MJMdNUUtiNT TAY I.KTltntn. f atr i 1 23 . II' SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1BU SUDSCKlfTION RATES mIan dyrd, lba Y.r jf3l M.nlhi HtVtm M.nthi Manager J 2,00 I 00 .78 Shooting Tournnmcnt Oct. 5. The local Hod nml Gun Club has received acceptances of their invitation to some outside clubs to como here fair week for n shooting tournnmcnt to be fol lowed by a duck hunt and jianie supper. There are at least two clubs who will send members to to tho shoot and possibly moVe. The new trap recently ordered has been received, that is por tions of it and the boys are an xious to set it up and try it as it is different from tho one they have been using. The date for the tournament has been set for next Saturday at 8 o'clock in the morning. It will bo held just over the grade where tho old trap was situated as it has been found impossible to get the base ball grounds and while the fair grounds are avail able without charge.it is thought the bombardment will make the stock quartered there nervous and interfere with the general program and work at the grounds Seats will be provided at the place of shooting and the grounds made as comfortable as possible for those who desire to take part or witness the contests. The program follews: Event 1. 10 Singles, $10 add ed, entrance $1.00. Event 2. 15 singles, $15 added, entrance $1.50. Event 3, 15 singles. $15 added, entrance $1.50. Event !, 20 singles, $20 added, entrance $2.00. Event 5, 25 target, team shoot, five men in a squad, en trance per team $10.00. Event 6, consolation, contestants must have participated in the previous events, 20 singles, $20 added, entrance $2.00 Event?, 10 pairs doubles, $10 added, entrance 1. Prizes For Little Sewers Leap Year Ball By High School Girls. Sunday School Convention The first Sunday school con vention ever held in Harney county came to a close last Sun day evening at tho Presbyterian church in this city. A county association was formed and hence fortli annual conventions will be held. It was a decided success in every particular and was at tended by several delegates from various Sunday Schools in this county. Rev. C. A. Phipps of I'ortianci was nere tor the pur pose of organizing the associa tion and proved a most interest ing man. He gave some of tho best sermons ever heard from a pulpit in this city and was a most interesting speaker. He certainly understood the boy sees fit in special prizes for the question and would be a very little needle workers of Harney valuable man in any community county. She has not yet com-' in this respect as well as other Christian work. This was his first visit to this section and should he come again it will bo necessary to have that new church contemplated to accomo date those who want to go and hear him preach. Tho young ladies of the senior class of the high school have nr ranged togivo n lonp year ball at Tonawanm during court week, October 8. This is during tho teachers' instituto too, and wo presume it is intended as a compliment to tho lady teachers of tho county who will bo in nt tPiulance. It is very thoughtful of tho high school girls and wil' surely bo appreciated by tho teachers, especially if any of them are wanting to tako advan tage of leap year as it will soon come to a close. Tho girls have arranged, through generous smiles and other arts of persuasion, togivo supper in the hall. This lias been against tho policy of tho man agement of Tonnwnma as it caus es considerable work to get tho scenery placed out of tho way of damage on the stage to get room for such service, but tho manage ment has a weakness for tho high school students especially tho girls therefore acceded to their wish but don't want it to be a precedent Tho stage mana ger is very particular about his housekeeping and cannot always be in the humor to make such concessions. The dance will follow tho pic ture show, only one show being given on that night, therefore tho dance may begin as early in tho evening as is usual. They are going to have lady floor managers and gentleman arc going to bo admitted free that's once the boys are going to hnve the best of it. THE COUNTFAY IR OPENS NEXT WEEK (Concluded From l'lral I'ngc) Mrs. Chas Rohn, who has charge of the needle work and kindred department at the fair next week, has been provided with $20 to be distributed as she pleted her list as it is not known just what this will cover, but the little girls who have been doing needle work are requested to bring it in and they will receive consideration. This is in addi tion to the regular prizes provid ed in the .premium list for school children. The printed list was suggested by the State Superin tendent of schools and the County Superintendent and does not cover such work as completely as was desired, therefore at the request of Mrs. Rohn this spec ial fund has been provided Gorrie-Withers Nuptials I On Wednesday, September 4th, 1912, at 3 o'clock p. m. occurred the wedding of Harry A. With- ' ers and Miss Christiana Gorrie, the ceremony being performed at the Bantist narsonacn in Kn ottier special prizes are going Kene by Rev. II. W. Davis. The to be awarded during the fair of Kroom operates a ranch a few such nature as the exhibits just- miles east of this city and is an ify. It is impossible to cover industrious and highly respected the entire field of such work yoUng man. The bride is the when making up a premium list j eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. and for that reason privileges n I. Gorrie and has irrown from are given to cover any gency that may arise. cmer- High School Teachers Here Jay C, Leedy and Miss Zoa Ir win, the new teachers in agricul ture and domestic science for the high school, arrived here last Saturday and will assume their places in the school as soon as the necessary equipment can be installed for the added branches. This ha3 caused some changes in the former routine work and more or less confusion which will be adjusted the coming week. A very interesting meeting of the teachers, student body, high Bchool board and several others was held Monday, at which a general discussion of the courses and school system was gone over. An account of this meeting ap pears elsewhere. childhood in this vicinity. She is a young lady of exceptional high qualities and is held in high esteem by a legion of friends. The young people departed on the afternoon train for Salem to attend the fair and will go on to Portland before returning here to reside on the groom's ranch. The News joins the hosts of friends in wishing the happy couple a long and prosperous wedded life. Springfield News. Suggest Suspension Of Threshing to Attend Fair The Times-Herald is informed that several farmers in tho vicin ity of Harney particularly, and no doubt in other parts of tho county, desire to attend the fair next week for a day or two at leaBt, but are handicanped by threshing. It was suggested that tho threshers suspend work for at least two days during next week and all go to tho fair. So long as the weather is good they could not put in two days more profitable to themselves and all concerned. Better do that. Commends Gov.'s Action Whereas, the Honorable Gov crnor, Oswald West, of the state of Oregon has seen fit in the ex ecution of his official duties, to further the cause of Christian work, by his efforts to clean up Oregon; by raising its moral standard; in removing incompe tent officials and replacing them with men who will do their duty, by stopping tho illegal traffic of liquor and by causing many other much needed reforms. Be it resolved that tho Harney County Sunday School Associa tion go on record as heartily ap proving of his course and pledg ing ourselves to support him in every way possible. Signed, Mrs. L. E. Reed, Chairman, Mrs. F. E. Nutley, Miss Heleno Swain, Miss Hazel Cobb. from tho wuno source. Local business men might profit by tho example and Mws make tho fair more attractive. Tho fair board works without compensation and neglect their private business to mnko it go. Tho amount of revenue is limit ed and it take considuiablo schem ing to make both ends meet, but it always comes out somehow, although frequently at tho ex pense and inconvenience of mem bers of tho board and the sacri fice of friendships in somo in stances. Tho business men of Burns arc tho only ones to receive any direct benefits from holding of tho fair and they should give tho board active support. They should tako a greater interest in its affairs and help in every way possible to make it attractive and profitable to tho farmers and visi tors. There nro mnny demands on the association that are unex pected expense that has not been calculated each season and it is hard (o meet its obligations from time to time. It should be given hearty support by all good citizens. What donations and appropriations that aro received by tho Association are for a spe cific purposo and do not help in tho general expenso of tho fair. The only source of revenue with out a string to it is from the gnto receipts and the field is limited in that respect, there being but few people in Harney county and fewer who attend the fair, such improvements as aro made and expenso incurred hnye to bo kept within the revenue received. During the past seven yenrs, or rather six years this being the seventh year of the Association, no other factor has done more toward the upbuilding of tho country or stimulated the farm ing and stockraising industries than tho fair, yet it has not re ceived tho consideration that it merits. It hns not been given credit for what it has accomplish ed, but that other sources have been given the praise and re ceived the plaudis that rightfully belongs to tho fair. This is in tho way of explanation. The board has worked faithfully each year and asked no compensation for the personal service of the members in fact not ono of them would do the work for n money consideration. It is a purely charitable undertaking that they feel is duo the country and that someone must do. It would be an impossibility to pay for all tho work attached to the holding of these annual fairs, for the source of revenue would not justi fy it The farmer who takes an in terest in the fair and brings in his exhibits is doing his part nnd they are the ones who should be given some credit for enterprise and sacrifice They also profit by the fair in that it gives them new ideas, new standards of per fection to work for. The school children are given a part in the fair this season that should be made permanent. It is an edu cation to them and brings before them practical matters that will result in lasting benefit. The heading to this article is rather misleading respecting the band. Later information is to the effect that tho Association and band have not agreed on terms. Satisfied customers and an in creasing business speak for them selves - W. B. Shelley, tho har ness and saddle man. Home Ball Team Takes First Honors The opening game of a scries of three, between the looal ball team and Sumptcr was played yesterday afternoon and witness ed by a large crowd Up until the seventh inning it was a fino exhibition but from that timo on several errors were made nnd the home team rolled up a good many scores, tho final being 8 to 3 in favor of Burns. Another gamo will bo played this after noon and the finnl gamo tomor row afternoon. Owing to lack of Bpaco, Tho Times-Herald is unable to give the gamo of yes terday in detail. Tho Sumptcr boys Beem to bo a fino bunch of good nntured fel lows and a dance vvns given at Tonawama in their honor last evening. They proposo to show tho homo boys a different gamo this afternoon they state. Tho lino up was; Report Of Tho Harney County High School The following report of a moot ing nt tho Harney County High schoo ins been handed in: Everyono present enjoyed nn interesting time nt tho high school Monday morning. Tho work in Agriculture and Domestic Art was munched, All tho members of tho school board were nrcsont. also Mr. Hanley and a number of citizens oi Burns who nro inter ested in tho hhrh school. Mr. Jokisch spokcbricfly about tho now movement in education and introduced Mr. Ilnnloy as tho ono to whom wo aro especi ally indebted for tho now courses in our high school. Mr. Hanley responded in his usual forceful nnd convincing manner, dwelling especially upon "Educntion for Efllcioncy." Sunt. Hamilton in an inspiring talk called attention to tho fact that tho now work in tho High school will surely mnrk nn epoch in tho History of Hnrnay County. Ho also admonished tho students to make tho very best uso of their timo and to appreciate tho splen did opportunity they hnvo to got a practical education. Judge Thompson in a fow well chosen remarks impressed upon tho students tho necessity for earnest and conscientious work in order to attain tho grcntcst success. Mr. Geer amused tho nudienco with reminiscences of his school days and declared his intention to "break into" both of tho now courses if he could. Mr. Sizcmoro spoko concern ing a now building for tho high school nnd maintained that an ndequato building could bo erect ed for considerable less than some of the estimates that had been given. Mr. Leedy the teachor of Agri culture and Miss Irwin teacher of Domestic Art were then introduc ed to tho students. Thoy briefly outlined their work nntf mndo a very favorable impression on everyone. The board and teachers then had a meeting in which tho work nnd plans for the year were fully discussed. Judge Thompson spoke of the fact that tho enrollment would be larger if parents throughout the county did not find it bo difficult to find suitable homes for their children here. The members of tho Board feel that a suitable homo ought to be provided for all students who como hero without their parents. The conduct of students, out side of school hours, was discuss ed and tho tenchers recognized their responsibility and were willing to assumo their share of of it. It would be hard to find a more enrnest company of young people than is now enrolled in our high school. Many hnve begged for tho privilege of taking more than tho required work, Every pupil is planning his school work for somo definite life work. There arc classes in Latin nnd German, in fact all the college requirements are being taught as they were before tho introduc tion of the new courses. English is the only subject that every pupil is required to take, All other subjects nre optional. We nre informed that the teachers will be pleased to have visitors at any timo that tho school work is in progress. NOTICK KOR PUBLICATION. UNITniKrATEHI.ANIJOmcK, I llurne, Uirin,HeLrabr24, mil Sotlre ii licrdij siren that (lorr W. lxn, il lftii,()tc(ii. who, on N.yIO, I'juT, mJe homnli'til ctilrj No W)l. Kciltl No (t&4, for Hh'i.occllon&l. TowlnhlpMh, Hung. MM B , tt llUirutlo Merl'lUn, liu fllr.l nolle of Iqtcn lion In tnuku Kln.l Kilo Vrnr Proof, to ei tab Ulirl.lm lo Ilia (ami atme docrllMMl, t lore III Keif Ltd' nuil Itrrelvar. .1 llornl. Ufa. Itoit on Ilia .'Hlh ilar oi Octolxr, lull i laimani naiiita ai wnnrttfi 1-Ltar Urlrr. f II Annum. Harrr f.afr. Hob. til liurkhatdt, allot l-aweii Ortfon Uu Flam, luglilcr HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF The Bworn statements of Life Insurance Companies on filo at tho SUite Insurance Department, Snlem, show that In 1909. 1910, 1911, Oregon Life tho Only Life Insurance Company Exclusively Oregon, sold more policies In Oregon than any other company. In 1912 Oregon Life is surpass ing nil its previous records. BEST FOR OREGONIANS E. C. EGOI.nSTON, 35 Agent Buy a Farm and mnko it pay for itself. Tho choice farm ing lands of Hnrnoy County. For sale on small payment and ten years time at 4 per cent in terest Tho lands of tho Harney Valley Improvement Company aro on tho market on those terms without reservation, rirst np plicant gets his choice. HI MOTIIKItSIIEAD & DONHOAN. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Vulcanizing at Gombcrling's, Wm. Catterson was in town this week. Adam Gcorgo was in tho city this wcok. i Tho weather of tho past week has boon ordered continued through fair. Paul Blumo was down from tho mountain homo of Paul Finkc tho first of this week. Roy Bunyard and Starr Buck lnnd were In tho city from Hnr noy tho foro part of tho week. Lack of Bpaco prevents tho pub lication of tho program for Rally Day tomorrow morning at tho Presbyterian church. 'Mrs. H. C. Lovcns and Mrs. A. C. Welcome left last Sunday for Portland and other points on a short vacation trip. Thoy will remain out an indefinite time. For Sale Wood or posts in tho timber, or hore in town. Lcayo' orders at Lunnburg, Dal ton Co. or Schwartz's. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Frank Jackson. Estray OnoBorrel horse with strip in face, white hind feet and saddle marks, branded cross on right stifle and horse shoo with bar under on jaw; ono bay horse, saddlo marked, star in fnco brand ed cross with reverse S on left stifle; ono chestnut horse, star in face, snip on nose, blotch brand on left leg, came to my place Sept 1. Owner may have them by paying pasture and cost of this ad. J. H. Andkiihon, DrowBcy, Oregon, Browns Satisfactory Store i Shoes For School Choice of Tan, Calf nnd Gun Metal and Patent, heavy good wearers for school girls and boys. School Hosiery Childrcns School Hose. Fine bed School Hose, and made for wear. AH sizes for children. Rib-hard Girls Winter Cloaks A few advance numbers of Misses and Little Girls Coats. We can show you a few styles at this time that may be just what you want. Overcoats For Winter Overcoats for Boys and young Men Wc can please and fit you both. Call and get yours from the latest line. School Suits For Young Boys and Men at all ages from 6 to 15 yenrs. Heavy for winter and a small price attached. Boys Winter Wear A Fine and Warm Line of Winter Underwear and Ovcrshirts for the Boys. Also the best line of latest Sweater Coats at Rockbottom- Prices. N. BROWN & SONS NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION tlNITKD RTATMl ANIlOrrHK, I llurnt, Urenou, hepttintar IS. IVU I Notlrn In htrurlfenUialJaniM Mioii, ol llarnrr, or.on, who on July S, IWM, inaoe lloniclr.il entry Po urt, ful NJj MK1 Bcc a Nt M(J, Mrtluu V . Tjiwiiihlti B . Ilanito &V. ,Vlllamiillol'l'llaii,haaMcl nollioof InUMIon In nuke llmr r , proof, to ;! lull claim to tho laml aUiteilrai-llboJ, bfore Iho ltt-ntilfrat.il ItrcolTer, al llurna, Oregon, on His .'Mil ilar of October, lW Claimant nainil aa wllnrtaait .... tl.U llnrlianan.J. II. I-!'1, bolli of Until anan.Orrion t' If fiavla, J W Hiuwn.boih of Harney, orriton nu, rKa. Kroner Dave Crnddock was down from Silvies Wednesday. Send Your Orders For UU1UIVW 9 J&JM., Cedar Shingles, Hardwood Plaster, Portland Cement, Lump Lime, Etc. HHMBH98! 10 EZ3KKHS3 Overturf, Davis, Miller Co. Wholesale and Retail Dealers Office Phone 36 Mill Phone 48 BEND, - - OREGON. We have a large stock of the above and can make quick deliveries to the Bums Country. Get OUR Prices. THE Welcome Pharmacy The PLACE TO QO For Ice Cream, Candy, Confectionery,- Soda Water, Cigars, Tobacco, Toilet Articles, Rubber Goods And Drugs Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Try Us OjuL J C. WELCOME, Jr. Prop. Low Fares West. Fall Colonist Period, Daily Until Oct. 10. To All Central Oregon Points On miWm OregonTrunkRkI CENTRAL OREGON LINE FROM Chicago Cincinnati) Milwaukee St. Louis Now York Dotriot $08.00 12. 8T .'50.70 :i7.00 55.00 43.00 St. Paul Kansas City Omaha Des Moines Indianapolis Denver $30.00 30.00 30.00 32.83 10. (,0 30.00 !ffitWiffiy?gyff'-wrf!ffnw From Other Eastern Points In Proportion - Toll your friends in the East of this opportunity -of moving West at low rates. Direct train service via Burlington Roiite, Northern Pacific, Great Northern, "North Bank," and Oregon Trunk Railways Details will ho furnished on request A Book About Oregon fifty page illustrated book describing tho districts of Cen tral Oregon will be forwarded to you or your friends .if you 'will write W. E. Coman, General Freight Agent, Oregon' Trunk Ry.r Portland. Details of schedules, fares, etc.. will be furnished on request W. E. COA1AN, Quneral Freight and Passenger Agt. Sumptcr Burns I.ltlrell m fililllvait Htfxldunl II) Voiiiik. l''ulkiiiir Klnu : Mtulck llrlluy lib Him.,1 N Orovu if Mi'Pnrtci Onvloy ilb Ittcd U UliIlilurH rf Jametion Hlatu ii Ouuld I'otu If Ktliumann Umpire, Allen Biggs; score keeper, Chas. Ellis. W. u. Ilnrris was among our visitors from Nnrrows during tho week. Call for Warrant). Notico is hereby given that there aro sufficient funds in tho county trensury to redeem all Hnrnoy county Wnrrnnts remB- lercd prior and up to November 7, mil. interest will censo on nil such warrants Soptombcr 11,1012. Simon Lewis, Treasurer Hurnoy County. Mother of Eighteen Children. "I nm the mother of eighteen children nnd hnvo thonraisoof doing more work than nny young woman in my town," writes Mrs. C. J. Martin, Boono Mill, Vn. "I Huliurcd for five years with stom ncha trouble nnd could not eat as much as a biscuit without suffer ing. I have taken three bottles of Chamberlain's Tablets and am now a well woman and weigh 168 pounds. I can cnt any tiling I want and feel bolter than 1 havo nt any timo in ten yenrs. I rofer to nnyono in Boon Mill or vicinity and tliey will vouch for what I say." Chamborlain'a Tablets nro for sale by nil dealors. New Goods! New System! Low Prices! Having cut out the long credit system, we are prepared to give E rices which will pay you to buy at ome. Remember, when you buy at home you create a market for what you have to sell, no matter what it consists of, whether it be farm products, labor or legal ad vise, you don't help your own com munity, when you go outside to trade; you don't help the farmers when you buy outside flour. Last year many people sent away and went outside to trade. What is the result? The wheels of industry have been idle, no building, n'o bus iness, no work, no market. Heavy crops are being harvested and still a large portion of the old crop is on hand. It is now time ior the people to get together if they want prosperity at home. Trade at our place if you can; if not trade with our competitor;" but Trade at Home The Got ziaii Shoe If I for women I $ . Beauty-Style-Fit I 1 1 Iti i:cry Pair I f j. Call nnd see the Latest Styles I nJ.V' Just Received y "jS- A. K. RICHARDSON WlW General Merchandise II ' Burns Department Store Piano for salo or trade for cat- Fresh homo mndo lard 17c at tlo or gootl gentle work horses. nnnsen'a Meat Market. Inquiro of W. W, Drinkvyater, of Burns. I Any court would grant ndi- m. tl t. vorco to tho woman whoso hus- I Tho Cottngo Inn serves an ox- lmn(1 vnf1Iq0(i , i. ,, , collont chicken dinnor for SGc !im,l0sed to buy her ono of ovory Sunday afternoon from t,,oso ''r'ess cookers at Cleven- 5:30 to 7:00. ger's. L