The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, November 09, 1912, Image 3

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,-ZL.n- nmM-trjam
? w fcfcww J --
The Largeit Circulation Of Any
Newspaper In Harney County.
1 nrtnl "NTlaJt?
,WW wo.
K'Prico Cochrane nnd wife were
the city this week.
p, A sulky plow for sale at Mc-
tinnon's Whito Front Hum.
P Born Monday, Nov. 1, to Mr.
ind Mrs. C. K. LeMay, a daunhl-
Calves are dying with Black
jcr get your vaccine at Tho
Welcome Pharmacy.
W. W. Jonlnn left Thursday
for Washington where lie will
fjoin his family.
G. W. Johnson came over from
Silver Creek Wednesday brhiR-
inB in the election returns.
TaKh T I air. tvk n Insxl llirt llfUlflW-
iiuilll IllJlMluui luurv inn mi-jihi-
turc this week for Cnlilornia
f, where he will spend the winter.
He is going down particularly to
look after Bill Jones.
, v , .... , ...... v
Vyiiamicy cummins wis luuuii-
ed from Westfall where he has
been with his wife and son. He
will remain here but a few days
when he expects to return there.
Clay Clemens mill is tho near
est one to Burns where all kinds
of lumber both rough and dress
ed can be had. Near Canyon
road. Call him by 'phone.
Those who contemplate going
to the railroad or other points
for supplies are invited to call on
W. E. Huston in the Odd Fellow
building and get his prices. It
will be worth while.
Notice-The Baker City Hide
& Junk Co. has opened a branch
house in Burns. Good prices
paid for hides, pelts and raw
furs of all descriptions. Watch
this paper for ad.
The drug stores of this city have
agreed to close each evening at
8 o'clock except Saturday even
ings. This agreement goes into
effect tomorrow evening. The
other stores should make like ar
rangements. Died At the family home in
Harney last Monday, the infant
son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Loggan
The child was only a few weeks
old. The funeral was held Tues
day afternoon at Harney. The
bereaved parents have the sym
pathy of a wide circle of friends.
Geo. Byram was in from Bear
Valley yesterday i n company
with Harry Johnson, the latter
was here on land business. Mr.
Byram came in to assist Mr.
Johnson in making proof on his
land and also to take back a load
of grain. He was much pleased
with the results of the election
and much encouraged to learn
of recent reports of the improve
ment of Dr. Marsden's health
which he learned thru friends
here who are in frequent com
munication with the patient.
We Want
To '
As our goods are constantly arriving we can
offer you the latest as well as some of
the biggest and best bargains in
LmlicH Winlor Dtchh GooiIh, Wintor (JohIh,
,SV(Jitl('i'('()(il..s, Woolen Undorwcur, Klc.
Mpiih Heavy Winler UoiiIh, HlieopLiiicdCoiitH,
Duck Lined Conl h, find NViiilnr MnckiiuiwH
Mpiih Woolen Undenveiir, Fleece Lined Under
wenr, Shirt h, Ciipn, .MittwiH, OvoihIioch utu,
- General Merchandise -
Hnsonic Building, - - Burns, Oregon
You Ought To
To The
Convenience and Security
Offered You At The
First National Bank
Which Has
Unlimited Capital
And All This
XTV !- T& VniTI
w . , rsiMr i uu
nitnwc nTtvnnin
Capital And Surplus $100,000.00
"Oldest and Biggest Hank In Harney Co."
J.D.DALY, rrttldtnt. C. A. 1IAINEH. Vlc racildcnt
J. I OAULT. Cublir A. C. WELCOME. Aul. Cilh'r
Frank Thompson has been so- J. H. Jensen was in the city
journing In the city this week. yesterday.
V. G. Cozad and daughter Good clean seed fall wheat
Miss Hazel left for their home at see Allen Jones.
Canvon on Monday. Services at the Baptist church
Dry slab and pine wood $G.50 tomorrow morning. All invited,
and $7.00 per cord, cash only at Fresh homo made lard 17c. at
Lumber yard. Hansen's Meat Market.
Jeir Cawlfield was in fromj John Cary came in this morn
Happy Valley this week bringing j,ur from his Crane Creek home.
in thn nlecti on returns.
Ralph Catterson, Lloyd John
son and Dr. Minnie Hand were
among those up
during this week.
from Lawen
Rough and dressed lumber of
all kinds now on hand at the
Williams Bros. Saw Mill. Rough
lumber $15 per thousand.
Lee Wilson was ip the city on
Wednesday, having come to
meet his wife who was returning
from a visit to outside points.
Grain taken at market price in
exchange for fruit at Dan Fisk's'
Ranch, one and a half miles 'cast
of John Day. Apples 75 cents
per sack. 51-52
Tonawama Stock Co., will give
its first production of the season
on Thanksgiving night After
that date it is expected the com
pany will play at least twice each
Edw. J. Catlow came in Thurs
day from his home in the south
ern part of the county. He was
accompanied by M. M. Doan and
Mrs. J. C. Beaty, the fatcr com
ing in to consult her physician
respecting ear trouble.
A. Kgli was in the city this
week visiting his family and nt-
tending to business matters.
i Remember! E. R. Griflin has
fine winter pasture and hay,
choap. Narrows, Oregon. 51tf
Remember W. A. Goodman is
prepared to roll your barloy, bale
hay and saw wood. 37
Dr. R. D. Burrow arrived here
Thursday evening from Bend,
lie has been in Portland
Choice relinquishments; deeded
land, and homestead locations
close to Malheur Ijike and R. R.
E. R. Gkikkin,
51 tf Narrows, Oregon.
from their home on Calamity
creek. Mr. Johnson brought in
the election returns.
Stockmen Ranchers Attention.
Guaranteed scrip $8.75 per
acre, limited amouni oniy.
Inland Empire Realty Company.
Tho base ball boys gave a de
lightful dancing party at Tona
wama last night. The prizes for
tho best waltzers were awarded
to Mrs. Grover Gould and Ernest
Say, W. A. Goodman is ready
to Baw your wood for you this
nice weather. Tell him whero
your wood pile is by 'phone do
not wait until bad weather and
then all want it sawed at once,
John Witzell nnd wifo were in
town yesterday. They loft for
home this morning. John had a
fine fleece of wool which should
have been exhibited at the fair
but was too late to go in under
the rules.
The marriage of Howard E.
VanValkenberg and Mary E.
Stalker was solemnized Sunday,
November U, at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. G. I. Hazeltino of Can
yon City, M. Dustin officiating.
Blue Mt. Eagle. They arrived
in this city early this week. Mr.
VanValkenberg i h well known
in this section and his friends
extend congratulations.
Some of Bill Hanley'H frionds
aro really concerned as to his fu-
turo in politics. Sinco ho voted
for Wilson and about one half
or more of tho other republicans
(lid likewise, ho has put his party
put of exjstanco Taf t is credited
with carrying two stntea at tho
time this is written and thoy
dont know how to get Bill on tho
ticket for governor. Thoro are
two years to arrange tho matter,
however, and if suffrage carries
Bill won't need any party. Ho
can be like Lon RiclmrdBon just
v run anyway.
Bund conVerrPr!it.??TiTIT!r"
A. H, Curry wtm registered at
tho Burns hotel yesterday.
Timothy seed for snlo-W. T.
VanderVeer, Drewsey, Oregon.
Chas. Wilson is prepared to
take horses to pasture and win
ter. .Ifltf
Wantiid - Work for man and
wifo on ranch --Inquire at this
olllce. 51 tf
Don't fail to see tho two big
picture programs at Tonawama
tonight and tomorrow night.
'Considerable moisture has fall
on this Week greatly helping tho
fall farm work,
Hagoy & Lundy chattels, small
loans, acreage city property. In
I. 0. 0. F. Bldg, Bums, Oregon.'
J. W. Gearhart has been in
town for several days this week
from hiB homo on Clamity.
Piano for salo or trado for cit
tlo or good gentle work horses.
Inquire of W. W. Drinkwatcr, of
Don't overlook tho big band
concert and danco next Friday
evening, November 15th, at the
Tonnwama hall.
Satisfied customers and an' in
creasing business sneak for them
selves -W. B. Shelley, the har
ness and saddle man.
Fred Niklo will bo here next
week with another load of fino
apples. Save your orders for
him or send them in early. 52
Mrs. Geo. Sizemoro. agent, for
Victor Indies' Tailoring Co., in
vites the ladies of Burns to call
and see new fall and wintersam
ples. -17tf
A. Dunn will have charge of
my wood business in 'Burns this
winter. Dry wood on hand to
any part of town F. 0. Jackson.
52. If
Do not take any chances have
hay, grain or other property in
sured in tho Reliable Aelna &
Hartford Insurance Companies.
11 Inland Empiri: Riialty Co.
We are selling agents for tho
Harney Valley Improvement
Company lands, the choice lands
of a 200.000 acre tracL These
lands are on the market on a ten
year payment plan. If you want
a good farm, investigate these
lands and terms. .'17
Motiii:rsiii:ad & Doni:;an.
Impounded- The city marshal
has taken up a brown mare
about 17 years old, branded W.
V. on left shoulder and G. II. on
right shoulder. The animal was
formerly owned by Imo Wise
man. Owner must come and
get her, pay all charges or the
animal will be sold in accoi dance
with the law governing such im
pounded animals.
All who are indebted to mo are
requested to call and settle their
accounts either by cash or note
by Dec, 1. This is urgent as I
must secure money or negotiable
paper in order to conduct my
business. All nccounts not taken
care of in this manner by Doc. 1
will have to be placed in a collec
tor's hands. -G. W. Clevengor.
Dr. W. J. Weeso and wifo ar
rived Monday evening from Bowl
ing Green; Mo., to take up their
residence hero and whoro the
doctor will tako up the practice
of his profession. Mrs. Wcese
waB formerly Miss Rebecca Biggs
of thin citv. and a sister of Judge
Dalton Biggs. Her many friends
here aro glad to welcome her and
her husband to our city.-Ontario
G W. Cater and wife, of
Houston, Texns, whp have been
here for somo time guests at the
Win. Hanley rnnch.( contemplate
leaving shortly for their home.
Mr. Cater is a land man who
devotes his time to colonizing all
over tho south and west. He
works on largo scale and has
salesmen in all parts of tho
country. Mr. Caler says he is
safe-now in i chiming to Texas
sinco Wilson was elected. Mis.
Cater is a sister to -Mrs. Hanley.
Dr. Tillson Harrison, of Drew
eoy, who operated on Ludwig
Johnson for appendicitis Tues
day, hiiB decided to make his
homo in this city and practice
medicine. Dr. Harrison is a very
successful practitioner and espe
cially good surgeon, Ho has fig
ured it will bo necessary that he
locate in a now field in tho spring
as tho building of tho railroad
will make a material cluingo in
his present territory and as he
likes this city and believes the
field will jimtify another physici
an ho will locate hero permanent
ly, Tho Doctor has leased rooms
in tho Times-Herald building
and expects to move over with
his family next week.
1 1 oo. Howe WAS in
Thursday from Calamity.
Mrs. Ed Roberts is reported
quite ill at this writing.
Mrs. llnstio was in the city
Thursday making proof on her
'Jasper Davis is over from Har
ney to assist in making the offi
cial count of the recent election.
A. E. Murphy and family were
in from Iron Mountain the fore
part of tho week.
Mrs, F. Bermudis was over
from Warm Springs this week
making proof on her desert
Regular meeting of tho Eastern
Star next Monday evening.
Special luncheon will bo served.
J. F. Conrad, Bert Porter nnd
E. B. Moon were nmong our visi
tors from Sunset during the
Thcro was a ring of keys left
at this office this week which the
owner may liavo by calling and
paying for this local.
County court has been in ses
sion since Wednesday. Judge
Thompson expects to leave to
morrow morning for Portland
and Eugene where ho will visit
for somo time. His father had
the misfortuno to break his leg
n few days ago and as he is ad
vanced in years Judge Thomn
son is anxious to go to him. He
will stop in Portland on tho way
down and see what disposition
has'ht'cn made of the Harney
county exhibit sent down by the
Fair association for the land
Ludwig M. Johnson, who was
reported in our last issue as dan
gerously ill from appendicitis,
was operated on last Tuesday by
Dr. Tillson Harrison and is re
covering nicely. Dr. Hnrrisqn
arrived from Drewsey Saturday
night and wanted to operate at
once, but as the patient seemed
to improve ho decided to wait.
The Doctor had started back to
Drewsey Tuesday morning when
Mr. Johnson took a turn for the
worse and he was recalled and
performed the operation. It was
found the appendix had entirely
sloughed oir and an abscess had
formed. Dr. Geary nssistod in
the operation.
Three Rerli Tonight
Two Funnlci, Wilder nnd "Bunny"
Pricrt 10 and ISc.
A Mlfl, on of tli lil Wnlira
I'lctur. vf l'r9lucJ
Two oilier Dramai, two Comediet
Pricei IS and 25c. on lli iri with .lmUioi
Mrs. J. 0. Cawlfield has organ
ized a class in elocution and the
first lesson will be given at her
her home on Monday evening,
Nov. 11, at 7:15. This class is
for pupils over 12 years old and
an introductory price of $1.00 for
the first ten lessons has been
made, payable at the first lesson.
This prico is only for the first
ten lessons and must be taken
advantage of the first evening.
Private individual lessons may be
arranged for at 50 cents each.
Mrs. Cawlfield will likely mako
special arrangements with her
introductory class for advanced
lessons when the first series nre
The farmers aro complaining
about rabbits and now is n good
time to arrango for their exter
mination during tho winter
months. Tho Times-Herald pub
lishes an article in this issue re
specting traps for their capture
that have proven successful and
of small cost. Another sugges
tion is to have rabbit clubs form
ed and in connection with the
members of the Rod nnd Gun
Club have regular shoots from
time to time- with 22 rides. We
have somo good shots and tho
ammunition for these small cali
bre guns will amount to but
little no doubt can bo secured
more reasonably by getting in
quantities nnd tho Bport will
bo n great benefit to tho farmer.
The Times-IIernld man can pick
20 men in the gun club, give each
100 rounds of ammunition and
guarantco 1900 dead rabbits at
tho end of tho shoot. This would
ho a very efl'ectivo manner to
assist in tho extermination of the
pests. Tho farmers should also
help themselves by tinpping and
poisoning them.
Ilium, orcKoii. Nivemlr 8, 1UJ
Noll) i' lnliurelVKlvcn that (luurtcu ! Il0.klin,
nf lliirim, Uuiiun, who uu My r,, 11H7, undo
lliiimnhiul Knlr) No 3I.HJ, HirUu No iu-jm
fur NW1,, Million I, 'Imvmlilii H, luiiicu
J I : , IiluiiiuttK Murlillmi, lim IIIimI noili u of
lull in Inn loiiiuko llimlvii-)fr proof, toumli i lolni to tlio IhiiiI uuovucW'crlluil, Ijofore
tliu Iti'Klilor mill Huculvcr, ul Hurni, Orruoii.
(in lliu Vtli iliiy ul UicuiiiIkh, IVU,
I luliniiiil naiiiui uu wllmmut
I incur ( nvi'iiilur, Joicpli Uvcm!ir, M A
Hill or, A II I'tirler allot lliirim, Orovuu,
Wm. l-'iiimc, HhUKt
Tho Presbyterian Ladies' Aid
gave a Hallowe'en social, or
rather literary treat to their hus
bands on Wednesday evening of
Hast week nt tho Mason hall. The
Iimcs-IIcrald should hnve given
this some attention last week hut
its columns were filled with poli
tical advertising and it was im
possible to give considerable local
Early in the summer the ladies
decided that each would earn
$1.00 to contribute to tho furnish
ing fund of the church and it was
also voted at that time to have a
soclnl and each was to tell in
vcrae how she earned the dollar.
It was a decided literary treat to
tho husbands who attended and
Tho TimeB-Hcrald expects to
have many contributions of verse
from this source in the future as
it is a pity to have such talent
nnd not take advantage of it for
tho good of tho general public.
One of tho ladles put her verse
to music. Tho manner of earn
ing these dollars was varied from
the family washing to exhibiting
turkeys nt the county fair. They
were all well written verses and
caused much merriment. After
these readings, which were in
terspersed with music the men
folks were put through some
stunts, the particularly amusing
thing being to blindfold them
nnd have them put the center in
a large pumpkin that had been
made on cloth. The one coming
nearest to placing the pieco in
where it belonged was to receive
a whole pumpKin pie. Wvery
man thoro thought he was going
to get that pie but he didn't.
He liad all the pic, doughnuts,
coffee, npples, nuts and other re
freshments of like character he
could eat but not because he
placed the missing piece of pump
kin in the right spot.
Tho guests were met at the
door by a "flock of "spooks" and
escorted into the main hall, nnd
it was necessary to sit down be
fore one was rid of the shadowy
things at their heels. The affair
was a very pleasant one and the
men are always ready for another
of a like nature when the Ladies
Aid will invite them.
Band Concert Friday Eve.
The Tonawama Band will give
their first indoor concert for the
winter season at Tonawama hall
next Friday evening, November
15th. The band has practised
faithfully and will endeavor to
render some very acceptable con
cert music for the occasion, and
of a standard grade. The con
cert will begin 8:00 o'clock sharp
and will be of nn hour and a
half duration, consisting of ten
good numbers, with nn intermis
sion of ten minutes between
part oiio and two, nt which time
two of our populnr young ladies
will render nn npproprinte pinno
duet After the concert, the re
mainder of the evening will be
devoted to dancing, nnd all those
attending can feel assured that
the evening will be one of enter
tainment nnd pleasure. Seats
will be on snle nt tho box oflico
nt 50cts for ndults nnd 25 for
children, which ennblcs nil to
attend the concert at moderate
prices. The band, since its or
ganization last spring has been
conducted on nn independant
basis, has not asked for or re
ceived any donations, its only in
come (and in some instances
some of that is yet coming) be
ing from tho few engagements
it has had during the summer.
Besides its weekly open air con
certs it has donated its service
on every occasion demanded for
the entertainment nnd plensure
of tho public, and wo wonder if
any similar organization in the
state has been so liberal with its
music and received so little as
sistance and remuneration we
doubt it. Show your henrty ap
proval of tho band by turning
out next Friday evening and
then judge for yourself whether
or not tho organization is entitled
to worthy support, as well as a
credit to your community.
Declare War on Cold.
A crusado of education which
nims "that common colds may
become uncommon within the
next generation" has been begun
by prominent New York physi
cians. Hero is a list of tho
"don'ts" which the doctors Bay
will prevent tho annual visitation
of tho cold;
"Don't sit in a draughty car."
"Don't Bleep in hot rooms."
"Don't avoid the fresh air."
"Don't stufr yourself at meal
time. Overeating reduces you
To which wo would add- when
you tako a cold get rid of it as
quickly as possible. To accom
plish that you will find Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy most
excellent. Sold by all dealers.
We Make It A Point
To get In Personal Contact wifh Our
Customcro nnd give careful considera
tion of their needs, and allow them
every accomodation consistent with
sound banking principles.
AsIc our officers for any information
you may desire; they arc more than will
ing to give you the benefit of their
v Your Business Invited
Harney County
National Bank
Resources Over $400,000.00
W. E.
General Groceries
Select Cnn Goods, Fancy Groceries, Dried
Fruits, Tobacco, Confectionary, Coal
Oil, Feed, Grain and Produce
Special Inducements Given On Big Orders
If You Want ALL The Home News
$2.00 a year
Best Job Printing
Old and Nnw Patrons Will Find the Best Brands Here
Wines, Liquors, and Cigars
Good Service, Courteous Treatment
DROP IN Main Street Burns, Oregon
Now's the Time
We Have 'Em
In All Styles, Sizes
And Prices. Get Your
Home In Shape For
Winter. Be Comfort
ableGet A Heater!
We Also Handle A Full
Line Of Kitchen Utensils.
Granite Wear, Camp Stoves,
Saws, Axes, Pumps, Piping,
Paints, Varnishes, Brushes,
Oils, Stains, Glass, Etc.
Headquartes For Hardware