BBJtBWWWRS i iff"T 't '-watmmmmimmmmmnnm kjijjji i. i i mmrwmmmiimrmmtrmH pmefflefdjX iMTBBMiTJBMmwfjy j CITY OF BURNS COUNTY OF HARNEY Tho Biggest City In The' Biggc.t County In TIio Stnlo Of Oregon Tho Biggest County In The State Of Oregon, Bct In Tho Weit II am eTL-ttrtgcnaaalt VOL. XXV BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 21, 1J12 NO 45. SSBSUSi She I i' f I iV I.A L. W. HILL OFFERS HANDSOME SILVER LOVING CUP FOR BEST INDIVIDUAL EXHIBIT OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS AT THE HARNEY COUNTY FAIR TO BE HELD AT BURNS, OREGON, OCTOBER, 1 TO 5, INCLUSIVE Louis W. Hill, Chairman of' the Board of Directors of the, great Northern Railway, whose t nqypcacy of the local I omuy fair us one of tho greatest agencies for rapid development that a community can use, has signal ized his interest in the success of the Harney Gount Fair by offer ing a silver cup as special prize to be carried away b. the most enterprising li armor in Harney County having the best individ ual exhibit 6f agricultural pro ducts at the Fair. 5vpry farmer in Harney County is urged to bring in his choicest exhibits nnd compete for this prize. Great honor and credit is duo tho farmers who have the enterprise nnd public spirit ne cessary to display tho fruits of their industry at their county fairs. Harney County Hhould have one of tho best fairs held in the Slate of Oregon this year. A number of handsome silk ribbons, printed with large gold letters for first and second prizes have also been received from Mr. Hill by the secretary of the fair association. THE BUENS HOTEL DELL DIBBLE, Prop. Centrally Located, Good Clean Meals, Comfortable Rooms, Clean and Sanitary Beds First Class Bar In Connection. Give Ale A Call uyajmw 'i ' I m"i REMEMBER I Can and Will Satisfy Your Wants In The Harness and Saddle Line. My Motto Is "Right Prices and Best Quality" and It will pay you to call and see me. Special attention given to repair work. W. B. SHELLEY HIssner Building Burns, Oregon FARMERS DAY AT THE FAIR Prof. II. D. Scudder of the Agricultural College and C. L. Smith ofO.W. R. & N. Co., Are Among the Prominent Speakers The Fair Association has ar ranged for a farmers day at tho fair and will havo somo interest ing talks for tho fnrmor on Thursday, October 3. Tho pro gram will begin at 9 o'clock in tho forenoon at Tonawama thea tre nnd will bo continued at the grand Btnnd at tho 'fair grounds in tho nftornoon. L. It. Broit hauut of tho Experiment Stntfon is working with tho association in arranging this program and will have somo local members of his "Farmers Chapters" assist An invitation was sent to sev eral outside speakers to como in nnd tnko part. Dr. Withycombo found it impossible to be present but Prof. Scudder will be here. Mr. Smith of tho O.-W. R. & N. Co will also be here. A program has alrendy been outlined which will be added to as other speakers are heard from. The program as now outlined is us follews: I. S. Geer of Hunu. "Why Foothill Lauds are Host and How to Manage Them.." S. V. Lay the, Harriman, "Harrowing Grain, When and Why." Prof. II. D. Scudder, address on general subject to suit the occasion. Bon Koder, Sunset, "What can bo grown in Sunset." Win. Hanley, "Altitude, Frost and Quality." J. E. Sawhill, secretary Cen tral Oregon Development League, "Organization of Farmers." J. Lecdy, Agriculturist Hnrnoy County High School, "Agricultur al Course." C. E. McPheeters, Dcnstedt district, "Ideas on Right Use of Water." C. L. Smith, Agriculturist, 0. W. R. & N. Co., address. AGRICULTURAL MAN FOR TEN COUNTIES taw Has Harney County Taken Advantage Of This Offer? The Following Is Sent Out As a News Dispatch From Portland Under Recent Date And Should Now Be Given Attention r . , -Ten Oregon counties will' bo- is iC half a million dollars lying euro each an agricultural adviser', thus securing the $1,000 offered every county that takes suoh ac tion, olfercd by tho crop improve ment committoo of Chicago. D. O. Lively, vice president of tho Portland Union Stockyards Com pany, says ho has received this number of responses to tho ofTer which tho committee made thru him. Other counties are consid ering the matter. To the author ities of each county he has sent tho following explanatory letter. "I am advised by the crop im provement of the council of grain exchanges at Chicago that they will put $1,000 into any county which will raise a fund sufficient to employ a trained agricultural ist of sullkient tact and judg ment for nt least two years. This man must be satisfactory to tho State Agricultural College or the United States office of farm management or boh. "The letter received from the crop improvement committee contains n statement that thero MARGARETILESCO COMING Will Play Here During The Entire Fair Week With a Ligger and Better Troupe Than Ever At Tonawama The Margaret lies Theatrical Company, so well known and popular with tho play goers of this city, will play the entire fair week at Tonawama. The com pany has been increased since playing here last spring and arc now classeu among the best traveling on tho road. They have their own autos nnd make quick time between places. One disappointment may be the absence of the old time corr- cdian Ed Meade who has so long been identified with this compa ny. He suffered a stroke of par alysis last month and although ho waB much improved the last heard from him, it was proble matic whether he would be able to make the interior trip or not. However, the other old time players of the company will be here to greet their many friends. The company will present all its new plays and some new special ties and it might be well to sug gest to those desiring to nttend theso performances to secure scats early, as there will be a big crowd hero all week and no doubt the hall will be crowded. Seats will bo on sale during the day at Tonawama box offico. HIGH SCHOOL OPENS MANY PUPILS ENROLL New Teachers In Agriculture and Do mestic Science Secured by Dr. Kerr of The O. A. C. And Will be Here For Duty Monday. Outlook Fine .For a Most Successful Season Off For The Round Up ! " Everybody Uses It! WHAT? Rexall Remedies WHY! They're The Best -V SEE Our display Window, Note tlio ('omploto Lino Wo Curry. Nothing HpIUt On TIio Mitrkol. Wo Want You To (Joino In And Lot Vh Show You Tho Best and Biggest Line in Burns, Try It. lisRexal Drug Store TKc Wise Man There is a man in our town who thinks he's wondcroua wise; though ho has lots of junk to sell, he does not advertise. He often says: "The people must know I'm in tho came; nnd if they want my doodads, they'll como and buy tho Bame. To ad advertise my jim-cracks won't bring mo trade or scads, for folks who take tho paper refuse to read the ads. They read the sporting pages, they read the household dope, they road what Lillian Russel says of her beauty soap, they read the wedding stories of joyous girls and lads, they read tho 'Hints to Hoboes,' but do not read tho ads." Tho large and clammy spiders build cobwebs in his store, and no one will disturb them by entering the door. Tho clerks aro grow ing whiskers jill filled with fun gus blue, and comb them with their fingcrs-they'vo nothing olso to do. Sometimes a Bad eyed pilgrim, insomnia-accursed, goes there, in peace and quiet to sleep a little verst. Anon, tho man who wishes to drop from public view, drops in to sco that merchant and stays a week or two. But no ono takes a bundle to buy things at that store, where broods tho drowsy mer chant, and all tho clcrklings Bit andBnore. Ex. They Want YOU There! AT THE ddrmant in any county and wo boliovo that when you show your business men that with a little well directed effort this can be put into circulation annually, they will see that this is a busi ness proposition for them and will get behind this movement and give it their full support. The language applies to the counties of tho middlo states. Hero in Oregon there are mill ions of dollars lying dormant In every county, nnd tho propos ition submitted by the crop im provement committee seems to bo worthy ot immediate co-operation. "Copy of the contract and sug gestions as to tho organization havo been Bent to mo, nnd if you arc interested I will be glad to submit them for your considera tion. This seems to me to be a genuine opportunity for work that will bring aotual results. W. B. Shelley. Homer Reed J f you aro of tho same opinion I and two boys from the Island will bo glad to hear from you, Ranch left Tuesday morning for and will co-opcrato with you to the Pendleton Round-Up. Tho tho fullest extent" party went on horse back taking not only their favorite saddle HHgHg horses but somo bad ones to go into the contests over there. Mr. Shelley had secured ono horse that has never been subdued, having thrown oycry man who fried, tq rido him. He also took the famous Settlemyre saddle which he will disposed of over there, having already had an of fer for it. Harney county will get some advertising out of the big show as tho outlaw horses will be an attraction. Tho boys will all take in the show, Homer likely assisting in the Cowboy Band as cornetist. "The Harney county high school opened Monday in the old public school building which has been leased for the year as the adding of agriculture and domestic sci ence to the regular course h3s made ,it necessary to secure lar ger quarters. The new teachers have not arrived but a telegram from Dr. Kerr of the Oregon Agricultural College announces they will be here ready for their. duties on next Monday. Jay C. Leedy, a graduate of tho last yeai at Corvallis has been secured to teach agriculture and Miss Zoa Irwin domestic science. Both are splendid young people according to Dr. Kerr and he is confident of their success. The class just entering the high school from the eighth grade work numbers 24 and the faculty hopes to see the entire class go through school. Everything seems favorable to a very profi table term of .school this year as tho pupils are enthusiastic and the teachers believe the addition al courses will make the school work more popular. The Times-Herald is pleased to note the progressiveness of our high school board in making our school one of the foremost schools of the state and the in terest taken in the educational work by the country in general is certainly gratifying. Too much cannot bo done for such enter prise and the new courses added will bring the student practical knowledge that has been neglect ed more or less heretofore. Prac tical education is what is necess ary to succeed these days and our county has taken the proper course. There is a general trend to make more of the farm and home building throughout the entire world and the'people of the west are beginning to realize what can be accomplished toward the de velopment of the vast territory which has been idle these many years through this method. REED BROS. Props. Doing of The Sunset Grange Tho Grange is planning on somo interesting meetings and entertainments as soon as tho busy season is over. Applica tions for membership aro com-; ing in quite frequently. Ono of tho important measures acted upon at tho last meeting was the appointment of a committeo to assist in procuring sullablo cx: hibits from tho locality for the county fair. Everyono who haB anything to exhibit is requested to aid in tho movement by de livering to the members of tho committo or at E. C. Eggleston's residence. All membera Bhould como to tho next meeting Oot, 12th, prepared to disowss tho measures to bo voted on as it will bo tho last regular meeting before election, Malheur County FAIR wmmmmmmmmmmMmmmm ONTARIO, OREGON September 24-28 1912 $2,000-in prizes-$2,000 Curtis Aeroplane Flight Dnily by Silas Christofferson, the Birdman, who Has Startled Portland Yaquero Festival of Buckaroo Sports Broncho Bunting, SU'W Btill(lojriiP,' HtW Hoping and Hiding1, Wild Horno HaeoH, Heal Hungo Sports, Thrilling and FiiHcinutiug Skillful and Scientific Mammoth Display oi Livestock And Products of tho Soil, Harness & Running Races Honian and Chariot Races Band Concert and Special Attractions, Something Doing All The Time Home Grown Grass Seeds W. T. VanderVeer was in the city this week and informs The Times-Herald he has threshed a large amount of timothy, clover and red top seed at his ranch Over on Pine creek this season and he was looking around to see if local people would buy it from him. He has the seed mixed, just the thing which lo cal men want for their meadows and has offered it at prices about one-half what has had to be paid for it by sending away. Mr. VanderVeer states the seed at the price he is offering will net him about $50 an acre which gives one an idea of the value of such a crop. This should all be bought here at home and the wild meadows seeded. It im proves the yield greatly and in creases the quantity and quality of the crop and is in every way an advantage over the wild hay, as it will more than double the amount of hay from an acre. Mr. VanderVeer will have a quantity of this seed oyer here for the fair and our people should see it This seed is acclimated and is certainly superior to that brought in from outside points and much cheaper. Remember The Dates September, 24 to 28, 1912 ONTARIO, OREGON Special Rates On All Railroads, Ask Agent For Particulars Pheasants Shipped A telegram from Gene Simp son at Corvallis, dated Thursday, states he was shipping that day by way of Bend, four crates of China pheasants, to the Rod & Gun Club of this city to bo cared for and finally liberated in this section. Arrangements have been made to have the birds looked after by people interested and they will be distributed over quite a terri tory, some going out to the Ma- hon ranch at Anderson Vnlley and others to tho f, Ranch, A portion of the birds will bo placed on farms wp Silvies River and nearer this city. It was a disap pointment that we could secure but two dozen birds as it was found more could have boon taken care of. However, there can be other shipments made next season when it is found they will bo plentiful, A few of those birds were HU erated in this section a number of years ago, but they did not receive tho protection they should and as a consequepec they did not propagate as rapidly as they should, yet there are some of the birds here yet, having beep seen this season up on Emigrant Creek. 1 Qual becoming more plen tiful and as larger areas aro put into grain these birds will in crease rapidly and make some fine sport. THE FRENCH HOTEL JOHN R. WALKUP, Prop. Strictly First Class. Splendid Service, Fine Accomodations, Commercial Headquarters Sample Room In Connection, Reasonable Rates The University Of Oregon Correspondence School Offers, Free, with the exception of cot of postage on paper and cost of the University Extention Bulletin, to Citizens of Oregon, forty Unier ity Courses by mail. Ability to profit by the couriet elected is the only requirement for enrollment in the Correspondence Department. Course arc offered in the departments of Botany, Debating, Economics. Education, Electricity, English Literature. English ComposiUon, History, Mathematics, Mechanical Drawing, Physical Education, Physics, Physiology, Sociology, and Surveying. Write to the Secretary of the Correspondence School, University of Oregon, Eugene, information and catalogue. . . Courses In Residence at the University prepare for the Professions ol Engineering, Journalism, Law, Medicine and Teaching. Fall semester opens Tuesday, Sept. 17th. Address the Registrar for catalogues descnp tive of the College of Engineering, the College of Liberal Arts, the5chools of Education, Commerce, Law, Medicine and Music REFERENCES: Reliable Cltlttnt " ot Mat lit u Count u The Inland 320ACKU U0M1191IU1)S qUllNQUISHMI'.NTS Dlil-DIH) LAM) Homestead Locations Empire Realty Company W. TrLpSfKn., Mantgor Wo ri'prusont that which' m rosH ftud, nillublo. Vo Umllu nil kinds of Itcdl Klo ntpro Willi' your land OIIiik pajws or othor 1i'wl loud jibrcdrroctl mid iiilokly,. WE WANT YOUH FIIli; 1NHUHANCH HpBlNlIHH I represent two of tho BtroiiBoiit companies In Ainerlca-THi: AKTNA .V HAUTFOUU CO'H. LUtyour property with u, fornlo or Inulo. INVKBTIQATK OUH HU8INK8S METHODS AND PAST BUOOItBH. You trust m, wo truatyou. Ak pur Client. Oall nd too ui. WATCH THIS SPACE 80 Acres Irrigated ranch In Uolse Vnlley, to trade for a good ranch in Harney county, clear of Incunibcrancc under government uitcn. Let Us Hear From You What You Have To Trade. We Trade Anything, Anywhere. SER US NOW Burns Meat Market wmmmmmmmmmmmimmumBmgHgmmmmmwmKmmHm H. J. HANSEN, Proprietor Beef, Pork, Veal, Mntton, Sasuage, Bolonga, Headcheese and Weinerworst, Etc. Wholesale and Retail Prompt and Satisfactory Service Your Patronge Solicited and Orders Given Quick Attention Vulcanizing nt Gemborllng'e.1