The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, October 26, 1912, Image 2

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Stic Wmw-gwnW.
Od. Y.r .0"
3U Month. .... 100
TktM Manlnt .... .71
High School Girls
Give Basket Social
Tho basket social and dnnco
Kivcn at Tonawama last night by
tho high school girls was a de
cided success both socially and
financially. There was a big
crowd in attendance and all
seemed to enjoy tho niTnir. The
bidding on the sale of baskets
was quite spirited, some of them
bringing good prices. Tho total
receipts being over $100. This
fund will be used to secure new
song books and library books for
the high school.
A short program was rendered
by some of tho pupils before tlir
auctioning of tho baskets. The
following numbers were render
ed: Vocal duct by Misses Ethel
Thompson and Hazel Cob; reci
tation by Miss Ike Gage; Violin
nnd Schafer.
3. Geography, One-fourth from
the courso of study and Col grove,
three-fourths from Uedway nnd
I. Grammar, one-fourth from
tho course of study and Colgrovo,
three-fourths from Moulder.
6. History, one-fourth from
tho course of study and Colgrovo
threo-fourths from Doub.,
0. Orthography, one-fourth
from the courso of study and Col
grove, three-fourths from Heed's
Word Lessons.
7. Physical Geography, Tnrr'H
New Physical Geography.
8- Heading, courso of study
and Colgrove.
S). School Laws of Oregon 1911
10. Theory nnd Practice, Col
grovo, "Tho Teacher and tho
11. Writing, Course of Study,
Colgrovo nnd the Outlook Writ
ing System.
12. Algebra, Wells: Algebra
for secondary Schools.
10. Composition, Jlersiek nnd
M. Literature, American, New
comer's American Literature and
15. Physiology, Krohn.
10. Psychology, Head: An In
troduction to Psychology.
17. Hookkeeping, Oflico Moth
solo by Miss Viola Richardson; 0ds and Practical Bookkeeping.
Vocal solo by Delbert Hayes,
piano solo by Miss Bessie Smith.
Ladies Afternoon Club
Mrs. Gownn, the hostess for
the afternoon, being out of town,
Mrs. Dr. Ellw graciously opened
her home to the Ladies Aftcr-
18. Botany, Bergen; Elements
of Botany.
19. Geology, Lo Contc.
20. Geometry, Wentworth.
21. History, General, Meyers'
General History.
22. History of Education, Dav
idson. 23. Literature, English, Now.
For Representative (Continued 1'rom Pint lnj,c)
i P. L. S. Co. vs. W. V. & C.
The voters do not pay as much m. W. It. Co. -Injunction, Do
attonlion for the olllco of ltopre- ereo apportioning water! to plain
sentativo na thoy nhould for Mr, J to northeast channel,
their own good. Your ropre-' J. W. Shown vh Joseph Clark
sentativo in tho legislature is nnd Oregon & Western Colonlzn
your businoss agent as well aul Hon Co Injunction. Continued
a law-mnKor, nnu ino peopiO
should bo represented oy a prac
tical business man.
Oregon is a great and growing ,
for term.
K. 13. Miller vs. J. W. Miller -Divorce.
Decree for plaintiff.
P. L. S. Co. vb. J. L. VanGraf t
state and requires about $2,000, t't al Injunction, ltcforred to
000 a year for its ordinary ex-1 ojllclal reporter lo tako testimony
penditures, and wliilo improve
ment must bo mnde and more
people bi ought here, it should
and can Le done without a big
titni'ivtan in llwi ufnffi luv mifir
niwittow in fciiv ivii4 ti iwvr i
noon Club last Saturday after-' comber's English Literature and
noon. After a brief busi
ness session, the hostess pre
sented an instructive and enter
tertaining l'i t e r a r y program.
Her paper on the leading politi
cal events connected with the
crowned heads of Europe during
the 19th century showed careful
research, on the part of the
writer. As each country was
given, Mrs. Leon Brown read its
national hymn, "America" was
sung by the members, and the
meeting closed with a spirited
rendering of "Yankee Doodle"
by the Club.
Margaret lies Company
At Tanawama Theatre
The Margaret lies Dramatic
Co., the popular troupe that
played Tonawama during fair
week, arrived Thursday evening
from Prineyille and will play here
tomorrow night. The play is a
three-act farce comedy entitled
a "Runaway Match." It is a
fine play with plenty of mirth
and laughter intermingled and
is sure to please the people of
Burns who arc partial to this
class of plays. Seats are on sale
at the box office-now and plav
goers may secure their reserva
tions at any time by calling or
Miss lies is on her way south
and goes from here to Lakeview
then down into California aban
doning the company at Sacra
mento where Ed. Elliott will
play in stock during the winter.
Geo. Lucky and wife will likely
resume their work on the Or
pheum circuit.
For County Assessor.
In submitting my name'to the
voters at the coming election I
promise them that if elected I
will give all of my time and at
tention to the administration of
the office of Assessor." As my
Republican opponent is engaged
iriprivato business which includes
the practical monopoly of the fire
insurance business of the county,
together with the exclusive sale
of the the so called Wm. Hanley
lands in Harney County, I ask
the support of the voters upon
my fitness for tho office and my
pledge of personal day-to-day at
tention to tho duties of the
assessor's office and without any
entangling private business ven
tures to conflict with tho person
al attention which tho office re
quires. Ed. J. Cati.ow,
Democratic Nominee for
Pd. Adv. County Assessor.
L. Nichols of Hay Creek, who
has been in the Steen Mountain
Bection with a fine bunch of
bucks, was in tho city yesterday
on his way home haying disposed
of his stoek.
Educational Circular
Of General Information
Giving tho sources of examina
tion questions for state papors for
December 17, 18, 19 and 20. 1912
1. Arithmetic, one-fourth from
the courso of study and Colgrove,
three-fourths from Smith.
2. Civil Government, Strong
Classics. '
24. Physics, Millikan and Gale;
A First Course in Physics.
Classics for December
17(51. Autocrat of the Break
fast Table. (Riverside lit. ser.)
Houghton. Retail price 40 cents
School price 32 cents.
1G88. Cranford. (Illustrated
pocket classics). Macmillan. Re
tail price 80 cents, school price 54c
95G. The Making of an Ameri
can. (Macmillan standard libra
ry.) Grosset. Retail price 50c,
school price 42c.
The same classics will bo used
for the American and English
Note l.-One Year State Cer
tificateRequirements: An ex
amination upon tho first eleven
subjects. General average. 1 75
per cent, minimum CO per cent,
Age 18. Renewable once, when
owner presents evidence of hav
ing taught successfully six
2. Five Year State Certificate.
Requirements: An examina
tion upyn the first sixteen sub
jects. General average 85 per
cent minimum 70 per cent. Age
18. Experience, twelve months
Renewable by examination, or
renewable without examination
when tho holder has attended an
institution of higher education
for thirty-two consecutive weeks
within six years from the date of
issue of the certificate.
3. Life State Certificate. -Requirements:
An examination
upon the twenty-four subjects.
General average 85 per cent, min
imum 70 per cent. Ago 18. Ex
perience GO months.
4. Primary Five Year State
Certificate valid only in the first,
second and third grades shall be
granted to an applicant who has
had twelve months' teaching ex
perience in this State and shall
pass an examination with a gen
eral average of not less than 85
per cent and a minimum of 70 per
cent on the following subjects:
Methods in reading, methods in
arithmetic, methods in language,
methods in geography, theory
and practice of teaching, writing,
orthography, physiology, psycho
logy, and in addition thereto,
shall write a thesis on an educa
tional subject selected from a
list prepared by the Superinten
dent of Public Instruction. Re
newable when the applicant has
taught successfully not less than
thirty-two consecutive weeks
within six years from date of is
sue of the certificate. Sources
of questions in Methods, White's
Art of Teaching; sources for
other subjects same as .given
5. Graduates of standard nor
nal schools, standard colleges and
universities and teachers' accred
ited training courses in high
schools (in Oregon only) may se
cure certificates without exami
nation by applying to tho Super
intendent of Public Instruction.
G. Teachers who desire to
have their grades from other
states accepted in Oreron should
write to tlio Superintendent of
Public Instruction in plenty of
timo to havo tho matter adjusted
by tho date of tho examination.
SupL of Public Instruction. '1
I stand for progressive legis
lation and reasonable expendi
tures and the peoples choice for
U. 6. Senator. Southeastern
Oregon must have recognition
nnd I will work hard for tho good
of the Malheur-Harney district.
W. F. Woman.
(Paid Adv.)
To The Voters of
Harney County.
Tho Socialisist party takes this
method to state its reasons why
you should vote for the Socialist
party candidates.
The first reason why vou should
vote the Socialist ticket is because
the Socialist parly is the only pol
itical party ever organized for
tho sole purpose of bettering the
condition of tho working class
The second reason you should
vote tho Socialist party ticket is
that the parly organization holds
a signed resignation of each
Socialist candidate, if they should
be elected to olllco and failed to
carry out tho pre-election pledges
of the Socialistic party all that
would be necessary to recall any
P. L. S. Co vs. Burns Flour
Milling Co Injunction. Contin
ued to next torm.
K. B. Hill vs J. E. Hounsovillc
Injunction, Defendant allow
ed until next term to answer.
! Ada It. Heinz vs. J. J. Heinz
1 Divorce. Referred to such party
! as may bo agreed upon by parties
I lo tako testimony, .
James B. Shea vs. Ellen Shea
Divorce. Decree for plaintiff.
Birdio M. Gates vs, S. Price
Gates Divorce. Decreo for
Julia A. Cuwlfiolrt vs. p. A.
Cawlfield Divorce Hoforrcd
' to official reporter to take tcsti-
j State vh, )), B, Clay, James
Bucklantl and Frank Btiuklauk
Murder, Jury brought in ver-
'diot of manslaughter iw to Clay
1,1,1,1 Tiimi.iu ttilfillntwl KTnf irilttti
....I. iMt'llvo I'nv u. ""1 " V
as to Frank Buckland, Ottq
Lowell plead guilty to manslau
ghter in the same case. Each
sentenced from J to JO years in
penitentiary and n line of $5000
Stnto vs. Ed. Larby-Larceny,
virdict of guilty and sentence
from one to 10 years in the peni
tentiary, McKinnon-Smith Nuptials
The marriage of Clarence Mc
Kinuonnnd Miss Eulalia Smith
was solemnized nt the home of
the bride's jmrentu in t)ja city
Inst Wednesday at noon, Judge
Dalton Biggs performing the
ceremony. Only tho immedinte
families wore present, Tho
bride is the only daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Smith and a
very sweet young lady who has
resided in this city many years.
Clarence is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Robt. McKinnon, one of
our industrious and highly re
spected young men. ,
The father of the brido states
they were particularly anxious
to nnve Judgo Biggs perform
the ceremony as he was a model
family man and had set the right
example to ypung mnrried people.
He also states that Phil Smith.
who witnessed tho ceremony was
so impressed with it that he is
going to get busy. "Everybody's
doing it and as soon as ho has
reached a marriageable ago and
Piano for sale or trade for cat-1
no or goou gcniio worn norses.
uiquiru ui y. u. vruiKwiuur, ui
Chronle D.pep.U.
Tho following unsolicited testi
monial should certainly bo sufll
cient to give hope and courage to
persons nflllctcd with chronic dys
pepsia: "I havo been a chronic
dyspeptic for year, and of nil tho
mcdiclno I hnvo taken, Chamber
lain's Tablets havo dono mo more
good than anything else," says
W. G. Mattison, No, 7 Sherman
St., Horncllsvillo, N. Y. Sold by
all dealers.
Browns Satisfactory Store
A cameo breastpin was lost
either on tho streets or at Tona
wama last night. Finder please
leayo at this ofilco or return to
Mrs. Wm. Miller.
one of them would be to date tho
signed resignation bearing the hndrfmoon"? who cT cook
signature oi me oincer 10 oe re- he will call on Judge Biggs,
called and file with County Clerk.
Tho third reason you should
vote tho Socialist ticket is that
the present economical system is
unjust. It enables a small per
cent of the population to live so
far from want that they cannot
see the misery of want. While
the larger per cent of tho popu
lation live so near to want thoy
see pothingbut pdvcr'y. There
fore eho Socialist frankly say as
a step to the Socialized Common
wealth the working class must
gain control of municipal and
county government as well as
state and national.
County Central Committeeman
Paid Adv. of Local Burns
even if it costs him a farm
The voting pcoplu will make
their homo in this city where
Clarence is associated with his
father in tho livery business.
The high school pupils gave the
nowly weds a noisy serenade on
Wednesday evening.
Numerous Land Sales
Arc Being Transacted
President W. P. Davidson of
the Oregon & Western Coloniza
tion Co., arrived hero yesterday
evening from Ontario. Ho was
accompanied by Geo. F. Thomp
son, one of tho company ngents,
and Col. J. II. Davidson. Tho
latter is a lecturer of note nnd
was with tho Great Northern ex
hibit car last winter mnkini;
talks on Oregon during tho tour.
Col. Davidson is hero to fnmili-
rizo himself with tho country as
'Ihe secretary of the hair As- ho will havo part in ench day's
8ociation h:u received a letter .program during tho Minneapolis
from C. C. Chapman of the Port-! Lan(1 ohow and will talk on Ore-
1.l f,, ..... ....!..! !..! gOII.
;' "'' Y,u" ", J. L. D. Morrison, general
ing the safe arrival of tho Har- Hales agent of tho company has
ney county oxhibit for tho Port- been hero for several days look-
land Land Show. Mr. Chapman mg over the country with Frank
complimented the Fuir Associa- Johnson, tho local representative
tion on the quantity, quality and ffiTStalnWtSaSSrJ
muuiiuiui iiiwiiiiTin which uiu recently, including vo sections
exhibit was naeked. to P. S. Weittenhiller, who will
Hrv Hlfili .mil nlno wnmi (! r.n i immediately begin tho dovclop-
i ' 1 . T . ' mont of two Hections. Mr. Weit-
nnd$7.00 per cord, cash only nL tcnhiller also purchased other
Lumber yard. I land while in this territory.
Them in n, foul-mouthed, indecent element, in
Urn city of I'orMimd nightly insulting tho decent,
hnv-iiliiding citizens nnd openly reviling tho flag.
Thoy Imvo sent representatives to surrounding
towns nnd in t In imnio of free unwell denounce tho
efforts to remove llioin from . the streets. In tho
nuuie of our wives nnd children wo ask yotirsup
port mul Vote for No. J170, Voters' 1'iunphlefc
The Boycot And The Picket
The employers of Oregon nro not hIuvo drivers
as is claimed by those who livo by tho sweat of
thoir poor deluded victims. Thin fuel is solf-ovi-dout
in tiny purl of tho Htato. Tho boycott and
the picket urc the representative of n low order of
intelligence, Hooking by fear and tho bludgeon to
force a bad cause. Koniovo tlio vote b a, Voto for
No. 51(18. See puinphlot,
(I'aid Ad.) lOmployers ABHooiation of Oregon,
)V, l', I'TnuoiH, Kfcy,
Avoid SetUtive Cough Mcdlcinci.
If you want to contribute dir
ectly totheoccurnnccof capillary
bronchitis nnd pneumonia use
cough medicines tuU contain
codlno, rrtorphinc, heroin nnd
other sedatives' whep you ha,vo a
cough or cqlc, An expectorant
liko CinnihcrlaIn'0 Cough Home
dy is what is needed. That
cfemiB out tlio CllHure I'cds or
breeding places for tho germs of
pneumonia never results from a
cold whon Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy Is used, It has a world
wild reputation for It cures. It
conlnlnH no morphine or other
Bcdntlve. For sale by all dealers
They Make You Feel Cqotl.
The pleasant purgative ofTect
producod by Chamberlain's Tab
lets and tho healthy condition of
body nnd mind which they create
makes ono feel joyful. For sale
by all dealers.
"'' Wl ! . II IIJBU ipiiii
iiiwimii''tiLiwmiiiiniw. i
Shoes For School
Choice of Tan, Calf and Gun Metal
and Patent, heavy good wearers for
school girls and boys.
School Hosiery
Childrcns School Hose. Fine Rib
bed School Hose, and made for hard
wear. AH sizes for children.
Girls Winter Cloaks
A few advance numbcra of Misses
and Little Girls Coats. We can show
you j few styles at this time that may
be just what you want.
Overcoats For Winter
Overcoats for Boys and young Men
We can please and fit you both. Call
and get yours from the latest line.
School Suits
For Young Boys and Men at all
ages from 6 to 15 years. Heavy
for winter and a small price attached.
Boys Winter Wear
A Fine and Warm Line of Winter
Underwear and Ovcrshirts for the
Boys. Also the best line of latest
Sweater Coats at Rockbottom Prices.
1 section, G10 acres, level un
improved sage brush land in
Harney Valley, canbsubirrigat'
ed.. 1GQ a.cro tract, fenced, good
house deep well nnd otherwise
Improved. Prices made tosuit in
tending settlers. No speculators
need apply. Inquire at this office.
. Seed rye and barley for sale by
Chas. Davis, Jlarncy, Oregon.
liOw Fares West. Fall Colonist
Period, Daily Until Oct. 10.
To AH Central Oregon Points On - -
8 gttgrgpr
Send Your
Orders For
Lumber, Lath,
Cedar Shingles,
Hardwood Plaster,
Portland Cement,
Lump Lime, Etc.
B4swk&Mia TO ns
St. Louis
New York
St. Paul - $30.00
Kansas City - 30.00
Omaha - 30.00
Des Moines - 32.83
Indianapolis - 40.60
Denver - 30.00
Overturf , Davis, Miller Co.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers
Office Phone 36 Mill Phone 48
We have a large stock of the above
and can make quick deliveries to the
Burns Country. Get OUR Prices.
From Other Eastern Points In Proportion
Tell your friends in the East of this opportunity of moving
West at low rates. Direct train service via Burlington Route,
Northern Pacific, Great Northern, "North Bank," and Oregon
Trunk Railways Details will be furnished on request
A Book About Oregon
fifty page illustrated book describing the districts of Cen-.
tral Oregon will be forwarded to you or your friend if you will
write W. E. Coman, General Freight Agent, Oregon Trunk Ry.,
Details of schedules, fares, etc., will be furnished on request.
W. E. COMAN, General Freight and Passenger Agt.
New Goods! New System!
Low Prices?
Having cut out the long credit
system, we are prepared to give
prices which will pay you to buy at
home. Remember, when you buy
at home you create a market for
what you have to sell, no matter
what it consists of, whether it be
farm products, labor or legal ad
vise, vou don't heliD vour own com
munity, when you go outside to
trade; you don't help the farmers
when you buy outside flour. Last
year many people sent away and
went outside to trade. What is the
result? The wheels of industry
have been idle, no building, no bus
iness, no work, no market. Heavy
crops are being harvested and still
a large portion of the old crop is
on hand. It is now . time for the
people to get together if they want
prosperity at home. Trade at our
place if you can if not trade with
our competitor; out Trade at Home
Bursts Department Store
If You Want ALL The Home News"
$2.00 a year
Best Job Printing
fW i i r i hh
-:- WE SELL -:-
Winter Wear
And carry nt nil (in i - n cr in lcto lino ef:
Sweaters nnd Sweater Coats, Underwear,
In Two-piece and Union Suits, Sheep
Lined nnd other Heavy Winter Conts,
Knit Caps, Night Shirts, Pajamas, Woolen
nnd Cotton Blankets, Woolen Socks, Ger
man Socks, Overshoes, Rubbers Etc.
We nlso have a large and complete line of
Mens Woolen and Heavy Winter Shirts
The Best of the Best GOTZAIN SHOES
Coino ninl look our Htock over, compare our
prices and the quality nu.l w nro sure you will
Get Yours
A. K. Richardson
General Merchandise