The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, December 07, 1912, Image 3

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flUt Th Urgett Circulation Of Any
Newspaper In lUrney County.
Local News.
ninriMico Cnrov atul wife are in
from their Grant) Crook home.
Good clean seed fall wheat -
see Alien .lonea. -y
J. L. Lowo was in the city mir
in the week.
Young mule for sale Inquire
at this office.
A. C. Spurlock was in from
Riverside yesterday.
Baled hay, Bran and all kinds
of prains at The Burns Dopt.
I. S. Geer went to Portland
last week on business. He is
expected home at once.
Geo. W. Howe and J. P. Han
kins are in the city from their
homes. Theyreport things pros
perous in their community.
Do not take any chances have
nay, grain or omer pruputur in
sured in the Reliable Aelna &
Hartford Insurance Companies.
41 Inland Empire Realty Co.
Fred Tregaskis was registered
at the French hotel during the
week. He was formerly a resi
eent of this city and has many
school friends who were glad to
see him.
Report Of The Conditiotj
Of Tin
First National Bank
At Bums, Oregon, Nov. 20, 1012.
Loans and Discounts $320,000.02
U.S. Bonds GO.000.00
Bonds and Securities 45,507.77
Premium on U. S. Bonds 2,000.00
Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures 8,504.92
Five per cent Redomption Fund "... 1,250.00
CASH 101,083.30
Capital $ 2C.000.00
Surplus and Undivided Profits 78,130.85
Circulation ' 25,000.00
DEPOSITS . .. 407,175.82
Capital and Surplus $100,000.
Carl Welker writes his wife
from San Francisco that he had
been in the hospital since arriv
ing there suffering from lumbago
but he expects to take the boat
for Honolulu on the 5th.
Estrayed A bay mare, 3 yrs.
old, heavy mane and tail, brand
ed N. E. connected on the left
shoulder. A reward of $5.00 for
information leading to her re
coveryHenry Eichner, Bucha-
m nan. Urecron. s-i
The Times-Herald is in receipt
of a photo of the Harney county
exhibit at the Minneapolis land
show. The picture is sent by J.
R. Stinson, who had charge of
the exhibit. The specimens were
m most artistically arranged and
m wen uispiayeu.
M Miss Inez Luce is in this city,
having just come in from outside
points. The young lady is a niece
of Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Neal of
Folly farm and has come to pay
them a visit and may remain in
definitely. She has been taking
a course in landscape painting.
Miss Luce may take charge of a
school in this county.
Last Tuesday was a decidedly
k. Hiuriuy Ui'j lllla autuuii turn ii
is found by reading the papers
that it was so over all the east
ern par of the state. A high
wind was accompanied by snow
and rain. At Lawen the wind
was extremely hard blowing over
several hay stacks, some wind
mills and otherwise cutting
First National Bank
"Oldest and Biggest Bank In Harney Co."
Burns, Harney Co., Ore.
W. J. George was in the city
Fresh home made lard 17c. at
Hansen's Meat Market. tf
' O. E. Thompson is home from
a visit to his father at Eugene.
Hagey & Lundy chattels, small
loans, acreage city property. In
I. O. O. F. Bldg. Burns, Oregon.
' Chauncv Cummins was here
from Malheur county the first of
the week.
You can get a ladies genuine
leather hand bag at Tho Welcome
Pharmacy from $1.75 to $3.50
ask about them. 3tf
Lee Thornburg and wife and
little daughter are down from
their mountain homo on a visit to
relatives and friends.
Mrs. Vera Welker is assisting
in The Times-Herald office at
present. Mrs. Welker is ono of
the old time compositors in this
Say, W. A. Goodman is ready
to saw your wood for you this
nice weather. Tell him whero
your wood pile is by 'phone do
not wait until bad weather and
then all want it sawed at once.
J. L. Lewis of Mayfield, Ky.,
was here this week. Mr. Lewis
is a tobacco raiser and banker of
that state and has become inter
ested in some real esrato in this
county, associated with T. C.
Albritton, and will return hero
in the spring to make further in
We Want
As our goods are constantly arriving we can
offer you the latest as well as some of
the biggest and best bargains in
LadicH Winter Di-chh Goo.Ih, Winlor UrntH.
Sweater CoiitH, Woolen Underwear, 101c.
MeiiH Heavy Winter Collin, Sheep Lined UoiiIh,
Duel; Lined CoiiIh, mid Winter AlackinuwH
Moiib Woolen Underwear, Fleece Lined Under
wear, ShirtH, Cmjh, MitteiiH, OvendioeH etc.
General Merchandise -
flasonlc Building, - - Burns, Oregon
W. H. Robins was in from his
homo at Crow Camp tliis week.
Timothy seed for sale- W. T.
VanderVcer, Drewsey, Oregon.
A sulky plow for sale at Mc
Kinnon's White Front Barn, tf
W. B. Shelley lias gono to
Eugene to spend some time visit
ing with relatives.
Young woman wants position
as stenographer and bookkeeper.
Experienced in office work. In
quire nt this office. ltf
Dr. Harrison was called to the
Gap Ranch Thursday to see W.
II. Moorcs who was suffering
from a bronchial trouble.
Horses wintered, for$5. Good
timothy hay W. T. VanDerveer
on Pine Creek. Address Drew
sey. 2-tf,
Choice relinquishments; dcedod
land, and homestead locations
close to Malheur Lake and R. R.
E, R. GitlKKIN,
51 tf Narrows, Oregon.
Clay Clemens mill is the near
est one to Burns where all kinds
of lumber both rough and dress
ed can be had. Near Canyon
road. Call him by 'phone.
The five year old son of Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Elliott was badly
scalded last night nt the family
homo in this city by a ten kettle
being pulled from the stove. His
breast is badly scalded.
Friends in this city havo re
ceived the announcement of the
marriage of Vivian Jordan and
Miss Eva Doscow in Portland on
December 4. Mr. Jordan form
erly lived hero nnd has many
school friends in Bums.
A Portland paper says Con
gressman now contemplates com
ing out for U. S. Senator two
years hence. He mado hisdecis-
sion following his recent re-election
to congress after ho had
shown himself to be moro or less
of a monkey. Well, Portland
elected him to congress nnd if
that is tho kind of peoplo they
want they can elect him to tho
senate too, that's a cinch.
The finance committo in charge
of raising funds for the new
Presbyterian church havo suc
ceeded in securing $0,000 of tho
amount. This is nn excellent
showing in a town no larger than
Burns and is an indication of
liberality and home pride that is
not often equalled. A handsomo
$10,000 modern church building
is now assured for tho coming
year that will bo a credit to the
Tho Supremo court of the U.
S. has decided that tho Harriman
railroad system must bo split up
as it is a violation of tho anti
trust law. Just what effect this
will havo upon tho vnst exten
sions now imdor wny in this sec
tion is not known. However, it
is not likely to stop tho work nt
all. Other big trusts that havo
been dissolved under tho orders
of tho court seem to havo pros
pered and gono right on, tho only
difference being that thoy cut
bigger melons and made, moro
Tho Oregon Woolgrowors Asso
ciation will meet nt Vale January
Tho Wclcomo Pharmacy has
tho agency for Pickard Hand
Painted China. Seo their line. ?.
Dr. Hedges has arrived in
Drowscy whore ho will practice
Remember! 13. It. Griffin hns
fine .winter pasture and liny,
cheap. Narrows, Oregon, run
Y Frank Newman and E. J. Nohlo
were in town yesterday but went
back homo immediately.
Don't forgot Eastman Kodaks
when buying Xmas presonts nt
The Wclcomo Pharmacy. JJlf
Guaranteed N. P. scrip $8.75 an
acre, limited amount only.
Inland Empire Realty Company.
Ludwig Johnson is ablo to bo
on tho streets these days and his
many friends aro pleased to see
him out.
G. W. Ciovengcr can picaso
you in wall paper. The very
latest designs nro on hand and a
variety never before equalled, f
A. Dunn will havo charge of
my wood business in Burns this
winter. Dry wood on hand to
any part of town F. 0. Jackson.
52. tf
From this date until Christmas
I will sell my millinery at cost,
consisting of hats caps baby hoods
all kinds of trimmings- Mrs. C.
A. Harlan.
Henry Eichner nt Harney Ore
gon, is prepared to do all kinds
of rag carpet nnd rug weaving at
IWA cents per yard and furnish
the warp. 4lf
There were several city elec
tions held in this stnte the first
part of this week in which the
women took nn active part. The
woman candidate for mnyor in
Oregon City was badly beaten.
Persons from Narrows, Weav
er springs and Sunset districts,
interested in organizing a rabbit
club, are requested to meet at
the Sunset school house on Sat
urday Dec. 14, at 4 p. in.
C. B. McConnell has a corps of
engineers out on Silver Creek
this week doing some work in
connection with the irrigation
project in that section. H. D.
Cooper is in charge of tho work.
The rabbit drive out east of
Burns last Sunday was a success
in every particular and there
will be moro of them from time
to time as those participating are
very much encouraged with the
number killed last Sunday and
want to keep the good work
The Times-Herald calls atten
tion to the bank statements in
this issue. These show resources
of $1,000,000 and reflects the
enormous business transacted in
this little city so far inland nnd
removed from tho general busi
ness centers, Harney county is
there with the goods in any re
spect ono wants to view it.
Ed. Stoy, who works at the
SUir Feed Barn.met with a pain
ful accident Monday morning by
getting his finger caught in a
rope while attempting to lead a
horse. The animal pulled back
and tore off tho first joint of tho
member necessitating its amputa
tion. Dr. Harrison removed tho
iarccrated finger and Mr. Stoy is
getting along very well, although
suffering consiilernblo pain.
F. W. C. Hail, of Walla Walla,
was here a few days during the.
week. He is one of tho big
wheat farmers of that territory
and was hero to make investiga
tion of tho country for others
who nro interested and wish to
come. Mr. Hail was quite favora
bly impressed with tho country
and his report will likely bring a
lot of energotic people who know
how to farm to this country.
Dr. Pogue nnd Sheriff Kerfoot
of Malheur county secured sel:
tings of China pheasant eggs
several years ago and hatched
them under domestic hens. The
chicks woro turned loose on an
Island near Ontario nnd tho birds
aro increasiny rapidly. Tho two
men havo offered a reward of $25
for tho arrest and conviction of
any ono found killing tho birds.
This precaution is not necessary
in this county whero tho Rod
and Gun Club havo taken up tho
propagation of these famous
game birdpj Thoy will bo libera
ted on a gnmo preserve covering
many thousand acres nnd while
thoy will not likely keep within
theso bounds thero aro enough
members of tho organization to
look after them to a certain ox
tent and aeo thnt thoy nro pro
perly protected,
Karl Horstman was in town
for a fow dayh this Week.
Mrs. Alico King is hero from
Vale on n visit to lelntives.
Horn -Thursdny, Dec. 5, to Mr.
and Mrs. Lenny Vickcrs of
Harney, a son.
Mrs. Geo. Lovo is over from
Agency on a short visit with nor
many friends, She is a guest at
the Holland home.
Dr. Harrison's family have
moved over from Drewsey and
now occupy the John Saycr re
sidence in tin's city.
W. G. Howell, the Portland
capitalist and booster for the
Harney Country, is hero looking
after his numerous land interests.
He will remain but a short time.
Mrs. Charley King and little
daughters arrived here last Satur
day evening on a visit with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Jame
son, and other relatives. Thoy
will stnv an indefinite time.
C. M tftiiilktifiir vuhn lma boon
out at Juntura for some weeks
surveying the townsito, come in
the first of this week. He states
ho had not finished the job but
Mr. C. E. Beery has gone to
complete it.
J. ,1, ,Ru.ickn, a homesteader
near the lake, has just relumed
from an extended visit to eastern
and Canadian points. He is
accompanied home by a bride and
receiving the congratulations of
his many friends.
Friends in this city have re
cently received tho announce
ment of the marriage of Miss
Jgisa Miller to Mr. Ed. Clark, of
Union county. We understand
thoy will make a wedding trip to
eastern points and upon their re
turn will make their home in
La Grande.
A'. C. AlbriHon, the Saddle
Butte capitalist, has just returned
from a trip through the east and
south covering a period of some
two months. In observation Mr.
Albritton believes the railroad
activity will bring many new
people to this section in the im
mediate future.
'The Times-Herald would again
suggest that the farmers of this
section get together and arrange
for a creamery. This is a good
season of the year for such dis
cussions and it will be the means
of, keeping a large sum of money
aUionje that now goes to outside
pojnts, besides a source of profit
to those interested. Why not
the Farmers' Union start this
The Times-Herald is informed
that the ense of James Taylor,
convicted in this county nt the
April term of Circuit court for
the murder of Perry at the Carl
soni ranch last December, and
sentenced to be executed next
Friday, has been appealed and
that this will prevent the carry
ing out of the sentence until the
case has been decided in the
Supreme court.
) P. S. Weittenhiller, who was
here a' few weeks ago and pur
chased considerable land, is again
in this city after traveling over a
considerable territory since his
last visit. He is preparing to
begin developing a part of the
lands ho recently purchased and
become a permanent resident.
Mr. Weittenhiller is a man of
means and will do much work on
his various tracts and bring them
under cultivation.
Rev. Father Klein of the local
Catholic church has been trans
ferred to Hood River nnd will
leave for that place next week.
He goes to Drewsey tomorrow to
open tho" new church there before
going to' his field. Father Klein
has been' iti charge of this church
for several years nnd. is well liked
by his people, in fact by all who
knew him. He was formerly
stationed, at Hood River before
coiping licre.
' i .
V. G. Cozad, limberger expert,
has made a discovery that will
provo a blessing to mankind, pro
mote domestic felicity, and make
the course of lovers run smotho.
The discovery has peppermint,
sen sens and breath rojuvenators
lashed to tho mast or mashed to
tho last. It is a simple, effective
and economical solution of a here
tofore complex and confusing pro
blem. After a ropast on the
oderiforous yet pleasant and
palatable limberger, tho patient
is advised to mix a tablespoon of
said, tablo or stock, inn cut glass
goblet of ice wnter. There being
many a slip between tho cup and
tho lip, the goblet must bo raised
to tho faco with great dexterity
and celerity and tho salted H-2-0
dashed against the teeth like the
dashing billows of tho storm
tossed sea. This will remove tho
cnrrion-liko presonco of tho scent
ed cheeso nnd make a gentle
man's breath remind ono of tho
breath of a cnlf that hus had
dinner. Blue Mt. Eagle,
High Value of Good Road
No one questions the state
ment that good roads have a
high monoy value to the farmers
of the nntlon. nnd it may be said
that this alone is sufficient to
justify the cost of their cbnsruc
tion as rapidly as practiblc under
an efficient, economicol equitable
system of highway improvement.
Tho big point in favor of this
expenditure is the economy of
time nnd force in transporation
between farm and market, en
abling the growers to Uikc ad
vantage of fluctuations in buying
nnd Belling as well as enhancing
tho value of real estate. It is
estimated that the average an
nual loss from poor roads is 76
cents an acre, while tho estimat
ed average increase resulting
from improving all the public
roads is $9.
Report Or The Condition
Of Tli.
Harney County National Bank
At Hums, Oregon, November 20lh,lO12
DscUre'War on Colds.
A crusade of education which
aims 'Uhat common colds may
become uncommon within the
nextgoneration" has been begun
by prominent New York physi
cians. Here is a list ot tne
"don'ts" which the doctors say
will prevent the annual visitation
of the celd:
"Don't sit in a draughty car."
"Don't sleep in hot rooms."
"Don't avoid the fresh air."
"Don't stuff yourself at meal
time. Overeating reduces your
To which wo would add when
you take a cold get rid of it as
quickly as possible. To accom
plish that you will find Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy most
excellent. Sold by all dealers.
Tonight, if you feel dull and
stupid,, or bilious and constipated,
take a dose of Chamberlain's
Tablets, and you will feel all
right tomorrow. Sold by all
No. 6295.
Kcixirt ul Iht condition of tot
In the State ot Oregon, at In ilou ol bull
nrse. Nov Stth, 1912.
Ixitm mill I)lcuunti.. , MII.W 0
Overdrafts, escured end unsecured
IT R. llonfs to secure circulation
U. r). liornlt to secure U. H. Deposits
(ilber bondi to (retire U. B. Deposits
I- ; to secure rosU18s,vlnst,noo 00
Premiums on IT. . Uunds
Ilonds, securities, etc . ,. .
Imnklng Iiuum, furniture end fixtures
Other Heel Estate, owned
Due from National Banki (not re'
err tcenli)
Due troui Bute and Private Hanks
lid Hankers, Trust Companies, and
(faring! Ueuks
Due from approved reserve afeute ,
L'becis end other caib Items
Kichanires (or Clearing llouie,
Notca ot other National Bank!
Fractional paper currency, ulckeli,
and rente.
l.lWrl'L llOMKV UUItll IN BlMK
Hpscle tai.oai so
'.tiel Tender notca WOO
Itudemptlon lund with U B. Treasur
er (i per ceutot circulation l.iWOO
2VO00 0Q
2,000 OU
2,000 at
J.S07 77
",' n
1.M7 M
188 26
113,315 41
215 K
M.08J DO
UW.306 t;
Capital itock paid lu
KU'ilUS profits, ! expeuics
Un'iiald 9,130 U
National Hank Notea outstanding, 25,00000
Diielonthcr National Banks 10,(4962
Individual deposits subject to check 254,789 89
Demand certificates o( deposit 449 US
Time Certificates ol deposit, 157.522 00
Caihler'e checks omstaudlui l4tJ81
United Btatea Deposits 23.375 1
1'ostal Savings Deposlta Ml 19 23,736 80
DeposltsofU. H. disbursing officers . 1584 39
Total 1,50!Si7
I, J, I.. (Unit, Cashier of the above named
bank, do solemnly swear that the above state
ment is true to the beat of my knowledge end
3, 1.. QtuLT, Cashier,
Correct Attest:
C. A, Hums
UlO A.dMYTil
II. SI. Horn-on
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th
day ol Dec, 1912.
FkiNic Divev,
I8ve.ll Ni larr I'ubllc for Oregon
NO. Ml.
Veport of the condition of the
at Uurns, In the State of Oregon, at the close of
business, November 25, 1912.
Ixianeeiut Discounts 1187,884 07
Overdralts, svcuied and unsecured. 1,213 84
U, B. Ilonds to secure circulation 19,500 00
U. B. llonds to secure Festal Havings 5,000 00
Premiums on U, 8. Ilonds 625 94
llouds, securities, eto , 82,707 23
Hanking house, furniture aud Allures 3,852 77
Duo fronv National Hanks (not re
serve agents) 80,31189
Due from approved resort e agents M,tW) 10
L'liei-ks and nthir cash items , 3.WM21
Notes ol oilier National Hanks 270 00
l-reclloual paper currency, nickels
and cents ... 76 54
l.lwrVa. UOKatY ItlllllVE IX HlKK,
Bpeclo S.MWIVS 20,673 95
Legal Tender Notes 616 00 515 00
Kedemptlou fund with U,B.Treaaurer,
(6 per cunt ot circulation) V7500
Total I418.0H6O8
Capital mock paid In.... I 24,00000
Hurplue Fund., 34,000 00
Undivided profits, less expenses and
taieapavld 669 01
Natluual Uauk notes outstanding 18,900 00
Individual deposits subject to check 272,973 64
Demand certificate of deposit
Time certificate, ot deposit
Cerllrlod Check
Uuhter'a checks outstanding,
1'ostal d lugs Deposits
400 00
. 64,713 58
69 W
10,187 96
181 0
County ol Ilarui-y,
I, Leon M, llrowu, Cashier ot the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that the above
statement Is true to the best of my knowledge
and belief,
I.kon U, Haowx, Cashier
Bubscrlbed audswqrn to befoie me this 7lh
day ol Dee,, 1912.
A, W, OowiN
,Bval Notary I'ubllo
Correct- Attest!
0, A. lUatOa.l
J, M, Daltox
C. V. UcKikiwy
Loans .....
United States Bonds and Premiums.
Bonds and Securities
Furniture and Fixtures
Redemption Fund
- 25,025.94
- 82,707.23
. 110,437.72
$418,096.08 '
Capital Stock $ 26,000.00
Surplus and Profits 34,659.01
Circulation . . . 18,900.00
DEPOSITS 338,537.07
United States Depotitaru Depoiltar For The
Pottal Saving Funct State of Oregon
Harney County National Bank
"Your Home Intlllulion"
Resources Over $400,000.00
i General Groceries f
Select Can Goods, Fancy Groceries, Dried
Fruits, Tobacco, Confectionary, Coal
OU, Feed, Grain and Produce
Special Inducements Given On Big Orders
If You Want ALL The Home News
$2.00 a year
Best Job Printing
- Old and New Patrons Will Find the Best Brands Here
"Wines, Liquors, and Cigars
Good Service, Courteous Treatment
DROP IN Main Street Burns, Oregon
Now's the Time
We Have 'Em
In All Styles, Sizes
And Prices. Get Your
Home In Shape For
Winter. Be Comfort
able -Get A Heater!
We Also Handle A Full
Line Of Kitchen Utensils,
Granite Ware, Camp Stoves,
Saws, Axes, Pumps, Piping,
Paints, Varnishes, Brushes,
Oils, Stains, Glass, Etc.
Headquartes For Hardware