lit Ba i BR 3 ' !:: I n 3 b r h i 31 31 qi r a 23 in so qO 84 JULIAN tJYRD, Ibe iuHciafd. Manager SATURDAY, JETTFAIDER 21, 1012 SUBSCRIPTION RATES Oaa Yaar ... . 2,oo SUkUatlu 1.00 TW.a Mnlr ... .75 in i ii A Lack of Unity. Wo nro nil working for a com mon cause and each wants to do his part toward tho upbuilding of tho country and our little city, yet wo nro working nt cross pur poses to some extent. Ono man Bays thcother fellow is not doing tho right thing, although ho is given credit for being sincere in hie efforts. Wouldn't it bo bet ter to all get together and dis cuss matters and sco if we can't settlo on some plan of action that will meet general approval? That's about tho only way to ac complish nnything worth while. Tho Times-Herald would bo in an awful fix if it followed the advise of all those who suggest for there is a great difference of opinion. Isn't it possible that tho business interests of Burns can be more a unit on matters for the public good? Think this over and see if wo are not just a little selfish and not giving our neighbor cred it for what he is doing. Talk it over with him and then some others. Tho matter of sewerage and water, for instance, is a good subject to discuss; the weeds that are so unsightly and which nro going to cause us trouble is an other; the general condition of the country with the prospects of great change when the rail roads come and our oil prospects are no longer prospects but reali ties. There are many things in common that should be given attention. Tho Fat Of The Land Assessor Doncgnn and Clerk Waters, accompanied by Mr. Blodgot, n recent arrival from South Dakota, nrrlvcd homo on Wednesday last from a tour of tho southern part of tho county. Mr. Donegnn brought in somo splendid specimens of the products of that Bcction which had boon sent to tho man ager of this great religious week ly, also somo for, tho fair. Somo lino grasses and pears hnvo ar rived from tho Alvord ranch of Frank Clerf ; sqUash from tho J. C. Bcntty farm nnd melons from tho farm of A. H. Hollis. Tho latter were sent to tho Times Ilcrald man as well as a pumpkin from Frank Clerf. Wo nro cer tainly living on tho fat of tho land sinco tho crops have begun to mnturo and appreciate these gifts, but want moro of such for tho fnir. That's tho place wo are going to ndvertiso tho re sources of this big country nnd there should bo suflicicnt speci men of each to make a good showing. Products nro coming in for the exhibition nnd somo of tho finest samples of grain any country enn prouueo nave ocen received as well ns grasses and vegetables, The latter should not bo brought in so far ahead of tho exhibition as they will wither, but they will be given the best care possible, Sunday School Rally Day The Second Annual Rally Day of the Presbyterian Sunday School will be held next Sunday morning at the regular Sunday School hour, at which time a suitable program will be render-! found sho had tunr hut owing Some of tho finest grain received has been damaged by tho over supply of rain which has visited us since it was cut and it has discolored tho sheaves until it is hard to get the best samples for exhibition purposes. Among other samples received from a distance during tho week is a load from tho Wavcrly sec tion brought up by Mr. Brake man and somo fino dry farm specimen from tho Welcomeville district brought in by James Reel. Pioneer Lady Dead. Mrs. Mary E. Haley died at her home near the lake last Wed nesday afternoon, September 18, aged 77 years. She had been in robust health up until last Janu ary and this spring her physician ed by members and friends of the school and reports of the sev eral departments will be given as well as an appropriate address by the pastor. A special Rally Day offering will be taken for thede velopment of the Sunday School work. Preceding the Sunday observ ance of Rally Day arrangements have been made for the enter tainment of the school and its friends with two socials to be held next Friday afternoon and evening. The afternoon will be devoted to the children of the school at the church and. on the church lawn; the childern will be entertained with suitable games and other features and they will be served with refreshments; the evening will be for the recep tion and entertainment of the larger members and adults of the Bchool and their friends there will be some music, enter tainment and refreshments. Miss Nina Wiseman has charge of the entertainment for the childred'8 party and Mrs. W. L. Blott for the ajlults; Mrs. Geer, Mrs. Gemberhng and Mrs. I. Schwartz are providing the re freshments for both socials; Mrs. McHose and Mrs. Rohn are pre paring the programs to be rend ered for the several occasions in connection with the observance of Rally Day. to her advanced age did not con sider an operation advisable. Mrs. Haley came to Harney Val ley with her family in 1886 nnd has resided here since. Her husband died 19 years ago nnd was buried at Baker. Sho was married in Illinois and crossed the plains in 1852 coming to Ore gon but later they moved to Cali fornia, living there from 18G7 until 1883 when they returned to Monmouth, Polk county and from that place here. Mrs. Haley is survived by five children, E. T. and Scott Haley of this county, Mrs. Bart Cronin of Ontario, Mrs. John Gardner and Mrs. George L. Baker both of whom reside in this county. Deceased was highly respected by the pioneer people of this county who knew her. The funeral was held in this city Thursday after noon, services being conducted by Rev. Dr. Babbidge of tho Presbyterian church at the ceme tery. Tho bereaved relatives have tho sympathy of many friends. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Newspapers Good Work If .the people of any commun ity were as loyal to the interests of their community or town as the newspapers, we are sure a more congenial state of affairs would result, and what a splen did competition this country would witness. But they are not. Nor is any considerable part of the people. Nor are all the businessmen or the farmers and ranchers. That town succeeds just in propor tion to the zeal with which its leading citizens back up the patriotism of its newspapers. The true newspaper devotes columns and pages of space to boosting tho city in which it is published. The most loyal and devoted boosters of any city are found in its newspaper offices. There is a Bneering class of peo ple in every city who, finding no good in anything, decry the .newspapers as mongers of sensa tion and destroyers of character. They demand the news, and tho newspaper that is a faithful mirror holds up to its readers the reflection of their own doings, if tho community is bad its nows- paper will show it. and if it is it good, Ml clu1 UJUiWlbU. W. L. Best is over from Silver Creek. Mrs. G. L. Hcmbrce is in tho city from Riley. OttoNystrom is up from his farm near Princton. J. II. Miller and P. J. Connolly are over from Drewsey. Brmg in your exhibits for tho fair next week don't forget it. Dr. Horton and S. M. Brown spent the past week deer hunt ing. Miss Helene Swain opened school at Lawen last Monday morning. Tho weather is ideal for har vesting and farmers are taking advantage of it. Tho usual picture program at Tonawama this evening and to morrow night, R. A. Miller came in from tho farm yesterday to bring his fam ily in to reside during the school year. Arthur Elliottt and wife leave tomorrow for Idaho points where ho has some contract work pend ing. E. S. Fuller, a special agent of the general land office with head quarters in Portland is hero on official business. F. A. HedBtrom, formerly lo cated at Fairbanks, Alaska, is in tho city. Ho is looking for a lo cation and iB quite favorablo im- ftiuxa wMt uuiuiij urn i ni i ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Ralph Beery was up from Sun set Thursday. II. N. Foss wna up from Ilnr rimnn this week. R. L. Hnss was registered at the Burns Thursday. J. B. Johnson, a civil e'ngincer, is n recont nrrival from Spokane. John Farrens was over from his homo on Calamity this week. Tho baso ball hoys gave a de lightful dance at Tonnwamn last night. Ben Brown, Archie McGownn nnd Harry Smith nro buck from their hunt in the mountains. They secured a deer. A "Merry-go-round" has just boon set upon tho vacant lot back of tho First National Bank nnd tho little folks nro delighted. Mrs. Geo. Sizemore, ngent, for Victor Ladies' Tniloring Co, in vites the Indies of Burns to call and seo now fall and winter sam ples." Tonawama pictures are pleas ing a large number of patrons nnd it is the intention of the management to secure somo spe cial features in the future that will bo worth while. Rev. C. A. Phipps, of Portland, secretary of the Stato Sunday School Association, is hero to nttend tho convention of Sun day schools which convenes this morning nt the Presbytorinn church. Judgo M. J. O'Connor, E. J. Cntlow nnd II. W. McAllister nre up from tho southern part of tho county. Mr. McAllister will leave at once for the cast whero he will ngain take up his residence. Alex McDonald of the con tracting firm of Hayles & Mc Donald, .expects to leave tomor row for St. Anthony whore the firm is putting up n school build ing. He has completed his con tract on tho school building here. Work is progressing at tho oil well of the Central Oregon Oil & Gns Co. and actual drilling will begin in n short time. The big derrick is completed and the heavy machinery is being put in place. People will watch this work with interest. Dr. P. A. Simmons, the Eye Specialist of Boise, Idaho, who makes regular trips to Burns will be at the Burns Hotel for two days only, Tuesday and Wednes day, Sept. 2-ith and 25th. Dr. Simmons has been making trips to Burns for some time past and has many patients who sneak very highly of his work. W. S. Clark, an old time friend oi tiias. Wilson, is here on a visit to the latter. Mr. Clark and Mr. Wilson were in Alaskn together and tho former enmo here to see our oil prospects. Ho is accompanied by his wifo and they will go from hero to Califor nia. Mr. Clark is quite favora bly impressed with the oil pros pects in this county. They nre mnking tho trip in their auto. The storo that sells for the least margin and gives you the most for your money, is the ono that docs the most business of course. The mnn that gets that business is the ono that adver tises, and tho man that advertis es is tho one that understands his business and wants your bus iness. He deserves it, because he is not afraid to . advertise his goods and thereby builds up a greater business. Public School Opens Monday Tho Bchool board has announc ed definitely that tho public school will open Monday without fail. . Tho (urnituro has boon loaded at Vale nnd is oxpected hera today when n forco of men will get busy nnd put it in place. Thoro is every indication of a much lnrger nttendnnco this year thnn formerly ns mnny fnmilioB hnvo moved to town to take ad vantage of tho schools. Tho contractors hnvo com pleted tho building nnd it has been turned over to tho board. Somo of tho painting wns not satisfactory wo undcrstnnd and will have to bo dono over, but this will not bo nllowed to inter fere with tho opening of school which lias nlrcndy been delayed longer than was desired. By this delay tho closing will bo quito Into ns it is. All tho teachers nro hero ready for tho opening and with tho now furnituro there will be nothing to interrupt the schools from a most profita ble yenr. Has Fino Fruit This Year Tho Times-Herald has received a nice box of npples from tho orchard of Mrs, Adam George over on Rock Creek. Thrco var ieties of npples were sent to this ofilco nil the very bc3t of flavor, nice color nnd good size. Mrs. George writes thnt her trees aro loaded this season. Ono of her Crawford peach trees was so loaded with fruit thnt it split in two, one half now lying on tho ground. Her nectarines nro im menso nnd tho Bnrtlot and Flem ish Benuty pears nro a full crop. Mrs. George states thero will be at least 200 Backs on her crab applo trees. Estkay- Ono sorrel horse with strip in face, whito hind feet and saddle marks, branded cross on right stifle and horso shoo with bar under on jnw;ono bay horse, saddle marked, star in fnco brand ed cross wjth reverso S on loft stifle; one chestnut horse, star in face, snip on nose, blotch brand on loft log, came to my place Sept. 1. Owner may hnvo them by imying pasture and cost of this ad. J. II, Andeiison, Drewsey, Oregon, Caught Dad Cotd. "Last winter my son caught n very bad cold and tho wny he coughed was something dread fut." writes Mrs. Sarah E. Dun can, of Tipton, Iowa. "We thought-Buro ho was going into consumption. Wo bought just one bottlo of Chnmberlain'B Cough Remedy nnd thnt ono bot tle stopped his cough nnd cured ilia cold completely." For sale by all dealers. Cattle Buyers Here. Tho cattle markot scorns to be on tho boom as several buyers hnvo been in this county recently nnd aro offering big prices. It is unfortunate that so mnny young cattlo have boon marketed in re cont years as tho rango is almost doplotcd. Howovor, this has had ono beneficial effect as it has allowed tho rango to recover from being ovor grazed and now what thero is loft is much better. Tho settling of tho vast terri tory within tho farming nren of this intorior country has had its effects on tho stock business nnd tho old timo stock mnn thought ho was put out of business en tirely. Now men engaged in tho business aro adjusting them Bclves to tho conditions nnd booh wo will bo raising as many cattle ns ovor nnd getting better prices for them. Daapondancy. Is often caused by indigestion nnd constipation, nnd quickly disappears when Chnmbcrlnln's Tablets aro taken. For salo by all dealers. Bay a Farm and make it pay for itself. Tho choice farm ing lands of Harney County. For salo on small payment and ten years timo nt 4 per cent in terest. Tho lands of tho Harney Vnlloy Improvement Company nro on tho market on these terms without reservation. First ap plicant gets his choice. 157 MOTHERSIIEAD & DONKGAN. Browns Satisfactory Store mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmaammmmmmmpmummmmmummmmmmmmmmmmmtmma Shoes For School Choice of Tan, Calf and Gun Metal and Patent, heavy good wearers for school girls and boys. School Hosiery Childrcns School Hose. Fine Rib bed School Hose, and made for hard wear. All sizes for children. Girls Winter Cloaks A few advance numbers of Misses and Little Girls Coats. Wc can show you a few styles at this time that may be just what you want. Overcoats For Winter Overcoats for Boys and young Men Wc can please and fit you both, Call nnd get yours from the latest line. School Suits .. For Young Boys and. Men at all ages from G to 15 years. Heavy for winter and a small price attached. Boys Winter Wear A Fine and Warm Line of Winter Underwear and Ovcrshirts for the Boys. Also the best line of latest Sweater Coats at Rockbottom Prices. N. BROWN & SONS Call for Warrant.. Notice is hereby given thnt thero aro sufficient funds in the county treasury to redeem all Harney County Wnrrants regis tered prior and up to November 7, 1911. Interest will censo on ull such warrants September 11,1912. Simon Lewis, Treasurer Harney County. The farmer who owns a farm is tho particular person who is well fixed. Banks may fail and factories close, workman strike and mines suspend, merchnnta tail anu town burn, times may be panicky and even crops may bo short-but tho farmer who owns his ncrcc will get along. Ho will live in comfort and quiet with plenty to cat, drink and wear. He is the most independ ent man on earth. Yet there aro numbers of them who do not ap preciate their situation. A match race between "Wild Cat" and "Sovcnty" was sched uled for Thursday afternoon a distance of three-quarters of a mile. Tho horses sturted and tho colt was riming fino in tho lead but in coming around tho first turn ho broke his nnklo of tho hind foot, putting him out of tho raco nnd mining him. "Wild Cat" was n high bred horse nnd a very promising one, belonging to Joo Cavonder, Ho wns yet untried so far as racing was con cerned but had shown wonderful speed and his owner confidently expected n most successful ca reer for him. It was unfortu nate nnd u great disappointment to his admirers and backers as well as a financial loss to his FOR SALE BY OWNER. 1 section, 640 acres, level un improved sago brush land in Harney Valley, ennbosubirrignt- ed. 1(50 ncro tract, fenced, cood house deep well nnd othcrwiso improved. Prices mndetosuit in tending sottlers. No speculators need apply. Inquire at this office Diarrhoea fljulcldy Cured. "I was taken with diarrhoea and Mr. Yorks, tho merchant here, persuaded me to try a bot tle of Chamberlains Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. After taking ono doso of it I wns cured. It also cured others that I gave it to," writes M. E. Gebhart, Oriole, Pa. That is not nt all un UBual. An ordinary attack of diatrhoea can almost invariably bo cured by ono or two doses of this remedy. For salo by nil dealers. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE This great institution opens its doors for the fall semester on September 20th. Courses of all instruction include: General Ag riculture, Agronomy, Animal Husbandry, Dairy Husbandry, Bacteriology, Botany nnd Plant Pathology, Poultry Husbandry, Horticulture, Entomology. Veter inary Science, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechan ical Engineering, Mining Engi neering, Highway Engineering, Domestic Science, Domestic Art, Commerce, Forestry, Pharmacy, Zoology, Chemestry. Physics, Mathematics. English Language nnd Literature, Public Speaking, Modern Language. History, Art, Architecture, Industrial Peda gogy, Physical iiuucntion, mili tary Science and Tactics, nnd Music. Catalogue and illustrated liter ature mniled frco on implication. Address: Registrar, Oregon Ag ricultural College, Corvallis, Ore. School Year Opens September 20th 1912 SUNDAY SCHOOL WORKERS Stop and Remember This: There will be a meeting of all llio.o Interested In Sunday School Work In Harney County, al Burn., September 21 and 22. Tlio meeting will be held In the Presbyterian Church. The gathering it to ba held for the purpoie of organiz ing the Harney County Sunday School A..ociatlon. Rev. C. A. Plilppa, Secre tary of the Oregon State Sunday School Ai.ociation will bo present, and It i'- na,Kl ,lit lliapa ttl 1... ntli. nrnftll Oregon, sold moro policies in ncnl ip,.uer. from n,a out.ido in .t. HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF Tho sworn statements of Lifo Insurance Companies on fllo nt tho Stato Insuranco Department, Salem, show that In 1909, 1910, 1911, Oregon Life tho Only Lifo Insuranco Company Exclusively ! THE Welcome Pharmacy emmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm The PLACE TO GO For Ice Cream, Candy, Confectionery, Soda Water, Cigars, Tobacco, Toilet Articles, Rubber Goods And Drugs Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Try Us Out. J C. WELCOME, Jr. Prop. 1 bayles & Mcdonald General Contractors and Builders urns, Ore. - - Vale, Ore Located at tho Burns Hotel NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UHiTuhTiTIaKt)Orncr, I Iiurnt, Oregon, Hplmbr n, ilj. Nolle oil here by given that Nalrianlal llenner ol Huma, Oregon. who, on December 3, law, niacin llomritcail entry No. !, Mortal No, KHZ, for NW'i Henlnn it, Townililp 8.. nuimnelie iariiian liaa flleil n .. .. i urcgon uiii any uuicr cuinimny. In 1912 Oregon Life is surpass- ing all its previous records. BEST FOR OREGONIANS E. C. Egglkston, 35 A Kent, tendance. Some fine paper, will be read by representative, of ilia different choolt throughout thu county. No one hould mitt thW great treat and a gen. eral Invitation it extended to everybody. C. C. BAW1IDGE, County President Pro-Tem. Mango II uolrco uf luleutluu tu mike dual Ore' Jrar bore lroof. lo c aim to Hi. land incrlbrit, before KegUler ami ltec.lrer, at llurni, orcgun, oil the Wuil ilay of October, Claimant iiainea vtlineitrt Hen Kixtrr.KilwanK'. K(lfiton,llajr Matron, rreil llarron,alluf lltirni, Oregon. W.F, litglittr. NOTICE KOIt PUBLICATION. tINITKIIBTATKS I.ANIOFriCK, llurin, Oreguo, Heiitcmber 12, 1UI2. Notice la hereby given that John C. Millar, of Illlay.Orrgon'.whOi'ii October '21, 11)07, made llomritrail Kntry No H273,KerlalNi, aau, for for NKijHccllon In, TnwtilhlplUH., Kange.M K., Willamette Merlillau, baa filed notice f Intention' to'tnfke final three-year proof to eatubllah proof lo Hie land above deaorlbeil, before the lloiililor ami lltcelver, at llurui, Oregon, on mo 2lat day of October, 111)2. Claimant naniel aa trUiiCMcai V, ii Jnlinaou, I Kmter, ilenjaiulti Mutter, ii. ,., iivinurev, an ui uiiey, wregon, Wm. Kmaa. Ilcgleter, K UtfWJfMWeWJSyS mjk.j? Ha-IUJ NOTICK FOIl PUBLICATION. I UNITKI) 8TATKH I.AH1) OFKIUK iiurnt, otegon, ttepieuiber 12, I'M, Notire ! hereby given that Orvllle M Kelly, of l.awen, Dragon, who, on July, 1W9 roane Ifomeateail Knlrv No.oxms for NWW H.cilnn il. ",.,.. ., . .f - " - .. ; :...... -..--.. -: iiiwii.iiip -.tin., jitiige lasiKK.. Willamette Marl a of Intention to make final dlan.haa filed notlro (ominutalloii proof In eatabllili claim to the and above nctrrlbeil, before llegliler and lle ulver, at Iiurnt, Oregon, on the V2nddayof October, IVIlf. Claimant iianua al wtlnraaea Xrud I,, lllark. rinoree W. Ilrvulne. L'baa K l.eioay, fred Y Tlinni, all of 1-awen, Oregon WM, KanK, Itrgliler. Mother of Eighteen Children. "I am the mother of eighteen children and havo tho praiso of doinjr moro work than any younjr woman in my town," writes Mrs. C J. Martin, Boono Mill, Vn. "I suffered for five years with stom acho trouble and could not eat as much ns a biscuit without suffer ing. I havo taken thrco bottles of Chnmberlain'B Tablets and am now a well woman and wciflth 168 pounds. I can eat any thing I want and fool bettor than 1 havo at any timo in ten years. I refer to nnyono in Boon Mill or vicinity and they will vouch for what I say," Chnmborlain's TablotB aro for salo by all dealers. 2gwGoods! New System! Low Prices! Having cut out the long credit system, we are prepared to give E rices which will pay you to buy at ome. Remember, when you buy at home you create a market for what you have to sell, no matter what it consists of, whether it be farm products, labor or legal ad vise, you don't help your own com munity, when you go outside to trade; you don't help the farmers when you buy outside flour. Last year many people sent away and went outside to trade. What is the result? The wheels of industry have been idle, no building, no bus iness, no work, no market. Heavy crops are being harvested and still a large portion of the old crop is on hand. It is now time for the people to get together if they want prosperity at home. Trade at our place if you can if not trade with our competitor; out Trade at Home Burns Department Store BUCKS FOR SALE We are going to bring in 600 RAMBOULETTE RAMS From tho Famous Baldwin" Sheep Co,, Hay Creek. Will Be Located at Alvard Ranch After August 1st. Woolgrovv ers desiring information by mail may address the under-, signed at Alberson Postoffice. 1 1 Jiiiiiiijff'ii j The Golzian Shoeli for women I lM . Beauty-Style-Fit I (1 In Kvcry Pair I I jJ Call nnd see the Latest Styles Iffl'V Just Received p fe I A. K. RICHARDSON IfflK General l 1! f ,-jMew'Jil II mn ; j . iiirfi,