The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, November 23, 1912, Image 1

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Tho Biggest County In Thc'Stnte
Tho Biggest City In The Biggest
Of Oregon, Best In Tho West
Veil J
County In Tho State Of Oregon
NO 2.
Sp "lf - (I V I
1 1 Tim r, iri p-rsi 1 1
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Richard Haines Shot by James Hall
Last Sunday Night While Both
Intoxicated Dangerous Wound is
Inflicted, the Bullet Passing Thru
The Body but Haines Will Recover
Richard Haines was shot by
James Hall last Sunbay night at
the latter's home in the Voltage
neighborhood. Both admit that
whisky was responsible for the
t-ouble, they having been good
friends before. Dr. Denman was
called to attend the wounded
man and did not consider it seri
ous but Dr. Harrison was called
later and upon examination found
the bullet had nassed through the
P' t.ifUf lnrwv inaf Iwlntu tlio hnnrl
key-holed out the back Dr. Har
rison put in drainage tubes and
at that time did not consider the
wounded man had an even chance
to recover but he has been im
proving ever since and every in
dication is favorable to his com
plete recovery.
Hall was arrested and brought
to Burns Monday by Sheriff Rich
ardson but as yet no preliminary
trial has been held. He is 70
years old and it is understood
Haines does not blame him for
shooting, it being forced upon
him to a certain extent
Miss Leonard, the only witness
to the shooting, states there was
nothing of consequence to pro
voke a quarrel. She had been to
Narrows after a bill of groceries
for Mr. Hall and in this was a
gallon of whisky. During the
afternaon some neighbors came
in, among them Mr. Haines. The
men drank more or less and Mr.
Hall invited them to stay for
supper, Haines being tho only
one to accept Later the old
gent'e nan asked him to remain
all night After Miss Leonard
had gone to her room and pre
paring to retire she notired them
quarreling and talk of shooting.
Centrally Located, Good Clean
Meals, Comfortable Rooms,
Clean and Sanitary Beds
First Class Bar In Connection, dive Me A Call
I Can and Will Satisfy Your Wants
In The Harness and Saddle Line. My
Motto is "Right Prices and Best Quality"
and It will pay you to call and see me.
Special attention given to repair work.
HIssncr Building' Burns.Oregon
Just One Word!
That Means Something!
Stearns Hair Remover banishes the hair.
Kills all those hairs you want removed from
your face, thereby improving your looks.
Stears' Fino Rogue, Nature's Counterpart.
For Ladies it has no equal in her toilet.
Stearns' Freckle Paste safe, sure, harmless,
Stearns' Necessity A Cream to absorb and
destroy the offensive scent caused by
We have jiiBt added a nice line of swell
new Htulionery-SYMPHONY-the best.
Rexall Drug Store
She camo out where they were
and removed tho rifles and shot
gun to her room but there was a
rovolver in Mr. Hall's room.
The wrangling continued and fin
ally Hall told Haines to go home.
The latter threatened tho old gen
tleman with a chair and Hall got
to his room and secured his gun.
Miss Leonard came from her
room and found the two men at
tho door with Haines apparently
trying to get his hands on the
old man's throat. She asked
him to desist but ho refused and
Hall shot
Miss Leonard is not a relative
of Mr. Hall's as has been report
ed, but has been with the family
for many years. They formerly
resided in California but Mr.
Hall was advised by physicians
to seek a higher altitude for the
benefit of his health and when
ho decided to come here he invit
ed Miss Leonard, whom he looks
upon in the light of a daughter,
to come along and get some land.
She has a place adjoining him
and as his health is poor she has
looked after his household duties
since they came. Mr. Hall's
wife is still in California.
The report that Miss Leonard
figured in the cause of the shoot
ing seems without any founda
tion whatever. Tho young, lady
bears a good reputation and her
general conduct is above re
proach. Trappers If you want to catch
more Coyotes and Cat, than you
ever did before, order a 20 ounce
bottle of Hammersleys Animal
Bait Sold by Curtis Utley & Co.
Lakcview, Oregon. 1-3
Falls Under Loaded Wagon Which Results
In His Dealh. Lays Out All Night
Crushed Chest and Broken Leg.
Word was received hero on
Tucsdny that Louis Hcrron had
been seriously hurt tho previous
day by boiiiK run ovor by a load
ed wagon. The accident occured
between tho P. Ranch and Cat
low Valley and it wns somo time
before a doctor could bo reached
in this city.
Dr. Harrison was called but
on his nrrival the man had died
from his injuries and
tions were being mado
him on his own place.
to hurry
Tho Doctor learned that tho
man had been hurt on Monday
while alone. He wns hauling
wood and was running along by
tho side of his team when ho
slapped one of his horses with
his hand, causing the nnimal to
jump forward drawing the wa
gon with a jerk. He was caught
by the brake block and thrown
under tho wheel which passed
over his leg, breaking it below
tho knee, and then across his
breast breaking and crushing tho
ribs on both sides, tho ribs pene
trating tho lungs, causing inter
nal hemorrhage. T h o injured
man passed the night out by the
roadside and was found the fol
lowing day by W. 0. Downs and
Wm. Carrol, who took him to
the former's home. Mr. Ilerron
was conscious up to the time of
his death and told of the acci
dent. He was unmarried, 33
years old and stated ho was born
in New Hampshire; he had some
relatives in the cast but did not
know where as he had not heard
from them in several years. He
had resided in that section for
a numer of years nnd had worked
for "Chino" and other neighbors.
He had u homestead nnd Borne
personal property consisting of a
team, wagon, etc. According to
the Doctor he must have suffered
great agony during the time he
lay on the road without any aid
and exposed to tho cold.
Lands Open to Entry.
Under date of Nov. 1G tho local
land office issued notice of the
opening of 22 townships to entry
in this county which have been
surveyed and tho official plats are
to be filed in the office at Burns
on January 2, 1913. Applications
for entry of these lands will not
bo received until that date.
The townships surveyed are:
Township 28 S ranges 24, 25,
2G nnd 27 E.
Township 29 S., ranges 25. 2G,
27, 28, 29, 294 and 292 E.
Township 30 S ranges 25, 2G,
27, 28, 29, 29i and 293 E.
Township 31 S ranges 30 nnd
31 E.
Township 32 S., ranges 30 and
31 E.
A Night of Terror.
Few nights are more terrible
than that of a mother looking on
her child choking and gasping
for breath during an attack of
croun. and nothing in tho houso
to relievo it. Many mothera have
passed nights of terror in this
situation. A littlo forethptght
will enable you to avoid all this.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is
a certain euro for croup and has
never been known to fail. Keep
it at hae.d. For sale by all deal
ears. Estkav Pay mare, 12 years
old branded TJ left shoulder X
on left hip. M with bar under
on right Bhoulder. Camo to my
first of September. Tho owner
prove property and pay expense
incurred. Cl-G
II. B. Mace.
Instructor Leedy Outlines Entire Course
For Year and Covers Wide Scope
Which Gives Practical Instructions
in All Phases Portion of Course
Elective But All are Very Beneficial
Tho following courso of study
has been prepared by J. D. Loedy
of tho Hnrnoy county high school
agricultural department. This
course covers a wide range and
gives the Btudent practical farm
1. Agronomy I. (Soil types)
Freshman year, first semester.
Two recitations and ono labora
tory period per week.
A bnsic study of tho soil. In
struction given in tho elemental
facts concerning tho original
formation of the soil; factors in- die, roadsters, coacli ana cirnu;
Btrumontnl in soil formation; soil swmo lnrd and bacon, sheep
components; geological clnssifica- wool and mutton. Each of the
tionof tho soil; texture of soil; above classes will bo studied as
elementu found in tho soil; mois- to usefulness and conformation
ture, heat and air and their roln- w well as to origin and history,
tion to vnrious soil types; snmp-! Each student will be required to
ling soil, judging the chief soil
types of tho county and state.
2. Agronomy II (Soils.) Frcrh
man year, second semester. Two
recitations nnd one laboratory
laboratory period per week.
A continuation of Agronomy I,
giving special attention to the
practical application of the sub
ject. Such topics as tillage its
purpose, effects and ' methods;
irrigation- its purpose, offect
and methods, tho fertility of soils
I their exhaustion and replenish
ment; farm manures-their pro
perties, uses, care nnd npplica
t i o n ; commercial fertilizers;
green (minuses, soil Imctnrin? and
rotation of crops will be studied
H. Animal Husbandry I. (Stock
Judging). Freshman yenr, fiirst
semester. Two Inbratory periods
per week. The various types of
form animals are studied by score
card practice and comparative
judging. The student is famili
arized with the most desirable
types of light and heavy horses,
beef and dairy cows, hogs and
sheep. Tho work consists almost
entirely of nctual practice with
tho animals.
4, Horticulture 1. (Plan t
propagation). Freshman yenr,
second semester. One recitation
and one laboratory period.
This courso gives the students
the principles of propagation by
means of the textbook, labora
tory work and by nctual field
practice. Outlined, tho courso
includes a study of the soils used
for nursery and seed bed; seed
testing and sewing: transplant
ing; multiplication of plants by
lnyerngc, separation and division,
soft and hard wood cuttings;
grafting and budding of several
The Baker City
Hide & Junk Co.
Has opened a Branch Office in town.
See Ed Sacks,
Before selling your HIDES, PELTSjnd FURS.
Office on Court House St., So. of Burn Hotel. P.O. Box 141.
lUlUiMc Cttlzrn
ulllu iiiyCountu
Th Inland
Wii rcprrdint tlml whlt'h ih ri'Mtnl iiimI rlliilili. V Imiiilln nil
klnd of HhbI Klitn iimlliTH In jnir liinil iMiij: vr r
otlmr Infill Imiil papt-rHnirrfUly i""l ipiifkly . Wl! WANT YOlUl
FIlll'J l.SHUUANCH M'HINKKH; uu i puiinit two of tho MidiikuhI
coiiipiulo In Amtirlca-TIIK AKTNA .1 llAKTKOUD CO'H.
I.lut your property with u, formiluor twin. INVISHTICIATKOUH
trust you. Auk our 0lout. Call iiml coo ti.
kinds; tho making of grafting
15. Animal Husbandry II.
(Urecd Study). Sophomore year
first semester. Two recitations
w wcck.
A study of the history and
characteristics of farm animals.
All animals found on tho farm
will bo studied, but special atten
tion will bo given thoso adapted
to this section of the state. Out
lined, the courso would include
tho study of rnttlo--dairy, beef
and dual purpose; Horses sad-
prepare a written detailed History
of one breed of domestic animals,
p. Dairy Husbandry I. (Farm
Dairying). Sophmore year, first
semester. Two recitations and
ono laboratory period per week.
An introductory course in gen-
crnl farm dairying including such
topics as the composition of milk,
tho use of the Habcock test, test
ing individual cows, keeping
quality of milk by different me
thods of sanitary preparation,
farm dairy appliances, disposal
of the product, utilization of
dairy by-products, keeping milk
records, and tho aire of milk nnd
cream on tho"?nnn.
7. Horticulture II. (Garden
Prrctico) Sophomore yenr, sec
ond semester. Ono recitation
and one laboratory period per
This course is devoted to tho
fundamental principles of vege
table gardening. Spccinl atten
tion is paid to the homo gnrden
including such topics as selecting
the site, soils adapted to garden
ing, planting tillage, transplant
ing, cold frames and hotbeds
their construction nnd use, ferti
lization, insect and fungus ene
mies, thinning, harvesting yields
and best vnrieties. Each typo of
vegotablo studied as to hubital,
relationship, history of its culti
vation, etc. Each student will!
prepare a plan for his homo gar
den, indicating the arrangement
and varieties.
8. Agronomy III (Farm Crops)
Sophomore year, second semester.
Two recitations and one labora
tory period per week.
A courso dealing with the
adaptability, relative value and
best mothods of growing tho
New Hide Buyer
In Burns!
their Agt. Here
Homestead Locations
Empire Realty Company
V. TTI.KKTKU. MiuiuKtir
An Enjoyable Program in (be Study of
English Art Interesting and Iiutructire
Papen Read by Those on the Program
Saturday, November 1G, tho
ladies of tho Afternoon Club en
joyed tho hospitality of tho Hol
land home.
The Indies having the program
in charge, presented tho study of
"English Art" in a most inter
esting and instructive manner.
With the English flag crossed
with the Stars and Stripes upon
tho wall, and a picture of Queen
Victoria looking down upon tho
guests, it was easy to catch a
little of tho spirit of tho Mother
land. Perry pictures were used in
connection with tho papers read,
thus associating tho artist with
the products of his brush. At
tho close of the program each
lady was presented with one of
the pictures.
Miss McGco sketched the life
of Turner England's greatest
landscape painter "who was des
tined to paint sunlight liko molt
en gold, clouds like fleece and
skies liko saphirc."
Mrs. Kellogg followed with a
biography of Sir Landscer that
wonderful artist who loved and
copied animals almost from his
Mrs. Holland read an interest
ing paper on Millias, one of the
group of artists known as the
founders of the new art school.
Mrs. Lampshirc contributed
much to the occasion by reciting
an Ode to Queen Victoria writ
ten during the sixthieth year of
her reign.
The completing touch was giv
en to the grogram when the
company gathered around the
piano and sang England's nation
al hymn "God Save the Queen."
most important sereals wheat,
oats, rye, barley, grasses tim
othy, orchard grass, brome grasp,
red top, etc., legumes alfalfa,
red clover, alsike clover, vetch;
potatoss, root crops and soil
crops. Other topics that receive
attention are: Methods of plant
ing, cultivation, place in rotation;
fertilization special noeds of
each crop; seed testing germi
nation, vitality, purity; repres
sive agencies insects and ani
mals, fungus diseases, weeds,
unfavorable weather, etc., and
methods of crop improvement.
1). Horticulture III (Fruit Grow
ing. ) Junior year, first semester.
Two recilations and one labora
tory period per week.
This courso deals with the fun
damental principle of fruit grow
ing. Tho course endeavors to
give tho student the necessary
training for tho development of
an ideal home orchard. The com
mon orchard problems such as
selecting the site, choice of soil,
setting the trees, cultivation,
Iwindbrenks, thinning, pruning,
spraying, harvesting and storing ,
will bo carefully studied. Thoi
growth of berries and other small
fruits also receives consideration. '
10. Agronomv IV (Farm Me
chanics.) Junior year, first sem
ester. Ono recitation and one
laboratory period per week.
A study of the construction,
I adaptability and best methods of
'using tho more common farm'
machines tho principles of draft
having to do with fnrm opera
tions; caro of farm machines;
'use of cement on the farm; con
struction of posts, walks, septic
tanks, floors, steps and building
foundations; comparative cost of
cement construction; tho various
kinds of fencing their construc
tion and cost; tho farm water
supply; building plans and speci
fications. (Continued on pugo two.)
Acres Irrigated ranch In Boise
to trade for a irood ranch In
county, clear of Incuinbernncej
government dltcn.
Us Hear Prom You What You
Have To Trade. We Trade Anything,
Anywhere. SEE US NOW
To Promote Agricultural Work in State
Provided Oregon Co-operates with
Proper Spirit Matter to be Taken
To State Legislative Session This
Winter and Ask Provisions Made
Additional Federal aid in work
ing out the agricultural problems
in Oregon was promised today
to William J. Kerr; president of
tho Oregon Agricultural College
by tho Department of Agricul
ture, with whom he held a con
ference says a Washington dis
patch to the Orcgonian. All aid
from tho National Government
will be contingent upon tho co
operation in equal terms by the
State of Oregon and with further
tho understanding that all co
operative work is done under the
direction of the Oregon Agricul
tural College.
President Kerr stopped over in
Washington on his way home
from the convention of the Asso
ciation of American Agricultural
Colleges at Atlanta and spent
considerable time with officials
of the Departments of Agricul
ture and Interior, laying before
them the desire of tho commer
cial bodies of Oregon that great
er aid may be given Oregon in
solving the various problems con
fronting her farmers.
After explaining the situation
in Oregon, he received positive
assurance that the Government
would allot various funds for co
operative work in fnrm manage-
ment nomolotrical work in or
chard regions, particularly at
Hood River, dairy studies andj "
work connected with develop- j Clay Clemens mill is the near
ment of the walnut industry, but est one to Burns where all kinds
it will be required that the slate of lumber both rough and" dress
or counties shall raise a fund ed can be had. Near Canyon
equal in each instance to that al- road. Call him by 'phone.
Strictly First
Service, Fine
Sample Room In Connection, Reasonable Rates
Burns Meat Market
H. .1. HANSEN, Proprietor
Beef, Pork, "Veal, Mutton,
Sasuage, Bolonga,
Headcheese and Weinerworst,Etc.
Wholesale and Retail
Prompf and Satisfactory Service
Your Patronge Solicited and
Orders Given Quick Attention
NYALS Is The Best!
Line of Family Remedies
Every Remedy Is A Tried
Remedy No Disappointments
Don't Forget If You Want A
Cough Syrup For The Baby
Ask For NYALS-The Best
The Welcome Pharmacy
First Door South of Post Ofllce
loted by the Government, before
any Federal funds may be ex-
Dr. Kerr will submit his report
to the next session of tho Ore
gon Legislature, through the
proper channels and will request
appropriations sufficient to meet
this demand. This co-operation
work will bo done through tho
experimental stations already es
tablished, or similar stations
which will be established next
Declare War on Coldt.
A crusade of education which
aims "that common colds may
become uncommon within the
next generation" has been begun
by prominent New York physi
cians. Here is a list of the
"don'ts" which the doctors say
will prevent the annual visitation
of the celd:
"Don't sit in a draughty car."
"Don't sleep in hot rooms."
"Don't avoid the fresh air."
"Don't stud yourself at meal
time. Overeating reduces your
To which we would add when
you take a cold get rid of it as
quickly as possible. To accom
plish thrtt you will find Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy most
Sold by all dealers.
Class. Splendid
""" , I