The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, September 21, 1912, Image 4

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    4, AjiiAi.: ii .
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. 1
TtiU adTerttiod Hit ot delinquent taxes
lor the year 1911 U In pursuance, ot an
aet ot the Stale Legislature, which la
unbodied In chariot 275 ot tlio
CUaeral Uwsof tho 1 9 1 1 Seitton
The Usee on the following ailvorllioil
real pro petty lcmodollnqucutou April
8, 1912, and aro subject to a penalty ol
10 per cent, and Interest at the rnlu ot
IS per cent per annum until they shall
hare been paid.
Any day alter the expiration o( ilx
Month i alter tho taxes clinrgotl SRaliist
the following real property aro ilelln
qaent tha sheriff Is authorised, upon de
mand ot any person making application
application, to Istuc, to them a cerllfl
eate ol dellnquenry upon payment o(
the taxes, penalty, Interest ami 'cost of
Certlflcates ol delinquency shall bear
interest from the date ot liananco until
redeemed at the rate ot 15 per cent pur
Acty, Herman, half s a quar, boo 12,
tn 40 1, r SO; nv qunr no quar, sec 1.1,
tpHOs, rSOjaw quar eeqoarsec 7, tp
40 s, r 30 o w m. 100 acres ti U4
Anderson, Mrs. Lena,(Est),to quar so
quar sec SO, tp 23 k, r 31 ow m. 40 acrea
Anderson, Ed, lot 4, sec 31, tp SO h, r
39 lot 4, sec. 0, tp27s, r 32; lot 1 anil
9, iw quar ne quar, sec 1, tp 37 s, r ill e
w m. 1S1 acres 21 00
Aranburn, Amos, nr qunr no quar
sec 17, tp 40 s, r 33 e w m. 40 acres .00
Aranburn, Frank ,o quar nw quar, hoc
3, te quar nw quar, 8ec4,svr quar so quar
sec 10, ne quar sw quar, aoc23, tp40a,
r'38 e r ra. 1C0 acres 3 00
Animus, O B, se quar so quar, lots 7
and 8, sec 84, tp 25 s, r32ew in. 70
acres 2S 00
Animus, C 1), Hums lot 4, block 07
Ausmus, Dell, nw quar ne quar sec
0, tp 24 s, r 34 e w ui. 5 03
Autman. V D, n halt sec 30, tp 31 s, r
24 w ra. 320 acres 1 1 40
ATorlll, Norman S, o half sec 10. tp 24
a, r 32i e w m. 320 acres 30 SO
Back, Ernest, so quar sec 31, tp 10 .
r31awm. 160 acres 1300
Bathrlck, Dan'l D, bo quar no quar
esc 23, tp SO s, r 30 e w in . 40 acres' 2 OS
Benham, Jay, n halt uo quar, a halt
nw qnar sec 12, tpSOs, r35o w in. 100
acres 2 IK)
Bennett, Jason, (Est) nw quar ice 20,
tp 23 s, r 32,4 e w m . 100 aero 9J 80
Bennett, Matilda, n halt no quar etc
37, tp23e, r33Ke w m. 80 acres 0 03
Berls, Tear 11. n ball sec 10, tp 30 s, r
34ewm. 320 acres. 1140
Boss, Chas L, s halt ne quar, n half so
quar sec 30, tp 35 s, r 35 e w in. 100
acres C 23
Bradley, Chas F, no quar sec 21, tp 37
, r 34 e w m. ICO acres. 35 00
Draum, O B, se quar sec 10, tp 32 a, r
25 e w m. 100 acres 5 70
Breedlore, John W, lot 3 iec5,lp3Js,
rStsirm, 41 acres 07 00
Breeder, Fred K, n half soc 10, tp 30
a, rJOewm. 310 acres 1140
Bressler, Bertha, s hslf sec 10, tp 30 s,
rS-tewm. :V0 acres 1140
Brown, John M, nw quar sw quar, sec,
2J, tp34s, r35o w m. 40 acres 72
Banysrd, Roy, seqoar nw qnar, n half qnar sw quar sec 23, tp 21
a, r 33, sw quar nw quar sec 13, tp 31 s,
r 32 w m. 300 acres 38 35
Bunyard, Roy, Harney lots 7 and 8,
block 11 30 68
Bunyard, Maud, ne quar nw quar, w
halt ne quar, se quar ne quar soc 22, tp
31 s, r 33 e w m. 1C0 acrea 20 80
Caldwell, Mrs. M A, Burns, lot 8
block 20 HOI
Canfleld, C W, se quar aw quar; nw
quar sw qnar sec 20, e half so quar; bc
quar ne quarpne quar nw quar tec 20,
tp 40 s, r 38 e w ro. " 240 acres 5 40
Caraga, Pablo B, bo quar no quar sec
35, tp 40 a, r 38 e w m. 40 acres .00
Catlow, Margarett, s half ne quar; so
quar nwquar; neqaar swquar sec 4, tp
40 a, r 35 e w ra. ICO acres 7 20
Catlow, J J, lota 3 and 3, s half nw
quar tec 8, tp 40 a, r35 e w m. 150 acres
Cawlflcld, Frank, lots 3 and 4 sec 27,
lot 4 sec 23, tp 20 s, r 31 e w m . 48 acres
18 49
Clark, Thoa L, lA Interest In o half nw
quar; swquar ne quar; nwquar so quar
aes 37, tp 22 s, r 28 e w in. 80 acres 0 20
Clark, Albert J, w halt sec 16, tp 24 s,
r27ewm. 820 acres 10 CO
Coffee, Robt C, a half sec 10, tp 38 s,
r35owm. S20 acres. 1072
Coffee, Clarissa B, lots 1, 2, 3 and 4
60 10, tp 33 a, r 35 o w ra. 131 arret) 4 43
Cocant, J L Jr., n half sec 10, tp30
a, r 31 c w m. 320 acres 5 70
Conant, America E, s half sec JG, tp
Mi, rS2ewm. 320 acres 570
Connolly, P J, e half no quar; so quar
see 28, nw quar aw quar sec 27, tp 20 a,
r35ewm. 280 acres 43823
ColLam.CW, nwquar; whalf no quar;
a half sw qnar sec 10, tp 20 s, r30 own
320 acrea 10 88
Crawford, J. L., Burns lots 3 and 0,
block 85 2 (-0
Cretpmln, Q II, n half iec 30, tp 21 s,
rSOowin. 320 acres 10 CO
Curlsen, John O, ne quar sw quar; n
half se quar; sw quar se quar sec 2, tp
28 a, r 20 c w m. 100 acres 10 20
Cnrtner, Wra 8, ne quar sec 30, tp 20
a, r20ewm, 100 acres
7 20
Curtis, CJeo W, lot 7 sec 32, tp 2(1 s, r 81
w m. 31 acres 1 08
Catlow, Ed J, -w half w half see 14, tp
39 s, r 35 e win. 100 acres 20 80
D'Anrii, cjosle V, sw quar sec 21, tp
38 f, r 31 e w m. 100 acres 13 20
Deal, Martin, lots 1 and 2, o half nw
quarsec3l,tp34s,r33e w in, 157 acres
18 00
Deeds, Ham 0,ehalt no quar; nwquar
Be quar; ne quar nwquar sec 11, tp 27 h,
itlBWD, 100 acres 26 20
Dell, Abram, e half ne quar sec 12, tp
20 , r 31 e w m. 80 acres 0 20
Dlckeuson, B A, Burns, a half block
M 7 80
Dickenson, Ernest, nw quar sec 12, tp
33 s, r Slew m. 100 acres 1102
Duncine, Harry M, a half sw quar sec
4, n bait nw quar iec 0, tp 22 s, r 27 o w
ra. 100 acres 30 80
Duneen, Chris, aw quar nw quar, nw
quar sw quar sec 2, tp 25 s, r ,'!0 u w in,
SO acres JSlttl
Dyer, Lou, Drewsey, lot 8, block 12
Elliott, Cortes K, se quar ne quur, tie
quar quar tec 33, w half sw quar sec
34, tp21 , r32Kowm. ICO acres
14 41
ldc Willis J, e halt so quar, hoc 10,
lp33i, rSOe w m. Mawes 3 60
Fellows, James D, laquar aw quar see
10, tp 31 s, r 32 tini 40 acres 1 43
Flaherty, Thou, aw quar se quar, so
quar sw quart bait a unit see 30, tp 24
i,r SOowm, 240 acres 1100
I'laihner, lleury, so quar no quar; no
quar so qunr see 18, tp 20 i, r 31 o w in.
80 nrres 0 00
t'ogarty, F II, w halt ice 38, tp 24 a. r
;i:l o w m. 320 acres 35 00
Koiiarty M F, o bolt ecc 88, tp 21 s, r
33 o w in. 330 acres 25 00
Frllch, Win H, se quar no quar; nw
quar so quar a halt nw qunr; lot 4, w
hair lie quar see 5, t 37 s, r 34 e w in.
320 acres 44 80
Gardner, Eunas, iw quar aw quar no
10, tp 23 s, r 33 o w in. 40 acres 1 50
(leitrlinrt, Win II, lots 3 and 3, so qnar
nw qunr; aw quar no quar too 1, tp 10
e, r 33,'(, e w m. 100 acres. 3 00
timings, Bosslo, so quar see 10, tp 24
a, r Slow in. 100 acres 10 DO
(lalvls, Maud K, a halt sec 30, tp 33 a,
r 20 o w m. 320 acres 11 40
OIhjo, Aim )'., aw quar sec 8, tp 34
s, r 31 o w in. 100 acroa 24 06
Oosch, Otto L,a halt sw qunr sec 4, n
half nw qunr soc 0, tp S4 a, r 32 o w m.
1 GO acres 1120
(Uay, Wallor, nw quarnw quar sec
33, Ip 31 s, r 31 o w m. 40 acres 2 80
Oray, Mrs. Claudo, Lawou, all of
block 7 1 40
Oreathouse, Esper, a half nw quar;
nw qnar no quar; no quar sw quar see
23, tp 21 a, r 30 o w m. 100 acres 13 00
Urerar, Isaac Ii, lots 1, 3, 3 and 4, se
quar sw quar too 10, tp 20 s, r 31 o w
m. 100 acres 1181
(Irconleo, W O, s halt nw quarseo 13,
tp 31 a r 33 e w m. 80 acrea 1 60
ll.ilverson, RJ, o half soc 10, tp 32 a,
r24 o w in. 320 acres 11 40
llauley, K 11, Burns, lot 3, blook 3
J 00
Harris, Eugene It, sw quar sec 20, tp
27 s, r 35 o w m. 1C0 acres 25 20
Heath, Minnie (Est), se quarnw quar,
no quar sw quar sec 30, tp 27 s, r 31 e
w in. 80 acres 6 70
Helm, Hattlo J, ne quar sec 13, tp 24
, r 33 o w m. ICO acrea 13 80
Heritage, Francis V,, nequar loqnar;
o half ne quar sec 13, so quar se quar;
uw quar eo quar; w half no quar see 13,
tp 40 8, r 37 o w n . 280 acres 0 30
Home, Oeo. II, a half ne quar; lot 2
poo 1, tp 20 s, r33; nw quarrcc 20, tp
24 s, r 33 ; Iota 1 and 3, s half u o quar
tec 1, Ip 24 a, r 83 e w in. 431 acivM
10 07
1 1 enter, Wm, no quar see 30, tp"3r, r
20 ; nw quar nw quar 30, tp 24 h, r 37 e
w in. 200 acres G GO
llettcr, hrnctt, nw quar;n nail sw
qunr rec 30, tp 23 s, r 25 o w in. 210
acres 7 frj
Hodge, 1) A, to quar uc 10, Ip 25 a,
r 28 o w in. 1C0 acrea 6 00
Hoglund, A II. n half s half sec 27, Ip
25 s, r 33 o w m. 1C0 acres 14 40
Holloway, Claia C, nwquar u w quar
tec 31 ; ne quar no quar sec 3.1, tp 40 s,
r 30 o w m. 80 ncros 4 04
Hooper, U M, e half sec 30, tp 23 s,
r 34 o w in. 320 acrea 5 44
Ilungale, F. B. ee qnar sec 30, tp 20
s, r 31 o w m. 100 acres 13 00
Hurlcss, Jonnle, w halt nw quar sec
10, tp 23 s, r 25 o w m. bO acres 6 28
Ireland, G O, no qnar sec 10, tp 10 s,
r 33 o w m. 100 acrea 12 24
Ireland, G O, Burnt, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
0, 7, 8 In block 22, Morrison addition
lots 3. 4, 5. 0 In block 23 18 20
Jackson, Anna J., w bait sec 10, tp
30 , r30owm. 320 acres 1140
Jenkins, Jcnkin, Barns lots 4 and 5,
block G 3 00
Jenkins, John C, so quar sec 33, tp
24 a. r 33 o w m. 100 acres. 18 40
Johnson, Eldon B, sw quar nw quar;
w half sw quar; so quar sw quar sec 20,
tp 19 s, r 31 e w m. ICO acrea 10 40
Johnson, Eugrne E, no quar tec 31, tp
21s, r.llowm. 100 acrea 1170
Jnhnooii, John C, lots 2 and 3 tec 20;
o half no quar; lots 1 and 2 soc 20, tp 26
s, r 28 o w in. 108 acres. 0 GO
Johnson, Ben O, e half se quar so
quar sec 5, tp 21 s, r 32 e w in. 30 acrei
1 30
Jones, Itobt, nw quar se quar sec 18,
tp 20 s, r 31 e w m. 40 acres 3 30
Jordan, F M, Burns, lot 8 id block 22
Kane, Esther, a half, tec 30, tp 29 e,
r .14 o w m. 320 acres. 10 88
Kaufman, Mra. N (1, w half sw quar
fee 10, tp 25 s, r 30o wm. 80 acres 3 CO
Kegler, Kate, s half sec 16, tp 30 s, r
31 o w m. 330 acres 11 40
Kelby, Wm, Lot 1 and 2 sec 7. tp 10
s, r .14; ne quar se quar; as quar ne
quar sec 12, tp 10 a, r 33 o w ra. 163
acrea 3 00
King, diss A, w half w half soo 14,
tp 23 s, r 3.1 e w m. ICO acres 19 80
Kinn, Bailie R, n half s half sec 0, tp
22 s, r 27 e w m. 100 acres. 30 80
Ktiney, Frank, aw quar ne quar sec
30, tp 33 s, r 32 o w m. 40 acres 1 42
I.aca, Francisco, e halt nw quar; sw
quar uw quar tec 30; so quar sw quar
sec 25, tp 40 s, r 38 e w m. 160 acres
11 70
J-ocko, A B,s half sec 30, tp 20 s, r 32
o w ra. 320 acres 27 20
Locko, Hiisio M, nw qnar; n halt iw
quar; nw quar se quar; sw quar ne
quar soc 30, tp 28 s, r 33 e w m. .120
acres 10 88
I.lbby, Emma O, ae quar sec ill, tp 24
s, r 33 o w in. 100 acres 20 70
I.indeoy, Alex, e half sec 30, tp .17 s,
r.llowm. .120 acrea 10 72
I.uik, F O, w half nwquar sec 10, aw
qunr nw quar sec 16, sw quar lie quar
sec 17, tp 37 s, lot 1 tec 30, tp 30 s, no
quar so quarseo 4, tp38, so quar aw
quar sec 7, tp 41 s, r 29, nequar no quar
sec 7, sw quar nwquar sec 13, nw qnar
so qunr hoc 18, tp 37 a, r 32, so quar
bw quar nee 10, tp 31 a, nwquar sw
quar sec 2, tp 82 a, r 31, nequarnequar
sec 1, tp .13 s, r 32, no quarnw quar
soc 1, tp 33 s, r 39, sw quar so quar seo
16, tp 30 h, r 28, nwquar nwquar sec 2,
n half ne uar, so quar na quar sec 3, t
half sw quar sec 18, n half nw qunr seo
10, tp 31 s, r 3.1 e w m. 1040 acres
17 84
Madison, Harriott B, a half sec 10, tp
.10 s r .10 o w m. 820 acres 1 1 20
Mudlson, Lillian, n half sec 10, tpBOs,
r.'IOewui 1120 acres 1120
Mathoraoti, John, ee quar, s half aw
quur, s half ne quar sec SO, tp 80 s, r 32
o w in. 320 acroa 11 40
Mathows, B C, all seo SO, tp 20 a, r 30
e w m. 010 acres, 92 80
Mitchell, Guy W, nw quar nw quar
sec 14, n half sw quar, aw quar aw
quar sec 11, tp 21 1, r 32 e w m, ICO
acres 10 40
Morris, II D, sw quar seo 30, tp 35 a,
r 20o win. 100 acres 7 20
MoU, VV H. stialf MO M, tp M , r H S W sa
iMatrtt it
MtClurt, tttrrr, ttiiutr nw tur, iw nut
ntinarni)uariwiUKr, nw quar it HUtrieo
O, tp'Jti, rsttw in. InOtoret, MS
Mcl'hftiou, ll li, atriuar mo IT, tp'Jt t, r
n w in. loo ncrti III 40
Niibaiif r, Krauk, nw iitr toe 10, tp 24 1, r
SI ewrn. lOOncrm 1180
NlclmU, Wm W, n hall nn ipitr. uw utr tc
17,tit. rillew in. tlio MM
Nlclieli, C K. nlitlltw tiir,iiw )iir ttqiiar,
twiiitrnt iiar tee IS, lit!tt, r 14 twin. 100
acrri ASS
Nutlhtiu I'adtlo It. It, Co , lot t and 1 MO CV
Ip'A't, till w in. 3 to
North 1'aellto It It Co, In ijutr lie iUtr ten M,
IrttMt, r 81 twin. N arret 271
1'irvln, AiMIl, half tee &1, tMl, U H
in. (fAlaerrt 10 M
l'htlllpt, Ainlrow II, naipitr lie ipitt a!H,
nwqntr, w hall lie qutr, lit iiir tit ipitrtte
3nw nutriconn, IpvOi, rtMowin, 4Oaorrt
PetlUml, all tec Id, tp l , r HI e w
in. (140 nerM ion vo
rush, M.wlultirolM, IpiO ,r Wo w in. IMti
arrf 10 M
lUttor, J mi I', w lialt to , tp SMi.rlUow
m, M) arret DO SO
ItobttUuu, I'l nlJ, lull S ariiW tee 7, lota 1 tnd
1 ace IS, Ip 10 1, r .14 o w in. IIS acrea, !U7t
Itubottaon, Kit, wrat halt tee M, Ip Wa, rtH)
t W in, 820 acrea II 40
Hanlmiirur, K It, nw quar ae tut, tp ID t, r SI
a w in, 1ft) acrea 10 40
Banuourno, Margaret!, a hall tee M, Ip IV a, r
3 i o w in. SVO arret J0 SO
Hanilertiiii, Win W,e half toquar too 1, tp2J
a, r 20 o w In HO acrea S CO
Kcrhajt, John o II, n halt tec IS, tpat t, r 80 e
wm. ftOaerea 10 M
Hre, (leo W,aiitratolui,lp at t, r!ts, nw
quar aeelii, tpiMa, r97e w in II ao
(etttomeltr, llohl , a hall icttiar, leoS', l
84t, n half no quartet! tp Ul,l 31 1 w in
(Jhtppanl.Jtiir, (Kt, nw qnar it quar, tie
quar tw quar tea 7, tp '.0 a, r 31 e w m, K arret
Hliepparil, I K, nw quar aeqiiar aealit,tp3Aa,
r SO twin. 40 toroi ISO
Htminotii, Nancy, llclnl, w halt aw qtitraefl
?, w hall nw quar aed 33, lot 1 ace i, lot (l, lie
qutrttqutrirc'A, tp ;rl a, r 31 e w in S41
teret a 44
riluiptou, W K, av quar nuqttr ate 31, ntqutr
uw quar, nequar aw qutr tec 34, tpVIa rate
wm. UOtcrea lal
Bkeela, Chaa W, to quar tec IB, IpVS a, r.15r
win. 1C0 acrea o4l
Btaltou.Jot M, nw quar tto I J, Ipila, r JJe
w m IW arrea II vo
Bllnger, I.ucjr J, a hallae qutraee M, tp'7
r,ewin, W acrea seo
HmlttiO II, aequar a w tec si, Ip lit , lota ace
2, Ip77a, r S3e w m HO acrea fttri
tfinllli, Kllli, aw qMariee IS, tp'Ala, lUr
III. IW acrea 7J
trillion, Chat K, aequar eo 4, (pat t, rile w
in, ICO arret 3 fi
(ViMera FC, awquarteo 4, tp'il t, r Jie w m.
lcOtcret at li
Holoioou (toy 11. uaquar aee8a.tp2lt.r3it
win. lu) acrea W
tou'h, Wui II, e quar nw quar, lit quar aw
quar, tola 3 ami S aee 0, l,i l a, r fi w m. liO
ru i(tt
Mi!utJ, U l.tequar ur quar ate S.lp
7 a, aequar aequar tec II tp'.T.e.r Hi w In
IM) arrea 1.
HlaOuril, Klliiil A, awquaraerS, lpit, rU
t w m lularrra Jao
Hlanlon, 11 K. a hall tec la, Ip 31 e, rtftwiii
SW acrea jij
Hl.ulon, llo.c, it Imitate te.lp 3-Ja, rttewm
SSOacret 11 to
Blnlck,) A, w halt, (ccllon 6 liMa,r3l
twm. Mitcret , lug
Vlenier, Juhn 1.. aw quar aee V, Ip 31 , r 77 e
w in. lWact MK)
liltwarl.Jaaea II, ae quar leo XI, Ip 31a, rl
twm. 10) arrea T0
Mrlekllnr. e. W. w t..lf a. M i !U . , M
win S3) acrea two
dlrlckllnc, N M.ehaltaeo .VJ, Ipxt i, rSJt w
m. SVOncm I0
Taylor, Kd K. n half are 34, pj , rte w m
3-JO arret 1 1 M
Tonemao, J II, w hall iec 3, Ip V't a, r 34 e w
ffi. SJOtcrta 10 M
Turner, J C, ae quar aw quar, t halt at qutr,
nt quar aequar aee 1, lpa rjfe w m. 160
acrea 13 a)
Tweed, Ctnlii. (, awquararrvrj.ipMf. r
e w m 1(0 tcret is a)
Tudor, Much, lott 14, Is, 17 tnd 1 Iec 31, Ipsi
rUewm. IfOecret Mil
Voat, Amoa, e hall ire II, Ip 2 a, r 37 1 w ra,
3-jOacret om
Waul, D W, e halt arc M. tp 31 a, r ! w u.
SJ0 tcret ,v)M
Ward. Marsaret N, w halt aee 31, Ipf4 a, r
33twru. JJ) acrea 3AM)
Waehhurn, lien 0, a hall tec IS, tp 37 1, r S3 e
w tn. SSOtcrei 110
Waterhury. (I ', a hall tee II, Ip 37 1, r 33, e
w to, 330 arret 11 a4
Wight, l.yman J, a hall aequar tec SA, tp'JOl,
rS&ewm, W tcret 10 3d
Wllllamt, M H, nw quar leo 30, tp 3d a, I37e
wm. ItO acrea 1140
Wlltlami, M 8, ae qutr ice SO, Ip 3d a, rale w
in. ItO terra 11 a)
Wllion, II N,ae ttiar aequar ice IS, tpVSa, r
llewm. tuacrre 3 SO
Wllion, Win 1, aw quar lequar tec 4, no quar
nwqotritel, nequar te quar tco s, nw qutr
e qutr we 37, Ip 31 t, r S3 e w ra, ICO tcret
10 40
Wlae, le ail, iw quar nw (juaj mc a3, IpSOt, r
S7,twquaraw quar tee II, In 3,1 1, r 93 1 w m
W aorta but
Wood, V ! n half to Sf. tp '."J i, r M, a w lu
W) acrea 10
Wyalt, KI-, nequar aee 13, tp31 lllma
1(0 acroa SbO
Zohle, Flora II, tw quar ice 11, Ip 40 1, r 3d s w
in 1M tcret ' 30
Zollara, W W, eaat hall aee 3d, Ipsa a, rSOew
tn, SJUacrtt 1140
Wllltamt, Vh, it quar avCSO, Ip34 a, r 31 a w
n. ICO acrea It TO
Sheriff and Tax Collector
Ilurna, Oregon, auguat l, iIJ.
Notlt e la hereby glron that William II llerg,
of t-awen.tlreioo.wlio.ou Keuruaryln.iulO.maile
bomeatead entry No. 04717, lor NKJi, 'vctfou iftl,
Townahlp 51 H , flange ,TJ K Wlllamelle Mutt
dlan, haa filed nollco of Inlenllon to make Com
mutation I'roof, loealabllah claim lo tho laud
above tleacrlbed, before the Krglater and
Kecelrrr, at lluri.t, Oregon, on Ihe SirO day
of HeiileinlMir, lIJ.
Claimant namei at wllneaiet
I). A. Kartell, Ilurna, Oregon Oicar Weil
and Walter (tray both of I.aweu, Oregou Paul
Ittrg, Hums, Oregon
Wm. Kiaag. Ktgliter.
rirat publication Augutt 21.
Unitsd brixrai I.ihii orrica,
llurni, Oregon, Auguil 'J I, IKl'J
Notice la hereby given that I.ulali (llbaon,
formerly I.ulah Jnliniiin. of Itlley, Oregon,
wno, on ity iiaio, rnaue iiome.ieao entry
No It.'ii, Herlal No UJOIV, for Nk UKU end
KW NKU. Hecllon II TnwnihlpVOH, llauge an K.,
Wfllamttle Meridian, haa filed nolle e of Inten
tion to maku final fire-Year I'roof, to ea
tabilih claim to ihe land abovt deicrfbed. be
fore tha Iteglaiu' and Itecelrer, al Ilurna, Ore
gon, on thu'Cllidav ul Heptemher, III',
Claimant nainii al wllneaaea:
1), 11, 1 horn, llobl, J. Hllllaini, Zolllo 1Mb
ble, (luy I'. Ilembrce, all nf (llley, Oregon,
Wm, Kiana, Itegliler
flrat publlralltni Augutt 1.
I'NiTtu Htjtiii I. Nn Orrica,
llurni, Oregon, Auguit'JO, lilt
Nullce la hcrebvglreulhatJamciM. Shown,
ol Harney. Oregon, who on July s, ivox, made
llomeatigd KiilryNo. OVJ, for N)j HKiHeo. !t
WUH1VU, Heiilou !is, Townahlp ti, tango
UC., Wllltmettu Meildlan, hat filed notice ol
Intention In make llirtwytar proof, to oitab
llih claim to the land abovo duarrlbed, before
the Itegliler ami Itutelvur, al llurni, Oregou,
on Ihe day of ricpluiiibr, mi,
CUtuaut liamct tt wltneiaetl
(I.I.. Iluchtnan, J, , Uiyil, both of Itiioh.
tntn. OreeOll. (I II. llAlrfa J. IV. Hhrtwn l.ntl,
of llarnvy, Oregon,
Wm, fiaag, Itegltter,
Klrat publication Augutt '.M
Piuno for ealo or trade for cat
tle or -good gontlo work horsca.
Inquire of W. W. Drinkwater, of
Work horacs for Bale. Good
size, good workers and young,
W. II. Howard, Drewsey, Ore
gon. 87-42
In the Circuit Court or the SlntcofOre-
Kon, Tor llnruey County,
Clmrlcs H. IVtcrton, plnlntlll
J. K. OunnliiHlinui nnd Henry
N, Mestncr, ttcfcntlnnti,
To J. It. Cunnlnnlmui, one of the above
iminctl tlcfcmlnntitr
In the uninc of the ttntc ol OrcKn,
you ure hereby required to nppenr nnd
tttitwcrtlic cuttiplnliit filed nirnlnstypu
In the nhove entitled nctloit on or before
tlio Inst ilny of the time pt escribed In the
order of puhlicntloii of this summons, to
will on or Iwforc the 21t. tiny of Beji
teiuhcr 1012, mid dnte lielnjr tbcexplrn
tlun nf six weeks from the first publico.
t Inn of thin atlintunns, nnd it you fall so
to npienr nnd nntwer, for wnut thereof,
plnltitilTwill npply to the court untitle
inniid jntljjmcnt ni;nliiNt ygn nnd the
other defendant for the sum of seventeen
hundred it ml twelve dollars nnd eleven
cents, with Interest on the sum of $!(J0O
nt the rnte of ten per cent. er milium
from July it, 11)12; uUo for tlieaumof
$160 attorney fee, mid coita nnd hv
hursctnenta of this nctlon.
This Mitnmona laptihlitlied by order of
(Irnnt Tlioinptoii, the County' Judge of
llnriuiy County, Oickoii, niiulo nnd en
tered the 0th tiny of August 1012, nnd
the dnte of the first puhlicntloii of this
tiiuiiiioiii is Augu't 10, 1012,
O. A., .
30-46 Attorney of 1'lnlntllT.
Ilurut Urrsmi, Ktpltnibtr t, 112.1
Notice It herelir BUeu tlulTlioraaa Mutton,
ol Kail, llrenoll, who, on April 77. IW7,
lloniealeail entry Nn, 3M7, ferial Nu 02XM
lorNUHWU KKUrlWU. bUHKI( Htrtlon US,
Tuwnalilii il Houth. ItanaeVt Kat, Mllam
alio Meridian haa Died notice of Intention
to make final live year proof, to etlttilltli
claim to the land abovo dtaerltwd, tulore
the lletltterand Itecelrer, at llurni, Uregon,
on the 1tli day of Urtubtr, lll
Claimant uainea at wliiaeal
4'harlet H U-aelll. Jtmet II. I'urrlnt. A.l.
Iloniiovan, Kred (I lleiiaen, all ol Kll,(lrtsun,
W.Kimi, Itealtter.
UHirtn Htatii l.ixn nrrtca
nuriia, (Ire tun, Hepitmber t. 1113.
Nollno la htreby itveu that Mra Adda w,
Wheeler, nt Hume, Orettin. wlmnn Auauat It,
Will, made llnmralead Klllrv (Htwl, fur WW
NKlian.l Kl,NI. riertlon V7.Tuwnahtp71 K
Hani 71 K., ttlPaintlte Meildlan, htt Died
nolle ot Intention In make final flvelyenr
priNil, to ratatitlali eni In Ihe land lie de
tcrltied twfniellrilner and Jlurni,
llreaon, on Ihe mititlay olllrtntwr, 1113,
('Ulinantiiaiuraia llhi"i
Mlln lUrimiml. I , K Mel hall. Vault III -ton,
J W Heel, all ot lluchaiitn, Drrtn-
Wm riaat.lteslater
tlMTin VATal.KDOrrica. I
Ilurut, Orecon, Hcpl-utr P, tll
NiUlre la heretiy siren thai Martin MrOee,
ol Ilurna, Oregon, who on May ivo7 rnadt
lln-nealead Knlfy Nu. SUKI. ferial No. Vtitt, lor
Bt.UNKW.Ij.n 1. 7 an,t?.ie,tlnn.Townihr, 73
H. Italic jo. K .Willamette Meridian, hat tiled
nnilreol Inlenllon lu makt final ihreo-rear
t'r"il to eatahlliti claim lo Ibe Uu.l atr
.Imm.IIumI t.f,,r Ilia It.vlaf. an.1 ltu.1... a.
llurni, Dregun, on the IMI) dty ol Uclnbtr.
" .
'" "" 'M.el
Waller K lluaton, (Irani Mlurtatant. Henry
T. Vulfamort, uliuon Uwlt, allot llurni, Ore-
'K, ra, Itfjliior,
UaiTan Hutm tjMiOrric.
Ilurut, Oreion, Angutlvti.Htl
VnlfpA 1. I,. .)., Mttf... It,. t..t. li I ..I
ot Uuchanan, Orcson who. on Nor 19 ,lv07,and
July 7, :'. made llomealead Knlrr No !DUJ.
juit , ivvy, maue liomcetcail AOiry NO S9I
-trial moj aud No. UTO3. reapectlrtly I
Wft N '(;, ndtj Hff U. riArlJonXTowBih
7Jfl, Itanjie U K. Mllamelle Meridian. h
Mrlal mo4 aud No. uc3. reapectlrtly for
filed notirt nf Inlenllon to makt Ttir re
Year rrorif.tit vtlthllab claim lo Ilia land abara
n.a iiaiian r. itii aiuviiti aieiiuiau. aas
dcerrlbod. before the Itekliter and Iterelter.
al llurni, Oreeon, on Ihoillti day of Hepitmber
Claimant ntmci at wltoeaatt
(1. 1. Iluchtnan, llarrr Clundtnta, loth of
Uuchanan. uregon. J it Shown, of Harney,
Oregon. Clarence Welly, ol Proweey Orefen.
Wm. ftaaa. Hejliler.
Klrat publlcttlon AujuitSI
t'NlrtiiHTiTta I.akii Orrica I
llurni, Oieion Auiuat ri. 1111.
Nullce li hereby glren that llenben O, Kllbr,
of Haeetly, Oregon, who, on aiarch Si. wl,
inadehomrateadeiilryNo, 'JVMl.Herial Na.lKIW,
for NKt KWS.. Nik HKU aud Hrl(( HKii, Hecllon
19, Townahlp X i It.pjall K , Hlllamella
Meridian, haa flic! notice orinttutloa to make
final Klee-Ycar I'root, lo eatthtlah claim to
the land above detcrlbeil, before Itetltierand
Itecelrer. at tlurnt. Oreion. on ihe 'rfih .! nf
Claimant uainea ea wllnraieii
Ttiomaa rl Htorena, Chanrey O. Hlarani,
Ortit Tbompion. Joieph fluhell, alof War
erly, Oregon,
Wm. rises, Itcgtiltr
UiTtn rrriTgt Uxn Orrica
uurnt, uregon, juiya. uij.
Notice li hereby gren thai f'harlet II. Wllaon,
uiiirtwity, Oregon, wlio, on Maria, IKO.mtdt
iiomeiieau r.nirr no, uuni, ror njiowji, wwij
! anunini.t!iBucllon li. Towmn In
ton is. Towmhln 31 8
Ittnge 14 K... Willamette Merldan. haa flfed no
tice of Intention to make Ihroe-yrtr I'roof, lo
eatabllah claim to Ihe land abort deaicrlbed,
before K, l tleede. IJ H, Commtaaloner. al bla
nfflce at Urewaey, Oregon, on Ihe nth day of
Claimant ntmea at wllnetut
(leo. W. (Itiei, Clarence Welty, Anna M
(letci, KrlelClark.allof lliewiey, Oregon,
tvM Kaaaa, rtegltter.
Ilurna, Oregon, Auguil so, UU.
Notiralt htrehyglretilhat John II MrMullen
ul llaruuy, Orrgon, who, on October 27, IftH,
for )NK! mil NUN WU, HocltniiVi.Townihlp
H.,Sllliig.aiK.,WllniettHiirlilliu.hM filed
uotlco of Intention in make final fire year
prooi loeaiauiian oiatin it) int lanti above ue
rrlbed, before the Hegliler and Itecelrer, at
llurni, Oregon, on Ihe luili day ol October,
Claimant namia aa wllneaaeti
Wallace Jordan, Van Kitibiee, John Otvedf t,
John Worlow, all of llurr.i, Oregon,
Wm, raaas.itealtltr.
Hurna, Oregon, AuguiIVS, 1112,
Kotlre It htrchy iilrcn (hat I'eler Chililen.
ten, of Ijiwen, lirenoii, who on July W.iWi,
made llnmttlead Kntrr.No. uatuft, for N)Ho, uuw, lor r (Bio
lanitatKUK. Wtllamtltt
Ice ol Inu nllon lo makt
iioii ii iownaniiton.,iiRngoK.7s. njiiamtitt
Mtrldltu, haa filed notice ol Inu nllon lo makt
hroof. (o eatabllah elalin to
the land abort tfctcrlbed, before Itealtter and llurni, Dregon, on ttietiu day of
Cltlniant iitinet aa wlttiraiett
Andrew reteiaon, I'eler tlrfer, II II Keccli
and (leorge Uetu, allol I.awen, Ortgou,
Wm, riaaa, Ktgtittr,
UfilTin Htatsi I.iHli Orrtca
num., Oregon, Augutt iff, lilt.
Notice It hereby glvtuthil Iwtnn Kewell.ot
urewter, uregon, wno, on noremotr -a, ivot,
tntdt llomeatcadKiitry No.oii47. for WKNWM
and VV)HWU, ttcolton W Towmhlp IB a.,
HtngtSA K Vllltmttl, Meridian, fin tiled
notlue of lutoiitlon to make final Ihrervyetr
I'roof It) eitabllih claim lolhsltnd above de
tcrlbed, btfora K, I,, lletdt, U, H, Commltilon.
er, tt hla artleo, at lirewtey, Oregon, on Hit
icth day ol October, ivn,
Claimant namei at wllnraieii
Chatty Hopper, Kllek (llaon, clirence Welty
and Loult N. alaoii all of llrawesy, Oregou,
WM, K4BII, Jiiglitir,
Can you beat it? Chain har
ness $19.50 at Shelley's,
Dry slab and pino wood $0.50
and $7.00 per cord, cash only at
Lumber yard,
Try a 35c chicken dinner from
5:30 to 7:00 p. m. every Sunday,
at tho Cottage Inn.
nAhniv WDor, ho, 77, 1. u 0 ,r.
Uteti tttry StBtdty In Odd rtllow Hall
-i'l, l,VT
T. H, Bprtiut, Btcrtttry,
t, Btcrtttry,
kaifoUowii Kim I
n, u.
leeree work aa followat Klral Ralurdav I tit.
Ilatoryt leeond Batutday, rirtt i)frte itilrd
Haturdty, HteoDd (tret loufth Htturdty,
Third leree,
UllltNalX)DOKNO.7.A.r.A. M
Meets every tut and third Dal
tonth. win. j
Htm Mothtrihetd, Btorttaiv.
Mean eyery Bill and third Utlnrdty In each
muutii, vrm. Miner.
Keett trtry leeond and lounh Kndtyeren
li'VA0' J!.1" ' nalitalinia Invllett
Ntw applleanti wlil rtctlet courieout treat-
w.'fr.u.i., M,A ""'
tlUltNS UltAITBH hO, 49, 0. X. B.
. Meeta avsnr itoond and foarth Homlaya. In
tlttonlo llalf. rrtukle Welcome, w. M
Klltttwett, Sterettry,
Mtotitrtrylilendld Wtdaeadty,
u.i .1 llyrdlt nation, N,0,
Mads Leonard, Boo, Hto'f ,
Meets trtry fourth Turtdty,
., . . .. M1 Morton, O, U,
lleiltr Ooodmtn. Cleik.
stAta aaaaoat
UH.Btntton 1 Jonathan llourne Jr.
lUeo. X, Chirnhtrliln
.w it VIII.
.. IV . ""-
wuuireaamtn ,,.,,
IJW lltwlcy
. A.M. Crawford
.r W lltiiaoti
T. II. Kay
I. U. Alderman
Vi B llunlway
fltuhl KaMll
JT. A. Mcllrlde
.Ueoll llurnett
Attorney Otntral ....,,
UoTtrnor . ,,,,...
lecrttirr ul Mate . . .
Hupt, luhlfe Imtrtctlou.
HUlt Printer
Supttme Jadgea. .
IK. H. lletn,
I f. A, Moore
Ulaitlc; Judit . ... Iitlion sit
jilttrlctltornty ,. . J w Moll llocti
Deputy Dial Ally., , Oltleoutid
Clrcutt Couit mtttt lb Brat Monday In
April and Brat Monday lo'Octobtr.
Joint Senator
Jolnt-HtprtitntaUTa ..
O V l-arrlah
W II Utooke
Ooostt Btaaatt
County Judge
eurteyor. ...
School ttuperlntendeal,
Coroner ,,
Slock Inipeclor.........
.Oram TliniuiJou
K. II. Waten
. .HIliHlU lWt
. frank I'. lloHali
A, K. Illvhardtull
J, J. iMnegtii
LU lleuilltmi
J W (leery
.John ItiihltiMJii
I k. I', rlylirvalei
III. A hill) III
County (.'unit tnealt Ihe Stat Mediieada) In
Jauual), March. Mty, Jul), eipieuiUr tw
aaaav e, s, Ltau urrur
leguttr rtiu Kane
teeelter Iraiikpaeey
kltyui, ,.U, W.Cleiingt'
Iteeordtr, .... . A. M. Kyid
Trtaturrr . . . J.C MetcomeJr
Manual ..It. I . Ilalnta
II. J. Ilaiiaen
A. (,'. nelcoine
riant liavey
IK.J.McKluu .u
Meelingt ul lot CuhucII ettry rleeoun and
fourth Wednttdir.
Sumpter Valley
Railway Co.
TIM I! TA11I.K NO. (1 IN
JUNK ft, 1008.
West lloand.
No. 1 1'ate a. ra.
Kail llound.
No. 2 I'ast p. in.
0:0 I.v DakerOlty Ar fit 0
0:5 ' Boutli Ilaker I.v &:!!&
8:68 " fflallibtiryf ' 6:00
10:04" rckharll "4:65
10:07" Thompson! "4:63
10:17 " (Stoddard Junction! " 4 :4&
10:22" MVaUrTankf "4:40
10 U " Daaa,appurt " 4: 2
10:0 " McEwent " 4:26
10:65" JUNCTION! " 4:10
11:10" StuapUr "4:03
1H16 JUNCTION " :60
11:40 " Sotntnllt " : 0
12r00 " 0 L Carni ":05
P. M.
19:05 " Whitney! " :00
12:40 " TIITONt " 2:40
lilOAr Aoitln "2:10
Btop on algnala only. JNosKtiit,
Tickets lMOd only for stations whero
trains are adieduled to make rt'KoIar
atona. 1'aMenrfers mutt ru roll ate tick-
eta where agents exlit lieforo enteritit;
trains or 25 cents In addition to the re
gular fare will ba charged.
JOSKl'H A. WE8T, Hupt,
(1KANT OKDDK8. Atat. Bqpt.
$1500 Reward!
ThoOreton, Cal
Ifornla and Nevada
Urodlock I'roiec
Hon Attoclttlonol
which Ihe under
tlintd It mcintier,
will giro li.uuo oi
reward for evi
dence leading to
Ihe arretl and con
viction ol any par
ty or partlct Heat
ing boriet. cattlt
or mulea belonging
to any of lit mem
In addition to tha abort, the undentgned
often tha tarns condition lAOO.OO lor all lionet
branded bnrit-thod bar fin both or cither Jaw,
brand recorded In eight rouotlti Itaug,
Harney, Lata aud Crook rounllra. Ilortct
rented when told.
Mont but grown bortet told end only In
W W.1IKOWN Fife, Oregon.
UniTtu BTiTtil.trio timet,
Ilurut, Ottaon,tltienitierS, lull
Notice It htreby given thatCaroltno Itulton.
widow of Samutl f Itulton dtcetied.ot Kail,
Oregon, who. on March S, 1SW, mtde Home-
aieau entry ne.xvoi, neriai no, win, rorHWSi
dectlen 21, lowmhlp H , Kango 31 K Wfl
litnttta Utrldltn, hat filed notice of Intention
to luaks Final flvt-Ycer Troof, lo cittbllih
claim tu the land above deicrlbed, liefore Ihe
lltglittr and Htetlvtr, tt llurni, Ottgon on
tbo 12th CU7 of October. 1913
CUliatnt niffiiti wltnen
llkialtaBi U taaaill lama. II fi...
Walker and O. T. Honayen, all of Kill, 6rejon,'
O. A,
Wm, riaaa, Ittalttcr,
UniTtD Statu I.anu Orrica
Durnt, Oregon, Hertember , ltita.
Notice li htreby atria that llenrltlta Joner,
ot llurni, Oregon, who, on February 7, 1W,
matlt Deitri-Land Knti, No. OfjSli, for HK)1
5Sri)A5RH?Kf'"S1!' ' WwuMw. bwunkjJ
BBJiNWfc Hsollori II, Towutlilp an ., ftunne ii
r.&tU. neciion il.Towuitilu a,H., lluniieHl
K., Wllltaitt'e, Meridian, bai fllect uotlco of
Inteatlpa to make final proof, lo tilalilltli
claim to toe land abort detcrtbtd. btlort iu. eoore oetcriota, ntiort
Iteiltttr and lltptlrtr, at Ilurut, Oregon, on
tbt Ulb dajr ol Oelaiwr, ll
Claimant namei at wlltimetl
IraJ. Mabon. Mill Halt. JamaiJ. Malionamt
Tbomai A, Jonet, all al Wmrlr, Oregon.
Wb, riaaa, Htgliter
If you want aago brush grub
bed write E. E. Larson, Burns,
Remember W. A. Goodman is
prepared to roll your barley, bale
hay and saw wood, 37
DPMni FTftM. nnrnntM
SEPTEMBER. 86-7-8, 1913
ftutrru 0m mm n
Wild and Wonderlul
aaoNoo tuiriNa f
y outlaw tiormi
Gat Farae anrl Parilculara
WHY NOT MAKE $200. A MONTH - - That's
$50.00 a Week, almost $10.00 a Day
Relllnir Victor flafei and flre-prnof loirt
to nierehtntt, doetnrt, Uwyert, tlrnllitt and
well Kulo farmeri, all otwIiiimrcallKi the need
of aanfe.bul do not know liuweaty Ilia mown
one, tulcameu declare our propoalllon nue til
the heat, clean .lul inoney-maklnK iipporlunl
Ilea ever reecltett. Without prt-tloua exirrl
encoYOU can duplicate the tuceeaa ntolhert.
Our liandaomeljr IllualrateU 'JUO-par calnloK
will enable you to preecnt, the auhject to cue-
loraere in na inutreamiK
you were piloting them throUKU our factory.
..i...n.n m.Iv. .,1wIi.a anil l,itpiipltnna fur
eonelnclng lalklne iwlnta which It It Impottthle (or a vroapeclUe eualomer to deny. Why
don't YOU be Ihe Oral to apply from your Ylelnllr before toinroneelio Rett the territory t
We can (avor only one taieimau out 01 eacu
Our New Heme. Otaaelty 20,000 Salea
Main St.,
Rough and Dressed Lumber,
Rustic. Flooring, Moulding,
Finishing Lumber.
Nearest Sawmill to Burns. Cood Road.
Lumber Yard in Burns.
C3rO To Tlio
'Phone to Me for Your Doctoi Calls.
R. J. McKINNON, Jr., Proprietor.
I ?
B si
1) WiWf MLKWH;,
Mrs. (Irate B. Aid lose
yolce nti( Piano
AU'tlmilH Used In
Cliiclminlti Conservatory of Mu4c
Kesltlonco filnUlo ami tloor ost
Presbyterian Church
, ire-rtkuatv uatrr Mtrt)
Furious and Exciting j.
New OentaatMW fee Qlofj
Olt1 Ckampleaa, maa a4 belli,
Haiti Vee lp.llboi.nd wltli
TheW Nerre tee Dailef
From any Agnt 0-W.R.S H.
e iiiauurr na ijiuukii
Men appointed a
aelllnir Mfce. irlvlnir
The Kth annlveraarr of our
niutnrwaa celebrated by
erecting lite moat niootrn ttit
factory In the world. Wlde
awekt men who received our
ipcclal aellliiK Indu-ement,
rendered Itneeeaaarytodoublt
ouroutiut. We are anenair.g
many thontandi of dollara en
larging our aalea organlutlon,
but to learn all particular!, It
will coat yon only the price ot
a poaul card.
Jsk for Calxlcgus 16T.
Bfacksmitliiqg and
Wagon Work
Burns, Oregon,
Star Hotel
'litis will lio fimiitl n dualrnblo
ii nd hoapltnblp Hjiipplnt: place
wliiiro comfort nitU courteous
treatment are con.slilorctl first
Feed Barn
Coiiduclctl In connection
I'hyslolatis nuil Hiirtioons,
nuiiNs, OHKUON,
b. E. (1IBBIRD
Office first door entt photo Kaller
lliirns, OreKon,
IlltriNS, 'OltKOON.
OHlco rooms H noil () Masonic Ilillltllii
Burns, Oregon.
Burns, Oregon.
Ilooms 0 and 7 Masonic Ilalltlintf
Hrinn lotnt tjulckly tnaOv al rctiontble ratal
BurriH, - - Oregon
I'rartlces In tliu Bluto Courts and le
foro tlio L8, Ijtnd Ofilco.
Ohiw. 1-1. 3Lroonnrd.
Oiircfttl nttontiott giyon to Collec-
tions nnd Real Estato matter.
I'iro I n mi ran co.
Notnry Public
Uuiinb. Ohkoon.
I'IivhIi'Iiiii and Hnri-ou.
f)ff,.,. ,, i,iil,lln,..,it . I lt'..l
-...,. .,.u,
liitrt- )' tdi"i. Mitif St.
M' .VUnKT). - "
Physicians and Surgeons " '
alia nn-iairuil r,.inpil; ilglil.irday
M'lioiiu llurriiuaii.
Harriman, Oregon
Stock Inspector, Harney Count j,'
Home Address
Ilnrns, Ore
Dr. Minnie yianj
Physician and Surgeqn
Olrect Telephone tonncctton
La wen. Ore. '
State Courts and United Statea
Land Office Practice' ' '
Three doors South of the
Harney County National Bank
Purns, QYegon, r",,B
It H l-IKI-t
1I0 M. am too. cr,
M.V.UoMia -
Civil and Hydraulic Engineers
Irrigation, Water Supply ' ,
Sewerage, Water Power..
Sorvoys, Majw, Kstlmatca, Sopcrvliloa .
Formerly Atat Englueer
In U.S. lteclamatton Her
tlee. A. O. Fadlshkb
Kormerlr Chlel En.
glneer of Bolie A
Wettern It.
Eastern Oregon Engineenof
Burns, Uregfltj
General Repair Shop Rear W,
O. White'H Shop, S. Main Street
Plumbing, Pump and Wiad
Mill Work a Specially.
Byrns Shet
Metal Workse
Tin, Copper, Sheet IrontWoil of all
r Description.
Camp Stoves, -Tanks, Jobbing ntb-
lag (o order. Give Mo a Trial.
Proprietor. Voegtly's Old Stand.
Jowolov. Optiplau and
Fine Watch Rt'pairing A Spc
Always ready for job printing;
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