V ii st 0 ai fe is ai ev hit ai rai am ifl 1172 IS I sid you und toe staj sinn tof shov and com warn outt If greal lives the w eral c i i I Thi weal same the w of th orders Heralt STJli mare left si Libera Hums, k JL FACTION .. Thai Is What You Want ttv And That WE AEE (GOING TO GIVE YOU ItHSSinMMH SHIRTS We have nil kinds of plain and fancy, in the latest correct styles. You will find they never rip or tear with any thing like careful laundering. Seeing is believing. Come in and have a look at our complete stock just unpacked. HATS . Come to us for your new hat and we guarantee to suit both yountnstc and pocket-book. We have all of the new stylish shapes and shades on the market. Our hats not only look well but wear well, and for the price, can't be excelled Call and See Us, Whether You Buy or Not SCHE1MK & WILLIAMS j ct Merchant Tnilors & Lending Clothiers t t Main Street Building, Burns, Oregon mm Ihc twes-cvafd. JUUAN DYRD, Manager SATURDAY. AUGUST 10. I9IZ SUBSCRIPTION RATES tercst of the Oregoninn, his par-' An Estimable Woman Dead ticulur obiect bointr to visit the1 V w - mw lit 1. - i :.;iww.lm,wfmJnn wnrlr !n flln . WMlOr U. UUSlOli CUCU at IIMI.IUIM. VVUUV4VIWWUI. SlVil. V..W . , ...... . . Kinvnn. Ho told n renraacntn. i "cr ,lome ,n tUls clti' yesterday :,..-. r t, ismn.Hni,i , afternoon Aug. 1G. after an ill- Mc .-nt., t,nf Ihn -nnetrnpfim, ' "CSS of allliOSt tV0 WCOkS. SllC ...,.l- ,o .ncaSim wmiriit. ,i ! first had nil attack of tonsillitius UIA iO tllVKIUiJOIIIh ttllllVtl J ttlll4 , , of most substantial character. O.. Y.r 31 Month . TW.. Month J 2.00 ami later a severe sore throat in , vnded the larnyx which caused her Silvies River Farmers Union. An organization of farmers in this vicinity has been formed and officered by substantial farm ers that will be of a great deal of benefit not only to the organ ization but to the community as well. The Silvies River Farmer? Union is the name adopted and from the manner they are start ing off they will be factors in many respec's. Frank Jackson, secretary-treasure of the organization informs The Times-Herald that it 1ms already proven a mutual bend t to the members and it has hardly been organized. For instance, it was found by a canvass of only a portion of the membership that they would need at least 1000 lbs of binding twine and by placing an order for such an amount it was secured at a much less price than by individuals buying se parately. Another saving will be in the purchase of sacks. Mr. Jackson states that he has made a canvass and finds that more than 6000 sacks will be required to take care of the coming grain crops and by placing such an or der he finds they can save al most half what they would cost individuals. Mr. Jackson explains that the organization is not framed to fight in any respect, but merely a mutual benefit and protection of its members. That no one is bound to abide by the actions of the organization so far as their individual affairs or inclin ations are concerned and that it is the purpose to work in har mony with the business nun and commercial interests of this tcc tion to the mutual advancemc nt of all. An inspection of the member ship roster and the officers jn convinces one of the pcrmam ncy of the organization and that it is one that will be a credit to the community. Mrs. Geo. B. Hopkings Dead. The very sudden death of Mrs. Geo. B. Hopkins, which occurcd last Monday, Aug. 12, was a shock to this community where she had resided for many years. She was at the hay camp of Aus tin Goodman in the H. C. Levens field where she was assisting Mrs. Goodman with the cooking for the hay crew. Mrs. Hopkins had not been complaining of any . tenii mnny 80eicty functiouH. but sickness to speak of and her sud- nevertheless had made many den demise was entirely unexpec- Wartn friends, ed. She threw her hands to her Deceased was born in the state head at the same time screaming 0f Washington but hud resided land almost at once became un- ;n this itnro fnr m.mv vrvira. htr conscious. Dr. Geary was sent , parents living in Marion county, down as soon as word could be sho was 43 yeors old. A sister brought to this city but she was Mrs. white, is expected here this beyond human aid. The physi- evening and we understand no cian thinks her death was caused 'npmntrf.rnnniQ fnr tlm fniwrnl will be made until ! death. It was a shock to her immediate neighbors and friends who were awaro of her illness but hardly expected it to termi nate fatally. Mrs. Huston was a estimable women highly respected in this city where she has resided since her marriage to Mr. Huston twelve years ago. She was one of the model home women who gave her family first eonsidcrc ation nil the time and did not at- from congestion of the brain. Her parents and one sister, Miss Etha, reside in western Oregon and they were at once notified and the mother and sister arrived here Thursday and the funeral was held that afternoon from the residence of Mrs. A. A. Cowing, Dr. the service. Some Outside Visitors. W. P. Davidson of the Orr-gon & Western Colonization To., P. S. Bickel of Twin Falls, and At! dison Bennett arrived here la-it Saturnay in company with J. It. Stinson of Prineville. They only remained a short time going on out by way of Malheur canyon, Mr. Bickel proceeding to Twin Falls, Mr. Davidson to Portland. Mr. Bennett returned this wy with Wm. Hanley and back to Portland by way of Prineville, Mr. Bickel was chief engineer in charge of the irrigation v jects at Twin Falls where ' writer had the pleasure of mol ing him three year ago. He ih a competent and reliable man. Wo understand he was hero as the representative of the same capit alists who financed the Idaho pro jects and they may take up de velopment work in this section. Mr. Bennett was out in the in- her arrival. The Times-Herald was unable to get much information respecting Mrs. Huston as Mr, Huston and little son went out of the city this morning and had not return ed when this was written. She is survived by her husband and Babbidge conduct-1 one son here and other relatives who live in Marion county. June Cavender Hopkins was i They have the deep sympathy of born in Illinois January 21, 188G f the people of this vicinity. and came to this state with her . parents when quite young and W. S. Lay the was in yesterday had resided in Harney county from his homo near Harriman, for a good many years. She was! He states he had a very good married to Geo. Hopkins June 21, 1 crop of ryo this season on his 1905 and leaves besides her hus- nlaco. band a little daughter. Her two brothers, Joe and Oscar Caven der, and a sister, Mrs. Lennie Vickers, reside in this county. Mrs. Hopkins had many friends in this city where she had attend ed school and mingled with the vniinfi nnnrtln timm nnt fit1'ir n!!- hood, who deeply mourn with ' Lindsay ,ScoH'ot ,Tml,'0 In(1 the family her untimely death. ' r sale y " Dealers. "Were all medicines as meri torious as Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarroea Kemcdy the world would be much better ofTand the per centage of suffer inc Krcatly decreased," writes WANTED! WANTED!! Frut Packers and Pickers Box Makers and Nailers All Kinds of Help Wanted at the IDANHA ORCHARD, NYSSA, OREGON Splendid Camping Grounds, With Plenty Of Free Wood and Good Water. Nyssa Grocerymen Call IHncfi Day To Take Orders From The Campers. Restaurant On The Grounds For Those Who Do Not Wish To Do Their Own Cooking. For Further Particulars Write W. U. SANDERSON, Nyssa, Oregon., or DENNEY & COMPANY Payette. Idaho. BUSINESS MEN OF BURNS ENTERTAIN C. It. Mrrrlck.Poilmmter of Portland ami N, A. Perry, I'rrsMenl of llie Oregon Kclall Merchants' Association urn Gurits of Honor Tho lUmlneHH Men's Club of this elty gave a delightful ban- (piet last night at the Masonic hall, tho occasion being tho visit of C. 15. Merrick, postmaster of Portland, and formorly secretary of the Oregon Retail Merchants' Association, and N. A. Perry, president of that organization. Tho gentlemen arrived Into last evening making tho trip in Mr. Perry's car. These gentlemen aro out on a tour of the state in tho interest of the organization, lending en couragement to tho clubs and urging organization wncro none have existed and are helping yery materially in bringing about bet tor conditions and a closer liar mony among tho men thus en gaged in business. While Mr. Merrick is not now ac'ively en gaged in business, his former association and active interest still holds him and ho is making this tour as a vacation to moot former associates and friends. Tho gentlemen will leave hero tomorrow for Lakeview where they will attend tho development congress and from that point will go to Klamath and Crater Laku before returning to Portland A largo number or tho mer chants of this city with their wives and clerks. President Miller of tho Commercial Club and tho newspaper men met the visitors at tho banquet board and after the repast several good talks wero made. Judge Miller in welcom ing tho guests reviewed condi tions here from his personal knowledge of somo 30 years, tell U)K of the methods of merchants of tho early days and what im provements had been made by tho more modern way of doing business. Ho spoke of the hos pitality of the people of this sec. tion and how it had always exist ed; of the sociability of the city of Burns and the interest taken in guests and strangers within our gates. Mayor (Jlovengcr followed Judge Miller with a few remarks. J. M. Dalton was called upon by Toast Master Geer to tell .some thing of tho organization of the Business Mens (Juiu in Burns and its objects. Mr. Dalton said the real cause of the organization, or rattier tlie motive tor it, was tho dadbeaL He explained how leople who would not pay their jills had caused considerable loss to the merchants of this sectton. especially as the merchants of this city had been in the habit of extending almost unlimited cred it: nnd that tho particular object of the organization and how a better understanding among tho business men proved of mutual benefit not only to the members but the general public as well. It is not an organization to raise prices or form a trust, but more for tho social and betterment of conditions in general. .N. A. Perry, president of tho state organization was next in troduced nnd spoke briefiy of the benefits of tho clubs nnd urged early closing so that the merchant and his help might enjoy tho pri vilege of their homes and social intercourse with their friends and patrons. Ho was followed with an excellent talk by Hon. Frank Davcy, who expressed tho approval of such an organization from tho standpoint of a news paper man and commended the object. Mr. Davey also spoke his approval of tho stopping of waste from the dead beat as well as tho waste of time in keeping lato hours by tho merchants. Mr. Merrick jravo an exception tionally interesting talk on what had been accomplished by tho state orjranizntion and tho benefi cinl legislation secured through their efforts. He named parti cularly tho puro food law, ped dlers license law, and others. Ho was proud to announce that tho suggestion of tho peddlers law was mado by the business men oi uurns ana the urst con tributions received to further such legislation enmo from Burns merchants. Mr Merrick express cd his warm appreciation of tho manner they had been received by the business men of this citv and also a desire to see moro of tho big Harney Valley for which ho had been a booster for sovoral years but which ho had never seen. Ho mud ho felt that ho was going to Kot cam:ht somo day in somo of his yarns about una uig lerniory, uiercioro no considered it best to seo it and bo on his guard. Among others who spoko briof ly wero Julinnllyrd, A. K. Rich ardson, II. J. Hansen nnd Mrs. Win, Miller, tho Intter spoko as a member of tho Womens Civic League nnd expressed their ap preciation of tho Business Mens Club donating their club rooms to that organization for reading rooms. There was a decided sentiment among thoso present for early closing of tho Htores of this city nnd no doubt tho Club will como to an understanding on this matter at an early dato nnd tho stores will close at an enrly hour. Mr. Merrick and Mr. Perry aro spending tho dny calling on tho merchants and see ntr a nor- 1 tion of tho country. A Good Example to Follow. J, II. Elchner was in tho city this week nnd yestorday called at this ofilco to pay his respects and Incidentally his subscription to this great religious weekly which Is necessary to all well re gulated households in this county. Mr, Elchner states ho hun a flno garden and ono of the best crops ho has raised for years in his fields. Ho also has 115 hens that aro making a record for themselves besides holplng ma terially in a financial way. Mr. Elchner informs us that ho has caught 1570 jack rabbits in steel traps on his 100 ncro clear ing slnco last February. Ho would have caught moro but his harvesting has Interfered lately. Now if all his neighbors had dono as much there would lmvo been a good mnny less rnbbita to cat up tho grain crops. Ho states tho rabbits woro not "wasted" as ho fed them to his chickens nnd is suro they Increased tho egg production to a considerable extent. WMwasasmmcraafireOT DRESS GINGHAMS Wc Claim-' to have one of the Greatest Dress Stocks of Ginghams in this part ol the state-it's a hobby with us this season. We have a wond erful assortment and' the very best makes-we Want You To See Them LADIES WAISTS liiii'g'o Ahhoi'UiiphIi Of Liulii'H Kiiitf Tiiiloicd WitiHlH, tho Holler Kind Anil I'riiTH Hnnjro I'Yoin ,7u otn to sa.no OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE This great institution opens its! doors for tho fall semester on September 20th. Courses of all instruction include: General Ag riculture, Agronomy, Animal Husbandry, Dairy Husbandry, Bacteriology, Botany nnd Plant Pathology, Poultry Husbandry, Horticulture, Entomology, Veter inary Science, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechan ical Engineering, Mining Engi neering, Highway engineering,. EHttssftaai IftMZTM I no ureases OiirTii!) DrcHHCH Arc IOHiocinll4 Suited' For Kimiiiioi' Worn ut mt.v jj H Modern to Prices wsaawsoxm PINIB FLAXONS Our Display of FIiixoiih For Summer Dresses is lOxeliisiveiind this is tin Dress t lint (Jives You the oloiiii correct nppciirmu.'i1 N. BROWN & ' SONS. TPlx ZODoTULrsJO OjC C"UL.o,lty zEEuxsmmssBOGssa ADDITIONAL I OCALS. A. II. Curry was In tho city yesterday. Dry slab and pino wood $0.50 and $7.00 per cord, cash only at Lumber yard. ;gnEatu.imi Jim0tMiuM:L!uiv&-t'X2WtmivvmrK3'A Frank Johnson is confined to Domestic Science Domestic Art, hi" room at tho French Hotel Commerce, Forestry, Phnrnmcy1BUr"K f,om Hn nltncK ' 'rl Zoology, Chcmcstry, Physics, I "o is improving. Mnthcmatics, English Language nnd Literature, Public Speaking, Modern Language, History, Art, Architecture, Industrial Peda gogy, Physical Education, Mili tary Science and Tactics, and Music. Catalogue and illustrated liter ature mailed free on application, Address: Registrar, Oregon Ag ricultural College, Corvallis, Ore. School Year Opens September 20th 1912 Notice of Sal of Real Property. In llic County Court ut the Slntt of Orrjcoa for Hnrnejr County, to the matter of the ritatc of Dnviil S. OrnTe), dcccnuetl. Notice ! hereby k''" t litit iimlcr nml, bjr virtue o( mi Order of nalc muiic nnd i entered In tac nuore entltltil court in the matter or the nliore entitled tutiitc on the Sth day of AuKUit, 1012,1, the underiitfTcd.adniinlitratrii of the above entitled cttate, will aell at private inlit forcaih In hand from nnd nftcr the Ut Ii dny of September.. 1013, the following described real property bclonlnc to mill eitate, to-wlt: A itrln ol land 10U feet wide Ix-lnc CO feet la Iwldth on each aide of the center line of the mnlu track of t lie Oregon Haatern line of the Oregon WaihlnKton Kallroau ec Naviuntiou Company, ai tho name l now located nnd itAkad over and acroni tlieNU of the SHU. Lot . 5 and fl. the SW4 ol the riWli ol Sec 30. and the Hill, of the SIPj ofKec. 27, all In Twp 2S S. Kiwkc :j i', w ai, the location road Ixinu a nhown upon n certain iiinji described ai Jlnp No, H of the Ore- Clay Clemens mill is the near est one to Uurns whore all kinds of lumber both rough nnd dress ed am be had. Near Canyon road. Call him by 'phone. Mrs. J. P. Cavender and family wUh to extend their sincere thanks to the many friends who assisted and were so kind dur ing their recent bereavement. Any court would grant a di vorce to tho woman whose hus band refused to buy her one of those tireless cookers nt Cleven-ger's. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 1 section, 1510 acres, level un improved sngo brush land in Harney Valley, canbesnbirrigat ed. 100 aero tract, fenced, good house deep well and otherwise improved. Prices made tosuit in tending settlers. No speculators need apply. Inquire nt this ollicc. NOTICE TO CRCUITORS. Notice i hereby Kien thnl IS. J llnv Icy, linn liccii duly nppointcd mlnnm- trutorof the catutc nf llurvcy K Mi. I THE Welcome Pharmacy rriT-TTiiwmr-umi - n ill mm i amnnnmimni The PLACE TO OO Pol ice Cream, Candy, Confectionery, Soda Water, Cigars, Tobacco, Toilet Articles, Rubber Goods And Drugs Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Try Us Out. J C. WELCOME, Jr. Prop. ('iXT3K2iaaV.!iV!KXKaS3a3aK2ra VACATIONS AT THE SEASHORE Clatsop Beach, Pacific Ocean I,ow round trip fans are in elFtet nil summer. This beautiful bench stretchi'x twt nty-flvo miles south of the mouth of the Colum bia Rivar. Seaside and (learhenrt have first class hotels, cottages and camping places, surf bathing, fishing, mountain water, etc. Low Round Trips East Throughout the aumin t, on the dntes given below, round trip tickets will be sold u the points in the east shown below, and many others at the nducitl fates. . In llnrnor coiintv Oirunrv I lr" of mid centor line of rnil ' dlcvorlh, deceased, by the Coum Court of the County of lliirnoy, Sliitf ol Oregon, und ha duly iiinllllcd a audi, all peruana huviiiK claims npuint the estutc of mid tlrccncd me required to preicut them, verified, a required finiffifBiyTBii! Owl ; KFHMMHHeraftlfII lQK.l Ky1 CE? THAI tE3ft LINE Koii-liaitern Kallrond Company, mid map ItnTlng ucen approved liy tlie Sec rctary of the Interior cf the United Statei on the 30th day 01 Scpteinbcr, 1007, nnd being duly filed in tint United Htatct Land office at Uurni, Oregon, Thli notice Ii published for a eriod of four weeks In The Time Herald, n ncwanapcrofirencral circulation In Har ney County, Oregon, under nnd liv vir tue of an order of the Honnrnble Ornnt Thompton, Judjje ol the nbore entitled court, made and entered on tho Gth dny of Auirntt, 1013. Uitcd at Uurns, Oregon, this 10th daj of August, 1013. UTHHI. GHAVliS, Administratrix of the estate Datld S. Graves, deceased. Atlantic City Hnltimoro Hoston Hnllalo ....... ... , ... ..-, . - , . hr law. with tlienroncr vouchers, to the vlllcag0 undersigned, I!. J. Ilnylcy, ndmliiistrn- Colorado Springs tor of the istnte of Hiirvey IJ. Middies Denver worth, decerned, nt tin) Grant County Hunk, In John Dny, Ornnt County, Ore gon, uitliin six months from the date of this notice. Hated this 0th day of .ugtist, 101L'. U.J. Havi.iiv, .Vdiiiinistrntor of tho Hstutc of llnrvey I!. Middlcnu cirlli ,'ltl l.'l decrnscd. mm&i&&-&amS2X2asmMit t'r. .vl JWutli t Sc Northern Pacific Railways up JU7...U HO.uO 01.50 72. f0 ftf.OO 55.00 Di tu.it Dululh Kansas City Milwaukee Minneapolis Montreal Now York $82.50 CO. 00 GO. 00 7250 GO. 00 105.00 108.50 Omaha $G0.0O Philadelphia 108.50 Pittsburg bt. Iouis St. Paul Toronto Washington 91.50 70.00 GO. 00 91.50 107.50 SPECIAL ' Dates of Sale July, 2., 2G, 29, J50, 81. 1912. August, 1, 2, . G, 7, 12. 1G. 23. 29. 31, 1912 Sentombor, !, 5, G, 7, 8. 11, 12. 110, 1912 Stopovers nnd choice of routes in each direction. Final roturn limit October 31, 1912. Train leaving Rend 0:30 a. in. Redmond 7:15 a. m.. connects di rectly nt Fnllbridtte with Fast Thru Trains East Details of schedules, fares, etc., will be furnished on request W. I:. COA1AN, General Freight and Passenger Agt. II. H UKOL, Agent, Redmond, Oregon. .). II. COUI113TT, Agent, Rend, Oregon. IpTper Off For Jcent 2 weeks On Our Full Line Of LADIES and GENTS Half Shoes i ' 1 "RstfWCJf Before You Send Away KW M. 3 For New Boots, Call And See Our Nice New $9 BOOT A Beauty In Design -Workmanship Fine A. H.RICHARDSON GENERAL MERCHANDISE bayles & Mcdonald General Contractors and Builders Burns, Ore- - - Va!e Ore Located at the Burns Hotel BUCKS FOR SALE Wc arc going to bring in 600 RAMBOULETTE RAMS From the famous Baldwin Sheep Co., Hay Creek. Will He Located at Alvard Ranch After August 1st. Wool grow ers desiring information by mail may address the under signed a.t Alberson Postoffice. wp w-jvwspw mtyxi jnoj ssawiisayM ' u p ("" uiAUkJti nLn J l ,, p. I .ft r J , x rniliii sJ hisiasr All the neWs in The Times-Herald for $2.00 ' r t rerr"-"-1 rm -