s 1 i , imBS-Perald Lrgt Circulation Of Any Ncwipaper In Harney County. -I SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12,1912 ! t Loonl News. I Vulcanizing nt GomborliiiK'ti. A. Schaper is over from his e In Diamond Valley, Rough and dressed lumber of kinds now on hand at the illiams Bros. Saw Mill. Rough ber $15 per thousand. HE FIR3T NATIONAL BANK OF RNS: CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 00,000. -THE BANK THAT MAKES OUR $ i $ SAFE." ACCOUNTS VITED. Eldon Johnson is renewing ac uaintnnces in tniB city utter an absence of several years. Ho how lives in Edmonds, Washing won. ; ftj tl: John Hoss shaved his mustache ioff and now fieo. Hntrov snvs ho looks like Woodrow Wilson. Jqlm nbi,n H?m H. tvnMih tt.StK .. n.. ilAACO ilia UIOUIIV.IIVII Willi 11U. JMl ceptiDie swelling 01 mo ncaa. Your wife should not be com pelled to stand over a hot cobU' stove this kind of Weather. Get ?,heroneof those fireless cookers at Clevenger's. Go and sec them. Mr. and Mrt. Arthur Thomp- ;son nave opened the Harney Hotel, at Harney City, and solicit ; the patronage of the Public. Home cooking and good clean bed. 47-49 Fred Allen has returned from Corvallis where he went to en ter the Agriculture College. ,He decided he would come home again and take up his studies in the High School and will enroll Monday. See the big double show nt Tonawama tomorrow night An illustrated song will be a feature and all the necessary "traps" and music will accompany each picture. Admission 25 and 15 cents, Mayor Clevenger was out to his farm yesterday and brought in some of the finest turnips we have seen this season and they were raised without a drop of ir rigation. His grain yield was enormous, the oats being quite heavy averaging 41 pounds to the bushel. The public school of this city opened Thursday and the child ren have all been assigned their studies. Next week will see the school got down to the regular schedule and begin to accomplish something. The new building and surroundings are so pleasant that the pupils have no excuse for not advancing rapidly. Threshing continues in this vicinity. The yields are up to expectations and if there was a market for the products Harney county fanners would be in clover As it is he is not flushed with money but he has the products that is the equivalent. The Times Herald would suggest hogs - hogs are what will bring prosperity to this 'section in short order with 7he least capital invested. The First National Bank Pays You! W hcthcr you make a deposit of n dollar or a thousand; it makes no difference, it pays you because it has the best and safest method of keeping your account and taking care of your money as it should. The Secret of its Success, is that it has always made good with all the people and it can make good with you. No business institution ever had better backing, or a better record, upon which to carefully con duct all business transactions this is at your disposal, merely for thp asking at any time with this bank. THE FIRST NAT'L BANK The Oldest Ami niggest Bank" z, Almn Fresh home mado lard 17c. at ' BornTo Mr. and Mrs Hansen's Meat Market i Davis, Oct. IS, a daughter. James Paul and family have I the first national bank or been in the city for several days. "URNS, capital and s u r p l u s ueen in uic cuy ior several unys. $,00000 ..TE BANK THAT MAKES A Creason, acapitalistof Rose-1 your $ $ j $ SAfE." accounts buror. is registered nt the French. 1 INVITED Calves are dying with Black Leg get your vaccine at Tho Welcome Pharmacy. Thos. Hutton and his mother and J. H. Currin are in from the Wagon tire section today on land business. A. Miranda, one of the old time residents of the southern part of the county was here this week. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BURNS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $103,000. "THE BANK THAT MAKES YOUR J $ $ SAFE." ACCOUNTS INVITED. Clay Clemens mill is tho near est one to Burns where all kinds of lumber both rough and dress ed can be had. Near Canyon road. Call him by 'phone. Those who contemplate going to the railroad or other points for supplies are invited to call on W, E. Huston in the Odd Fellow building and get his prices. It will be worth while. The Burns base ball team left this morning for Princville to play three games with that home team during fair week. Those who went over were: Nolic and Clifford Reed, Ernest Musick, D. M. McDade, Jay and Will Gould, C. W. Schumann and Walter Sullivan. Do. You Know What "HOLEPROOF" Means To You? f rfir ITWT At Our Big Display Window and JlXJKJIS. 111 Note The Matchless Assortment Of The Various Colors and Grades at Bottom Prices iTr f ICTCM When You COME IN We AINU LiOlllilN Will Convince You There Is No Safer or Saner Bargain Than "Holeproof" Socks It Means Money In Yonr Pockets When You BUY "HOLEPROOF" Socles I. SCHWARTZ ' - General Merchandise - riasonlc Building, - - Burns, Oregon y Mrs J. W. Saycr and dnughter Dorothy have returned from their sojourn at the coast where they went last June for the benefit of Mrs. Sayer's health. Mrs. Geo. Sizemore, agent, for Victor Ladies' Tailoring Co., in vites the ladies of Burns to call and see new fall and wintersam ples. 47tf Chris Lackman went out on the Trucks Thursday bound for Portlond whero he will spend some time for the benefit of his health. His daughter resides in Portland. Jersey Heifers For Sale I have 40 head of choice Jersey heifers which I have just purchased, ranging in age foom 1 to 3 years, some coming fresh at once. Will sell at reasonable prices at my place 9 miles east of Burns- John Back. We. are selling agents for tho Harney Valley Improvement Company lands, the choice lands of a 200,000 acre tract. These lands are on the market on n ten year payment plan. If you want a good farm, investigate these lands and terms. 37 Motiii:rsiii:ad & Doni:gan. Harney county farmers, who by the way settle tho bills should take advantage of the agricultu ral Bhort course to bo given at the county high school this win ter and make tho best of things. They also should try to work Mr. Breithaupt of tho Experiment Station a little harder. Ho don't mind it and will bo glad to assist tho farmer. J. R. Robertson whb recently purchased a section of land on Prather Creek from tho Oregon & Western Colonization Co., whero he will engago in general stock raising, dairying and farm ing arrived hero last night. Ho was accompanied by Oscar R. Anderson, R. W. Lamb and 0. Urich, all of whom desire land in this big growing country. C, E. Thomas of Chicago, one of tho firm of Thomas & Walter?, was in tho city a few days this week looking after some business matters respecting water rights on Trout Creek. Mr. Thomas is one of the original owners of tho big tract in that district formerly known as tho Sisson ranch and which has since been subdivided and sold to small farmers. He left on his roturn yesterday morning. w?"-ii,ty5'"fiw Vulcanizing ntiJcmbcrling's. J. R. Stinson fa "over from PrhiYillo again, Good clean seed fall wheat seo Allen Jones, C. V. Reed nnd wife are re gistered at tho French Hotel. Dry slab and' pine wood $0.50 and $7.00 per cord, cash only nt Lumber yard. Zooth Houser is again hero from Echo to reccivo some cattlo ho has purchased. Try a 35c chicken dinner' from 5:30 to 7:00 p. m. ovnry Sunday, at tho Cottage Inn. Miss Ilda Hayes has been quite ill nt her homo in this city but is' rapidly improving. Peter Christensen was up this week making proof on his homo stead. Ho was nccompnnicd by Mrs. Christensen and ,tho baby. John D. Daly was ,hero from Boise during tho week nttanding a meeting of tho stockholders of the First National Bank nnd vis iting his many friends, . Ho hns returned homo. it r , Tho public school board hos made n ruling that children .who will soon be Bix yenrs old may enter tho scnool if thoy ' uq so within the first fourteen days of the opening of tho tornu Sav. W. A. Goodmrfn is roadv to saw your wood for you. this nice weather. Tell him whom your wood pile is by 'phone do not wait until bad weathci and then nil want it sawed nt once. 47tf , Mrs. Emanuel Clark and daugh ter Bessie came over from Mann Lake the first of this week in company with I. II. Holland and will spend an indefinite time visiting relntives and friends in this vicinity. Frank Metachan, a former re sident of Grant County nnd who is now engaged in tho hotel busi ness at Grants Pass, is visiting friends and relatives here. Blue Mt. Eagle. . Mr. Mofilt, an attache of the forestry service stationed ' nt Klamath, was delayed here for several days whllo enrouto to Boise with an infected knee. Ho stopped at tho hospital and has been under the enro of Dr. Grif fith. Hon. W. II. Brooke nnd wife of Ontario were here a few days this week to attend court and Mr.jof 'timothy, red top nnd clover Tho Margaret lies Dramatic Co., who closed a very success ful engagement at Tonawama on Monday evening, will roturn to this city for two nights only, Oct, 27 and 28 on their roturn south. They will have two of tho host bills in their reportoiro for their Burns friends and should bo greeted by full houses. Tho company is playing to good business at Canyon this week according to reports and Miss lies states over tho phono that tho fair at John Day Ib Himply fine. Brooke interviewed some of tho voters respecting his candidacy for district attorney. Thoy loft for Grant county Thursday morning. W. W. Robertson, nnewspnpor man of North Yakima, was hero this week having come over with Frank Clerf from Alvord where ho hns been visiting. Mr. Rob ertson is one of tho successful newspaper men of tho northwest nnd is making good jn, his section. He is n very entertaining; gentle man nnd this shop enjoyed u visit with him. Th'o HarnoyCounty Ntt'onal Bank is now making delivery of tho imported thoroughbred sows to the farmers. Tho hogs have been well cared for during tho past two months nnd arc in the pink of condition. This moans n bright futuro for pork rnising in Harney County, and tho bank is truly a homo institution byfinnnc ing farmers in such n way. Jonathan Bourne has entered the race as a candidate for U. S. Senator to succeed himself. Ho is running as a progressive gov ernment candidate, making four n tho field. Mr." Bourne has a certain following'whieh Vif !sup- port him; Selling has others of tho republicans that will stay with tho regular nominee nnd Clark of t.ho Bull Mnoso camp will poll some votes. .This loaves tho matter on a safo hotting bosis that Dr. Harry Lane of Portland, tho Democratic candi date will receive a plurality of tho votes cast and will bo elected by tho legislature as Sonator from Oregon. Mrs, Win. Weber was in from tho ranch during tho week. '''A. W. Howser was over from his home near Harney during tho week. J. R. Jenkins and his daughter left for homo yesterday after a short visit in this city. Will Gould has resigned as clerk at tho postofilco and Ralph Irving is to take his place. Niss Hatt and wifo were in the city yesterday, having como in to assist Mrs Jones in making proof on her desert. Julicn Hurley, republican can didate for tho stalo legislature from this district, has been over from his homo nt Vale for sever al days. Any court would grant n di vorce to tho woman whoso hus bnml refused to buy her ono of tlioso fireless cookers nt Cloven ger'B. Tlioso elegant moth proof chests at Clevenger's arc just what you are looking for. They arc the best piece of furniture you could invest in. VHouse clcnning time is hero let McIIose make it easy for you, with the vacuum cleaner clean ing the carpets and rugs without removing them from the floor no dust and satisfaction guaran teed. 48-48 Mr. snd Mrs. Frank Clerf of the Alvord ranch came to Burns on Sunday. Mrs. Clerf's visit to the metropolis was her first in two yenrs. While here she mado final proof on her desert land claim. B. P. Bennett nnd wifo arrived here last Sunday from Frceport, Maine, whero they have been re siding for the past two years. Mr. Bennctt'B health was not good hack there so thoy returned to Burns where they expect to remain permanently. This esti mable old couple have many friends hero who nre glad to wel come them back. Tho Ladies' Saturday After noon 500 Club held their Annual business meeting, at the homo of tho President, Mrs. Julian Byrd, Wednesday, Oct Oth. Officers for tho ensuing year wero elected as follews: President, Mrs. Isaac Schwartz; Vice-President, Mrs. John Gemberling; Secretary, Dr. Elizabeth' Ellis; Treasurer, Mrs. C. F. McKinney. Grass Si:ed I hnvo a fine lot Tho fair board is considering tho advisability of parking" tho west side of tho grounds, putting out some nice, quick growing shade trees, and plowing up tho infield and seeding to grass of some character. It is 11 gopd movo. Burns needs- a park and this would bo an idOal place for ono. Arrangements will bo mado to havo tho trees irrigated tho first year or so to give them n good start and with a band stand in tho center it would bo an ideal placo for tho pcoplo of Burns to spond warm afternoons. Tho in field should bo put to uso, ns it Is an oyo sore as it is now nil grown up in weeds, but with a little work nnd the necesiBaryfintinoos it could bo mado more sightly nB well as profitable seed threslieu this senson. This seed is acclimnted and best quality, mixed in right propor tions for seeding meadows. Will deliver at that prico at Burns during fair week or fill orders sent mo before that date. Write mo nt Drewsey W. T. Vander Vi:er. A big double show has been arranged for tomorrow night at Tonawnmn. There will bo six reels- G000 feet of film which includes some good comedy nnd fine drmatic work. Carl Welker will sing nn illustrated song. Appropriate music will accompa ny each film and thoy are made ns real as possible. The prices for this performance will be 25c nnd 15c. Amnnir (linun te- 41i oniifli. ern part of the county to visit us during tho fair and for court business wero Adam, Lou, Dave and Dell Dofl'enbaugh. These brothers are all interested in lnnd on Trout Creek in tho Dcnio sec tion whoro there is u movement to try and soltlo water rights. Somo of tho boys camo to tho county with tho writer and fami ly somo 30 years ago and it was )o first timo ho had met Adam Blnce. their arrival in 1883. Estiiav Ono sorrel horso with Btrip in face, white hind feet nnd flntidlo marks, branded cross on right stifle nnd horso bIioo with bar under on jaw; ono bay horse, saddle marked, star in f aco brand ed cross with roverso S on loft stifle; ono chestnut horse, star in face, snip on noso, blotch brand on left log, camo to my placo Sopt. I. Owner may havo them by paying pasture and cost of this ad. J. II. Anderson, Drewsey, Oregon, Married Jesso J. Vernon and Miss Bertha Roberts wero married at tho homo of tho brides parents Oct. 8 1912, Elder Quior ofheiating. Mr. Vornon ia u prominent pronoligist whoso homo is in Now York City, nnd Miss Roberts is n very prominent young lady of Crnno Creek. Tho young couplo oxpoct to make their homo in this section this winter and in tho spring thoy will tour over tho western coun try and then roturn to Now York to mnko their futuro homo. 'Pl.Air ltn.rA mnmt TJahiIh !.. iujr uuvu iimiijr iiiunuti wiio wish them tho best of luck on their journey thru life. PTX. d'ole !b !n iirrsrcr Dnvo Miller is in the city. Mrs. J. is. .James was over from Harney this week. Mrs. IBuckland, mother of the two boys under indictment for killing Z. II. Stroude, is here. Clcnning, pressing, washing and ironing. Packages loft at N. Brown & Sons-Mrs. S.N. Joy, 48-40 The Ladies' Afternoon Club will meet Saturday, Oct. 19th, at tho homo of Dr. Elizabeth Ellis. SubjectefStudy: "Crown ed Hends of Europe, during the 10th Century." J. E. Hubbard of Indcpendunco who is interested in this county, is hero looking nfter his business. Ho is accompanied by his wife and also his parents, tho Inter being residents of Portland. House clcnning time is here let McIIose make it easy for you, with the vacuum cleaner clean ing the carpels and rugs without removing them from the floor no dust nnd satisfaction guaran teed. 48-49 Tho railroad now being built into tho Harney county has given impetus to irrigation work in this section and we will see some definnto moves mado in that di rection during the next few months nnd projects launched in timo to take up nctive work in tho spring. Dr. Babbidgc sent a card to tho manager of this great reli gious weekly yesterday stating that Enterprise, Wallowa county, seemed nearer the north polo than here as tho snow was down quite close and ho would have to hurry back to thaw out. Tho Doctor is there to attend Pres bytery. Impounded Tho city marshal hns taken up a Drown mare nbout 17 years old, branded W. V. on left shoulder nnd G. II. on right shoulder. The nnimah was formerly owned by Lee Wise man. Owner must come and get her, pay all charges or tho animal will be sold in accordance with the law governing such im pounded animals. John Back was ii from his dairy farm today and states that the Angora goats he recently im ported from the Willamette Val ley are doing fine on the rang1 along Prnther Creek. Ho finds thnt the coyotes do not molest them nnd if they stand the win ter weather well it would bo a fine thing to get more of them in this country. 'The electric light plant was started up on the first of this month and has been giving good service since. It is quite a con venience to the many patron1' and brightens up the town con siderable. It is being handled in good shape and giving far better service than over beforo and in ono respect particularly. Here tofore when the picture show was running it dimmed the lights all over town. Now it is being used by the Tonnwnma pictures and tho slight difference when the pictures are on is hardly noticeable. J. F. Williamson, at ono time actively engaged in the sheep business in this county in part nership with Bill Jones, has oen in the city for several daya do ing jury duty. Ho has been ex cused for the term and extracts to leave tomorrow for his homo in tho southern, part of tho county. Mr. Williamson is much disappointed in his former part ner and friend Bill, ns ho contem plates matrimony. Mr. William son sayB Bill used to be a good fellow, energetic nnd would get up early in tho morning, but now ho learns ho is getting society habits, stays in bed late and al together disgracing himself by such actions. frS.pifaar.ar;r How This Bank Considers You This Bank is a public institution, organized to serve the people, to better the financial condition of every man, woman or child who will accept its service. Petition for Liquor License. We tliu nnJurnliieil legul votun uf Poniu I'ri'oluct, lliirnoy County, Stnto u( Oregon, to grant u I.U'onrc to Doan Mercantile Co to Pell Bnlri'iiuuH, Mutt and Vinous I.iunra In Iush quantities tlinn imo khIIoii in Dunlo Precinct lliir noy County Btato of Oregon, lor tin I'vrlori of elx montlm, iu in duty bound wo will over pray. Nuiiiph I'. I.. Allen A. It. l'noa Jnn Miranda C. W. (lullon Thomas Diifurrenn John McLean N. Maaotto Joe llaltyon W, O, IlllllliKH II II, YickuiM Joe Callow A. Hegnrdy Hon Yrulugruo Names (loo, llaltuum It, Win kcnlivrh Clmii I). Hall V lloul C, I. Ilurnnm W. II. McAllnter Jaium 12 Yoiiiii! I.cu O. Cooley IrnluK Kniltli I'm nk Selmeliun J. Onrviri II I) llrmwi Cmttro Mluni'llroi a 12. II. llrddon Notice In hereby (riven tl'ut on Butm- dny tho lUh day of November, 1U12 tho undersigned will apply to the Honor -bio County Court of Harney County Statu c! Oregon, for the I.lcennu men tloned In the abovo petition. Doan Mehuantiik (o, No matter how small and un important YOU think your account would be, let us assure you it will be courteously received and handled Harney County National Bank "YOUR HOME INSTITUTION" BURNS, HARNEY CO. OREGON (F W. E. 5SUSTON- 5 General Groceries Select Can Goods, Fancy Groceries, Dried Fruits, Tobacco, Confectionary, Coal Oil, Feed, Grain and Produce Special Inducement.'; Given On Bitr Orders - JJ TT- I 11 III UTI il Him ll-IWI.llll ! lllllWilWWII nar a5 This Space Belongs To The 9BB9BHflH9n0QHHflHHHHHHEZkS2 a3ffi-5Ml Williams-Zoglmann Clothing Company Successors To Schenk & Williams Merchant Tailors I. O. O. F. Building, Main Street, Burns, Oregon Watch For St Every Week "a ijy.Trasiii BRENTOW & HBCKS, Props. Old and Nnw Patrons Will Find the Best Brands Here Wines, Liquors, and Cigars Cood Service, Courteous Treatment DftOP IN Main Street Burns, Oregon m! HAYMAKERS Come To Us FOR Mowers, Rakes, Bucks, Sicldes, Ropes, Pulleys Hay Forks, Extras etc. 1? AM-IIIEKS Before Harvest Perhaps Yom Need New Binders, Tlrresfoers, Plows, Discs, Wagtfms, Gas or Oil Tractors, BieiUs, Oils Etc. WE SELL IT ALL k$r Remember The Place -o Geer & Cummins