The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, September 07, 1912, Image 2

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f -
You may have made up your
mind to order a new suit or over
coat for Fall and Winter wear.
You may think "Now where will
I order that new suit 'or overcoat
and what kind will I get?" Don't
let those things cause you the least
bit of worry. Come To Us
And Have Your Measure Taken,
pick out the goods that suits your
taste, and just leave the rest to us.
We guarantee every suit we make.
Schenk & Williams
Leading Clothiers
I. O. O. Building,
Burns, Oregon
Sbs imj5-lJwaW.
O.. Y.r
Six Manilla
TV. Monlk.
Vulcanizing at Gemberling's
Best canned corn $3.25 n case
Harriman Mercantile Co.
W. W. Webb ami wife are re
gistered at the Burns.
Horse collars at J. C. Welcome
& Son's $3.25 each.
Dry slab and pine wood $G.50
and $7.00 per cord, cash only at
Lumber yard.
Workmen are busy placing the
foundation for an addition to the
t.. n i
T T) T1.. ,.. f n .nil .l "V" "' IIUIIIU.
D'Alene, Idaho, left here Tues-1 Hough and dressed lumber of
day after looking over aconsid-inll kinds now on hand nt the
erable portion of the country. , Williams Bros. Saw Mill. Rough
He went directly to Portland I lumber S15 per thousand,
where he closed a deal for the I . , .
me nnisning coucnes are Doing
made at the new public school
Will Engage In Dairying And
General Stock Raising
purchase of a section of land with
President Davidson of the Oregon
&. Western Colonrzation Co.
The section bought is on Prath
er creek just across the road from
the Cowing place and is an ex
cellent piece of fine agricultural
land. Mr. Robinson stated when
here he was all ready to move to
a new location as s"oon as ho
found what he wanted, therefore
he is expected back at once to
begin active work in improving
his new possessions. He intends
to engage in the dairy and gen
eral stock raising business.
Prepared to Drill for Oil.
J. C. Turney of the Central
Oregon Oil & Gas Co. arrived
here last night. He was proceed
ed by Mr. Clark, the active field
man, who has already gone to
the place of operation and is sup
erintending the erection of the
derrick at the point where the
first well is to be drilled. Opera
tions will go forward as rapidly
as possible and it will only be a '
matter of a short time before ac
tual tests of the territory will be '
made and the extent and quality I
building and everything will bn
in readiness for the opening of
school on September 1G.
I have 500 acres of splendid
pasture with lots of water, will
pasture stock or will winter them
if desired. Hay for sale. Inquire
of J. M. Hoffeditz. one-half mile
north of the Burke Artesian well.
! Aaron Farnsworth was in the
J city yesterday making proof on
J his land. He was accompanied
. in by C. W. Fitzgerald and Wm.
Dunn as witnesses. They made
the journey in the latter's car.
Ben Shannon is among the new
horse men at the fair grounds
with a very fleet mare that he
will put in shape for the fair
week races. He won a match
race Wednesday over the course
from Scott Catterson. The race
was half-mile and those who saw
it say Mr. Shannon's mare show
ed class.
duuge win it. King nas gone
to Chicago to give his time from
now until the election in the in
terest of the election of Governor
Wilson to the presidency. Judge
nf nil Hnfnrminwl
' ' King was made national commit-
Mother of Eihtn children. teeman for Oregon and was also
r 4i. ti r ti selected by the Governor to man
lam the mother of eighteen nitn .. ' . ... .
children and have the praise of a,f hl3 campaign on this coast,
doing more work than any young here was such a demand from
woman in my town," writes Mrs. I headquarters for him to come
C. J. Martin, Boone Mill, Va. "I there to direct his campaign he
suffered for five years with stem- finaiy decidad to go.
ache trouble and could not cat as
much as a biscuit without suffer- i C. B. -McConnell and Cooper
InIhi?vfaler?.tt!rf boittlc8l& Dotee, the civil engineers,
of Chamberlain's Tab ets and am L , , ,.,, on
nnwn Wollwnn,nn :,ml wnfet, ins spent a few days over on Silver
pounds. I can cat any thing I
want and feel better than 1 have
at any time in ten years. I refer
to anyone in Boon Mill or vicinity
and they will vouch for what I
Bay." Chamberlain's Tablets
are for sale by all dealers.
1 section, 640 acres, level un
improved sage brush land in
Harney Valley, canbosubirrigat
ed. 1G0 acre tract, fenced, good
house deep well and otherwise
improved. Pricesmadetosuit in
tending settlers. No speculators
need apply. Inquire at this office.
Creek the fore part of the week.
They report excellent crops in
that section. Considerable in
terest is being shown in the open
ing of quite an area of homestead
land in that territory that has
been held under a withdrawal
made by the government some
years ago. Mr. McConnell ex
pects to leave Monday for Boise
to be absent a week or more on
business. 0
Vulcanizing t Gemborling's
Tho recent rains liavo delayed
' Henderson Elliott is In the city
from Narrows.
Horso collars nt J. C. Wolcome
& Son's $3.25 each.
L. Zuidorduin was up from his
farm during tho week.
Fresh homo made lard 17c. at
Hansen's Meat Market.
Tho duck season opened Inst
Sunday and local .sports have
been Imvong some lino shooting.
Try u 3" chicken dinner from
5:30 to 7:00 p. in. every Sunday,
at tho Cottage Inn.
Do not take any chances linvo
hay, grain or other property in
sured in tho Reliable Aolnn &
Hartford Insurance Companies.
11 Inland Emimrk Ui:ai.ty Co.
Clay Clemens mill is tho near
est one to Burns where all kinds
of lumber both rough and dress
ed can bo had. Near Canyon
road. Call him by 'phone.
J. Leroy Nickel, vice-president
of tho Pacific Live Stock Co., is
expected hore from San Francis
co tho first of next week. Mr.
Nicklo is making a tour of the
property owned by tho company
in this state and will spend some
littlo time in this section which
ho has novor visited.
County court has been in session
since Wednesday with Judge
Thompson and both Commission
ers Smyth and Sylvester present
Very little other than routine
work has been done at the ses
sion, the reports of road masters
and such having taken up most
of tho Hmo.
Everyone seems to be deeply
interested in the fnir this year,
and unless all signs fail, we will
see the biggest attendance and
best attractions ever formulated
in Harney county. Many favor
able comments have been made
for tho liberal manner in which
the purses are hung up this year,
as well as the way in which they
are to be distributed.
Great Northern Gathering
Fine Exhibits This Year
"Tho Great Northern Railway
is preparing to feature tho pro
ducts of Oregon at the Minnea
polis Land Show," says E. C.
Leedy, General Immigration
Agent, of the Great Northern
Railway, after his return from
the west recently. "The results
achieved by this kind of adver
tising in the past Iui3 been highly
successful and wo are thoroughly
convinced that bringing the pro
ducts of the west to tho people
of the east in the most eflective
and modem method of advertis
ing the agricultural possibilities
of any country.
"The representatives of the
Immigration Department are can
vassing every community in the
state of Oregon collecting grains
in the straw, grasses, vegetables
and in fact all product) of the
soil. They are co-operating with
the Commercial Clubs, responsi
ble Real Estate Men and farmers,
who are growing tho crops.
The thorough manner in winch
this collecting of exhibition ma
terial is being followed insures
us the greatest collection of agri
cultural and horticultural pro
ducts that has ever been assem
bled by any railway.
"The very best and choicest
samples will be shown at the
Minneapolis Land Show, where
thousands of homoseckers and
investors will visit Our repre
sentatives are meeting with great
success, as the local people along
the entiro lino appreciate more
than ever the great benefit of
tho wido publicity which is given
our particular section through
this medium of advertising.
"The Northwest Land Show at
Minneapolis will mark a new
epoch in tho history of agricul
tural exhibits. Undoubtedly this
will bo tho greatest collection of
product) of the soil ever assem
bled under one roof and the pro
ducts of tho Great Northern
country are certain to bo among
tho leading attractions."
Cauuht Unci Cold.
"Last winter my boii caught a
very bad cold and tho way ho
coughed was something dread-
fut," writes Mrs. Sarah E. Dun
can, ol Tipton, lowa. wo
thought sure ho was going into
consumption. Wo bought just
one bottlo of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy and that one bot
tle stopped his cough and cured
his cold completely." For sale
by all dealers.
J. L. Gnult and family aro ex
pected homo tho Inst of next
No. 6295.
lloport ol Hit cnmllllnn ol lb
In III VIM ill Onwiii, at taa lion ol Lull
liru, Hf.l. till, 1(13.
loans mill PUeounta.i wl,i 67
Otertlralts, itcurart ami unirurel . 6.3M n
V B. !oni! to MCUtn circulation 21,00000
II. tt. Ilondi In ircuit U. H. lioiltt M.00000
Oilier I'OixUlo trout II H. IKpuilli
I itiiicrmorotlftlHuTltiifUVU'OO
rrrtnluma m tl. 8. Ilumta 9,00000
llumU, iKMiiltln, elo M.WW
IUiiMiib liuuit.furnltur tint Itxturt ?,M4 VJ
Othur ltr al Kitato, owiil SMOO
Dm from National llanVt (not it
Mrr aj.nli) U,tMM
Duo from mala mul I'nvala llaiikt
mill llnnkcri, Trmt CtimpanUa, ami
H.vltiK" Uftiiki 1.1MW
Hut Irnm aptutal ttiatv ssjtnlt . (l,Mn
Clitvkt una olhor rtth lltmt 8.l W
Ktehamtt't lor L'IcmIiik IIoum, Ml 4S
Notti n( uthtr National ltanti 370 00
Fractional vapor eurrtiifjr, lilcktti,
mul rsntt. M W
Uwrl'L Mousy IUisnvs in in x it
I.CKI Tuilar liiitm MOO
l&iUnilluu luml wllli U. H. Troiiir-r(i-r
emit of olri'uUlton ..
VMM 79
ToUl .W),tiS H.1
fiirMiin 70,00000
UmllnliltHt urnllli. leti eintiitvt tint
UtrtMi 4",M1V0
Nktlonm Kmik Not" oulitmiu'ltK M.00000
Dm' lo oilier National llankt 5.M7 0.1
ln.lUl.llulilwlll lul.Jot to (back IM.M9M
Damaiitli'Ortincalraot ilopodl 74W
Time CertMcatea of ittpoatt. IW.107 l
Caihlar'ailircki oulitaailliif A,H0oM
Unltxl Vlatri PrlKiilu SU6.1M
Ifrnlal Having) !)MalU Ml 31 3.1.U4 0A
Dapvultaottr, B,ilUbutalli(0incri . V37 It
Total VM,001M
fiiVNTT or IUkxiyJ
I. J. I.. Qault. Caablrr of Ihe above nam
bank, do aoliMimtr iwrar that lha abora a'.ata-
mi'iii la mi tome iwiioi nir anowiaoia ou
bVIIVf ,
J. I. OavLTCaiblr,
U. A, UtiNia
(Ian. A.Hkytii
II. M. IIokton
HutxcrllxHt mt iworn In bafora tua Ihli 7lh
day of Bert., 1V1I.
Wm. MlLLia
I8cal Notary I'libllo for Ortlon
Stop and Remember This:
there will bo meeting ol all tlioaa
Interested In Sunday School Work In
Harnejr County, t Duma, September 21
and 22. Th meeting will be held In the
Prctbjrterlan Church. The gathering li
to be held for the purpote of org anil
Ing the Harney County Sunday Schoo
Allocation. Knv. C. A. Phlppi, Secre.
lary of the Oregon State Sunday School
Atiociation will bo preient, and It It ex
pected that there will be other promt
nent pcaJera from the outiide In at
tendance. Some fine papera will b
read by repreientatlvea of the different
cliooli throughout thelcounty. No one
thould miit thli great treat and a gen
eral Invitation It eatended to everybody.
County Pretldenl I'ro-Tem,
Notice of Sale of Heal Properly.
Ill the County Court ol the Stntc of
Oregon for llnrncv Count.
Ill the matter of the ntnte uf David S.
Grntcii, IccciihciI.
Notice i hereby iven thnt under and
y virtue ot mi Uriler of tale ntude and
entered in the above entitled court In
the mutter of the above entitled ettnle
on the 5th dny of Auguat, 11)13, I, the
iinilcraiuvcil.mluiinittrntrix of the nliovr
entitled ettnte, will tell nt private and
for cmli in hand from and after the Ut It
ilny of September, 11)1 'J, the following
dcMcrilieil real property lielon(in lotnid
catatc, to-wit:
A -trip of lund 100 feet wide lielnx
50 feet in width on each tide of the
center line of the imiln track of the
Oregon Huttcrn line of the Oregon
WntliiiiKtoii Knilrond .S: NnvlKotlon
I'ompnity, at tho name it now located
mid linked over and ncrott the N! of
theSr.lj, I.oU l, u niul n, the SW4 ol
thcriWViol S-c2i), and the Hli of the
Sli'i of .Sec 27, alt In Twp 33 S. Hange
.'12 Is., W iM., in Hartley county UrcRon
the location of inid center line of rail
road lieinir at ehnwn upon n certain
innji dcacrlyed na Map No. H of the Ore
Hoii.l'.nttcrn Hnilrond Company, inid
man liavine licen niiprovcil liy the bee
rctary of the Interior if the United
Stntct on the -'Otli day oi September.
1007, niul Mm duty filed in tho United
Stntca I.nnd office at Uurnt. Orcuon.
Thlt notice it tmtitlthed for a tieriod
of four wecki in The Timea Herald, a
ncwitmerof general circulation In ilnr
ncy County, Oregon, under and by vir
tue of tin order of 'the Honorable Grant
Thompaon, Judge ol the above entitled
court, made and entered on the Qth day
of August, 1012.
lilted at Hums, Oregon, thli 10th day
of August ,111!...
Administratrix of the eatnte
David S. Graves, deceased.
Any court would grant a di
vorce to tho woman whoso hus
band refused to buy hor ono of
those tireless cookers at Clovcn-
Lost One bay gelding with
bell on, collar marked, branded Z
on left stifle and XX with bar
over on right stifle, aged nine
years. Weight 1300 lbs., also
ono blue gelding four years old,
weight 1100 lbs. I will pay $10
reward for their recovery.
I Can and Will Satisfy Your Wants
In The Harness and Saddle Line. My
Motto Is "Right Prices and Best Quality"
and It will pay you to call and see me.
Special attention given to repair work.
Notice Is hereby given that I!, J. liny
Icy, hat lieeu duly appointed ndininis
Irntorof the estate of Harvey K. Mid
dlcsworth, deceased, by the County
Court of the County of Harney, State
ol Oregon, and hns duly qunlilled ns
such; all persons having claims against
the cBtutc of said deceased are required
to present them, verified, us required
by law, with thcprojier vouchers, to the
undersigned, IS, J, Ilaylcy, administra
tor of the estate of Harvey II. Middles
worth, decensed, at tho Grant County
Hank, in John Day, Grant County, Ore
gon, within nix months from the date of
tills notice.
Dated this 0th day of August, 1012,
I!. J. IUvluv,
Administrator of tho Hatute
of Ilnrvcy IS, Mlddlesworth
:iil-t:i deceased.
Uurnt, Oregon, I-lst No. uaaiO,
lliirm, Ortgou, July W, lvrj,
Niilko ! hereby slven that lllram M, lliiull-
ion, ur 1;, r.. siouiion, aiiorney in nci, wnoit
iioiiomre aidlroii It IIOJ Wilcox liuililiiif
I'ofllaiiil.nriMioll.hia tlili HAlli lUr of Jlllr.lSll
tiled lu Ifila o7tlCB lila amillcatloii toadect un.
iter tlieiitovialoiiaol Hie act nl Consreii. a-
io Hl.T .. II HI K.. W. M . Biiutli ol Mil
liuur Uko, anil Ut a mid BKJiNWJJ, bed 0, T
V7M.. 11 ai K.. w M.
An anil all iieraona olalnilnc aJmn.ljr Ilia
lamia 1ninrlbt4i). or ililrllnr to obluot because
ol lliu mliieial cbarai'ler ol the laud, or (or
any oilier riimoii, to llie Ultpuaal loepMlcanl,
aboubl file llielr affldallsol iiroleit lu lull
oinie, vu ur bolortllie 7 1 It ilaynl Hepleuber,
Wm Kn. Itrglsliir.
This great institution opens its
doora for tho fall Homester on
Soptombor 20th. Courses of till
Instruction include: General Ag
riculture, Agronomy, Animal
Husbandry, Dairy Ihmbandry,
Bacteriology, Botany and Plant
Pathology, Poultry Husbandry,
Horticulture, Entomology, Veter
inary Scicnco, Civil Engineering,
Electrical Engineering. Mechan
ical Engineering, Mining Engi
neering. Highway Engineering,
Domestic Science, Domeatic Art,
Commerce, Forestry, Pharmacy,
Zoology, Chcmcatry, Physics,
Mathematics, English Language
and Literature. Public Sneaking,
Modern Language, History, Art,
Architecture, Industrial Peda-j
gogy, Physical Education, mili
tary Scicnco and Tactics, and
Catalogue and illustrated liter
ature mailed free on application.
Address: Registrar, Oregon Ag
ricultural Collogo, Corvnllis, Ore.
School Year Opens September 20tli 1912
We Claim to have one of the1 Greatest Dress
Stocks of Ginghams in this part ol the state-it's
a hobby with us this season. We have a wond
erful assortment and the very best makes--we
Want You To See Them
Lni'H'o AHHorlmotiu Of
LtulioH King Tailored
VliintH, Lha HaUer Kind
And I'rieoH Kniifa I'Votii
.75 ctH to $2.00
Tub Dresses
OiirTiil) DreMKi'H Are
I'H)eciilll,y Suited For
Kit in titer Wear at very
Moderate i'riees
' Our DiHplayof Flaxonn
For Siiiniiicr DreHHOH ip
lOxcliiHivaatid tltiH is the
DrenH t hut (lives Yott the
clean correct appearance
Tho Bworn statements of Life
Insurance Companies on tile nt
the State Insurance Department,
Salem, show that In 1909, 1910,
1911, Oregon Lifo tho Only Life
Insurance Company Exclusively
Oregon, sold more policies in
Oregon than any other company.
In 1912 Oregon Life is surpass
ing all its proviouB records.
E. C. Egglkston,
35 Agent.
llurna OtcKun, ht-i.tonilr t, 1913 I
Notice la hcrelir Klvcn tliai'llioin.i llutlnii,
ol Lull, ()rsuii. wliii, oiiAril 7. 1107, irailo
llomralrait tmlry No, tl,7, Carlal Nn Or3
flirNHMW'i HK,hW(j. hWliHKl, Hrtiill8.
Towli.lili 'M Houtli. lnciKf VI Kail, UllUm
Vila Marlillaii liaa nii mitlro of Inlmilloil
to niaka dual nvnyt'tr I'mof, to
claim to lha Unit atmvo 1rrrllxit, blorn
tha HtcLlar ami Itrralrvr, at lllltln, (Iri'ifuii,
on tlia Will ilay ol (MntxT. ML
Claimant namra at wltnxtara
Cliarlca H lavltt. Jaiura II I orrlnt A 1.
Ilomiovntl, Ktrit (I llrnx'ii, all ol Killl. llrrsuli,
Wm Kirr. llcnUlur.
II The Got zian, Shoe III ' 8
f!!li. for women I jj , 1
ill Beauty-Style-Fit gl
III 'I ,n l'ycTy VMr I P "W
Ol . I Call and see the Latest Styles TJ,'
HHrl Jl,8t Received jj
' flH A. K. RICHARDSON ffllfK
IFu Ml General Merchandise 11
A' l 1 'Cm. I rr fm B P
ir s A-f.n-' i r . rw m
beam wM
jg& ' j fs 1
Welcome Pharmacy
Ice Cream, Candy, Confectionery,
Soda Water, Cigars, Tobacco,
Toilet Articles, Rubber
Gocds And Drugs
Prescriptions Cntsj.uliy Compounded. Try Us Out.
.J C. WELCOME, Jr. Prop.
Clatsop Beach, Pacific Ocean
Iow round trip faros are in ctrect all summer. This beautiful
beach stretcher twenty-five miles south of the mouth of the Colum
bia River. Se ;ide and (learheurt have first class hotels, cottages
and camping laces, mirf bathing, fishing, mountain water, etc.
Low nomicl Trips Eaisl
Throughout the htimni on tin1 dates given below, round trip
tickets will bo sold to the pouit-,ui the east shown below, and many
others nt the reduced raU-s
nkmerassji KststSiSsassasiA:
SHrtt&aUt I iu-,a
New Goods! New System!
Low Prices!
Having" cut out the long credit
system, we are prepared to give
prices which will pay you to buy at
home. Remember, when you buy
at home you create a market for
what you have to sell, no matter
what it consists of, whether it be
farm products, labor or legal ad
vise, you don't help your own com
munity when you go outside to
trade; you don't help the farmers
when you buy outside flour. Last
year many people sent away and
went outside to trade. What is the
result? The wheels of industry
have been idle, no building, no bus
iness, no work, no market. Heavy
crops are being harvested and still
a large portion of the old crop is
on hand. It is now time for the
people to get together if we want
prosperity at home. Trade at our
place if you can; if not trade with
our competitor, but Trade at Home.
Burns Department Store
ttnri,i s .;3OT6aisEKas!2eEnsKi
(treat NoiHici i it Northern Pacific Railways
Atlantic City Mio.., $32.50 Omaha $60.00
Hnltimoro lui ..a Dulutli CO. 00 Philadelphia 108.50
Hoston 110.00 Kansas City G0.00 Pittsburg 91.50
HulVnlo 1)1.50 Milwaukee 72 50 St. Ixniis 70.00
Chicago 72.50 Minneapolis 00.00 St. Paul 60.00
Colorado Springs 55-.00 Montreal 105.00 Toronto 91.50
Denver 55.00 Now York 103.50 Washington 107.50
Dates of Sale
July, 23, 2G. 29, 30, 31. 1912.
August. 1, 2, 3. (, 7. 12, 10, 23, 29, 31, 1912
September, -I, 5, 6, 7, 8. 11, 12, 30, 1912
Stopovers nnd choice of routes in each direction.
Final return limit Octobor 31. 1912.
Train leaving Hond 0:30 a. m. Redmond 7:15 a. m., connects d
rectly at Fallbridi'e with
Fast Thru Trains East
. Details of schedules, fares, etc., will be furnished on request
VV. IH. COA1AN, General Freight nnd Passenger Agt.
II. H UKOL, Agent. Redmond, Oregon.
.1. H COKBETT, Agent, Bend, Oregon.
bayles & Mcdonald
General Contractors and Builders
Burns, Ore. - - Vale, Ore
Located at the Burns Hotel
BJWiiT'rWiBffiiMHi 'l 'i'i'i ' I'sWsMsWMBHWMtMltMtysWpHBJMgljJI
We 'arc going to bring in 600
From the Famous Baldwin
Sheep Co., Hay Creek. Will
Be Located at .Alvard Ranch
After August 1st. Wool grow
ers desiring information by
mail may address the under
signed at Alberson Postoffice.
...I. .1- saJUSj .JL VaaaaL IV, Jm...IKI7
J I J-1 Ulll'UI.'.
: 311.
.'I .UIIIU.IJJ i.uuiiii mi
"12 vi .ii J lui xUj
Riley, Oregon.
I.ttt iulillratlon Woptomber 7, 1013.
IV livvv
JL. UiiWtJ