The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, November 16, 1912, Image 2

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To the Ladies!
We take great pleasure In announcing
that we arc now prepared to make Ladles
Suits and Coats, as well as Mens.
We have secured the services of a tailor
who has had years of experience In the art
and study of fine tailoring.
Notice to Parents
Cnll for VnrranU.
To Pnrenta nml Patrens: -It in , Nol,eo ,H , ,,cbr, d) tllftt
n mutter of much rwrct tlml thu , ,Ilcro n, Mlclont funds In tho
records show so ninny ensos of unl-v sury to redcom rill
tnrdlncsa for tho month just II"n!oy County Wnrrnnts regis-
icroo prior ui .iiiiiunry iv, imz.
with iiKi'ntul 1 iito-L will conao on nil mich
sheriffs salc
When you order a suit from us you
know that you are going to get the goods,
style and workmanship. When you order
a suit thru a mail-order house, you don't
know just what you are going to get; you
don't see the goods and the work is done
by machinery and when the suit Is received
in most cases alterations are necessary be
fore you can wear it.
You save time and money and we guar
antee you satisfaction when you order thru
our store.
Clothing Company
Leading Clothiers - - High Grade Tailoring
I. O. O. F. Building -
Burns, Oregon
$!tc tmcj$-toftl.
Oae Y..r
Six Month.
Thr Month. . .
Band Concert A Success
The concert Riven by the Ton
iiwiunu Bund last night was ono
of the most delightful affairs of
the season. The program was
rendered in a most charming
manner and the boys will be
greeted at their future concerts
( 1 1 9 11 w liAllnAiv f &lA n 4 n XT M- M Kk
,75 "j U'K uuuacs 11 uiu siiusiuuuuu
j and praise of last nights perform
ance is any criterion. Each num
ber was generously applauded
its .and some received hearty en-is-
cores. The Times-Herald can-
closed, yet Hdo.h ia tho case,
Vnrtv.dvn intuitu
. w.., .., ,..,,.... ...... .. n ... u i ... ...
total of sixty-ono cases nnd n marrams iNovemocr 10, iviz.
nrnhnliln lnas nt Inn mtmifnn to bIMON LlOWIS,
'each pupil is too nuich for a Treasurer Harney County.
school like the one in LUtrns.
Pnnctnnlitv is inst iih OHSontinl
as other subjects tnught nnd tho '" t iruiic..Mii f the siniofore
sooner tho boys and girh of Hums ..m,,,;,,,,, ,,,,,,;. w. e'enry
acquire the habit tho sooner such (, pialntiir.
records as the above will cease to v.-
be. '' M. .Ionian, li'fnulmit.
The CO-operation of till patrons Notice li licieliy k'vc" Unit iinilernnil
nml imrnntu is rusiun'iriillv vrv. I'V virtue of mi ciccutlon nmt order of
,,,1 M.i il.ia l,.,l,lt ,,f ..,0i:. alc,iliily UhiiccI ouliirthc nlmvc nnnictl
1 . . Court nml i-miao, on tlie lltlttliiy of
ness mny be cured. Nmemiwr, tiny, iirci.i to the si.eriir
lasi year inero wore ".K) cases i iimnoy county, OicKn.
of tardiness recorded Jar, far too iinoim judgment niulonlerof mile duly
many. leiiiletnl ami catrrcil la mild Court and
A system of homo credits will ,,lrsc' ,m ' ''' uf AKii. 3,
, ,, , . . , .. la ravoroftlie above named I'liiintilTn
probably bo placed in operation mi(11(.nlll,lt1CMi)OVCtmmei,crumnnl,
very soon and tho help of parents rr the mint of $10.00, with intercut
nnd others interested in tho boys tlmrcon at the rate of 10 icr cent kv an
nnd girls of Hums will bo need- numiYom May in, iuovuniror$tr.oo
ed to make it a success, for tho "tiriiejr'ji.lnn.irortiwfiiriii.riHiii
... . . .. . of $15.1H), with interest tlicieoa at 0 ikt
school board ami tho teachers 1110 WIIl Kr Mlimllll from Jllne Ilt( n)0H
onlynsnmll factor in preparing mi for the further sum of $111.00 coit
these young people for good citi- ami iiuhtimeiuenti.
ZCIlship. Hespectflllly, I will on Monday the Kith day of
V. M. Stlttotl. lK-cemlicr, UMS, at 1 o'clock In the alter-
noon ol salt) day, at the front door of
the Court House In llurm, Harney Coun
ty, Oregon, sell nt public miction to the
highest and U-tt bidder for canh in hand
few nights are more terrible all the right title and lalerett that the
than that of a mother looking 011 above named defendant had on the lfith
her child choking and gasping '" "' J"1- ,,l,,- l,, (,ft,c Vf ,h? "'
Cm- l,rnll, .t.,..m,r .. ,,Mnl, nf K'CIIIIHMII i.creiii, or m liny nine uieic-
croup, and
Frank: Buckland To Move
A Night of Terror.
Frank Bucklnnd, of Harney
City, who was freed from tho
charge of taking part in tho kill
ing of tho lato Marshal Stroud of
Harney City, when his brother
Jnmcs Buckland, Burbnnk Clny
and himsolf woro tried on that
chnrgo in Burns somo two weoka
ago, wns in Vnlo on last Sunday
accompanied by his mother, Mrs.
Buckland. Tlioy wero on their
way to Idaho whoro it is under
stood thoy will mako their future
homo. -Vnlo Enterprise.
R 0. Jackson has gono to Mal
heur county to visit relatives for
a time. His wifo has been out
there for somo time.
Browns Satisfactory Store
Shoes For School
Choice of Tnn, Calf nnd Gun Mclnl
nnd Patent, heavy good wearers for
school girls nnd boys.
School Hosiery
Childrcns School Hose. Fine Rib
bed School Hose, and made for hard
wear. All sizes for children.
.. '. .', after, In ill to the following dckcrilted
nothing in tho house .,. , wi..
to relieve it. Many mothers have A,((fI.(lt (H), i mk (aa. In the
passed nights of terror in this Original Town rf lltirin. in the County
situation. A little foietllOtght of llnrucy, nml State of Oregon, on the
will enable you to avoid all this.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is
a certain cure for croup and has
never been known to fail. Keep
it-at lja-.d. For sale by all deal-ears.'
ESTKAY-Bny mare, 12 years
old branded T.I left shoulder X
on left hip. M with bar under
on right shoulder. Came to my
first of September. The owner
prove property and pay expense
incurred. til -5
II. B. Mack.
The Times-Herald begins
twenty-sixth year with this
sue and is taking on age. It has not particularize on the numbers
seen wonderful changes in tho rendered, each being good, but
Harney country and has been a several received more praise,
factor in its advancement. This j The piano duet by the Misses
is a source of satisfaction to the I Roberta Hibbard and Agnes
management and compensates to Miller was well received and the '
a great extent for the efforts young ladies had to repeat it.
and the hardships of pioneering The boys deserve all the praise
a newsDarjer venture. The nan- iriven them and should havn tho ' . - .
er has advanced with the country hearty support of the people of '" i0"ntytwr'r iiamey County.
j i i .i ..... . . 1 State of Oregon.
and enjoys a good patronage this city as they've given some i,, the matter of the ifct.itcornchu.ini.
from the business houses of 'good service throughout the sum- h. strumi. Deceased -Bums,
and growing subscription mer months with many gratuit-, The undersigned having been duly j.
list over the county as testimony ous onen air concerts on tho main pointed Administratrix of the aioe
nf onnmniotmn nf tl,n V.K1'' nt I : 11 f XT ll.i'ailll
iu uiuva.uiuuii ui uiv iviult ti- uusiiiuss inuroiurcs. inow, inat
forts of the management toward these are not possible the public
med estate in the nboie' iiameil
court, all persons having claim
the upbuilding of Burns and the should give this excellent organ-' XZZi'Z
big Harney country. i ization support thruout the win-1 required, to the umiersignednt the oiiicc
Humanity is prone to mistakes j ter months, as they are faithful ("f(Jeo. s..izcmorc, in the City oi iiurna,
and this paper has made them in i in their practice, and striving to , ilan,y -'"'". Oregon, within i ,
u oi- ,i A,ut- ...:n : n. ' mnmtnln nn,l o,lo,, ,: I montlw from the date hereof.
liic ptut uuu iiu uuuub ill ill uiu .iiiv.i, ., uuiHiim tit ui.uur Dntpil
future, but no one can run a
newspaper to suit the whole pub
lic and the manager is not trying
to. He is trying to do the best
he can for the entire country,
however, and while he has made
enemies he is not laying awake
nights brooding over it He ex
pects to continue practically the
same policy in the future and
will be found on the firing line
3ny time the good of the country
and its advancement require his
services. He expects to be loyal
to the business interests of Burns
yet not to the detriment of the
Harney country in general.
During the long period under
the present management The
Times-Herald has been a con
sistent booster for the Harney
country and it has been strictly
a local paper, exploiting the re
sources and upbuilding of the
country has always had first con
sideration. This will continue in
the future. Personal opinion,
general outside news, politics and
kindred subjects will be second
ary to the big cause of advanc
ing local benefits that will bring
new people, deyelop the country
and bring prosperity to those
who come here to make homes
and raise their family under fav
orable conditions.
The Times-Herald equipment
is being added to from time to
time and no expense is spared to
make the paper as good as cir
cumstances and patronage justi
fies. Its machanical department
compares favorably with any
weekly newspaper in the west
and is capable of turning out
first class work in any line there
is demand for by its patrons. n.-..,... V?,... Ill 1(1, .1
i: ui. ...:ti u in. i ..".. v,.tKU,., UI. ,,., ...j.
uuuii unit, win uu u uiuuii mill l.OIS M STKOl'I)
profit to OUr citizens during next Administratrix of the Hstatco'f Ztclm-
summer. At the conclusion of ! '! stromi, Deed.
the following program a Social r,K"' S' s"".ne of the Attorneys
dance was given which nnv '
remained to enjey:
comer of Second and Admits Streets, to
gether nith the tenements hereditaments
anil apimrleiinuces thereuntil belonging
or in nnywlHe appertaining, to untisfy
said judgment In favor of jiliiintiirs mid
against ilelcndnnt lis above stated, to
gether with iateicst, iittorney'n fien,
costs ami accruing costi.
Dated (his I tth day of November, lilt'.'.
A. K. Klclmrilsou. Sheriff.
Ily llyron Terrill Deputy.
Dale of first publication Nov. It), lut-'.
Dntc of Inst publication Dec. II. tOI'.'
Dec lam War on Colds.
A crusade of education which
aims "that common colds may
become uncommon within the
next generation" has been begun
by prominent New York physi
cians. Here is a list of tho
"don'ts" which the doctors say
will prevent the annual visitation
of the celd:
"Don't sit in a draughty car."
"Don't sleep in hot rooms."
"Don't avoid tho fresh air."
"Don't stuff yourself at meal
time. Overeating reduces your
To which we would add when
you take a cold get rid of it as
quickly as possible. To accom
plish that you will find Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy most
excellent. Sold by all dealers.
Two Step
Waltz -
"Spirit of Liberty"
"Birds of Love"
- "Daddy's Delight"
"Rose Leaves"
Piano Duet "Charge of the Uh
lans" Miss Roberta Hibbard
and Miss Agnes Miller
(part two)
Cake Walk - "Rastus Rag"
Medley Overture "Crackerjack"
March "The Crusader"
Characteristic Medley "A Day
In The Cottonfield" j
March - "National Emblem"
Star Spangled Banner
w mi w w,miJ
Library Items.
to Bend
at 7:00
Jim Mahon Loses By
Very Small Margin
A long distance phone conver
sation to Ontario from this office
yesterday morning brought the
information that Jim Mahon lost
the election in that county by 10.'
votes. His home county gave
him a most flattering vote, how
ever. Mr. Homan carried Mal
heur by a big margin over Mr.
Hurley and has been elected representative.
A committee of five ladies re
presenting the Ladies' Library
Club presented a petition to the
City Council on Wednesday night
asking for the sum of $125 to bo
applied toward maintenance of
the public library the coming
year. The petition was granted.
This sum will enable the ladies
to install the card loaning system
and make other needed improve
ments, in the library for public
The patrons of tho library are
asked to note the library hours
Tuesdays and Saturdays from
2:00 to 4:30 p, m. each week.
A choice lino of the latest and
best fiction is on the shelves for
the cnjoynTent of fiction readers.
The matchless Stoddards Lec
tures for those who like travel
and the delightful essays by Van
Dyke, Mabie and Spalding await
a welcome into each home. All
these and moro for tho small Bum
of 25cts a ticket for three months
Tickets can be purchased at tho
Library room.
Tonight, if you feel dull and
stupid, or bilious and constipated,
tako a dose of Chamberlain's
Tablets, and you will feel all
right tomorrow. Sold by al
leave Burns
a." m. every
and Thursday. Leave
Bend on every Tues
day and Friday. In
tervening trips made
when business war
rants. This schedule
will he maintained and
tickets will he on sale
for the above days at
any time. Secure your
transportation early.
Burns - Garage
D. M. McDade, Traffic Mgr.
Tho sworn statements of Lifo
Insurance Companies on filo nt
tho btato Insurance Department,
Salem, show that In 1U01). 11)10,
1911, OrcBon Life tho Only Lifo
Insurance Company Exclusively
Oregon, sold moro policies in
Oregon thnn any other company.
In 1912 Oregon Lifo is surpass
ing all its previous" records.
E. C. Egoi.kston,
lift Agent.
Notice to Creditors.
Ill the mutter of the estate of llimcy
Dixon, deceased.
Notice Is hereby nivia that the under
signed him lieeit regularly appointed Kx
ccutrix of the Inst Will anil Testament
of Ilnrrcy Dixon, deceased.
All wrsons having claims against said
estate arc hereby notified to piescat the
same to the undersigned, dulv verified
as by law required, within six months
from the date ol this notice.
Dateil at Hums, Oregon, NociilierU,
Maiiv lii.i.itN Dixon,
Hxecutrlx of the last Will and Testament
of Harvey Dixon, deceased
Girls Winter Cloaks
A few advance numbers of Misses
nnd Little Girls Coats. Wc can show
you n few stylus nt this time that mny
be just whnt you want.
Overcoats For Winter
Ovcrconl3 for Boys and young
Wc can please nnd fit you both,
and gel yours from the latest line,
VI en
School Suits
For Young Boys and 'Men at all
ages from G to 15 years. Heavy
for winter and 'a small price attached.
Boys Winter Wear
A Fine nnd Warm Line of Winter
Underwear and Ovcrshirts for the
Boys. Also the best line of latest
Sweater Coals at Rockbotlom Prices.
I section, G10 acres, level un
improved sago brush land in
Harney Vnlloy, canbesuhirrigat
ed. 1(!0 acre tract, fenced, good
house deep well and otherwise
- For The
Best Agricultural Exhibit
improved. Prices made to suit in- Of products grown tribulary'to the Oregon Trunk, Spokane, Port-
tending settlers. No speculators
need apply. Inquire at this ofllce.
Seed ryo ami barley for sale by
ClniH. Davis, Harney, Oregon.
Send Your
Orders For
Lumber, Lath,
Cedar Shingles,
Hardwall Plaster,
Portland Cement,
Lump Lime, Etc.
rrmn""nn TO kssxsss
Overturf , Davis, Miller Co.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers
Office Phone 3G Mill Phone 48
Innil & Seattle, Oregon Electric nnd United Railway nt the
Pacific N-W Land Product Show
Portland November 18-23
Will H Given Hv TIipmo Railway .;
Tickets on sale Nov. 18, 19, 20, iisarn limit Nov. 25.
5 il'i'S? .i? Zri
'"''' -Jj-'
xnxaiMm,KKin!amw(Mrwtmv 'VTO
IfCouml Trip To Spokane or the
Tickets on sale Nov. 10th, to IGUi Inclusive. Return
limit Nov. 20th.
Train leaving Central Oregon in morning arrives in
Portland G:30 p. m. and Spokane 0:45 p. m.
J. II. Corlictt, ArJ. Hcml, Ore. II. Warner, Ant. Terrebonne, Ore.
W. !;. COA1AN, General Freight and Passenger Agt.
Details of ficlipdulcs, far.-, etc., will ho furnishod on request.
We have a large stock of the above
and can make quick deliveries to the
Burns Country. Get OUR Prices.
New Goods! New System?
Low Prices!
Having cut out the long credit
system, we are prepared to give
prices which will pay you to buy at
home. Remember, when you buy
at home you create a market for
what you have to sell, no matter
what it consists of, whether it be
farm products, labor or legal ad
vise, you don't help your own com
munity, when you go outside to
trade; you don't help the farmers
when you buy outside flour. Last
year many people sent away and
went outside to trade. What is the
result? The wheels of industry
have been idle, no building, no bus
iness, no work, no market. Heavy'
crops are being harvested and still
a large portion of the old crop is
on hand. It is now time for the
people to get together if they want
prosperity at home. Trade at our
place if you can: if not trade with
our competitor; but Trade at Home
Burns Department Store
And carry nt all tinn's n eomplcfi' lino ef:
u, i , ,
Sweaters and Sweater Coats, Underwear,
In Twopicce and Union Suits, Sheep
Lined and other Heavy Winter Coats,
Knit Caps, Night Shirts, Pajamas, Woolen
and Cotton Blankets, Woolen Socks, Ger
man Socks, Overshoes, Robbers Etc.
We also have a large and complete line of
Mens Woolen and Heavy Winter Shirts
The Best of the Best GOTXAIN SHOES
Como ami look our stork over, roinpniv our
prices mid I lie quality ami w .in; sun mi will
id. t
TS rf" BTl tfT 11
-Ol JL3k JtIJlU.C
General Merchandise
i wi mmim i, 1 1 irw-78r.! i
PMfagSiB0 itt -
II For
Backache Rheumatism Kidneys and Bladder
contain no iiAnririu. oh iiahit roitMiNO nntir.s
i :,
Why Salves Can's dire Eczema
Clnoo tlio nliWnalilonoil tlicnry of cur
lilK ifiwimi ll.ii iniKh I ho Mouil Iuih lircit
KlU'll up by HulciHlutH, muiiy illlTiMcllt
xiilvi'N luivu licvii tili-il for Mklu illutMiHoo.
Hut It Iuih ln'i'ti fuu ml tliut tlioHo snlvi'U
mil)' Hoir tlio poiuu nml tuiiiiot pcimtruto
tn thu Inner Hkln Iwlnw tlio cpMcnnla
-where tho doconui KCI'imi uio IoiIkciI.
'J'IiIh tlio fiin!lty of iinttiiitliiK
jirotmlily oxiiiIiih (ho Irrini'iiilnuH hiio
ci'hh of thu wi'll Known Ihiulil oonmuii
romi'ily, oil of wliitrwiiHiii. thymol, wly
rmlni'. do., na iininiiounilwl In D.U II.
rmliii', I'to.. na i'nihnihilinl In 1
'o huvo Hold other rtniotlloS for nUlii
troulilcs Imt nouo that wo ran rorom
inoiiil oh liUlily iih thin for wo Know tliut
I'.n.l). Ptoim tlio Itch nt oiico. Wo run.
:lvo you n tilul M hottlo for 5 ct'iitn
Hint will ha imiouhIi to pioro It.
Of t'ourno nil iiihir ilriiKMUtH liavn
P.DO. 1'ioncrlptlon n to lluim It you
onn't roiuo tn im hut ilnn't urrrpt hoiiih
1K piollt nolmtltutii.
I In ( If you coino to our ntoro, wo nro
Roriutiiln of what I'.I'O will 1 for you
that o oft'er you u full nun hottlo on
HUH ftTlllll'Ulllt.. ir 01l u
It toUi'H uwiiy tho Itcli
If j on ill) not Unit that
Im Itch AT ONCli It
uuuti yuu not a cent.
All the news in The Times-Herald for $2,00