)iiwiuwiuiiiiiui( tuamujij ""-mi'i.'i'-J L j,i.ij. mi Mumm tLiim in i mil WW Will ! nMttmmuttHtm W& Wimt :5uZ53BI J ..liJHI CITY OF BURNS COUNTY OF HARNEY The Biggest City In Tho Biggest County In Tlio State Of Oregon Tho Biggest County In Tho Stale Of Oregon, Best In The West efrftirnrniw VOL. XXV BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, AUGUST 81, 11)12 NO 42. ClU'Mt.m.'.HUI.ij'jmn in. .,..,., i. ,.,.. 'XTLtllSL I ill Iff SHOOTING TOURNMENT FOR FAIR WEEK Harney County Rod And Gun Club Preparing Program For Big Shoot With Neighboring Clubs Followed By Big Duck Shoot For Visitors A meeting of the Rod and Gun I como is n big duck shoot to bo Club was held at Tho Times HeralU office last Wednesday evening at which it was definitely decided to hold a two or three days shooting tournament in this city during fair week and invita tions will be sent to several out side clubs to come and partici pate. Details are yet to bo ar ranged but there will be a num ber of cash prizes besides one or more loving cups for learn con tests. The secretary has been in structed to order one of the late improved traps for this meet and everything will bo worked, out next week when definite program and arrangements will be completed and published. Among the clubs to be invited to take part are Canyon City, John Day, Prairie City, Baker, Huntington, Ontario. Boise, Nys s.u Winnemucca. Lakeview, Bend and Prinevil'e. One of the feat ures that will be a strong in ducement to the outside clubs to had at tho closo of tho tourna mont which will bo followed by a game banquet at which tho lo cal club will bo tho host This is one of the best duck shooting districts in all tho West and it has a reputation which is well known. Many sports will como in for this and there is no doubt of it being one of tho most enjoy able events of the week. Members of the local club are very enthuiastic over tho pros pects and ns Burns never does anything by halves when it conies to entertaining guests, visitors arc assured of tho best time possible. Tho Fair Associa tion is taking nctivc interest in the proposed tournament and with the general interest mani fested by the citizens of this city it should bo made a success. This is ono of several new and interesting fentures that arc to bo a part of the entertainment during fair week. Others will be announced as they are worked out and definitely arranged. HOW TO KILL THE GOPHER AND MOLE Put Expert Of The 0. A. C. Says The Problem Of Killing The Rodents Is Not A Simple Task Mr. W. S. Gunsalus, a farmer living near Fleming, Pa., says he has used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in his family for fourteen years.. and that he has found it to be an excellent remedy, and takes pleasure in recommending it. For sale by all Dealers. Vulcanizing at Gembcrling's. Bough and dressed lumber of all kinds now on hand at the Williams Bros. Saw Mill. Rough lumber 15 per thousand. i I have 500 acres of splendid pasture with lots of water, will pasture stock or will winter them if desired. Hay for sale. Inquire of J. M. Hoffeditz, one-half mile north of the Burko Artesian well. THE BURNS HOTEL DELL DIBBLE, Prop. Centrally Located, Good Clean Meals, Comfortable Rooms, Clean and Sanitary Beds First Class Bar In Connection. Give Me A Call ft 1 I Hhbh HI V TRUCKS BEND i BURNS l OI'EIIATINr. I'DIHI I'ACKAnn TBUCKH BEST SERVICE LOWEST RATES 4 Round Trips Each Week 4 Central Oregon Trucking Co. W. S. LOCKWOOM Mar. - - If. HOIIU, Ant. Burns Everybody Uses It! WHAT? Rexall Remedies WHY! TheyVe The Best SEE Our Display Window, No to tho Complete Lino Nutlilnir Hoi tor On Tho Murkot. Wo "Wo Carry. Want You To Como In And Lot Uh Show You Tho Best and Biggest Line In Burns, Try It. Rexal Drug Store REED BROS. Props. That it is no simplo task to get rid of gophers nml moles nml othor rodents is tho opinion of A. L. Lovett, post expert lit tho Oregon Agricultural College. Ho believes it is necessary to uso a combination of treatments rather than ono system. "In most cases ono will havo very good success during tho early part of tho fight with the poisoned bait. Fumigation with carbon-si-sulfid give very good success in newly formed burrows of the pocket gopher. This mothod is used extensively through tho middle west on a commercial scale and over largo fields. Whero tho application fnila it is usually duo to tho very extended underground burrows which occur in fields long infest ed. Tho carbon-si-sulfid is used at tho rate of threo to six ounces to each pocket. Saturating dry horse manure and working this down into the burrow is a very good method of application. Tho material may be poured slowly into tho hole direct. After treat ing tho hole, cover it thoroughly to hold in the fumes. Always bear in mind that carbon-bi-sulfid is as inflammable as gasoline. Do not open it near a hot stove, nor smoke while making tho ap plication. "When the number of pests are considerable lessened they seem to become wary of sucli methods, and then possibly tho trap will bo about the only way you can catch them. After tho trap ceases to be ofTcctivc, n small boy with a rifle will usually keep them down pretty well. This pest usually appears above ground at certain hours of the day and can be shot very readily "There are two methods of preparing tho poisoned bait. Ono consists of simply using pieces of carrot or potato or even raisins. Make an incision in each piece and slip in a crystal of strychnia sulphate. Tho burrow should not bo left uncovered in tho case of the pocket gopher; simply scrape away tho surface soil to expose the tunnel; tho bait may then bo dropped into tho hole and the soil replaced. "In the case of moles, a sharp pointed stick may bo pushed down into the uplifted earth around tho tunnel and the bait dropped in. Then simply tramp on the burrow to cut out tho light from below. "The other method for prepar ing tho bait with poison is as follews: Dissolve an ounco of strychnia sulphate in a pint of boiling water; add a pint of thick syrup and stir thoroughly. Scent this with a few drops of oil of anise. This mixturo is sufficient to poison a half-bushel of wheat or corn. Simply pour it over tho grain and stir vigorously. This grain, of course, should not bo scattered in exposed places where birdB and poultry would got at it "In tho case of traps, I do not know that any particular mako is to bo recommended. All of them have certain things which mako them, in tho eye of their manufacturers, a little superior toother types." WATER RIGHTS ARE BEING ADJUDICATED Superintendent Cochran of La Grande Spends Greater Part Of Week In Hearing Applicants For Water Rights And Giving Information To All Interested In The Work Tho hcaringlios begun for tho? Tho1 principles of water law aro LATEST DEVELOPMENT LEAGUE NOTES M'rom Our I'nrlliiml lirrniiiimleMii) TT STILL JOB AS BOOSTER adjudication Silvies River proofs of water rights is now progressing. Thoso proofs can of tho waters of easily learned but hard to apply. and the filing of! If ono rulo could bo put in force over tho wholo state, then tho adjudications of rivers would bo bo filed at any time before the easily and rapidly done. Cut 5th day of next December. If a each community has different claimant does not filo them whilo I circumstances and conditions, tho Superintendent is hero, ho each ditch or irrigation system can swear to them beforo a No- has a different history and it terior And Tells Of Many Changes Occuring In The Harney Valley tnry Public and mail them to Supt. Geo. T. Cochran nt La Grande, Oregon. Tho different steps that aro taken in tho set tlement of theso rights aro first, tho filing of tho proofs. After all theso proofs aro filed by tho various claimants, then the so- thcroforo requires a detailed knowledge of theso conditions and circumstances in order to render an intelligent and just decree. Tho description of land should bo checked over bo as to bo sure they arc accurate and tho number of acres in each forty- condstepis taken which is to; aero tract should be marked for open uio proois to inspection, tho amount of water to which When tho inspection period ar- ono is entitled dope .ds upon and rives, tho Superintendent will i proportionate to the number bring all of tho proofs to Hums 'of acres irrigated, and set a time for all tho claim-' ., ,, ,. .. , ,, ., ants to come in and examine his1 ' of all Uicbq neighbors proof to see whether water rights has brought a larBe or not it is right. If any proof :"UUH " "" XT"?" "V" is found wrong, then there are" "" ? "'" """i "'"L" .". firsr' ,u,,,uur ul Iin nuvu ucvu muu Willi Air. locnnin uuniitf uiu Addison Bonnet has a fine il lustrated writcup in last Sundays Oregonian showing some view of this city and telling of his re cent trip here. Ho is still as en thuiastic a booster for Harney county as ever only more so. The "old man" says some good things about us every time be comes and each trip shows him greater improvement and dcvcl- two ways of correcting it, bv tho parties agreeing to tho correction or second by filing a contest against the claim. A contest involves a trial just like a trial in court and tho Superin tendent then makes a decision on the question involved from evidence that would bo submit ted at the trial. In making up the proofs of claimants, it is ne cessary lor each claimant to be accurate and correct in his state ments, so as to be able to pass this inspection. In answering the questions, details should be week, but a number will tako advantage of tho 130 day limit, since it is found they can put in their claims in this manner be fore a Notary and mail them to the superintendent nt La Grande. Mr. Cochran explained tho work of tho board in a statement Wed nesday and since it has been ex plained our water users aro not bo 'concerned. However, it is necessary to havo the filings quite complcto and accurato as it thus avoids confusion and worry later. acre, dog gone it. Why lie about? And hero you will see wheat running over GO bushels to tho acre, barley as much or more, oats nearly 100. Irrigate? I am talking of dry farming now. Why did they not do this before? No transportation none now but they are getting ready for next year will .hold a lot over to help the Harriman people outt nnmnlll. Willi Ovnrv irwlinnlinn that his former predictions of our ,., Wol, any sane man would et fniiirnwpnm;n., iPn; w like me-sort of enthused-over .. wviiiiii VI U 111 AUl T . 11 1 many of them are now a reality. !'1G liar"ey .:a".ey' because mere In his recent article ho says in no omcr iikc it. Because tne .u.i-M "A ml flu. iTmnM Vnii,.., others are smaller-there are rr nnv nmti iin.i t!n,i i:.', tens of thousands of acres al to me the change of the last 16 ways '" ?'ht near,y as good months 1 would mv mllorl him some ot u Just as Bootl-as you a liar. Why, the whole valley is I)a88 on to Ul8 oafit Ifc would running over with prosperity. , tnke a coIumn ,n tho Oregonian Wlmt wnii it T nn! wmtn fn,- ti, to ne the valleys in these Oiegoniun about this wonderful three interior counties. There Threshing Has Begun. given and if the blank furnished by tho Board of Control docs not However, tho importance of give space sufficient, separate " aujuuicauou m uiu irngu shects should bo attached to tho tin water of tho Silvies River proof, giving in detail tho his- and tributaries has not been lost tory of your irrigation system, sight of even though tho farmers This should bo done in every in- found it more simple than they stance whero nossiblo and es- i" anticipated and each claim ncciallv so when there isnonues- nnt will put in his claim feeling tion in the blank that elicits the information which is desired to be given. Tho reason for this is to cnablo tho Board of Control to gain a knowledgo of tho irriga tion system by which tho claim ant irrigates his land and from that a knowledgo of tho irriga tion conditions of the rivor basin. that ho is going to bo given a fair deal and that it is tho bo ginning of tho end of litigation which has harassed tho people for so many years. Tho adjudi cations of tho State Board here tofore on other streams have proven very satisfactory and with such a reputation local peo ple can feel encouraged Thirty Years Ago Dance tho intention to have all tho old 1 time boys in for tho occasion, tho Aono-ntnnnla nr-n nmv In nw. flOOr bOing managed by 80nlC 01 Arrangements arc now in pro- , I. Foster, R. J. Williams, gross for a novel dancing party W B- Johnson, Leo Caldwell, at Tonawama in this city on tho l. L. Pomade. Jim Mahon and nicht of Scntcmbor 13th. It is I others will havo charge of tho to bo a danco of thirty years ago, with old time buckaroos in charge and tho music of thoso happy by-gono days. Tho gen uine dances of thoso days will danco which insures one of tho particularly enjoyable events of recent years. High heeled boots will bo worn whilo shirts without collars and oven coats may uo dispensed valley? Oh, yes; I said 'here "s ony one man wno can uo ll hes the future granary of Ore- William Hanley, and he knows gon." And I told the truth. A evory cow trai1 and every sluniP vallev of 1000 square miles, al- between the Cascades and the most every acre tillable every Snake." Any court would grant a di vorce to llio woman whoso bus-' band refused to buy her one of those fireless cookers at Clcven ger's. Mrs. Miller is at the I. Schwartz Busy Corner with a full line of spring millinery and is constantly adding to the stock which will be k 'pt up all during the season. Threshing machines aro now busy on this year's crop and up to tho present yields havo como up to all expectations. Harney county has a "bumper" crop of everything this season and tho farmers aro going to reap tho benefit. Movements aro under way to assist in tho disposition of tho crops of this senson which aro greater than over boforo and eomo were more or less concern ed about disposing of it at n pro fit This will bo worked out in tho near futuro and it is not like ly much will havo to bo held over, Should this bo necessary it will no doubt find a ready market in tho early spring as tho railroad builders will then bo within easy hauling distance of tho farmers and will tako all tho grain, potn- tvn nnA ntlinr aunh nrnlnofa nf- bo tho order durinsr tho creator with on this occasion. It is to part of tho evening and this will ho an exact dunlicato of tho rivn Mm vnnnrrpr o-onoi-ntinn nn I'lpncor times of thirty years ago g vo tho younger generation nn B,u HanIoy IInn Lovens. idea of how their parents used Mart Brenton and other old to enjoy life when they did not timo pioneer boys used to "Bwing havo a modorn orchestra to play j 'em round" nnd really enjoy for them and tho quadrillo wns.H.fc. More particulars will bo the main dance. Wm South ? of h 1 ft Jft "ffi will bo first fiddler, with n second country ia urged to attend as it nuuier yoiioooscicciea, noanjo, will ndd greatly to tno enjoy and A. K. Richardson will play mont of tho occasion and bring double-bass. back old times, besides givo nn Dell Dibblo will call, and it is 'opportunity for a reunion. In 1011 tho wo il clip of Oregon weighed 1(5,000,000 pounds, was shorn from about 2,000,000 Hheup, . and was sold for about $3,000,000 i During the same period tho I X;. Ti.mj.: i TO 1 state produced 000,000 pounds of, " " uiusieauiigiy in OUnaay S Ure mohair, worth $240,000. Goals rmnin CiC U: T . T T- T havo been found nearly valua-, gonian Ut HlS Kecent i.np I O In bio for clearing brush land as for producing mohair. In 1011 Oregon produced 72,000 bales of hops, worth $1,000,000. Tho production was only half that of a few years ago, but prices hnvo been extremely good. ' In 1011 Oregon produced poul try to tho extent of 0,000,000 birds, having a value of 87,000, 000. During the same year the state produced 32,000,000 dozens of eggs, valued at $9,000,000. The noultry business is still an infant industry. In 1911 the Oregon potato crop was tho greatest ever known, very nearly approaching tho G, 000,000 bushel mark, with a value, to the growers, of over $4,000,000. In the snme year, onions were grown to the amount of about 175,000 bushels, worth $212,000. The bulk of this crop is produc ed within a small area, beimr grown almost exclusively on what is known as "beaver dam" land. In 1911 Oregon produced $3, 400,000 worth of butter, but in order to supply the demand, at leart three times this amount was shipped into the state from other sections. In 1911 Oregon dairies produc ed 17:000,000 gallons of milk and cream, having a value of $4,000; 000. The product is gaid to be tho cleanest nnd most wholesome of that of any state. In 1911 Oregon produced 5,000;- 000 pounds of cheese, valued at $758,000. The mialitv is the verv lest Los Angeles uses more Oregon cheese in feeding its tourists than of all othor kinds combined. Tho standing timber of Oregon is estimated at 451,000,000,000 feet worth on the stump $080, 000,000, nnd when manufactured into lumber it will bo worth $G, 500,000,000. The timber covers approximately 25,000,000 acres About one-half is in national for ests and the balance under pri vate ownership. In 1911 4,123 head of livestock was raised in Oregon, valued a' $87,854,000. Among meat ani mals, the production of hogs has increased faster than that of cattle or sheep, duo for tho most part to tho cxrtomcly high prices that have prevailed for the past two years in the coast markets. The fruit crop in Oregon in 1911 was worth over $4,000,000 in cash. The greater part of this sum was received for apples, this staple commanding the highest prices both nt homo and abroad. Next to apples, peaches nro the most important ft uit in tho state, last year's crop selling for $523,- 030. Pears wero sold to the val ue of $300,000, being an average of nenrly $1.50 per box. Cher ries, prunes.loganberries, grapes, strawberries, etc., helped to swell tho sum paid to farmers and orchnrdists during the year. About 300,000 pounds of English walnuts wero produced, valued at $45,000. Buy a Farm and make it pay for itsi If. The choice farm ing lands of Harney County. For sale on binall payment and ten years time at 4 per cent in terest. The lands of the Harney Valley Improvement Company are on.the market on these terms without reservation. First ap plicant gets his choice. 37 MOTHERSHUAD & DONEGAN. THE FRENCH HOTEL JOHN R. WALKUP, Prop. Strictly First C1&SS. Splendid Service, Fine Accomodations, C.mmerci&l Headquarters Sample Room In Connection, Reasonable Rates rasaa FummMrrrarrarsra iSffffK 1 C. M. KELLOGG STAGE CO. Four Woll Equipped Lines. For Trnusporation of .Mail, Prairie City to Hums. Hums to Diamond I'Xcollqat Facilities l'A press or Vnlc to Burns Hums to Venator Ono of tho most common ail ments that hard working people aro afllicted with is lame back. Apply Chamberlain's Linimont twice a day and mnssago tho 'parti thoroughly at each applica tion, and you will get quick re lief. For salo by nil Dealers. Harney County Fair HTSWE KKbWlRNCKSt Reliable Citizen otllaiiitu Count u The Inland Homestead Locations Empire Realty V. TrLKBTKIt, Mangor mmBTTOTawiTiirriin .120ACUH IIOMI.SII ADS KUI.INQlilbllMI NTS Dl.l 1)1 I) I.AM) Howard Kellog, Agt, Burns. 33Sft3333S: 'S I TO BEND AUTO STAGE BURNS-BEND CON w Superior Service - - Quickest Way SPECIAL ROUWD TRIP FARE pli-asurij kii)u op i:inin hours to railroad II. HOIIU, Agent, Burns Gnrng, Burns, Oregon XtSSBJOSSiSSSBSLXSd KOBHtacsasssBsaasa Company Wo repreiuiit that which m routed nml rollnhle. Wo handle all klnda olHeal Kutato mutton Willc your laud Qllng papora or othor It-gal laud paptracorrortly and ipilckiy., VK WANT YOUR FIUH INHUIlANOIt MUBINK8B j wu ippretont twooj tho itrongoH companies In Aroerlpn-TUK AKTNA A IIAUTKOKD CO'S. Llatyour property with u, for aalu or trade. IN VKHTIQATB OUlt HOBJNKBS MKTHODB AND PAST BUGOHBH. You ttuit u, wo trust you. Aek our Cllontu. Call and ice ui. WATCH THIS SI'ACH 80' Acres Irrigated much In DoIm Valley, to triido (or a kochI rimcli In Harney county, clear of inuimhcninci- undcr government ditch. Let Us Hear From You What Yon Have To Trade. We Trade Anything, Anvwhere. SRG US NOW 1 SISSSCCSIiBBHHHHBBIH Slas-ket I Bums Nlestt H. J. HANSEN, Proprietor Beef, Pork, Veal, Mutton, Sasuage, Holonga, Headcheese and Weinerworst? Etc. Wholesale and Retail Prompt and Satisfactory Service Your Patronge Solicited and Orders Given Quick Attention 'good prices. Ktsatxsamsai