The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, November 30, 1912, Image 3

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i I
t Ut The Umil Circulation Of Any
Ntvrppr In Harney County.
Local News.
John Hoss is in town.
"Chino" Bertluffo was in town
Ralph Beery wns up from Sun
set yesterday.
Good clean seed fall wheat
see Allen Jones.
Wanted Work for man and
wife on ranch Inquire nt this
ollice. 51tf
Baled hay, Bran and all kinds
of grains at The Burns Dept.
There will be no pictures at
Tonawama until after the schools
resume and sickness abates.
Satisfied customers and an in
creasing business sneak for them
selves W. B. Shelley, the har
ness and saddlo man.
John Carey was in the city yes
terday, bringing in his baby for
for medical treatment. The lit
tle one is improving, however,
and he has returned home.
Those who -con template Koine
to the railroad or Qther points
for supplies are invited to call on
W. E. Huston in the Odd Fellow
building and get his prices. It
will be worth while. tf
Trappers If you want to catch
more Coyotes and Cat, than you
ever did before, order a 20 ounce
bottle of Hammersleys Anima
Bait. Sold by Curtis Utley & Co.
Lakeview, Oregon. 1-3
Estrayed A bay mare, 3 yrs.
old, heavy mane and tail, brand
ed N. E. connected on the left
shoulder. A reward of $T.00 for
information leading to her re
coveryHenry Eichner, Bucha
nan, Oregon. 2-5
Although President-elect Wil
son has said his cabinet would
not be selected until later and no
announcements made until the
proper time, the peanut politician
has the entire official family in
their respective places ready for
Geo. Simmons and wife
in yesterday with their little
child for medical treatment. The
little one had the palms of its
hands badly burned by falling
against a stove. Its face was
also slightly burned. Dr. Harri
son relieved the child and states
the burns on the hands are quite
deep and painful.
Tie Times-Herald is in receipt
of a letter from Pr. Griffith in
which he states he has been de
tained on account of a slight in
fection of the lungs. He does
not consider it particularly seri
ous, but thinks it best to be near
specialists for a time. Dr. Grif
fith will soon be here to resume
his practice.
We Want
. TO
As our goods are constantly arriving we can
offer you the latest as well as some of
the biggest and best bargains in
LndioH Winter Dims Goods, Wjntor ('ou'fs,
Swoutor (Joat h, Woolen Underwear, Kte.
Moiih Heavy Winter ComIh, Slieop Lined Coutu,
Dude Lined ContH, undVintor MackiiinwH
Menu Woolen Tiidei-wenr, Kleeco Lined Under
wear, Shirts, Cups, .Milieus, Overshoes eie.
- General Merchandise -
flasonic BuildHiK.
You Ought
To The
Convenience and Security
Offered You At The
First National Bank
Which Has
Unlimited Capital
And All This
Capital And Surplus $100,000.00
"Oldest nnd BlKKtst Unnk In Harney Co."
J. D. DALY, Ircldnt,
J. I C3AULT. CMhlcr
Ira Mahon is registered at the
Fresh home made lard 17c. at
Hansen's Meat Market. tf
'"Bailey Hayes and family were
up from Lawen during the week
guests of relatives.
Coo. Cawlfield was uu from
Narrows yesterday, registered at
the French. i
Hagey & Lundy chattels, small Watch the Ladies' Afternoon
loans, acreage city property. In Club boost Hums for the benefit
I. 0. 0. F. Dldg. Burns. Oregon, 'of the public library.
You can get n ladies genuine ''civil Engineer A. 0. Faulkner
leather hand bag at The Welcome! left this morning with John Rob
Pharmacy from $1.75 to $3.50- ."won forClaver Swail to do some
ask about them. 3tf W01'k-
R.W. Heck will conduct the! Young woman wants position
e... i,i atAn thl. ,:.-
0'JTi:i MltUW ai,Mv..w v...f ......
Hn is n fine nrtist and has been
very successful in view work in
this section for several years.
L . ... . i
uo not uiKc any cuuiiuci nave
hay, grain or other property in
sured in the Reliable Aelna &
Hartford Insurance Companies.
41 Inland Emi'IKU Realty Co.
There is a disposition among
some to make "mountains out of
mole hill" and give everything a
black eye without stopping to
reason. We would all bo better
oft' without such hysteria.
A man named Kelley wrote tho
mayor of San Francisco that
some of his relatives were miss
ing and asked if there were any
Kelleys in that city. 630 Kelley 's
were found in the directory. He
ought to find some relatives in.
that number.
Burns, Oregon
C. A. 1IAIN1-S. Vice l'aealdtnt
A. C. Wi:i.COMi:. Aut. Caih'r
C. E. Dillmnn is in the city.
John Marshall is down from
A sulky plow for sale nt Mc
Kinnon's White Front Darn, tf
Thos. Howscr was among our
visitors from Harney this wcekl
Chas. Wilson is prepared to
take horses
to pasture and win
49tf ten
'US 8ienoKniiiiurimiiHoKKcjr.
Experienced in ollice work. In
quire at this ollice. ltf
Choice relinquishments; deeded
land, and homestead locations
close to Mnlhcur I-nkc and R. R.
E, R. GltllTlN,
5ltf Narrows, Oregon.
Rough and dressed lumber of
all kinds now on hand nt the
Williams Bros. Saw Mill. Rough
lumber $15 per thousand.
Dr. Harrison was called to the
Geer farm yesterday to see MisB
Susie Smith, one of tho teachers
of the public school. Ho reports
the lady much better.
The beautiful fall weather is
commented on by all who visit
this section. It is certainly
great and one of tho many at
tractions and assets of tho Big
Harney Country.
The roads are fast getting in
fine shape for travel sinco the
recent rains. They are becom
ing firm and being tree jrqm,
dust and -the bright sunshine
makes motoring a pleasure.
Say, W, A. Goodman is ready
to saw your wood for you this
nice weather. Tell him whom
your wood pile is by 'phono do
not wait until bad weather and
then all want it sawed at once.
There is an awakening interest
in the short course in agriculture
to be given nt tho high school
during February. Many in this
city nnd vicinity have expressed
their intention of attending. It
is being considered in its true
worth nnd it means more tmn
can bo estimated to tho general
good of the country.
According to press dispatches
the governor will likely proclaim
suffrage- for women next Mon
day. Mrs. Abigail Scott Duni-
wnyof Portland, the pioneer lead
er of BiiU'rage in this Btnte is to
have tho honor of writing this
proclamation which tho Governor
will sign,
All whoaie indebted to mo nro
requested to call and settle their
accounts either by cash or note
by Dec, 1. This is urgent as I
must secuto money or negotiable
nipcr in order to conduct, my
business, All accounts not taken
caro of in this manner by Dec. 1
will havo to bo placed in a collec
tor's hands. Q. W. Clovengers
Tho Welcome Pharmacy has ' N. Hughet was in this week
tho agency for Plckard Hand on business.
Painted China. See their line. H Oregon City has a woman can-
Thoro will bo no services at' didate for mavor.
tho Presbyterian church totnor-jj, j-j, Rounsovllle is in the cily
row. from his home near Donie.
Remember! 13. II. Griflln linn 'flioro w bo no meeting of
lino winter pasturo and hay, w Eastern Star Monday ovon
cheap. Narrows, Oregon. 5ttf 1)Kl
Guaranteed N. P. scrip $8.75 an ,j, f. Rocker and wife of Cat.
acre, limited amount only. jow Vnlloy aio legistorotl at tho
Inland Empire Really Company. French hotel.
r2tr I Mrs. A. 13. Murphy and daugh
Don't forget Eastman Kodaks j, r0 j from their homo at Iron
when buying Xmas presents-at Mountain.
Tho Welcome Pharmacy. 8lf
Man nnd wifo with two child-
ron want work on n ranch for tho
winter. Apply at this office.
Watch tho Ladies' Afternoon
Club boost Burns for tho benefit
of tho public library.
G. W. Clevenger cart please
you in wall paper, ino very
latest designs are on hand and it
variety never before equalled, tf
$100,000. "THE bank that makes
your $ $ $ s SArE." accounts
A. Dunn will have charge of
my wood business in Burns this
winter. Dry wood on hand to
any part of town- F. 0. Jackson.
52 tf
, "'
For sale or trade, an almost
new sewing machine, good make
and all attachments. Address or
phono Miss Hartwell, King resi-
j tf
( ' e
Clay Clemens mill is tho near-
est one to Burns where all kinds ovcr n icllio. She reports hav
of lumber both lough and dress- jnK (l cloliKlitfiil time, but glad to
ed can no nmi. Wear uinyou
road. Call him by 'phone. .
The man who shot Col. Roose-
velt has been adjudged insane.
That was the general opinion nil
the time but it took an exnmin- draining nicely and Mr. Haines
ing board to make it legal to put is recovering rapidly.
him in Urn asylum. v&iph ww ,mvo bee, ,,laml
It is a pity that wo have people under restrictions such as qunr
with feelings on the "hair trig- antine should be made to respect
ger" who see a slight in every- it. What's the use of such un
tiling that happens. Such poo- loss it is observed most rigidly,
pie should "take a tumble" some Carlessnoss is ruspsnsiblc for a
day and wake up. considerable sprend of the dis-
G. M. Love, foreman of the V. C,UM,
L.S. Co. at Agency, passed thru .1. W. Buchanan and wife were
Vale this week cnrotile to Ontario in from the station this week
nnd back, spending two days at visiting their son Roe and friends
the Arlington. He says his com- .loo feels good over the election
panv has made its last shipment of Wilson but says he already
this fall to outside points, the had a federal ollice, that of post
final consignment being a bunch master at Buclnnan.
of mules and about MOO head of mr,, m, Horton and Miss Julia
cattle to California. -Vale Enter- McICenzie were over from Din
prise, mond, having come over in the
m- M..r,ion o..t n i..1rumim Coiiiogys auto. They returned
to Jake Welcome tho fore part of
this week nnnouncing that Dr
Marsden is improving in health
and strength remarkably even
more rapidly than hnd been hoped
and with no relapse they con
fidcnlly expect to be nt home in turn and made n bargain with
January. This is encouraging iho manager whereby ho is not
news to their many wnrm per- to pay any more until tho rail
sonal friends in this section where road tenches Harney Valley. Mr.
the Marsdens have made their Creasman is one of the pioneers
homo for so many yenrs. of this section and while he does
Mauuiud- Last Saturday even-' !ot ml It. will be as much
ing. Nov. 23, nt the residence of nefilted by the advent of the
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Shepa.d in railroad as any other person,
this city, Frank McCormack and 'One of the very pleasant home
Mi33 Mildred Hughet, Rev. Dr. gatherings in this vicinity on
Babbidgo of the Presbyterian I Thanksgiving was at, the homo of
church performing the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hill up the
The brido is a daughter of Mr. ' river when "Grandma" Haves,
and Mrs. I. N. Hughet nnd has who is in her 81st venr had 7
resided in this county all her life, grandchildren, 1 greatgrand
They will mnko their home in the children, 2 sons and one dnugh
Wnrm Snrinirs section. We ox- tor at the festive board with her.
tend congratulations.
J. W. Brown arrived here from
Bend Wednesday. Ho came over
to build a new residence for Mr.
and Mrs. Alex Hnnley out on Wednesday in ineir car ior nenu
the barley farm. Mr. Brown en route to California where they
and his son have been very busy intend to spend the winter. They
working nt their trade all sum- were occompanied out by Miss
mer in Bend and ho still has con- Lillian Hendricks who goes to
siderable work on hand but as ho take up her studies in Gcod Sa
wanted to get tho building here maritan Hospital in Portland to
enclosed before bad weather he become a trained nutsa. 'flip
left his business over at Bend in young lady will report for duty
charge of Claud. Mr. Brown is on tho Kith of next month nnd
enjoying much better health than will spend tho intervening time
when ho loft hero, but is very visiting-with relatives and friends
glad to bo back among old friends at Saleni and nthl-r Willnmotte
and associates. Valley points,
', T:
New Addition to
Hftfai. .AaV-
Mjn in i i i i '' -
, ... , ,,. , Ar ,
i Tiaii.ii tin iiiviiwii jvnti ii'n
Club boost Burns for the benefit
f tj1L, public library,
, omo BttlhomwH atl( u.rkoy
Woro tho order of the day in this
city on Thanksgiving.
i ,. ,, Nn i in Mr.
"will jviij .. f v......
Und Mrs. Walter Struck, a
Mju Vm 0ftkernnn waH ,
tho cly fr()m hep mm ld
,1 ..! l1L. WL,L.
.1. C. Davis and wife were in
Uiocitv from their homo on Cnla-
,nily t10 rore ,mrt 0f the week.
Mfg8 Uchnv Hwain cnni0 up
from Lnwon Wednesday evening
to flMjn1 Thanksgiving with the
j10,no f0lU.
R. J. McKinnon took his de-
,)nrluro Wednesday morning for
rfliffjrni.. wi10n. i10 will Bound
)lw, wjni,.
.. . . . . ,
' Mis. A. K. Richardson arrived
here last week from an extended
,::. ,.,!., rolutivcs and friends
uct home again.
R ,,, pmm
home from assisting in nursing
Richaul Haines who was shot
lust week. The wound has been
1")R' " Monday
Mr. Horton
has teccntly erected a new hotel
at Diamond which will be opened
to the public in a short time.
J. C. Creasman was in to see
us this week, paid his subscrip-
It was a happy union and nil
enjoyed, but none so much ns
as Mrs. Hayes.
Herman Ruh and wifo left
t in t mmAmmmvMM m
-, .1
Yellow Stone National Park by
J. F. Mahon was in town this
R. ft. Sitz was up from Lawen
The next thing to hit your
purse is Christmas.
Horn To Mr. and Mrs. H. A.
Dickenson, Nov. 2i), n daughter.
James Pirie was down from
Cow Creek Tuesday.
W II. Bobbins was in from his
Crow Camp home this week.
Walter Crum is down from his
Trout Crook homo on a visit to
liis wifo and granddaughters.
The Mothers' Club dance Wed
nesday night at Tonawama was
well attended and thoso present
report a fine time.
W. B. Shelley informs us he
has disposed of his saddlo and
harness business to Geo. Hopkins
who lukes charge at. once.
Win, Kilby was in town Wed
nesday from Van. Ho Btates he
has put in considerable fall grain
and will seed more in tho spring.
M. R. Biggs is nt Portland this
week, visiting tho Northwest
Products Exposition. He also
will go to Heppner nnd purchase
some blooded stock before re
turning. Prineville Review.
Smallpox has been found in
three families in this place and
precaution has been taken to
prevent its spread. If ordinary
care is taken there is no occasion
for there being any more cases.
A former teacher in the public
school in this city writes from
Portland and expresses a desire
to see tho now school building
since its completion and adds:
"Burns has probably the best
decorated school building of any
town of its size in the west."
Many thousands of sheep have
been disposed of by Eastern Or
egon wool growers, leaving a
magnificent opening for capital
to go into the industry with a
safe guarantee of profit, says an
exchange. There is nothing for
the future to shake confidence in
the sheep business.
C. W. Ausman, who has been
with the Portland Telegram for
six years, arrived here last Sun
day evening and expects to spend
the winter in this county Mr.
Ausman's health has not been
good and his physicians recom
mend n change of work for a
time. The young man came here
on the invitation of Mr, Hanley
and will likely spend a portion of
his time on the ranches.
Married At the office of the
Justice of tho Peace Kennedy,
this city at high noon today,
George F. Storkman to Mrs.
Pearl Wcisgerber. The happy
couple will remain in the city
for a few days and then will take
their departure for Lakeview,
whtre they will reside. Mr,
Storkman was for some years a
resident of Prineyille, while Mrs.
Storkman is a Harney county
girl. --Prineville Journal.
In response to an application
from the Boys and Girls Aid
Society of Portland tho public
school children made n very nice
contribution to add to tho Thanks
giving cheer of the unfortunate
inmates of that institution. Prof,
Sutton states that it has bcon
customary to contribute food and
clothing on such occasion but
this is not practical here sinco we
are so far from transportation,
therefore the children made a
cash donation. In all $13.6G was
The substantial improvements
in tho residence districts of this
city and many new buildings and
improvements on tho farms of
this vicinity indicates permancy
and thrift. The people seem
contented and prosperous in this
county and there ia every indica
tion that this city and tho coun
try in general is going to go for
ward very rapidly in tho future.
With the beginning of railroad
work again in the spring and the
irrigation projects we aro going
to seo most satisfactory changes,
; vXjft
the Great Northern.
Have You Papers of
These Descriptions?
Fire and life insurance policies, receipts
for insurance premiums, notes, deeds,
mortgages, lenses, Contracts, bonds or
Certificates of deposit, pension papers,
army discharge papers, naturalization
papers, valuable private corrcspondancc,
warrants, savings pass books, marriage
certificates, abstracts or securities of any
How are they protected from fire, loss or
burglary and pryinp eyes?
ney County National Bank will afford
you the best protection. A limited num
ber still available.
Your Business Invited
Harney County
National Bank
Resources Over $400,000.00
W. E.
J General Groceries
Select Can Goods, Fancy Groceries, Dried
Fruits, Tobacco, Confectionary, Coal
OH, Feed, Grain and Produce
Special Inducements Given On Big Orders
- JJ
Wi wmwdanwwwjjiuMTiumfwwmii lm ih.ii imww
If You Want AM, The Home News
$2.0 a year
Old nnd Nr.w Patrons ill
Wines, Liquors, and Cigars
Good Service, Courteous Treatment
DROP IN Main Street Burns, Oregon
Now's the Time
We Have 'Em
In All Styles, Sizes
Audi Prices Set Your
Home M Shape For
Winter Be Comfort
able Get A Heater!
We Also Maaidle A Full
Lifite 4M K&et&ee Utensils,
Granite Wae, Camp Stoves,
Saws, Axes, Pumps, Piping,
Paints, Varnishes, Brushes,
Oils, Shifts, Glass, Etc.
KICKS, Props.
Find the Bhst Brands Here
For Hardware