The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, August 10, 1912, Image 1

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Tho Biggeet County In Tho State
Of Oregon, Best In The Wet
Tho BigBct City In The Biggcit
Counlv In The Strtto Of Oregon
ijss1utiKsTurmtnimF'a '
NO 39.
1 m r
im v
Chief Engineer Stradley of the Short
Line, In Charge Of Construction
Work on Oregon & Eastern and
O. W. R. & N. Co., Officers. Will
Continue Work All This Winter
Burns was visited Saturday Herald rcprosontnUvo that there
evening by three railroad oluchils were 12 miles of rails completed
ofthellarrimanline. They were west of Vale and that the me
Carl Stradley, chief engineer of would bo completed to tho Hnr
tho OroRon Short Line, who has per Ranch in September. Tho
charjro of tho construction on the construction from that point west
Oregon & Eastern; C. I. Tutlle. will bo rather slow owing to the
general traffic agent 0. S. L.; II. tunnels and a large number of
J O'Neil, general tmlic agent . big steel bridges to bo installed
of theO.-W. R. &N. Co. and II. along Uio river m tie Cui.y...
J. Roberts connected with the Contractors will continue on the
engineering department of the work all winter, however, and
0 -W R. N. The party arrived push the construction west as
late Saturday evening and left! rapidly ns i possible,
again Sunday morning. They j No grading will be done in this
had intended remaining over u Valley until nex season accord
day but wore three days making mg to Mr. Stradley, as it is not
the trip from Ontario and Chief advisable o throw up a grade
.... 'i.m. tnvn in ni'iir 11 11' ""-u ... -. --
(JUUllUIO. 1 liujr V4l,i lit ." -. ."
route of the new cast and west
line up Malheur canyon and had
n mther strenuous trip on account
One Hundred and Sixteen School Houses
Have Been Built The Past Year. Wells
Tested By State Board Of Health
swamps near tho lakes will have
to be done in the late summer
and fall but he doesn't want it
ilmwi inn f:ir in udviuicu of the
rvf tlin rnront siviri mill storillS ' lYiils.
which had not only made the! This is a disappointment as it
roads muddy but had washed ii was hoped local farmers won hi in
i this way find a good market ioi
out in many places. their bountiful crops. However.
Mr. O'Neil has been a fioiiuent the actual work on the railroad
visitor to our territory recently wjjj )rmK in many -people who
and always makes new friends will begin farm work and othir
each time. Mr, Roberts was here enterprises and we may look for-
zft. .. r. r ,,t ;r,,l?vffir.v,,y """
agreeably surprised at the magni- stradIey asked particularly
tude of our big Valley and the reSj)ecti K the progress of the ir
fine crops he saw. rigation projects in this territory
Mr. Stradley was on a tour of , r SS
inspection over the line of work atill so far as actual development
now under way and reports ouitc work gnrncdUng the
satisfactory progress. I justing tho rights on Silvics
Mr. Stradley stated to a Times- River.
Centrally Located, Good Clean
Meals, Comfortable Rooms,
Clean and Sanitary Beds
Fjrst Class Bar In Connection. Oive Me A Call
4 Round Trips Each Week 4
Central Oregon Trucking Co.
, . LOCUWOOD Mr. - - " ". i. num.
Oh! You
Get Your
Fishing Tackle, Hooks, Lines, Rods and Reels At
Prices That Are Right Here. Base Ball Bats,
Gloves, Mites and Masks at RightJPrices. J
i Soda Water, and Refreshing
ICC lreaiTl, Drinks, Fresh English.Walnuts
jrjijy Our Now
Best For Tho Money.
Lino of .Iai'-o-nmta
I0voi',yl)O(l,y Hues It.
All tho go.
In Fact, We Arc IIBADQUARTERS For The Best
Lino of DruKH, Toilet ArticloH, Confoctionory,
Hhoot MiihIi!, Mimical IiiHlriimont, Cifrimi and
Tobacco, UiibbordoodHiiiKlStiitionory.
City Drug" Store
"TiTi'.; LiLWOi " "'"-'
Tho following interesting nrti
clo is from tho pen of L. R. Al
derman, State Superintendent of
Public Instructien:
Through school board conven
tions, teachers' institutes and
patron teacher associations,
which latter havo been encour
aged bv the Mother's Congress,
public intorest in tho Rchools is
rapidly growing. Especially navo
people been interested in making
sanitary conditions better.
Ono hundred and sixteen "now
school houses havo been built
during the past year. All of
these are modern in lighting,
heating and ventilation. Many
old school houses have had tho
lighting improved, tho windows
on ono sido boarded up and more
windows cut on tho other side, so
that cross lights have been done
away with. Stoves have been
jacketed and window boards pro
vided, and in many cases a com
plete ventilating system put ir.
Tho chango is being made from
tho common dipper to the indi
vidual drinking cup or the bub
bling fountain. The water from
hundreds of wells has been test
ed by the State Hoard of Health.
which board under the direction
of Dr. Calvin S. White has co
operated most effectively.
We have in Oregon a rural
supervisory law that is bringing
all the schools of the Btate to a
high standard. In nil counties
where there are (JO or more dis
tricts there is now an education
al board appointed by the county
superintendent, who serves one
or more rural supervisors, wno
may not receive more than $1,200
nor less than $1,000 for a year of
ten months. These supervisors
give their whole time to the sup
ervision of the rural schools. As
it now stands there is a super
visor for every 3-1 rural districts,
and for every 11-10 school child
ren. On an average tho super
visor can visit each school for a
half day for overy six weeks.
This is n chango from the old
way. when the county superin
tendent could visit only onco a
year. Until now only city scnoom
had adequate supervision.
Ten years ago we had only 31
high schools in tho state. Now
we hayo 111, four-year high
schools, and next year we shall
have about 140, and about 200 of
one. two and three-year rank,
that our people believe in.educa
tion iB shown by the fact that we
hnvo whole counties where four
out of every five eights grade
graduates enter the high schools.
Our grammar schools are so
graded that in most cases tho
student takes it as a matter of
course that he must not stop un
til the uniform eighth grade ex
amination is passed.
Orccron has in some localities
settled the question of the rural
social center by establishing rural
high schools within riding dis
tance of practically all the homes
in tho county, xneso nign
schools aro organized under the
county high school fund law.
This law I consider ono of tho
best in tho United States, as it
makes it possible for rural dis
tricts, with but little cost .and
tho minimum amount of red tapo
to secure high schools. A gen
eral tax ia levied on the wholp
county, and the money ib us,ed tp
pay tlio tintion of tho pupil, no
mnttcr wherein tho county ho
attends high Bchool. This tuition
is $-10 each for tho first 20; $30
for each of tho second 20 and
$12.50 for each over tho first 40.
The law is in operation in nine
counties in Oregon. In these
local high schools wo havo much
that tends toward adult educa
tion, and securcB a hotter social
life. Tho debating societies, in
which young and old tako part,
also tho library worknnd tho lec
tures that aro given here aro a
great help in tho making of a
bigger and bettor social commun
Tho high school courao of study
is being mado to fit tho Btudent
forlifo aa well as for college.
Wo aim both in tho grammar and
high school to enable tho student
'to ditUiWi-r Jo1 nifeu" .niAi-iu
If Burns Is Going Te: Be The Leading
City In Harney Valley, Timely and
Concerted Action Is Necessary. A
New Era of Development Is Fast
Dawning And We Must Be Ready
To Lay The Future Foundation
fiet tho hnbit and bo a booster.
Now, right now, ia tho opportune
t m o to beKin our campaign ot
progression for all time to come.
What wo aro and plan today, we
will be tomorrow, so to speak.
If wo do not tako time by tho
forelock and do it at once, it may
bo that the opportunity of a life-
timo will havo passed, in so far
as the future of Hums is con
cerned and subsequently the wel
fare of our own being from a ,
financial standpoint. In no part
of this great and glorious coun
try is there more natural resour
ces to bo taken advantago oi
than right here in Burns and
Harney County, and its up to tho
good citizens and progressive
business men of this community
to get busy, while they are, (and
if they hope to be) in tho lead.
Let us not neglect to do hat
which perchance will cause us to
experience the keenest regret in
after oars.
The little city of Hums is now
approaching the threshold of
commercial success or failure,
and the present coterie of busi
ness men and citizens will be held
responsible for either course. In
these pioneer dayB when it seems
that we must make a special ef
fort to control every possible
dollars worth of business, wo arc
apt to lose sight of the most im;
portant feature of our existence
-a foundation for the future
trade. Let us hesitate in our
mad rush for the almighty dollar
for a long enough period to con
sult our best instincts.
It customarily follows that
when tho railroads mako their
first atmcarance to a new public,
a large influx of peoplo seeking
openings for their respective
business interests, will locate at
tho yarioiiB towns springing up
along these roads and at thoso
nointa which ook best to them.
These people will all como in
with capital. They como pre
pared to buy or build, and will
come to slay, and if business
warrants, they will stick, and tho
tatter success thoy havo the
more successful will bo the efforts
of those who are already here.
It is a fatal fallacy for any citi
zen to give a stranger or an out
sider a lukewarm reception when
lm enters this city, no matter
what may bo his vocation or an
ticipation, and one which all will
pay dearly for in time to come,
Whoever tho strango may be,
extend tho glad hand of good
fellowship, look him in tho oyo
and tell him of tho many good
things wo havo here and what
wo exnect to have, speak well of
your town and its people, and
give tho stranger a warm wel
come and a word of recognition
when you meet or pass him.
Don't overlook these littlo things
as thoy aro things that count,
and can bo given without cost.
It will ndvertiso your town and
community in such n manner that
no one can eradicate your good
BurnB is bound to be a large
city, and to put it conservatively,
tho county seat will no doubt add
at least a thousand nnd more peo-
1 pie to its population within the
end of tho next year, and it
'ought to, for it has every possi
bility before it, if properly taken
'advantnao of. and pushed along.
Now tho question is, will wo ne
ready for a spontaneous growth
ot this kind. Will we havo laid
the proper foundation to encour
age new settlers and business
enterprises of tho various kinds
First wo should at once endea
vor to carry out tho much needed
improvements under contempla
tion nnd already started and pave
tho way for others, Our Com
mercial Club should be alert to
the needs of tho community and
meet frequently to discuss mat
ters of imjiortance which call for
immediate action. The greatest
interests should be centered in
that body of representative citi
zens nnd upon which our people
are so dependent for guidance in
a business way. We believe it
would be a good idea for every
citizen of Burns when receiving
nn inquiry as to business open
ings, and land opportunities from
whomsoever it may be, to at once
refer it to the sccretnry of the
Commercial Club, and ho should
bo posted in every detail and be
in a position to give accurate in
formation, or refer them to some
one, who give all the desired in
formation in a manner that could
bo depended upon, whereby ac
tion could be taken without loss
of time or delay. In that way
tho club will be io a better posi
tion to advise and do that which
seems to bo the best and most
To be what wo desire and an
ticipate, means that we must
havo organization and there must
bo a concerted effort on tho part
of every local citizen to put their
shoulder to tho wheel of progress
to push and keep on pushing
until wo havo at least attained
the rank of n municipality, when
tho city will be in a better posi
tion to handle the matters of
such vital importance to all of
So we say when tho public
matters demand our attention,
let us drop our personal affairs
for an hour or so in order that
we may give such matters tne
consideration necessary and
which will untimately be for our
best interests. Now these are
salient points which no business
man of Burns can afford to over
look, and which if adhered to,
aro bound to bring a unit of har
mony, which will result In ma
terializing tho objects to which
wo all attain -a bigger and boti
ter Burns,
Railroads Have Taken The First Step '
Towards The Elimmalion Of The
Low Rate Colonist Tickets
Further ctcps toward what
probably will eventually result in
tho abolishment of tho low-rate
colonist season altogether have
just been taken by tho Transcon
tinental Passenger Association in ,
Chicago, says the Telegram. ,
This association, which fixes the ,
rates nnd dates for this class of
business, haB decided that the
excursion rates shall apply for
only 15 days this fall-the shot t-
est season ever fixed for such
Tho dales, aa announced in
private telegrams lo local Hill
and Harriman passenger officials
today will bo from September 25
to October 10, inclusive. In re
cent years, both- for spring and
fall business, tho seasons have
extended all tho way from 30 to
45 and even CO days, while the
one-way fare from St. Paul,
Minneapolis, Duluth, Superior
and all Missouri River common
points has been sometimes $25
and sometimes $30.
This fall tho prospective colon
ist gets the worst of it in both
rates and dates, for not only is
the season reduced to the lowest
nossible limit, luit the minimum
rate for tickets will be advanced
to $30.
The present announcement
thoy have returned to Oregon
eminently satisfied that no
other region on tho footstool
shows that the railroad lines
which have been opposed to
irrantinir colonist rates nre slowly
gaining the upper hand of the
more liberal lines which havo al
ways favored a long season and
the minimum rate of $25. The
opposition to the plan of encour
aging settlers to take advantage
of the colonist season excursions
is due to the fact that many of
the railroads do not believe it is
a desirable business to go after,
tha' there is no profit in it, and
that a difference of $5 or $10 in
the rate would not keep the East
ern or Middle Western faimer
from coming out to the Coast if
ho rnallv wanted to make his
home out here,
Tho short season is favored be
cause it is held that the prospec
tive home seeker can plan to come
during n 15-day season just as
well as in a 45-day season, such
as existed last spring, and that
the railroads have plenty of
equipment to handle tho rush in
any event.
Many Who Left For Better Lands Re
turn Again After Being Convinced
Our Home State Is Now Second To
None, And Find Here Failures
Few And Opportunties Many
We deem the fact worthy of fat wallets. No more eloquent
comment that a careful perusal tribute can be paid our fair state
of the state exchanges, Bhowjthan the return of those cer
a general return of Oregonians tain sons who have wandered
who have sojourned in othcr.after strange god. in ungodly
, landa for a time with the intent ' lands and endured the painful,
of bettering their prospects although necessary operation of
financially and otherwise. After having their "eyes opened."
n clever survey of that much i Our stately Oregon is neither
vaunted advantage' of climate. 'jealous or fickle, the certain ones
sou production and Business, whom sne nas oiesseu wun nor
opportunities in these districts, i bounty may be, and her fertile
acres are at the service of afore
time deserters, who havo observ-
nrl tlmf clio ia n flnnprwlsihlp i:ir1n
offers so varied an assortment of .and growelh bank accounts from
natural advantages and opportu-' the various and numerous uses
nities. A year, two years, or to which her fertile soil is utiliz
several years ago, they listened ed in a legitimate manner. This
with open mouth to the siren ' year she promises to pav in a
song of the'obiquitous land man, ' most bountiful manner and mcc
disposed of their business homes sure, and all who have pinn- d
here, sold fertile farms and also their faith in her will receive
placed their multifarious pos- their just reward. It has ur
sessions of stocks and imple- prised not only her native son ,
ments on sale or under the auc-1 but those of her sister states,
j tioneers hammer, to trail north and the continual influx of land
cMitlt fic tlin nnfiAn irnr Vinin unnlnrQ rmrl invnetnvs HR WPll !i
toward the dazzling lures of pro-1 the steady absorbtion of our land,
motors. They have chewed -the I an( at vrccs that were never en
cud of experience, it is bitter andrtain ag ,ogic is ,mt a forcrun.
learned the lesson that "all isner of the prophecy so long claim
not gold that glitters" even ' fd for our fair state, and which
though it may be contained in is now about to be luinneu oe
the handsomely printed circular yond the imagination of the most
of the companies whose chief in- skeptical. Young man or woman,
terest is not philanthropy, but , if you have a homestead, hold it,
tho separation of prosperous if not get one and hold onto it
ranchers and farmers from theirt while you can.
Strictly First Ctess. Splendid
Service, Fine Accomodations,
Commercial Headquarters
Sample Room In Connection, Reasonable Rates
New Post Office Rules
Some postmasters have formu
lated the following rules for the
benefit of their patrons in order
that thoy may know what to ex
pect: No letters given out until
they havo been received. If
you don't get a letter or a paper
on the day' you expect it, have
the postmaster look thru all the
boxes, cellar and garret also. It
ought to be there somewhere
nnd he likes to hunt for it just
to please you. If your friends
don't write, rave at tho postmas
ter. He is to blame-maybe.'
If ho tells you no, put on a much
grived look and say their ought
I to be some, He is probably hid
inc vour mail for the pleasure of
haying you call for it. Ask him
to look again. If your aro buy
ing stamps make him lick them -ho
has nothinir else to do and it
ought to bo a part of his business?
Four Well Equipped Lines. Excellent Facilities
For Truiisponition of Mail, Express or Passengers
Prairie City to Burns. Vale to Burns
Burns to Diamond Burns to Venator
Howard Kellog, Agt, Burns.
... . -. i 1-. ..1 ..u .nn
OT ..,, .nwvl nf il nrrhnoa UVi UVSCniCry 13 Uiwaya OUJiuuo
ono'dosoof Chamberlain's Colic, and often a dangerous disease,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy," . but it can bo cured. Chamber
wriUm M. E. Geblmrdt. Oriole, ' Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrho
Po There is nothing better, 'ca Remedy has cured it even
Vim- Qfiin hv nil iinalors. ' when malnrnant ana epiuemic. i
Job printing at this ofllce. For salo by all dealers.
Ono of tho most common ail
ments that hard working people
aro afilicted with is l'amo back.
Apply Chamberlain'B Liniment
. . !... 1 l.l
twice a uay aim um&auKu l"1
parts thoroughly at each applica
tion, and you will get quick re
lief. For salo by all Dealers.
Superior Service - - Quickest Way
H. ROIIU, Agent, Burns Garage, Burns, Oregon
Meltable Citlxena
of Ilatncu Count u
Homestead Locations
Tho Inland
Empire Realty Company
W. T. i.KHTKK, MBiiKr
Wo rrproBout tlmt wlilcli ih routed uihI rollablu. Wo lmmllo all
klmli olUe.l KnUta maltorn W.lh. your lnd BllnR pew or
other legal Uuil ,-aptr. corro.lly nd qnlvkly.. VK WANT OUH
KIKB INHUUANCB IUJ81NKB8 o repronunt two of tlio lrongot
rompuil- In Ainerlc-TIIB AKTNA A HAUTFOUD CO'B.
Zi your property with .. for .1. or iru.lo. IN VKHTIQ ATB OUR
IUH1NK8 MKTIIOIffl AND l'AHT HUCOIJ8H, You trutt ua, wo
triiMt you. Aik our Clients. Cull and boo u.
80 Acres Irrliruted ranch In Uolsi
Valley, to trnde for a rooU ranch In
Harney county, clear of incumberancc
under covcmincnt ditch.
Let Us Hear From You What You
Have To Trade. We Trade Anything
AnvwHere. SEE US NOW
Burns Meat Market
H. J. HANSEN, Proprittor
Beef, Pork, Veal, Mutton,
Sasuage, Bolonga,
Headcheese and Weinerworst, Etc
Wholesale and Retail
Prompt and Satisfactory Service
Your Patronge Solicited and
Orders Given Quick Attention
(Continued On Togt)