The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, October 19, 1912, Image 3

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.j j
ITU Lrj.t Circulation Of Any
Nwppr In Hurnejr County.
Local News.
VulcanlziiiK at Goinborliiitt'tf.
Boston trot away with tho
orld's Berics of baso ball.
"The frost is on tho pumpkin
and tho fodder's in tho shock."
A McKenzio was up from hia
homo hoar tho lakes yesterday.
j 1M H. VYIIIUI1K wua M iiuiii
his homo near Lawcn yesterday.
Chas. Wilson is prepared to
ftako horses to pasture and win-
W. 0. Best and wife and II. 0.
Hedges and wife were anions
our Silver creek visitors during
E tho week.
Is fllfrtnintr. nrpmincr. Wfisllillir
and ironing. Packages loft at N.
Brown & Sons-Mrs. S.N. Joy.
Tho destruction of weeds along
the side streets and vacant lots is
making our city look somewhat
Dr. Griffith removed John
Caldwell's appendix last Wed
nesday and the patient is recov
ering rapidly at his home in this
A large number of residcnts'of
"Harney have been in the city
during the week attending the
trial of tho Buckland boys and
IBurbank Clay.
Your wife should not be com
pelled to stand over n hot cook
stove this kind of weather. Get
.her one of those firelcss cookers
at Clevenger's. Go and see
Mr. and Mrt. Arthur Thomp
son have opened the Harney
Hotel, at Harney City, and solicit
the patronage of the Public.
Home cooking and good elenn
beds. 47-49
The weather man has been on
'the job ever since fair week but
indications are that he is losing
his grip as it is getting colder and
.there are threatening clouds.
Threshing is about completed
in this section. There are a few
yet to finish the harvest but the
weather has been fine for some
time and such work will soon be
There are many new people in
this section looking for land. A
considerable amount is being
'bought and taken up under the
various land laws.
Wm. Whitworth, an old time
resident of this section, is in tho
city renewing acquaintences.
He has been over on tho coast
.and Bays that is a fine, country.
'C. B. McConnell has a corps
'of engineers in Silvies Valley
making some additional surveys
in connection with the irrigation
project in which he is interested.
Means To You?
fSfXIf TVT At Our Big Display Window and
LXJKJ IV llN Note The Matchless Assortment
Of The Various Colors and Grades at Bottom Prices
AINU LilDlEilN Will Convince You There
Is No Safer or Saner Bargain Than "Holeproof" Socks
It Means Money
In Your Pockets
When You BUY "HOLEPROOF" Socles
- General Merchandise -
flasonlc Building, - - Burns, Oregon
Whether you make a deposit of a
dollar or n thousand; it makes no '
difference, it pays you because it
has the best and safest method of
keeping your account and taking
care of your money as it should.
The Secret of its Success, is that
it has always made good with all
the people and it can make good
with you. No business institution
ever had better backing, or a better
record, upon which to carefully con
duct all business transactions this
is at your disposal, merely for the
asking at any time with this bank.
"The Oldest And BlRKcat Bank"
K. L. Hnss was in tho city this 'E. E. Puringlon is having a
week. large barn erected on his acreage
John Robertson was in tho city trflct in cnat Burna
during the week. Calves are dying with Black
r t n...-,i.-a:.. i.jtrw,. Log-get your vaccine nt Tho
i. U. X UUJ1IUU IE) ill bliut.ll'jr
his home on Cow Creek,
i. r-... r.i,
Albert Oakerman is over from
his homo on Silver Creek.
Fresh home made lard 17c,
Hansen's Meat Market
' Bom -To Mr. and Mrs. L.
Culp in this city Oct. 13, a son.
Roy VnnWinkle of tho Ab
stract Co. has gone to outside
points for a few days.
' Joaquin Berdugo, familiarly
known as "Chino," was in the
city for a few days this week.
J. B. Bnlcomb and R. R. Grant
were among our visitors from the
Alberson section this week.
Rough and dressed lumber of I
all kinds now on hand at the
Williams Bros. Saw Mill. Rough
lumber $15 per thousand.
Supt. Gilcrest of the P. L. S.
Co., is back from a visit to tho
company rancijcs in mainour
Dr. C. C. Babbidgo of tho
Presbyterian church arrived
home Wednesday from a trip to
Wallowa county where he had
been attending Presbytery.
Those who contemplate going
to the railroad or other points
for supplies aro invited to call on
W. E. Huston in the Odd Fellow I
iinlifiincr nnrl aot hta nripoa. It
will be worth while.
Pays You!
welcome rnnrn
Farmers arc now
busy with
their fall plowing and seeding.
The fields in nil directions from
this city present a busy scene.
Robt Drinkwater and wife
were guests nt the homo of Mr.
(and Mrs. C. A. Harlan during
tho week.
I -Born Yesterday, Oct. 18. to
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Loggan at
Harney, a son, Dr. Geary in at
tendance. '
M T Nn , .... f s
-'" " - .- --
set yesterday delivering a load
of fino potatoes which he had
sold to pntrons in this city.
the first national bank of
u Z'TU...
iuu,uuu. J lie (iirt idw ifinnw
Mrs. C. M.- Salisbury took her
departure last Sunday for Port
land where she will spend most
of the winter visiting relatives
and friends.
A. J. Johnson was over from
Silver Creek yesterday. Ho had
a fine crop of grain this season
and has disposed of part of it
for 11 cents per" pound. That is
a good price for this season.
A particularly fine program of
Pictures have been arranged for
TonuwnmA patrons tomorrow
night, five reels and an illustrat
ed song. Tho usual good music
will accompany the pictures and
tho price 2J5 and 15 cents.
Loring V. Stewart, republican
candidate for senator from this
district, was oyer from his home
in Grant county during tho week
meeting the voters. Ho is a very
pleasant gentlemn and his visit
has made him more friends.
Grain is being hauled into tho
granaries and warehouses of this
place in big loads. Thero is not
much demand for such products
at present but tho farmer will
get profitable prices before tho
next crop is ready to harvest.
House cleaning time is here
let McIIosc make it easy for you,
with tho vacuum cleaner -cleaning
the carpets and rugs without
removing them from the floor
no dust and satisfaction guaran
teed. 48-49
Zooth Ilouser has started oro
hunch of over 400 head of beef
and is getting another of over
300 hend ready to drive out to hid
winter feeding grounds nt his
ranch nenr Echo.
Tho Mother's Club will givo
tho annual Thanksgiving ball at
I Tonawama this year. The hall
will bo given on Wednesday even
ing, Nov. 27. Tho ladies will not
givo supper thisyenr as has been
their custom.
Wo aro selling agents for tho
II a r n e y Valley Improvement
Company Innds, tho choico lands
of a 200,000 ncro tract. These
lands aro on tho market on a ten
year payment plan. If you want
a good farm, investigate theso
lands and terms. 37
Vulcanizing nt Gembcrling'p.
Services at tho Baptist Church,
Sunday at 11 o'clock a. m.
Archio Forkin is over from his
Silver creek home.
Good elenn seed fall wheat
see Allen Jones.
Born To Mr and Mrs. Arthur
Turner, yesterday Oct 18, a Bon.
Dry slab and pine wood $0.50
nnd $7.00 Por cord, cash only nt'
Lumber yard.
Regular Hcrvices at tho Pres
byterian church tomorrow at 11
o'clock a. m. nnd 7:30 p. m.
G. II. Furst of the auto trucks
was in from Bend this week look
ing after his business.
Remember W. A. Goodman is
prepared to roll your barley, halo
hay and snw wood. ' 37
Satisfied customers nnd an in
creasing business snenk for them
selves W. B. Sholloy, the hnr
ncss nnd saddle man.
INVITED. -!,....'
Any court would grant a di-,
vorco to tho woman whoso bus,
band refused to buy .her ono of
thoso firelcss cookers- at Clovcn
gor's. Mrs. Geo. Sizemore, ngentr for
Victor Ladies' Tailoring Co., in
vites tho ladies of Burns to call
nnd see new fall and winter sam
ples. 47tf '
Chas. Wilson desires to express
his thnnks to the many friends
who came to his nssist.apcolast
Saturday afternoon when his
grain caught fire, Ho appreci
ates their heroic work very much.
Tho secretary is now paying
off tho premiums won at tho
county fair. Ho would also like
to have all outstanding, bills .pre
sented as soon as possible in ord
er to get tho books balanced up.
Tho manager of this great re
ligious weekly can tiso ome
grnin this winter fqr chicken
feed and also for his horse and
cow. Delinquents inay pay sub
scriptions in this manner.
Say, W. A. Goodman is ready
to saw your wood for you this
nice wenthcr. Tell him whom
your wood pile is by 'phone do
not wait until bnd weather nnd
then all want it sawed nboncc.
M. S. Dnvics, pnetif jhe pros
perous sheep men of ftfc Prince
ton section, is in tho city looking
after business interests. Ho is
accompanied by Richard Jones, a
former partner in business with
Mr. Davics,
That moonlight dance in con
nection with the pictures tonight
at Tonawama is sure a winner.
Remember if you want to seo the
pictures only it will cost but tho
usual admission, 15 nnd JO cents
If you desire to danco you'll have
to help pay the fiddler.
'The roads aro fine just at pres
ent and tho permanent work of
the season will bo appreciated by
travelers during tho winter and
early spring month's. Oregon
roads arc getting a reputation
and we are being viai'ed more
each season by tourists -who" en
joy nutomobiling.
Sheriff Richardson qii, Thurs
day noon for Montana jrtfter a
mnn held there on a charge of
horse stealing. Ho was appre
hended several days ago but Mr
Richardson could not get away
on account of pr&sing court busi
ness here. The mnn isn partner
of Ed Larber who was convicted
at the present term of' court for
stealing horses and is now await
ing sentence. It is hoped tho
man may bo brought back fronj
Montana and tried at this torm of
court Kl ,j i
Tho manager of this great rck
Hgious weekly and Carl vVclkerjj
went un to tho former's 'moun-l'
tain placo Tuesday and promised
some 50 or mom of their friends
deer hams on their return. All
concerned wero disappointed ex
cept tho two who made tho trip.
They didn't oven see any doer
tracks but thoy had a fino outing
nnd rabbit. Thoy hopo to have
hotter luck next wegk in another
direction whero a friend has n
"buck" staked out for them.
'E. E. Larson was in tho city
yesterday. Mr. Larson informs
Tho Times-Herald thero is ,a
movement on foot to make a
better grade ovor Wrights Point,
tho present grado being very
steep nnd to narrow. This is oito
of the important thoroughfares
in tho county and used by a
largo number of people. If a
better grado enn bo mode nt a
reasonablo cost it should have
im media to consideration. In
these days of automobiles it ,i
belter to havo grades wide
enough to allow fractious animals
to got by tho machines without
danger of accidents,
- -r- I,,
Houbu cleaning time is hero
let McIIofio mako it easy fqr you,
?fth tho vacuum cleaner clean
ing tho carpets and rugs without
removing them from tho floor
no dust and satisfaction guaran
teed. 48-48
Clnudo Brittinghnm and wifo
enmo over from Vale tho first of
this week and have been visiting
his mother, Mrs. A. Dunn, and
other relatives in this section
since. Clnudo has been on tho
sick list nnd is taking a short
layoff. Ho is employed in Vnle.
Impounded The city marshal
has taken up a brown maro
about 17 years old, branded W.
V. on left shoulder and G. H. on
right shoulder. Tho nnimnl was
formerly owned by Leo Wise
man. Owner must como and
get her, pay all charges or the
nnimal will bo sold in accordance
with tho law governing such im
pounded animals.
Don't overlook tho "moonlight
dance" in connection with the
picture show tonight nt Tonawa
ma'; This is a new department
(hat Will be enjoyed by the young
poplc'Jand those who wish to see
tljq pictures will not be disturbed
in .any way, besides enjoying
them all' the more. There will
bo four reels of pictures the
good kind that Tonawama is fur
nishing all tho time.
Rev. W. S. Holt, D. D.. of
Portlnnd, field secretary of home
missions of the Presbyterian
Church fqr tho Pacific Coast, has
been elected moderator of the
state Synod, taking tho placo of
Dr. S. W. Seimann, of Portland.
Rev. Mr. Holt has the distinction
of having been a member of the
Synod longer than any other pre
sent member, but he has never
before been moderator.
With tho coming of many new
people who are investing in Har
ney county real estate we may
look for n great change in the de
velopment of tho country and
more diversified farming in the
nenr future, we should raiso
more hogs, more field peas, alfal
fa, etc. The dairy business has
been neglected too and there are
such fine places for profitable
dairy farming in connection with
M. J. Nnsh was in the city the
first of this week. He informs
us he and his wifo nre now con
ducting a hotel at Juntura where
Oiey are doing very well. Mis.
.Nash and her daughter have just
feccntly recovered from an at
tack of smallpox, caught from
the railroad laborers in that vici
nity. Mr. and Mrs. Nash are
hard working people and wo have
no doubt the patrons of their
hostelry receive good treatment
in every respect
Estkay Ono sorrel horse with
jitrip in face, white hind feet and
saddle marks, branded cross on
right stifle nnd horse shoo with
liar under on jaw; one bay horse,
saddle marked, star in face brand
ed cross with reverse S on left
stifle; one chestnut horse, star in
face, snip on nose, blotch brand
on left leg, came to my place
Sept. I. Owner may have them
by paying pasture and cost of
tliirf ad.
J. II. Anderson.
Drewsey, Oregon,
If the present plans don't fail
to materialize, tho Tonawnma
Band will render their first in
door concert at the Tonawama
hull on the ovenine of Nov. 1st
l This promises to bo the best con-
Concert yet put on by the boys,
and consists of an excellent num
ber of up to date and popular
musical concert numbers. After
the concert tho evening will bo
devoted to a social dance, and
everyone should mako arrange
ments to enjoy the evening with
tho Tonnwnma Band.
Jphn Back informs Tho Times
Herald that ho had disposed of
nil his Jersey cnttlo recently
brought in from tho Willamette
Valley to local people. This is
tho secdnd shipment of dairy
stock ho has disposed of and we
are getting quite a number of
this class of cows in this vicinity.
It will bo only a matter of getting
together now and starting a
creamery. This should bo done
for every winter it is necessary
to ship in creamery butter and it
is timo wo kept this money at
' Friends havo received tho an
nouncement of the marriage of
Frank P. Gownn and Miss Hazel
Hale, at Ilepner on Oct. 10. Thoy
loft immediately following tho
ceremony for Portlnnd on a wed
ding tour. Both aro well known
hero, Frank being tho son of
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Gowan and
jins made his homo hero since
boyhood. Tho brido is a sister
Jo Mrs. Fred Clingan and visited
icr sister hero for a year. Wo
understand tho young people will
piako their homo in this city. Wo
extend best wishes.
Mrs. Adda Wheeler wait initio
city this week on land business.
She has gone to California for n
short visit with her sister.
Mr. McAlister. a civil war vet
eran, who has a homestead near
Buchanan, has gone to Tncama
on a visit
C. F. McKinney is acting as a
deputy sheriff during the absence
of Sheriff Richardson, who has
gone to Montana to bring back a
Tho Margaret lies Dramatic
Company will be at Tonawama
Sundny and Monday, Oct 27-28
with some new plays. This will
bo a nice diversion for the play
goers of this section as it will bo
the last outside company to visit
us until next season.
James Henderson was placed
under arrest this week charged
with tho larceny of five calves
from the Wm Hanlev Co. He is
in tho city awaiting preliminary which will no doubt be
taken up as soon as the district
attorney can get time from the
criminal trials now occupying the
A telegram received on Thurs
day .announces that Dr. W. L.
Marsden is not improving as rap
idly as desired and Mrs. Mars
den has asked Dr. Griffith to
come down to Los Angeles. The
Doctor docs not like to leave his
practice here at this time but
feels it his duty to go to his
partner and friend and will
therefore leave tomorrow morn
ing for California to be at the
bedside of his friend. Dr. Mars
den is not considered in any dan
ger, yet his condition is not sat
isfactory and Dr. Griffith will re
main with him until he is on the
road to recovery and sufficiently
gained in strength to justify his
returning home.
John Seethoff and his sons
havo returned from Bend where
they went to get their families
and household goods. They are
now permanently domiciled on
the big tract of land recently
purchased from the Oregon &
Western Colonization Co., ad
joining Burns. Mr. Seethoff will
leave in a few days for New Sa
lem, North UaKota, to be gone
for a few months to settle up his
business all airs there and ex
pects to return to this place
some time in January, his sons
will at once begin getting out
and hauling stone for the big
comfortable stone residence to
be erected in the near future on
the big farm they have purchas
ed nnd are preparing to develop.
Died At the hospital in this
city Thursday, Oct 17th, Lucinda
Rowe, aged 68 years. Deceased
had been an invalid for the past
seven years and her death came
as a relief to her long suffering.
Mrs. Rowe came here with her
daughters 12 years ago and had
sinch made her home in this
county. She was the mother of
Mrs. Martha Sagers and Mrs.
Ed. Springer. Geo. and Van
Curtis were brothers. She is al
so survived by three other broth
ers and a sister, the latter a resi
dent of Portland. Two other
children, Ed Walter by a former
marriage, living in Canada, and
a daughter, Mrs. Esther Roush in
Texas. Funeral will be held to
morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock
from the Presbyterian church
the service being conducted by
Rev. Dr. Babbidge. The bereav
ed relatives have the sympathy
of this community.
Petition for Liquor License.
Wc tliu unduraltiiiftl leg! vo'ith f
Donlo I'rt'clnct, Huriiuy County, Blati
ol Oregon, to grunt a I.Icoiipc to Donn
Mtirc-antllo Co to Sell Spirillum, Mult
it nil Vinous Liquors In loss qumitltii's
tlinn unc iinllun in Deuiu 1'rcrinrt llnr
noy County Btuto ol Oregon, lor th
Period n( tlx months, iu in duty ootiml
wo will ver pray.
Nmnea , Nnmea
V, h. Allen Cloo. UiiltKor
A. 11. Khos It. Wiukcnbvrh
Jnan Miranda Clum. I. Hull
C. V. ('niton 1'. Ilnul
TIioiiub Dufiinenu C. 1, Illinium
John McUiiii W. 11. McAIUlor
X Miiriotiu Jaiiiea K. luung
Ji II iltyon Loo O. Cooley
V,0. Hillings Irwin K. Smith
K. II. Vickors 1'riink Scuiutiiui
JoeCntlnw J (Inu-ln
A. Sogiudy II. I), llruwn
lion Yrulii(r'o Omitro Mltiuvllroi u
K II, Ilcildou
Notice i lioroby giu-n ll'ut on Satur
iKy tlm Dili day of November, 1012 tlio
nmlurxlKned will apply to tlio lloiior--lilo
County Court ol Harney County
Stato of Orrgon, for th l.lccnuo moil,
lloneil in tlm nlmvo potitlon.
Doan Mi:lU'ANIII.K Co.
Ditches, Reservoirs, Final Proof
Work, Hydro-Electric Power
U. S. Dcp. Mineral Work
Court Work A Specialty
Hngngvd In Uoth I'rivnto And
(loYcrnment Stream aagiii,'
People of
arc as welcome to participate in the
benefits confered by this bank ns
nre men of wealth.
The Harney County National Bank
recognizes as its legitimate function
helpful co-operation with those of
modest income, and highly appre
ciates the support which it receives
from this class.
People who desire to open a mod
est checking account or establish a
saving plan are invited to confer
with the officers of this bank.
Harney County
National Bank
Resources Over $400,000.00
W." E.
J General Groceries
Select Can Goods, Fancy Groceries, Dried
Fruits, Tobacco, Confectionary, Coal
Oil, Feed, Grain and Produce
Special Inducements Given On Big Orders
i HOTajrai-' mmmnm
rr-tf This Space Belongs To The
Clothing Company
Successors To
Schenk & Williams
Merchant Tailors
I. O. O. F. Building, Main Street, Burns, Oregon
- Old and New Patrons Will Find the Best Brands Here
Wines, Liquors, and Cigars
Good Service, Courteous Treatment
DROP IN Main Street Burns, Oregon
We Have 'Ena
In All Styles, Sizes
And Prices Get Your
Home In Shape For
Winter. Be Comfort
ableGet A Heater!
We Also Handle A Full
Line Of Kitchen Utensils,
(Granite Wear,
Saws, Axes, Pumps, Piping,
Paints, Varnishes, Brushes,
Oils, Stains,
Small Means
- rmm ma wn i r
For It Every Week -w
Camp Stoves,
Glass, Etc.
For Hardware
I 1
ini I
Illl A
Iflj H
Illl i fl
Nil 1
III! 1
Illl ' 1