The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, August 17, 1912, Image 3

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Kb Tiraes-JieralcU
IUt Tha Ltrgett ClrcuUtion Of Any
Newtpnper In llrnry County.
Look Here!
Locml News.
ftvnrvihtmr for ImvillK at
Horae collars at .1. C. Welcome
& Son's $3.25 each.
Adam Geanro was in the city
yesterday on business.
Florsheim Shoes arc thobesl
wo carry them.
Scur.NK & Williams.
Ferd Tipton was circulating
nmonjr his many in Hums during
the week.
Winona wnirons are the best
For sale by Harriman Mercantile
Cleaninjr and Prcssinjj neatly
done by Schknk &
Second hand saddles of all
kinds at Shelley's Shop, $12 and
C. F. Croxton and Mr. Albrit-
ton were in the city this week
looking after business matters.
Shoes at cost-latest and best
at James Smith's Shoo Store, op
posite The First National Bank.
Sylvester Smith was a business
visitor during the week. lie re
ports crops and stock fine in his
Ask my customers whether I
do satisfactory repair work or
not the price too.-W. B. Shel
ley, the harness and saddle man.
Wanted Horses and cattle to
pasture, $1.50 a month per head.
Would take cattle on shares from
3 to 5 years, Address.
Edwin H. GiurFiN,
40-43 Narrows, Oregon.
W. S. Lockwood and wife wore
over from Bend this week looking
after their auto truck business.
The trucks are making good time
these days and handling a vast
amount of freight. The wagons
are also hauling much freight
from that point.
..... . , S
Lloyd Johnson was in irom
Lawen Wednesday. He states
that the hay crop will not bo so
large down there this season ow
ing to the higher water invent
ing cutting some ground that had
formerly been harvested. Lloyd
was here to contract stacking
some hay for the P. L. S. Co.
J. E. Johnson received a phone
the first of this week stating
that Claud McCeo had arrived in
Baker with the horses in good
shape and further that a race
meet would be held at Union on
the 21st of this month. Mr.
Johnson went out to take charge
of the horses and promised
friends here he would keep thorn
posted as to what the horses did
on the race circuit.
F. P. O'Neill and Miss Mab
O'Neill, step brother and halt
sister of Frank Jackson, were
here for a few days this week
from their home in Malheur
county. This is the first visit
either had made to this section
and they were agreeably surpiis
ed to find such a big territory
and such fine crops of grain.
Mr. O'Neill the father, who is so
well known to the people who
formerly traveled over the Burns
, Ontario route has gone on a visit
to Ireland.
Best Business
Better Facilities
Biggest Surplus
3 Good Reasons
For Handling
Banking Accounts
Call And Investigate The
First National Bank
Burns, Harney County, Ore.
Best canned corn $3.25 a case' Vulcanizing at Gemberling's
Harriman Mercantile Co. Best flour (guarantee) $8.50
A large stock of wall paper at bbl. Harriman Mercantile Co.
Lunaburg, Dal ton & Co's. gomo ci,0icc bargains in second
Read theclosingout sale of the hand saddles at Shelley's.
nonular shoe store run by James A lmrnnsa bouurht from
Smith, in his new ad. vVill be kept in repair for a
T-Vnnk Foster is over from Sil- vear free of charge W. B. Shel-
ver Creek in company
with his l0y,
grandmother ami uncie, mra
S. Hutton and son Tom.
Satisfied customers and an in
creasing business speak for them
selves -W. B. Shelley, the har
ness and saddle man.
Mrs. Edward Southworth left
for her homo in Bear Valley last
Sunday morning. She has been
at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs C. A. Sweek, for sever
al weeks.
For Saw: -Wood or posts in
the timber, or here in town.
Leave orders at Lunaburg. Dal
ton Co. or Schwartz's. Satisfac
tion guaranteed.
Fiiank Jackson.
Mrs. Win. McGinnis accompan
ied hersistcr Mrs. Ed Southworth
to her home in Bear Valley last
Sunday. Mrs. McGinnis will re
main in Grant county this winter
1 .-.!. .11 4ins.ll
W1HTU BIIU Will n.M... 1
A. C. Volmer and wifo were
in the city from their home near
Iron Mountain during the week.
Mr. Volmer is one of the suc
cessful dry farmers of the neigh
borhood and last year carried off
several premiums at the county
fair. He may duplicate it this
I" 'X83DCB I
In order not to carry over any
goods out of season, we are
now offering all our
Ladies and Gents
Goods At Big
All Ladies Dress Goods at Greatly
Reduced Prices. Come in and
we will show you things
that will interest you.
- General Merchandise -
Hasonlc Building, - - Burns, Oregon
Save vour money by buying
your shoes at James Smiths Shoe
Sale. Closing them out nt cost.
Afi-o .T Tf ttniild returned last
Omwlnv frnm fl visit, with mllltlveS
and friends in the John Day sec
J. C. Welcome & Son always
have made their work good. Ask
their satisfied customers who nro
boun-Auk. 8. to Mr. and
Mrs. John Marshall, at Harney,
a daughter. Dr. M. Hand of
Lawen in attendance.
Pure bred Berkhirc pigs for
breeding, seed rye for early sow
ing, also some fine young bird
dogs for sale.- Dr. Hibbard.
T linvn r.OA nnrfS of Hnlcildid
pasture with lots of water, will
nnntnrn nlnckorwill winter them
if desired. Hay for sale. Inquire
of J. M. HolTeditz. one-half mile
north of the Burke Artesian well.
Joe Vandernool brought in
some fine snecimens of grain to
this office this week that he had
raised out 35 miles southwest of
this city. Oats, barley, bearded
wheat as well as "Little Club"
that are well filled and of good
heighth. DaIUh lrtff lrsiulnfrlnv
uuuuy i uuu iuii.ji.oiwuj
morning for Princville in the
Hanley car accompanied by Mr.
and Mrs. Irving Miller, who are
on their way to Portland where
they will make their future home.
Addison Bennett of the Orcgon-
ian also went with him.
Archie Forkin was in yester
day from his Silver creek home.
Ho has just completed stacking
hi crrnin and had intended bring
ing somo into this oflico but left
in a hurry. Ho will save Home
for the fair, as ho has somo good
grain raised on his dry farm.
A. E. Fraser, the popular man
ager of tho Malheur Mernntilo
Co., at Ontario, nrrived hero last
Saturday with his family and
Mrs. Gilbert, his wife's sister.
They came over in Ins car anu
uni-n nnrnnfn In tho. POflHt where
they will spend somo time. They
remained in this city a ihort
time and called on their many
Buy a Farm and make it
pay for itsolf. Tho choico farm
ing lands of Harney County.
Vnr h1o on small navment nnd
ten yeais time- at 4 per cent in
terest. Tho lands of tho Hamoy
Valley Improvement Company
are on the markoton these terms
without reservation. First ap
plicant gets his choico. 37
Motiii:usiii:ai) &DONKOAN.
A vast amount of ill health is
duo to impaired digestion. When
tho stomach fails to perform its
functions properly tho whole sys
tem becomes deranged. A few
doses of doses of Chamberlain's
Tablets is all you need. They
will strengthen your digestion,
invigorato your liver, and rcgu
lntn vnni. lmwnln. nntirfilv (loinc
away with that misorablo feeling
duo to faulty digestion. Try n
Mnnv ntlinra hnvn been norman
cntly cured why not you? For
sale by all Dealers.
Horso collars at J. 0. Welcome
& Son's $3.25 each.
You should inspect tho lino as
sortment of Wall Paper at Luna
burg, Dalton & Co's.
If you want sage brush grub
bed wrllo E. E. Larson, Burns,
Uemember W. A. Goodman in
prepared to roll your barley, bale
liny and saw wood. 37
Piano for sale or trado for cat
tle or good gontlo work horses.
Imiuiro of W. W. Drinkwater, of
itov VnnWinklo of tho Abstract
Co. has returned from a vacation
trip to Portland and olhor oul-
sido points.
Tlios. Hutton and hirt mother
are over l rom - tnoir nomo ai
Wagontire, registered at the
French Hotel.
James Smith wants to see you
at his placo of business whore he
is selling out his shoo stock at
cost. Big bargains for all.- 39tf.
lIJrtiiM A Wnunrlv Allir. II.
to Mr. and Mrs. James Paul, a
daughter. Dr. Hand of Iiwen
reported this birth to The Times-
A meeting of the Ladies' Aid
society of the Presbyterian
church will be held at tho home
of 'Mrs. Win. Farre on Aug. 21,
nnd all tho members are urged to
Mr. W. S. Gunsalus, a fanner
living near Fleming, Pa., says he
has used Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
in his family for fourteen years,
and thnt he has found it to be an
excellent remedy, nnd takes
pleasure in recommending it.
For sale by all Dealers.
Jersey Heifers For Sale I have
10 head of choice Jersey heifers
which I have just purchased,
ranging in age foom 1 to 3 years,
some coming fresh at once. Will
sell at reasonable prices at my
place 9 miles east of Burns-John
Fresh homo made lard 17c. at
Hanson's Moat Market.
HorHii eollnrH at J. C. Welcome
& Son's $3.25 each.
llmiM Tn Mr. nnd Mrs 0. E
McPlieelers, August 15. a son.
rIVv fi !IK iilileltfin illntior from
K'.'Mi in 7!iin t. in. ovnrv Sunday.
at tho Coltago Inn.
Two mowing machines, a Haiti
Buck and rain for sale See
Geo. Fiy.
In tlic Circuit Com Lor the SlntcofOic
Kon, for If jirncy County.
Chin ten K. I'ctcreon, iitnlutlir
J. K ( hmiiIiikI'iiiu nml liiiity
N. Meiftiicr, tlcfcmlmiln.
To J, K. Ci IiikIwuii, line of llienljuvr
immtd ilcfcmlnntK:
In the iifiuic of the ilul "f Oregon,
you nrc lirreiiy iciiilied to iippeMr mifl
iiinu.'r (lie cnniiilniilL filed Hiftil"l roll
in Hie iilmir entitled n li' n on or hefnre
vicu. riy. . .... ,.. .....
., ,, ., r.,.n i,' thn lint iliiy of the time irecnlel in the
' Corey Smyth and family lavo vJWmlUlU f ,',,, ,, ,
been in the city for sovc nil days ,ie 8Ul.llnyilffc,.
having somo den al work done) .i,i,iie ui,.irtiici.ifn-
Your wife should not bo com
nellcd to stand over a hot cook
stove this kind of weather. Get
her one of those tireless cookers
at Clevenger's. Go and see
Dave and "Hcnen" Miller
were here the first of this week
to secure a new binder with
which to harvest thtSir 'grain.
For the last few years tho grass
hoppers and rabbits have saved
the boys that job but this season
tlioy have a fino crop.
Mrs. Grace B. McIIoso will
open her music studio for tho fall
and winter season, Monday Sep
tember 2nd. Those desiring to
enroll in her classes may see her
... 1 1 - I il
on Tuesdays anu rriuays inru
this month, to arrange for hours.
Voice, Piano, Technique bigni
singing. '10tf
Lost Ono bay geldingj with
hell on. collar marked, branded Z
fm loft Btillo nnd XX with bar
over on right stifle, aged nine
years. Weight liiuo us., also
one blue gelding lour years oki,
weight 1100 lbs. I will pay $10
reward for their recovery.
B. A. Hamilton,
40-43 Riley, Oregon.
C V TJnvInu nf tlio nnntrnftitiir
mrm of Bayles & McDonnld, who
have tho school nouso contract
here, is in tho city, accompanied
by Architect Elliott. Tho work
on tho building is progressing
very well although they have
been delnyed to somo extent by
tho non arrival of material.
Tnimwamn nicturo shows have
been started tl
and viBiting friends
Chnrley. the little son of Mr.
and Mrs. J. C. Welcomo Jr., un
derwent an operation tho first of
this week and is recovering
G. W. Clevongcr tnkos this
means of expressing his sincere
thanks to the fire men and neigh
bors who worked so heroically to
save his homo from fire last Wed
nesday afternoon. Ho is very
grateful and hopes it will not ho
necessary for him to do a like
servico to repay it.
Prof. W. M. Sutton and wife
arrived hero yoterday evening to
remain pormantly. Prof. Sut
ton hns been elected principal of
IJio public school of tills city and
lias come on to familiarize him-
Sell Willi IIIU ttllUUUllll uviuiu lin-
suming his duties the first of
the month.
Among those who are going to
Lakeview for the development
congress from this city are: J. J.
Uonegon, who win no accompan
ied in his car by Sam Mothers
head, Win. Farre and Judge
Lovcns; C. W. Iggan, who will
take J. E. Loggan and J. C. Wel
come Jr., and possibly Mrs. Wel
come; C. F. McKinny, accom
panied by Mrs. McKinney, Misses
Helen Purington nnd Glnyds Hol
land and L. AI. Brewn: Sheriff
Richardson and wifo and I.
Schwartz and wife: Win. llanlcy
Mrs. Hanley, Mrs. H. C. Levens,
Misses Drusa Dodson and Louel
Smith. C. H. Leonard, L. R.
Brcifhnupt, Mr. and Mrs. I. S.
Geer and others want to go but
are not sure they will get away.
Scries of Base Ball Games.
Manager Jay Gould of the local
base ball team informs The Times
Herald that a series of three
games has been arranged with
Princville in this city on Aug. 31,
Sept. 1 and 2. The bovs have
been trying to arrange for some
games with outside teams for
some time and ow they have
secured one of the best teams
in Central Oregon nnd we may
look forward to some classy ball
Tho sworn statements of Lift
Insurance Companies on file at
the State Insurance Department,
Knlnm. nhnvv thnt In 11)00. 1910.
1911, Oregon Life the OnlyLife
insurance company exclusively
Oregon, sold more policies in
Oregon than nny other company.
in luizurcgon uieis surpass
ing all its previous records.
E. C. Egom:ston,
35 Agent.
Icinhtr 11)12 i-niil ilntc luing the expira
tion of nix uel from the firnt publica
tion of thin riiiumonii, nml II you fail
to nonenr nml nuiwer. foi wntit lhlcof,
plnlntiir will npply to the court nml !e-
inuiiil jiulKineiit HKiiint you noil tlif
other ilefctiihilll for the mini of nevtntccil
liiiMilml nml Uilu- ilolliiiH fiiiilileeu
ernlH, witli liiteimt on the mini of$ll0(
nt the rule of leu per cent. ier minimi
fioni Julyil, 11)1.'; nlo foY the mini of
$160 attorney fee, nml lohIm nml ill
liurreiMcntn of thin action.
T'iId Miimnon ixpiililiilicil liy onter of
(irnnl riioiniMou thcjCotnity JiiiIkc of
Iliirniy Couul), Okhhii, inmlu nml en
tercil the fith iluy of Annual 1012, nml
(he ilntcof thcllml publication of thin
Mimiiioin is AiiKU't 10, HI la.
O, A.,
III) tn Attorney of Plaintiff.
The Cottage Inn servos an ex
cellent chicken dinner for 35c
every Sunday afternoon from
5:30 to 7:00.
We are selling agents for tho
Harney Valley Improvement
Company lands, the choice lands
of a 200,000 acre tract. These
Innils nrn nn tho market on a ten
year payment plan. If you want
a good farm, investigate these
lands and terms. 37
MoTiir.usiinAi) & Doni:c,an.
Orenco Fruit Trees
Depositors recommend the facil
ities of the Harney County Na
tional Bank to friends or no I
quaintanccs wc shall be pleased
to have "them mention particu- J
larly that the officers of this in- l
slitution arc always glnd to give
their personal attention to the
needs of patrons. Also that wc
place our entire equipment at
the disposal of every customar.
Harney County
National Bank I
I Your Home Institution J II
J General Groceries
Select Can Goods, Fancy Groceries, Dried
Fruits, Tobacco, Confectionary, Coal
Oil, Feed, Grain and Produce
Special Inducements Given On Big Orders
Orenco's Onc-Ycar-Old Trcco,
with mrcc-ienr-uia iooi, in
Annie. Pears. Peaches. Plums
nnd Prunes, arc Four to Six Feet
High, with Hcnvy Caliper, nnd
Strong Roots. Orenco trees arc
grown under "Natural Condi
tions;" they ARE NOT irrigated.
If you intend plnnting nny
trees this Fall; drop us a line,
giving n list of what you want,
and we'll gladly quote prices.
WE WANT a reliable, ener
jctic person to represent our
trees in Harney County. A lib
eral proposition will be made to
the right man.
Oregon Nursery, Company
Tin- 120(1 Aero Nursrry
Orenco, - - . Oregon
v- - ,. y
Viiiiniiiiiiir mi ' iiiinmiiii
1 " "
Come To Us
Mowers, Rakes, Bucks,
Sickles, Ropes, Pulleys
Hay Forks, Extras etc.
I Can and Will Satisfy Your Wants
In The Harness and Saddle JJnc. My
Motto Is "Right Prices and Best Quality"
and it will pay you to call and sec me.
Special attention given to repair vork.
Hissncr Building, Burns, Oregon E
:da week nnd from
nn rnmilnr tthowfl will bo
irivon mich week tho house is not
othorwiBO occupied. Tho pictures
have not been as plain as tiesircu
1... in nioiiiirrnninnt VAf Milt fllP
proper adjustment of now lonso.1
screen, otc, inKos some nmo anu
cxperimentiiur. However, this
will bo adjusted in a short timp
ns it is tho intention to tfivo pa
trons tho very best service possi
ble. Ab soon ns tho mannRO
ment enn Ret tho nocessary in
formation nnd connection with
tho best film servico tho pictures
at Tonawama will bo tho host
that can bo seen in any house in
the west.
MAiimr.n Iiiist Mondav after
noon, AtiKUst 12, at tho homo of
tho briilo'B brother, uaipn ni
burd, Mr. Joseph Laudreau and
Miss .Insnhino Hibbard. ttov. Dr.
HnbbidRO of tho Presbyterian
oluifnli imrlnrniinr tho eoromonv.
Hotli aro favorably known in this
section. Miss Hibbard beintr a
charminir young lady who has
many friends and ndmircrs in
this poetion whero sho has resid
ii fur Hnvnrnl vnnrfl. Wo under
stand tho younK couple expect to
leave in mo near uuure xor iin?
Williniotto Valley where they
will moke their homo. Tho wed
diiw was attended by four gen
erations of tho family, tho grand
parents of the bride, Mr. and
Mrs. Griswold, being presont as
was also tho baby of Ralph Hib
bard. Tho Times-Herald force
acknowledges a generous supply
of wedding cako sent in by Dr,
Kabbidgo which wbb thoroughly
enjoyed. Wo wish tho young
peoplo a prosperous anu nappy
1 married lifp.
i "SHMSi
Having decided to retire from
business in Burns, in order to de
vote my entire time to my farming
interest, I will close out my com
plete stock of goods at once and
Must Sell QMck
I will dispose of all goods at cost
for cash, consisting of the best
Mens, Womens and Childrens Shoes, Rubbers,
Slippers, Oxfords, Boots, Shoe Lnces, Polishes,
Hosiery, etc. This is a good clean new up-to-dnto
stock and one of the Beat in Burns. Come in nnd
get first choice. Your chance of a life time now.
James Smith
Before Harvest
Perhaps Yon Need New
Binders, Threshers, Plows,
Discs, Wagons, Gas or Oil
Tractors, Belts, Oils Etc.
tor Remember The Place -
Geer & Cummins
Old and ncui patrons mill find best brands, Liquors, and Cigars
Good Service, Oour.couo Treatment
ixIGP c Main Street Burns, .Oregon
The Sawhill Transportation Co.
Hi i
Will Haul Your
Heavy and Light 1 eight
Express and Baggage
At The
Ami Willi llio
Burns -
- 1
See Us For Particulars as to Rates and Service