r '$,, mmt, The Biggest City In The Biggest County In Tho Stnto Of Oregon BURNS, HAUNEY COUNTY, OREGON, DECEMBER 21, il)12 VOL. XXVI NOG. gg . Ill MJ ' . i ' jf 1 m nP I J hAlPv 1 fc COUNTY oThARNEY j IMlr if "I r I T JI 111 The Biggest County hi The State A1 7''l V1 I Of Oregon, Best In ThTWc.t I CITY OF BURNS '' 1 mi i Ml PPY CHRISTMAS TIME APPROACHING WITH GLAD TIDINGS icial Affairs and Home Gatherings, Christmas Exercises By The Sun day Schools Etc., and General Re joicing Makes The Hearts of The Children Beat With Anticipation The people of Burns are pre- night as a pleasant entertainment iring for the Christmas cheer and opportunity to visit with tho Mid there are many social affairs membership of no, two organiza- in lorminc lor mat penou. uons. m "here will be home Christmas No doubt the young people will trees besides the usual exercises have many diversions and social by the Sunday schools, the Pre- gatherings during tho time and febyterian Sunday school giving a indicates a very joyous and pro- yery attractive program at Tona-, fitable Christmas time. fima on the evening of Decern- 1 24. California Woman Sfirioutly Alarmed In addition to these there will A short time ago, I contract- be private gatherings of relatives ed a severe cold which settled on &nd friends, some entertaining my lungs and caused mo a great luriner tho oveniners and ireneral deal of annoyance. I would have WE SHOULD PROTECT THE NATIVE DEER Game Warden Mace Says The Time Is At Hand For Concerted Action To PrtTett The Extermination of The Much IlMtei Deer, And Wants Citizens Co-Operaiiw Being the Ganie Warden of the coun ty, I h avo probably been Riv ing more thot looking toward tho protection and preservation of our camo and fish than haa tho average man. In view of, tho fact ,that much ofournntivo xamo is faatbe-; coming extinct, it is timo that all true citizens as well as the sportsman, lend their aid in as sisting mo to enforco tho law which is aimed to preservo tho various species, thereby contin uing one of our great natural re sources to be enjoyed by man kind for generations to come. That beautiful animal, tho deer, which is probably tho moat valuable of all our game, parti cularly needs our protection throughout this section, owing to certain natural conditions, and if we neglect our duty, the deer will soon pass. rood cheer. Tonawama theatre will be the f scene of several public entertain- : merits during the week, the nail ': on (. hnstmns night will ue loi- lowed by the production of "Tho Girl of the Golden West", on 1 Thursday night. On Saturday and Sunday nights there will be special programs of uictures for the many patrons. The Masonic Lodge will hold its annual installation of officers at Masonic hall on the night of tho 27th find miirn likelv tho sev Eastern Star will also install As civilization goes out and lint! rnmrhinfrsnollsnndmvhinirs1 crowds around the haunts of -....... .r . were so sore and inflamed I be gan to be seriously alarmed. A friend recommended Chamber lain's Cough Remedy, saying she had used it for years. I bought a bottle and it relieved my cough the first night, and in a week I was rid of the cold and soreness of my lungs," writes Miss Marie Gerber, Sawtelle, Cal. For sale Horses wintered, for$5. Good timothy hay -W. T. VanDerveer on Pine Creek. Address Drew- 2-tf. jointly with the Masons as has w cievenger can please been their custom for many years. . " This event always brings in a 'ou in wal1 PaPer- The vcry number of people from the coun- latest designs are on hand and a try who look forward to this variety never before equalled, tf THE BURNS HOTEL DELL DIBBLE, Prop. Centrally Located, Good Clean Meals, Comfortable Rooms, Clean and Sanitary Beds First Class Bar In Connection. Qlve Me A Call a SAY! Do You Know"11 The Baker City Hide & Junk Co. Has opened a Branch Office jn town. See Ed Sacks, their Agt. Here Before selling your HIDES, PELTS and FURS. Office on Court House St., So. of Burns Hotel. P. O. Box 141. THE Rexall Drug Store Has Just Received the Exclusive Agency for the Famous Victroles with all the latest records Headquarters For Christmas Presents Call and Inspect our Elegant Line of Christmas Goods, I Consisting of Books, Toys, Stationery, Leather Goods, Purses, Pictures, Etc., Etc. Don't forget to see the new Mirroscopes, the greatest thing out for the young folks. seg; r rT ffTl Reed Bros., Prop's. this game it is compelled tomova back, until finally, it has only a small area under which to exist In this climate the deer cannot exist in the territory where thoy most generally summer. Tho deep snows drive them to lower elevations nnd by absolute ne cessity they must come in close contact with settlement, and un less they have our protection they are bound to be driven back into the mountains to perish or to become tho prey of tho pre datory'animals. Any true citizen, whether a sportsman or otherwise, should be deeply interested in doing all he can to preserve this grand and stately deer, which by law of nature is combatting against terrible odds, and has but little chance to exist and that only by and thru us. In Harney county there is an open season at which time the law permits the killing of a lim ited number of male deer. This I season closes at or near the approach of winter. It is the nature of the deer at this time of the year to gather in droves and retreat to certain localities where it will be possible for them to winter. There is only a limited territory in this portion of the country where it is possible for the deer to pull through the winter, and surely no good man could, after any thought on tho subject, be so cruel at heart as to go upon the deer and kill them when and where they nro hemmed in by civilization on one side and deep snows nnd impossible exsistence on the other. II . would surely be worse than a "game hog" a violator of the law both written and unwritten, and deserving of no mercy. In some portions of the United States the people have come to understand and appreciate these things, and are taking part, co operating with the State and government, by providing feed, at no Bmall expense, in order to save tho lives of tho deer and elk during tho winter season. The main object of this letter is in tho hope that every reader will bo inspired by tho thought and will awaken to n high stand ard of citizenship, and will do his part in caring for tho game which is indeed a heritage for which we should be grateful. It is my Bworn duty to enforco the law and I hope to enlist you all in tho cause and by co-operating, one with tho other and all with me, wo will save tho deer. II. B. Macb, Gamo Warden for Harney Co. CAPITALISTS PREDICT GREAT FUTURE FOR THE HARNEY VALLEY Iowa Men Investing jin Harney County Real Estate and Will Begin Active Work Developing And Improving The Tracts. Many People From Iowa Expected To Arrive In The Spring To Take Up Land Among our visitots during tho fore not mndo so large as would week were B. L. Allen, a banker bo necessary for tho heavier of Laurens, who is associated work; anothor thing, it is not with P. S. Weittcnhiller in tho J built for rock work, therefore purchase of some 3000 acres of not the machine for tho big land in the ncighboorhood of canals that are necessary to con- this city from the Oregon & vey the water from the Sllvies Western Colonization Co., and W. E. Crowder of the same place, who has decided to buy three-quarters of a section just best for this section is one that cast of Burns, provided ho can will dig a ditch about two feet reservoir to the valloy lands where it is to be used. Tho size machine Mr. Crowder considers secure a price ho considers right deep, and sloping to six feet at when ho gets with Mr. Davidson in St, Paul. Frank Johnson brought party over from Prineville Mon day nnd they looked over the country considerably while here, leaving on tho return trip Thurs day afternoon. Mr. Weittenhil- tlie top. Such n machine is taken care of by 1G horses and capstans the nro used. It will complete at least 100 rods of ditch in a day. To those who went into tho mat ter with Mr. Crowder it seems ho received considerable encourage ment favorable to his placing a ler was hero for Boveral weeks machine in this country. How- during the early fall and nego tiated the purchate of the land ever, during his short visit he had no opportunity to get out and had returned here a few among tho farmers who desire weeks ago Mr. Allen, his nsso- such work done. If any nre in ciate, had not been' here before, terested they are invited to write therefore camo on to look the Mr. Crowder at his home town. Held over. Mr. Allen is a man 1 Tlwu irnnflnmnn olnfi . , 1111.' . twiswv.i MIWW oi wiue experience anu nos wok-.,,, ft Rreat jnter08t token eu over nuw territory conmuur able, but considers this the best place for invest he has found, as It la ourn Inimitt' rfinullv nnrl in. I . - ... .. .........-, j ... numuor lrom tnnt section w crease in vaiuc ai a moro rapiu there in this country by tho people of Iowa. Many nro talking Harney Valloy nnd it is more than likely a largo niitil lmv onilir rwivf unrlnrr tr rate than any other section in mako ther homoa Mr Ann which he has been interested. 'ftnd Mr. Weittcnhiller intend to Mr. Crowder is at tho head of , t u ft number of , on a big contracting concern thati,,,,, ln,,Q ,, i, ,.;..,j llllS ,,.,:.,, i,nm In niMnll ttOTntn i;uiuiiK tiitJiu up in oiiiuii iiui;u, may engage in business in section as It is a vcry good field for its operation. He has a ditch- then they will be developed ns rapidly as possible. injcmucimio uuu uuea ku w'mCn also visited the ana at a most reasonnoic price. It is used in tho Iowa section for drainage ditches, but here it would bo used in connection with the irrigation systems in digging laterals throughout this big level Valley, where conditions nro ideal for his machine. It has Knnn fmA1 nn1 to rtnntirn1 firwi economical. The machine is not "'luartera. but latter ho ox built for big canal work as it is pects to return here to look after propelled by horses and there- his interests. Tho gentle land shows recently ahd there they found interest keen in Harney Vnlley and are satisfied there will bo a large number of people in hero in tho spring. Mr. Weittcnhiller accompanied the party out and will go from Bend to Spokane where ho has Many Rabbits Distroyed I AlthouKh it snowed last Satur-1 disagreeable, Sunday morning a largo number of people, men, wo men and boys, wont out to par ticipate in tho rabbit drive east of town. There were almost as manv rabbits killed as on the previous Sunday and tho interest and enthusiasm has not abated in tho least, so we may look for ward to tho good work continu ing with regularity throughout tho winter sonson. The extermi nation at this season is partic ularly desirable as tho pests mul tiply rapidly in tho early spring and by killing thorn now it means moro than Boveral times that number in tho spring. A friend from Sunset told tho writer tho other day that ho be lieved tho rabbits wcro again be coming diseased as thoy did sev eral years ago, at which time tho pests died in such numbers thoy wero almost extinct He states ho had noticed a few recently didn't look at all robust. What a blessing it would bo to tho formerB of Eastern Oregon if it shoul prove true. Many old timo residents recall when the rabbits practically all died off in former years. Beef Cattle From Old Mexico And Texas Charles Kenyon and Baker Ball have gone to California and Texas to look up tho cattle situa tion. They will go to El Paso and possibly down to Old Mexico. Many thousand head of cattle from that section have bcenj brought to this state and "there is room for thousands moro on tho rnnges. These cattle arc said to do well after tho first year and mako good beef stuff tho second year. Ontario Democrat. Auction Sale of General merchandise at Young's Store Saturday Dec 21 at 2:30 o'clock Terms Cash or Bankable note. From this date until Christmas ! I will sell my millinery at cost, I consisting of hats caps baby hoods nil kinds of trimmings Mrs. C. A. Harlan. STOCK MEN ARE NOT THE BIGGEST GAINERS Although They Are The Producer and Le gitimate Beneficiaries, Their Profit Is Small Compared To That Reaped By The Beef Baron's Trust of Chicago. Who maKcs tho big money out of the cnttlo business, the stockraiBcr or tho I eef trust?" nsks the East Oregonian. "Tho question comes up as the result of rather pecular news from Chicago. A few days ago, the price of beef on the hoof in Chicago was $12 per hundred. It is said to be tho highest price ever reached in tho open market. Along with tho quotations is the announcement tiiat mere is a decrease of 300,000 head in the annual beef supply. This is to nccount for the advance, of course, and it is true that tho herds arc being reduced. "Tho strange part of the news from Chicago is the announce ment that the business of the Chicago stock yards will exceed that of last year by at least $30, 000,000. It seems from this that the beef barons do not believe in allowing the shortage of cattle to reduce their own profits in the slighesL Apparently they are not content to allow tne stockman to reap the benefit of a shortened supply. The beef trust also must share in the gain despite the fact that it is not a producer nnd has no just claim on the producer's profits. Just how much of tho profit the trust takes and how much it al lows the grower to keen one can only judge in the light of what highwaymen generally do when they have an opportunity." Build Up Your Soil By Crop Rotation "The question on the success ful farm of today is a question of building up the soil, increas ing profits, interesting the farm er in his work, and giving him an opportunity to get ahead," said Prof. II. D. Scudder at the Oregon Agricultural College in addressing an audence of visiting farmers. "The best way is by rotation of crops. The advantages of ro tations are many. The different crops require different plant foods, and diffe, in their nbility to take various plant foods from the soil. The difference in the period of growth of plants and in the season of growth, enable a rotation to secure and utilize tho plnnt foods where continuous cropping would not. Rotations get rid of weed, insect nnd dis ease pests which take one crop and multiply in one cropping season, but with a variety of rrnng wmilil disntinpiii'. I "There is great economy in tho lnbor of tho farm where rotations nro used, as it is possible then to keep the hands and the land busy. This naturally increases tho income, as tho farm is a pro ducer in all seasons. What would you think of u merchant who sold goods only from June to October nnd then laid off? This is a common practico with i)9 per cent of tho farmers of Oregon." He then stated tho require ments of a good rotntion as be-1 ing, briefly: 1 cash producing' crop; 2, legumes; 3, a cultivated crop; 4, livo stock. Ho urged tho necessity of a dofinato sys stcm, growing a uniform amount oi encii product every year, giv ing each field tho same attention in rotation, getting a definite market return, and employing a uniform amount of lnbor each season. Remember W. A. Goodman is prepared to roll your barley, bale hay nnd saw wood. 37 SAGE OF HARNEY CO. TALKS ON CABINET MAKING PROSPECTS President-Elect Wilson Should Tfd Lesson From Taf t s Experience Selecting Secretaries, Wm. Had- ley Says. Also States Progress of Railroads and Views of Education William Hanley. tho sago of Hnrnoy county, who is in Port land for a few days, has been puttipg himself in place of Wood row Wilson, the president-elect "If I were Wilson," observed tho philosopher of interior Ore gon in his quaint way to a Journ al reporter, "I think I'd feel that 1 was on trial before the people of this country. I'd take a lesson from poor old Taft. Ho didn't have any nose. Ho couldn't tell whether the foot print's were goin' or comin.' He always hnd to have someone tell him. "Now, Taft had a little circle of politicians about him. They told him for appointments to sec retary of the interior this man Ballinger of Seattle was all right. Taft didn't know any better. Ho appointed him. Look at the re sults. Then he appointed Fisher of Chicago, after Ballinger had to quit because the people wasn't going to stand for him any more. Fisher was to placate Roosevelt and Pinchot and he re presented the east "Wilson now is called upon to make cabinet appointments. He's goin' to appoint a secre tary of the interior. He's got a lot of names to choose from. But what will he do? Everythingde pends on what he will do. The test of a great man isn't how much ho can do alone, but how much he can get out of others in service. For secretary of tho in'erior, will he appoint Joe Teal, who represents the best interests of the west. Let's see. "Out in my district we some times have a cattle drive. So I do what they call 'shuffling the men.' That is, I change 'em around until I have men I think will get along all harmonious to gether for 15 days that call out all there is in men. If tho men don't get along the cattle suffer and the reflection is on me. j Those cowboys are my cabinet The cattle are the affairs of this country. I'm the president If j I handle that herd right through j my boys, the people, who are the , owners, will think well of me. But if I'd fail to get the right kind of men around me well, you can see now tne owners the people might lose their beef. "Now, Joe Teal was born in Oregon. He was bred in Oregon. He is a product of the west His (Continued on Last Page) THE FRENCH HOTEL JOHN R. WALKUP, Prop. Strictly First Class. Splendid Service, Fine Accomodations, Commercial Headquarters Sample Room In Connection, Reasonable Rates q Bums IVIeat IVIarket HBBHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHBHflHHBHHHHHHBMBHHSHHHHH H. J. HANSEN, Proprietor Beef, Pork, Veal, Mutton, Sasuage, Bolonga, Headcheese and Weinerworst.E. Wholesale and Retail Prompt and Satisfactory Service Your Patronge Solicited and Orders Given Quick Attention Everybody's Going To s I WELCOME'S PHARMACY ! For Their I XM AS PRESENT I nnVEHUNCES: Meltable Citizen at Ha' ntu Count u The Inland Homestead Locations 3l ACUI2 ll(IMI:SII!A!)S KHI.INgiUSIljUHNTS l)l;l;l)ll) LAND Empire Realty Company V. T. I.K8TKK, Maimer W rrpn-Hunt that which lit rented mill roliulilo. Wu liniidlo nil klnda of Hel KmbIh inatlom V lit' wir IiuhI IHIhk h)hti or other legal Uuil trn correctly uml tpiUUIy.. WK WANT YOUIt FIRB I.NBUBAN(!H.Hl'8INKPH; wu n-pruMinl two of tho tronnont companlea Ifr AmJrlco-THK AICTNA A HAUTKOHI) CO'H. Mat your property with us, fur imlo or trailu, INVISBTIOATK OUlt UDBINB8S1 MKTIIODS AND PAST SU0CK8H. Von trut na, wo truit you. Aik our Olieiita. Call and (too up. WATCH THIS SI'ACH 80 Acres Irrigated ranch In Molsc Valley, to trade (or a Reed ranch In Harney county, clear of Inciimbcrance under government ditch. Let Us Hear Prom You What You Have To Trade. Wc Trade Anything, Anywhere. SHH US NOW Our Holiday Goods Have just arrived nnd we have them on display. Its the biggest and best line that ever came to Burns. All are invited to call and inspect them. We have beautiful Toilet Sets, Manicure and Traveling Sets in Parisian Ivory, Genuine Ebony and Pearl, Shaving Stands and Mirrors, Libby Cut Glass, Stirling Silver Deposit, Heraldic Bronze, Hand Painted China, Hollow Ware, Alchol Stoves, Chafing Dishes. This is the place to buy presents as our prices are right. J. C. Welcome Jr. Prop.