The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, October 12, 1912, Image 1

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    U&HririHad 8fcM 9u? A ShTivy' i vk
V-fT U Vll MT 4- J.I -Avr A
II Tho Biffoett City In Tho BiKRcat
Tho Biggest County In The State
Of Oregon, Best In The West
D County In Tho State Of Oregon
.ji JWiB--ii tiKSKffi f )
NO 48.
II I J II . IF ; lIXl f 1 I I f I tf I
J rfeffl . , Ffef w&fJ$ 'jy W
rould Be Of Untold Benefit To All
Concerned As Well As Direct
Profit And Pleasure In Every Way
Resulting In A More Satisfied
Condition Of Their Surroudings
BECOMES A $100,000.00
Its Stead; Growth And Substantial Re
putation Places It In The Foremest
Ranks Of The Best Institutions In The
Country And A Credit to The Community
fanners should so arrango
heir work as to take an outing
ichyear. They will be bene
ited by getting out once a year
from the routine of the work on
Ihe farm which will not sutler
properly planned. Relative to
us subject an eastern papers
Most farmers are believers in
Ihe eight-hour system eight
toure before noon and eight
lours after! It may be a good
rstem when one is his own boss,
Uutits rather hard on all con-
lerned. Therefore, every farm-
' should have a sort of pitch-
ark arrangement which will
irow everyone, himself and his
rife included, off the farm at
ame convenient time to take a
ompulsory vacation. You need
ever fear that the work will
Buffer. It will not if it is pro-;
lerly planned. Never fear that
Inyone who thus has an out-
ng suffers. On the contrary, )
iveryone, and the work, too. will ;
be b o n o fi 1 1 e d. " McMinnville
Since there is no time of
tho year when tho farmer can
more easily leave his home du
ties than early in Deccmbor, the
authorities at tho Oregon Agri
cultural College have this year
changed the date of the annual
one-week farmer's course to Dec
7-11, instead of immediately pre
ceding or following the winter
short course, which this year
comes Jan. 9 to Feb. 7. The
agricultural instruction at the
college, insofar as is possible
will be boiled down to a single
week of the most practical and
helpful lectures and demonstra
tions, some 30 or 40 a day, cov
ering the breeding and raising
and care of all kinds sorts of
farm animals, the growing and
harvesting of grains, forage crops
and fruits, tho planning and
erection of farm buildings, and
the solution of a vast number of
farm problems.
.Pleasant Amusement Placer Stock Men Organize
Messrs. Hissner & Johnston
iave enlarged their pool and
Billiard parlors and added some
lew tables as well as providing
; comfortable reading room. The
Blace is now brilliantly lighted
irith a new gas system and the
lew equipment all around is neat
id attractive. It is a very in
citing place and has become very
apular with those who like to
lay pool or billiards and the
eentlemen are enjoying a good
' The Harney County Livestock
1 Protective Association was or-
ganized last Saturday evening in
, this city. Judge Grant Thomp
son was made president; P. C.
(Peterson, vice-president; C. A.
iRyrd, secretary and Simon Lewis
j treasurer. The object of this or
jganfcation is mutual protection
and general advancement oi tho
livestock industry It is a good
organization and should result in
lasting benefit to its members.
Meetings are to be held every
(three months and any stock
! grower in the county is eligable
I to membership.
Qentrally Located, Good Clean
ideals, Comfortable Rooms,
Clean and Sanitary Beds
First gass Bar In Connection. Qive Me A Call
I Can and Will Satisfy Your Wants
In The Harness and Saddle Line. My
Motto Is "Right Prices and Best Quality"
and it will pay you to call and see me.
Spqclal attention given to repair work.
Hissner Building Burns, Oregon
You're Initved
To Visit
Rexal Drug Store
REED BROS. Props. -
During The Fair Week &
Here You'll Find
Rexall's Renowned Remedies, Foley's Famous
Family Remedies, Cosmetics, and Toilet Articles, The
At a meeting of tho directors
of tho First National Bank held
last Saturday, that institution
was mado a hundred thousand
dollar bank. At this meeting
tho directors increased tho bank's
surplus fund from $70,000.00 to.
$75,000.00, which amount in con
junction with the bank's capital
of $25,000.00 gives it a working
capital of $100,000.00. The First
National now carries tho largest
surplus fund of any National
bank in the country of like capi
The First National has long
been recognized as nn institution
of undoubted strength, and its
largo capital not only insures
absolute protection to its deposi
tors, but also permits it to oc
cupy a broad field of usefulness
throughout this entire section.
Much of tho success of this
bank is due to the fact that its
executive oflicers extend the
same uniform courtesy to all its
patrons, thus assuring the small
er customers of the saino careful
consideration as is accorded its
larger or more influential pat
rons. This bank's over conserva
tive policy has brought to it an
immense volume of business, as
is evidenced by it large deposits,
it having reported the largest de
posits of any bank in Malheur,
Grant, Harney. Crook and Lake
counties, at the last official call
fo. reports of condition on Sep
tember 4th, 1912.
The First National has been a
powerful factor in the develop
ment and upbuilding of South
eastern Oregon. Wo congratu
late the institution on its success,
gained through its clean, clear
cut business methods.
Docket Being Cleared Rapidly
But Is Now Delayed In
Securing Jurors For The
Murder Trial. Interest
ing Developments And A
Hard Fight Looked For
lie Weather Was Fair And The Crowd
Good While The Races, Riding And
Band Was Al Their Best-Resulting In
A Good Time For All In Attendance
Tho regular fall term of circuit
court convened last Monday.
Many equity and law cases had
been disposed of before tho open
ing Monday, however, as Judgo
Biggs had been looking after
such cases last week while the
grand jury was in session.
Tho regular jury panel was
exhausted in securing jurors to
serve on tho case of tho State vs.
James Duckland, Frank Rueklnnd
and Durbank Clay, indicted on a
charge of murder in the first de
gree for tho killing of Z. II.
Stroude at Harney. Five jurors
have been selected and Sheriff
Richardson has gone to the coun
guilty. This is a case where the
horse was stolen in Crook county
but brought into this county and
the man was caught near Dcnio.
He has not been sentenced.
C. It. Peterson vs. J. It. Cun
ningham Recovery of money,
Default and judgement for
$1709.52 with interest from date
at 10 per cent. Also $150 attor
ney fees.
J. It. Jenkins vs. Ed Raker
Damages. Settled and dismissed
without cost to either party.
U. S. National Rank of Vale
vs. J. D. Railey and Albert C.
Fredricks Attachment. Default
try to serve moro subpoenas forlan(1 judgment for $135nnd inter
jury duty. It was discovered i cat fr' Juno 25, 1910 at 10 per
Ladies' Afternoon Club
Entertained by Dr. Ellis.
(Contributed )
The ladies of the Afternoon
Club held their first meeting of
the season Saturday. October 5th,
at tho home of the president, Dr.
Elizabeth Ellis. A number of
new members were received, and
Mrs. Sevcik was present as tho
guest of honor. At this meeting
tho club launched upon the study
of tho Nineteenth Century, which
will constitute its work for tho
ensuing year; Presidents of tho
United States" being tho special
subject of tho day. Each mem
ber present responded to roll-call
by giving a sobriquet of some
president who served during tho
nineteenth century. Dr. Ellis
read a scholarly paper on "Our
Presidents" after which she ren
dered "The Blue and tho Gray"
to tho soft accompaniment of
"Tenting Tonight", with Mrs.
Rembold at tho piano. Walt
Whitman's poem "O, Captain,
My Captain"was read by "Moth
er Whiting." After a few beau
tiful words of her own, "Auntie
Lampshiro" repeated that ever
impressive poem "Lead Kindly
Light" President McKinley's
favorite hymn.
Dainty refreshments were ser
ved and each lady went away
feeling that tho initial meeting
bespeaks a pleasant and profita
bio year for tho club.
yesterday morning that today is
a legal holiday and as none of j
the jurors could bo gotten hero!
until late tonight Judgo Riggs,
decided to adjourn court until
Monday morning and telephoned '
the sheriff to have those summon-1
ed to be hero Monday morning. I
The following business has
been considered up to this time:
cent against Fredricks. No ser
vice on Bailey.
I. Schwartz vs J. E. Lupton
Attachment. Settled and dis
missed. J. S. Cook vs E. II. McDonald
Attachment. Settled and dis
missed. L. It. Runyard vs R. C. Good
low. Attachment Settled nnj
W. L. Marsden vs. James,
Rucklandw-Attachmcnt, Settled
and dismissed,
Chas.' Johnson vs. D. B, Clay
Attachment. Settled and dismissed.
Leap Year Dance a Success.
Tho senior girls of tho High
School wero hostesses at a largo
gathering of dancers at Tona
vama on Tuesday evening when
they gavo a leap year ball. It
was a decided huccohs and thor
oughly enjoyed by all who attend
ed. There was a four piece or
chestrn to furnish the music and
the young ladies conducted tho
affair most pleasantly.
Tho Ladies' Auxilliary to the
Fire Department served supper
on the stage which was up to its
usual high standard, Tho danco
was attended by many of tho
teachers who were hrro attend
State vs. Emmott Kimble
abandoning sheep on tho range.
Plead guilty and fined, $50 which,
ho paid.
State vs. Guy Dickenson
Larceny. Out on bail and sot for
trial first day of next term.
State vs John Osborn Assault
with intent to kill. Jury return
ed a vcrdiijt of not guilty.
State vs. Ed. Larby Larceny Antone Rernedo et al Damages
of a gelding. 'Jury found him Settled and dismissed.
As tho weather prevented the
full program arranged for tho
amusement and entertainment of
tho fair visitors on tho days ad
vertised, n special program was
arranged and pulled off Sunday
afternoon. Tio attendance was
very good considering conditions
and the cards wero particulary
interesting. There wero three
races, a consolation running race
with three entries which was
taken by Soventy, with Smut
second. A special three quart
ers of a mile was run by Sovonty,
Jerusha and Hush which proved
one of the best of tho week, all
three horses coming under the
wire in a bunch. Hush won with
Seventy a close second and the
mare right at their heels. A
trot and pacing race with three
entries, Doc. Jones, Kate Murpy
and High, the latter an outside
horse entered by Starr. He was
not fast enough to make it inter
esting for the home horses.
H. J. Sherburn succeeded in
riding the bull that afternoon,
Lbut he had to pull leather like
sixty to stay on. W. R. Shelly
did some trick riding and rope
spinning that was much appre
ciated by those present.
The fair was quite a success so
far as tho exhibits were concern
ed and was a source of much
l benefit. For the first time since
it was started it did not pay ex
penses, therefore from a finan
cial standpoint it was not a suc
cess. Tho Association will stand
the loss and every obligation will
be paid. The exhibits have been
packed and shipped out to tho big
land shows, in Portland, Minne
apolis and tho Great Northern
exhibit trains. Other samples
have gone to tho Agricultural
College, seme to the high school
So Sas Traffic Manager R. B. Millar
Of the O.-W. R. & N. In His Ad
dress To Portland Realty Board
Recently Declared Present Farm
ing System Was Certainly Faulty
That the greatest problem be
fore the people of Oregon is tho
adoption of practical and scienti
fic methods of agriculture
districts a chance to catch up.
In order that this state may make
proper development, it is necea
sarv for the farminc district ta
that the farming industry can be j produce more than can be used
made attractive not only to new-1 by local consumption.
comers to the state, but also a
large percentage of tho urban
population, is the opinion of It.
R. Miller, traffic manager of the
O. W. R. & N., who was the
principal speaker at the regular
meeting of the Portland Realty
Roard says the Oregonian.
Mr. Miller pointed out that
the growth of tho cities was im
measurably out of proportion to
the development of the rural dis
tricts. Ho declared that the
small increase of population in
the country was due primarily
io me memous louowca in agri
culture. The most important
duty of the people of Portland,
he said, is to co-operate with the
railroad, the State Agricultural
College and other interested in
stitutions in the work of adopt
ing a system that would increase
tho volim.e of soil products and
bring the best possible returns
to those engaged in agriculture.
"According to the last census
the population of Portland was
about one-third of that of the en
tire state" said Mr. Miller.
"Thero wero two men in the
slate, by this ratio, who were
contributing to the support of
Every year there is being ship
ped into Oregon and Washington
millions of dollars worth of eggs,
poultry, hogs, cattle and packing
house products. This condition
is bad. Instead, we should be
shipping out of Oregon, all such
products that we are receiving
from other states.
"One factor in solving this
great problem is more intensive
cultivation of the soil. We need
better and more practical farm
ing methods. The big farms
should be cut up into smaller
"In the Eastern part of Oregon
and Washington, where wheat
growing is the main industry,
there should be a rotation of the
crops. -Half of that land is idle
every year to permit of summer
fallowing. The time must come
when such a system will be abol
ished and all that rich land be
made to produce something every
year. That method is necessary
to increase the rural population
in those districts.
"The Oregon Agricultural Col
lege is doing a great work, but
it is handicapped seriously by
lack of funds. Larger appropri-
J. E. RounscvilloandTusnelda where Mr. Leedy will use them
Rounscvillo vs. Geo. II. Fierce
Damages. Dismissed at plain
tiffs motion.
Frank Aramburn et al vs.
Superintendent Alderman
Meets with an Accident.
Stock Prices Arc Good
Teachers and his, many friends
wero disappointed this week
when it was found that Stato
Supt. Alderman could not bo!
present at tho institute. He was
scheduled to take a prominent
part in tho institute work and
tho teachers wero
ward to tho pleasant prospects.
Supt. Alderman started from
Salem on a motor-cyclo to make
tho tour of tho interior counties
and enmo out as farasLakcvicw.
He with others loft thero for this
city and when out some 85 miles i
Cattle are tho highest in Har
eoy county they havo over been
and there are a number of out
side buyers here at this time as
well as our local mn who make
lit a business to buy cattle each
fall. Tho small stock grower is
having his inning at this timo
looking WSA ""2! "l
.iui.v.v ui uiu imu HUJU3. trim
good prices prevailing Harney
county is in a very prosperous,
condition so far as its livestock
is concerned. Tho big yield of
forage crops, grains and root
crops hus mado that rather slow
in his agricultural work.
Ask For Liberty Bell
, Aii ., - mo jnurKci, uui Bincoino live?
Mr, Alderman was thrown irom ' 8tockiatho mnJn ducfc f
us motor-cyclo sustaining j which to derive ready money it
broken leg, Ho was taken back
to Lakeview whero ho was given
medical attention and will go
from that point back to his homo
as soon as ho is able to travel.
Supt. Alderman has not visited j-Yearlings
jiumujr vuumy Dintu inn uiuuuuii
to his present office. Ho was
hero with formor superintending
Ackcrman at pno timo assisting
in conducting an institute and at
that timo mado many friends
who wero in hopes ho would
make tho trip and they havo an
opportunity to renew acquaintances.
Remember W. A. Goodman is
prepared to roll your barley, balo
hay and saw woou!. 37
will not work much hardship on
tho country.
Cattlo prices aro as follews:
Tljreo-year-old, steers, $G0f Twos
$45, Cows and calves, $G0,
$32. Thero is big
money in ra.iBJng cattlo at such
prices, and. Harney oounty must
again get into lino as in tho past
with moro cattlo. The range has
greatly improved in recent yenrs
and it is not likely to bo over
stocked for somo time. In fact
it never will bo overstocked
again as growers realizo tho folly
of such methods and will use a
different system in tho future.
Can you beat it? Chain
ncss $19.50 nt Shelley's.
Miss Laura M. Dawson, who
has been attending tho teachers'
institute in this city this week,
has roceived a letter from Phil
Rates in which ho states that one
of the missions of his party of
young ladies who go east in Feb
ruary, will bo a trip to Philadel
phia immediately following the
inauguration of tho president at
Washington and ask that Liberty
Rell bo allowed to crass the con
tinent to tho Panama-Pacific Ex
position at San Francisco. If
they aro successful it will be
routed ovor the North Pacific
states and theroforo come thru
Harney county on the new trans
Oregon road now being built, as
it will bo completed by tho lime
of tho exposition.
Miss Dawson has been selected
to represent Harney County on
this "booster" trip and The
Times-Herald hopes er many
irionu;s wll give her liberal mir
port, as it is necessary that she
securo a.t least 300 subscriptions
tq The P-acUIq Northwest, the
fnrm paper conducted by Mr.
Dates. It is a good paper for
tho farmer and housowife, as
well as general information to
all who havo .he development of
this territory at heart. Tho for
mer trips of this character mado
by Mr. Rates and party of
young ladies has proven of milch
benefit to tho sections represent
ed in tho party anil is one of the
unique ways of bringing atten
tion nd publicity to Oregon.
IMluble Citlxcm
The Inland
Homestead Locations
Wu n-liruBunt tlmt which in rvHtvil anil rollulilu
klniU of Heal Kelata muttoru W1H11 your In ml (lllng pnporH nr
othur h'Kiil land iaircorrelly itutl iiilrkly . VK WANT YOU It
Empire Realty Company
W. T. MSSTKU, Miuisaor
Wu hiimllu nil
Acres Irrigated ranch
to Irade for n (rood
hi (iolsi
ninth In
one man 111 Portland. If the ntiona should h mnrlp sn that
same conditions continue, it will ) the college extention work can
not be long before there will be be carried on effectively in all
one man in the country support- parts of the state. I urge the
ingono man in the city. This members of the Portland Realty
is absolutely wrong and imprac-' Roard to investigate the work
tical. We must give the rural I (Concluded on Last Page)
Strictly First Class. Splendid
Service, Fine Accomodations,
Commercial Headquarters
Sample Room In Connection, Reasonable Rates
Welcome Pharmacy
Ice Cream, Candy, Confectionery,
Soda Water, Cigars, Tobacco,
Toilet Articles, Rubber
Goods And Drugs
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Try U Out.
J C. WELCOME, Jr. Prop.
Burns Meat Market
H. J. HANSEN, Proprietor
Beef, Pork, Veal, Mutton,
Sasuage, Bolonga,
Headcheese and Weinerworst, Etc.
Wholesale and Retail