages from 6 to 15 years. Heavy for winter and a small price attached. -:- WE SELL -:- Winter Wear Anil carry nl nil times n eoniplt'tc line ef: Sweaters and Sweater Coats, Underwear, In Two-piece and Union Suits, Sheep' Lined and other Heavy Winter Coats, Knit Caps, Night Shirts, Pajamas, Woolen and Cotton Blankets, Woolen Socks, Ger man Socks, Overshoes, Rubbers Etc. We also have a large and complete line of Mens Woolen and Heavy Winter Shirts The Beat of the Best GOTZAIN SHOES t'oiuc nnd look our utoi'k over, compare our prices nml th1 tpnlit, nml we arc sure , on will Get Yours FROM A. K. Richardson General Merchandise asg LK--, - "- rTU Christmas So Is Well, who does'nt know that! And who does'nt know that The Burn's Department Store has laid in a large stock of Christmas Goods, Winter Clothing, Shoes .and Rub bers and every other article necessary for man and beast and for sale at wonderfully low prices for cash. Burns Depf. Store iw Every Day In The Year Trough Train To Portland Leaves Bend 0:30 n. in. Redmond, 7: 15 n. m., Ter rebonne 7:30 a. in., Culver 8:00 n. in., Mctolius 8:30 a. nt., Madras 8:40 a. in., Mnupnn 10:48 n. m., ar rives Portland 5:30 p. m. Oregon Direct Connections - FOR - LIMITED TRAINS To Seattle, Tacomn, Spokane, Minneapolis, St. JEaul, Chicago, Denver, Omaha, St. Louis, Kan sas City and all points east and south V.a lite North Hank Itoacl, lyolliertt l'acltlc nnd (.'rent Northern Railways. J. II. Corbetl, AKt. licnd, Ore. II. naulte', Afjt. Iledmond, Or, W. E. COMAN, Qeneral Details of schedules, fures, etc., Boys Winter Wear A Fine and Warm Line of Winter Underwear and Overshirts for the Boys. Also the best line of latest Sweater Coats at Rockbottom Prices. SONS J MMJBMUulgfiWTtSaKgt T is Coming! Cold Weather! Trunk Ry! CENTRAL OREGON LINE Freight nnd Passenger Agt will bo furnished on request. 3 ir 1M AM-m r1- k b I r, w I ft- ! m