STSjSTtH ftfttBTimcs-JJerald EJHaa Th Laractt Circulation Of Any Newspaper In Htrmjt County. SATURDAY, OCTODEK B, 1DI2 Local News. Vulcanizing nt Gembcrllng's. Seed ryo and barley for sale by Chas. Davis, Harney, Oregon. Tho Presbyterian Ladies Aid will meet at the homo of Mrs. Julian Byrd next Wednesday afternoon at tho usual hour. Rough and dressed lumber of all kinds now on hand at the Williams Bros. Saw Mill. Rough lumber $15 per thousand. THE FIRST NATIONAL DANK OF BURNS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $95,000. 'THE nANK THAT MAKES YOUR J $ SAFE." ACCOUNTS INVITED. Mr. and Mrs. Clarcnco Cary are in from their Crane Creek home having come over to take in the fair and visit with rela- turrta N A telegram from Miss Drusa Dodson announces her safe ar rival at Boston where she has again taken up her studies at Emerson. Your wife should not be com pelled to stand over a hot cook stove this kind of weather. Get her one of those firelcss cookers at Clevenger's. Go and see them. L. M. Brown and family re turned the fore part of tho week from San Franciso where they had been visiting for several weeks. They are all in the best of health. SOME REASONS WHY You Should Pay Your Bills nntl Purchases by Check on Our Bnnk V iMr Frank Harrison hns sold hiB' Mrs. A. W. Gowan hus gone to Because. -n pni You W- avoid ugly riit-puiuH- chock in tho vory best roeoipt YOU 'ulV0 un necuruto record of whoro monoy goes withonli dinpulo YOU nin uo r't,lJ0OHH5y"i,'nwjcuro a now ohoolc book any tiiuo Uh lout. huvo nioro monoy if you uso -pocket monoy goos quickly YOU m,ni0(n'alv oatablinh a good credit with a banking account at You chcclvH- THE barber shop to Leo Caldwell and Grovcr Jameson and expects to leave soon for Willah'jolto Valley Jcbso Ferguson purchased the Harrison residoncb property. Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Dodge, Mr. Dodgo'B mothor and Mra. R. D. Cooper, nil of whom had, been ovor on Silver Creek hold ing down some prospective home- steads awaiting tho opening yes terday morning, came in Thurs day and made filings "when tho land office opened. ' Lou Willnrd was quito badly cut tho other day by Thos, Vick crs. It is impossible to gct'any particulars respecting tho affair as it secma the two mon wcro nlono over on Cow Creek when it occurcd. Willard has an ugly slash just back of the left ear, tho gash cutting tho ear and across to tho face in front. Tho wounded man phoned into the authorities from I. It. P6ujado's homo and later camo in on the stago to got the aid of a physi cian. Dr. Geary dressed the wound and states it iff not dan gerous. Wo do not know alibis time what action will bo taken or is contemplated by the authorities. Mr. and Mr. Arthur Thomp son have opened the Harney Hotel, at Harney City, and solicit the patronage of the Public. Home cooking and good clean beds. 47-49 Say, W. A. Goodman is ready to saw your wood for you this nice weather. Tell him whero your wood pile is by 'phone do not wait until bad weather and then all want it sawed at once. 47tf Married In this city Friday evening by Dr. Babbidge of the Presbyterian church, Leonard W. Wilson and Ethel Couch. These young people are from the Egli section where they will-m a k e their home. The Times-Herald extends best wishes. Grass Seed I have a fine lot of timothy, red top and clover seed threshed this season. This seed is acclimated and best quality, mixed in right propor tions for seeding meadows. Will deliver at that price at Burns during fair week or fill orders sent me before that date. Write me at DrewseyW. T. Vandkk Veer. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 1 section, 640 acres, level un improved sage brush land in Harney Valley, canbesubirrigat ed. 160 acre tract, fenced, good house deep well and otherwise improved. Prices made tosuit in tending settlers. No speculators need apply. Inquire at this office. First National BAN K BURNS, - OREGON Satisfied customers and an in creasing business sneak for them selves W. B. Shelley, tho har ness and saddle man. V lion, rrann uavey arrived homo Tuesday evening from a vacation visit to his daughter over in Baker county. Mrs. Da vcy will return later. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BURNS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $95,000. "THE nANK THAT MAKES YOUR $ SAFE." ACCOUNTS INVITED. Clay Clemens mill is the near est one to Burns where all kinds of lumber both rough and dress ed can be had. Near Canyon road. Call him by 'phone. Those who contemplate going to the railroad or other points for supplies are invited to call on W. E. Huston in tho Odd Fellow building and get his prices. It will be worth while. Glen Bright who was brought in from the 00 Ranch recently to the hospital suffering from tuberculosis, has been taken to his home in Tacoma, his mother and brother having arrived the first of the week to accompany him home. Married Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Presbyterian manse, Mr. Jay Salsman and Miss Huldah Burton, both of this city. Dr. Babbidge performed the ceremony. Mr. Salzman is a driver on the Burns-Bend Auto Line and his bride is a daughter of Link Burton who is connected with the Cottage Inn. Do You Know What "HOLEPROOF" Means To You? f(lT ITVT At 0ur B'8 D'8P,ay Window and LAJKJKSl. UN Note The Matchless Assortment Of The Various Colors and Grades at Bottom Prices A "fcir I ICTTCM When You COME IN We AINU LiOlHin Will Convince You There Is No Safer or Saner Bargain Than "Holeproof" Socks It Means Money In Your Pockets When You BUY "HOLEPROOF" Socks I. SCHWARTZ - General Merchandise - flasonlc Building, - - Burns, Oregon 4. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BURNS. CAPITAL AND S U R.P L U S $95,000. "THE HANK THAT MAKES YOUR $ $ $ $ SAFE." ACCOUNTS INVITED. Mrs. Geo. Sizcmorc, agent, for Victor Ladies' Tailoring Co., in-' vites the ladies of Burns to call and sec new fall and wintcrsnm plcs. 47tf Dr. Babbidge of the Presby terian church left this morning to attend tho fall meet of Pres bytery, also the annual meeting of the Oregon Synod. The form er meets nt Enterprise, the lat ter at Wallowa. Members of the Saturday Afternoon Five Hundred Club nre requested to meet with Mrs. Julian Byrd on next Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock to elect offi cers and nrrnngo for the coming season. Miss Helen Puritigton has fiinal ly decided to attend the Pacific University instead of nt Eugene. The young lady lias taken up special studies and found the special work was more to her ad vantage at Pacific. Jersey Heifers For Sale I have 10 head of choice Jersey heifers which I have just purchased, ranging in age foom 1 to ' years, Borne coming fresh nt once. Will sell at reasonable prices at my place 9 miles cast of Burns John Bnck. We are selling agents for the Harney Valley Improvement Company lands, the choice lands of a 200,000 acre tract. These lands are on the market on a ten year payment plan. If you want a good farm, investigate these lands and terms. 37 MOTIIKIISMKAI) & DONIXJAN. Mrs. M. V. Dodge is now ready to begin her work with her violin class and will also have a class in theory of music and sight singing which will bo free to her pupils with a slight fee for those not taking violin who wish to join tho class. See her for par ticulars. Many people from the south ern part of tho county hnvo been hero this week to attend the fair and to remnin for court. Among them were: Mrs. Ed Catlow and children, I). D. Dofenbaugh and family, J. F. Williamson, Perry Boyd nnd family, 13. U Hill, J. E. Uounsvillo and wife and R. Vickc rs. J. D. Fellows arrived here from Portland Wednesday even ing on business 'contacted with the electric light franchise re cently granted to A. Welch of Portland. Mr. Fellows was form erly interested in tho light and power plant that Mr. Welch pro poses to install. . Ho loft this morning on his return Jo Port land, ''Prof. It. D. Scuddcr is hero from tho 0. A. C. ttf take in tho fair and spend somo timo visiting over tho country nnd conferring with tho superintendent at tho experiment station. Prof. Scud der has been in very poor health but his many friends aro pleased to find him much improved. lie was particularly pleased with tho exhibit of products at tho pavilion, especially tho showing mndn bv thn dry fnrmors. Official Announcement. Owing to tho fact that tho In stitute docs not close its session until Wednesday ovening, School will not open for business till Thursday, October Tenth. At that timo pupils will please bo on hand with grade cards or other proper credentials for admission to tho respective grades and as signments will bo made. All new pupils, report to Principal nt tho office. I'tipils"notpromot ed regularly will report at the office as well for teachers have no authority to assign you to grades. Doors will not be opened to pupils till 8:15 a. m. Pupils will please pass directly to their re spective rooms and remnin there till excused by teachers. W. M. Sutton. Trin. Pendleton to visit her daughter; Mrs. W. C. McKinney. 'J. 0. Beatty came in from the southern part of the county last night. Ho is hero to seo the fair and to attend to some privnto business. J. H. Slinson and wife are over from Prinvillo to altond the fair jfnd look after tho interest of tho Oregon & Western Coloni zation Co. fHisfefc Tonawnmn Pictures For Next Week GEORGE LUCKY Trie funny man anil dancer with (let Co. C. F. McKinney and wife ar rived home Wednesday evening from Pendleton where they at tended a part of tho Hound-Up. Mrs. E. 13. Purington, who had been down to Eugene and For est Grove with her daughter Helen, returned with tho Mc Kinneys, Miss Helen is attend ing school at Forest Grove as she could get better instructions in music. A full week of pictures have been arranged for Tonawnmn beginning on Tuesday, the 8th, and continuing including Monday night, the M. A fine program has jiml been arranged which will plear.o the increasing patron age of tho house. Now pictures each night nn rntir change of program. On Tuesday night there will be but one show owing to the leap yea dnnee given by the high schoolgirls. This show will begin piomptly at G:I5 and the three icels will be run through once only. A new and popular feature which has has been added to the regular program at Tonawnmn is music. Each picture is played I with all the necessary "props" that go to maku it as real and in teresting as possible. This was introduced lust Sunday night with such good effect and demon strative appreciation it will be made a regular fcatqre. There ! will also bo some illustrated songs for next week -comical .selections with good illustration? I that will please. The program is nrranged as follews: Tuesday, Oct 8-"Paid in his own Coin," "Bill's Bills," "For his Son." Wednesday 9 "Countess Do Challunl," "Thru the Drifts," "Tho Mortgage." Thursday 10 -"Nightout-See-ing BufTnlo," "Mother Love," "Luckless Banker." Friday 11 "Southern Boy of 'Gl" "Her Uncle's Consent," "Sqjiaw Man's Revenge." Illus trated Song. Saturday 12 "Industries, South and West," Educational. "Thru the Enemies Lines," "Love Finds tho Way." Sunday 13 "Romance of the West," "Flash in the Night," "Patented Housekeeper. " Illus trated Song Monday 14. "John Brown's Heir," "How Tommy Scnred his Father," "Joke on the Joker." What Saving Does Saving creates from your earn ings a capital which broadens your opportunity, safeguards your future nnd may possibly create an income sufficient to take care of you when your productive days are over. Ask yourself whether there's any reason why you should not have a savings account at the Harney County National Bank "YOUR HOME INSTITUTION" BURNS, HARNEY CO. OREGON W. E. HUSTON- J General Groceries Select Can Goods, Fancy Groceries, Dried Fruits, Tobacco, Confectionary, Coal Oil, Feed, Grain and Produce Special Inducements Given On Big Orders r I ife3 This Space Belongs To The Williams-Zoglmann Clothing Company Successors To Schenk & Williams Merchant Tailors I. O. O. F. Building, Main Street, Burns, Oregon Watch For It Every Week "tt 'THE OLD STAR SALOON B-ENTON & HICKS, Props. Old and Nnw PATKONsWill Find the Best Brands Here The Times-Herald Building One of the Modern Business Blocks in Burns Where The Times-Herald is Housed With Other Office Rooms Tonawama Theatre, Business Mens' Club and Reading Room on Second Floor The Base Ball Games .. THE MARGARET II.ES DRAMATIC CO. The hose ball Ramos between I The Margaret Ilea Dramatic Co. Sumpter and Burns teams result- j has been playing to record-break-ed finnlly in two gamesfor ench'jng houses in Tonawama all week team. Tho first frame was won . nn,i sccm moro popular than over, by Burns as reported in our last Ed. Meade is missed from tho issue. Tho one on baturuay, was taken by Sumpter by ascorc of 4 to 3. On Sunday there was a bij? attendance nnd the teams started to play a good name but along townrd the last BurnB,got to swatting iUboutnS'thoy pleas ed -and run tho score up, (o a re gular slaughter. Another game was played on Monday, which was a special not included in tho scries, but was gotten up by some sports who were not satisfied with tho result, Burns having won two of the thrre gnmes. This was won by Sumpter by a good margin wo did not get the exact score. There is somo talk of tho home team playing a return, engage ment with Prineville, perhaps during tho week of tho county fair at that place. Prineville paners report that their team wants a return gamo and are planning wnys nnd means to got our boys ovor there. Take Foley Kidney Pills TONIO IN ACTION QU6k IN RE8ULTB Oct rid of your Deadly Kidney Ailments, that cost you n.bigh price In endurance of pain, loss of time and money. Others have cured themselves ol KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES by the prompt and timely use of FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS. Stops nACKACIIB, HEADACHE, and ALL the many other troubles thatfollowDIBEASEDKIDNEYS and URINARY IRREOULAHITIE8. TOLEY KIDNEY PILLU will CURE any cast as well as his genial greet ings to his host of friends about town. A telegram announce his health improving and a cheerful word to his friends in Burns. The company has changed in personnel to somo extent since 1:1st spring and among the new pcoplo is George Lucky, one of tho funniest specialty men and best dancer that has ever ap peared in Burns. He also intro duced tho Texas Tommy dance, assisted by Miss Grace Du Cray, for tho first timo in ihw city. Mr. Lucky is a valuable addition to the company. The entire cajt, is making good with tho piny goers and aro assured generous , patronage any time they come to Burns. Miss lies still holds tho hearts' of tho peoplo with her cleverness nnd receives the usual homage accorded her on former .visitB. Tho company remnins for three , moro nights, concluding the en gagement Mondny night. Edson Elliot is seen in tho present en gagement in leading roles instead I of "heavy" much to tho satisfac-. tion of his young friends. Mrs. Harvey's character work is fine and Miss Kobbins has improved. Miss lies and her company are much pleased with tho wolcomo accorded them by their friends I DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR I DISTRICT ATTORNEY HERE I Leslie J. Aker, Democratic can 'ddate for District Attorney, ;s in Burns Thursday evening to at tend the Fair and also Court, Mr. Aker reports that ho is con- jfiden1, after traveling over the (Districtof his election as the next 1 prosecuting attorney. The peo 'plo of Harney County, as well as 'those of Malheur and Grant ffffffffffffffffPI'c j;vf Tjflr. dflfffffffffffffffB i XZ$WS$S82?& I '" ""I "how their nppreci- ' anon uy giving tnem good shows. medicine can do moro. Leslie J. Alter counties, realize the necessity of electing a man to discharge the duties of the position who h shown ability as a trial lawytr to meet tho present conditions with crimo on tho incronsc, and thoy will undoubtedly accord Mr. Aker tho samo support ho is receiving in tho other counties of tho district. Wines, Liquors, and Cigars Good Service, Courteous Treatment DROP IN Main Street Burns, Oregon I WmM YOU ? q I HAYMAKERS Come To Us FOR Mowers, Rakes. Bucks, Sickles, Ropes, Pulleys Hay Forks, Extras etc. 1 AMjMJEICS Before Harvest Perhaps You Need New Binders, Threshers, Plows, Discs, Wagons, Gas or Oil Tractors, Belts, Oils Etc. WE SELL IT ALL iPdr Remember The Place -a Geer & Cummins