The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, August 31, 1912, Image 2

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You may have made up your
mind to order a new suit or over
coat for Fall and Winter wear.
You may think "Now where will
I order that new suit or overcoat
and what kind will I get?" Don't
let those things cause you the least
bit of worry. Come To Us
And Have Your Measure Taken,
pick out the goods that suits your
taste, and just leave the rest to us.
We guarantee every suit we make.
ond Thursday, making tho trip
In Mr. Dofcnlmuith's cnr. Tho
latter ma promised to tnko parti
cular interest in tho coming
county fair rind has promised
personal friondu ho would como
and soo them durlnjr fair wcok,
bringing his family and really
visit Hums. Ho will bo held
to his promise ns it is not right
that a progressive spirited man
of his makeup should not bo in
closer touch with this Bcction
and bo on more neighborly terms.
Schenk & Williams
ttf Leading Clothiers
I. O. O. Building, - - - Burns, Oregon
Ibc iwcs-?CUrnfd.
O.. Y..r
3U M.Blh.
TW MontH.
Will Give This Town Better And More
Direct Communication Than It Has
Had Means Much To Barns
'l). I). Defenbaugh, the mer-
73, chant prince of Denio, was hero
for a few days this week renew-
Suggestion In Rond Building 'ing acquaintances and greeting
oui ume inenus. jur. i;cien-
Judge Ellis of Crook county
made a good practical talk at tin
recent Development League
meeting at Lakevtew on pcrma
baugh is apioneerof this county,
having como from Missouri in
company with the Byrd family
in 1883 irtid has resided in the
nent road building that should be southern part of the county ever
given attention. He explained, 8,nco- Ho is one of the progres
what a change was made in his sivc men of this section and has
county with the coming of the n fine business.
railroads and that much work of Air. Defenbaugh was tho mov
recent years had bc"en wasted
from not observing the practical
ing spirit in getting a telephone
line to his town from Winnc-
side of the situation. Crook imucca, which has just been coin
county spent many thousands of plotcd by the Nevada Telephone
dollars on roads that arc not
used to any extent today since
the railroads have come.
He suggested that all perma
nent roads should be built lead
ing toward the new rnilroud
lines now being constructed into
Central Oregon. It doesn't ne
cessarily follow that main high
ways be neglected, but kept in
Co. and Air. Hugh Thomas of
that company accompanied Mr.
Defenbaugh up here to see if the
local telephone people would not
come to meet his line and place a
through mode of communication
through from this city to the
south. Air. Thomas met with
encouragement from Air. Fry,
manager of this line and ho re-
Excellent Fruit Crops.
W. II. Robins was in from his
Crow Cnmp farm during tho
week with a full load of plums
which ho disposed of successfully
In n very short timo to tho poo
plo of this city who aro showing
a decided proferonco for homo
grown fruit. It is right that they
should, as it is sold at a rcasona
bio price and is superior in many
respects to that brought in from
outside points. It has tho ad
vantage of ripening on tho trees
and with a shorter haul reaches
tho consumer in much better
condition. Besides, Hnrnoy
County fruit has an advantago
in flavor and keeping qualities
that makes it desirable.
As tho young orchards develop
it will only bo a matter of a short
timo when wo will raise all tho
fruit needed for homo consump
tion and tho peddler from other
localities will bo a thing of tho
nast. Then a vast amount of
monoy that has heretofore gono
out for such products will bo
kept at home. This will bo tho
means of keeping oven a greater
amount at homo as it has been
the custom of many In the past
to.go.nut for their own fruit and
in so 'doing they also load up with
other supplies which tho local
merchant is in u position to hand
le and which he can sell reasona
ble, thus keeping all the trade at
repair, as they will always be turns to Dcnio to put his crew at
used more or less, especially thru
out the settled and farming sec
tions, but the main avenues load
ing to established places on the
line of railroad should bo given
consideration, as those are th
roads that are going to be used
most in tho near future and will
be permanent highways.
This suggestion is one that
Bhould be followed in this county.
We are going to change tho or
der of things next year when
the railroads reach us and we
Bhould prepare for this change
work immediately to extend his
lino as far north ns Wild Horso
whero it will be connected with
the local line in tho immediate
Air.' Fry did not Btnto his com
pany would at once build from
Alberson, the nresent end of the
local line, to join the Nevada
Company, but assured Mr. Thom
as of the co-operation of local
people in the project which he
will investigate personally as
soon as he has the timo to make
the trip to that territory. How
and place the road funds to tho, over, Air. Thomas will not wait
best advantage.
Race Horses Arrive
For The Fair
Things have begun to liven up
around the fair grounds now
that the fair is not far distant desired by tho citizens of that
for this as ho has his crew at
Denio and while in the territory
will build that portion from Denio
up to Wild Horse, tho place where
it was tentatively agreed tho two
systems should meet and connect.
. This connection has long been
and the horses are beginning to
arrive for the race meet. Jack
Parker and Air. Howard arc lato
arrivals with good runners, be
sides several horses aro in train
ing together with some harness
horses. In all, over a dozen aro
now quartered at tho track and
the Fair Association is getting
the water wagon ready to begin
sprinkling tho track. They are
having some trouble getting a
gasoline engine to run tho cen
trifugal pump but if tho present
apparatus doesn't work they will
get machinery that will.
There is some talk nov of hav
ing another match race about
September 8th, and should the
match bo made there will likely
be a matinee as Boveral want to
try out their saddle horses In I a-o
fair time. Tho program recently
published has caused consider
able interest among horso men
and wo aro going to see tho larg
est string of racers hero that has
ever visited tho courso for fan-week.
portion of tho county as well as
the business men of this city. It
is a convenience needed in tho
transaction of business with tho
county Beat and land offlco and
will bo found a factor in bringing
that portion of tho county in
closoV touch with the business
interests of this city.
Tho local company should take
up this matter as soon ns it is
practicable, as it will bo of mutu
al benefit to all and no doubb a
profitable investment to tho stock
holders of tho company.
Tho party loft for tho south
Complications over Sidewalk
It has been found upon inves
tigation by the city authorities
that there aro still obstacles in
the wny of building the proposed
new sidewalk from tho gate at
fair grounds north to the new
school building. A remonstrance
was filed which to nil appear
ances was short of the necessary
frontage to defeat tho purpose,
but later it was found that the
school grounds, which were in
cluded in the former application,
had not yet been transferred to
tho board by L. Al. Drown. This
was an oversight on the part of
tho board and as yet they have-
no deed to tho property on which
the new school building is erect
ed, .lust what effect this will
have on tho proposed sidewalk
has not been determined.
Lost One bay gelding with
bell on, collar marked, branded Z
on left stifle and XX with bar
over on right stifle, ngctt nine
years. Weight K100 lbs., also
one blue gelding four years old,
weight 1100 lbs. I will pay ?10
reward for their recovery.
B. A. Hamilton,
10-13 Riley, Oregon.
Notice of Sale (if Real Property.
In the County Court ol the State of
Orcf! for Ilurncy County.
In tlic matter of tlic etntc of David S,
Graven, iIcccukiI,
Notice is licreliv ieii tliat under and
by virtue of nil Order of mile mude anil
entered in tlic above entitled court in
the mntter of the above entitled estate
on the Titli tiny of AtiKutt, 1011', I, tlic
undcraiuved, administratrix of the above
entitled estate, will sell nt private snlii
for cash in hand from mid after the Oth
dny of Sciteuilcr, 11)18, the following
dcscrilKil real projierty IkIoiikIhk to said
estate, to-wit:
A strip of bind 100 feet wide Ix-iiiK
HO feet in width on each side of the
center line of tlic main track of the
Oregon Himtvrii line of the Oregon
WnshiiiKtou Knilrond & Navigation
Company, n tho hiuiic is now located
and sliiluid over n till across the N'i, of
tlicSlilf. J,oU , ft undo, tlic SVJf)f
the rtWVl ol Sic 'JO, and the BKVi of the
SUM of See. J7, nil in Twp 215 S. Knnj-e
!J2 Is., W M., in llnriiuy county Oregon;
the locution of said cciitttr line of mil
rond lieuik' ns shown upon n certain
map described a Map No, 8 of the Ore-ffon-Hnslcrn
Knilrond Company, said
map ImvliiK been npproved by the Sec
retnry of the Interior if the United
States on the 20th dny m September,
1007, and bciiif,' duly llled in tho United
States I. mid olhcc lit Iliirns, Oregon,
This notice is published for n period
of four weeks in The TimcH Ilernld, a
uewspnerof-Kciicriil circulation in Ilnr
ncy County, Oregon, under mid by vir
tue of nn order of the Honorable Oram
Thompson, Judge ol the above entitled
court, Hindi- uud entered mi tin) Oth day
of August, 1012
Dated at Hums, iircgon, tins iiiuuiny
of August, 1012.
Administrntrix of the estate
David S. Oruves, deceased,
Portland Lawyer And Hotel Man Here
Sunday Enroule Across Continent
From Portland Oregon To
Portland, Maine
W. C. DrlBlol, tho well known
Portland nttornoy, and E. J.
.Torgenson, proprietor of tho
Lenox hotel of that city, wcro
horo for a short timo Sunday,
having como in tho evening bo
fore in Air. Bristol's Piorco-Ar-
row auto. These gentlemen aro
on a transcontinental tour from
Portland, Oregon, to Portlnnd,
Alalnc. It is not tho intention to
try for n record as they nro moro
ly out for a good outing and to
sco tho country, T hoy aro mak
ing it by easy stages, spending
ns much timo ns suits their in
clination at oycry plnco of in
terest Air. Drislol has mnny acquaint
ances in this place nnd visited
for a timo here. His friend, Air.
Jorgcnson, has bcon on many
auto trips with him, alto theso
have not been extended beforo.
Tho machine is a 1910 model nnd
GO-horso power. It is equipped
with every accessary that will bo
necessary for an emergency, in
cluding nn additional tank for
gasoline supply, a tnnk for wa
ter to bo carried over desert
places whore water is Bcnrcc, ex
tra batteries, a ship's compass,
thermometer, grndcometer, in
fnct everything possjbjo that
would assist in the trip.
Tho gentlemen oxplainod to
tho Times-Herald man that thoy
wore out for n vacation trip nnd
expected to bo gone nt least two
months. They loft Burns about
10 o'clock Sunday morning going
out by way of Vale, Caldwell,
Boise, on thru Idaho tho most
direct and best route. They
will tour Colorado, pass on thru
Nebntskn, Iowa, Illinois, Indinnn,
thenco on to Pittsburg, Harris
burg, Philadelphia, Atlantic City,
New York, Provitlcnce, Boston,
Portland, Maine; thoy will visit
the White Alountnins, Grcon
Alountnins, Bcrkshires, back by
Albany, Syracuse, Rochester,
then to Duffalo, whero tho Pierce
Arrow is manufactured. There
they will lenvo tho machine to
bo overhauled after making such
a long run and return homo by
rail. They anticipate a fine trip,
and as both nro experienced mo-
torista and enjov tho outdoor
life, there is no doubt thoy will
get all tho enjoyment possiblo
out of tho trip.
I. L. Poujndo was In tho city
Can you bent It? Chain har
ness $19. GO nt Shelley's.
Best canned corn $3.25 a case
Ilarriman Mercantile Co.
J. M. Hoffcditz nnd wlfo wcro
in tho city yestcrdny on land
Dry slab nnd pino wood $C.G0
and $7.00 per cord, cash only nt
Lumber yard.
K PniMVnnlnnlnif Am,. 'Il in
Air. nnd Airs. James Lnmpshlrc,
a daughter.
Do not tnko nny chances have
hay, grain or other property in
sured in tho Reliable Aclnn &
Hartford Insurance Companies.
41 Inland Empiiu: Ri:ai.ty Co.
F. E. Smith n son of tho lato ;
W. T. Smith, is hero from San j
Francisco looking nftcr tho estate
of his father. I
A recent letter states that Dr.
Marsden, who has been very ill, '
is improving slowly and ns soon
as his health will permit thoy
will return home. I
Clay Clemens mill is tho near
est one to Burns whore all kinds
of lumber both rough and dress-
cd can bo hnd. Near Canyon'
road. Call him by 'phono. '
'John G. South is in tho city, j
having como over from Junturn
to Bccuro n drivo of beef cattle
for tho railroad camps along tho
A now shipment of
We Claim to have one of tho Greatest Dress
Stocks of Ginghams in this part ol the state-it's
a hobby with us this season. We have a wond
erful assortment and the very best makes- we
Want You To See Them I
Luro AHHorLmoiili Of
Liulit'H Kiiitf Tailored
WjuhIh, Uio IJoMor Kind
And VvkvH Knno From
.75 cIh to $2.00
Tub Dresses
Our Tub Divhhoh Arc
ICnpi'-inll,y Suited For
Summer Wenr u very
Alodenile I'l'ieen
Our Display of Flaxons
For Summer Di-chhch h
iOxcluHivoaiid Huh h tlic
Divhh thai (liven You the
clean correct appearance
This great institution opens its
doors for the fall semester on ,
September 20th. Courses of all
those fa. ,n8irucuon mciuue: iicncrai Ag-
moua Mnrdon saddles just recciv-1 riculture, Agronomy, Animal
od by W. fi. Shelloy, tho harness Husbandry, Dairy Husbandry,
and saddlo man. Call and seo Hactenology, Botany and Plant
tncm- Pathology, Poultry Husbandry,
J. It. Stinson of tho Oregon & Horticulture, Entomology, Voter-
Western Colonization Co., has inary Science, Civil Engineering,
been hero this wcok with a dele- .f an S'W. m,CS;"
,, , .. , . cal hngineermg, Alining bngi-
gation of capitalists who nro1 ricorin(?. Highway Engineering,!
looking over the company lauds Domestic Science. Domestic Art,
with a view of purchasing. Commerce, Forestry, Pharmacy,
Thoy aro well pleased with this plgy. Chcmcatry. Physics,
.,, i Alnthematios, English Language
couniry. Jm(, ytcralure( public Speaking,
Tho Prineville baseball team Alodcm Language. History. Art,
arrived yesterday evening for a Architecture, Industrial Pedn-
series of three games with tho gogy, Physical Education, AHli-
local nine beginning this after- tary Science nnd Tactics, and
noon, thcro will also bo games Alusic.
tomorrow and Monday. They Catalogue and illustrated liter-
are a likely looking bunch nnd aturo mailed free on application.
wo are going to sco some well i Address: Registrar. Oregon Ag-
Welcome Pharmacy
Ice Cream, Candy, Confectionery,
Soda Water, Cigars, Tobacco,
Toilet Articles, Rubber
Goods And Drugs
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Try Us Out.
J C. WELCOME, Jr. Prop.
Air. Ira Davis and Aliss Lee
Poujnde wero married at the
homo of the bride on Cow Creek
Inst Wednesdnv. Only tho fami
ly of the brido wero present. Ira
is one of tho energetic young
business men of this city, being
proprietor of tho Capitol Barber
shop. He is a son of Jasper
Davis, one of tho respected pio
neer residents of tho county.
His brido is a daughter of Air.
and Airs I. L. Poujade, also pio
neer people of this county who
aro highly esteemed by their
mnny neighbors nnd acquaintan
ces. yHo young pcoplo start
married life under most favora
ble circumstances with the best
wishes of a wido circle of friends
for a happy journey through life.
Dr. Bnbbiddgo of tho Presbyter
ian church performed tho cere
niony. Tho young pcoplo will
make their homo in this city.
Vulcanizing at Gemberling's
I Can and Will Satisfy Your Wants
In The Harness and Satldje IJne. My
Motto Is "Right Prices and Best Quality"
and It will pay you to call and see me.
Special attention given to repair work.
Illsfwer Building, Burns, Oregon
Tho marriage of Earl W. With
ers and Aliss Edna Vickcrs was
solemnized in this city last Sun
day afternoon nt tho residence of
Air. and Airs. W. W; Drinkwnter,
Rov. Dr. Babbidgo of tho Pres
byterian church performing tho
ceremony in tho prcsenco of
homo folks. Both havo resided
at Harney Binco birth and nro
well known people of thnt place.
Thoy also havo many frionds in
this city who join Tho Tirnes
Hcrnld in oxtending best wishes
for a prosperous nnd happy wed
ded lifo. Thoy will mako thoir
homo pear Hnrnoy.
contested games.
Tonawama picturo shows are
receiving praise from those who
attend and the patrons aro in
creasing Good programs have
been arranged for tonight and
tomorrow night Orn Hill will
sing an illustrated song tomorrow
night Next week there will bo
but two shows, on Saturday nnd
Sunday nights.
! ricultural College, Corvallis, Ore.
School Year Opens September 20lli 1912
1 section, G-10 ncres, level un-,
improved sago brush land in
Harney Valley, canbosubirrigat-'
ed. 1G0 acre tract, fenced, good
house doon well and otherwise
Ed Fraser and family are back ! improved. Prices made to suit in-
tending settlers. No speculators
need apply. Inquire at this ofllce.
Clatsop Beach, Pacific Ocean
Low round trip fares are in effect all summer. This beautiful
beach stretches twenty-five miles south of the mouth of the Colum
bia River. Seaside and Gearheart have first class hotels, cottages
and camping places, surf bathing, fishing, mountain water, etc.
Low Hound Trips East
Throughout the sumnv-r, on the dates given below, round trip
tickets will be sold to tho points in the east shown below, and many
others nt the reduced rate.
from their trip across tho state
to Portland and other western
points. They spent yestcrdny
afternoon and last night in this
city, leaving this morning for
Ontario. Air. Fraser stated that
without exception tho best roads
ho hnd found in tho ontire run
across the state and back wcro
in Harney county.
Notice is licrcliy jjiwi Hint li. J Hi')
ley, lilts liccti 1 1 "I' iippointnl mliiumi
trutorut tlic estate of Ilnncy V, Ml-
I illcswortli, ileceitkctl, ly -the Coiit.t)
'Court of tlic County of llitrncy, State
i ol Oregon, mill linn duly qunlillcd ns
ITSELF, such; nil craons !miii clnims ngmiiht
ws? aasaaffliMfisEuaaseasESK
ijaa s !
Great Northrrt & Northern Pacific Railways
flit (utfitr nf vniil i1crrnki1 tin rrilitrril i TlnQtfUl
The sworn statements of Life, t(, vtCfnt tlcIlli vcrifltIi, required . Buffalo
Insurance Companies on file nt j,vinw, with tiiciinuier vouchers, to the Chicago
tho State Insurance Department, undersigned, u. j. iinylcy, ndministru-! Colorado Springs
Salem, show that In 1909, 1910, tor of the estate of iinrvey li. Middles- Denver
1911, Oregon Life tllO Only Life worth, dccenscl, nt tlm Crnnt County'
insurance company exclusively !n,,k, In John l)ny, Grout Optmly, Ore-1
Oregon, BOld more policies in Kon, within six nionths from the dntc of
Oregon than any other company, i thu notice. j
in luizuregpn ute is surpass- )nte, t,U oth dny of AnKut, ioui.
U.J. llAVI.HV,
Ailministrntor of thu Ustnte
of Ilnrvcy li. Middlcsworth
SI) i:i decenscd.
Omaha $00.00
Philadelphia 10S.50
St. Louis
St. Paul
ing all its previous records.
35 Agent.
More Hoga Received.
Another shipment of hogs was
received tho first of tho weok by
tho Hnrnoy County National Bank
for distribution among tho far
mers for breeding purposes.
President AIcKinnoy of that in
stitution states thcro is a good
demand for tho hogs and thoy
aro all engaged. IIo oxpocts to
got thorn in good .shape boforo
turning them over to tho farm
ers, howover, and tho last ship
ment was taken to tho mill whero
thoy will bo fed and cared for
until timo to send out to tho
1111 1.).,,
SD 1? f I A f
Atlantic City snoot' lMroit $S2.50
Baltimore 107.J0 Duluth G0.00
110.00 Kansas City G0.00
91.50 Alilwaukco 7250
72.50 Alinneapolis GO. 00
55.00 Alontreal 105.00
55.00 New York 10S.50
Dates of Sale
July, 23, 20, 29, 30, 81. 1912.
August, 1, 2. J. (5, 7. 12, 16, 23, 29, JJ1, 1912 y
September, !, 5, G, 7, 8. 11, 12, liO, 1912
Stopovers and choice of routes in each direction.
Final return limit October 31, 1912.
Train leaving Bend 0:30 a. m. Redmond 7:15 a. m.. connects d
rectly at Fallbritlc with
Fast Thru Trains East
Details of schedules, fares, etc., will be furnished on request
V. lz. COJUAN. General Freight nnd Passenger Agt,
II. B UKOL, Agent. Redmond, Oregon.
.1. 11. CORBETT, Agont, Bend, Oregon.
I rper Off For
J-cent 2 weeks
On Our Full Line Of
Half Shoes
-1 - i -i I, I,
UflVCl. Before You Send Away
XW M. & For New Boots, Call Anil
See Our Nice New
A Beauty In Design-Workmnnshlp Fine
1 bayles & Mcdonald
General Contractors and Builders
Burns, Ore, - Vale, Ore
Located at the Burns Hotel
We arc going to bring in GOO
From the Famous Baldwin
Sheep Co,, Hay Creek. Will
He Located at Alvard Ranch
After August 1st. Wool grow
ers desiring information by
mail may address the under
signed at Alberson Postoffice.
can ft ioib jnnom jbm. msmm i
lunulas nim J ' rw it Br 1 1 Jim nli 11 , Sii.r m.ImdmJ lm?
All t-rip ncMrg Jn Thf Timfg.HpM frn ft 7 HA
-;, -