nawaaaa .-'-' "-f" iK'ccp Clean and Live Right. Health exports talked stnight hfrom the shoulder to the students iof the Oregon Agriculture College it convocation this week, as to ules of hygiene and sanitation. Jr. rJ. J. otcwari, 01 i"i.' lining for men, spoke on baths; liss Miriam Thayer, director of training for women, ppoke on air, exercise and proper lothinir; and Prof. T. P. Hocfc pith, head of the department ot bacterioloc.v. talked on disease Mid its prevention 'Baths as taken by the stu- lents arc not always beneficial," aid Dr. Stewart "Sometimes ey do more harm than good. f ter violent exercise on the field, i the gymnasium, or even after i brisk walk a student may have stimulated his physicue as to ive brought it to the point of thaustion. If he takes a hot nth after it the effect is further riiausting, as it stimulates him ill more. The proper tempera- ire for a bath after such oxer- Be is merely tepid, about the le as the blood in the body, 9S ees. Such a bath has the feet of soothing and reducing essure on the spinal column id the brain, acting as a gener- I restful agent. "(Shower and plunge baths auld be taken with care. A bge in water 70 to 75 degrees as a bracing tonic to a ro- Bt person. The action ot water ier 70 degrees is to stimulate art action. If taken suddenly is a tendency to shock the kous system, and therefore a son who is not robust should jrer take a cold bath unless un- doctor's advice. A tepid , which is soothing rather stimulating, is good for all es and ages, ine atnieies have become bruised and take a warm bath, 95 to 105 rees wnicn nas a soounng Bency. ttvery one should taKe kth of some sort every morn- ; if it is only a rub-down with et towel, with a brisk rub rard to stimulate circula- bs Thayes says, speaking of lical education in the home ymnasium, "No matter how you develop your mind, nil never attain to our high- iucational efficiency unless pave the health to use it. I noticed many students' in wnicn tne windows not open. We were meant Bally to live out of doors. ' student and member of the should have all the venti- possible in class rooms and (ie. When possible you I sleep out of doors, or make Dms as open as you can to esh air. subject of diet is also ant Fried foods and pas- inot make muscle, strength rood dispositions. Good substantial and wholesome what you need. Almost ident, or teacher for that feats as Blowly as he should at many headaches and plments come from eating ; and failing to chew the roperly. I will speak to later on hygenic and i clothing. The boys who eirfine sensible military lis, do not need mucn au- re is a living cause lor I all diseases, popularly is germs," said Prof. "The normal human the pink of condition ie free from these living pf disease. Fortunately in the body certain or which tend to kill off us, out tney are only , certain point, and when iber of germs becomes I these natural safeguards en down and we suffer ease. There are four ough which germs enter by the mouth, by the abrasions or wounds ltry through the skin, ray of the reproductive fAmong the diseases en- irough the mouth are dyscntary, tonsilitis, bis, ncarlet lever, and They must have ihod of transportation. lie water, other drinks, f food. The water sup- prvallis h one of the iiave ever had to deal BO per cent of the wells city are bad, so I would It you make sure you tig city water, not well sok into the kitchen food h cooked and hero are not germ dis- lics there. Know that you drink is not from liseased cows. And, live clean, morally res if you would not bo IlLperccnt in the unit- mo are infected with Ikpoc'i, grouped under name of the Ulack Stallion Registration Board Reports. The first annual report of the Stallion Registration Board of Oregon, prepared by the secre tary Prof. E. L. Potter of the Oregon Agricultural College, is now otV the press, and it is full of interesting facts. Besides a complete directory of all tho licensed stallions and jacks in tho state, classified by counties with the names of their owners and a statement of their breeding and any special defects, there is a tabic showing just how many of each breed there are in each county, how many nre grades, mongrels, or puro blooded. An other table classifies tho animals as to brooding and soundness, showing the number of each breed having spavin, roaring and other defects, a total of 9 per cent unsound out of 1.135 animals. The total number of applica tions received was 1,238, and of these 1,135 have been granted licenses, 103 being, held up, some because no fees were paid, some because of the death or sale of the horses, lack of inspection, necessity of further information, or other cause. In some cases the pedigrees were found to be entirely fictitions, or to haye dates chanced or forgeries. Cer tificates of registration were re fused them, as were also certifi cates issued by the. American Horse Register, American Per cheron Register, American Pac ing Register, Standard Jack and Jennet Register, the Dominion Draft Horse Association, and the Hartman Stock Farm Regis try Record Co. In the latter case pure bred licenses were issued after the foreign certificates were presented, and in some other cases animals thus listed have afterwards been properly record ed. Unauthorized certificates issued by S. D. Thompson, certi ficates of Arabian horses, and miscellaneous unauthorized cer tificates were also refused. A large number of owners, finding that the law barred the certificates they held did not pre sent them for registry. Some horses advertised as pure bred had no certificates to support the claim, and sometimes the owners have tried to secure a pure bred license without a certificate. In no case has a pure bred license been issued by the board until a certificate from a recognized as sociation has been presented at the office of the board, examined and approued. There are 21 graduate veterin arians in Oregon who are author ized to inspect stallions and jacks for state license, and to receive applications for license. The fees for licenses, transfers and dupli cates amounted during the year to $12,361, and the disbursements of the board to $7,691. 17, leaving a balance on hand, not including outstanding obligations, of $4, 669.83. It is interesting to note that Idaho has registered 3 stallions in the Oregon registry, Califor nia -1, and Washington 9. Of these 6 are Standard bred, 1 Shirew 1 Percheron, 1 Clydesdale, 2 Mongrels, 1 German Coach, 2 Belgian, 1 Grade-Trotting and 1 Grade-Percheron. They are used along the Oregon line. Will Run For Surveyor A recent letter from Chas. E, Beery written at Denio states that word has reached him re cently to the effect that he does not want the office of county sur veyor. This Mr. Beery wishes corrected as he is the regular nominee of his party and has no intention of withdrawing. He has been very busy during the entire season working on a big irrigation project down close to the county line and has had no time to get out around among the voters. Mr. Beery wishes it understood that he is a candidate and wants the votes of the peo ple. He is a very competent man and will make an excellent officer. (Paid Adv.) NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION UNITKU STATE)! LAND OrTJCK, I liurni, Orefun, Octoherv, Wt I Nutim 1 hereby lon that Hannah Mcy of Hums. Orciton, who, on May in, 1W7. utile llciinwua.1 entry N0.3IS7, Herlal No. KM, or KUNKli Btictliu 10. anil rtkNW!;. Hellion 11. Townililpr, Woullj, lunge 31 Kail, Willamette Herlciian, nas mcia anwaoi internum w mane Anal live rear proof Uiailabllih claim to the landabote ilecrlbcij, beloro the Itticliter and Itocclver. at lliirna. Oresuu. on Ilia let li dar ol November, Itlil, i laiuiaul namia aa wuneaaei: Neva Hodiler. Ilenrna W, llodder. Tliomss H Hprayue, William II. Iiswsou all ol Ilium, Oregon. 'M.VkUK, lit-Klaler. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Umtch flTiTEiI.ANnorncii, liurni, OriKon.Octolxir H, 111 J Notice l hen rebyKlven uel K II11 n that Caroline llutlou, widow of Hamuel K llutton deceased, of KkII, Oregon, who, on March 6, 1!07, made llonio ttead entry No.'dl, herlal No. W171, for SWJ, rfcrtlou 2, townihlp H . ltane U ., Wll loimrtlii Meridian, baa Died notice of Intention to mate final five-Year Proof, to eitabllih ll)m to tho land lime described, before the Keylalr and Itecelver, al liurni, Oreitou 011 tliclliUiJayof Novemler, 1912 I laliuent n TLt aa wltneaaei; Ilobert I- Huliau, Cbarbis VV, Comegyi. O, A. VV alkcr, all of ftrll, Oft'ju. )V(i Newman, of Hums, On-Kon. REA80NS FOR WOMAN 8UFFRAQE Women must olii tin- lnw nml urty taxes Just n mm do Tliov miffer n much from lmil Kovernment n do the men. Tlierrfot tlicy nhunlil vote on en mil trrina with turn Mother ului wnnl to innk. tliclr vlilMren'n fur roumllmis ldtir and mrnnien of leisure who nttcmut to eie Hie nubile vel fiiro should lie Mill t miiMvi t their advice by their voiv. Women ni'il to bo iriilnwl to n high er sense of mu'liil nml rlvlo lespotul bllltw.hut they nlsu iioetl the nw Hint In rofnul In tho opportunity to Rive jiroer expression to that sense when developed Women niv eonmunem hut In rtddlltou to Hint, over tS.OOO.OOO woueii In tho United Stntes oie wtiKe emneiH mid their health nml that of our future cltl lens nro often endmiKered l evil working conditions Hint enn only bo lumedled by leKlslrtltou. lloth con sumer nml produce! h need fuller rep resetitntlon In politics. In the slnles where women have en Joyed immlclpnl sutTr;it,v, the verdict of the mayors has been that women urn public-spirited and take nn Intelligent Interest In public affairs. Would Ore- Kon women do thnn these? RESULTS OF WOMAN 8UFFRAOE Women nre only forty-two Per cent of the population ot Colorado, but they enst forty-live ler cent of tho vote of the stnle. In Denver the women east llfty-flve per cent of the vote In the Inrtfo resi dence vvnrds and only four per cent In the "slum" wards. There Is no nntlon, no slate, no city Hint hns enfranchised women vvliero the vole of the disreputable women even remotely approaches Hint of tho women of Reed lepute. Almost SO.000 women voted at the last election In Denver. Of these only (00 could be connected with any bad element. In Wvomlnir. where women were first enfrniuhlM-d and where ninety ier cent of the women vote rcRUlnrly, there Is n lariri r percentnKe of married women tt- 'ti any other stnte except Idaho,- a's i sulfraRe state, while divorce In omlnK Is only one-elifhth ns Rrent in similar slntes where women C I vote. Kiunl suffrage builds i 'ther thnn disrupts the Anothir ie stnte, I'tnh. tins the largest pu i ' 'ii of homo owners of any state In tl e I'nlon In Seattle thero were never u bun dred women devoting them'elves to the Miffm.ce eninplKti. but 23,000 women registered nt the llrst election i:ight per i cut of the women voting In the last election In Seattle were married the women of tho home In the l.oi AiiReles election In 1911, when practically the entire ndult popu lation voted, there were approximately 70,000 women who registered, nml of these nlnet-llvo per cent nctunlly cast their ballots. In many wards outnum bering the men. To nil Oiegon veters: VOTE 300 X YES. AdminUtratore Notice. In thcQounty Court of llnrnev Count Oregon, t In the matter of the listntc of) Mnrjr 13. llnlcy, Doccnseil f Notice N hereby given the undersigned wnson Octolicr 7, ItH'J nppointeil nd minittrntor of the ctntc of Mury 15. Haley, Occ'il nml linsduly qunlitictl. All persons having clnims ngiiint snid es tate nre hereby notified to present them to me nt Narrows, Orcxon, vcrilted nt by law rciiireil, within six month1 from thedntc liercol. Dntolnt Ilurm, Oregon. Oct. Vi, 1DIL'. 4S-52 W. S, Administrator. In the County Court of the State Oregon lor the County of Hnrney In the Matter of the Kstate of) Thomas 12. Jordan, deceased ) Citation To I:rnnkie I'nyne, Clam Cooley, Mrs. l?red Iillis, I'eter Stcngcr, Col Stenger, and to all other heirs or persons in terested anil unknown, if any such there x, Greeting: In the name of tlie Stnte of Oregon, You nro hereby cited nml required to npjenr in the County Court of the Stnte of Oregon, for the county of Harney at the Court Room thereof, nt Hums, Ore gon in the county ol Harney, on .Monday, the 23th day of November 1012, nt 10 o'clock on the forenoon of that day, then nnd there to show cause, if nny exist, why nn ordcrof snleihoulil not be made as prated for in the petition of the ad ministrator ot said estate duly verified nnd filed, of the following real property of said estate, viz hit S of block 20 of the City of Hums, Harney county, Oregon. WITNUSS, the Hon. Grant Thompson Judge of the County Court of the Stnte of Oregon, for the County of Hnrney with the Sen! of snid Court affixed this 9th day of Octolicr A. I), 1012. ATTBST: I!. II. Watkils, Clerk. 18.52 HvJ. I.. C.vuiwri.i., Deputy. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION UNITKIISTATKH I.A.Ml OKKICK, I liurni, Oregon, Orlober I, 191J. I Notlre li hereby given that Chaa H. Oard, of Laeii.Orf Kon, v. hu on July 7. Idod. made Home ttead Kntry.No. USHM, lor WJNW'j A NUSWJ, lion II Townabln'Jft 8. Itnuco.'BU K. v ulna ette Meridian, has tiled notice of lnt ntlon 10 make final three year proof, to (ilabllih claim to tbe land above deicrlliei, before lleictiter and Itecelver, at liurni, Oregon, nn tde 1 lib day NovsmlMsr, 1912. Claimant namei ai wltneiies: John A, Oard and V. II. Auimiii. IkjIIi of I.awcn, Ori'non (leomo K. Parker, Harrlman Oregon H A Oilton, I.awcn, Oregon, VV . Kaks, Itegliter. NOTICE F0H PUBLICATION. I'NiTcn htatm I.ami orricg liurni. On ton, U fiber 6, 1912 .S'otlcclibcrcbygivnnlliatl barley C Couch, 01 r.KU, witKoii, iviju, 011 Ailguii u, jvoo, anil AUgmt 1, law, riipeciiiiMy, made llomi itcail Knuli'i Noi 2;t7 Jhcrlal IUVVI1I and No OH '.. lol HKWSMJ, fee W SUNK'i,HVV'ji.SK!.l!t,NKJl NwliSfci, KUNVVJf.t-etllouW, Townihlp 96 h' ItaiigoJI K., VVHlamulle Mcrldan.haa fllnl no llceol Intention to mike three-yenr Proof, to utabllih claim to tho land abovu described, before llrgliicr and liurni, Oregon, on ine iin nay 111 aovemuer ivii Claimant names si wltueiiei Leonard VV W'llinu. clirte liio, Antone Kgll William Harber all of Kgll, Oregon. IV'if fAKKg, Itegliter, CONTEST NOTICE. llNITgnHTATCS I.AKDOrrKK I liurni, Orvgou, iicIoUt 1, 1912,) To cbsrlea Allen, of Hllcmburg, Wailu, Con. teitee: You are hereby untitled that C, II MtCon nell who mvci liurni. Oregon, as hla nom- olllco aildreia, did oil October t, 1912, rile Hi thli oinie 1111 uuiy (orronortueii aptiiicailou to conteit and itrtirc thu (amellatlun of your homestead, Kntry herlal No. 01 17 made April 19, 1910, for l.oia I, i .land lofHecllonf.ll, Town sblp2jH, Hang, u, . VMIaiiiette Meridian, ami as ground! lor bis iriulritba allegee that tallj nitryiiiau,Chark. Allen, baa never eitab llibcd or maliiiiiliiida reildnieoii said tract, nor has lie tier ' uliit Ui or Improved alii tra''t toany eitviit hicvir isiept loeauae thuionitruitloii of umull 1 lln llicrton, and baa wllollrabaliilolied -aid trail lor morit than one year laat ail. and for more Hutu (I moiilhi prior 10 aiikuii r, I'm You are. tberefore. furllmr notified that the ml'l allegation! will bo lakeii at Iblaollitoai having btuu loofeited by 1011, and nur laid entry will buianieledthemiiMli'rtvltlioulyour further right to lie beard therein, before tbli mill 1 01 011 spd-al,f )ou lalltolllH lu llili olllie Mltblu tweni) davi 1. f 1 c r thoKOUU'IH puoiiiuuon 01 out uniKe, as miown helow, your ttiikwcr, under oulh, speillbally meellug and reiiionillnglo theioelleuallouior or If you 'all within lliul lluiu to tile lu Dili (illliu due proof that yi.u liii)n lervod a copy of )our answer on me imo 1 oiiietiani olilier 111 pertonor by reglaieied mall If thlimrvko l madu by the ilnlluT) of 11 copy of ujir smwer lolho cuulealuiii In p ison, j.rooiof such ler vkomuit bo llllur H ,ihIiI 1 011I1 ttunl'i writ ten a kllowleilg. tiioht of III reiuli.L of llm tony, thowlng the .l.'li- of Itireielj.t, orlbu atfidavltof tho pi' 1011 by whom thu nellvery was made Haling whuu and whrrolhu cony -wai ileilverod, If madu lo leglatered mall, prool of 1111 i nm.l 1 mitln of the a 111. In vllof the iieraon by whom llioionv waa 11mil1.fl Hating when and thu iniil ollnuio which II wai mailed, und Ihla afflilavit uiiiat be actum patiled by ilie iioiimaiier ircitlpt for tho letter luuibmild stale lu )'iur hikhcit the namoof the ionollli u lo wlili.l ton drilre future noiki tObuhl'lltlooll lialeof (Hit publliallou Otioher 1A I'JIV llatooliecoud publication October 19. lull, !t;Vi,:ii'l,iTV'v',ii'j..',MiLt',i'i'i)L, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UNITKDSTATlULAmiQrFICK, I mutia oreftuu, Octobar U, mil Notice la hereby siren thalThomae llulton, oi mil, dregun, wim, on April VH, IW, trail llomealeail entry No, !W7, Hertal No, vmM lnr.-4hH MMIBWW, hWU8M Hertlon M, TwiiIiIi -XS rioulh, ham ill Kail, VVIIIam elte Mtrbllan hai illeil iiotlro of lutenllon to make final IWnjcar Proof, to eitabltili eUlm In the land above described, btlor the lU'iilitiT and Hccelver, t llurns,Oreinu, on the ivth day ol Novemlier, 1HIZ Olalmaut lisiiira at wllliewil Itnbert U Million, cbarlea W, Onrotgya, 0, A, VV alkvr, all of KkII, Oreifoii, liar Newman of llurn'i (rion, Wm.Kas.ik, Ilejliler, NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION l'MTKi'TTm I.AHDOrnca, I lliirna, Oregon, October H, lll Noi lee la hereby ilven that Ocorala K. (leora ol llrvvvroy, UrcKuti, nbo on PccemberT, IwS, n ado I'Mort baud Knlry Herlal No. 01071, for SKUNV'i,HUNK4, NKViSKif, Heo. a, N)HVt, NVt4 KM,, Veellnn 1, Tnwnitilp 20 Aoiith. Ilauge mt K , VV lllaineltn Meridian, hai nied noile of Intention to make final t'mof, to rtuMMi claim lolho land above deicrlbed, before the ItrgUter and lteeelver, at liurni, Orcenn, on Ihevmh Oar of Novembor, 1B11, Claimant name aaa wilutMca: VV. J. lleurie, W. I.. Jonra, John Klmbell, J, A.UeorKe.all of Drensey, Oregon, Wm. Panax, Itejlittr. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. I'NITKIIBTATKS I.ANl)OrK10K, liurni, Oregon, KeplemlMtr 12, YiU Notice la hereby given that John O. Millar, ol Itller.orrgou.whucu October at. lU7,made llomeiicad l'ntry No. 3OT, Herlal No. trail, lor for NK'iSertlou is, TowuihlplEIH., ltanir.Vil K., Wlllametlo Meridian, has riled notice of Intention to make final three-year proof to ealiiblUh proof to the land above deaerlbod, twtore the Itegliler and Iteretver. at liurni, Oreitou, on the 'Jlit day of October, mill. Olalinaut iiamei aa wltlicMts. Vt 11 Johnson, I Center, llenjamln Mullcr, (1. Ullembree, all ol llltey, Oregnn. Wv. Firki. Ileclater. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. UNITKI) BTATKS I.ANI) OKFIOKI liurni, Oregon, September 11, llll'J, I .oiic it nereuy given mat nrvilia .m ri ol Iiwen, Oregon, who, on July, twM, 11 llomritcad Kntry No.tM for S)t Heello ro'tvnhlp'JIH.,linge!rju K.,VVIIIaniette Notice l hereby given that Orvllla M rellr, uiaue on 31, Marl. dlau.haa filed nollceof Inleiillou to make final commutation proof to eelabllih claim to the laud above ncecillKtl, before) Itegliter and Its reiver, at liurni, Oregon, on the 'Anddayof October. llj. I'lalmatit nanus ai wllnnica Kred 1. Illack. (leorge W llryuing, Chai. K. I.emay, Krol K 1 1mm, all of l.awou, Oiegon Wm. Kassh. Itegliter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 1'mTr.DHTiTMt.iNiiOrrirs. I liurni, Oregon, September I'J. WlJ. I Notice ! hereby given that Nathaniel lltnney ol liurni, Oieuon, who, on December 11,1900, niadii lloiiieileail entry Nn. 'iS'8, Serial No. rjus, for NU Heel Ion '.a, Toonihtp M H, ttaugo 91 K, VVIIIametto Meridian baa riled notice of Intention to make nnal five-year proul. 10 citaUlih dalm to the land above ilrerrlbcd, licl.iro Ileguter and Hecelver, at liurni. Oregon, on the rind day of October, 191;. Claimant names aawlineaiei lien ItiHler, Kdward!', Kggleilup Hay llarron, rrtsi uarrou,aiioi nurni, orrgu. VYu.ranRK. Hfgtiler. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. I'MTKDhTtTICa I.AKIlOrriCK I liurni, Oregon eplember so, 1911 Noticed hereby given thai Klmer II Taylor, iitlrewi-y Oregon, who, on May 17, Ivu7, made l,.i,ieie.l Ki.lrv N'k 'Ipi erlal No. VI ST. lor K)-i:,. Cccllon 'Jo. Townihlp la H. Hinge . K . willaiiiciio Mi-.illi. hua tiled notlieof luiilloe to make final Ave yesr proof. Iti ee- .bllih 1 lalm t the dx.rilbed.he- ore K I . Heede, P. tt. t'nmuilntotier, at hl iflre. a' Urewiey tlregou, on the Mb day of Vovciiit-er 1 i l laiuiaul name ai ulni mis H ilium II South, (leorge llller, Albert til ow,iVllllamA llobertaon.allof Urewiey, legnn Wm Kiaat, Itegliler. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. UMTgllHTATKI I.tsnOrrict liurni. Oregon, October II, tail. Notice It hereby given that Howard N. foei. ot Karri ian,Or(gjn,whnoiietlemberlS,l'AWl made llomraieau Kntry erlat No okvu. for rlVVU, N'cllon IV, Towuihlp V Hontb. nange Kail, w 11 ametieMcildian, baa nied notlie of Intention lo make Commutation proof. In eitabllih claim to tbe land above, de tcrlted, before itegliter and nurni. urea"". 011 ine jan nay 01 .oveuiDer, ivij. ( lalmantnamea la wltnriiea Clirenre J. Hill, Ira I, rileeper, bothof liar, rtman, Oregon Chai Holm, of liurni, Oregon. 8. M.Tallol.of Harrlman, Oregon Wm. raaaa, Itegliter. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. I'sitsu Htates l.ixn Orrtcs llurn ,0rr(on, Aliguit 17, 1J1S. Noi Ire li hereby (Ivenihat fwion Newell. of Ilrewsev llrcnon, who, on November 73. Iks, medo llomeiirad Kntry No.0-117, lurWHNWI: and ttUHVVi,. rrcllon SS Townihlp S 8., Kaiixe K, Willamette Meridian, has died wtlceif Intention to make nnal three-year Proof 10 eitabllih claim lo the land above de crllKMl, before K. I., llcede, V. H. (,'ommliilon er, at hla oltlce, al Iirewiey, Orecou, 011 the ICIh day of October, Ivll. Claimant names aa wllnttm- I'll icy Hooper, Kllck tllion, Clarence Welly uu miui, tuywu ..ivi I.HMIQ7, ui(uu, vvu. FASaf, Iteilitsr. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. VNITMiHTATKH I.ANI) OFKICK, liurni. Oiegon, Hcplember 34, 1912.1 Noticed hereby given that (leorge VV. Dean, of I aw en, Oregon, who, on May 10, 1907, made hnmntead entry No. 3097, Herlal No. 022M, for Hf.lccllona.V, Towuihlp2IH Hinge 32K K VV lllamrtle Meridian, hai flleil notice of luten llon to make Final five-Year I'roof, to ei tabllih claim lolhe land above deicrlbed, be foro tbe tteglite' and Receiver, at liurni. Ore gon, oil tho 29th dar of October, 1912 ( laltnanl namei ai wlmcsiei I'eter 1,'rfer, I II Ammui, Harry Cary, Ilob ert lltirkhardl, all of l.nwcn. Oregon. Wm. Parks, Kcgliterr NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION UMTtn tTATu I.ahd Orrice, I liurni, Oregon, beptember 2i, 1912 I Notice Is hereby given IhaWatnel M, Known, of Harney, Oregon, who on July S, I90S, made llome.ti-ad iCntry No 022, for NH HKiflcc.2v NU H.. Kcctlou 2S, Towuihlp 22 H. Itange 3!V... Willamette Meridian, hai died notice of intention to make three-year proof, tu eitab llih ilalin to the land above deicrlbed, before the Itegliter and Hecelver, al liurni, Orrgon, en the .Mill day of October, 1912. Claimant namei aa wltneaieit O.I.. liiichanaii. J. II. l-ord, Isith of lluch anan, Oregon. C II. Davis, J, W, Hhown.both of Harney, Oregon, V u. Hash, Itegliter- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. L'NITgll Htatks I.AMbOrsicg, I liurni, Oregon, Beptember 27, 1911. Notice li hereby given that Florence liar mudet, of Hums. Oregon, who on March 20, I'jW, madu Deiert I.aud Kntry, No 01M7, for Nf.W NK;i.Heclloii7,'ruwuihlp H., Hinge 29 K , VVIIIamclte Meridian, has filled notice uf Intention to inske Final I'roof, to eitabllih claim 10 Ilie laud above deicrlbed, before Itegliter and Itecelver, at Hums, Oregon, on thuClhdsrof November 1912. Claimant names aawltneiiei: ' H.J. Heron. Willis II. Chile, Ituul) Tipton, Horace Heed, all of Hums, Oregon, Wm Passe, Itegliter, NOTICK KOR PUBLICATION I'miii, Htatks I. a no Orrii 1, Hums, Oregon, HeptemUr 17, 1913, Notice li hereby given that Austin J, C'ura- mliigaof lliicbanaii, Oregon, who, on ' ay IS, 190H. mailehonuatead en trv No. B.V9. Herlal N. OJUIS, forH'jHKJi. NWJiHKK, Nf. HWlj, rleo lion u.lowiisiifiii'lrl., K.nge 83 K , Wlllsmatta jierioian, ins nieu noticu 01 1 mention 10 mass final Three-Vear Proof, lo eitabllih claim to thu land abovu deicrlbed, beforo Itegliter and Itecelver, ut liurni, Oregon, on Ihe TMliday ol October 1912 Claimant names as wltueiiesi William A. Cailerson, of I.awcn, Oregon. William T Vandeveer, of flrewiey, Oregon. II A. Dleckmau and JobnT Clayton, both ol st-saev.-'iwa-'.i- Wm OTI0K KQR PUBLI0ATION, Unitih htatss I.amu Orrici Hurin, Origun, optobpr f, ifijl. Nolliuls hereby crlveii that kfaltla Wllaon. of liurni, Oregon, wim, mi December 7, 1901. insdu Iliieri'I.utid fully. No, 0IOT2, for Nf.ll, Hection to, Townihlp 2.1 H , Hangs no K,, W'lllBiiict'e, Meridian, has filed notice cil liitentluu 10 make n rial proof, to siUblliu 1 III 111 lei llm laud sbuye deicrlbed, before Itegliter and l(e elver, at liurni, Oregon, oa thulvthdavof Niiveiclvr, 1912 i;ikliuuui namia a" wltneueil . tint Wllinii.l hriterd. Illbbard snd C R. funs all of liurni. Orerou Kd. Koeminauu. uf Narrrwi, Oregon, VM,riK(g, Itegliter Seed rvonnil barley for Balo bv fjt..irT).:.u, uaumj, uitUii. ' ''?;;'"' ocurnxi. nARNKY LODQC, MO. 77, I, O O f, Mteia evary itutday in Odd at 7iio nm. 1) Meet avary Bturday In Odd Fellow Hall T. M. dpragua, Beeretary, , J.VVi (learv cpregue, BecreiRry, e work 11 followil Flral n:o. Itgree work iifqllowil Flrat Saturday Inl- llalorrt eerond Saturday, Fliat Degree 1 third Haturday Second Iieereal fourth Saturday, Third Degree, l)l)IlN8I.ODaKNO.7, A.F, A, U Meeti every Ural and thIM Baturdgy In each mon,hl. t t . Win,Ulllr,Y. M. Hani Molharihrad.BicrelarT. M)1)KRN WOODMKNOKAMKUIOA Meets trery aeeond anil fourth Friday even ing at I, O.O.K.lialli all neighbor. Invited Now appllcanti will tacetve courteoui treat. "TT.U.t.r.o.ark. M'A m""'V ' DUIINU 01IA1THR hO, 0, 0. K. B. Mcete every second and loarth Uondaya.ln Maeonlo Hall. Kranale Welcome, VV. M, hllaBweek.llecralary, SYLVIA niBKKAH DK0RKK No.sS. Meeti every Ut and Id Tfadoeaday, , , . Byrdle Dalton, N. (I. Madgt Leonard, Ree. Uoo'r, TUI.K UIKCUC 7(0. le. TT, ot W, Mccte every fourth Tneiday. Maud llotton, (I, M, lloitcr (loodman. Clerk, OFFICIAL DIRICTOKY TATaV gaog U a.Benatore,.,,. I Jonathan Bourne Jr. (J eo. K. chamberlain iW HKIIIa JW llawley , ,, A.M. Crawford .OiwaldWeit .FWIlanion Congressman , Attorney Oeneril ,, llovernor , Heeretaryol MUt Treasurer Hum, I'obllo Inttmctloa, Bute I'rlnter...: , T. 11, Kay L. H, Alderman 1 bDonlway rltobt Kaklu T. A. MoUride ,uaoli liurnelt 1 R. H. llaati. Bunrama Jidga,.. I r.A. Moore NINTH JUD1UIAL DISTRICT. Dltttlct Judge. , Dalton iggi District Attorney J W MoUidlocli Deputy Mat A(ly OH l.eonanl Circuit Court meets lb first Mouday lu April and Brat Monday In October, lolut-Henator..,,. . .,,,,, JolDt-KepreientatlTO,,... . O W I'arrlih ,W HUrooke COOgTT HiBKSTI County Judge 01fs ,. .. Treasurer surveyor Sheriff. Alienor, ,, School Haperlitendent. Coroner ..." rJtock Inspector, , Coramlnlonera.. . (Irani Thompiou K. II. VValen . . Mluiou Lewie Frank I'.Oowaii A, K. Illvhardion J.J, Douegau LM llamllum J W Oeary .John Itoblniou IK. r. iiylveitor ' iu. a Binyin County Court Beats the Brat Wedueaday tu Jauuary, March. May, July, Replcmber and November. giiMT 0. a. lamii orricsi teguler letelver , Win Farro frank Davey ciTV.-suasi' Mayor, 1, O, W.CIeveiiger Itecordar. ., .... . A, M. lijr.l Treasurer J.U. VVelcomo Jr Marshal, ... ..It. I.. Halms II. J llaiitru A. ( vtchumr Frat.a I'avry l. J McKInn 11 Meeilugi uf the I'ounrll eiefy srioiid anit fourth Welnee'l Sumpter Valley Railway Co. I'lMli TA111.K NO. (I IN Kl KI.IT JUNKII, 100H. Wcat Hon nil Nn 1 Pass U:0 I.v 0:5 " 9:68 10:04 " 10:07 Ksit llound. No. 2 Pass p. in Baker Oily Ar l.v South Itsker Sallaburyt Lockhart) Tliotapaont Stoddard Junctlont WUrTankt Dean's tjpurt McEsrent JUNCTIONf Humpter JUNOTlONt Summllt O L Campl 10:17 " 10:22 " 10 :2 " 10 -a " 10:68 ' 11:10" 11:16 " 11:40" NOON 12:00 T. SI. 13:05 " 12:40 " 1:10 Ar Whitney " .00 TllTONt "2:40 Aoitln " 2 10 Slop on ilgnalaonly. tNoacnit. Ticket! Issued only (or atatlons wlicro traini are, idieduled to mako rctjulsr stops, ruiunsera mnat purchase tick eU vrhero ajentt elit lieforo onterinit tralnaor25 ccnti lb Jdltlon to tlio re gular (are 'will be cbarKod. JOSEPH A. WK8T, Btij.t. GHANTGKDDEB. Anit. Bopt. $1500 Reward! Tho Oregon, t.'a Iformasud Nevada 1. 1 vo (Clock I'rotec lion Aasoclstlonof which the under signed Is memlier, will glvo li.UX) u) reward lor evi dence leading to Ihe arrest and con Tlcllouof any par ly or parlies iteal- .. 1. ..... .,,i. mi iiui.r.. .,, or mulea belonging to any of Ita mem bers. Ill addition lotha above, the undersigned olTers the lame coodltlon H0O.0O for all boric branded horse-ihod bar on both or either Jaw, Ilraud recorded In eight counllea. Mango Harney, Lake and Crook counties. Horses rented wlieo aold. Nous but grown tioraea sold and only In srge bunches, W W.HKOWN fife. Oregon. tmmrnmttmmtttttattmtmttnmmam n Mra. Qrace B. Mcliose teaciiep Voice and Piano Methods Used In CiscicMtli CMsmalory of Music Haldonco Studio and door west Presbyterian Church itmmmmii Star Hotel fcJWPWIfrt?M'rpp, NARROWS, - 0REUON TliU will b found a desirable nd hofplUbla itopplnic placo whar comfort and courteouH trcatmcat ar considered II rat Feed Barn Conducted In connection u.m " 4:65 v 1 &mfc A TICKET VIA A' Through Service BETWEEN Central Oregon - AND - PORTLAND Yin Redmond , Leave Redmond 7ll5 a. in. Arrive Portland Bi30 p. m. ' Leave Portland 7iS0 , in. nnd 10:00 n. in. Arrive Redmond 7l30 p. m. Via Baiter Leave Baiter 7i45 n. m. and HiOS p. 10, Arrlvo Portland 8.00 p. m. ann I2i'!5 p. m. Leave Cortland 10.00 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. Arrive Halter 10:35 p. m. and lll-IG a. m. All Trnina nrrivc at nnd lenvc Union Depot Portland WHY NOT MAKE $200." A MONTH - - That's a $50.00 a Woek, almost $10.00 a Day aHellliiR Victor Safes and flre-nrool Ikiici to nierehaiiti, iloelori, lawyers. lU'lillila and well todnlarmers.allntwhoiiirralltrlhenrrtl olaaafe.but do not know bowraiyltUtuown one, Haleameu ilrelare our roioilllon one ut the beit. clean cut money making- iorlunl. Ilea ever received VYIIhoul iirrvloua riirrl men YOU can dupllrate the aiirerei otnlliers. Our handiomely llluilratrtl auu-lage eatatoff will enable you lo jircacnl the eubjeel loeue lomera In aa Interesting a manner ae thougli you were bllotlnit them Ihrougb our factory. silrsinen reeelva sdvlee and Initruotloni lor convincing talking iMlntawbloli II Is luioitbln for A proiorellve euitomer to deny Why doii'l ,YOU l Ui Aral to apply from your vlclnlie before aomcoiioelio gels tho lerrlloryr VV. can taro, only on. saleiman qui of each locality. Tll,tnnlve,..ryofour iPTvjBjBHHl Our New Hem. Capacity 0,000 tales W. W. DRINKWATER "i05 - y Main St., BURNS MILLING CO. HORTON Sc SAYER, Propts. Rough and Dressed Lumber, Rustics Flooring, Moulding, Finishing Lumber. Nearest Sawmill to Burns. Oood Road. Lumber Yard in Burns. C3rO TO TlDLO WHITE LIVERY NEW RIGS 'Phone to Me for R. J. McKINNON, Rfe5VH;,Vt.lB!&'rirftriScl(JWX sHTssKJsw21dalBssssskah jaMTlJlstf' IssLW rfsLmLmlLW rf" i.i ' aliatW " faats'sar 'lt- Kfta.aH I I For Backache Rheumatism Kidneys and Bladder! '. I CONTAIN NO HARMFUL OH IIAIHT rORMINfl DRtir.S j rijsBLjajfvgvaiLLfn 7isA 1 4.l.4J WRITE FOR SPECIAL CATALO0 AN0 PRICES . THE A.H.AVERILL MACHINERY CO. SPOKANE, WASH.-PORTLAND. ORE.- rANJOSF.CAI. VZ STANDS FOR SERVICE ', b wm Men npivlnled so selllnK safes. ttlvInK company was relebraled liy erM.lnrtbn molt lurMleril safe factory In the world. Wide awake men who received our siwlal aelllliK Inducemrl.t, renderrd Uneresiary lodouble our output. VV are spending fnany thousands of dollar! rn arglngoursalrsorganlikllon, but to learn all particulars, It will entl you only tho price of a postal card. ilk lor Cttilogut 161. THE VICTOR SAFE & LOCK 00. CmCIIKlII, OHIO Annually, Rlacksinithiag and Horseslioing Wagon Work COOLEY AUTO MATrCBRAKES Burns, Oreefop, FRONT STABLE AND TEAMS) Your Doctoi wails.! Jr., Proprietor. 4XGtZWZ "WBJ l ENGINCSo B0ILLR5 JUGHGRAD SAW MIULS MACHINERY ANTX DaeHavvlaeaaaKHd rf al Wi k BU5tu PllOFESSIONAL 0ARD8, MnRSDHH & GRIFFITH Physicians, nml HiirKCons. IIUIINB, OltKdON. L, E. IIIDDARD iDHnsriis'sr Olllco first door runt plioto unllury Ilnriis, Oregon. W. C. BROWN, " llmiNS, OitnaoN, Olllco rooms H nnd I) Masonic Ilulldlng G. A. REMBOLD Attoriioy-iit-Liiw, Burns, Oroflon. MILLER & CliliZliM ATTOHNKVS AT LAW UuriiH, Ort'Koii. Itoiims (1 mid 7 Masonic Ilulldlng Km m loans iiulckly made at reaionabla rates CIlnRLES W. ELLIS LAWYER Burns, - - Oregon l'rnctici'H In tliu Sliitu Courts nnd Ixr forutliu V.ti. Uud Onico. (JluiH. I-J. Iooiiaitl, Attoiinky-at-law, Cnroful nttuiitlon given to Colleo- tioiiH nml Html ICHtnto timttors. Kir (i Insiirnnco. Notnry Public IIUHNH. . OltKdON. d. UJ. GEARY Physician nnd Hurmon. UuriiH, - - - Oregon. OIIIcm In iiuw linlldlhKMiiiihnf Welqome luirnens simp, Main Ht. 'PImhio MsliiH.'.. Physicians and Surgeons ul b mi vrro.1 1 rin pi I y nlnlit or day 'Pinup lliirritiisn Harrlman, Orrgon JOHiM ROBIN. ON Stuck Inspector, llnrticy Coonl. Hi. me A Id cn Ilnriis, Ore Dr- Minnie Hand Physician and Surgeon Direct Telephone Connection Lawen. Ore. A. W. GOWAN ATTOItNEY-AT-LAV Stnto Courts nml UnitetJ States Isanti Office Praptipe Three doors South of thp Jlnrnoy County Nntjonal innjc Purns, 0rejro). 1 It l CturaH M.V. IMa Alto M AM MKX C S, AIIO. M, AM, BOC. C I. 1 COOPER & DODGE 1 j Civil and Hydraulic Engineers Irrigation, Water Supply Sewerage, Water Power. Hurvo)', Maps, Kalltnutcs, gupurvislon miRNS, OliEGOH V. C. DiLkiiui A. O. Fadmm Korinrrljr Assi. liiitlncor Korinorlv Ciilal Kd. I'i I' H. Iti'Clsiuslluii Krf. gltircr ol Holts A 1 Hc. WtstrrnHr. Caslern Oregon Engineering Cpmpany CIVIL AM) IRRIGATION ENGINEER Bums, Oregon I- ! H. N. McCOMB (I'cnernl Repair Shop Rear W. 10. White's Shop, S. Main Street Plumbing, Pump and Wind ill Work a Specialty. Burns Sheet Metal Works Tin, Copper, Sheet Iron Work of all Description. Crimp Stores, Tanks, Jobbing, Vmb lag to order, fllyo Mo a Trial. C. W. SCHUMANN Toprlctor. Voently'B Old Stand. .i()iin(ji:miii:rlino, .rowolot'. Optjoiun nd ISnui'avor. , Fine Wntch Kt'pniring A Spe cinlty. s Alwuys ready foro'ob printlnsr. JK M JBsB !?. v s sWi. JL I ' iS J 4