ium 111 i inn 1 1 n ' ' i nm urn i i ii in in i i 1-uiniwninniiiimuMiiwiiiiiiui.ini.nMwMi ujijatuuiujumuuH-igiJ.. .ijj u mm Mmmmxuuu.ni-! n i .imwi-.H n. fpmi, ... I. JjmihiiiIhI I i'iiTiMi n AliBiiBT "tt Tt!i irfTrT"" "r "TffiirmgimmiTi i CITY OF BURNS The Biggest City In Tlio Biggest Tho Biggest County In The State Of Oregon, Bet In Tho Weit County In The Stato Of Oregon VOL. XXV BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 7, 11)12 NO 43. f She I COUNTY OF HARNEY mi - III '(ZJltTiUjX B 1 BURNS BALL TEAM ARE VICTORIOUS Home Team Won All Three Games In Recent Series With Prineville and Makes A Fine Showing In First Series Of Season. Games Planned For Fair Week at Prineville Tho Burns ball team carried off tho honors in nil three Ramos played Sarurday. Sunday and Monday with tho Prineville boys. All tho Ramos were interesting and some excellent work was done by both teams, although more or less errors occurcd. Tho weather was rather for ball playincr on both Satur day and Monday, but Sunday was a fine day for the sport and there was a bis crowd in tho stand and on the bleachers to witness the game. Tho attend ance was good all three days however, and tho visiting team was well received and treated most hospitably. They were nanuicapped by not Having as much support from the crowd as the home team, which was nat ural, but they took their defeats like real sports and thero were no antagonistic feelings displayed at any time during the series. Pat Donegan, a brother to As sessor Doncgan. who recently ar rived here from Jackson county, umpired the fitt-t and last games alone, but was assisted in the Sunday game by J. R. Stnibon of Prineville. The score Saturday was 7 to 5. Sunday i) to 11, and on Monday 11 to 12. The Prineville boys, eleven players in all, with a few friends arrived Friday evening and were entertained that night by a dance given for their pleasure by the local team at Tonnwama. They were a gentlemanly bunch of was given on Monday ovoning and they left for homo Tuesday morning with tho intention of making arrangements for a re turn scries at their home town at which they propose to get oven. They realize, however, that they are going to have to raw play ball to ticicat tlio liurns team, all of whom nro local boys and are in tho game for the Bport there is in it There were some exceptionally fine plays made during the games, several doubles were made and at critical times it seemed the homo team was there with the goods. Prineville had home good seasoned players who would have made things inter esting in general had tho entire team been up to their standard. It .seems the visitors did not ex pect to go up against such a strong aggregation and were considerably surprised; therefore somewhat demoralized. The occasion was thoioughly enjoyed by all, as wns also the excellent music furnished each day by the Tonawama Band, and it certainly deserves credit for tliat Burns can "como back" and we hopo to sea more games witli outside teams from this on There was some talk of n series with Sumpter during fair week, but wo nro informed tho boys hnvo given it up as tho timn is short in which to mnko necessary arrangements, besides with tho afternoons taken up entirely with interesting programs with a trap shooting tournment plan ned for tho week by tho Rod and Gun Club and arrangements un der way for n scries of farmer's meetings during tho week, it would have been rather hard to sccuro timo for ball games and given them tho necessary sup port and attondnnco tlioy de servo. However, there is yot timo to promote a game or two boforo bad weather and wo hopo tho boys will keep up tho good work. New Telephone. Deal On OREGON'S IMMENSE UNDEVELOPED AREA Thousands Of Acres And Many New Homes May Be Had In The New Country Now Being Built Into By The Hill-Harriman Line From Vale Into Eastern and Central Oregon FLOUR MILL MAN HERE Mn Stelhlioff and Sons Arrive and Pre pare to Build on Land Recently Tur cbas Near Burn: Mill And Machinery to Come Later the effort and loyalty it displayed in making the affair pleasant and successful. The Times-Herald was pleased to see the game so well attended, and the general interest revived, also the manner in which the business houses closed up and at tended tho games, which was certainly very commendable. boys who won the esteem of our We have not had any good ball people by their cheerfulness, and ( playing here for a number of good fellowship prevailed during years and interest had lagged, their entire stay. Another dance The series just finished shows THE BUKNS HOTEL DELL DIBF3LIH, Prop. Centrally Located, Good Clean Meals, Comfortable Rooms, Clean and Sanitary Beds First Class Bar In Connection. Give Me A Call HI TRUCKS BEND BURNS ?1 I OPKUATINr; FOUIt ACKAIII) TIIIICKN I BEST SERVICE 4 Round Trips LOWEST RATES Each Week 4 Central Oregon Trucking Co. W. S. LOCKWOOD Micr. II. HOIIU, Act. Burn Everybody Uses It! Rexall Remedies MBoRI WHY! They're The Best SEE Our Display Window, Nolo tho Complete Lino Wo Carry. Nothing Hot tor On Tho Murlcot. Wo Want You To Como In And Lot, I In Show You Tho Best and Biggest Line in Burns, Try It. Rexal Drug Store REED BROS. Props. Tho Times-Herald is informed that W. K. Merrill of Portland, who wns in tho city this week, secured nn option on tho Union Tolephone & TeleRrnph Co. stock and has cone back to nrranjro for its purchase. It is the impres sion among some thnt he is a re presentative of tho Pacific States Co. which is operating all over tho west That company once held this field but were succeed ed by the present company which was organized by Mr. Lawrence. Just what tho object is in buying the lines again is speculative. It is a fact that the business has greatly increased during the re cent years thnt the local company has had the management and with the approach of railroadi it would naturally be a better in vestment. There is room for much greater activity in that line in this county nnd it is hoped thnt should the deal go through the new owners would sco fit to extend the lines to cover the entire county as well as directly connecting with tho outside. We need better facili ties along this lino and with peo ple financially able and progres sive taking tho project up we will receive better service, or rather a larger field of service and make Burns nn important center of telephone connections all over this part of the state. A company recently completed a line from Winncmucca to Dcnio and is now building north fur ther into this county with tho in tention of connecting with the local line at Wild Horse. This is an important connection and it is hoped will bo made without delay. Occasionally tho, MgjMers ofia.t when Harney County get. tnoNoftliwesl; really "get some-indequato railway facilities tho Mill Deal Did Not Go Thru A meeting of tho Silvics River Farmer's Union was held Wed nesday afternoon at which the proposition was considered to buy the liurns (lour mill. Last week a considerable number of the members were favorable to the deal and it was thought the deal would go thru but after get ting together it was decided not to buy. The mill togother with the farm adjoining had been of fered to the farmers on very reasonable terms by tho present stockholders of the property but the farmers did not seem to want to assume tho management of tho property thercforo the deal was closed. One of tho particular reasons for the trade was tho fact that the farmers have a big crop on their hands and tho mill now has a quantity of botrf'wheat and flour on hand from last year's crops, therefore is not in tho market at present for wheat. However, if tho local farmers will buy all their flour here and help get rid of tho present sup ply thero is no doubt but tho mill will take their grain at a reason able figure. Should the farmers have to hold some of tho grain until noxt spring thoy will certainly find a ready market for it when tho railroad contractors got in this Valley. thing respecting Central Oregon that is right Publication of facts aronlwaysto tho advantage of this territory and show tho outsldo world what Central Ore gon really iB nnd what great de velopment can bo mado to tho advantage of tho entiro country. An editorial in tho Oregoninn of August 21 is a statement of facts that will give pcoplo an idea of tho magnitudoof the big Har ney country and what it will do when given transportation. It says: Taking tho average for tho last twelvo years, wo find tho nnnual wheat crop of Oregon amounts to less than 16,000,000 bushels M.8G7.0 10, to be exact Tho ave rage yield per aero must bo around twenty bushels. Thnt may seem large, but it must bo I remembered that every year we are harvesting more wheat from . irrigated lands, where tho yield' is more often above 40 bushels ' than under, and by scientific farming most of the best wheat area has been brought to some thing over thirty bushels per acre some of it to GO bushclB. Thus wo have about 1,500,000 acres in our wheat farm, for tlys great bulk of the land is seeded only on alternnto years, being Summer fallowed every other year. Our wheat farm can then be said to cover 2360 square miles or, say, a strip of land 100 miles longbytwenty-thrco and one-half miles wide. In the great Harney Valley in interior Oregon, thero aro at' other claims in least a thousand squaro miles of many of them arable land. If the vnlleys run ning into tho main valley aro con sideredsuch as Silvics, Silver Creek, Sago Hen, Rattlesnake, Cow Creek, Crane Creek, Mal heur and Dundcr and lJhtzcn, brought back tho homesteaders and dozens of Bmaller nooks and who proved up and left in dis-valleys-thero must be almost guBt during tho last forty years as much land in tho Harney it would bring an influx of from 25,000 to 35,000 people to those two counties. For it must bo remembered that neither Harney nor Malheur is small in size. Tho two combined aro four-fifths the size of West Virginia. Oregon wheat form will be doubled, as also will bo tho an nual yield. It is not to bo supposed thnt all of this area will bo seeded to wheat Much of it is owned by absentees. Much of it is held for spcculativo purposes and some of it is not good wheat land. But thero are dozens of othor valloys in Harney county and many hun dreds of thousands of acres of bench lnnd that aro almost ideal for wheat raising. Thero nre also hundreds of thousands of acres of good wheat land to bo oponcd up in Malheur Coun ty. Add these lands to tho total and in a few years Oregon ought iu uu pruuuciug iwjcu uiu quan- I tity of wheat wo are now grow- i ing. j That is ono of the things to bo expected from tho road being i constructed from Vale west to tho Harney Valloy, or practically through that valley. Vast areas now lying idle will becomo pro ductive. The thousands of home steads throughout tho interior that have been proved upon, and then abandoned, will again be como real homes, and tho land brought under the plow. All of tho vacant Government land ' within easy reach of the railway i will bo taken up. It is said that i near Drewsey alone there aro I moro than 600 good quarter seo I tions thnt can bo taken under the homestead law. This will be only from twenty to thirty-five ' miles from tho railroad at Jun I turn. Thoro -are thousands of other localities, near wood and water and all within easy reach of tho now rail route. This railroad will mean much to Oregon; moro in fact than many of us realize. If it merely John Scothofr, formerly of Now Salem, North Dakota, who recently purchnsed a largo tract of land from tho Oregon & West ern Colonization' Co. adjoining this city, arrived here this week in company with his sons. They came with their own teams from Bend nnd nro now assembling material to build homes on tho land. The families aro at Bend nnd will bo brought over when the houses nro completed. Mr. SccthotT shipped his entiro roller mill plant from New Salem to Bend and it is now stored thero awaiting railroad develop ments. Ho will not bring tho mill in at present but has two car loads of household goods and farm equipment which will be brought over as soon ns the homes aro provided for tho fami lies. Ho informs The Times Herald that it is his hope the railroads will build to this city as ho desires to put up his mill here, but docsnot want to establish it until he knows definitely where tho best facilities for shipping aro to bo had. Mr. Scethotr was on a deal for the flour mills at Bend but it did not go through. He believes this is a much better territory for such u business, however, and tho people of this section nro very glad to welcome him and his enterprise. , LINE APPEARS TO BE HILL-HARRIMAN ROAD Little Doubt Exists Now That Railway Across The State Of Oregon Is A Joint Enterprise. 'Nevertheless It Is Welcomed By All And Will Be a Boon To The Great Harney Valley Real Farmer's Boy Advices reaching here from ultimately, the connecting link New York seem to leave little, from Bend, the present southern doubt that the first-class railroad t terminus of the Oregon . Trunk, line which the Oregon Short Line to the Idaho boundry, will open is flinging westward across Ore-' another enormously rich countfv gon is a joint Hill and Harriman ' in the Gem State. enterprise. The information re-1 Tho Hill Deonle with a linn nl- ceived here emanates from East-1 ready extending into theCampaB cm financial interests closely nl- Prairie as far as Grangeville, lied with the two great systems have recently let a contract for indicating that the sinews of the construction of an extension war for constructing this 300- of 100 miles south from Grange mile line from tho Idaho border ville to a connection with New to u junction with the Hill and Meadows, on the Pacific & Idaho Harriman roads at Bend be-' Northern, which taps the rich ing supplied partly by tho Hill west central portion of Idaho, financial group and partly by the The Hill line from Grangeville Harriman backers in Wall street, south would km an enourmous says tho Telegram. agricultural section as well as a Thero is no pretense of con- fino timber and mining belt in cenlment of the fact that the the Salmon River district Harriman purpose is to make; There have been rumors that this line the double track of its the Harriman and Hill forces main line from Portland to the were to join hands in pushing a East, and that as soon as the line east and west across Oregon ever since the Hills sold to the Harriman system all its rights in the Boise & Western through the Malheur Canyon a couple of years ago. The Boise & West- valley as there is in the pre sent Oregon wheat farm. But if thero is any doubt, any over esti mate, throw in tho Catlow Valloy, which is moro than half as large as Harney valloy and then Bay Fertility in Farm Produce. "The value of tho plant food in one aero of wheat equals i :, ., u.. r ,in,;.tn.-ni.t. $11.40, "say b Prof. Bradley. "In It is a matter of considerable m, !,. ju ORwnrth At nUnt interest nnd importance to know K "SSTCtoW TbThKf n tho demands which particular Jgf ft KSSf ilK crops nre making upon tho soil, Viind mt BKkS Sfifi? ? Sn1nrSiSS5'Sinu?,ofC ZSs t affair ?i?fff&j0i?nmJJ& and vctch 8 "Bet by tho storage TA0LfSrt'ot atmospheric nitrogen in the demands by appropriate fertHIza- n51 ,,v .,.,,. -,,,.,- ,nf thn tion," says Prof, U. ,. urauiey . ',tfamn , ,W nfmmn Ifd I Vll " """ "" " "V "-- WW...W on the soil, Tho mineral roods Despondency. Is often caused by indigestion and constipation, and quickly disappears when Chamberlain's Tablets nro taken. For sale by all dealers. Horso collars at J. C. Welcome says Prof. C. E, of tho Oregon Agncultural Col lego chemistry department in a -.... 1. ..Il.il.. .. ."Til..-. Oiln t Oregon." (No. 112.) and nitrogen by leaching nnd tho loss of nitrogen by direct oxida tion nro, of course, additional de mands which come to tho culti vated soil," ho continues. Ho then givcB a table of fertility of wheat, votch hay, alfalfa hay, timothy, potatoes, apples, fat cattle, milk, butter and fresh kale, showing tho composition nnd market value. wnicti tticse leguminous crops carry, however, aro largo and represent real lossos when they nro sold as hay from tho farm. The values for kale are oxtremo and represent tho real demands on an acre of soil by nn average kalo crop, which, by experience, is known to bo hard on the land. Tho stnnll amount of fertility en tering into dairy products and live stock explain tho well known fact that these industries do not dcploto tho soil." J. T. Garrett and family we're down from their mountain dairy farm during the week. It is the first time Mr. Garrett has been down for six months and he came to bring a load of fat hogs to the local market Tho family will move down later in order that tho little son John may enter school. John is now 7 years old and is going to bo a farmer if he con tinues ns he now is headed. He made a hay hand this season dur ing harvest time driving tho pull up team during tho stacking. His father could not get necess ary help at that time so John went to work. He did all the harrowing this spring and milks j 7 and 8 cows, having learned to I milk when he wns 5 years old. He went alone through the tim ber 15 miles tho other dny to his grandfather's. He has been a good horseman for the past two years and frequently drives the) stock from one pasture to another and rides the range in the vicini ty of his home alone. John takes the place of a farm hand in many ways even though young in years, and is dependa ble. The work ho docs is not heavy but it gives his father moro timo at other work. He is going to bo n real farmer and other Harney county boys should follow his example. Diarrhoea Quickly Cured. "I was taken with diarrhoea and Mr. Yorks, the merchant here, persuaded mo to try a bot tle of Chamberlains Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. After taking ono doso of it I was cured. It also cured others that I gave it to," writes M. E. Gebhart, Oriole, Pa. That is not at all un usual, An ordinnry attack of diatrhoea can almost invariably bo cured by one or two doses of this remedy. For sale by all dealers. present extension of 140 miles from Vale on the Short Line to I Dog Mountain, 20 miles south of Burns, has been completed, con tracts will bo let for tho construc tion of the remaining 160 miles from Dog Mountain to Bend. This will give tho Harriman sys tem a complete double track line from Portland to Omaha, as the double-tracking of the system over that distance has been pro cessing for nearly two years, and is to be completed by 1915. The immediate advantage to bo gained by the Hill forces by entering into another "gentle men's agreement" with their ancient rival is to give them ac cess into Southeastern Oregon in the first place, a territory in which the different Hill magnates have been spending great sums in exploitation work. Of course, ern was the project which Col onel C. E. S. Wood was father ing for James J. Hill, and em braced surveys through the prop erty of the Willamette Valley and Cascade military road. Buy a Farm and make it pay for itself. The choice farm ing lands of Harney County. For sale on small payment and ten years time at 4 per cent in terest The lands of the Harney Valley Improvement Company are on the market on these terms without reservation. First ap plicant gets his choice. 37 MOTHERSHEAD & DONEGAN. Harney County Fair STCTVK nimmiiNCERt Ilcllablc Citlicm otllat neu County The Inland Homestead Locations 320ACRI2 IIOMliSlliADS KELINQUISIIMI2N1S DEI'DHD LAND Empire Realty Company W. THiEBTKU, Mniwgor We repreeont that which 11 rusted and reliable. We handle all kinds of Ileal Kalato matters Wille your luuu filing papers or othor legal laud paptrs Correctly and quickly,, WE WANT YOUH FIUK INBUKANUlt UUBINEBH j wo represent two of the trongoit companies In Amorlca-THE AETNA & HAHTFORD GO'S. LUtyour proporty with ua, for nolo or trade. INVESTIGATE OUlt IiUBINKSH MKTIIODH AND l'ABT BUC0U8H. You truit Ui, wo trust you. Ask our Clients. Call and see us. WATCH THIS SI'ACn 80 Acres Irrigated ranch In Moist Valley, to trade for a good much In Harney county, clear of Inctiniberniici under government ditch. Let Us Hear From You What You Have To Trade. We Trade Anything, Anywhere. SEB US NOW THE FRENCH HOTEL JOHN R. WALKUP, Prop. Strictly First Class. Splendid Service, Fine Accomodations, Commercial Headquarters Sample Room In Connection, Reasonable Rates The University Of Oregon Correspondence School Free, with the exception of cost of pottage on papers and coat University Extention BulUtin. to Citizens of Oregon, forty Unirer Offers, of the tity Courses by mail. Ability to profit by the courses selected Is the only requirement for enrollment in the Correspondence Department. Course ere offered in the departments of Botany, Debating, Economics. Education, Electricity, English Literature, English Composition, History, Mathematics, Mechanical Drawing, Physical Education, Physics, Physiology, Sociology, and Surveying. Write to the Secretary of the Correspondence School, University of Oregon, Eugene, information and catalogue. Courses in Residence at the University prepare for the Professions of Engineering, Journalism, Law, Medicine and Teaching, Fall semester opens Tuesday, Sept. 17th. Address the Registrar for catalogues descrip tive of the College of Engineering, the College of Liberal Arts, the Schools of Education, Commerce, Law, Medicine and Music Burns iYleat Market H. J. HANSEN, Proprietor Beef, Pork, Veal, Mutton, Sasuage, Bolonga, Headcheese and Weinerworst, Etc. Wholesale and Retail Prompt and Satisfactory Service Your Patronge Solicited and Orders Given Quick Attention oTVJoil A i,Li cillUC