eUwgtj (e Times-Jerald Ui The Largeit Circulation Of Any Nawtpapcr In lUrnejr County. SATURDAY, AUGUST 10. 1912 Local News. Every thins for haying Shelley's. Horse collars at J. C. Welcome v- Son's $3.25 each. Herman Ruh and family wore up from Lawen last Sunday. Florsheim Shoes are the best we carry them. Schenk & Williams. Winona wagons are the best. For sale by Harriman Mercantile Co. Cleaning and Pressing neatly done by Schenk & Williams. Mrs. W. E. Huston has been suffering this week from tonsili tis. Second hand saddles of all kinds at Shelley's Shop, $12 and up. Born In this city yesterday Aug. 9, to Mr. and Mrs. II. J Hansen, a daughter. For Sale Black Percheron Stallion, 5 years old in spring. Good papers. Claude McGce. Civil Engineer J. E. Johnson is over from his home in Malheur county doing some work. Shoes at cost latest and best at James Smith's Shoe Store, op posite The First National Bank. 39tf flan A Crrtftl. nf tlin w.w..N tilo firm of Smyth Bros., of An drews, was here during the week accompanied by two of his sons. Ask my customers whether I do satisfactory repair work or not the price too. W. B. Shel loy. the harness and saddle man, Mrs, James Kennedy and child ren were in the city Monday on their way to Prineville where they go to visit her sister, Mrs. Ellis McKinnon for a time. I. C. Raymond, at one time principal of the public school of this city, was here the first of this week looking after his land interests. He went on over to Idaho on business. Williams Bros., of the saw mill, who have been running a thresh ing machine for several years during the harvest season, have purchased a new machine which is now at the railroad shipping point One of the boys informs us it is a larger machine than they had formerly run and a self feeder. In fact an up to date machine. It will be brought in for use this season. N Banking Business i at Thru The FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of Burns ' 1111 UN I Psive In Many Ways Wo do job printing- Best cannod corn $3.25 a case Vulcanizing at Gemberling's ii r -. !! . uarnmun AiurcwiuK: uu. uest fiour (guarantee) $8.50 A large stock of wall paper at bbl. Harriman Mercantile Co. Lunaburg. Dalton & Co's. Som(j cho!cj . n Peter Davis was in the city hand saddles at Shelley's. Monday attending to some lanu business. Read the closing out sale of the , Burns Flour $1.75 sack. $7.00 bbl. Sold by Burns Merchants. I A Ml? nmif tin Hnn1.1 lnt.-t.. S .... popular shoe store run by James '"- "V ' -3 -" The rains last week are report ed to have done considerable damage to both grain and vege tables as well as in the hay fields. However unfortunate this may be, it has convinced the eastern ers that itdoes and can rain here, and has been the best ment we could ask for, as at that time there were many from theeastouthere.and were 'greatly impressed with the liberal sup Dly of moisture thev saw fall while here. Smith, in his new ad. Miss Josephine Locher, one of the teachers in the high school, has returned from a vacation trip. Satisfied customers and an in creasing business speak for them selves W. B. Shelley, the har ness and saddle man. Those elegant moth proof chests at Clevenger's are just what you are looking for. They are the best piece of furniture you could invest in. For Sale Wood or posts in the timber, or here in town. Leave orders at Lunaburg, Dal ton Co. or Schwartz's. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Frank Jackson. The Tonawama Band was hin dered from rendering its usual weekly open air concert last week on account of the stormy and wet weather. However they made good last Wednesday even ing and rendered a very delight ful program. They will continue to give these concerts every Wednesday evening when wea ther permits, and when it don't, it will be given the first evening following with permissable weather. Things Needed Right Now For Hot Weather Wear Why not; bq ppmforlnblo during tho huuiiiht vlieu it cost xo niqi'cV You know tho reputation of our Htore for giving vuluc. You know that for ovory dollar you leuvo with us you got a dollars worth of Kervico and KUtiHfaotion. That luoanH Homothing! 1 Underwear and Hosiery All Stylos all 8izc.s all prices. Iloloproof hosiery guaranteed six months. For men (5 pairs for $1 .fiO 0 pairs for 2.00 For Women 0 pairs 2.00. Six pairs for $ .'$.00 For The Children 0 pairs for 2.00 Poros Knit Underwear For Gentlemen Shirts and Nifty Neckwear Just received a shipment of now, nobby shirts and ties which will please you. Our last shipment direct from tho factory has just been unpacked for your ap proval. Latest styles, shades and patterns. Select Line of Shoes Any style, shape, or size. If you are going to got a pair, don't fail to see what VK have to offer you. When in tqwii, oonjo around, and visit wH-h us. I. SCHWARTZ flasonlc Building, - - Burns, Oregon year free of charge -W. IJ. Shel ley. Save your money by buying your shoes at James Smiths Shoe Sale. Closing them out at cost. 3'Jtf. Mrs. Rohu left for Portland yesterday where she will rcmian with her mother for an indefinite visit J. C. Welcome & Son always have made their work good. Ask their satisfied customers who arc legion. Pure bred Berkhire pigs for breeding, seed rye for early sow ing, also some fine young bird dogs for sale. Dr. Hibbard. Wm. Sesena, one of the indus trious stockmen of the southern part of the county, has been in Burns this week on business. Roy Bunyard has established a lumber yard in Harney and is prepared to fill orders there es pecially for rough lumber. C. W. Hupkc, an old time newspaper man was interviewing a number of our citizens this week in the interest of tho Now York Life, which company ho re presents, Mrs. W. G. Merklcyof BlufT ton, Ind., mother of Mrs. Chas. Rohn, returned to her homo last Monday after spending a very delightful visit with her daugh ter for tho past two weeks. Buy a Fnrni and mako it pay for itself. The choice farm ing lands of Harney County, For sale on small payment and tpn years time at 4 per cent in terest. The lands of tho Harney Valley Improvement Company aro on tho market on theso terms without reservation. First aj plicant gets his choice H7 MOTHKItgHEAD & DONEQAN. The city has been rather Iiyely tho past week as far as tho land seekers and locators are concern ed. About two dozen seeking claims havo made Burns their headquarters tho past week, and a number of these havo succeed ed in securing lands on which they havo either filed or pur chased. Tho land business will be on tho rush as soon as harvest is over, so outside indications point to at tho present. P. E. Faulkner and wife expect to take their departure tomorrow for their old time homo in Indi nna after visiting with their sons A. O. and Chas. M. Faulkner, during the summer. This esti mable old coupo hayo mado mmy friends in this city during their Visits hero who will bo glad to wejeomo them hero at. any time jn tho future. They came out this spring with tho inten tion of remaining for an indefi nite timo and possibly to mako their home, but they feel they will bo more contented at tho old home, therefore will return thoro. right kind Horso collars at J, C. Welcome &Son'B $3.25 each. You should iiiBpcdt the finp as sortment of Wall Paper at Luna burg, Dalton & Co'h. If you want Bago brush grub bed writo E. E. Larson, Burns, Oregon. Remember W. A. Goodman is prepared to roll your barley, halo hay and saw wood. 37 Rough and dressed lumber of all kinds now on hand at tho Williams Bros. Saw Mill. Rough lumber $ir per thousand, Pinno for snle or trndo for cal- tlo or good gentlo work horses. Inquire of W. W. Drinkwatcr, of Burns. In order to meet tho price of I' lour hauled in from tho R. It. tho Burns Flour Milling Co have reduced Hour to $7.00 bbl, James Smith wants to sec you at his placo of business where ho is selling out his shoo stock at cost. Big bargains for all. 31)tf. Mr. and Mrs. Gould are over from Skull springs on a visit to Mrs. Gould's parents Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Loggan, aiid other relatives. Mrs. Miller is at the I. Schwartz Busy Corner with a full line of spring millinery and is constantly adding to the stock which will be kept up all during the season. Will Weber and his crew of road makers arc doing some good work with tho rock crusher and roller on tho road leading north from this city and out to the bridge east ' It. J. Williams is over from Silver creek today. Ho was ac companied by Fred Williams and his bride who had been visiting over on tho creek for a few days while en route homo from Port land. Mr. W. S. Gunsalus, a farmer living near Floming,.Pa., says he has used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in his family for fourteen years. and that he has found it to be an excellent remedy, and takes pleasure in recommending it. For sale by all Dealers. Jersey Heifers For SaleI have H) head of choice Jersey heifers which I have just purchased, ranging in ago foom 1 to 3 years, some coming fresh at once. Will sell at reasonable prices at my place 9 miles east of Burns-John Back. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Davis ar rived home from Portland Thurs day evening. They went to that city immediately after their mar riage in Juno where they had been since. Thoy will take up their permanent residence here among their many old time friends and former schoolmates. ""A. E. Murphy and A. W. Hurl burt were hero Thursday night being en route to the Palouse section with 40 head of fine broke work horses and mules which they intend marketing in the farm districts of that section. They had a fine lot of horses that will bring them good prices. They wijl driyo them through by way of lower John Day. Claudo McGce left tho fore part of tho week with Sidney Wilkes, the trotting stnllion and Bill Hanloy, tho pacer, for Baker and other outside points to go on the circuit They are entered at Baker, La Grande, Ontario, Caldwell and Boise. Theso two harness, hprscs aro in fine condi tion and will give a good account of themselves during this season. Judge George E. Davis is im proving nicely frpm tho accident in which he figured on last Sun day pear Westfa'l. Ho and Chauffeur Kessler had gono to Westfall tho day before to trade tho Davis automobile for a pair of fine horses owned by II. N. Gilliam. On tho way homo ono of tho horses jumped over tho buggy tongue and started to run away. Both or tho men wore thrown out and Judge Davis suf fered a sprained anklo which has kept him in tho house since tho accident. Mr. Kessler was bruised but not injured. Vale Enterprise. There is only ono way to reach and interest tho people who buy things and that is through your homo paper. Tho people read their homo papers every word, ovory week, but they don't read tho telephoiio poles, barbed wire fenpos, wooden Bigns or rubber neck at an angle of 00 degrees to soo your particular sign, of busi ness. You novor saw a man setting by tho firo reading the broad Bide of a board fenco or barn to hia children, or carry into tho house to read did you? But thoy do this with your local paper, and tho difTeronco is plain-very plain. 'ia-'"i r "" rnrm For bale KiO acres, all fenced; 150 ncres in cultivation; now 7 room house, small barn and other out build ings. Running stream thru it greater part of tho year. Good grain or hay land and wnll shu nted; excellent bottom land for farming. Can give in connec tion a relinquishment to home stead of 1G0; a desert claim of 80 acres, all joining. Price $3500, including desert relin quishment. For particulars in quire at this office. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Vulcanizing at Gcmberling'ii. Fresh homo mado lard 17e. at Hansen's Meal Market Horso collars at J. C. Welcome & Son's $3.25 each. BUMMBMC Cremo and duced. Sold chants. Graham Flour re by Burns Mer- Trv a 35c chicken dinner from 5:30 to 7:00 p. in. every Sunday, at tho Cottago Inn. Two mowing machines, a Dain Buck and rake for sale. See Geo. Fiy. Thos. Howser and family were over from their homo near Har ney -this week on a visit with relatives. Mr and Mrs. Antone Wirgcs and family who aro en route to Catlow Valley where Mr. Wirgcs has sonio land holdings passed through Burns this week. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In tin! Circuit Oourl tiftli HlntcofOie Rim, fur Hnrney County. ClmflcR U. Pctcrion, plaintiff VII. J. K. CuiiiiIiikIhiiii nnil Henry N. Mourner, (Icfcnilnnln. Taj, )(. CiimiiiiKlimii, one of ilic nlmve nnmeil ilefciiilmitii: In t lie iminc nl the ntntr of Orrxon, you lire Iicrcby icitiircil to njipoiir inl nniiwcr the complaint filed iiKiilimt you In t lie nbovc cntltlul fiction on or define tlio lint ilny of the time prcicrilwil in the order of iiuhliciilion ol thin Munition, to will 011 or before the 2lnt.ihiyof.Scp' tcinbcr 1012, mild ihitc buiiK the expira tion of nix weeks fioiu the fint publica tion of tliii Munition, mid if joti 'nil mi to npjicnr mid miniver, fur vwuil thcicof, plninllir will npply lo the emu t mid i'e iiimiil judgment nunluM ou mill the oilier defendant for the mini of seventeen bundled and t write iIoIIuim mill i1cm.ii crnta, with iutcicHt on the mini of$lr( at the rate of ten ht rent. ht miuiiiti from July It, 1 It 1 1; nlno for the mini of $100 attorney fee, iiinl rutin mid ill liurticmeiiU of this action. Thin MimiiKinn Is published by order of (iranl Thonipon the County uile ol Iliirmiy County, Oregon, iiiailii nnil en tereil the fitli day of Anoint 11)12, and the date of the llmt publication of thin lUiiinionD U Auiiit 10, 11)12. O. A. Ri'.hiioi.ii, JIU-tR Attorney of Plnlntiir OUR SELF-IDENTIFYING Traveler's Checks Are Good The Wide World Over Before You Start on that vacation, call at this bank and let us fix you up with Self-Identifying Travler's Checks and Letters of Credit, You will find these the greatest of aid in your travels. This method of carrying funds is by far the safest way and aro available anywhere. We also issue Foreign Drafts for the safe and prompt transmission of funds to foreign countries. Consult us before sta't'nf on your trip. Notice la hereliy kIicii that IS. J. Hay. Icy, has been duly appointed adnilnln tratorol the ettutc of Harvey K. Mid. illcHworth, dcceaacil, by the County Court of the County of Harney, Stnte ol Oregon, mill has duly iu.ilil!eil m inch; all iemoiii linviiiK datum iiKitinit the estate of iiaiil decerned are required to picnent them, verilled, iih required by Iaw, with llicprojier vouchers, to the uudcrnlKncil, I J. J. Ilayley, ndintnintra tor of thecntntc of Harvey IJ. Mldillei worth, deceased, at tho Grant County Dunk, In John Day, Grant County, Ore KOii, it bin ixiuoiithi from the date of this lu.tlie. Dated this fltli day of August, 1312. I!. J. lUVMtv, Administrator of tlm Hstalc of Harvey II. Mlddleswortli :iU U deceased. HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF The b worn statements of Life Insurance Companies on file at the State Insurance Department, Salem, show that' In 100D, 1910, 1911, Oregon Life the Only Life Insurance Company Exclusively Oregon, Bold more policies in Oregon than any other company. In 1912 Oregon Life is surpnss ing all its previous records. REST FOR OREGONIANS E. C. Egglkston, 5 Agent. The Cottago Inn serves an ex cellent chicken dilfner for !5c every Sunday afternoon from 5:30 to 7:00. We aro selling agents for the Harney Valley Improvement Company lands, the choice lands of a 200,000 acre tract. These lands are on the market on a ten year payment plan. If you want a good farm, investigate these lands and terms. 37 MOTIIUItSIIKAI) & DONKOAN. Orenco Fruit Trees ARE THE BEST TREES TO PLANT IN HARNEY COUNTY Orenco'a Onc-Year-Old Trees, with Three-Ycnr-Old Roots, in Apple, Peart, Peaches, Plums and Prunes, are Four to Six Feet High, with Heavy Caliper, and Strong Roots. Orenco trees are grown under "Natural Condi tions;" they ARE NOT irrigated. ' If you intend planting any t trees this Fall; drop us a line, giving a list of what you want, and we'll gladly quote prices. WE WANT a reliable, cner jctic person to represent our trees in Harney County. A lib eral proposition will be made to , the right man. i Oregon Nursery Company' The 1200 Aero Numcry Orcnce, - . Oregon IARNEY (COUNTY RATIONAL, ' RABIES T W. E. HUSTON- Jj General Groceries L .r I '- Select Can Goods, Fancy Groceries, Dried Fruits, Tobacco, Confectionary, Coal Oil, Feed, Grain and Produce Special Inducements Given On Big Orders J Us, I IIrjceH! YOU HAYMAKERS Come To Us FOR Mowers, Rakes, Rucks, Sickles, Ropes, Pulleys Hay Forks, Extras etc. FARMERS 2fcs REMEMRER I Can and Will Satisfy Your Wants In Tho Harness and Saddle Line. My Motto is "Right Prices and Best Quality" and It will pay you to call and see me. Special attention given to repair work. W. B. SHELLEY Hissner Building, Burns, Oregon ins CLOSING OUT! AT COST Having decided to retire from business in Burns, in order to de vote my entire time to my farming interest, I will close out my com plete stock of goods at once and Must Sell Quick I will dispose of all goods at cost for cash, consisting of the best Mens, Womens and Childrens Shoes, Rubbers, Slippers, Oxfords, Boots, Shoe Laces, Polishes, Hosiery, etc. This is a good clean new up-to-date stock and one of the Best in Burns. Come in and get first choice. Your chance of a life time now. Before Harvest Perhaps You Need Mew Rinders, Threshers, Plows, Discs, Wagons, Gas or Oil Tractors, Relfs, Oils Etc. WE SELL IT ALL oar- Remember The Place -so Geer & Cummins James Smith Burns - - I Oregosi & THE OLD STAR BRENTON & HICKS, Props. Old and new patrons will find best brands Wixies, 3Liquors, and Cigars Good Service, Courteous Treatment DROP 11 Main Street Burns, Oread? The Sawhill Transportation Go. Will Haul Your Heavy and Light F e.taht Express and Bagpipe At Tito LOWEST RATES Ami With Tho GREATEST CARE SPECIAUTTENTlONGlVFNTORi JS SeiUs for Particulars as to Rates and Servit