to- -Mi' if itf ' I Ml .1 ! !!' ft I- i I' hi i I Ifo tTJmcs-gcvaCa. JVUAN BYRD, Manager SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1 2, 1913 SUBSCRIPTION RATES Y.r AttMaada Ttm Mattka 12,00 1.00 .75 It is foolish to turn down a rood proposition that may ap pear on the ballot thru personal prejudice. Right will prevail Yentluilly ind there is no reason o top'' If because you nre a little piqued about something. Hot tar consider these things bofore votinsr. Remember, we came early not losing our High School thru just such methods and Bucn improvements nre nee waaryto the advnncment of the eountry. Other measures or im provements may be just as es sential if the voter will lay aside prejudice and look at the matter is an impartial way. It isn't nl ivaya best to listen to the "knocker" on every occasion, besides one should look for the inceptive for such before form ing an opinion. the Tonawnma Orchestra, Tona wnmn will bo onoof the most popular play houses in Eastern Oregon. There nro thirteen members lt tho company this year, some of last years company and several new faces will bo scon for first time before tho foot lights of Hums, The opening bill "Peace ful Valloy" with elaborate stage sotting nnd newly painted Bcen ery will bo put on tho middlo of November followed by ono shov every two weeks. Don't miss tho opening night Successful Teachers' Institute. Now that election time is draw iisr near voters should begin to tudy the situation and make their selections for officers as well as their decision on tho intiative and referendum bills on the bal let It should bo remembered that a man's politics doesn't make kinrany better or worse for the fflce, therefore pick good men when you go into the booth. Tho same respecting the bills to fe Toted on. If you dont under stand what you are voting for la that .respect it is the safest plan to vote no! Ifitisagood kw it may be passed by the leg ulature while if a vicious one yauma'y help to make it legal and "then rather hard to get rid of. When in doubt vote -no! The'old hens seem to be on a strike" to a certain extent as eggs are rather scarce and sell for a good figure. With plenty of feed ia the granary and a rabbit diet to balance the ration we might idtheliigh financial class yet. Tho Institute held this week was one of the niost profitable ones ever held in tho county. There was practically a full at tendance of tho tenchers of tho county and tho several instruc tors hero from outsido points were proficient in every respect, giving the local instructors some good advice nnd help. The unfortunnto accident which prevented State Supt Alderman being hero to take pnrt was great ly regretted by all and tho teach ers sent him a telogram express ing sympathy and hope for speedy recovery. The four instructors who did arrive did splendid work and there was not a dull hour during the entire session. Tho primary work was admirable handled by Mrs. Fnlkerson, Miss Cambcll charmed her audioncc with delightful illustrated talks on 'art; Mr. Soever gave good talks on geography and language, and Dr. Winship was a host in himself. The Doctor also gave two excellent lectures at tho Presbyterian church on Monday and Tuesdny evenings. Space forbids a detailed ac count of these very entertaining and profitable lectures, but every one who failed to hear them missed a literary treat Prof. Jokisch of the high school gave a good talk on the responsi bility of the teacher for tho mor al development of the pupil. In all it was a very successful in stitute that will result in much good to the schools of Harney county. Refuge For China Pheasants Game Warden Mace has suc ceeded In .securing a big territory as a refuge for the China pheas anta;recently shipped in here by the state at the solicitation of the Rod and Gun Club. The birds.are yet in confinement but will be liberated later on the pre eeryc established for them thru the work ofJMr. Mace. He has succeeded in securing all the territory from his place just across : Sirvies River east of Burns' to the upper Mace place, formerly the Blume place, some 20 mifes up the river, reserved for the protection of such birds for a term of years and the farm ers will not only protect them, preventing any shooting on the landsi but will also caro for the birdB In the winter when it is seen hey need "shelter and feed. Withn8uch ah arrangement these came birds should propagate ran idly"and' become plentiful in a shori time. Next season will witness a far grealftr activity in securing more sanfis" birds and fish than the tresent has been, thus it will be seanthat Harney county is go ingfb continue in the front rank of atf Jthe west in the matter of TornVwama Stock Co. Re-organized. ThJ Tonawama Stock Co., of thia'tltyhaS reorganized for tho vlnttV season 'with a full cast of playa, sufficient to produce tho aosff opular plays. Flowing are tho officers elect ed: ,:CaVl"V7 Wolker, Manager and'director, with Leila Egli as Treasurer. Tip ,-aager is dealing direct witrfonoof tho largest manu script firmV.Jh tho east, and the opening bill "Peaceful Valley," one or aoi amitn uusseirs mosi popular plays, has already been selected. This play made Mr. Ituaa&ll the'm&st popular come dlanfJn tho United States. Tho bill ib follow will bo the "Girl fronf,tho Golden West," also an UbSrato play. Si&h plays as "St Elmo," "Griustock,"' "Tho Harrier," "Th&ma," "Charity Hall," etc are ail arranged for the winter and playgoers of Hums can look forward to plays that will bo up to date and worth while an re hearsing will start at once. Tw management la in touch wlthTflll ,thp latest music andi Popular Candidate Spoke In Burns Last Night Dr. Harry Lane of Portland, democratic candidate for United .States Senntor, spoke at the court house last night to a very largo crowd and made a very favorable impression. Dr. Lane is a very popular man in this state and has held public posi tions of trust several times. He is a sincere man who makes a good talk and his friends feel that with three republicans in ' the race for the place he will bo I the choice of the voters of Ore gon for the office to which he as pires. Dr. Lane is not an ora tor, but a man of good principles and his manner of presenting the questions now before the people are such as to win favor. It was one of the largest poli tical gatherings assembled in this city during the present cam paign, and those attending were well repaid. Judge Biggs made an excellent address and was followed by J. F. Mahon, dem ocratic candidate for state sena tor in this district Jim made a decided hit and surprised his friends by making a fine talk. Dr. Lane left today accompanied by Mr. Mahon for Malheur county points and he will go from there to Portland where he will likely remain until election time, as it seems that place will bo the particular battle ground of the campaign for U. S. Senator. Grand Matron Visits Chapter. Worthy Grand Matron Marga ret Hayter of the Eastern Star visited the local Chapter in this city on Monday night and it was a very enjoyable and profitable occasion for all who attended. There were two candidates initi ated, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Smyth, and after the work Mrs. Hayter complimented tho Chapter on its excellence in the work and also gave the members some good ad vice and instructions. After tho lodge work a dainty banquet was served and a general social time had. There were a few visitors from other Chapters present During her stay in this city Mrs. Hayter was a guest at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Julian Byrd, she being an old time ac quaintance of tho family, her home being in Dallas. g i fay Premiums Next Week, The atato appropriation for tho payment of premiums at tho fair just closed has boon delayed owing to tho bond going astray and a now ono having to bo for warded. Tho matter has been attended to and the money should arrive here the first of next week when tho secretary will bo ready to pay off tho premiums. Several articles were loft at tho pavilion and havo been brought to Tho Timos-Hornld olllico where owners may como and get them, also several rib bons which havo been labeled by the attendants are at tho same place. One truck load of exhibits woro shipped out this week that will go to vnrious points to ad vertise tho resources of this country, at least two tons of tho products exhibited at tho fair havo been used for this purposo This shipment did not include much of the root crops as most of those on exhibit wcro either bndly wilted or not mature enough to Inst, therefore a fresh supply will bo gathered later to be sent to the Portland land show nnd replenish other exhibits where they can bo reached con veniently and in time for the shows. H. C. H. S. Literary Society. Harney County High School literary society met Oct. 11, and the following program was ren dered: Song by School. Instrumental Solo, Florence Hoffcditss Biography - - Albert Swain Current Events. Dorman Leonnrd Vocal Solo - Ethel Thompson Debate: Reselved: That Single tax should bo Adopted. Afiirmntivo Negative Robert Hibbnrd Iois Swcek Jessie Bardwell Agnes Miller James Walkup Hurt Oliver Judges decided in favor of the affirmative. Song by School. High School Notes, Edgar Williams Recitation - - - . Bee Gage Instrumental Solo, Florabclle Goodman Comical reading, Eloiso Hibbard Reading - - - Charles Foley Song by School. Miss Witzell acted as critic. Visitors present were Miss Inn Ternll, Mrs. Cawlficld. Mrs. Blanch Caldwell. The Shooting Tournament Local Gun Club men were dis appointed in not having any out side teams here last Saturday to compete with them in tho shoot ing tournment, but they went out and had some fun among themselves. They spent over half a day at the traps and made some of the poorest scores yet recorded by the local shooters. In fact it was so poor they havo purposely lost the score book in order to prevent Tho Times Herald man from publishing them. That is not the excuse given, but he is positive such is the case. Frank Triske made the highest score, but aside from this we are unable to get any other information. COMMUNICATION Avoid Scdntivo Cough Medicine.. If you want to contribute dir ectly totheoccuranceof capillary bronchitis and pneumonia use cough medicines that contain codine, morphine, heroin and other sedatives when you havo a cough or cold. An expectorant like Chamberlain's Cough Remc dv is what is needed. That cleans out the culture beds or breeding places for tho germs of pneumonia never results from a cold when Chamberlain'B Cough Remedy is used. It has a world wild reputation for it cures. It contains no morphine or other sedative. For aale by all dealers HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF Tho Bworn statements of Lifo Insurance Companies on file at tho State Insurance Department, Salem, show that In 1009, 1910, 1911, Oregon Life tho Only Life Insurance Company Exclusively Oregon, sold more policies in Oregon than any other company. In 1912 Oregon Life is surpass ing all its previous records. IJCST TOR OHEGONIANS E. C. EoquiSTON, Editor Tho Tlmos-llernld:-Somo timo ago wo promised tho votorB of Harney county that whenever it become an estab lished fact, that Mr. A. K. Rich- ardson hnd yielded to the wishes of tho Drewsey Livestock Asso ciation, and his numoroUB friends, that wo would present him to tho voters of Harney county na an independent candidate for sheriff and givo you our reasons for bo doing. Wo havo nothing against any of tho other nomi nees for sheriff. Aa far as wo know they nro honorable men. Our reasons for putting Mr, Richardson out tiro as follews: 1st Wo contend that a Bheriff must bo bor i n sheriff, or ho will not bo a success. , 2nd. His past record will bear us out, thnt ho is a natural born sheriff. !lrd. Ho has put more outlawB behind tho bars during his term of office than all tho shorjffs since tho beginning of tho county, lth. Wo nro inviting immlgra tion and wo should havo a Bheriff with a Btato wide reputation so they will know what class of people wo nro inviting, and that it is no place for a crook to operate. 5th. Should a now man bo elected that was equally as good aa he, tho bars would bo left down till he built up a reputa tion nnd by that time tho same old cry would go out "Ho has had tho office long enough, pass it, on to tho next" Oth. Mr. Hichnrdson ia better qualified to fill tho office than ho over was, Viewing it from a fair nnd im partial standpoint, is thcro any reason for making a chango in tho sheriffs office. J. L. Sitz; President A. J, Johnson, Sec Drewsey Livestock Asso. (Paid advertisement) New Parcel Post Law In resiwnso to many inquiries for information, Senator Jona than Bourne, Jr., Chairman of the Senate Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads, has pre pared the following summary of the provisions of tho Now Parcel Post Law which will become ef fective January 1, 1913. Any article is mailable if not over 11 pounds in weight nor more than 72 inches in length and girth combined, nor likely to injure the mails or postal equip ment or employes. Flat rate of 1 cent per ounco up to 4 ounces regardless of distance. - aoovo -l ounces, rnies are oy tho K)iind or fraction thereof, nnd varying with distance as follews: Piono for salo or trade for cat tlo or good gentle work horses. Inqulro of W. W. Drlnkwater, of Burns. Chronic DyipcpiU. Tho following unsolicited testi monial should certainly be suffi cient to givo hope nnd courago to persons nfllictcd with chronic dyo pepsin: "I havo', been a chronic dyopoptic for year, and of all tho mediclno I havo taken, Chamber lain's Tablets havo dono mo moro good than anything else," Bays W. G. Maltison, No. 7 Sherman St, Hornollsville, N. Y. Sold by all dealers. Foil Sale Wood or postB ir tho timber, or hero in town. Leave orders at Lunnburg, Dal ton Co. or Schwartz's. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Fkank?Jackson. STATEMENT First Each 11 Rural route and lb. ad. lb lbs city delivery .05 .01 .15 50 mile zono .05 .03 .35 150 " " .00 .01 .46 300 " " .07 .05 .57 G03 " " .08 .00 .08 1000 " " .09 .07 .79 1100 " " .10 .09 1.00 1800 " " .11 .10 1.11 Over 1800 miles .12 .12 1.32 35 Agent H. F. Stillson and family ar rived hero last night from Eu gene whore they had been re siding for tho past two years or more. They have como back to stay. Can you beat it? Chain har- swigs, and with specialties and1 ness $19.50 at Shelley's. Take Foley Kidney Pills TONIO IN ACTION QUICK IN IIE0UUT8 Oct rid of your Domlly Kldnoy Alfmonta, that coat you a IiIkIi pries In enduranco tf juin, loss of timo nnd money. Otliera lmvo cured themselves of KIDNEY AND ULADDKU DISKABltS by the prompt and timely uia of 1'OLRY KIDNBY 1'ILLB. Stop. DACKACIIIi, IIIiADACIIIi, end ALL, tha many other troubles that folIowDlBKASEDKIDNEYa and URINARY IRRLCQULARITIEB. I'OLEY KIDNEY PILLU will CURB any caia of KIUNEYond ULADDURTROUll. Tho Postmnster General may make provision for indemnity, insurance, nnd collections on de livery, with additional charges for such service, and mny, with tho consent of tho interstate commerce commission after In vestigation, modify rates, also weights and zone distances, when experiences has demon strated the need therefor. Call for Warrant. Notice is hereby given thai there aro sufficient funds in tho county treasury to redeem all Harney County Warrants regis tered prior and up to Novembor 7, 1911. Interest will ceaso on all bucIi warrants September 11,1912. Simon Lkwis, Treasurer Harney County. They Mako You Feel Good, Tho pleasant purgativo offect produced by Chamberlain'a Tab lets and tho healthy condition of body and mind which thoy crento makes ono feel joyful. For salo by all dealers. Satisfied customers and nn in creasing business sucak for themselves- W. B. Shelloy, tho har nesB and saddle man. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENOK IjSJHS Trade Marks DfSIONS COFYnlOHTS Ac. Anroa landing a rt.lch and dwerlptlqn mar ti.oklr Mwrum our opinion fra bthr tu laoia. uimgiaQisa uidbooioa f'alaota rum our opinion fi prubaLlrpatrnUbli nonaaautui. Ilandt liiranllon U i UIIUU.IIll.l. UUUWWIVHI, ajr.tirr fur ourlna Dalanta. I'atanu taken ilirnufh Hun a k lit, law limn alrlatl r noi ant fraa. oldest atreticr for eaeurlna: patao twl4f notice without bliarea. la tLa Scientific A liinitiomalr IILitrated weaklr. T-araeet air. eu'atlim lit anr Aolantma lnurul. Teriuc. U a "wi four morii,H. Sviatiall newdiltr. caiaoiKIUNllYanuuLiAUUUii'iKUUUe "ri murmomne,!. watiaii naatdaaiara, LB not beyond tho reach of medicine. Hoi 4JIINM & PfJ MIBfMdaif, HfiUJ TflrH mediclno can do more. miucl 3l-i. ik v .. wtihiuaiu" u. c. Statement of tho Ownership, Management, Circulation, Etc., of The Times-Herald, Published Weekly at Burns, Oregon, ns re quired by Act of August, 24, 1912. Nnmo of Editor Poatofilco Julian Byrd Burns, Oregon Managing Editor. Julian Byrd Business Manager, Julian Byrd Publisher, Julian Byrd Known bondholders, mortga gees and other security holders, holding ono per cent or moro of total amount of bonds, mortga ges, or other securities: Nena Julian Byrd Sworn to nnd subscribed bo- foro mo this 2nd day of Oclobor, 1912, Charles W. Ellis, Notary Public. Browns Satisfactory Store Shoes For School Choice of Tat;, Calf and Gun Metal and Patent, heavy good wearers for school girls and Hoys. School Hosiery Chiidrcns School Hose. Fine Rib bed School Hose, and made for hard wear. AH sizes for children. Girls Winter Cloaks A few advanco numbers of Misses and Little Girls Coats. We can show you a few styles at this time that may be just what you want. Overcoats For Winter Overcoats for Boys and young Men Wc can please and fit you both. Call and get yours from the latest Uric. School Suits For Young Boys .and Men at all ages from 6 to 15 years. Heavy for winter and a small price attached. Boys Winter Wear A Fine and Warm Line of Winter Underwear and Ovcrshirts for the Boys. Also the best line of latest Sweater Coats at Rockbottom Prices. N. BROWN & SONS FOB SALE BY OWNER. 1 section, 040 acres, level un improved sago brush land in Hnrney Valley, canbosubirrignt ed. 100 aero tract, fenced, good house deep well and otherwise improved. Prices made to suit in tending settlers. No speculators need apply. Inquire at this office. DnveCraddock was down from SIlvicB Wednesday. Low Fares West. Fall Colonist Period, Daily Until Oct. 10. To All Central Oregon Points On . - Send Your Orders For Lumber, Lath. Cedar Shingles, Hardwood Plaster, Portland Cement, Liimp Lime, Etc. TO raiMifflraitt&a Overturf , Davis, Miller Co. m ii mm aa a. m Wholesale and Retail Dealers Office Phone 36 Mill Phone 48 BEND, - - OREGON. We have a large stock of the above and can make quick deliveries to the Burns Country. Get OUR Prices. fr ggr CENTRAL BRECON UNE J FROM i Chicago Cincinnatti Milwaukee St. Louis New York Detriot $38.00 42.85 36.70 37.00 55.00 43.00 St Paul Kansas City Omaha Des Moines ' Indianapolis Denver $30.00 30.00 30,00 32.83 40.G0 30.00 From Other Eastern Points In Proportion Tell your friends in the East of this opportunity of moving West at low rates. Direct train service via Burlington Route, Northern Pacific, Great Northern, "North Bank," and Oregon Trunk Railways Details will be furnished on request . A Book About Oregon fifty page illustrated book describing the districts of Cen tral Oregon will bo forwarded to you or your friends if you will write W. E. Coman, General Freight Agent, Oregon Trunk Ry., Portland. Details of schedules, fares, etc, will be furnished on request W. E. COMAN, General Freight and Passenger Agt. GOTZAIN SHOES -.For AH:- Mi'i'll ilM I i I" Mi II I ' I New Goods! New System! Low, Prices! Having cut out the long credit system, we are prepared to give prices which will pay you to buy at home. Remember, when you buy at home you create a market for what you have to sell, no matter what it consists of, whether it be farm products, labor or legal ad vise, you don't help your own com munity, when you go outside to trade; you don't help the farmers when you buy outside flour. Last year many people sent away and went outside to trade. What is the result? The wheels of industry have been idle, no building, no bus iness, no work, no market. Heavy crops are being harvested and still a large portion of the old crop is on hand. It is now time for the people to get together if they want prosperity at home. Trade at our place if you can; if not trade with our competitor; but Trade at Home Burns Department Store Vl - a 1 LOl ill f I.... -1 "WM,.! , Ii I Ijl I In sizes for both the Large & Small Glad To ShOvV Them, If You Will Just Call Nothing Better For The Feet A. K. Richardson General Merchandise 3BSC If You Want AUL The Home News READ THE TIMES-HERALD $2.00 a year Best Job Printing The Ha. Th Now i JJS E399