The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, August 17, 1912, Image 1

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    " immi iiiniiimmmi
The Bfggct County In The State
Of Oregon, Best In The West
T (3
NO 40.
W iiPw I iS
II The Digged City In The Biggcit
il County In The State Of Oregon U
jw ' a. ' in
wJb'jy W4
Fire Destroyed Storeroom, Wood Shed,
Fuel and Portion of Fence at The
Catholic Church WednesdayHigh
Wind Endangers Adjacent Proper
ty, but Heroic Work Saves Homes
About 1:20 Wednesday after
noon tin alarm was turned in and
the fire department turned out to
a fire that had started at the rear
of the Catholic church between
the toilet and the wood shed
which gained such headway in
the heavy wind that was blow
ing that it destroyed the wood
shed, considerable amount of
wood, a small store room and a
portion of the board fence sur
rounding the back yard.
It is not known how the fire
originated, but in the course of a i
few minutes it had spread to
considerable proportions and we
various neighboring properties
were put to use and with tho aid
of garden hose and buckets the
fire was confined to the out build
ings at the church.
Burns has been particularly
fortunate in respect to fires but
it is going to get a start some
day that will bring much disas
ter to the property owners. The
cistern in front of The Times
Herald building is not in any
shape to use in case of fire as the
water stands at too low a level
to be reached by the hose attach
ed to the water engine. With
the high wind of last Wednesday
it was a very fortunate thing
understand a small quantity of ,', fire dd t bettcr
gasoline in the store house added
to its fury. The church is con
siderable distance from the main
portion of town therefore the
water engine could not be used.
The hose was strung fiom the
cistern on the corner by The
Times-Herald building and leach
ed up something like three blocks
1 spread, as it would have burned
several of tho finest residences.
Let us study about these things
while preparing to vote on the
question of water works and
One of the most common ail
ments that hard working people
but it was still short two blocks are n,,ictei, wilh is ,amo back.
and more. The chemical engine , . ,,.,,
was put to work and a bur ,-iowd AV Chamberlain's Liniment
of volunteers worked haul to, twice a day and massage the
keen the flames from the chinch parts thoroughly at each applica
and residence, at the same time tion. and you will get quick re
others were busy with buckets lief For sale by an Dealers.
and water soaked blankets keep-
ing the residence of Mayor Gov-1 Those elegant moth proof
enger on the opposite side of the chests at Clevenger's aro just
street from igniting and tho L. ) what you are looking for. They
M.Brown residence in the same 'are the best piece of furniture
block. The water systems of the I you could invest in.
Centrally Located, Good Clean
Meals, Comfortable Rooms,
Clean and Sanitary Beds
First Class Bar In Connection. Qive Me A Call
Emigrants Who Went To Western Canada,
Scad Inquiries To Poriand Asking
About Oregon Lands
Many Americans who emigrat
ed to tho western provinces of
Canada, attracted by tho promis
ing statements of agents of the
Canadian government, aro re
turning to tho United States, so
sayB Tho Evening Telegram, and
almost daily letters from dissat
isfied land seekers thero pour in
to the Portland Chamber of Com
merce. They requested inform
ation about Oregon land and
many tell of tho misrepresented
conditions found in Canada. A
letter from an American in Al
berta was just received and says:
"Before coming hero, I wroto
and nsked for information from
the Canadian Govcrment agent
atSpokanc as to tho wheat yield
in Alberta. He replied that the
average was 25 bushels. Since
coming hero I havo looked up
the official crop reports for the
past twelve years nnd I find that
in that period it has been less
than 12 bushels. For the last
two years it has been even less
than that. Last year was almost
a complete failure and this year
the yield will bo very short."
In the same mail wero letters
from two other Americans who
had gone to Canada, and after
investigating the land and farm
situation there, decided to re
turn to the United Suites. They
expressed their intention of com
ing to Oregon nnd desired infor
mation about the different com
munities of the state.
General Spirit of Co-operation is Mani
fested Among the People Indicative
of Most Successful Fair-Exceptional
Crops for Exhibition and the Best
Speed and Amusement Program
Theodore P. Shoots of New York Says
Weaking of Home Ties and Lose of
Church Influence The Cause
Turned Young Fry Out
4 itound Trips Eacn wcck 4
Central Oregon Trucking Co.
II. noiIU, All. Barai
Oh! You
Get Your
Fishing Tackle, Hooks, Lines, Rods and Reels At
Prices That Are Right Here. Base Ball Bats,
Gloves, Mites nnd Masks at RightSPrices. J
f g Soda Water, and Refreshing
ICC Clfeam, Drinks, Fresh EnglishiWalnuts
ipjy Our Now Lino of Jai'-o-njta PurfuuioH.
UcHb For Tho Mouo.y. I0vor. body I'hoh It. All tho go.
In Fact, We Arc HEADQUARTERS For The Best
Lino of DriigH, Toilet Articles, Confectionery,
Sheet Music, Musical Instrument, Cigars and
Tobacco, Rubber (loodsnnd .Stationery.
City Drug Store
REED KROS. Proprietors
The young fish hatched out
from tho eggs recently sent in
by State Game Warden Finlcy
havo been turned out with every
indication that they will thrive
and make good. Tho eggs wero
planted in Cury Garden Creek,
a small tributary of Silvies
River, whero conditions wero
ideal for the hatch and later for
the young fish, as it was free
from enemies and food conditions
were tho best.
These fish have been under the
direct care of Dr. Hibbard, H.
B. Mace and other members of
the Rod and Gun Club, who have
given them the best possible at
tention from the time they were
turned over by Mr. Forest, tho
gentleman who accompanied the
shipment in. These gentlemen
feel that the venturo has been a
success and estimate that at least
75 per cent of the eggs have
hatched and were turned out
This is a good showing and very
gratityme since it has jnven us
a stock of finh heretofore un
known to our streams. They
were tho big spotted trout of
Montana, a fine game fish that
will do well in the streams of
this section.
While this shipment was more
or less an experiment it has
proven to thoso who have observ
ed the situation that such ship
ments arc a success and others
may follow at a later date; how
ever, it is possible no attempt
will be made in this line on any
extended basis until the railroad
has como nearer to us. The fry
turned out seemed to bo a lively
bunch and according to Mr. Fin
ley, tho littlo creek where they
were liberated will be their homo
for at least n year when they
will come out into tho larger
streams and bo able to care
for themselves. Mr. Gcmberling
and wife, II. B. Mace and Dell
Dibblowcnt up Tuesday and lib
erated them and stated that the
little fellows averaged not over
three-quarters of an inch long
but they at once adapted them
selves to the surroundings and
began to feed. It is not always
tho customary thing to turn Buch
small fry out but as these gentle
men were not accustomed to car
ing for fish and feeding them,
they followed tho adviso of Mr.
Finlcy and turned them out to
secure their own food. They
feel confident they will survive
and thrive.
Mrs. Miller is at the I, Schwartz
Busy Corner with a full lino of
Bpring millinery and is constantly
adding to the stock which will bo
tercst will bo a political day when
it is hoped to have prominent
Candidates and speakers from
outside in tho city for a big poli
tical rally. This being presiden
tial election year as well as the
general election of officers, peo
ple are more or less interested
in politics and will like to meet
candidates personally as well as
loam their attitude on matters
Just as soon as tho premium
lists have been received they will
be mailed out and placed in the
hnntis of producers and stock
raisers. The premium list has
been enlarged this year and is
intended to cover practically
everything in tho lino of pro
ducts n,nd stock of Harney
county. There will be omisjions
no doubt, as there always are,
realization of the importance and yet It is the intention of tho As-
real good accomplished by the sooiation to cover as nearly as
fair and are now ready to help circumstances and limited means
in any way possible. Tho local t Its hands can, every resourco
business men havo roused them- of the county and to stimulate
Tho county fair has been givon
good support by tho people, thltf
season and with n suirit that
will count very materially in
making it more successful than
in recent years. Thero has been
a disposition upon tho part of
some to bo more or less indiffer
ent in tho past, but this year
oycry individual has taken a hold
with a spirit that indicates suc
cess in every detail.
One particular feature that
will bring more interest and
good results is the school child
ren's industrial fair in connec
tion with tho regular exhibits. ,
Many special premiums have
been given by tho business men
of Burns, besides tho Fair Asso
ciation has given liberal cash
prizes for these exhibits.
The people have como to the
selves and are taking an active
interest, lending not only moral,
but also financial support to the
Association in advancing sti h
new features as they wish to
carry out, with a view of making
the fair moro beneficial nnd of
nil industries in proportion to
their commercial importance.
The speed program has been
arrangeu 10 coniorm ns near as
practicable to those of tho fairs
in adjoining counties in order to
induce a larger attendance of
Declaring tho spirt of unrest
is world wide and that "the
weakening of homo ties and tho
loss of church influence have
been accompanied the world over
by increasing discontent, lessen
ing of individual effort and a
growth of putcranalism," T. P.
Shonts of New York, today ar
gued tho people of New York to !
got back to the individualism of
our forefathers," Shonts de
livered tho annual commence
ment address boforc a class of
moro than 200 at tho Drake uni
vcrity, Dcmoincs, Iowa.
His themo was "The Develop
ment of Individualism, the Duty,
of tho Schools," reciting the
Mr. Swain is Told by Experinnced Men
That Oil Sand Was Passed Several
Feet Above Present Depth of Well
Indications of Oil Even More Pro
nounced Now Than at First Find
A. S. Swain was in the citv the. the averaorp. in fact ft in wrirl
other dny from the well being but three oil wells have ever been
sunk in tho Red S field of the P. (discovered that produced oil of
L. S. Co., whero indications of such a quality. Howeyer, it is
oil wero found several weeks ago. I understood that the first vein
They are again at work on the ! would not produce oil in paying
well but had not yet removed quantities, even though of finer
the sand bucket which had been
lost in the hole before discontinu
ing work before. They intend to
manner in which the industrial ' tin a Wagtof powder to re
greater interest to those who at-, horses than has been here in re-
tend. I cent years. This is a feature
The speed and amusement pro- that requires some careful financ-
grnm has neon enlnrgcd upon ' " snoum ue ueiier unuer-
and should .reato a greater in- stood by people. Some aro in
terest in the sports that natur- clined to think that the horses
ally go with a county fair. All n"c given preference in these
tho amusement and entertain- J""" programs, but when it is
ment program has not been ; "nuersiooci mat tho jiorsemen
worked out in detail but will bo themselves put up half the
published in the papers later ' money they are to compete for
from time to time as new feat-' n entranco fees one can seo that
ures aro added. Une matter, t isoniy justice to mem 10 nang
that will be of moro or less in-1
(Continued on pngo -i.)
J; - :-'',.'
; , .
development in tho last hundred
years had weakened home ties,
he said tho American people had
become a community of cliff
dwellers in largo cities, dwellers
in cliffs is accessible to the neigh
bor, where the individual is apt
to regulate his conduct from
standards of selfish desire, and
not from a standard of public
Discussing the growth of pa
ternalism Shonts said: "In our
breath the laws themselves are
denounced, nnd in the next new
laws demanded tho seeking of
intervention and support of the
government in all of the ordinary
affairs of life. The cry is for
universal governmental activity,
whether it be called socialism.
collectism, communism, munici
pal operation or government
ownership, the result is the
After noting some of the tend
encies of what ho termed this
"evergrowing movement," par
ticularly citing individual out
breaks against established order
ho said:
"We must get back and the
schools must get back to the
fundamentals, to tho old fashion
ed notion that respect for prop
erly constituted authority is one
safeguard for tho individual and
state. Tho schools must help us
arrest further progress toward a
form of government which has
benevolence for its aim, but
which can only result in perpetu
ation of weaklings, dependents
and the disorderly at the expense
of tho strong, the law abiding
and the self-reliant
"Our forefathers fought for
freedom; despotic monarchy and
their descendants must not re
place it with tyranny of meddle
some state. Development of in
dividual initiative and responsi
bility will prevent this."
Gov. Weet from a nhoto taken by W. R. Heck a few mile out
from Burnt at the time of hi trip acroat the State on
"I was cured of diarrhoea by
ono dose of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy,"
writes M. E. Geblmrdt, Oriole,
Pa. Thero is nothing better.
For sale by all dealers.
Job printing at this office.
Dysentery is always serious
and ofton a dangerous discaso,
but it can bo cured. Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrho
ea Remedy has cured it even
when malignant and epidemic.
For Bale by all dealers.
Pollination Bulletin is Out.
A seven-page bulletin, No. 20,
"Tho Pollination Question" has
just come from the press at the
Oregon Agriculture College. It
was prepared in the experiment
station's horticultural research
laboratory, and discusses tho
pollination of apples and pears,
setting forth somo of the practi
cal results obtained in work
throughout tho state during sev
eral years past. It gives a gen
eral broad view of tho important
points to be kopt in mind with
respect to this phase of orchard
ing. Another publication will be
mile ouii jssue(j later on, dealing exclusive
horeback. ,y wit,, the rescnrcj, sido of tho
Experiments on pollinization
problems of apples and pears in
tho Rogue River, Willamette,
Hood River, and Wnlla Walla
valleys havo been in progress for
several years. Valuable data has
been secured from them, a part
of which is used in tho bulletin.
IMiable Cithenn
of Hai nty County
Homestead Locations
The Inland
Empire Realty Company
T. MCSTKRi Moimger
move the -Band bucket but havo
found that tho fuse will not work
that distance under water. It
will be necessary to arrange an
electrical appliance to set off the
Mr. Swain states that the oil
indications are even more pro
nounced now than before but
they have learned from exper
ienced men who have visited the
well since that they had passed
through an oil sand of perhaps
eight feet considerably before
reaching the depth at which they
first noticed the oil. It was not
found in the shale formation as
at first thought but at a depth of
about 700 feet
According to men of exper
ience it is not likely the drillers
will strike another vein in the
1000 feet thv nrniinflnr ontrfinf
" w b w v t nwitM tlrh nnn thlno rrr titwvin r
to go. but inal' likelihood another and all the time is out of rhyme
uuu u"iu umiK uuiiie very wun uie uusy nusuinu mronir.
decided information respecting Kick and there's always trouble
the amount of oil that moy be brewing; whistle and life is gay,
rmoii in k.t : rm. - ai. and the world s in tune like a
sir T- ""'."" x" ""'' day in June, and the clouds
oil found is superior in quality to mejt away.
' . . - r i
quality, therefore nothing has
been lost by the drill passing
that point
This discovery has attracted
wide attention and will be tho
means of great exploration by
competent and reliable people
who will soon find just what the
prospects are for an oil field in
this section. It is generally
thought by those who have made
it a study that we have oil here
in paying quantities and it will
soon be known definitely.
It's Catching To Everyone
Smile and the world smiles
with you. "knock" and you
go alone; for the cheerful grin
will let you in where the kicker
is never known. Growl, and
the way looks dreary, laugh and
the path is bright; for a whole
some smile brings sunshine,
while a frown shuts out the light
Sing and the world is harmonies;
grumble and things
Strictly First Class. Splendid
Service, Fine Accomodations,
Commercial Headquarters
Sample Room In Connection, Reasonable Rates
Four Well Equipped Lines. Excellent Facilities
For Transposition of Muil, Express or Passeugers
Prairie City to Burns. Vale to Burns
Burns to Diamond Burns to Venator
Howard Kellog, Agt, Burns.
Superior Service - - Quickest Way
II. ROHU, Agent, Burns Garage, Burns, Oregon
i-i m
Wo represent tliut ulilpli (h roHtcil lyid rullnblo. Wo liancllo nil
klndi ofltval Ktlatu mattcra Wiilo your luml AIIdk taporx or
other IokhI laud aptr correctly and iilukly WK WANT YOU It
I'lUBINBtinANdlJHUHlNKHflinori-prMonttwo of tho atroiigeat
compatriot In Amorlca-TIIK AKTNA A HAHTFOUD COU
Llatyour property with u, fur Halo or trade. IN VUBTIOATK OUIt
trust yon. Aik our Cllenta. Call and tea ui.
80 Acres Irrigated ranch in Uolsc
Valley, to trade for a good ranch in
Harney county, clear of Incumbrance
under government ditch.
Let Us Hear From You-What You
Have To Trade. We Trade Anything,
Anvwhere. SEE US NQW
Burns Meat Market
H. J.
Beef, Pork, Veal, Mutton,
Sasuage, Bolonga,
Headcheese and Weinerworst, Etc
Wholesale and Retail
Prompt and Satisfactory Service
Your Patronge Solicited and
Orders Given Quick Attention
kept up all during the season.