The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, November 30, 1912, Image 2

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W-ojihj '""
1 1 '
To the Ladies!
We take great pleasure in announcing
that we are now prepared to make Ladles
Suits and Coats, as well as Mens.
We have secured the services of a tailor
who has had years of experience in the art
and study of fine tailoring.
When you order a suit from us you
know that you arc going to get the goods,
style and workmanship. When you order
a suit thru a mail-order house, you don't
know just what you are going to get; you
don't see the goods and the work Is done
by machinery and when the suit is -received
in most coses alterations are necessary be
fore you can wear it.
school buildinjr. This picture la l.udwltf Johnston, who under
one of the ducat in the collection Y?t mi operation for nppendlci-
nnil iwliiinlv It nilypil vnrv lilidl. tiH "10 "I'Ht of tllO month, lit
muUtittunlylsptlzel ety liiKh- n, Mrisnjsih mpidly and Ih
ly by tho people of this city who 1)Io t() 8,t UI Ilo c)cctH to bo
esteem the donors most highly, out inn short lime.
Mrs. Invinwas formerly a teach- Amn.(li lo n vomi Lnl)or
or in tho school and her excellent Commissioner Holf 1ms been up
work with tho ehilmm and the horo counlinw tho Kiuno in Har
love and esleom of tho parents ney county and says wo have 10 M,(o tilnlni-n miwli nrlvrMi ' 11101111(11111 HllCOl) HIM 1UUU MUt'lOIlO
" llrHikilnti l.niftt n 1 1 I lm ! ImM
r. 1 1 r . n- unino animals and geese, ducks
koudh unvo lomorrow. uml swan, Perhaps ho ot tired
Qittrnml imnnln mi 1iitunn ("Vnil I Incnrrniinrntod iiHHnrLion is
y have taken advantage of tho of- not arKiiment any moro than its
for of the county court in reaueet reiteration is proof. Much has
to assisting in Kottiiitf rid of the been said about capital punish
rabbits and have organized a nionL Much has been written
club. Tin- corral and wings have Assertions have been made while
been placed wo understand and proof has been left to tho indl-
the neighbors will gather at l vidual speculation. Theorcticnl-
II. Culp's plnco tomorrow morn- ly we Jnow nothing about the
jing and drive west from there, results of capital punishment,
We don't know just where the but here is an example from life,
corral is located, but those who W. G. Settle killed Alvin IUirlon
i desire to narticinate aio to iro Crowley. He was indicted for
i to Mr. Gulp's whore proper olli- murder in the first degree. He
jeers will bo chosen and the drive was afraid to stand trial, and
started. A number who are in- when the state olfered to accept
! toresled will go out from town a second degree verdict, ho
no doubt. All who can should agreed eagerly. Had ho not
1 take in this drive us wo under- been in fear of capital punish-
stand the posts are about as thick meat ho would have stood trial.
as lleas and it will be great Tho cost would have been poss-
sport. ibly $1500 and from tho facts re-
' suited in the same verdict. When
I Indian Lands to be Sold. the voters declined to abolish
i capital punishment they saved
I E. L. Garberof the Indian ser- Grant county $1500 which would
vice, who was hero for several have been spent in a useless trial.
dnvsin connection with tho sale Whether capital punishment is
era! Government and the state in 'of some Indian lands allotted the light or wrong tho fear of the
the development of Central Ore-' Piutos, left for outside points gallows saved Grant county the
Ron has been proposed by the In-'Thursday. Ho succeeded in net- cost of an expensive trial in this
Man.ger'terior Department This branch tingSIJ quarter sections signed particular instance.-Hluo Moun-
of tho administration recently up to bo sold and this will be tnin Hagle.
expressed its intention to allott done in a short time. Had Dr.
$50,000 for investigating in Cen- Marsden been horo he would Kverv town or city can have a
I tral Oregon in connection with .have secured more but the Indians factory or factories and establish
2'00 J irrigation and water power pro- do not exactly understand about a pay-roll, large or small, as tho
'ijeets. providing the state of Ore- tho procedure and want to wait ensemuybe. Tho initiatory once
' 'count the aimroachine session until the Doctor returns. There taken means enlargement as time
T, ., ,.,.i w of the legislature would appro-' is a line lot of land included in goes on until profitable industries
xiiciciUKiumuiiuciBiuiiuaiiun. . , . ,. ., , ., ... ,.,.,.. .,...
You save time and money and we guar
antee you satisfaction when you order thru
our store.
Clothing Company
Leading Clothiers
High Grade Tailoring
I. O. O. F. Building - - Burns, Oregon
She tmes-SffuvnCd.
O.. Y..r
Six Month.
Thr Month.
Tho Bwom dtalcmcnts of Life1
Insurance Companies on file at'
tho atuto Insurauco Department,
Salem, bIiow that In 1009, 1010,
1911, Oregon Lift) tho Only Life
Insurance Company Exclusively
Oregon, Bold more policies In
Oregon than any other company.
In 1912 Oregon Life is surpasa
ing all its previous records.
!!5 Agent.
Browns Satisfactory Store
Shoes For School
Choice of Tnn, Calf and Gun Metal
nnd Patent, heavy good wearers for
school girls and boys.
Overcoats For Winter
Overcoats for Boyo nnd young Men
Wc enn please and fit you both. Call
and get yours from the latest line.
In the Comity Court for lliirncy County,
Slnte of Oregon.
In llic nmtliir of tlie Untitle ofZncliiirlrili
II. Stroud, Dercnacil.
The uni!crlgiitil ImviiiK liccii duly iii
pointed Admlulitniliu of the nlioic
iiiiiucd cstntc in the nlioic iiiuucd
court, nil periuim luivltiK c In him
MKiiltiftt mild cKtitlr lire lioiqliy iiiitilled
to piencnt thrill, duly perilled n by law
rcipdrcd, to the unilri hIiiciI lit the ollicc
of (leo. S. Hltciuorc, in the City ot ItiirtiH,
Harney Comity, OreKiiii. wlllilu lv (It)
iiiontlm from the ilitlc licicol,
Dittrd Ilimii, Oickoii. Nov, II), Itll'J
AilinluUtrntrix of the liitnle of ',mi
i lull II. Stroud, Deed.
Cm. S. .Su(uomt,otie of the Attorney.
Notice to Creditor.
In the mutter of the cat rite of llnrvey
Diioti, ilceenned.
Notice ii herehy ivrn tlmt the under
Mailed Ian lieeu iei;ulrly iippointiil lix-i-cutrix
of the Innt Will imd TcMtimiciit
of llnrtey Dixon, dceenwd,
All iierxonii lmvlntf claim nnluM milil
entitle lire herehy notilled to piceut the
miuie to the underMucd, ilulr erilled
u liy law icijulrcd, within ix monthit
from the date ol thin notice.
Dated ut Hum, Oregon, Nomlicr 0,
Maiiv iii. i. km Dixon,
Hxerutrlx of the hint Will and Tea lament
of llnrey Dixon, iltcenwil,
School Hosiery
Chiidrcns School Hose. Fine Rib
bed School Hose, and made for hard
All sizes for children.
Girls Winter Cloaks
A few advance numbers of Misses
and Little Girls Coats. Wc can show
you a few styles at this lime that may
be just what you want.
School Suits
For Young Boys and ' Men at nil
ngua from G lo 15 years. Heavy
for winter and n small price attached.
Boys Winter Wear
A Fine and Warm Line of Winter
Underwear und Overshirts for the
Boys. Also the best line of latest
Sweater Coats at Roclcbollom Prices.
C w iiiwiiiwiMiMiiiiiiii win mil in i in M rafrrirrmrassaBamKjjixuiss
j III flt
A Valuable Sllveir Cup
For The
1 section, G10 acres, level un
improved sage brush land in
Harney Valley, canbesubirrigat
etl. 100 acre tract, fenced, good
house deen well and otherwise
improved. Prices made tuauit ill- Of products tTown tributary to the Oregon Trunk, Spokane, Port
Best Agricultural Exhibit
tending settlers. No speculators
need apply. Intuireatthisodice.
Seed ryoand barley for sale by
Clias. Davis, Harney, Oregon.
nr wihmi'ttwl !)r'al an C1Ual amount U,e c- thcso tracts 1,,ul il " likuly lllL'rc !ir0 atI(ltH' l c0,",nu,lity KWtll.
of the Qiitotireamount t0 bo used in co- will be some spirited hidding for Money is thus kept at homo and
-..."?: i. operative work of development choice portions of it. homo prosperity increased. --Ex.
school books which
to pass inspection
Book Commission are now in the
hands of high school teachers
who are making a practical study
of them. This is very good as
far as it goos but it doesn't go
far enough.
Books intended for the lower
grades, which a fter all, are yet
of thn eroatest imnortanco.
should be submitted to the grade e"ect the
tnnpVinra frn incnoplinn shtiK Vast tlTCIl
and report. In no other way can) iamis in interior ot the
the haphazard method which now stat0 into tillable and revenue
attends the selection of these ; Producing districts and in that
between the goverment and the j
The development work sug-
gested by the Interior Depart-1 Frank Thompson was in the
ment would be in addition to the ' city a few days this week,
various reclamation projects that! Q M Krecksoil , , the city
are being conducted by the same from Jiw homc ncal. Waverly.
agency in the state: It would
conversion of a !:"m" awain nave moved
nf .mniMMi,.,, their well drill to town ami will
sink a few shallow wells here
and in this vicinity.
Will Foren is general caretaker
books be changed for the better.
Not only should the best availa
ble books Be selected, with an
eye to the cost also, but the task
of selection should be so co-ordi
nated that only such books as
are actually needed will ultimate
ly find a place in the list.
There has been a great deal of
waste all over the state in forc
ing parents to buy books that are
rarely or never used. In some
cases, like that of history, three
different books are used, making
it difficult to assign lessons for
the reason that the same subjects
appear on different pages in the
different books. Tho whole mat
ter should receive the serious at
tention of the book commission.
If it has the data on hand which
is here suggested it will be in a
position to proceed practically
with its final work some months
hence and be enabled to reach a
result that will be economical and
satisfying to those most concern
ed in the outcome. Telegram.
Attorney General
Reverses Himself.
The attorney general of Ore
gon has looked further into the
proposition as to whether the
county court can give a bounty
on rabbits and has decided it can.
Earlier in the week he wrote
Fred Denstedt that there was no
law for ic but under date of Noy.
26 he writes Mr. Denstead: "I
would say that the county court
is empowered by statute to pay
a bounty of not more than C cents
and not less than 1 cent on black
tailed rabbits."
The county court has recently
asked Deputy District Attorney
for an opinion on the matter and
Mr. Leonard took the matter up
and looked into the matter pretty
thoroughly with the result that
he wrote the attorney general
respecting an old law covering
such bounty which he could not
find had been repealed. This
letter evidently brought about a
more thorough investigation by
the attorney general with the re
Bult that he has since advised Mr.
Denstedt that it is lawful.
Tho Times-Herald urges tho
continuance of drives regardless
of what the court will do. Wo
fihould not wait for tho court to
pay us but do something for our
selves. Co-operate in Development.
Co-operation between tho Fed-
Orclarc War on Coldi.
A crusade of education which
aims "that common colds may
become uncommon within the
next generation" has been begun
by prominent New York physi
cians. Here is a list of the
"don'ts" which the doctors say
will prevent the annual visitation
of the celd:
"Don't sit in a draughty car."
"Don't Bleep in hot rooms."
"Don't avoid the fresh air."
"Don't stuir yourself at meal
time. Overeating reduces your
To which we would add when
expected to Unci a responsive sen- but ho still had more who were I
timent in the membership of the unable to be present.
state Legislature next winter
proportion contribute to the sub- and "roustabout" at the Times-
stantial prosperity of the entire Herald building and Tonawama
state. since Carl Wclker left.
Central Oregon presents a vast "Daddy" Byrd had 20 rela
field for the plan of development tives sit down with him at his
wnrk nnd Ihn anrrrrnafinn rtf ll.r 'IH. .,..!-, .:.,!.... .:.,...... fl't. ....... I....
government representatives is in this city. That's unite a flock yo" .tako a ld get rid of it as
more who were I '...,. ,,. :n n.i n
, pil.fll jini win iiiiu vjiiuiu-
iberlain's Cough Kcmedy most
in ,n: it i.ii t. .. . ,. i i ii i i
that is sure to.make provision for . '7 ' ''- "- excellent, ho.u iy an uea.ers.
!, eiof. t t ii.. ...!... able to secure any definite infor-i
Cll fur WurmnU,
Notice is hereby-given that
there are sufficient funds in the
county treasury to redeem all
Harney County Warrants regis
tered prior to January 10, 1012.
Interest will cease on all such
warrants November 10, 1012.
Simon Lkwis,
Treasurer Harney County,
tl,n clntn'o ,t. t U !!... "u,u lU
flimi ' J mation respecting the decision in
' , , ,. . (the water case recently rendered
Heretofore tho division of Fed- ky the U. S court of appeals at
eral funds for development work Snn Francisco involving the rights
has been largely arbitrary. In a on SllvIos uivcr The decision
slang sort of way, the district 8Cem8 lo ,mvo rci:0Kllizcd the
that made the most noise has State Water Board of this state
usually received the greatest which is a step in the direction
amountof Government assistance of finai adjudication that will
the new plan offers a more give the small owner a better
equable way for disbursing chance at less expense.
available Federal funds. The -
state that manifests a willing
ness to co-operate with tho Goy
ernment in this character
work, will find the Government
in this character of work, will
find the Government in a mood
to duplicate any appropriation
the state may make for carrying
out the work.
"This plan of co-operation be
tween the government and tho
state ip these activities is in tho
nature of an inovation," said E.
G. Hopson, supervising engineer
of the reclamation service, yes
terday. "It may develop into
one of the most important fea
tures of the work of tho Recla
mation Service." Oregonian.
Send Your
Orders For
land & Seattle, Oregon Electric and United Railway nt the
I'acllic W-W liiuul Product Show
Portland November 18-23
Will II- Given By Thosi- Railways
$9,93 Round Tzrip
Tickets on sale Nov. IS, 10, 20, iviarn limit Nov. 25.
Lumber, Lath,
Cedar Shingles,
Hardwall Plaster,
Portland Cement,
Lump Lime, Etc.
Overturf , Davis, Miller Co.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers
Office Phone 36 Mill Phone 48
wmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmummmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ammm , wwmi
We have a large stock of the above
and can make quick deliveries to the
Burns Country. Get OUR Prices.
13 dW m"1: VlS
8 5
"KUiBSSsanamtamxrKSMmm wtiaagl
Round Trip To Spokane or the
Tickets on sale Nov. loth, to lth inclusive.
limit Nov. 20tn.
Train leaving: Central Oregon in morning arrives in
Portland 5:30 p. r.i. and Spokane 0:-t p. m.
J. II. Corli. II. Af;. Hem, Oro. II. Wagner, ArI. Terrebonne, Ore.
W. 12. COA1AN, General ft-elght and Passenger Agt.'
Details of -i-lu'diihvs. f:i. , rtc , will bo furnished on request.
WffiWWiBMIM.VIiiill I WW. H II K'rBWMynwwwiyKByjMTj
I ffeSfrif
School House Pictures.
Don't Forget!
"v Christmas is Coming!
ao is iold w earner:
Salisbury s Jeweler
When You Want To Buy Your
Christmas Presents
The Times. Herald is in receipt
of a letter from Miss Farnum,
who was a teacher in tho public
last year when tho decision was
made to get a fund to bo devoted
to picture decorations for tho
new buildinjr. Miss Farnum was
delegated to select Borne of these
pictures which have been receiv
ed and are now in place. Amonjr
those sent by Miss Farnum are,
"Sir Galahad" by Watts; "Strat
ford on Avon"; "St. Anthony of
Padua;" "Tho Lake" by Carot;
"The Shepherdess" by Lorollo;
"Comora" by Guido Rendi;
"Ronda" (Dutch) by Gassier;
"Tho Spy" (Kabyl-Arabian) by
Shreyer; "Anj?el Hcidfl" by Ra
phael; "The Castle of San Anjre-,
loon the Tiber River."
He carries the Neatest and
Cheapest Xmas line in Burns
This Eleagant Line Consists Of
Toilet Sets and Jewel Cases of the
Genuine Persian Ivory, Inlaid with
Ebony and Silver, Ladies Mesh Bags,
Beaded Purses, Manecuring Sets,
Pendants, Necklaces, Lockets, Rings,
Brooches, Buckles, Breastpins, Etc.
Theae are ALL BARGAINS to be sold at prices
unheard of in this vicinity. You can't imagine the snap
I can offer you on Christmas Presents, because I bought
direct from the manufacturer, paying cash, saving the
middleman's nrofit nnd can crive YOU the Benefit.
I COME IN, Look over my stock, choose your article
This week Mrs. J. W. Gcarv I an" Will sell it at a price You Can't Kef use. I ry ill
received a beautiful nlcturo. 1 1 r l -w Tr4TrTT-r -vmwr-r-r nr
m .- A4 d 1 1 rin h i n. ine hi. ww n.g iiiiiY.
Open Evenings From December 1st, Until Christmas
"Christ Amonjr tho DoctorD,"
presented by Rev. and Mrs. A.
J. Irwin to add to tho collection
now adorninjr tho now public
Well, who cloes'nt know that! And who
tloes'nt know that The Burn's Department
Store has laid In a large stock of Christinas
Goods, Winter Clothing, Shoes and Rub
bers and every other article necessary for
man and beast and for sale at wonderfully
low prices for cash.
Burns Dept. Store
iafliriafehuj.-,, j. , jggfajvafefehgga iwigAidiji iisMhetsssmasssi
And parry nl all limes n complcio liin ef:
Sweaters and Sweater Coats, Underwear,
in Two-piece and Union Suits, Slicep
Lined and other Heavy Winter Coats,
Knit Caps, NIM Shirts, Pajamas, Woolen
and Cotton RIanlcets, Woolen Socks, Ger
man Socks, Overshoes, Rubbers Etc.
We also have a large and complete line of
Mens Woolen and Heavy Winter Sltirts
The Best of the Best GOTZAIN SHOES
I'omi mid look our Mock ovi r. coiiipnii' our
prices mill j 1 1 . i 1 1 . mil t -iit siuv oii mil
I Can and Will Satisfy Your Wants
In The Harness nnd Saddle Line. My
Motto Is "Right Prices and Best Quality"
and It will pay you to call and see me.
Special attention given to repair work.
Hlssner Building Burns,'Orcgon
j. j. iiicnarason
General Merchandise
IBM1, ftwiimsangaangagisjstggaaacgaaiaara
PJt7jP7 i-tJiHP'Qj
Wr-..M niWI ii nil""',-' ma.
T "--"- irnia 1 1
umatism Kidneys and Bladder
ok iiaiiit roRMiNc niuios
i JJti1lwmM-r.rT1m
wuMwrn 'ivmui'rt m
Why Salves Caul Cure Eczema
Take Foley Kidney Pills
Alimo ; n t b. thai Tco.i you a hteh prleo OREGON and WASHINGTON
in enuurance 01 pain, jobs oi unio una
Others have cured themselves ol ,
by tho prompt and timely use of 1'OL.UY
IIUADACHB, and ALL tho many other
trouble thatfoliowDIBltABUDKIDNEYB
LU not bayond tho reach of medicine. Ho
inoJIdno can do mote.
Business Directory
A Dlrui'lory ut muIi C'lly, 'Ikwii nmt
Vllluiio, Hiving iliocilpllvu alirldi u(
mill iliui, lunilluii, i-' ii h,u, Irlo.
Kraili, h I uml ImnUInu lulntl
al.u OluxIMi'U Dlrm'lsrj', luinjillca by
builni'M ami irufoiuii.
Ol V
lni nii'iiia tlniuiKli llio lilunil linn lu'un
j.iM'ii up liy HcleMlMH. iiimiy illlTrrvnt
inlti liiivn liri n IiUmI I n' nl. Ill illmuHOH.
J 'ii t II Iiiih In ni fiililhl (hut Uiohii Kulvia
Mil) (lUK (III) IHiri'V llllll llllltlnl IH'Ill'lllllO
In lliu Intiir hUIii liiilow llio 'ilili'iiiilu
liiro llio iosiiun kitihh aro liiilirt-il.
TIiIh tho (nullity (ir pHiintiiillntr
Iiiolmlily explain (lio irpiiiinuluiiN turn
I'l'im or Urn wi'll l.iiiin lliiul.t poiieiiHi
iiumil), till of tvliilvmii'Uii, Ihyimil. k-
Wlllll. I'll', (IH l'll.lllll, in Dfifi.
Wo huvo mill wtlur ii'iiimiin fur Hiln
irnuliU'ii Im! nono that wo can rcoom
ini'iiil ii h hlithly iih tlilu for we know tlmC
)).l ntniH tho Iti-li nt oiuuv Wo can
Hi vn 5011 ii tllul Hlo linttln fur ii oeiita
Unit will Im tiiounh tn piovo It.
of coiirnn nil iiilu r ilriiKKiHta havn
P.1U). rrewrliitlou ho to thoin It you
can't enmo to nu luit ilim't accept Duuiii
hltf lnoilt tuilmtlliilo
Hut ir you coino In our utoro, wo nro
so curtain ut ulint l,l1 will .lo for you
that offer sou u full hlin liottlo on
IhlH Kuarnulw: If you On not Mint that
It lukoH uwiiy tho dull AT ONUH, It
iomh you not a vent.
Ail the news in The Times-Heraid for $2.00
1 1 1 1 .m (u
1 1 1 1 Hr
M - r
(III w"
IPI m "k
I '
W '
I II .ft