The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, November 30, 1912, Image 1

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    mmmrmsmwrnm w
The Biggest City In The Biggest
County In The State Of Oregon
The Biggest County In The, State
Of Oregon, Best In TheWcst
NO 3.
w mi
tsmr w T T v r & 5T wK
Considered The Most Important Branch
For Young Men And Women Of
Today As Well As The Means Of
Securing Profitable Positions
While the scientific study of
ntfriculural problems is constant
ly receiving more attention from
the various colleges having agri
cultural departments the Depart
ment of Agriculture finds it diffi
cult to secure as many specialists
arious lines as it needs in do
ing the great work it is doing
for the American argrarian in
terests. The day of the hapha
zard farmer is almost past With
land values rising and the cost of
t'fabor mounting steadily upward,
it is becoming daily more need
ful that the best scientific skill
should be brought to bear on the
problems that confront the far
mer. Young men who have
been reared on the farm can
find in scientific agriculture prom
ising fields for the best endeav
ors. The government itself em
ploys some 3,000 young men
graduates of the agricultural col
leges and scientists in every
sense of the term, who not only
receive good pay but are encour
aged to undertake independent
research, and who find their
work in the Department of Agri
culture a steping stone, very of
ten to wider and more lucrative
fields in commercial life or in the
service of other governments -Wash.
In the department of agro
nomy at the Oregon Agricultural
College, where the science of the
fields and field crop is studied in
detail, courses are offered to J
Centrally Located, Good Clean
Meals, Comfortable Rooms,
Clean and Sanitary Beds
First Class, Bar In Connection. Give Me A Call
The Baker City
Hide & Junk Co.
Has opened a Branch Office in town.
See Ed Sacks,
Before selling your HIDES, PELTS and FURS.
Office on Court House St., So. of Burns Hotel. P. O. Box 141.
Go To
3U1E have the latest and best
line to select from at prices to
suit your purse. Come in and
look over our new stock we
have too much to mention,
but will be glad to show you.
Reed Bros., Props.
young men and women in the or
gin, structure, fertility, cultiva
tion and improvement of the soil;
the history, growth, culture, im
provement and value of field
crops; the principles and methods
of land drainage and the hand
ling of land under irrigation; the
structures and machinery of the
farm, and the methods, business
principles, history and economics
of farm management
Eveay year there arc many
more requests from the govern
ment and from largo agricultural
enterprises and private estates
for trained managers and assist
ants than can be satisfied from
the ranks of the yearly graduat
ing class. Many young men go
into some phase of farming on
their own land. As yet few
women have taken up the work
in preparation for positions as
official seed teachers, pleasant
work in an un-rowded profession.
The object of the courses in
agronomy is to give the student
a mastery of nil subjects re
lating to the soil, field crops,
rural engineering and farm man
agement such as will help pre
pare him for the highest typo of
practical farming, or for success
as an expert in the U. S. Depart
ment of Agriculture, in one of
tho state experiment stations, or
in an agricultural college or high
school. Many such positions
have already been filled by 0. A.
C. graduates at salaries ranging
from $75 to $200 a month. The
farms of the northwest offer
great opportunities to young men
trained in the knowledge of the
soil, of the growing of crops, and
of rural engineering.
New Hide Buyer
In Burns!
their Agt. Here
Magnificent Display of Agricultural Di
play Brings Forth Admiration From
Men of Prominence and Favorable Com
ment From The Public In General
The following has been receiv
ed from Minneapolis under date
of Nov. 22:
Among the thousands of visit
ors who saw the Namey county
exhibit at the Northwestern Pro
ducts Land Show at Minneapolis
on Minnesota day were James J.
Hill of tho Groat Northern Rail
way Compnny and Archbishop
Ireland of St. Paul.
John R. Stinson, who was m
charge, called tho attention of
Mr. Hill to tho wonderful single
root of alfalfa owo years oly and
grown by L. R. Hibbard. He
immediately called Archbishop
Ireland into the booth and both
made a close inspection of this
root. The words of wondor and
praise of both these gentlemen
were very gratifying.
Tho apple and potato exhibit
is attracting n great deal of at
tention and Eastern people ccr
tainly cannot understand how
they nre grown to such a fine
point without irrigation. The
grains and grasses nre equal to
anything shown iii nny of tho ex
hibits at the Land Show. Throgh
this medium Harney county is
securing lots of advertising and
we look forward to a Jot of peo
ple going into the valley during
the next twelve months.
The Commercial Club should
get together immediately and lay
plans for the securing of the fin
est exhibits passible next year.
This matter should receive at
tention at once as a year is short
enough time to preparo in.
Indications point at the pres
ent time to the Northwestern
Land Products Show being held
in some city farther east and will
reacli a class of people not yet
New Parcels Post Regulations.
Post Master 1-oggan has re
ceived official pamphlets covering
the new parcels post regulations
and has been familiarizing him
self with tho provisions. The
following important features of
the new regulations should be
given particular attention by the
That distinctive parcel post
stamps must be used on all
fourh-class matter beginning Jan
uary 1, 191!5, and that such mat
ter bearing ordinary postage
stamps will 'be treated aB "held
for postage."
That parcels arc mailable only
at post offices, branch post offices,
lettered and local-named stations
and such numbered stations as
may be designated by the post
That all parcels must bear tho
return card of the sender; other
wise they will not bo accepted
for mailing.
Burns Young Lady Takes Part
It may bo of interest to you to
learn that Miss Drusa Dodson of
your city, look part in tho "Sen
ior Stunt" this morning at this
College. This stunt consisted of
a play entitled "Emersonians at
Tho White House," and repre
sented life at tho Nationnl Cap
itol, ten years hence, when the
reins of government shall have
fallen into tho hands of women.
Women hold all tho offices from
president to policemen, manage
matrimony and domestic rela
tions; they haye abolished war,
established a universal language,
instituted universal suffrage and
bo prevailed upon tho conscience
of tho nations that even tho po
licemen have to resign.
Operations Scheduled To Commence
On December 1st From Mile Post
22 To The Tunnel. Early Spring
Work Will Thus Be Assured And
Rapidly Pushed Into Harney Co.
Tho indications are that track
laying on tho Oregsn &. Eastern
west from Vale toward the I lar
noy country will resume in tho
near future according to a sltory
from Vale. Chief Engineer
Stradley has recently visited tho
territory where grading and oth -
er contract work has been con-
tinued since tho trnck-laying was
suspended and the Enterprise is
authority for the follewing:
In connection with the visit to
this section this week of Carl
Stradley, chief engineer of the I
Oregon Short Line at Salt Lake,
it is interesting to note, though
not because Mr. Stradley said so,
becauso he didn't; that it is alto
gether probablo that track-laying
will bo resumed not later than
December 1. Tho track-laying
force, after reaching mile post
22, was pulled olf the job a short
time ago to rush to completion
two more urgent pieces of con
struction elsewhere, but adverse
weather conditions on tho other
contracts have caused the engi
neering department to seriously
consider returning the track-lay
ing outfit to the Vale division.
Another factor on which re
sumption of operations hinges at
this time is whether or no the
Harriman system can obtain suf
ficient motive power to plnce on
this division.
With only four import a n t
bridges to construct between
Round-Up Shows And
Dog Races Fought
Amtriccm Ilumtnc Society Will
Aik CongreM To Prohibit All
Such Cruet Sporti
Oregon measures were conspi
cuous features of tho recent con
vention of tho American Humane
Society, held recently at Indian
apolis, and as the result of agita
tion initiated by the Oregon So
ciety, Congress will be petition
ed to use its power to abolish the
round-ups and nlso to put an end
to the dog races of Alaska.
Both these sporting events
were condemned by tho National
body as cruel, demoralizing and
degrading, the Round-up being
proclaimed to bo so cruel, that a
bull tight was rolmoil m com
parison." Enormous Potato Yield
Curtis and Italph, who are
farming on Long'B Island, have
grown some of tho smoothest
and best potatoes that it has
been our pleasure to inspect this
year. From 21 acres they dug
1000 bushels of high class mer
chantable po'a'oes, or on an
avorage of M I bushel to tho acre.
The varieties were Early Bliss,
Six Week Burbank and Whilo
Elephant. Tho latter variety
was tho best in both duality and
Mr. Chapman, secretary of the
Commercial club was at their
farm when Uicso potatoes were
being dug nnd saw GO potatoes
taken from ono hill. Ontario
Horses wintered, for $5. Good
timothy hay- W. T. VnnDerveer
on Pine Creek. Address Drew
aoy. 2-tf.
lMUible CiUxcnn
ul llaimu Count a
Thtt Inland
Wo rrpriMMinl Hint ulilcli ih ri'Mnl mnl rcltii llc. Vn liniiilln nil
Mini" o( HhhI i;lflt nmllnrH W Mi nr liiml IHiik ji jutm or
other I ctiii I lnuil pKrn correctly iiimI quickly . WK WANT YOl'lt
KIIIK INBUKANCI! MIBINKSHi uu irptcKtil two .. tlio ctroiiKCKt
companion In America Till'. AIC'I'NA d HAU'lTOKU CO'H,
Mat your property lth uu, (or tmluor Irmlii. IN VKBTU1ATK OUH
trust you. Auk our OllonU. Call nml uvo n
here and the tunnel, which will
penctritto the mountninovor2G00
feet between mile post J18-39 and
but 10 miles of track yet to be
laid between the present end and
the tunnel, it would be a source
of intense satisfaction to the en-
'gineering department to bo able
to finish this stretch between
, December 1 and January 2, be
fore tho worst of tho winter seta
, in. Such a condition would give
'the boys tho best possible oppor-
i tunity for an early start next
spring, about April 1, at which
time track-laying could bo rushed
across the 19 river bridges and
the grade finished to a point not
less than 100 miles westward
from Vale. The track thru the
tunnel will doubtless be laid un
der these circumstances by May
1st, HUH.
Chief Engineer Stadley ar
rived on the morning passenger-
train Wednesday from Ontario.
Immediately after dinner, he and
Assistant Engineer Osborn, who
is in charge of local operations,
left bv motor car for the end of
the constructed track, returning
to Vale tho same night The
next day, Thursday, Chief En
gineer Stradley and aides started
for Mile Tost 110 which is beyond
the end of present grniding oper
ations, and he is still out on his
trip of inspection as the Enter
prise goes to press. Vale Enter
prise. Get Busy On The Rabbits
In response to a letter from
Fred Denstedt the attorney gen
eral 'states the county court has
no nuthority to offer a bounty on
rabbits. Tho court had been ad
vised of this before and at the
last term ottered to help get rid
of tho pests and tho farmers cer
tainly should take advantage of
this aid and help themselves. It
has been shown that thero are
several ways to materially re
duce the number of pests nnd wo
should notsitarouiui "hollering"
for help but get in and help our
selves. Why should there be
timo lost when we know tho rab
bits are sure to destroy a great
quantity of next year's crops?
Hemember "a stitch in time,"
Settlers Flocking Toward Ry.
13. H. Post and O. C. Hondo of
the Oregon Land and Immigra
tion Co., have just returned from
a IWO-milo trip thru Lake and
Harney counties. They stopped
one night with the engineers of
the Oregon Eastern Railroad,
southwest of Wagontire moun
tain, says tho Bend Bulletin.
These are 18 engineers in tho
crow doing the finnl work on the
survey which they expect to
have completed from Dog Moun
tain to Odell by January 1st.
They report that settlers are
flocking in from Bend, Burns and
Lakcviow, taking up land along
the survey. This company locat
ed 11) people in the last three
weeks in thnt locality. The su
tlers along the survey are very
enthusiastic over the immediate
prospects of a railroad.
Hemember W. A. Goodman is
prepared to roll your barley, halo
hay and saw wood. 37
Homestead Locations
Empire Realty Company
W, T, I.KHTKIl, MllllUKUr
Seattle Dealers Cause The Price Of Beef
To Take a Big Drop and Promise To
Become a Bitter Struggle Of Much
Benefit To The Consumers
The following story has been
received by The Times-Herald
from Seattle but this paper does
not vouch for its correctness aB
to tho meat war in Seattle.
However, tho part respecting
tho scarcity of cattle iB of inter
est to local grewers:
Cattlemen throughout Oregon
are vitally interested in a big
meat war which ia now in pro
gress in Seattle. Ono of the big
packing houses of the city intro
duced retail markets and began
cutting the price of meat believ
ing that in bo doing they could
not only reduce tho cost of living
but nt the same time materially
increase the consumption. Inde
pendent butchers tried to make
tho packing house cut out its re
tail markets; the packing house
refused with the result that the
meat war began. On account of
tho high price of beef in the east
ern market last summer and fnll
there has been created in the
Northwest a scarcity of cattle;
cattle which would have ordinar
ily como to the western market
went east. There are not enough
cattle to go around. Tho predic
tion is made that within a few
months local retailers will le
compelled to pay a far bigger
price for their cattle than were
paid by the eastern dealers a few
months ago. Certainly the meat
war which is now on in Seattle has
reduced the cost of living. Meat
which a few weeks ago was sell
ing for twenty and twenty-five
cents a pound can now be had
for ten, fifteen and twenty cents.
Never in the history of tho city
lias so much meat been sold as
during the past two weeks.
There is no indication that the
war will soon end; on the con
trary there is every indication
that it will continue for six
Practical Education
That trend in education which
is coming to lay greater stress
upon those branches that have to
do with the homedomestic
science nnd with the farm
manual training, agriculture and
horticulture has much to com
mend it, as it is clear that these
branches have a far more impor
tant and vital bearing on tho
everyday life of the people than
do languages and some other
branches, says Farm Progress.
In many schools today located
in rural communities attention is
being especially directed to a
study of agriculture and horticul
ture, and the results are often
manifest in an improved, condi
tion of the school ground, whilo
many of the lessons taught are
being worked out on the farms of
tho community.
G. B. Cozad sold last week his
sabon in this place to his brother
Charles Cozad and Frank Dunton.
Charles has been running the
house for several months and tho
only change that is made is in
ownership. Mr. Cozad and fam
ily left Saturday for their now
home at Klamath Falls. Prairio
The Vale Enterprise reports
that Androw Mann, a teamster
in the employ of tho P. L. S. Co.
was shot by tho Vale marshal the
other night whilo trying to evade
arrest. Tho bullet entered tho
back, passed through tho lung
and lodged in tho right breast
about an inch beneath tho skin.
Mann will recover.
Send your friends tho paper.
80 Acres' Irrigated rancli In Uolst
Valley, to trutlc for n good ranch In
llnrney county, clear of Incumbcrance
utulcr government ditch.
Let Usllenr From You Whut You
Have To Trade. We Trade Anything,
Anywhere. SOB US NOW
Portland People Recognize The Good
Results Obtained From The Recent
Show Held There And Decide To
Hold It In Portland Every Year
Making the Land Products
Show nn annual event, combin
ing agriculture and horticulture,
and having it cover tho entire
Northwest, including British Col
umbia, was voted yesterday by
the exhibitors and district repre
sentatives attending the first
land prodects show ever held in
Portland. This strong sentiment
for continuance of the show, and
for making Portland its location,
proved very gratifying to the
people of Portland, who were at
the time of tho friendly expres
sion entertaining the visitors at
luncheon in the Commercial Club
says tho Telegram.
It has been the desire of the
most public-spirited local men to
make the present Land Products
Show such a success that it would
bo mado a permanent institution.
To do this the producers have to
to be satisfied that some advant
age to the cause will result from
gathering annually here, and the
people of Portland and adjacent
country will have to so be inter
ested that they will attend in
large numbers and furnish the
foundation upon which the pro
ducers and management can
Many ideas have been suggest
ed to make the Land Product
Show more than a mere fair,
and before this week closes it
Strictly First
Service, Fine
Sample Room In Connection, Reasonable Rates
Burns IVIeat IVlarket
,H. J. HANSEN, Proprietor
Beef, Pork, Veal, Mutton,
Sasuage, Bolonga,
Headcheese and Weinerworst, E.
Wholesale and Retail
Prompt and Satisfactory Service
Your Patronge Solicited and
Orders Given Quick Attention
-v Everybody's Going To
Our Holiday Goods
Have just arrived and we have them on display. Its the
biggest and best line that ever came to Burns. All are
invited to call and inspect them. We have beautiful
Toilet Sets, Mnnicure nnd Traveling Sets in Parisian Ivory,
Genuine Ebony nnd Pearl, Shaving Stands and Mirrprs, Libby
Cut Glass, Stirling Silver Deposit, Heraldic Bronze, Hand
Painted China, Hollow Ware, Alchol Stoves, Chafing Dishes.
This is the place to buy presents as our prices are right.
J. C. Welcome Jr. Prop.
will be tho effort to get a con
crete working plan from all of
those who have studied the situ
ation. Tho fact that the men
who produce the fruit and agri
cultural products so gladly stated
that they would do their part to
make the show permanent will
be a pronounced encouragement
in taking up other details.
Two general benefits come from
a land show. One is to bring the
producers together for study of
each other's methods, and the
other is to instruct the non-agricultural
population in what the
country is doing, and can be
made to do, that the whole citi
zenship of a state may be allied
in promoting land production at
every opportunity. By holding
a grcst show each year in an ur
ban center, where a third of the
population of the state resides,
and which will know little or
nothing of agriculture except by
such means, it is believed that
the very highest results may be
Came of Intomna.
The most common cause of in
somnia is disorders of the stom
ach and constipation. Chamber
lain's Tablets correct these dis
orders and enable you to sleep.
For sale by all dealers.
Class. Splendid