The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, August 31, 1912, Image 3

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    inuimiiiin ''lU'jufiMummiuMtnim hbb
ib Times-JJerald'l
lint The Largoil Circulation Of Any '
Newipaper In lUrnry County.
Loonl News,
Everything for hnyiiifr nt
Will Gates was in tho city this
Can you bent it? Chain har
ness $19.50 at Shelley's.
Link Hutton has boon in the
city a few days this weok.
Shoes at cost-latest and best
at James Smith's Shoo Store, op
posite Tho First National Hank.
Ed ErH has pono out to the
ranch to make some improve
ments. Mrs ErH and daiiRhter
remained in town.
Ask my customers whether I
do satisfactory repair work or
not tho price too. -W. 15. Shel
ley, tho harness and saddle man,
Tho Cottapo Inn serves an ex
cellent chicken dinner for 35c
every Sunday afternoon from
5:30 to 7:00.
Those eleRant moth proof
chests at ClevenRcr's are just
what you are lookinR for. They
are tho best piece of furniture
you could invest in.
Wanted Horses nnd cattle to
pasture, $1.50 a month per head.
Would take cattle on shares from
3 to 5 years, Address.
Edwin H. Gmffin,
40-43 Narrows, Oregon.
J. A. Robertson was in the
city during the week, having
come in with his wife who had
been visitinc him at the ranch
for a time. Mrs. Robertson left
for her home in Portland the
latter part of the week.
"I was cured of diarrhoea by
one dose of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy,'-'
writes M. E. Gebhardt, Oriole,
Pa. There is nothing better.
For sale by all dealers.
August Miller was in the city
from his home over on Calamity
during the week. Ho brought
in some very fine grasses for the
fair and left them with the sec
retary. Mr. Miller informs us
his daughter, Miss Emma, is now
head nurse in a hospital at Boise.
Exhibitors at the county fail
are urged to take particular jio
tice of how to prepare their ex
hibits of sheaf grain and grasses.
They may bring them in at any
time they find it convenient and
leave it with the secretary in Tho
Times-Herald building, who will
take care of them until the pro
per time to take them to the
J. W. Buchanan, John Eichner
and J. L. Lowe were in yester
day, the two former as witnesses
for the latter in making proof on
his land. Mr. Buchanan and
wife, with Mrs. Lester Hamilton,
have just returned from the
huckle berry patch over near
Blue Mountain Springs where
they gathered 40 gallons. We're
going out to see them.
Brings You
Best Results
First National Bank
Proper Protection
Try Us For
Get you harness of Shelley ho
guarantees them.
Cleaning and Pressing neatly
done by Schenk &. Williams.
Two mowing machines, a Dain
Buck and rake for sale. See
Geo. Fty.
Henry Goodlow and wife were
in the city yesterday, Mrs. G.
coming in to sec her dentist
C. T. Miller was in town Wed
nesday. Ho will soon move tho
family to their city residence for
Roy Bunyard has established a
lumber ynrd in Harney and is
prepared to fill orders there cs
pcially for rough lumber.
Satisfied customers and an in
creasing business HDeak for them
selves W. B. Shelley, tho har
ness and saddle man.
Walter Cross and Lawrece
Shcpard were among; those here
this week to meet Supt. Ucnran
of the State Water Board re
specting the adjudication of
water on their places.
Foil Sale Wood or posts in
the timber, or licre in town.
Leave orders at Lunaburg, Dal
ton Co. or Schwartz's. Satisfac
tion guaranteed.
Fkank Jackson.
Dysentery is always serious
and often a dangerous disease,
hut it rnn bo cured. Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrho
ea Remedy has cured it even
when malignant and epidemic.
For sale by all dealers.
from Ownn was down
Silvies Valley yesterday.
Best flour (guarantee) $8.50
bbl. llarriman Mercantile Co.
Any now hnrncss bought from
mo will bo kept in repair for a
voar free of charge W. B. Shel
Save your money by buying
your Bhoesat James Smiths Shoe
Sale. Closing them out nt cost.
.T. P.. Welcome & Son always
have mado their work good. Ask
their satisfied customers who are
Allie Dillard and Kemp Har
disty were in the city the first
of this week looking after their
water rights.
Pure bred Berkhiro pigs for
breeding, seed rye for early sow
ing, also some fine young bird
dogs for sale. Dr. Hibbard.
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Terrill nnd
Mr. Carlton nnd family went over
to Crane Creek tho first of the
week in tho lntter's car, to visit
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Carey for
a short time.
Wo are selling agents for tho
Harney Valley Improvement
Company lands, tho choice lands
of a 200,000 acre tract These
lands are on the market on n ten
year payment plan. If you wnnt
a good farm, investigate these
lands and terms.
The many friends of the old
pioneer J. II. Garrett arc glad to
see him able to be on tho streets
nftnr nn illness of many weeks.
His sister nnd brother, who were
hero visiting him from the east
have returned home.
In order not to carry over any
goods out of season, we are
now offering all our
Ladies and Gents
Goods At Big
All Ladies Dress Goods at Greaifer
Reduced Prices. Come in and
we will show you things
that will interest you.
- General Merchandise -
flasonlc Building,
- Burns, Oregon
A vast amount of ill health is
.i imrviirrrl ilipnstion. When
tho stomach fails to perform its
ftmntlnna nrrmnrlv Mill wllOlO Sys
tem becomes deranged. A few
doses of doses of Chamborlain s
Tablets is all you need. Ihey
will strengthen your uigeauon,
invigorate your liver, and regu
late your bowels, entirely doing
away with that miscrablo feeling
duo to faulty digestion. Try it
tnn titivR noun nerman-
n nnrnd wliv not vou? For
Bale by all ueaiers.
11. OS Round Trip, BEND to
SALEM, via Oregon Trunk Ry.,
for the Oregon state fair
September 2nd to 7th, 1912.
Tickets will bo sold August
29th to September 7th inclusive,
with return limit of September
11th. Through daily train for
Portland leaves Rend at G:30 a.
m., arrives Portland 5:80 p. m.
in same station with Oregon
Electric Ry., for Salem. Details
will bo furnished on request J.
H. Corbctt, Agent, Bend, Ore.
n n V. G Wnrwl in hnrn
UUli J. - ii w -
frAm Portland to represent his
clients in tho water adjudication.
Col. Wood has not been out hero
for Bomo time and naturally bccb
nhnntres. Ono thing ho noted in
particular is that less stock are
on tho ranges and that tho range
grass is coming back. Ho states
that President Fnrrell of tho
Harriman line3 in this stato told
him they would not atop the
railroad work across tho stato
until it is completed. Col. Wood
furMinr Hnld that tho election of
1 Wilson to tho presidency of tho
Attend the ball game today.
Everything of tho best quality
nt Shelley's.
Can vou beat It? Chain hnr
ncss $19.r0 nt Shelloy'B.
When In town call and seo mo
whether you buy or not, -W. H.
m. Fan wick is back from
Springfield to look after his wat
er rights before tho Wator Superintendent
James Smith wnnta to aeo you
at his placo of business whero ho
is Belling out his shoo atocK ai
cost. Big bargains for all. JUti.
Mm. ArMmr Elliott wife of
the architect on tho Bchool build
ing, arrived hero recently to join
her husband.
Ymir wlfu should not bo com-
nollod to stand over a hot cook
stove this kind of weather. Get
her ono of those tireless cookers
at Clovcngcr's. Go and seo
Supt. Cochran of tho State
Water Board has loft a setot
engineers maps at tno county
clerk's office whero they mny bo
inspected by thoso who are interested.
y T :,. TTntnViMaa nrul
Enid Cnwlfleld will join former
school mates at tho Stato Normal
nt Monmouth this year. They
will Wvo hero about tho 10th
of next month.
Mr. nnd Mrs. B. F. Campbell
aro down from their dairy ranch
nn F.mlcniiit Creek this week
lookinir after their water rights.
Tlmv will not move down for
nrliool until about the first of
People are warned against
dumping garbage on tho lands of
tho Oregon & Western Coloniza
tion Co.. lands in this vicinity.
Tim nltv haH n nlaco to dump all
such, and people should nsk if
Muv rln not know whero to dls
card garbage.
Jersey Heifers For Salo-I have
40 head of choice Jersey hciiers
which I havo just purchased,
mmrintrin litre foom 1 to 3 yenrs,
anmn pomlntr fresh at once. Will
sell at reasonable prices at
place 9 miles cast of Burns.
Ernest Kidd, the boy who was
reported dangerously hurt last
week from' n kick on the head by
n mule, is doing quite well ac
cording to Dr. Griffith. He sus
initiPil n donressed fracture of
tho skull and while it !b serious
the patient is doing very well
w,n. Hnnlov arrived home on
Thnmilnv nicht from outside
iminta where ho had been since
the Development League meet
ing at Lakeview. Ho was at
comnanied in by Col. Wood. Mr.
rtnniov ntnton nuite a number of
our neighboring counties would
send visitors to our county iair,
Mrs. Prince Glaze, daughter-
in-law of tho late Till Glaze, is
hero representing tho interests
of the heirs in the adjudication
of water rights. Mrs. Glazo is
nn nhl time f riend of Mrs, Bruss
tw,i mul is a guest nt their
i,nmn whilft here. She was form-
caly deputy county clerk of Crook
v R Miller nnd wife and the
rn-iinna lnft for Ashland Thurs
day afternoon after a delightful
visit with relatives and inenus
i,, Miis Vallcv. They havo two
cars and aro enjoying tho vaca
tion trin immensely, making
stops to suit their fancy. Frank
states they will likely spenu me
winter in Ashlnnd.
Mra F. E. Purington nnd
daughter Helen and Miss Bessio
Swain oxpect tp lcavo nojet wcqk,
tho formcrgoing toEugene where
Miss Helen will attend tho uni
versity for tho coming year.
Miss Bessio will resume her stud
ies at tho Stato Normal at Mon
mouth. Tho party will remain
in Portland for a few days be
fore proceeding on their journoy
i il, unlinnl (nwns. As BOOI1 nS
Miss Helen is settled comfortably
Mrs. Purington will return home
rx nn.l Mrs. Cal Gecr. ac-
nmnnnnled bv their daughter,
Mrs. Dr. Clymer and her two
children, arrived hero tho first
of tbis week from Douglas
county. They came overland at
easy stages and enjoyed tho trip.
These old time residents ot unr-
nnv county have many warm
friends among tho pioneer peo
ple of this section who aro giau
to welcome them. Mrs. Geer
has not been enjoying very good
health and thoy contemplate
spending tho winter with their
daughter in Arizona. Mr. Gccr
informs us his son Ralph and
family now resido in
Horse collnrn at JVC. Wclcc
& Son's $3.2G each.
Winona wagons are tho best.
For sale by Harriman Mercantile
If you wnntBngo brush grub
bed write E. E. Larsen, BurnB,
Remember W. A. Goodman Ib
prepared to roll your barley, bale
liay and saw wood. 37
Piano for Bale or trado for cat
tle or good gentle work horses.
Inquiro of W. W. Drinkwater, of
on u
"Horse collai'H nt J. C. Wik
& Son's $3.25 each.
Fresh homo made lard 17c. at
Hansen's Meat Market.
Tlorsn collars at J. C. Welcome
& Son's $3.25 each.
n'.. ., nr... ,.l,l,.lnti dinner from
5:30 to 7:00 p. m. every Sunday.
at the Cottage inn.
Orenco Fruit Trees
Grain Ruucrt Take Notice.
A Htmp.lnl mootlnir of Silvies
Rivnr Farmers' Union has been
called for Wednesday! afternoon,
Sept, 3, at 2 o'clock at which
some matters or parucuiar im
portance will oo orougni up.
Every member of tho organiza
tion is urged to bo present and
every grainraiscrof this section,
whnthni. n mnmhor or not is nar-
ticularly invited to bo present
42 J.'. U. JACKHUN, occy.
llurtu, Ortjon, Mat Mo 00349.
United Statu Land nrric
Dunn, Ottion, Jul M, ltf. I. I.-.-,. .t..n tliat lllrftM It tlatnt!
ton. hr O. K. Moulioo, ttorny to fcl. wbox
i,o. turtle d tiUrcil Ji I1W WiieoX llulldlnr.
'aMUml.Orrn,liM Ibla Wlhdir f Jul,1?!,
mt .... tu il.l. ..M ,.! .tihll..lljH tn !(, nn.
Hlim IU llll. tll'ilV Ml. j,.fc.i( w -
ikT tliMtol.lonof Hi ct ol ConrfDM, up-
km 31. T VDU.. It i K.. V.M.,Biiuthol Ml
hciir l.kf, 1 Ut I and BK)JNV)(. 8eo . T
V H.. It 81 K , W. M. , , , A ,
Ar anil all l'roni elalinln( advarielr ilia
Unil. deaoriiwi, or uninna io ouicci ntcuo
ol tho mineral character ol Ilia land, or (or
lit other rsaion, loth dlcpoaal to applicant,
ahutitd Hie their amdarlliof nroteet In Ihli
oni(, ennr before the 7th dafol Heptember,
Wm. ri, Itrgliter,
Kli't imbllcatlou Auiuit 1, 1111
l.aetpulillratlon Heptember Tf 18IJ.
Orcnco't Onc-Ycar-Old Trees,
with Threc-Ycar-Old Roots, in
Apple, Pcnrs, Pcnchcs, Plums
and Pruhcs, are Four to Six Feet
High, with Heavy Caliper, and
Strong Roots. Urcnco trees arc
grown under "Natural Condi
tions;" they ARE NOT irrigated.
If you intend planting any
trees this Fall; drop us a line,
giving a list of what you want,
and we'll gladly quote prices.
WE WANT a reliable, ener
jctic person to represent our
tra in Hnmrtv Countv. A lib
eral proposition will be made to ff
the right man.
Oregon Nursery Company
The 1200 Acre Nunnery
Orenco, - - . Oregon
We Keep a Record
For You
One of the advantages of having
a bank account is the fact that every
transaction recorded on the books of the
bank in connection with your account is
a record to which you may have access
if necessary.
Such a record often proves of great
value. Let us keep this record for you.
Harney County
National Bank
"Your Home Institution"
.,.,t,, uilioM tin in nntmccd in
tho box factory business and Ib
New Goods! New System! 1
Low Prices!
Having cut out the long credit
system, we are prepared to give
prices which will pay you to buy at
home. Remember, when you buy
at home you create a marKet ror
what you have to sell, no matter
what it consists ot, whether it oe
farm products, labor or legal ad
vise, you aon t neip your own cum
munity when you go outside to
trade; you don't' help the farmers
when you buy outside flour. Last
year many people sent away ana
went outside to trade. What is the
result? The wheels ot industry
at -1 1 ! 1 1
have been idle, no building, no dus
iness, no work, no market. Heavy
crops are being harvested and still
a large portion of the old crop is
nn hand. It is now time for the
people to get together if we want
prosperity at nome. iraue au uur
place if you can; if not trade with
our competitor, but I rade at Home.
Burns Department Store
5 General Groceries c
Select Can Goods, Fancy Groceries, Dried
Fruits, Tobacco, Confectionary, Coal
Oil, Feed, Grain and Produce
Special Inducements Given On Big Orders
Come To Us
Mowers, Rakes, Bucks,
Sickles, Ropes, Pulleys
Hay Forks, Extras etc.
Before Harvest
Perhaps You Need New
Binders, Threshers, Plows,
Discs, Wagons, Gas or Oil
Tractors, Belts, Oils Etc.
jpdr Remember The Place -tea
CLOSING OUT! 1 1 Geer & Cummins
Having decided to retire from
business in Burns, in order to de
vote my entire time to my farming
interest, I will close out my com-
nlete stock of croods at once and
Must Sell Quick
I will dispose of all goods at cost
for cash, consisting of the best
'i"ii' i miajMjriw 'i 'ii i-i " ip
Old and neiu patrons mill find best brands
Wines, Liquors, and Cipars
Good Service, Courteous Treatment
DROP I'M Main Street Burns, Oregon
The Sawhill Transportation Co.
Will Haul Your
Mens, Womens and Childrena Shoes, Rubbers,
Slippers, Oxfords, Boots, Shoe Laces, Polishes,
Hnirv. etc. This is a itood clenn new up-to-date
stock and one of the Best in Burns. Come in and
get first choice. Your chance of a life time now.
James Smith
Burns - - Oregon
Heavy and Light Freight
ixpress and Baggage
At The
And With 1 he
See Us For Particulars as to Rates and Service.
T tTm.a1 Oinfna fa rrtnpnlnl liv nil
doing well.