The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, October 19, 1912, Image 1

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    uiuwi nmtmiumm 1 1 1 jtauu juumu i"m-
The Biggest County In The State
Of Oregon, Beat In The Wcit
The Biggcat City In The Bigget
County In The State Of Oregon
NO 49.
The Bountiful Returns Of This Year's
Harvest Assures Our State The
Most Abundant Prosperity In Its
History, Giving Stimulant To All
Avenues Of Commercial Industries
Value of the 1912 crop in Ore- product
gon is fixed at over $120,000,000 1 Hnrrisbiirp; is holding its Pota-
by Dr. James withycomue, dir
ector of the Oregon Experiment
station, probably the best au
thority on this subject in the
whole state. The showing is a
splendid one and assures pros
perity to Oregon people, the esti
mate in detail follews:
Wheat, 21,092,274 bu $15,810,205
Oats. 14.744,040 bu 5.G02.737
Barley, 4.439,374 bu 2,003,024
Clover seed,
125,000 bu 1,050,000
8,751,085 bu 3,500,074
Hay. 1,374,201 tons 12.307.809 1
Fruit. 0.750.000
Vegetables 5,250,000
Hops, 85.000 bales 3,750.000
Miscellaneous products 9,500,000
Dairy products, 10,750.000
Poultry and eggs 7,250,000
Wool, 17,500.000 lbs 2,850,000
Mohair, 1,250,000 lbs 375,000
Honey, 135.000
Livestock, 33,150,000
Total $120,701,019
The state's onion crop is about
389 carloads. Neither the com
ing election nor anything else can
disturb prosperous conditions
that are built on such a solid
The Willamette Valley is be
coming widely known as a clover
seed section. Four counties will
ship seven carloads this year and
between $000,000 and $700,000
will be distributed among the
gnnyers. The Eastern inarket
akes th.e rnost qf the Oregon
toes Carnival this week. This
has becomo an annual event.
Many other things besides pota
toe will be exhibited, including
the' products of the gardens of
Harnsburg school children.
The State Board of Forestry
will prepare a map of tiio state,
showing the location of the vari
ous classes of timberland. This
will facilitate co-operation with
the United States Forest Servico
1 in building roads and trails and
I aiding in fighting fires.
! Portland expects to have the
' biggest potato show ever held in
the Pacific Northwest at the
Land Show, November 18-23.
Many entries are coming in and
growers announce they will dis
play ten or more boxes of tubers,
eacli weighing 30 pounds. There
are substantial prizes for the best
potatoes The Portland Commer
cial Club ofTcrs n handsome tro
phy cup for the member of the
Oregon Development League and
affiliated leagues scoring the
highest in the district agricul
tural display.
Buy. a Farm and make it
pay for itself. The choice farm
ing lands of Harney County.
For sale on small payment and
ten years time at 4 per cent in
terest. The lands of the Harney
Valley Improvement Company
are on the market on these terms
without reservation. First ap
plicant gets his choice. 37
gypi !
Centrally Located, Good Clean
Meals, Comfortable Rooms,
Clean and Sanitary Beds
Fjr$t Clqss? Bar In Connection. Qiyc Me A Call
I Can and Will Satisfy Your Wants
In The Harness and Saddle Line. My
Motto is "Right Prices and Best Quality"
and it will pay you to call and see me.
Special attention given to repair work.
Hlssncr Building Burns, Oregon
You're Initved
To Visit
Rexall Drug Store
- REED BROS. Props. -
& During The Fair Week
Here You'll Find .
Rexall'a Renowned Remedies, Foley's Famous
Family Remedies, Cosmetics, and Toilet Articles, The
Latest Popular Books, Magizines and Periodicals,
Smokers Supplies, Talcum Powder and Perfumes,
Choice Confectionery, Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobacco,
Make This Store Your Headquarters
Sparks From The Threshing Engine Set
Fire To Grain Slacks on Chas. Wilson's
Place Southeast of Burns Last Saturday
And Destroys 2000 Bushels of Grain
While thresliiiiK nt the Chas.
Wilson place just ncross the river
from this city Saturday evening
about four o'clock firo broke out
in the grain stneks, caused from
sparks from the engine that is
used to drive the machine and
was beyond control beforo it was
hardly realized. In all 11 Backs
of oatB nnd bnrlov woro destroy
ed entailing n loss of at leasT2W0
bushels according to Mr. Wilson
and those on the thresher crew
who had made an estimate of the
They had been threshing for a
week and expected to finish tho
following day, therefore Mr. Wil
son has a considerable amount of
grain but it is nevertheless quite
a loss but he takes it philosophi
cally and says it might have been
worse. As soon as the lire start
ed they phoned to this city and
soon a large number of volunteers
were at the sccno doing what
they could to save the stacks.
Frst the chemical engine was
taken out but it did not do very
cfFcctivu work out in tho open so
tho water engine was taken out.
This soon put the blaze down but
the fire was not put out as it had
gotten into the stacks deep and
later fanned into a blaze by the
The crew had just moved the
machine to a new place at the
stacks for a final stand to finish
and hud threshed out perhaps 40
bushels when the firo was dis
covered. There was considera
ble threshed grain piled by tho
stacks and this was all saved
with the exception of some half
dozen sacks. Tho engineer told
Mr. Wilson he saw the blaze
when it was no larger than u
hat but he did not give any alarm.
Just why any man could be so
stupid as that is beyond believing.
He gaye no excuse for not giving
an alarm. Tiie maenmo was
moved and saved but the grain
is a total loss, there being no in
Col. Roosevelt
Shot By Fanatic
Would-Be Assassin Fails In His
Attempt on Ex-President's
Life and The Col. Escapes
WithoufcEfctal Results. Shot
Is Painful But Not Serious.
. Thcodoro Roosovolt waB , A written proclamation found
bv a crank in Milwaukee' on tho clothimr of John Schrcnk.
last Monday and reports nrc con- the man who shot Colonel Roose-
fiictingns to tho seriousness of vclt, reads
Governors Select
Their State' Days
Governors of the seven North
western States which will be re
presented at the Northwestern
Products Exposition in Minnea
polis in November, havo selected
their special state days when the
entire exposition will be conduct
ed with special reference to the
state in whose honor the day has
been set aside.
The governors and their repre
sentatives will speak in the lect
ure halls; the commissioners in
charge of exhibits will give
away samples of their products
and souvenirs; tho biograph halls
will be devoted to the showing
of motion pictures nnd stercop
ticon views, illustrating life on
their farm, in their orchards and
cities. When it is "Minnesota
Dav." all will be Minnesota and
each in their turn will he para
mount. Here are tho special days se
lected by the governors and set
aside for doing honor to tho cit
ies or special interests repre
sented: Tuesday Nov. 12; Opening and
School Childrens Day.
Wednesday, Nov. 1H, Agricul
tural College Day.
Thursday, Nov. 11, Minneapo
lis Day.
Friday, Nov. IB, St, Paul Day.
Saturday, Nov. 10, Oregon
State Day.
Monday, Nov. IK, North and
South Dakota State Day.
Tuesday, Nov. li), Minnesota
State Day.
Wednesday, Nov. 20, Montana
State Day.
Thursday, Nov. 21, Washing
ton and Alaska Day.
Friday, November 22, Seven
States and Conservation Day.
Saturday, Nov. 2a, Idaho and
closing Day.
Tho Exposition will bo closed
Sunday, Nov. 17, and will not bo
opened for even a Hacrcd concert.
Minneapolis Civic and Com
mercial organizations will attend
tho exposition in a body on tho
afternoon of their respective
days and will put on special pro
grams in tho lecturo halls.
tho wound. However it seems
ho is improving quita satisfac
torily and will recover. Tho fol
lowing is from press dispatches
respecting tho affair:
Colonel Theodore Roosevelt
was shot in the nbdominnl region
shortly before 8 o'clock last night
while sitting in his automobile in
front of the Gilpatrick IIoubo in
Milwaukee, about to start to tho
Auditorium to deliver his sched
uled address. According to latest
accounts the bullet is imbedded
in the muscular tissue and the
wound is not serious.
The attempted assassination
and all its accompanying scenes
were dramatic in the extreme
Thd would-be murderer was John
Schrcnk, of Now York City, a
man apparently demented on the
subject of a third term. He was
captured and locked up.
Unconscious of his wound, Col
onel Roosevelt proceeded to the
Auditorium, and when his condi
tion was discovered, in spite of
the protest of his physician, he
made a stirring address on tho.
subject of his nttempted murder.
Weakened from loss of blood and
at tho conclusion of his speech he
was taken to tho Emergency
Hospital, where, after an exam
ination by physicians, the nature
of his wound was ascertained.
It was not considered serious
enough to compell n stay in Mil
waukee, and at 12:50 a. m. he
was taken nboard his special
train on a slow run to Chicago.
"September 15, 1901, 1:30 a. m.
In a dream I saw President Mc
Kinley sit up in a monk's nttire
in whom I recognized Theodore
Roosevelt. The dead president
said, This is my murderer,
avenge my death.'
"September 12, 1912, 1:30 n. m.
While writing a poem, Borne ono
tapped mo on the shoulder and
said: 'Let not a murderer take
tho Presidential chair. Avenge
my denth.'
"I could plainly see Mr. Mc
Kinley's features.
"Before the Almighty God I
swear this above writing is no
thing but the truth."
Another note found in the
man's pocket reads:
"So long as Japan could rise to
hn din rnvitnal. nnivnr nf fhn
world despite her surviving nj convinced that full authority
Baker Man Warns State Engineer of The
Coming Trouble When Next Legislature
Will Be Scene of Struggle For Larger
Irrigation Allowances.
Tho first rumblings of what
promises to bo a war-in tho Leg
islature over the all-important
question in arid regions of the
amount of wnter supply, ure
being heard at the state capitol.
Stato Engineer Lewis, has re
ceived word from L. R. Stockman
consulting engineer of Raker,
that a concerted action is being
started in that section to pass a
law or laws at tho next session
of tho Legislature compelling the
stato engineer to grant permits
to greater amounts of stored
water for irrigation purposes.
"Somehow the impression has
ga'incd ground" writca Mr. Stock
man, that a miner's inch of
stored water is not nearly so
beneficial as the same amount of
water by direct How, and also
that when a person or set of per
sons expend their money in
building reservoirs they are en
titled to a larger amount of wa
ter, regardless of tho fact that
they cannot put it to beneficial
use. To this end I have been
told that the candidate to the
Legislature will, if elected, bend
his efforts, and that he will have
the support of local people.
"It is a well known fact that
our water supply is limited, as
compared to the land .available,
and it will be the best policy for
the state to limit the amount of
Btored water to bcnelicial use as
close as the amount by direct ir
rigation, I, for one, am fully
Movement To Defeat Woman's Vote
In This And Other States Is Now
Rapidly Gaining Ground And Most
Prominent Women of The West
Manifest Their Approval Of It
Thero are over 100,000 women : thai in 1910 suffrage carried In
in Oregon. The majority of them ' only one county in Oregon, and
do not want to vole. A small in that one by five votes, the
proportion in any community is total vote being 35,270 forsuff
asking for the ballot. Is that rage, tho smallest vote for it
not true in your town? What do ' since 1900, and 59,065 against, a
the rest want? ' majority of 23,795.
Many of them aro actively op- j The Oregon State Association
posed. To put upon these women Onposed to the Extension of the
a responsibility from which they Suffrage to women asks that you
have hitherto been exempted and .Kive this amendment your earnest
which they do not wish to assume
is not "Woman's Rights."
Many of them are indifferent.
The indifferent male voter is one
of the Bcrious problems of the
present electorate. Would you
iftld to it a large body of votes
avowedly indifferent?
Tho demand for woman suff
rage is tho demand that woman
shall assume an equal share with
men in the responsibility of car
ing for the government of the
City, the State, the nation. It
means she will enter with him
the political arena. For it is an
arena. Politics is not a conflict
of opinions, it is a conflict of
wills. It carries with it public
tradition more than 2,000 years
old, as General Nogi so nobly
demonstrated, it is tho duty of
the United States of America to
uphold the third term tradition.
Lot every third termer be regard
ed as a traitor to tho American
cause. Let it be the right and
duty of every citizen to forcibly
remove a third termer. Never
lot a third term party emblem
appear on the official ballot.
"I am willing to die for mv
country. God has called me to
bo his instrument so help me
"Innocent guilty."
In German: "A strong tour is
our God."
i To The Voters of
Hflrqey County.
The Socialist party takes this
method of placing before the
voters the socialist party candi
dates for the several county offi
ces to bo filled by tho general
election to be held November 5th
In doing so make tho statement
that the party candidates are
honest law abiding citizens and
the Socialist party pledge its can
didates if elected to carry out
tho nartv nlatform so far aa is
they .would not endeavor to foist C()nsi8tm,t with the wishes of tho
upon an intelligent voting public ,)eoi0 nml oxiatintr laws will
Notice to Voters.
It might be well at this time to
inform tho voting public that my
opponents are telling that I bavc
collected mileage fees in civil
suits and never tunicd them hi,
which any intelligent person
knows I could not do without be
ing caught in the first act. In
fact, if my opponents had suffi
cient knowledge of the law and
duties of tho office to which they
aspiro as they should have to
make good and efficient officers;
should be given to the state offi
cials by direct legislation, so that
there can be no over-appropriations
in the early stages of stored
water in the state."
To this view State Engineer
Lewis has given his approbation
and states that an effort to limit
the powers of state officials re
garding the How of water will
be strongly contested.
"This is a matter of vital in
terest to the entire state," said
the State Engineer today, "We
consider that a cubic foot per
second for 80 acres is ample.
This will deliver three acre-feet
in 120 days, the average length
of the irrigation season. If we
should grant twice that amount
it is readily seen that it would
limit the ultimato area to be de
veloped, which is a question of
vital importance to the 'entire
such falsehoods
Tho books of my office are open
for public inspection only recent
ly exported by Mr. Wm. Stirling,
an accountant of repute and com
petency and if tho falsifiers can
prove what they are telling they
havo the privilege of publishing
the report without cost to them.
Such reports aro false. My
opponents knqw it, but could get
up no other subtcrfugo for their
campaign capital.
Yours truly,
Candidato for Sheritf.
Paid Adv.
County Central Committeeman
Paid Adv. of Local Burns
To The Voters of
Harney County Ore.
Burns Base- Ball Team
Defeated At Prineville
Tho Burns base baseball team
met defeat at Prineville in three
straight games beginning last
Sunday. The boys got home
Wednesday evening nnd speak
highly of their treatment at
Prineville. Besides playing out
of luck, they went over short a
couple of their regular players,
and being thus handicapped they
naturally bumped up against it.
They had a different team to
play against over thero than the
one sent to Burns recently, hav
ing n Northwestern League
pitcher to go up against, and he
made a great showing at tho bat.
It is regretted tho local team
could not mako nny better show-
Thoso elegant ' moth proof
chests at Clevenger's are just
what you are looking for. They
aro tho best piece of
you could invest in.
Notice is hereby given that
Mrs. Mary Griffin of Lake Pre-
c.ncmas wiu.urawn nor n m . lng nWRy f rom J)0mo nf,or Rlch
from tho race for County School insucceg8fuI BOnson on tho ,oca,
Superintendent. Irllnmnnd. hilt tlm l.nvs will Kim.,.
r . ; : ,. . ' , :
ly navo to taKc tneir uoicnt good
consideration, and defeat it this
time by so great a plurality that
the suffragists both local and im
ported, must bow before the will
of the People of Oregon, and ac
knowledge that the majority
rules in America.
The Oregon State Association
Opposed to the Extension of the
Suffrage to Women.
Mrs. Francis James Bailey,
Paid Adv.
Corda Lundy Married.
A triple marriage was perform
ed at the courthouse in Caldwell
by Justice MeVey of that city
Monday. Justice McVey was call-
meetings, public debates, public ed to the courthouse to marry
marchings and counter-marching, Mr. Raymond Chapman and Miss
public discussion of public ques- Ell Chishoimof Emmett Arriv
tions and of the character of pub- j ing there he found Mr, Chaunsey
he candidates, and all the other IS. Barber and Miss Linda Keenan
incidents of a campaign. j of Boise, and Mr. Rex Marquis
It is not democratic, nor just, 'and Mrs. Cora Lundy of Ontario
to draft this Lrge body of women! waiting for the knot to be tied,
into this campa'gn against their The three couples had never met
wills. ' before, but readily acquiesced to
This is the sixth time the vot- suggestion and a tripple ceremony
ers of Oregon have been asked was performed which made six
to vote upon this question in spite i souls happy and six hearts to
of the fact that every two years I beat as three. Ontario Demo
opposition to it has increased, solcrat.
Strictly First Class. Splendid
Service, Fine Accomodations,
Commercial Headquarters
5amplc Room In Connection, Reasonable Rates
She extends her sincero thanks
to her many friends for their
promised support. 40
NYALS Is The Best!
Line of Family Remedies
Every Remedy Is A Tried
Remedy No Disappointments
Don't Forget If You Want A
Cough Syrup For The Baby
Ask For NYALS The Best
The Welcome Pharmacy
First Door South of l'ust Olllcc
Do not take any chances havo
hay, grain or other property in
sured in tho Reliable Aelna &
furniture Hartford Jnsu,rancp Companies,
U Inland Ermi Rkaivty Co,
naturedly and try and do better
next time.
Clay Clemens mill is the near-,
est one to Burns where all kinds
of lumber both rough and dress
ed can bo had, Near Canyon
road.. Call him by 'phone,
Meltable Citizen
at llamey Count'u
The Inland
Homestead Locations
Wo mirouout thul which m rented iiiul rollublo.
klmla ol Ileal Kitato niattura Willi) your land filing paporn or
otlior legal laud pant corroctly unil quickly., WK WANT YOUIt
I'lKK 1NBUUANUH HUBINKSB ; wo reprutonl two of tho strongest
companies In Amerlcn-TIIK AETNA A IIAHTFOKI) CO'fl.
I.Ut your properly with us, for anlii or trado. INVKBTICIATK OUU
truat you. Aak our Client. Call anil aeo us,
Empire Realty Company
W. T. ,LK8TKll, ManaRor
Wo linmllo nil
80 Acres Irrigated rnnch In lloisi
Valley, to trade for u good rnnch In
Harney county, clear of Inciiiuhcrniici
under government ditch.
Let Us Hear From You What You
Have To Trade. We Trade Anything,
Anvwhere. SEE US NOW
Burns Meat 1 1 Market'
H. J. HANSEN, Proprietor
Beef, Pork, Veal, Mutton,
Sasuage, Bolonga,
Heudcheese and Weinerworst, Etc.
Wholesale and Retail I!
Prompt and Satisfactory Service
Your Patronge Solicited and
Orders Given Quick Attention